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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm BST

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following pleas from state media. hello and welcome to bbc news. i'm lukwesa burak. a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of north—west iran, where a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi has gone missing. rescue teams are looking for the aircraft in rain and thick fog. the foreign minister, hossein amirabdollahian, was also on board. iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei, has assured the country that there will be no disruption to state affairs. president raisi had been travelling back from a trip to neighbouring azerbaijan. jon donnison has the latest. rescue teams struggling through the fog to the scene of the accident.
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dozens of people are involved in the search, but bad weather is reported to be hampering their efforts. it happened in the far north of iran, near the city of tabriz, close to the border with azerbaijan. president raisi, seen here on the left, had been visiting a dam project. this is thought to be footage of him earlier in the day, travelling in a convoy of three helicopters. first reports that something had gone wrong were announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving - the helicopter carrying the president in thejolfa region. initial reports cite a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president. president raisi, considered a hardliner, is the second most powerfulfigure in iran and has been regarded as a possible successor to the supreme leader, ali khamenei. there is no word yet on any
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casualties today, but across iran, there have been prayers for the president's safety. that report from jon donnison. as we heard, president raisi was returning from a meeting with azerbaijan's president, ilham aliyev, when reports of the crash emerged. the president has now reacted to the incident. he said that: "today, after bidding a friendly farewell to the president of the islamic republic of iran, ebrahim raisi, we were profoundly troubled by the news of a helicopter carrying the top delegation crash—landing in iran. our prayers to allah almighty are with president ebrahim raisi and the accompanying delegation. as a neighbour, friend, and brotherly country, the republic of azerbaijan stands ready to offer any
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assistance needed." we have also had other reaction from saudi arabia, also saying that they are following with great concern reports of the helicopter carrying the iranian president and they affirmed their support for iran, adding that saudi arabia is ready to provide any assistance needed by iranian authorities. turkey has also responded. the turkish foreign minister saying it is monitoring the helicopter accident with sadness, action taken to support search and rescue operations has also been kick started. that is coming via the reuters news agency. let me just take you to qatar. also pledging
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their support and help. again, via reuters. qatar says it is ready to provide all forms of support to iran after the crash of the iranian president, president's helicopter, and that comes from the foreign ministry, that statement. in looking at the latest, i have two here for you. russia has little issued a brief statement via reuters —— has issued. russia is ready to extend help to iran in connection with a helicopter crash and with the foreign minister and president on board, that comes via the russian spokeswoman. and finally, the latest reaction coming from regional neighbours turkey. recep tayyip erdogan says they are deeply saddened by the iran helicopter accident and they are in full coordination with iranian authorities. and earlier on within
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the past hour or so, iraq had also pledged their support and offers to help in the search for the helicopter. with me now is our news correspondent azadeh moshiri. you have been following the story from the start today. where are we on what we do know, what details and perhaps even a timeline, let's just start there? perhaps even a timeline, let's “ust start there?— start there? well, it is worth mentioning _ start there? well, it is worth mentioning that _ start there? well, it is worth mentioning that most - start there? well, it is worth mentioning that most of- start there? well, it is worth | mentioning that most of what start there? well, it is worth - mentioning that most of what we know is from iranian state media. because given the fact that this is iran, we don't have as much access as we would other places. and the details we have been getting since this afternoon uk time a few hours ago now, they have been sparse. we know that there was a convoy of three helicopters carrying president ebrahim raisi, as well as the foreign minister hossein amirabdollahian, as well as two other senior officials heading towards tabriz in the north west of
