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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm BST

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are at risk. iranians have been urged to pray for their leaders — gathering in droves in the president's home city, following pleas from state media. hello, i'm nicky schiller. welcome to the programme. we start with the breaking news out of iran. a helicopter with the president on board has come down in what state media has called a "hard landing". state television has been showing people saying prayers. state tv said ebrahim raisi's aircraft was one of a number in a convoy returning from a visit to neighbouring azerbaijan when it was involved in an accident. the country's foreign minister is also thought to be on board. rescue efforts are being hampered by the poor weather conditions, as jon donnison reports. rescue teams struggling through the fog to the scene of the accident.
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dozens of people are involved in the search. but bad weather is reported to be hampering their efforts. it happened in the far north of iran, near the city of tabriz, close to the border with azerbaijan. president raisi, seen here on the left, had been visiting a dam project. this is thought to be footage of him earlier in the day, travelling in a convoy of three helicopters. first reports that something had gone wrong were announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving - the helicopter carrying the president in thejolfa region. initial reports cite a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president. president raisi, considered a hardliner, is the second most powerfulfigure in iran and has been regarded as a possible successor to the supreme leader, ali khamenei. there is no word yet on any casualties today, but across iran, there have been prayers
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for the president's safety. jon donnison, bbc news. and i want to take you to the live picture state television or showing. these are the pictures from the accident. and as that report mentioned, the weather conditions are hampering this rescue operation. you can see there are dozens of vehicles. but the visibility is very poon vehicles. but the visibility is very poor. i can also show you pictures of people praying. so there are a number, you can see people standing in silence there. and i want to bring in my guest. with me is parham ghobadi, from bbc persian. we are looking at the picture state tv showing of people praying, state tv showing of people praying, state tv have been urging people to pray, haven't they? that tv have been urging people to pray, haven't they?— haven't they? that is correct. iranian state _ haven't they? that is correct. iranian state tv _ haven't they? that is correct. iranian state tv has - haven't they? that is correct. iranian state tv has been - haven't they? that is correct. - iranian state tv has been showing live pictures from the closest place
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to the scene of the accident, a reporter was there. but they have not been able to get access to where the helicopter has crashed or is the iranian has called it, hard landing. they have been really persistent not call it a crash. so they have been calling it a hard landing. and they have kept going back to the congregation in a shrine where ebrahim raisi used to be the person that ran that shrine in the past. there, they asked the people to pray for him. and they have been asking the iranians to pray for him as well. we do not know about the fate of the president, but there is a lot of the president, but there is a lot of pressure on iranian media and iranianjournalists, they of pressure on iranian media and iranian journalists, they keep tweeting and publishing articles and they keep getting deleted. so it shows that iranian authorities are asking iranianjournalists not to publish anything, including the ones close to the government and close to
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the irgc, islamic revolutionary guards. they are powerful, but they keep posting news articles and keep deleting them. that shows it is a really sensitive issue. they do not want to publish anything out of their own control. i want to publish anything out of their own control.— want to publish anything out of their own control. i have “ust seen a line on the h their own control. i have “ust seen a line on the news _ their own control. i have just seen a line on the news agencies - their own control. i have just seen a line on the news agencies that l their own control. i have just seen l a line on the news agencies that we are being told president biden has been briefed on reports of this crash of the helicopter containing the iranian president, the latest line from the white house. just explain what we know at the moment. these reports of coming over the last couple of hours. so some of the viewers joining last couple of hours. so some of the viewersjoining us last couple of hours. so some of the viewers joining us what we know has happened. viewersjoining us what we know has ha ened. . . , , . happened. iranian president ebrahim raisi, alon: happened. iranian president ebrahim raisi, along with _ happened. iranian president ebrahim raisi, along with his _ happened. iranian president ebrahim raisi, along with his foreign - raisi, along with his foreign minister at hossein amirabdollahian, met with the azerbaijani president, thatis met with the azerbaijani president, that is a neighbouring country of iran. they met because they were opening up a dam of the arras river. over the meeting, the iranian president took a helicopter to go to
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another city in north—western iran, tabriz, for another inauguration ceremony, a petrochemical company. we wanted to inaugurate that, but along the way, they crashed. what we see as you showed in your report and the live pictures, the place, iranian state media is saying when the helicopter took off, the weather was clear, but it changed dramatically in the fog appeared and as a result of that, the helicopter crashed. what they are saying right now is they have not been able to reach the location yet. they have sentin reach the location yet. they have sent in iranian red crescent as you can see, it is the members of the iranian red crescent. they have sent some vehicles, but not all the vehicles are able to go because the roads are not well prepared for that. they have sent in motorcycles and they have also as professional climbers to join the rescue team in order to climb up. because it is a jungle, a forest area. so as a
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result of that and the fog, and also, it has started raining in the evening. and about now, they said the night is going to break so the conditions are going to be harder and harderfor the rescue operation. it's interesting because we were discussing a little earlier the fact that with a helicopter convoy take off in foggy conditions. but you are saying state media say the conditions were ok when they took off. according to iranian state media, they said when the helicopters took off, the conditions were ok. but it changed dramatically afterwards. and when they were reporting a few minutes ago, they said that it was raining as well. so it is not only foggy, but also raining and the conditions are difficult. and how usual or unusual would it be for the president and also the foreign minister to be in the same helicopter? we also the foreign minister to be in the same helicopter?— also the foreign minister to be in the same helicopter? we talked to a ilot exert the same helicopter? we talked to a pilot expert a _ the same helicopter? we talked to a pilot expert a few— the same helicopter? we talked to a pilot expert a few minutes _ the same helicopter? we talked to a pilot expert a few minutes ago - the same helicopter? we talked to a pilot expert a few minutes ago at. pilot expert a few minutes ago at bbc persian. he said thatjust like aircrafts that have a black box,
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helicopters do have a gps system in place, especially if a helicopter is carrying such an important person such as the president of the country and iranian foreign minister. so they have a gps that is active even after a crash for at least 72 hours. until the battery runs out. so they said that they must have probably within this hour, they should know the exact location of the place. iranian state media say because of the conditions and the roads, it is difficult to reach the location. just give us an idea of how important president raisi is in iran and iranian politics.— and iranian politics. president raisi is the — and iranian politics. president raisi is the person _ and iranian politics. president raisi is the person who - and iranian politics. president raisi is the person who is - raisi is the person who is considered to be one of the closest allies of the iranian supreme leader, ayatollah ali khamenei, at the helm of the country's politics. so he is the closest ally of the
