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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm BST

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plus: the president of georgia vetoes a controversial new law on foreign funding that's sparked weeks of protests. we'll hear from the leader of georgia's opposition party in tbilisi. i'm helena humphrey. it is good to have you with us. we begin in the middle east, where thousands of protesters have gathered in israel, amid anger over president netanyahu's failure to secure the release of hostages still being held in gaza. these are the scenes in tel aviv. police have arrested some demonstrators and used water canon to disperse two rallies, which had merged. in the latest development, the israel defense forces say that they recovered the body of another hostage, identified as ron binyamin. in the latest sign of division within mr netanyahu's war cabinet, benny gantz has threatened to bring down the prime minister's
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government, unless he agrees to a far—reaching plan for gaza — with a deadline to do so in around three weeks�* time. meanwhile, the united nations says that more than 800,000 people have now fled rafah, in southern gaza. many have been forced to head northwards, to areas which the un says have little clean drinking water or sanitation, as the israeli offensive continues. 0ur diplomatic correspondent paul adams sent this report. street battles injabalia. israeli forces have been fighting here for days. gunfire hamas, they say, is back, and needs to be dealt with. this is dangerous urban warfare, at close quarters. the israelis were here months ago and moved on. these, some warn, early signs of an insurgency that could last for months. israel has been attacking from the air too. scenes today reminiscent of the war�*s terrifying early stages. buildings flattened, bodies trapped under the rubble.
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gunfire more street battles — this time, in the south. the israeli army still advancing on rafah, the only city yet to experience a full—scale assault. but 800,000 palestinians have already fled the area, to the coast or to other devastated cities. with israel issuing fresh evacuation orders in the north, as many as a million palestinians have been displaced in the past two weeks — almost half gaza's entire population. some aid is getting in, some of it along america's new maritime corridor. it's a welcome new route. but with other key crossings still closed or not functioning as they should, it's not enough. tonight, in tel aviv, another display of support for israeli hostages still in captivity. the mood sombre, after news
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that the bodies of four hostages have been retrieved from the wreckage of gaza. the fourth, ron benjamin, identified today. my heart goes out to those families who received the news yesterday that their loved ones are not alive. time is not on our side. time, for a long time already, has not been on our side. and pressure is building on the prime minister. a senior cabinet member threatening to resign in three weeks, unless the government spells out a clear strategy. translation: at the fateful. crossroads where we are now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risks and identify opportunities, formulate an updated national strategy, so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder. this war is exposing deep political divisions. two senior ministers now pleading with mr netanyahu to explain his endgame, soon.
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paul adams, bbc news, jerusalem. for more on this, i spoke to itamar rabinovich, former israeli ambassador to the us. ambassador, many thanks forjoining us here on bbc news. i would like to begin if i may with the comments we have heard today from benny gantz, something of an ultimatum issued to prime minister netanyahu, saying that if there is not a plan for a post—war period in gaza, if it doesn't have that plan by the 8th of june, that he would threaten to withdraw the support, to withdraw his centrist party from the government. what did you make of that? w ., , government. what did you make of that? ,, ., , a ., , that? quite a bit. actually, there were six items _ that? quite a bit. actually, there were six items to _ that? quite a bit. actually, there were six items to the _ that? quite a bit. actually, there were six items to the ultimatum | that? quite a bit. actually, there . were six items to the ultimatum and an ultimatum, it is. and it is not a stand—alone ultimatum because a couple of days ago, the minister of
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defence yoav gallant came out and openly criticised netanyahu for his handling of the war and his refusal or invasion of making some clear decisions regarding the future or what you call the day after —— evasion of making. so he put together that with minister of defence and the ultimatum by mr gantz, who is not a full member of the government or cabinet, he and his party onlyjoined the war cabinet because of the emergency, but they are not full members of the government. in any event, if he does leave the government, it will probably be a very important step. the end of the netanyahu government and the holding of new elections, not sure, but potentially so. but could there _ not sure, but potentially so. but could there also be the risk if we saw mr gantz withdraw his support that that could actually see prime