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iran. it was returning from azerbaijan. we then started receiving reports from iranian state media at one of those helicopters had a rough landing. now, we started to understand that something serious was at play when they started talking about the difficulty of locating this helicopter and not having received any update on the condition of ebrahim raisi nor the condition of ebrahim raisi nor the condition of ebrahim raisi nor the condition of anyone else, we didn't know whether there were any injuries and we don't know if there are any casualties either. and as that progressed, we started seeing these pictures of the search and rescue teams. these were being broadcast on state tv throughout. and you can see there was such thick fog. these were rough hillsides. in the area itself, we know it to be a forested and wooded area. we know it is mountainous. so it was understandable the search and rescue teams were saying how difficult it had to be. especially because they
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then had to proceed on foot. you and i are sitting here when it is dark in iran. we have also been told by the red crescent, the iranian red crescent... those are the conditions there. you can see them right there. you still have the thick fog, you can barely see the lights from the emergency services. and they have also said it is cold. so they openly said that this rescue operation was going to slow down. so at this moment, we don't know the condition of the president ebrahim raisi. it is also worth saying that the big message we got in the past hour was from the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei. it took hours before we heard from him. and his message was what we have been hearing, pray for ebrahim raisi's health, but also not to worry, not to be anxious. should any news, out. and part of that is because this is a difficult moment
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for iran —— any news go out. there have been historic protest, we saw in 2022, due the legitimacy of the islamic republic has been called into question domestically. —— the legitimacy. so given health of the president could be at risk of that is a message of continuity the supreme leader will be insisting on. i willjustjump in. we have news coming from the eu. they have said they have activated their mapping service to help iran. and that search for the helicopter crash. iran is a heavily monitored state. let's be frank about it. there are so many spy satellites around the region. i mean, surely they will start to find something. i know it is heavily forested and it is a unesco site. so in terms of mapping,
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i suppose ultimately, what it will come down to is the weather, isn't it? , ., ., ., , ., ., it? yes, we do have an update from one of iran's — it? yes, we do have an update from one of iran's vice _ it? yes, we do have an update from one of iran's vice presidents - it? yes, we do have an update from one of iran's vice presidents for - one of iran's vice presidents for executive affairs. they said on state tv that they have been able to understand the location of the accident. they have a radius of two kilometres. so we do know there is some update in terms of the site, the rescue and what they have been able to cover. they are not able to communicate with anyone. they did say they have made contact with two people involved in the accident. they said one was a passenger and the other a flight crew. but we don't have any information about ebrahim raisi's condition. just don't have any information about ebrahim raisi's condition.- ebrahim raisi's condition. just to clari on ebrahim raisi's condition. just to clarify on the _ ebrahim raisi's condition. just to clarify on the contacts, _ ebrahim raisi's condition. just to clarify on the contacts, was - ebrahim raisi's condition. just to clarify on the contacts, was thatl clarify on the contacts, was that before the supposedly hard lining or crash or after, do we have any
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detail? it crash or after, do we have any detail? , s , crash or after, do we have any detail? , ., , , ., detail? it is a very good question because he _ detail? it is a very good question because he didn't _ detail? it is a very good question because he didn't say. _ detail? it is a very good question because he didn't say. he - detail? it is a very good question because he didn't say. he did - detail? it is a very good question| because he didn't say. he did say contact was made. but we also do know that previously, state tv reported that one of those helicopters, the one carrying president ebrahim raisi, lost contact with the two other helicopters. again, the details here are sparse. they are heavily controlled. what we're learning as from state tv. and you can imagine that given the of this news, that information is going to be passed out very carefully by authorities —— the magnitude of this news. i do also want to put this into perspective. of course this is breaking news and of course rolling news inside the country and other countries as well. we are rolling got it right now on the bbc. but it's important to understand iran's power structure. ebrahim it's important to understand iran's powerstructure. ebrahim raisi it's important to understand iran's power structure. ebrahim raisi is not the one calling the shots in iran, that is the supreme leader