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iranian supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei. when he became the president, many rights groups including amnesty international asked for investigations to be opened up for crimes against humanity because in the 1980s, he was a judge and he was involved in trials that led to the mass executions of political prisoners, prisoners of conscience. so he is trusted by the iranian supreme leader. however, he did not win the presidency with a big margin of votes. unlike its previous reformist presidents. and it seems that during the past few years, iranian politics have changed, they do not care that much about people's participation in the elections. what they want is a homogenous governance. so that's why right now for the first time after the islamic revolution, we have a president and speaker of the parliament and the head of the
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judiciary that all of them, all three are hardliners and they are all close to the iranian supreme leader. i all close to the iranian supreme leader. ., �* ., ., all close to the iranian supreme leader. ., ., ,, . ., leader. i don't want to speculate too much because _ leader. i don't want to speculate too much because we _ leader. i don't want to speculate too much because we don't - leader. i don't want to speculate j too much because we don't know leader. i don't want to speculate - too much because we don't know the condition and there has been no official word from state media or iran on what the condition is of the president. but what do you think the impact of this will be in iran? 50. impact of this will be in iran? so, iranians consider _ impact of this will be in iran? srr, iranians consider everything impact of this will be in iran? sc, iranians consider everything as impact of this will be in iran? s513, iranians consider everything as a matter of security concern. so this is definitely a consider —— security concern for iranian officials, so maybe that's why you see the news is trickling down very slowly that as i already mentioned, they are putting tremendous pressure on media and journalists, including the ones close to them such as the ones that are close to iran's revolutionary guards, they are not allowed to publish articles. they keep publishing and deleting, publishing, deleting. that's why they consider it a matter of extreme security
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concern. and it is not a long time ago iranians poured onto the streets across iran, there were protests across iran, there were protests across the country. so it has been only a year after that the protests have been subdued. so iranian authorities are definitely concerned that this might lead to another round of protests. or any kind of unrest in the country.— unrest in the country. yes, i understand _ unrest in the country. yes, i understand that. _ unrest in the country. yes, i understand that. another i unrest in the country. yes, i l understand that. another line unrest in the country. yes, i - understand that. another line coming in, the iraqi government is saying it has offered to help iran to assist in the search of the iranian president's helicopter. you can see the pictures on the screen. this is state tv, the live feed we are getting off state tv from iran. and i have been watching it for the last hour and they have been almost continually on a loop showing these pictures from the scene, that and people praying. as you can see, the area as we were saying, this is the closest they have been able to get to this area where the helicopter came down. you can see the road, the
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role of ambulances. and state tv have been cutting as they have from those pictures to people praying and these religious services that have been going on. you can see people are gathering to pray for the president, which is what state tv has been asking people to do since news of this accident came in. just remind us where we are in terms of the logistics of getting to this mountainous area. so the logistics of getting to this mountainous area.— the logistics of getting to this mountainous area. so they sent a convo , mountainous area. so they sent a convey. the _ mountainous area. so they sent a convoy, the iranian _ mountainous area. so they sent a convoy, the iranian red _ mountainous area. so they sent a convoy, the iranian red crescent, including helicopters and vehicles to the location. however, they said that on state media they are not able to fly the helicopters because again of the flooding conditions. but also, not all the vehicles are able to travel along that muddy route to the location because it is a forest area. but they have also
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asked professional climbers to join. it shows it is in a mountainous area, it is a forest, so not really easy to access. but so far, they have not mentioned if they have been in touch with the president and the people who were there, have they beenin people who were there, have they been in touch after the crash? we don't know yet. been in touch after the crash? we don't know yet-— been in touch after the crash? we don't know yet. stay with me. i want to -la a don't know yet. stay with me. i want to play a bit — don't know yet. stay with me. i want to play a bit of— don't know yet. stay with me. i want to play a bit of the _ don't know yet. stay with me. i want to play a bit of the interior— to play a bit of the interior minister, he has been speaking on state tv and i want to play what he said in regards to what they know about the accident. take a listen to this. translation: ., , translation: on the return “ourney, the president — translation: on the return “ourney, the president and h translation: on the return “ourney, the president and others _ the president and others accompanying him were coming back and several helicopters. one of the helicopters was forced to make a rough landing due to bad weather conditions and fog in the area. various rescue teams are moving in a different direction of the area. but in view of the fog and the bad weather conditions, it will take time to get to the location of the
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helicopter. things are under control and the rescue teams are doing their work. we hope it will be done as soon as possible. there was contact, but considering it is a complicated region, getting a connection is a bit difficult. we are waiting for the rescue teams to arrive and to send more information. so the rescue teams to arrive and to send more information.— the rescue teams to arrive and to send more information. so that is the interior _ send more information. so that is the interior minister _ send more information. so that is the interior minister speaking - send more information. so that is the interior minister speaking on | the interior minister speaking on state tv. i want to go live to tehran and speak to an iranian journalist who life there. let's speak to iranian journalist fereshteh sadeghi, who is in tehran. can you give a sense of what is being reported in tehran on this accident? ,, ~ being reported in tehran on this accident? ., ~ , ., ., ., accident? thank you for having me. the news about _ accident? thank you for having me. the news about president _ accident? thank you for having me. the news about president raisi's i the news about president raisi's chopper crash came about two or three hours ago and when it came, it seems that it had happened almost two hours before that. so we can say it is almost six to seven hours after president raisi left the area of the dam which he had opened and
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he was going to tabriz for opening another project when this crash happened. we already know that there were three choppers, two of them reached their destination, but president raisi's chopper went missing. your guest i think explained everything that we wanted to know. we know that the iman of tabriz was on board alongside president raisi, the foreign minister amirabdollahian. and a very young i can say governor of east azerbaijan province, with some crew members and of course the bodyguards. the point about president raisi's crash is that he is a president. he definitely had some special telephones, mobile phones, technologies with him. so the technology is not that they don't know where their location is.