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minister netanyahu looked a more far—right lawmakers to shore up his support? some lawmakers who have said that they believe that israel should occupy gaza for the day after, as you put it.— should occupy gaza for the day after, as you put it. yes. i mean, mr gantz — after, as you put it. yes. i mean, mr gantz has— after, as you put it. yes. i mean, mr gantz has said _ after, as you put it. yes. i mean, mr gantz has said departure - after, as you put it. yes. i mean, i mr gantz has said departure from after, as you put it. yes. i mean, - mr gantz has said departure from the government coalition if it takes place will not mean the government would be toppled because he will have a majority of 64, going back to his original right—wing cabinet government. and of course, it would mean that there would be a sharp turn to the right. practically, this is what mr gantz has been saying anyway. he says, you have been going to the right, you capitulated to the diktats of certain ministers, indicating very clearly mr smug rich
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and itamar ben—gvir. so it would bring things to a head in israeli politics. and every night, there are large demonstrations in several places across the country, the biggest one in tel aviv, and tonight was a particularly big one. let’s was a particularly big one. let's touch more _ was a particularly big one. let's touch more on _ was a particularly big one. let's touch more on that, _ was a particularly big one. let's touch more on that, then. - was a particularly big one. let's touch more on that, then. taken together, the comments from yoav gallant and as well as benny gantz who today said netanyahu must choose between victory or disaster, does this reflect concerns in gaza as to how netanyahu is prosecuting this war and his failure to secure any kind of deal to secure the release of any kind of hostages? yes. kind of deal to secure the release of any kind of hostages? yes, that is correct and _ of any kind of hostages? yes, that is correct and of _ of any kind of hostages? yes, that is correct and of course, _ of any kind of hostages? yes, that is correct and of course, mr- is correct and of course, mr netanyahu has his base that stays with him in the country is torn and divided between people who support him and a majority according to the polls who are critical and in the
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event of an election, they would vote against him. he is obvious he not interested in an early election. and the issue of the hostages occupies a very high place on the agenda. ironically, if you want to know how bad the situation is, we had some quote on quote good news, four bodies of hostages were retrieved from the gaza strip. so in today's is real, this is called, quote unquote, good news. i today's is real, this is called, quote unquote, good news. i want to touch on the _ quote unquote, good news. i want to touch on the situation _ quote unquote, good news. i want to touch on the situation in _ quote unquote, good news. i want to touch on the situation in gaza, - quote unquote, good news. i want to touch on the situation in gaza, four. touch on the situation in gaza, four palestinians according to the un agency, the head of the agency philippe lazzarini has said 800,000 palestinians has had to flee rafah and he says they are doing so without safe passage, without protection, they are going to places without sanitation, clean drinking water and so on, doesn't israel have an obligation to make sure those people who are having to flee amid a
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ground operation have somewhere to go to? it ground operation have somewhere to no to? , ., , ground operation have somewhere to roto? ,., , , go to? it should be the case, but it is not at go to? it should be the case, but it is rrot at all — go to? it should be the case, but it is not at all certain _ go to? it should be the case, but it is not at all certain that _ go to? it should be the case, but it is not at all certain that a - is not at all certain that a large—scale operation would take place in rafah. at this point, what is happening in rafah is a limited operation. i should say the american national security advisor is coming to israel tomorrow to discuss precisely that point. the us is not interested in an expanded israeli operation and it would be a topic high on the agenda of his conversations with mr netanyahu. so we will have to wait until this meeting and perhaps other conversations take place to know whether the kind of large—scale operation that would require 800,000 orany operation that would require 800,000 or any large number of palestinians to move yet again would be a reality or a speculation.— or a speculation. well, that will be a very interesting _ or a speculation. well, that will be a very interesting conversation. i or a speculation. well, that will be a very interesting conversation. ij a very interesting conversation. of course, we will be monitoring what comes out of it. it also comes at a