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ayatollah ali khamenei, that is the way it works and that's why this message of continuity is being pushed out so strongly. you can typically have presidents who don't get along to —— get along with the supreme leader, they still have to listen to him, but they don't necessarily agree. in this instance, what is significant is ebrahim raisi is seen as a protege of ali khamenei. he was mentored by him when hejoined the khamenei. he was mentored by him when he joined the judiciary before he came to power and he is seen as someone who could even be his successor. so of course, this would be a blow, but not necessarily a hard hit on the islamic republic. but he came to power with a pretty low turnout at elections. how is he regarded generally by iranians? what sort of administration has he lead? he is a bit of a hardliner, isn't he? , . , , he is a bit of a hardliner, isn't he? , ., , , , ., he is a bit of a hardliner, isn't he? , . , , , . . he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra conservative _ he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra conservative. and _ he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra conservative. and to _ he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra conservative. and to the _ he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra conservative. and to the point - he? he is absolutely, he is an ultra. conservative. and to the point about elections, it was a record low turnout. not only that, it was quite
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a shift because the government and the clerical council, they barred several moderate candidates from running. ebrahim raisi, this was his second time running. he previously lost. and this time clearly after years of mounting dissent in the country, the supreme leader and the establishment within the islamic republic, wanted more control. parliamentary elections also took place recently. those had very low turnout as well. because it is iran and because of the fact it is a regime like this, that may not seem too shocking. but for iranians, it would be. the one thing that would happen within the islamic republic is they actually cared about the elections having a high turnout because they wanted to point that turn out to say, this is a legitimate republic. of course, that is no longer the case and certainly after the crackdown that we have seen after these historic protests, protesters are still facing consequences in front of the
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judiciary. there are still death sentences coming in. this is not a free and fair state.— free and fair state. parliament is also set to _ free and fair state. parliament is also set to reopen _ free and fair state. parliament is also set to reopen in _ free and fair state. parliament is also set to reopen in a _ free and fair state. parliament is also set to reopen in a few- free and fair state. parliament is also set to reopen in a few days | free and fair state. parliament is l also set to reopen in a few days as well, so there is a lot that is going to take place over the next few days in iran which is going to hinge on what happens over the next few hours in this northern region of iran itself. i wonder if you could just explain the significance of mashhad and why the state encourage people to head their for their prayers? people to head their for their rra ers? , ., , people to head their for their rra ers? . h, people to head their for their rra ers? . prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city. _ prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city. it — prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city. it is _ prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city, it is the _ prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city, it is the second - prayers? mashhad is always called the holy city, it is the second busy| the holy city, it is the second busy —— biggest city in iran and it is also home to an important shrine. it is the country's holiest shia muslim shrine mashhad. and it is also worth mentioning ebrahim raisi was born there. a lot of that also goes to some of the pictures we have been seeing on tenneco state media. it is a people praying, people are
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constantly being encouraged to pray. and this is something we also saw when another very important figure inside iran was killed. of course, that was a major figure in the islamic revolutionary guard corps and when he was killed, we saw wall—to—wall coverage of people praying. it is the islamic republic. but it is everyone praying? we have seen the protest and dissent. ha. but it is everyone praying? we have seen the protest and dissent. no. we will leave it — seen the protest and dissent. no. we will leave it there _ seen the protest and dissent. no. we will leave it there now, _ seen the protest and dissent. no. we will leave it there now, thank - seen the protest and dissent. no. we will leave it there now, thank you - will leave it there now, thank you very much indeed. just to remind you that the eu has said they are activating their mapping service. this could be significant. the eu has their own space programme so access to lots of satellites and remote sensing as well. let's speak to senior fellow