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and by the way, two choppers reached their destination, so they knew where this exact chopper went missing. so the point is that it is a very remote area and there is difficulty to reach the point. fiend difficulty to reach the point. and ou sa difficulty to reach the point. and you say this _ difficulty to reach the point. and you say this happened and we know this happened a little while ago. what has been the early reaction you have been gathering from people in iran? a ., have been gathering from people in iran? ., ., , iran? the reaction actually, i haven't been _ iran? the reaction actually, i haven't been out _ iran? the reaction actually, i haven't been out of- iran? the reaction actually, i haven't been out of home i iran? the reaction actually, i. haven't been out of home yet. iran? the reaction actually, i- haven't been out of home yet. but what i hear, he was the president. he was a descendant of the prophet muhammad, the custodian of a shrine. tomorrow is the birth anniversary of another iman. so what i see on state tv, people have gathered because the city of mashhad, because president
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raisi was the custodian of the holy shrine, is busy with pilgrims and they have started praying for him. there is another train also. so i think the mood is everybody is praying, not everybody, but the majority are praying for his health and now we are just waiting for the news. and now we are “ust waiting for the news. �* and now we are “ust waiting for the news. ~ ., f , and now we are “ust waiting for the news. ~ ., , , , ., news. and how difficult is it going to be to get _ news. and how difficult is it going to be to get to — news. and how difficult is it going to be to get to that _ news. and how difficult is it going to be to get to that area? - news. and how difficult is it going to be to get to that area? give i to be to get to that area? give viewers around the world a sense of the geography of that area where the helicopter came down. you the geography of that area where the helicopter came down.— the geography of that area where the helicopter came down. you know, the helico tter helicopter came down. you know, the helicopter came _ helicopter came down. you know, the helicopter came down _ helicopter came down. you know, the helicopter came down or _ helicopter came down. you know, the helicopter came down or has - helicopter came down. you know, the helicopter came down or has crashed. and the point before i explain about the geography of the area, i spoke about the media, i spoke about a very hard crash, a very hard landing. but fora very hard crash, a very hard landing. but for a chopper, you already have a soft landing or you have a crash. so i personally don't understand what they mean by a very
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hard landing. the area is a mountainous area committed as jungle. according to the state tv, the journalist in the region, jungle. according to the state tv, thejournalist in the region, he said that when the helicopter took off, the weather was totally sunny and clear —— is a mountainous area and clear —— is a mountainous area and isa and clear —— is a mountainous area and is a jungle. and when they were flying over the mountainous region, it is jungles and very cold. suddenly, it started raining and foggy and misty. so the weather condition is poor. and because it is mountainous, it seems that all the rescue operation teams are working and they are on foot to find it. the chairman of the iranian red crescent already said that we have a0 teams with all technologies and drones. but the point is that we cannot use this aerial technology because of the weather. this aerial technology because of the weather-— this aerial technology because of the weather. , ., , the weather. yes, we have seen the tictures the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from _ the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from near _ the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from near to _ the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from near to the _ the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from near to the scene, i the weather. yes, we have seen the pictures from near to the scene, as| pictures from near to the scene, as nearas pictures from near to the scene, as near as a journalist can get. and we can see just how foggy it is. i
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wonder if you know whether it is usual or unusual for the president and the foreign minister to be travelling in the same helicopter? you know, because today, they had attended the opening ceremony of a dam with president ilham aliyev. they were together, but sometimes, an accident doesn't tell you when it happens. maybe it was betterfor the foreign minister amirabdollahian to be in another chopper. but another point is that in iran, the next person after the president is the vice—president. he was in tehran leading the cabinet. and according to the news that i have read, he and some members of the cabinet, including the health minister, have already flown to tabriz to be in the centre that is operating this operation, is leading this operation. so maybe it was not very unusualfor
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operation. so maybe it was not very unusual for him and operation. so maybe it was not very unusualfor him and foreign minister amirabdollahian to be in the same place at the same time. in this case, in this chopper. d0 place at the same time. in this case, in this chopper.- place at the same time. in this case, in this chopper. do you think tuestions case, in this chopper. do you think questions may _ case, in this chopper. do you think questions may be _ case, in this chopper. do you think questions may be asked _ case, in this chopper. do you think questions may be asked going i case, in this chopper. do you think- questions may be asked going forward as to why they were both in the same helicopter? ihla. as to why they were both in the same helico tter? ,, ., �* ~ ,., helicopter? no, i don't think so because there _ helicopter? no, i don't think so because there were _ helicopter? no, i don't think so because there were three i helicopter? no, i don't think so i because there were three choppers. i saw an image, it was president raisi and then it was the governor, foreign minister amirabdollahian. there was another minister. roads minister. it seems the road minister left them and joined the other people. and already, there were four, president raisi and foreign minister amirabdollahian. four, president raisi and foreign ministeramirabdollahian. maybe, four, president raisi and foreign minister amirabdollahian. maybe, we don't know the consequences, but maybe they wanted to talk about a certain issue especially with the friday prayers, with the friday prayers with the iman of tabriz. azerbaijan is a province adjacent to the azerbaijan republic. the population, there are some issues
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among them. so maybe they wanted to talk about specific things that they needed foreign minister amirabdollahian to talk about during thejourney and this amirabdollahian to talk about during the journey and this unfortunate incident happens. just the journey and this unfortunate incident happens.— the journey and this unfortunate incident happens. just explain what the president _ incident happens. just explain what the president was _ incident happens. just explain what the president was doing. _ incident happens. just explain what the president was doing. it - incident happens. just explain what the president was doing. it was i incident happens. just explain what the president was doing. it was a i the president was doing. it was a dam opening, wasn't it? yes. the president was doing. it was a dam opening, wasn't it?- the president was doing. it was a dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening. _ dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening. it — dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening, it was _ dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening, it was a _ dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening, it was a joint - dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening, it was a joint dam. l dam opening, wasn't it? yes, it was a dam opening, it was a joint dam. i think it was a joint dam with azerbaijan. and then he was returning to tabriz to open another i think refinery, oil or gas refinery or something like that. so they had the other plans in tabriz and probably, he wanted to be in tehran by tonight. but this unprecedented event happens. now we're just waiting for the news to see what had happened. but it seems that the situation is not very rosie. i that the situation is not very rosie. , ,, that the situation is not very rosie. , ., ., , rosie. i “ust want to bring back in the rosie. ijust want to bring back in the pictures _
