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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm BST

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disruption to the running of the country. meanwhile, iranians have been urged to pray for their leader, gathering in droves in the president's home city, following pleas from state media. a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of northwest iran, where a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi has gone missing. these images show the president and his entourage in the helicopter before it went down. the foreign minister, hossein amirabdollahian, was also on board.
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president raisi had been travelling back from a trip to neighbouring azerbaijan. rescue teams are looking for the aircraft in rain and thick fog. iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei has assured the country that there will be no disruption to state affairs. here's a brief bit of what he said in his first public statement about the accident. may god return the president to the people. the iranian nation should rest assured there will be no disruption to the running of the country. these people in tehran gave their reaction to the crash. i hope they are fine and well and we get to enjoy the news of them being well. this news is unfortunate both for the government and the people. if anything happens to him, it will take time — if anything happens to him, it will take time to replace him. and for
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the situation to settle down and, meanwhile, things will be chaotic and this_ meanwhile, things will be chaotic and this is— meanwhile, things will be chaotic and this is bad for everyone. i hope nothing _ and this is bad for everyone. i hope nothing bad — and this is bad for everyone. i hope nothing bad happens. it and this is bad for everyone. i hope nothing bad happens.— and this is bad for everyone. i hope nothing bad happens. it was 100% an accident because _ nothing bad happens. it was 100% an accident because it _ nothing bad happens. it was 100% an accident because it is _ nothing bad happens. it was 100% an accident because it is a _ nothing bad happens. it was 100% an accident because it is a cold - accident because it is a cold climate _ accident because it is a cold climate and _ accident because it is a cold climate and it _ accident because it is a cold climate and it was - accident because it is a cold climate and it was very - accident because it is a cold . climate and it was very foggy. while a major search operation is continuing in iran, the bbc�*sjon donnison has more on what has happened during the day. rescue teams struggling through the fog to the scene of the accident. dozens of people are involved in the search, but bad weather is reported to be hampering their efforts. it happened in the far north of iran, near the city of tabriz, close to the border with azerbaijan. president raisi, seen here on the left, had been visiting a dam project. this is thought to be footage of him earlier in the day, travelling in a convoy of three helicopters. first reports that
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something had gone wrong were announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving - the helicopter carrying the president in thejolfa region. initial reports cite a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president. president raisi, considered a hardliner, is the second most powerfulfigure in iran and has been regarded as a possible successor to the supreme leader, ali khamenei. there is no word yet on any casualties today, but across iran, there have been prayers for the president's safety. jon donnison, bbc news. the image you can see here is the copernicus emergency management system. that has been activated by the european commission. now, they have access to an incredible amount of satellite imagery, mapping
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systems, that they use in emergency response and disaster risk management. and this is going to come into particular, it is going to be particularly helpful for the iranian authorities because, you just had there, the area in which they believe this helicopter went down is just, they believe this helicopter went down isjust, it is they believe this helicopter went down is just, it is affected they believe this helicopter went down isjust, it is affected by inclement weather at the moment. so with a vi you could not see anything. you do need specialised access which would map some of the images you can see on the screen and a lot of that comes from remote sensing, from satellite imagery and satellites positioned, of course, above the earth. see hope is they will be able to locate the wreckage of that helicopter in this remote, mountainous area which iran itself has described, the red crescent has described as dangerous and vulnerable as well.
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as we heard president raisi was returning from a meeting with azerbaijan's president ilham aliyev, when reports of the crash emerged. president aliyev has now reacted to the incident. he said that "today, after bidding a friendly farewell to the president of the islamic republic of iran, ebrahim raisi we were profoundly troubled by the news of a helicopter carrying the top delegation crash—landing in iran. our prayers to allah almighty are with president ebrahim raisi and the accompanying delegation. as a neighbour, friend, and brotherly country, the republic of azerbaijan stands ready to offer any assistance needed. turkey's president erdogan says he is deeply saddened by iran helicopter accident and is in full coordination with iran authorities.