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at the atlantic council and iranian journalist borzou daragahi. welcome to the programme. i wonder as you have followed this story as it has unfolded today, what are the key factors and nuances you are beginning to list in your mind in terms of the repercussions of what could take place or what could be announced in the coming hours? weill. announced in the coming hours? well, i would sa announced in the coming hours? well, i would say that _ announced in the coming hours? in i would say that interestingly, it happens this way, the law, that the president will have far less of an impact actually than the loss potentially of the foreign minister amirabdollahian. because the president really is basically in some ways a carbon copy of the supreme leader. there has never been any kind of distance between the supreme leader and a president on policy issues. he willjust be replaced with someone else. however, the prime minister has been involved in the nuclear issue, negotiating
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various regional issues including the saudi arabia and other gulf states. so there will be a bit of, it will take time and it will be a little bit unpredictable weather the next person who becomes the foreign minister will be able to get up to speed on time. flit minister will be able to get up to speed on time.— minister will be able to get up to speed on time. of course, the likes ofthe speed on time. of course, the likes of the united _ speed on time. of course, the likes of the united states _ speed on time. of course, the likes of the united states will _ speed on time. of course, the likes of the united states will be - of the united states will be watching things very, very closely. how could this impact their foreign policy with iran and the wider middle east as well?- policy with iran and the wider middle east as well? well, as i said, middle east as well? well, as i said. having — middle east as well? well, as i said. having a _ middle east as well? well, as i said, having a foreign - middle east as well? well, as i said, having a foreign ministerj middle east as well? well, as i - said, having a foreign minister has dogged iran over the years. excuse me, i am dogged iran over the years. excuse me, iam in paris dogged iran over the years. excuse me, i am in paris and there is a thunderstorm happening. but yes, something that has been an issue for iran in the past, having a foreign minister who doesn't speak english and is not savvy and so on stops working on the nuclear issue, someone who knows what they are talking about, has been a problem for iran in the past. and not having someone right now, been forced to
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find someone to replace amirabdollahian and getting that person up to speed will be an issue for iran. it person up to speed will be an issue for iran. . , person up to speed will be an issue for iran. s, , person up to speed will be an issue for iran. ., , ,., ., for iran. it has been pointed out in tuestion, for iran. it has been pointed out in question, hasn't _ for iran. it has been pointed out in question, hasn't it, _ for iran. it has been pointed out in question, hasn't it, that _ for iran. it has been pointed out in question, hasn't it, that it - for iran. it has been pointed out in question, hasn't it, that it was - question, hasn't it, that it was very strange and we have got an image of we believe it could be, but we understand it is one of the three helicopters that were part of this delegation convoy. the question was why was such high—profile individuals on the one aircraft? hagar individuals on the one aircraft? how does that strike _ individuals on the one aircraft? flor-o" does that strike you? i mean, it is somewhat i guess curious that it happened this way. but those are the logistics and so on, there is a long history of iranian eireann aviation vehicles getting involved in accidents. there is a lot of questions about the competence of the iranian technical people —— air and aviation. there are iranians who go abroad and theyjoined nasa and worked for other governments,
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technical and high—profile engineering organisations. and you are left in iran with people who are perhaps not the best qualified for this kind of thing. and that includes making a decision on which important type of people will be on which helicopter. irate important type of people will be on which helicopter.— which helicopter. we were “ust s . eakin t which helicopter. we were “ust speaking to i which helicopter. we were “ust speaking to my i which helicopter. we were “ust speaking to my colleague h which helicopter. we were just speaking to my colleague and | which helicopter. we were just i speaking to my colleague and she which helicopter. we were just - speaking to my colleague and she was saying in terms of continuity, it may not be an issue because the constitution is very stable within iran. is that something you would agree with? i iran. is that something you would agree with?— agree with? i think continuity will not be an issue. _ agree with? i think continuity will not be an issue. i _ agree with? i think continuity will not be an issue. i think _ agree with? i think continuity will not be an issue. i think that - agree with? i think continuity will not be an issue. i think that iran | not be an issue. i think that iran has so weakened the president of the country that it basically is a proper step right now for the decisions of the supreme leader and the revolutionary guard. so i don't think that is going to be any kind of crisis in the country. but it will be a problem getting somebody up will be a problem getting somebody up to speed on the foreign issues. just turning back to the sanctions, of course. the air safety record.