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rosie. ijust want to bring back in the pictures we _ rosie. ijust want to bring back in the pictures we are _ rosie. ijust want to bring back in the pictures we are seeing i rosie. ijust want to bring back in the pictures we are seeing of i rosie. i just want to bring back in l the pictures we are seeing of state tv. you were talking about how people were going out to pray. on state tv has been showing these continuous pictures of both people praying and also the pictures from near the scene, haven't they? yes. near the scene, haven't they? yes, both of them- _ near the scene, haven't they? yes, both of them. the _ near the scene, haven't they? yes, both of them. the state _ near the scene, haven't they? yes, both of them. the state tv, - near the scene, haven't they? ye: both of them. the state tv, from the moments that the news went on air or online, the state tv started reporting about it. there were contradictory reports between i can see irgc affiliated media, a newsagency was reporting everything, every detail. not every detail, but was reporting about it. and a newsagency which belongs to another faction in the irgc was trying to cover up the entire story. but it is not a story you can cover up easily or a story that you can keep it away from people for a long time. so i
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think state tv�*s coverage has been quite reasonable and acceptable, given that it is a very sensitive issue. i given that it is a very sensitive issue. , ,, given that it is a very sensitive issue. , ., ., , issue. i “ust want to see if i can show issue. i just want to see if i can show you _ issue. i just want to see if i can show you the — issue. i just want to see if i can show you the pictures - issue. i just want to see if i can show you the pictures we i issue. i just want to see if i can show you the pictures we are l issue. i just want to see if i can i show you the pictures we are seeing on state tv. because it is getting dark as well. so we can take those. and they are, you can see, a large number of vehicles, emergency vehicles at or near the scene of the crash. i wondered vehicles at or near the scene of the crash. iwondered if vehicles at or near the scene of the crash. i wondered if i could finally ask you how you think iranian society is going to take this accident over the coming days? it depends on the news. something has happened to president irgc —— raisi, there will be some national mourning days and then funeral. i think quite a good number of people will attend the funeral. i hope it doesn't happen, but we are talking about we are speculating. i think people, i
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cannot say the majority of people, but at least a8% of the population voted for him will be very sad about his death. ., voted for him will be very sad about his death. . ., ., ., ., , his death. ok, a iranian “ournalist who is in tehran. i his death. ok, a iranian “ournalist who is in tehran. thanki his death. ok, a iranianjournalist who is in tehran. thank you i his death. ok, a iranianjournalist who is in tehran. thank you for i who is in tehran. thank you for joining us on bbc news. i wondered if i could take us back to the live pictures coming in on state tv at the moment. and you can see from that those prayers are still taking place around the country. my guest is still with me from bbc persian. we were talking. the reaction is going to depend on what happens. and we should say that we do not know the condition at the moment of the iranian president. but i would imagine that there are plans always in place for if he did pass away. i
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disagree with the guest, there are two different kinds of reactions. we already see some reactions on iranian social media. of course what she said as the government line. so yes, there are going to be ceremonies held for him. there is going to be, iranian authorities will call it, like, a national funeral. but what happens is that we see already on iranian social media, many people are already celebrating his accident because there is immense grievance among iranian people. it isjust immense grievance among iranian people. it is just over a year ago that iranians all across iran were protesting, over 510 macro people were killed as a result that according to rights groups. over 60 of the protesters were kids, some of them as young as nine years old, so
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iranian people have not forgotten them. many of those iranian protesters put the blame on raisi and on the iranian supreme leader. so what we see on iranian social media is contrasting to that. many people are already celebrating the accident. but definitely, what is going to happen afterwards is that the iranian authorities have the power and have the ability and have the capacity is to run a national ceremony for him. including the funeral and including the protests across the country. but that does not necessarily reflect the mood among all iranians. stat; not necessarily reflect the mood among all iranians.— not necessarily reflect the mood among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring _ among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring a _ among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring a few _ among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring a few updates - among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring a few updates we i among all iranians. stay with me. i want to bring a few updates we are getting. so the pictures you can see our life on state tv. you can see they have the split screen of the search which is getting dark —— they are live on state tv. that is the anchor who has been linking these. there are two state channels, one
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showing prayers and also the earlier pictures from the scene. we are getting some updates from your colleagues at bbc persian. they say the present�*s helicopter hasn't yet been found. we are hearing search teams are close to where the helicopter may have crashed —— the president's. but because of the weather, it is expected to get severely cold in the next couple of hours and that will slow down the advancing search operation. also, more rain is expected in the area and a iranian red crescent spokesman has told bbc persian the weather conditions have been so bad that even three of our rescuers have gone missing. so that is just showing again how difficult this operation to get to this area is going to be. according to the iranian state tv, yes, it is a very difficult area. it is a mountainous area, it is very difficult to reach that point. however, what we don't know is from
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the way they are managing the iranian authorities are managing the news and how it is trickling down little by little, it has raised many questions that why they are not transparent? why even the newsagency is affiliated with them and with the revolutionary guards keep publishing articles and deleting articles. that has raised many questions for people that why they are not transparent with people? is there bad news to be expected? are they preparing themselves because of the security concerns, are they preparing themselves to announce the news later and in a managed manner? themselves to announce the news laterand in a managed manner? so these are the questions we don't know the answers to yet.- these are the questions we don't know the answers to yet. heard we earlier also — know the answers to yet. heard we earlier also the _ know the answers to yet. heard we earlier also the white _ know the answers to yet. heard we earlier also the white house i know the answers to yet. heard we earlier also the white house is i earlier also the white house is keeping across all of these reports. we have talked a lot about the present, but the foreign minister was also on board. he is basically the top diplomat in iran. yes. was also on board. he is basically the top diplomat in iran. yes, and he is involved _ the top diplomat in iran. yes, and he is involved in _ the top diplomat in iran. yes, and he is involved in the _ the top diplomat in iran. yes, and he is involved in the nuclear i the top diplomat in iran. yes, and he is involved in the nuclear talks| he is involved in the nuclear talks and negotiations. he has been involved in nuclear talks and negotiations travelling back and forth to vienna and new york. yes,