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time when there have been warnings from the united nations, when we have seen the pictures ourselves of children suffering from acute malnutrition. is there the risk faced with the situation that washington could withdraw some of its support for israel? i washington could withdraw some of its support for israel?— its support for israel? i doubt that the united states _ its support for israel? i doubt that the united states will— its support for israel? i doubt that the united states will withdraw i its support for israel? i doubt that the united states will withdraw its support from israel. and let me also mention the exotic possibility that the leadership of hamas would agree to make a hostage deal. in that event, there would be a ceasefire 45 days, they will not be a large—scale operation and a lot of suffering from the palestinian population could be averted. so it is not israel alone, could be averted. so it is not israelalone, hamas could be averted. so it is not israel alone, hamas is also a party to this. itamar rabinovich. thank you so much for being with us, ambassador. thank you so much for being with us, ambassador-— ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky says his country only has
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about a quarter of the amount of air defences needed to fend off russian attacks. his comments come as russian forces continue their summer offensive. so far, moscow claims it has seized a number of villages on ukraine's north—eastern border, near kharkiv. president zelensky added that ukraine needed up to 130 f—i6 fighterjets to continue to defend its skies, and that his military was short on manpower. 0ur ukraine correspondent james waterhouse has more on the president's comments, from kyiv. well, i mean, he always plonks air defences at the top of his wish list. that's been the case for the past year or so because of two things, really — russia has continued to launch missile attacks on cities across ukraine, but also, russia has become far more superior, more dominant in the air right across the front line. so what that means is when you have exhausted, thinly—stretched ukrainian troops trying to defend cities, you have russian fighter jets flying in and dropping
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missiles and glide bombs. and as of the situation in the north—east, where this incursion is taking place, you know, we're hearing from the authorities around the town of vovchansk, which is on the border, they're saying thousands of glide bombs have been dropped, which reflects, i think, russia's ability to mount these kind of strikes unchallenged. so president zelensky has been quite specific on what he both needs and lacks. he wants more air defence systems. he says he's only got a quarter of what he needs, as you say, and then he specified how many f—i6 fighterjets he would like. it's worth pointing out that despite ukrainian pilots being trained by western allies in the uk, for example, and others promising them, not one has been used operationally by ukraine. it was once predicted they would arrive last year. that hasn't happened. here we are, halfway through 2024, no fighter jets yet.
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but he's not giving up on them, clearly. james waterhouse there. in kyiv. georgia's president has vetoed a controversial new law on foreign funding that's sparked weeks of mass protests, largely led by the country's youth. the president says the legislation was an obstacle on georgia's path to eu membership and was russian in both "its essence and spirit". but she acknowledged her veto is largely symbolic and will likely be overruled by parliament. the �*foreign agent�* law would require non—governmental organisations and independent media to register if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad. 0ur correspondent rayhan demytrie has more from tbilisi, where protesters gathered following the president�*s announcement. and these protesters, they favour their president, salome zourabichvili, who has been campaigning relentlessly last year to ensure that georgia gets its candidate status with the eu, and georgia did indeed receive this candidate status, but the problem now that these
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people see that the adoption of this law may derail the country from its chosen path tojoin the eu. that is why we have seen such a huge reaction here from the youth. these protests have been driven by georgia�*s youth, students, schoolchildren, and they believe that georgia�*s european future is at stake. for more on this controversial law, i spoke to the former parliamentary secretary to the president of georgia and the leader of georgian political party for the people, anna dolidze. anna dolidze. thank you for being with us here on bbc news. so we know the president has now vetoed the law. do you think that will do anything, do you think that will do anything, do you think that will do anything, do you think that will concretely stop it or do you think instead that the governing party will essentially overturn the veto? ~ , , . party will essentially overturn the veto? ~ , , party will essentially overturn the veto? , ,., , ., veto? well, this is a very important ste- from veto? well, this is a very important step from the _ veto? well, this is a very important step from the president, _ veto? well, this is a very important step from the president, as - veto? well, this is a very important step from the president, as it - veto? well, this is a very important| step from the president, as it opens up step from the president, as it opens up a window, perhaps a vinyl window