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clearly, those sanctions have been effective. . ., , ., , effective. sanctions have been effective. _ effective. sanctions have been effective. of— effective. sanctions have been effective, of course. _ effective. sanctions have been effective, of course. they - effective. sanctions have been| effective, of course. they have effective. sanctions have been - effective, of course. they have hurt the country. the question is, have they weakened the islamic republic? and that is an open question. in my opinion, many of the sanctions have in fact opinion, many of the sanctions have infact diminish opinion, many of the sanctions have in fact diminish the capacity of iran to for example have a kind of advanced and cutting—edge aviation programme. but has that made the government any weaker? i programme. but has that made the government any weaker?— programme. but has that made the government any weaker? i don't think so. what government any weaker? i don't think so- what do — government any weaker? i don't think so- what do you _ government any weaker? i don't think so. what do you make _ government any weaker? i don't think so. what do you make of— government any weaker? i don't think so. what do you make of the - government any weaker? i don't think so. what do you make of the voices i so. what do you make of the voices of support coming in from allies and also regional neighbours? the latest we have here of course is from russia, ready to extend help. saudi arabia also on standby to help iran. yes, saudi arabia and iran are involved in a rapprochement. this is not a political issue in many
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respects. as you noted earlier in your report, even the eu is offering its mapping services. this is the death of someone who is a figurehead perhaps, potentially the death of someone who is a figurehead in the country. this is a kind of universal issue of making sure that all that can be done to save these people if they are able to be saved is done. just returning back to hierarchy within the country. he was saying away from the immediate iranian borders, it is the foreign minister possibly or the loss of a foreign minister, should that be the case, that could have a greater impact on the country itself. i wonder if we could just remind our viewers who ebrahim raisi is and how he came to power? ebrahim raisi is and how he came to rower? , s ebrahim raisi is and how he came to rower? , . ., , ebrahim raisi is and how he came to rower? , . . , . , ebrahim raisi is and how he came to rower? , . ., , ., , ., power? ebrahim raisi was a mid-ranking _ power? ebrahim raisi was a mid-ranking cleric- power? ebrahim raisi was a mid-ranking cleric who - power? ebrahim raisi was a mid-ranking cleric who was | mid—ranking cleric who was essentially in the supreme leader
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ali khamenei's inner circle, who would basically be one of his close allies. and he became president after all of the reformist and modernist candidates were pretty much disqualified in an election many considered engineered and many voters stayed away from. thank many considered engineered and many voters stayed away from.— voters stayed away from. thank you ve much voters stayed away from. thank you very much indeed, _ voters stayed away from. thank you very much indeed, thank _ voters stayed away from. thank you very much indeed, thank you. - very much indeed, thank you. goodbye. very much indeed, thank you. goodbye-— earlier, my colleague nicky schiller spoke to holly dagres. she is an iran analyst and a senior fellow with the atlantic council's middle east programs. there's been reports that things are not looking well on the ground. they're of course rumours, but the fact they have not been able to locate the helicopter. and the irgc—affiliated news agency
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had reports they had received a phone call from one of the entourage saying all is well on this helicopter. but we have not been able to find more information and as time goes on and as it gets colder and it is night time there, i think there is a lot of rumours and speculation that may be the president has passed away. but again, these are purely speculation right now. if that was to happen, there is a system in place in iran that would come into play straightaway, wouldn't it? yes, according to article 131 of the islamic republic's constitution, the first vice—president, currently mohammad mokhber, would actually take the helm of the presidency. and in 50 days, there would be a presidential election. andjust again, i need to keep stressing we don't know the condition of the president or the foreign minister. how important is the president in the iranian system? if you could just outline the importance of him for viewers who may not understand the politics of iran. absolutely.