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he is his right hand in foreign politics. he is his right hand in foreign tolitics. �* ., ., he is his right hand in foreign tolitics. �* . ., , ., he is his right hand in foreign tolitics. �* . ., ., ., politics. and again, we spoke a lot about the impact _ politics. and again, we spoke a lot about the impact in _ politics. and again, we spoke a lot about the impact in iran _ politics. and again, we spoke a lot about the impact in iran itself. is l about the impact in iran itself. is there a wider impact, particularly with as we have been talking about the situation across the middle east with the war between israel and gaza? it with the war between israel and gaza? , , ' . with the war between israel and gaza? , , , . ., gaza? it is extremely difficult to s-eculate gaza? it is extremely difficult to speculate at _ gaza? it is extremely difficult to speculate at this _ gaza? it is extremely difficult to speculate at this moment. i gaza? it is extremely difficult to speculate at this moment. but l gaza? it is extremely difficult to | speculate at this moment. but if there is any links to any foreign government for this accident, then thatis government for this accident, then that is going to change the dynamics tremendously, tremendously, and that would be a totally different scenario. let's not forget that iran and israel were involved in almost a kind of war a few weeks ago. iran attacked israel with hundreds of missiles, drones, missiles including cruise missiles are ballistic missiles, some of which reached israel and landed in an air base. so if there is a foreign government
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involved in this crash, that definitely changes the scenario 100%. but we still do not know yet. it mightjust be because of the fog and the weather conditions that the helicopter crashed. so and the weather conditions that the helicopter crashed. 50 iii and the weather conditions that the helicopter crashed.— helicopter crashed. so if you are “ust helicopter crashed. so if you are just joining _ helicopter crashed. so if you are just joining us — helicopter crashed. so if you are just joining us on _ helicopter crashed. so if you are just joining us on bbc _ helicopter crashed. so if you are just joining us on bbc news, i helicopter crashed. so if you are | just joining us on bbc news, let's justjoining us on bbc news, let's update you with the situation that we are getting out of iran. you can see on your screen the pictures of the rescue operation and there are dozens of rescue vehicles. this is all after a helicopter in a convoy carrying iran's president ebrahim raisi was involved in an accident. the iranian foreign minister was also on board. now, state tv have described the helicopter is making a hard landing after it got into difficulties in heavy fog in the north of the country. the interior minister has said that rescuers are still trying to reach the site due
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to the difficult weather conditions and we have seen pictures of fog and rain. and the iranian red crescent telling us that also, three of their rescuers have gone missing in this area. we also have the fact that it is becoming darker and colder in that area, which will also mean that it makes the rescue operation harder. what we don't have is any confirmation at the moment on the condition of the president and also the foreign minister, who was on board. i have given a brief summary, just outline what we know at the moment, the series of events that have happened in iran that has led to this helicopter crash?— to this helicopter crash? ebrahim raisi in the _ to this helicopter crash? ebrahim raisi in the morning _ to this helicopter crash? ebrahim raisi in the morning along i to this helicopter crash? ebrahim raisi in the morning along with l to this helicopter crash? ebrahim l raisi in the morning along with his foreign minister hossein amir—abdollahian travelled to the western part of iran to meet with
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azerbaijan's president wilhelm ali have in order to inaugurate a dam which is in the border region and is on the river which divides iran from azerbaijan republic. after meeting with ill have ali f, he took the flight and wanted to travel to tabriz in order to inaugurate a petrochemical company —— ilham aliyev. however, there were three helicopters flying to that region. along the way, the iranian president's helicopter apparently crashed, iranian media have been seriously avoiding calling it a crash or accident, calling it a hard landing. however, if it was a hard landing, it shows that it means that there should be a kind of communication, there should be an alive pilot so that the passengers, the important passengers on the plane, the iranian president and
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foreign minister, also a young iranian governor and the imam of the city of tab is —— tabriz. all of them should have been able to communicate if they were alive. we at bbc persian talk to a pilot who told us thatjust like aeroplanes, that they have a black box. these helicopters also have a gps system in place, those gps systems are active for at least 72 hours so it should be able to find them or find the exact location and there were two other helicopters travelling with this, they were safe and sound and reached the location. iranians probably know the exact location but, as you are showing it right now, their conditions are difficult, the weather is foggy and it has started raining and now it is getting darker and darker. fiend started raining and now it is getting darker and darker. and of course, getting darker and darker. and of course. the _ getting darker and darker. and of course, the whole _ getting darker and darker. and of course, the whole reason - getting darker and darker. and of course, the whole reason that i getting darker and darker. and of course, the whole reason that he| getting darker and darker. and of- course, the whole reason that he was in the helicopter, he was returning from the iran azerbaijan border
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after opening a dam and he was there with azerbaijan's president and we have some lines from the president saying that he is profoundly troubled by the news of the helicopter carrying the president of iran crash landing. he says after bidding a friendly farewell to the iranian president today, our prayers are with president raisi and the delegation because he was there to open a dam. delegation because he was there to open a dam-— open a dam. exactly but let's not fortet open a dam. exactly but let's not forget that _ open a dam. exactly but let's not forget that iran _ open a dam. exactly but let's not forget that iran has _ open a dam. exactly but let's not forget that iran has a _ open a dam. exactly but let's not forget that iran has a very - forget that iran has a very interesting and complicated relationship with azerbaijan, there have been many disagreements, many arguments and disagreements between the two countries and the reason is azerbaijan is a close ally of israel. they have been buying drones, according to reports, from israel. that has angered iranians a lot. they have a really complicated relationship. every once in awhile, they meet, they say we are brothers and after that, you see the war of
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words between the two countries. the dynamics between the two country are extremely comp located but azerbaijan is also a close ally of israel making it difficult for iranians, they cannot tolerate that. i'm going to let you go away and go back and monitor some of the state media and incoming details that are coming. thank you very much for joining us in the studio, really appreciate your insight. if you are justjoining us, a reminder that a helicopter carrying the iranian president has crashed. it has been involved in an accident, the state media are saying a hard landing. the foreign minister was also on board that helicopter when it came down, it was part of a convoy of three helicopters that were returning from, as we have been discussing, the border with azerbaijan. i want to show the pictures that state tv are showing at the moment. this is the large amount of emergency
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vehicles that are in the area but the rescue operation is being hampered by the poor weather. there is a lot of fog and rain and indeed reports say that visibility in the area down to five metres in places. now, we have also heard from the iranian red crescent that three of their rescuers have gone missing in their rescuers have gone missing in the conditions so very poor conditions going on in the country. if you arejustjoining us, i want to give you an update on the situation as it has developed and that comes from my colleaguejon donnison. rescue teams speeding through the fog to the scene of the accident. bad weather is reported to be hampering their efforts. it happened in the far north of iran, near the city of tabriz, close to the border with azerbaijan. president raisi, seen here on the left, had been