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this spring for the government to change its mind and to change the course, to withdraw the bill or to amend it. or course, to withdraw the bill or to amend it. 0rwas the, to course, to withdraw the bill or to amend it. or was the, to draw it or postpone its adoption. however, i am quite sceptical the government will do it, considering that i am convinced, as many of my colleagues are that this is part of a larger geopolitical turn. are that this is part of a larger geopoliticalturn. it are that this is part of a larger geopolitical turn. it is no longer about only this law, only curbing western grand funding, it is a wider geopolitical turn that moves to georgia from our historic orientation towards the west, towards russia. 50 orientation towards the west, towards russia.— orientation towards the west, towards russia. so watching this, what ou towards russia. so watching this, what you think — towards russia. so watching this, what you think the _ towards russia. so watching this, what you think the protesters - towards russia. so watching this, what you think the protesters willj what you think the protesters will be making of all of this? you have been at the protest and speaking to people, do you think this will calm them or will they continue to have that scepticism you have just expressed? that scepticism you have 'ust expressedri that scepticism you have 'ust ex-ressed? , ., ., expressed? yes, we have to say the 38th day of — expressed? yes, we have to say the 38th day of peaceful _ expressed? yes, we have to say the 38th day of peaceful protest - expressed? yes, we have to say the 38th day of peaceful protest and - expressed? yes, we have to say the 38th day of peaceful protest and i i 38th day of peaceful protest and i am incredibly proud of georgian
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people. i think this level of resilience and determination was a great surprise also for the government itself. i don�*t think they expected this kind of commitment and spirit. and the spirit of protest is just amazing. it is a big celebration of georgian national identity. i think the protest will continue because this is not only something geopolitical or technicalfor is not only something geopolitical or technical for people, is not only something geopolitical or technicalfor people, it resonates with georgian annexation in 1921 when georgia became part of the soviet union committee resonates with the trauma of losing georgian national identity. it really is a new national liberation movement —— soviet union, it resonates. i think it will continue, it might transform and be more fragmented, but finally, it will culminate in the parliamentary elections of october 2024. i parliamentary elections of october 2024. ., ., ., ., ., 2024. i want to read you a quote from the eu — 2024. i want to read you a quote from the eu chief— 2024. i want to read you a quote from the eu chief schulz - 2024. i want to read you a quote| from the eu chief schulz michelle who said on saturday that georgette gained a moment for further reflection after the veto —— charles
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michel. are you concerned that the international content —— attention it had gardeners could put the brakes on membership of the european union? == brakes on membership of the european union? . , . brakes on membership of the european union? ., , ., , union? -- it has garnered. it is absolutely _ union? -- it has garnered. it is absolutely black _ union? -- it has garnered. it is absolutely black and _ union? -- it has garnered. it is absolutely black and white - absolutely black and white unfortunately, this is why this is not only about curbing ngos. it really puts a stop to a major obstacle towards georgia�*s approximation towards the european union. this has been said many times from the highest levels from the eu and this is what georgian people think they are losing. they are losing their chance for better welfare and better stanzas of life, formal safety and security, all of these things the eu is associated with in georgia. unfortunately, this is the case, the risks are high here, so i think the government should take further time to contemplate what kind of damage it is incurring on the georgian population. i is incurring on the georgian population-— is incurring on the georgian population. i also want your assessment _ population. i also want your assessment on _ population. i also want your assessment on what - population. i also want your assessment on what you .