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well, the islamic republic is led by a supreme leader, ayatollah ali khamenei, and i would say he is the commander—in—chief and makes all the main decisions in the country. his number two is the president, currently hardliner ebrahim raisi. and so, in essence, it is the supreme leader that calls all the shots in the country. but i think what's noteworthy here is that ayatollah khamenei is 85 years old and there has been a lot of talk of succession in recent years, given that he is ailing with cancer. so one of the top contenders actually was widely believed that it would be ebrahim raisi, who is now missing on this helicopter, on this helicopter crash. so i think that is what is really noteworthy here, that if he has indeed passed away, that would mean that
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potentially, the line of succession might have to change and that would essentially change the trajectory of the islamic republic. so i think that's what is noteworthy here. and of course, if that was to happen, that would have implications notjust for iran, but for the rest of the world, hence why the white house is saying that president biden is keeping a close eye on events. absolutely, and i think it's also noteworthy that we should be talking about the mood on the ground. you said earlier that state media is in essence talking about thoughts and prayers. but iranians, at least from what i'm seeing on social media, are happy at the news. this is a regime that has been marred by systemic corruption, mismanagement and repression for four and a half decades and they do not like this regime. and we just saw with parliamentary elections, which had the lowest turnout in the islamic republic's as—year history, that iranians are disillusioned by the clerical establishment. and i track social media online, and i have been seeing a lot of happy memes and jokes. and more importantly, one of two daughters
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who lost their mother during the women, life, freedom uprising and was killed by security forces was actually celebrating with alcohol online at the possibility that raisi might have passed away. you're watching bbc news and our coverage of the helicopter crash which was carrying the iranian president on board. we heard earlier contact had been made with some of those passengers. we understand now that that was not the case. stay with us for more. good evening, it has been a weekend of contrast. some storms developing through the afternoon. fewer than yesterday. but 2a in the warm sunshine. and it should stay warm and dry to stop for many of us, but it will turn cooler through the week is wet and windy conditions are right. and of course, it has not
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been warm sunshine for all. we had stubborn sea fog around the north sea coast and irish sea coast, so a cool 12 today. and the sea fog, mist and low cloud returns back inland through the night. so the fog again around tomorrow morning and particularly across eastern areas. cooler, slightly fresher than it was last night. there could be some fog further west as well. so all in all, quite a grey misty stop for many in our monday morning once again. the fog in the low cloud retreats back to the coast and we should see less of it through monday then we have seen during the weekend and the same goes for the irish seacoast. but we could still have one or two showers, so moving thunderstorms through the afternoon. because once again in the sunshine, temperatures leap up to the high teens and the low 20s. they are a little bit lower, temperatures, than today, because it will be a chilly start for some. and through monday evening and overnight, we will probably pick up more mist and low cloud again and
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more mist and low cloud again and more showers will come into eastern areas and we have this weather system approach into the west. so a slightly chilly night, four and five as we start tuesday morning. not a frost level worry, but certainly chillier than it has been. tuesday looks like a slightly more unsettled day, more showers around, particularly for the west, northern ireland is the weather front comes in, the showers turn thundery. in central and northern areas. that means with a bit more cloud around, there might be temperatures a little bit lower. and one or two potentially around for the chelsea flower show, that is coming up this week. a little bit drier towards the end of the week. the reason for the unsettled weather tuesday night into wednesday is this area of low pressure approaching from the east, as well as weather fronts approaching from the west. so it looks like it or tone wetter and windierfor the midweek looks like it or tone wetter and windier for the midweek period. looks like it or tone wetter and windierfor the midweek period. so a rather unsettled picture by that stage. perhaps fewer showers friday and saturday, but still a rather unsettled picture with temperatures closer to average.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... a helicopter carrying iran's president ebrahim raisi and iranian foreign minister hossein amir—abdollahian has been involved in an accident. state media is reporting, the helicopter — one of three travelling in a convoy — made a "hard landing" after it got into difficulties in heavy fog.
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interior minister ahmad vahidi said rescuers were still trying to reach the site due to the difficult weather conditions. an unnamed iranian official has told the reuters news agency, the lives of the president raisi and iran's foreign minister are at risk. meanwhile, iranians have been urged to pray for the health of their leaders. they've been gathering in droves in the president's home city — following pleas from state media. hello and welcome to sportsday with me olly foster. it's a fantastic four in a row for manchester city, champions of england once again. arsenal went down fighting to the very end, getting the win they needed but eventually falling two points short.
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the klopp era is over at liverpool — it's an emotional end


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