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visiting a dam project. this is thought to be footage of him earlier in the day, travelling in a convoy of three helicopters. first reports that something had gone wrong were announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving - a helicopter carrying the president in thejolfa region. initial reports cite a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president. president raisi, considered a hard is the second most powerful figure president raisi, considered a hard—liner is the second most powerfulfigure in iran and has been regarded as a possible successor to the supreme leader, ali khamenei. there is no word yet on any casualties today, but across iran, there have been prayers for the president's safety. ijust want
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i just want to bring you ijust want to bring you some images we have got from an iranian government agency. you can see here that that we think is the helicopter or one of the helicopters that has been involved in this incident. these were taken today during that visit that we were talking about by the president to the iran azerbaijan border where he opened dann's with his azeri counterpart. now, the first image we saw was of him walking next to a helicopter and then you can see this helicopter in then you can see this helicopter in the air. as i say, we don't know for definite but we can assume that this is the helicopter that had that hard landing carrying the president and interestingly, that it doesn't look like a military helicopter but, as i say, we don't know for sure that this is the helicopter. all we know is these pictures were taken at the time of this damn inauguration that
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was going on on the iran azerbaijan border with the azeri president as well and this is the helicopter that took off. as i say, we don't know for sure that the president was in this helicopter but these pictures have been taken at the time of this damn inauguration. since then, of course, we know that there were three helicopters in the convoy and one of them crashed. that was carrying the iranian president ebrahim raisi and also the foreign minister. the rescue operation is going on and state tv have been showing pictures of that operation. it is now getting dark and it is also getting colder and also there is a lot of fog in the area which is making this operation in iran very difficult for them to get to the
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scene of this incident. now, the iranian red crescent say they have a0 immediate response teams searching the region. they say the weather conditions are, as we have been saying, very bad and accessibility to the location is also very difficult. the spokesperson for the red crescent says colleagues are doing their best. they are using drones and aerial tools but because of the weather conditions, it is not possible to do an air search. it is only possible using forces on the ground. so, we have that from the red crescent that they have teams and you can see the pictures there of that fog but it is making it difficult. of course, in normal conditions if a helicopter came down then they would be able to send up aircraft and other helicopters to look for any wreckage that there
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might be but in this condition, they of course can't ascend up any planes or helicopters because it is too foggy which means those search teams have to go in on foot and this is a mountainous area so it is difficult to get them to the area and then even harder to then be able to find the exact location where this helicopter came down. of course, you would assume that it had gps and some form of tracking on it but we are not being told anything officially from the iranian state media about whether they have actually located the exact site where the helicopter came down. i also want to show you now some pictures that state tv showing of people praying. as soon as this isn't in it —— incident happened, state tv went into rolling mode, as you can imagine, with the latest information they were getting and it was a commendation of pictures from
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the scene with the fog and rescuers and also these pictures we are seeing of people praying and state media asked people to come out and pray. i'm going to bring in bbc persian correspondent who was trying to be in the studio, thank you very much forjoining me. the viewers who arejustjoining, i have sort of given a brief up some, what do we know has happened here? obviously, as ou know has happened here? obviously, as you mentioned _ know has happened here? obviously, as you mentioned earlier _ know has happened here? obviously, as you mentioned earlier on, - as you mentioned earlier on, president with three helicopters from the border have been heading back to tablets, one of the major cities in north—west iran. he was there to inaugurate a dam on the river between the republic of azerbaijan and as we heard the news, one of the helicopters has crashed. so far what we are hearing from the official media there, it seems the president and the foreign minister amir—abdollahian are in the helicopter and as you mentioned, we
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talked to some of the experts who are well familiar with iranian aircraft and helicopters being used, he was saying that those helicopters normally have a gps, can send out signal up to 72 hours. the reason if they don't get any signal, it could be the device has severely damage or they have fallen in a place possibly they have fallen in a place possibly they can't get a signal. as you see, they can't get a signal. as you see, the footage shows the region is very mountainous and it's not easy for the vehicle to get there and that's why i think the rescue effort has been getting on very slow and some of those people, the climb is also in the region, havejoined the rescue effort with the iranian red crescent. they are hoping by foot, to actually walk to the place they think the helicopter might have crashed but also we have heard, again, from iranian media that some of the villagers in that region have
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said, have heard some sound, sounding like an explosion or some accident. so, everything is being investigated but so far we don't have a clear idea of what has happened to that helicopter and whether the president and the foreign minister and other officials who are on the helicopter are alive or injured. brute who are on the helicopter are alive or in'ured. ~ who are on the helicopter are alive or in'ured. . , . who are on the helicopter are alive or injured-— or in'ured. we saw the picture of the or injured. we saw the picture of the helicopter _ or injured. we saw the picture of the helicopter we _ or injured. we saw the picture of the helicopter we think - or injured. we saw the picture of the helicopter we think taking i or injured. we saw the picture of. the helicopter we think taking off. it didn't look like it was necessarily a military helicopter, how unusual is it for both the president and the foreign minister to be in the same helicopter? that is something _ to be in the same helicopter? t'isgt is something actually... i mean, i'm pretty sure at this moment we are talking many people within the establishment in iran posing this question. why both of them, the foreign minister, it seems to me they have been inaugurating a dam between two countries, neighbouring countries, relevant to foreign
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affairs, that is why he has been there but the question is why he was in the same helicopter and also i think this question will be raised by so many who are supporting the regime. they say, why the president was being put on a helicopter in such weather? look, i think it could have been predicted, what is happening full stop the situation could have been predicted in terms of fog and visibility but still they have decided to get on that helicopter and fly back to top is, i think there are so many questions in the coming days ——. think there are so many questions in the coming days --. questions about why he got in that helicopter and with such a condition —— tabriz. it is a question. we are seeing these pictures, the still picture of a helicopter and at that was in the azerbaijan iran borderfor this azerbaijan iran border for this opening azerbaijan iran borderfor this opening of the dam with the azzurri leader as well and there you can see
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the mehr news agency picture of this helicopter in the air and as we say, it doesn't necessarily look like it is a military helicopter —— as. is it always a military helicopter or could it be a non—military one? i think it depends on the region. if normally they use different kinds of helicopters in different regions, if helicopters in different regions, if he is going to visits a military camp or installation, normally he is getting on helicopter but there is no such rule that he must be uncertain like the president of the united states, they have their own air force one, their own chopper and it isn't like that. i think we have seen this kind of incident actually with other ministers and even previous presidents, incidents like this. so, no, in an doesn't really have this regulation or protocol