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population. i also want your. assessment on what you think population. i also want your— assessment on what you think moscow will be making of this situation playing out and a particularly tense time. and as you mentioned, many georgians still have fresh in their memory what happened in 2008 as well. what do you think the kremlin will make of this?— will make of this? definitely. this is another instance _ will make of this? definitely. this is another instance of— will make of this? definitely. this is another instance of russia - is another instance of russia flexing its muscles to the rest —— to the west. this issue is not local, it is not even caucasus related, it is regional. russia pulls its strings and flexes its muscles in its neighbourhood or the area that it considers its neighbourhood. and definitely, this move is a part of hybrid warfare that russia conducts against sovereign republics that have long announced its willingness to be independent from the russian influence. there is a big chance that the escalation of conflict, protest and instability in george will be used by russia is one of the
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bargaining chips regarding the west. thank you for talking to us. thank ou so thank you for talking to us. thank you so much- _ the former chief—of—staff to the russian opposition leader alexei navalny has vowed to never give up fighting against president putin. mr navalny died in february, in a russian prison. leonid volkov said the fight to change the country must go ahead despite his death. mr volkov was badly beaten in a hammer attack in march in lithuania, which he believes was ordered by mr putin�*s regime. in his first interview since that attack, he also backed mr navalny�*s widow, yulia, to lead the opposition campaign against the russian president. he spoke with the bbc�*s laura kuenssberg. attacked outside his own home, leonid volkov�*s fight against putin was nearly a fight for his life. the close friend and confidant of the late alexei navalny was assaulted in lithuania, where he�*d tried to find safety from the russian regime. he was not saying anything, there was no message.
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like, the message, the attack was the message — we know where you live, we can kill you. the attack was just weeks after the death of navalny, the charismatic leader who had been both critic and target of the kremlin for many years. my message for the situation when i'm killed is very simple. not give up. he died in prison, after being locked up by the regime for his beliefs, but leonid says the battle for democracy must go on. he asked us to never give up and, like, to continue our work and to build this, to defeat putin and to build this beautiful russia of the future that alexei dreamed for so many years is the only practical way to preserve his legacy and to make his ultimate sacrifice not to be in vain. putin is capable of anything.
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the mantle to lead the movement now passes to navalny�*s wife, yulia, a job she never chose, but a role she now plays. yulia has a very strong personality and a charismatic leader. she never wanted to be in this public role and she was always a very close political adviser to alexei and us, for navalny�*s organisation, the teams that navalny organised and gathered together. it�*s very clear and natural that our task in this situation isjust, like, to support yulia in all her endeavours. putin�*s new aggressive push in ukraine, a reminder of the risk he poses. a danger some of his opponents have to live with every day. laura kuenssberg, bbc news.
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protests continue in new caledonia, after lawmakers in paris voted to change the electoral rolls to allow more french residents in the state to vote, despite worries from indigenous leaders that this will dilute the political influence of the native people. during the protests, five were killed, hundreds injured and nearly 200 arrested. the french prime minister says there will be 1,000 extra officers joining the 1,700 personnel at the protests. he also said authorities will push for the harshest penalties for rioters. the bbc�*s emily brown has more. let�*s have a look at the background into why this has happened. new caledonia, in the south pacific, has been french territory since colonisation in the late 1800s. politics remains dominated by debate about whether the island should be part of france, autonomous or independent. the latest cycle of violence was sparked by plans in paris to impose new voting rules that could give tens of thousands of non—indigenous residents voting rights. and there have been tensions between france and azerbaijan over this.