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he also said "i convey my best wishes to our neighbour, friend and brother iranian people and government, and i hope to receive good news from mr raisi and his delegation as soon as possible," turkey has also sent mountain rescue team to iran. russia, that is one of iran's biggest allies, is ready to extend help in connection with the crash of a helicopter carrying thecountry�*s president. this is according to foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova. she added that all necessary help could be extended in the search for the missing helicopter and the investigation of the reasons for the incident. with me now is our news
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correspondent, azadeh moshiri. it is dark there now. the search teams are still there. and we have got some images here of the conditions they are trying to carry out the search and rescue operations. i'll be likely, do you think, to hear anything from the uranium regime over the next few hours? it uranium regime over the next few hours? , , . ., uranium regime over the next few hours? , '. . ., hours? it is difficult to say. we do know that, _ hours? it is difficult to say. we do know that, based _ hours? it is difficult to say. we do know that, based on _ hours? it is difficult to say. we do know that, based on what - hours? it is difficult to say. we do know that, based on what we - hours? it is difficult to say. we do | know that, based on what we have heard in the last hour or so, the fact that they have told state tv, an official in the government has told state tv that they have narrowed down the radius. there are reports that the location is becoming clearer. in that sense, perhaps, but also, it has been ours. it has been so long. we've had state tv reporting, reporting on the conditions there. we have seen the
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pictures but of the cow think that fog is lit up you can barely see anything there and the fact that it is late in a run now. it is cold. rescue teams have said that they are working on foot right now and that, given the cold, this is search and rescue operation is slowing down and, therefore, if we were going to hear something, you feel like we would have potentially heard something already. aside from the fact that it is so difficult to actually mount this operation. the terrain, you see those rough hills right now and the pictures we see and, aside from that also the fact that this is a significant development for the islamic republic and this is a country that tightly controls the information that trickles out. that is why we are relying so much on what we are hearing from state tv. even if they do have any more details, even if it gets to a point where they understand a bit more, it is unclear where we would get that information
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or how. right now, they're really simply pushing this message that it is important to pray for the president, that there will be continued search efforts, that they are progressing on their search efforts, but that either way, the work of the government will continue. they are trying to add some messages of stability amongst all these unknown factors. in some messages of stability amongst all these unknown factors. in window fiaure all these unknown factors. in window figure touch — all these unknown factors. in window figure touch very _ all these unknown factors. in window figure touch very quickly, _ all these unknown factors. in window figure touch very quickly, if- all these unknown factors. in window figure touch very quickly, if you - figure touch very quickly, if you could put into context, the action that we have had from some of the countries. some of them are regional neighbours. some of them, you know, there were surprise, for example, saudi arabia and iran. saudi arabia pledging their support. {siege saudi arabia and iran. saudi arabia pledging their support.— pledging their support. give us a bit of background. _ pledging their support. give us a bit of background. well, - pledging their support. give us a bit of background. well, saudi i bit of background. well, saudi arabia and iran have had a certain rapprochement in the past year or so. saudi arabia reopened and irani and embassy there and they have been celebrating this relationship ever
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since they severed those diplomatic ties and so it is unsurprising that saudi arabia would send those messages. now, of course, you've had messages. now, of course, you've had messages from russia and other important allies to iran, especially as they stand against the west but you also have messages from the eu saying it is pledging a certain level of support and map out a location. it is because this is not a political issue. this was not, as far as we know, the result of any foreign attack. that is not the weight is being presented. and so, it is in that unsurprising that you have so many countries, both allies and countries that their difficult relationships with, pledging to help in some way. you certainly do see allies showing real support. turkey are sending rescue teams. adapt to
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working with the sort of difficult terrain. and, in some ways, when you have a big crisis like this, a significant development, you would expect countries to send thoughts and messages of support as well as sending some bits on the ground. speaking of bits on the ground, to be know how long it took for some of these rescue teams to actually arrive in the area. to be have those details? well, as soon as we had pictures come end, we saw that at first we saw a lot of buses going in, ambulances as well, anticipating that they could be casualties and injuries. but that they could be casualties and in'uries. �* , w' , injuries. but very quickly, within about 30 minutes, _ injuries. but very quickly, within about 30 minutes, 30 _ injuries. but very quickly, within about 30 minutes, 30 minutes, | injuries. but very quickly, within i about 30 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 about 30 minutes, 30 minutes, a0 minutes, we started hearing reports that they had proceed on foot because of the fact that they simply couldn't see anything. in terms of how long this process has taken. again, we are relying on information from state media and we've seen over the course of a few hours, some of that information has been conflicting. at one point we heard the rest crescent say they lost some