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that the president must travel with this kind of aircraft —— iran. i would if we can take you back to state media again, ijust want to show these pictures again. state media showing lots of people praying because they ask people to pray for the president, didn't they? normally in the islamic — the president, didn't they? normally in the islamic republic _ the president, didn't they? normally in the islamic republic of _ the president, didn't they? normally in the islamic republic of iran, i in the islamic republic of iran, when they asked people to pray for someone in our experience, no good news comes out, to be honest. i was born in iran and i know exactly so many times on state television came on and said pray for this person. we don't know whether they have the knowledge, they have the information, something serious happened to the president and the people with him. now they are holding back, preparing the security forces and others to be readied and announced it or not, genuinely they are asking people to pray for the health because, as you said, right now in iran, the time is 2.5 hours ahead of us, it is dark, rainy, cold, it is a mountainous region and
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i think whatever signs we see there, there is many people who are close to the government saying most likely the president has been seriously hurt and injured but we don't know yet exactly what is happening. fiend yet exactly what is happening. and we must keep _ yet exactly what is happening. and we must keep repeating that that we don't have any information on the condition of the president or the foreign minister but what in your opinion, jiyar gol, will be the planning and what will be going on behind the scenes at the moment? look, at this moment, it is unprecedented to hear the supreme leader of iran he himself heading the meeting of iran's national security. he was one of the closest people in the establishment to him, he is a very conservative hard—core, very light to iran's supreme leader and he is heading this. as i said, we don't know exactly what happened
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until now but if something happens, possibly they want to make sure everything is in place in terms of security, what they want to do after that because according to a raining constitution, if something happened to the president, the vice president could take his place with the blessing of iran's supreme leader and also the head of the speaker of parliament and also head of judiciary, all of those people must be involved and that is why i think there are a lot of discussions but as i say, we don't know yet what has happened to him but if we are just looking at the media, looking at the people who are close to the president, who are close to the regime, the signs we are seeing i think is not very good news for them. ., ., ., i. 4' them. how long do you think it will take to come _ them. how long do you think it will take to come out _ them. how long do you think it will take to come out what _ them. how long do you think it will take to come out what has - them. how long do you think it will. take to come out what has happened? do you think that they are preparing behind the scenes or is itjust a case that there has been an accident, they can't get to the scene and they don't know what is going on on the ground? i
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scene and they don't know what is going on on the ground?— scene and they don't know what is going on on the ground? i think so far what you're _ going on on the ground? i think so far what you're hearing _ going on on the ground? i think so far what you're hearing from i going on on the ground? i think so far what you're hearing from the l far what you're hearing from the state media and the officials, the latest scenario most according to them that they haven't been able to locate the helicopter, they haven't been able to reach. they don't know yet exactly what has happened to the president but they believe he may have been hurt severely. they are asking people to pray for his health and for those people that are with him. again, this is what we are hearing from them and also, no one independently has been able to reach the site and say, ok, i saw this, i'm pretty sure in those region. every region they have their own security, police, revolutionary guards and i'm pretty sure right now, if they have heard what we have heard, some villagers say they have heard, some villagers say they have heard a sound, they may have a good idea of which part of the region it has crashed in and we don't know exactly. has crashed in and we don't know exactl . , , ., ., exactly. yes, i should reiterate the red crescent _ exactly. yes, i should reiterate the red crescent saying _ exactly. yes, i should reiterate the red crescent saying three - exactly. yes, i should reiterate the red crescent saying three of- exactly. yes, i should reiterate the red crescent saying three of theirl red crescent saying three of their rescue workers have gone missing
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trying to find this. they have a0 teams there and we are heading for nightfall and it is going to get cold and a lot harder to actually get those teams to that site. exactly. i think also we have heard from the local people say it is raining as well, cold as well and i assume there is no visibility and the region is mountainous, as you mentioned earlier on, you can't go with planes and helicopters over the region and actually scan whether they can find traces of that helicopter which crashed. it will be extremely difficult but i think what we are hearing again from people, may be local people, the villagers in that region, they have seen something, they can point the rescue team to the area the helicopter may have crushed. ok. team to the area the helicopter may have crushed-— have crushed. ok, for the viewers who are just _ have crushed. ok, for the viewers who are just joining, _ have crushed. ok, for the viewers who are just joining, just - have crushed. ok, for the viewers who are just joining, just give i have crushed. ok, for the viewers who are just joining, just give us | have crushed. ok, for the viewersj who are just joining, just give us a who are justjoining, just give us a sense of how important, in the political system in iran, the president is?—
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political system in iran, the president is? political system in iran, the resident is? ,, ., , , political system in iran, the tresidentis? ,, ., , , president is? quite honestly, if you think something _ president is? quite honestly, if you think something happened - president is? quite honestly, if you think something happened to i president is? quite honestly, if you think something happened to the l think something happened to the president, the system will change because mike absolutely not. even the previous protests in iran two years ago, he wasn't mentioned by the protesters in march because they believe it is the supreme leader who makes decisions, the supreme leader who makes the majorforeign policy, anything related to military, anything related to military, anything related to even mending relationships with the west, this is him who makes decisions and i don't think actually if something happened to the president, we will see a serious change to the policy at this point of time. but what we know again, the value of iranian currency dropped against the dollar and all this instability doesn't help the very sick iranian economy at this point in time which has been under massive sanction by the united states and most european countries. and that is interesting, the white
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house issued the statement saying they are watching events closely because there is the wider implication, particularly at the moment in the middle east as we have reported the israel—gaza war as well? reported the israel-gaza war as well? ., . , ~ reported the israel-gaza war as well? , ~ ., , , well? exactly, i think many people are watching _ well? exactly, i think many people are watching closely _ well? exactly, i think many people are watching closely to _ well? exactly, i think many people are watching closely to see - well? exactly, i think many people are watching closely to see exactly what happened, what was behind it and i'm pretty sure if it isn't an accident, there will be a lot of questions but as i said, this has been according to the weather and what we are seeing on our screens, it seems that the helicopter had a crush. but i'm pretty sure in israel, neighbouring countries, azerbaijan, turkey, they are closely watching what is happening there, what caused that incident and what happened to the president. but again as i said, those people who are familiar with iranian political systems know no matter what happened to him, the system pretty much is run by ayatollah ali khamenei and the revolutionary guards are pretty