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paris has pointed to the sudden emergence of azerbaijani flags in the protests. relations between the two countries have been difficult since last year, when azerbaijan took the region of nagorno—karabakh. this crushed armenian separatist forces, and france is a supporter of armenia. france has now accused azerbaijan of political interference in its pacific territory, new caledonia. but baku has denied the claims. the french prime minister has met parliamentary liaison committees to discuss the new caledonia crisis. meanwhile, the french government has even banned tiktok in new caledonia, as it�*s been popular with rioters in the region. but, despite another night of unrest, french authorities now say the situation is being brought under control. let�*s turn to some other important stories around the world. flash floods, triggered by heavy rains, have killed at least 50 people in afghanistan. officials in the province of ghor, in central afghanistan,
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say thousands of homes have been damaged or destroyed and about 2,000 shops are under water. many key roads have been cut off. the united nations says more than 300 people died last week, after flash floods — caused by the unusually heavy seasonal rains — devastated villages in the north. parts of north—west india are dealing with extreme heat, including in the capital of new delhi. parts of the city got up to 47.1 degrees celsius, or 116 degrees farenheit. or 116 degrees fahrenheit. and those temperatures are expected to last for several days. the extreme temperatures come during a six—week—long general election in india. some experts worry the heatwave could pose health risks, as people wait in lines to cast their votes and candidates campaign. poland says it will invest $2.5 billion to step up security along its borders with russia and belarus. the polish prime minister says that work is already under way, including building military fortifications. poland is part of nato and has supported ukraine in its war
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against russia�*s invasion. vietnam�*s governing communist party nominated public security minister to lam to be the next president. the nomination will be voted on by the national assembly next week, where it is likely to be approved. vietnam�*s previous president resigned back in march, as part of an anti—corruption crackdown. the president holds a largely ceremonial role, but is one of the top four political positions in the country. stay with us here on bbc news. i will have more at the top of the hour, join me then if you can. goodbye for now. hello, thanks forjoining me. fairly quiet on the weather front across most of the uk right now. the storms have also cleared from south—western england, as well as wales. this is what we had during saturday — flash floods in places. how about the weather on sunday? it�*s actually not looking bad at all for most of us.
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a lot of bright, if not sunny, weather on the way. however, some coastal areas, particularly around the north sea, could be grey and chilly. so this is how we start the day. inland and out towards the west, the weather�*s looking fine and sunny right from the word go. but these eastern counties, or here, it may take time for that sunshine to break through that layer of grey, all that stratus and sea fog that will have rolled in overnight. so the afternoon looking pretty sunny across most of the uk, again, with the exception of some coastal areas. could be some showers across south—western parts of scotland, maybe the south—west of england. inland, 22 or 23 celsius in that strong sunshine. but where the low, grey clouds stick around anywhere along the north sea coast, but particularly the further north you are, it will be chilly, maybe no higher than around 12 degrees. we had that on saturday. could happen again on sunday. so through the course of the evening, you can see that low grey cloud. once again, it�*s going to roll inland.
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0ut towards the west, it�*s going to stay generally clear. now, here�*s monday. cloudy skies out towards the east, but then the sun comes out and it�*s a repeat performance. a fine day on the way. closer to the coast, closer to around the mid—teens. now, on tuesday, subtle changes. showers will appear in different areas. we could see some forming across scotland, northern ireland, the lake district as well. but i think the further south you are, the better the weather will be. temperatures won�*t really change an awful lot. in fact, overall, the first half of the week, for most of us, isn�*t looking too bad. but as we head through wednesday and thursday, this low pressure sweeps in out of the east this time. it�*ll bring quite breezy weather and also a spell of persistent rain, and at times, it will be heavy. so a change on the way second half of the week, and that�*s reflected in the forecast here. not really bad at all until around about tuesday, bar a few showers here and there. but then wednesday, thursday and friday, it�*s all change and it�*s hello, low. bye— bye.
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hello and welcome. this week we will talk about the hit netflix series, baby reindeer, and the huge media controversy it has generated. baby reindeer is a drama that purports to be based on a true story but a woman has come forward to say
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it is about her and that she has been misrepresented. i have a sneaky feeling you might be the death of me. and we will meet the reporter who has uncovered how ai generated news stories have been passed off as the work of human journalists. the articles had a byline and head shot but it was all ai. let�*s start with baby reindeer. it tells the story of a scottish comedian richard gadd and how he was stalked after serving a woman a drink in a pub. his stalker, named martha in the series, allegedly sent him more than 41,000 emails and left 350 hours of voicemails to his phone. martha also turns up at his home and workplace. baby reindeer is the nickname that his stalker has given him. and at the beginning of the first episode we are not told this is based on true events, we are told this is a true story
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and that statement has drawn a lot of attention.


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