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of their own members in the midst of this thick fog and a spokesperson said those reports were false and only a task force was able to speak so, given the fact that, again, that information is tightly controlled, it is hard to get a real sense of that. ,, , ., , ., it is hard to get a real sense of that. ,, , ., ,., it is hard to get a real sense of that. ,, , ., ., it is hard to get a real sense of that. ,, ,., ,., ., , it is hard to get a real sense of that. ,, ,., ., ,., that. questions also as to why on earth to high-profile _ that. questions also as to why on earth to high-profile key - that. questions also as to why on | earth to high-profile key members that. questions also as to why on - earth to high-profile key members of earth to high—profile key members of the iranian political scene would be travelling in one aircraft like this. we know, don't be, for example, were often watching on air force one, marine one and it is well known if the weather is bad, mr biden does not board a plane or helicopter if it is a shortjourney. is this normal that high—profile individuals, you've got an image of them. we are told this was on board them. we are told this was on board the helicopter. we think that is the helicopterjust the helicopter. we think that is the helicopter just at the back of the gentleman walking there. normal protocol in iran? can we say that? it is a question. it is a question
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that has been asked. by the two important figures like this be travelling together question that they were in there to inaugurate a damn. they're travelling in order to better the ties with their neighbours and other regional countries. but there are two questions there. you mentioned the fact that why did they get out there was bad weather? some of the report suggest that there was not such bad weather when they left. that they did not anticipate what they may have faced. we do not know what caused whatever crash landing, is there putting it, but they clearly did not realise or anticipate how dangerous this journey would be and, to your point, there were three helicopters that were part of this convoy carrying the president so once the reports started coming in, it was particularly shocking to find out that both these figures were on the same helicopter. and is really very quickly, we don't know who was on board the other two, do we? irate very quickly, we don't know who was on board the other two, do we? we do know that there _ on board the other two, do we? we do know that there were _ on board the other two, do we? we do know that there were two _ on board the other two, do we? we do know that there were two senior - know that there were two senior officials so it is important in that
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sense of it i also want to put this into context because we keep saying, you know, it is a significant moment, to the crisis. it is, in some ways. of course, it is a present, but ebrahim raisi is not the same sort of figure, presidentialfigure she the same sort of figure, presidential figure she might have in some other countries. iran's power structure is very different. the supreme leader calls the shots. the supreme leader calls the shots. the present follows them. course, there can be a risk. the president who preceded him certainly did not get on with ayatollah khamenei. ebrahim raisi was actually his protege so in that sense it is a protege so in that sense it is a protege especially when there were questions in terms of succession in up questions in terms of succession in up the accession to supreme leader but he is not the one who has been calling the shots, continuity is very much possible, given the fact that the power lines with the supreme leader.— that the power lines with the supreme leader. that the power lines with the sureme leader. ., ~ , ., , . supreme leader. thank you very much indeed. supreme leader. thank you very much indeed- thank— supreme leader. thank you very much indeed. thank you. _ let's speak to senior director
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for strategic 0utreach at the middle east institute, firas maksad. welcome to the programme. my colleague is saying a blow but maybe not a crisis. iiii colleague is saying a blow but maybe not a crisis. ., , , not a crisis. if the worst is announced. _ not a crisis. if the worst is announced. well, - not a crisis. if the worst is announced. well, it - not a crisis. if the worst is announced. well, it is - not a crisis. if the worst is - announced. well, it is definitely a blow for the irani and government, no doubt. to lose your president and not be able to locate him for over seven or eight hours now, is deeply embarrassing for any country. let alone a regime that has been accused widely of corruption and incompetence by its people. i think for many irani and this also brings back memories of another aviation disaster division was held responsible for which was the shooting down of a ukrainian airliner injanuary 2020 which they regime subsequently took responsibility for and explained it by saying they had mistaken it for an american cruise missile. i think this kind of news and coverage only deepens the rift between the irani