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much in charge in major decision making. pt. much in charge in ma'or decision makint. �* ., ., much in charge in ma'or decision makint. �* . ., ., making. a reminder again that the azerbai'an making. a reminder again that the azerbaijan president _ making. a reminder again that the azerbaijan president has _ making. a reminder again that the i azerbaijan president has commented because of course president raisi was visiting with the azeri president to open a dam and we can show you these still images again of the party with that helicopter which we believe is certainly probably one of the three that were involved in the convoy and we understand could be the one that the president then got on board and the azeri president has since issued a statement saying today, after bidding a friendly farewell to the president of iran, we were profoundly troubled by the news of the helicopter carrying the top delegation crash landing in iran. they said our prayers are with president raisi and the accompanying delegation. as a neighbourfriend and brotherly country, the republic of azerbaijan stands ready to offer
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any assistance that is needed. that the statement from the azeri president, these pictures are taken today after the iranian president had been visiting to open a dam in the border between iran and azerbaijan and jiyar the border between iran and azerbaijan andjiyar gol the border between iran and azerbaijan and jiyar gol is here from bbc persian. just explain what this dam opening was?— this dam opening was? obviously, this dam opening was? obviously, this dam opening was? obviously, this dam is — this dam opening was? obviously, this dam is on _ this dam opening was? obviously, this dam is on a _ this dam opening was? obviously, this dam is on a major _ this dam opening was? obviously, this dam is on a major river- this dam opening was? obviously, l this dam is on a major river between azerbaijan and iran. if you look at the past few years, relationship between azerbaijan and iran hasn't been a very rosy relationship, there has been a lot of tension between them. iran has accused azerbaijan of allowing israel in mossad from their operations against iran and there was a lot of tension between them and also in the conflict between iran and armenia, they were accused of siding with armenia for some there has been tension but this is
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significant when we see the president of azerbaijan come into the dam participating together in the dam participating together in the ceremony of opening this dam. i think it is a significant scene in improving relationships with azerbaijan but as you say, it seems to me azerbaijan have also been very worried about the situation, they are following and issued the statement expressing the hope the president of iran will be fine. i saw in iraq has also offered help if they need it in terms of finding the wreckage. the pictures you are seeing are some of the ones you have been seeing shown on state tv of people praying and state tv over the last couple of hours has been showing both of these images and also images from the crash scene in which we have been discussing the fact that this is such a mountainous area to start with, it is also the
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weather conditions. the fact it is foggy and there is also rain and the fact that there is now nightfall heading and that means the temperatures are going to plummet as well which means this is making this operation to try and find where this helicopter came down very difficult indeed. the red crescent telling us they have a0 teams there but three of their rescue workers have actually gone missing themselves now, the red crescent think their search teams are close to where the helicopter may have crushed but that such operation is going to slow down because the weather is going to get severely cold soon and also, there is more rain on the way and as we have been discussing, normally if a helicopter came down in normal conditions, you would be able to
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send other helicopters up or indeed planes to go over the area to see whether they could find that wreckage. jiyar gol, for people who are just wreckage. jiyar gol, for people who arejustjoining, just wreckage. jiyar gol, for people who are justjoining, just sum wreckage. jiyar gol, for people who arejustjoining, just sum up wreckage. jiyar gol, for people who are justjoining, just sum up what we know has happened so far? 50 are just joining, just sum up what we know has happened so far? so far, what we are — we know has happened so far? so far, what we are hearing _ we know has happened so far? so far, what we are hearing from _ we know has happened so far? so far, what we are hearing from iranian i what we are hearing from iranian officials and state media, the president's helicopter went down and the foreign minister was on board and also the governor of west azerbaijan, one of the major provinces in north—west iran, he was also on the plane. they were on the river with the president of as a bajan, hadjust river with the president of as a bajan, had just inaugurated a ceremony for opening dam on aras river and he was on his way back to cabarets, the major city in that region and the helicopter, it seems according to state media has gone down —— tabriz they haven't been able to locate the helicopter at this point in time, they are 2.5 hours ahead of us, it is also
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8:30pm, the region is mountainous, raining and the weather conditions have been very bad and the visibility also what we see from the footage we have seen is almost zero and that is so far making the rescue effort very difficult and the officials say they haven't been able to locate the place the helicopter crashed but what we are hearing from them, they believe the president and those people who were on his helicopter most likely have been hurt severely. helicopter most likely have been hurt severely-— helicopter most likely have been hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank ou for hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank you forjoining _ hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank you forjoining us _ hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank you forjoining us for _ hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank you forjoining us for the _ hurt severely. ok, jiyar gol, thank you forjoining us for the moment. these pictures are of the rescue operation because a major search operation because a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of north—west iran where a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi has gone missing. rescue teams are really looking for the aircraft in rain and thick fog. the foreign minister was also on board. the iranian red crescent says
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the weather conditions are so bad that it has lost contact with three rescuers. state media have called on iranian citizens to pray for a president raisi. he had been travelling back from a trip to neighbouring azerbaijan, its leader said he was profoundly troubled by the news. if you are just said he was profoundly troubled by the news. if you arejustjoining us, the latest news is that a rescue operation is going on in iran after a helicopter carrying the president crashed in a remote mountainous area. you are watching bbc news. live from london, this is bbc news. a helicopter carrying the iranian president ebrahim raisi has been involved in an accident. rescuers are on the way to the site, an iranian official has told the reuters news agency that the lives of the president are at risk. iranians have been urged to pray for
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their leaders, gathering in droves in the president's home city following pleas from the state media. hello. welcome to the programme. i'm nicky schiller. we will have more on the situation in iran. but in the premier league, manchester city have just retained the title. katiejoins manchester city have just retained the title. katie joins us live. yes. the title. katie “oins us live. yes, history has — the title. katie joins us live. yes, history has been _ the title. katie joins us live. yes, history has been made _ the title. katie joins us live. yes, history has been made here i the title. katie joins us live. 12: history has been made here at the etihad. it is the first time in 135 years of the english top flight that a team has won four consecutive league titles and you can hear what it means to these city fans. six titles in seven seasons. just underlining their dominance of the english game. and there was a feeling i think even before kick—off among these fans that this


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