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in government and the people and reinforces what many already believe which is that the government is deeply incompetent and out in the ad, to ask quite have to ask for support and assistance from other countries when you protect yourself as a regional power and to ask for night vision equipment from the turks and as for satellite data and reconnaissance from the europeans, who the islamic regime in iran portray as part of a decadent and rival west, portray as part of a decadent and rivalwest, i portray as part of a decadent and rival west, i think this is maybe not a moment of crisis but it is another data point along the way for the regime. its deepening lack of legitimacy. the regime. its deepening lack of lecitima . ~ . the regime. its deepening lack of lecitima . . ., ., the regime. its deepening lack of lecitima ._, ., . ., , the regime. its deepening lack of legitimacy-— legitimacy. want to clarify you're sa in: legitimacy. want to clarify you're saying that _ legitimacy. want to clarify you're saying that they _ legitimacy. want to clarify you're saying that they reached - legitimacy. want to clarify you're saying that they reached out - legitimacy. want to clarify you're saying that they reached out forl saying that they reached out for help question mark i was not exactly clear on that point. the market has been widely reported now that they've been reaching out for assistance when it comes to turkey. they've asked for night vision equipment. it does not seem that they had that kind of capability and when it came to the europeans as
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mentioned, there is a request for satellite information. let's move on to what this will mean away from iran. the us, obviously, will be looking at this, watching what happens very closely. what will it mean to them?— happens very closely. what will it mean to them? well, there is for us but there is — mean to them? well, there is for us but there is also _ mean to them? well, there is for us but there is also opportunities. - mean to them? well, there is for us but there is also opportunities. the | but there is also opportunities. the opportunity here is that, if, in fact, president ebrahim raisi and even the foreign minister has passed, that there would be a state funeral and state funerals are very interesting because they create an opportunity for others in the region but even beyond to interact and opens it, potentially opens doors and avenues for cooperation. so if there a state funeral think we would want to watch to, and at what level sent a representative depend of a space for the following president and the foreign minister, if there is in fact somebody from the united states, european countries, saudi
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arabia has been mentioned. who the saudi at a state funeral and whether there would be a diplomatic opening as a result of that. risks, also, because if iran does now enter a period of domestic turmoil, they have to get their house in order, at a time when there is war in the region, there still remained in conflict in gaza, with the possibility of that also spreading to the north in lebanon where hezbollah and assets continue to be engaged to a question as to other countries in the region will take advantage of that disorder within iran during that time period. what iran during that time period. what doors would _ iran during that time period. what doors would open _ iran during that time period. what doors would open for _ iran during that time period. what doors would open for the united states question mark let's just play out that scenario? you said be a state funeral. you know, you go, you pass on, you swap statements, etc etc. what strategically, possibly, to the us wants to get out of this? it is important to remember that the united states and iran still do not
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have diplomatic relations. there is been a series of indirect negotiations are ongoing between the biden administration on one hand and iran on the both are stakeholders in the region. and at a time when we are seven or eight months into the war in gaza, both have sought to de—escalate at moments of severe crisis. it has been reported that iran has played the role of the broker between these two so the big question is whether this might present an opportunity for these indirect negotiations, these indirect negotiations, these indirect talks between the biden administration and iran to move on to the level of public, perhaps a public engagement, should there be, in fact, a state funeral. he public engagement, should there be, in fact, a state funeral.— in fact, a state funeral. he would want that more? _ in fact, a state funeral. he would want that more? iran _ in fact, a state funeral. he would want that more? iran of - in fact, a state funeral. he would want that more? iran of the - in fact, a state funeral. he would want that more? iran of the us? | in fact, a state funeral. he would - want that more? iran of the us? does iran need to reach out once again? the sanctions, i mean, there's been so much talk, hasn't there? that the sanctions obviously have affected the aviation sector. iran's aviation
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sector. does iran need a pause? well, that is a very good question. but i think the biden administration certainly has been keen, more keen to engage the iranians if only for domestic considerations here in the united states which is the president as leading up to elections in november, it is tightly contested. does iran want another war in the region that would suck the united states and force it to play a bigger role in the region? you may be the opposite calculation for the iranians. the irani invasion devise a great deal of its legitimacy by posturing and being anti—american and anti—western so perhaps an opening with the united states and public opening the united states would not be in its best interest as it tries to get its house in order and perhaps plan for an upcoming election should there be a need for a president did back election. let’s a president did back election. let's 'ust talk
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a president did back election. let's just talk about _ a president did back election. let's just talk about the _ a president did back election. let's just talk about the threat of regional instability. would this or could it go as far as leading some of those proxies stranded or really is up to the supreme leader? it would not touch them?- is up to the supreme leader? it would not touch them? well, i would sa that would not touch them? well, i would say that the — would not touch them? well, i would say that the most _ would not touch them? well, i would say that the most interesting - say that the most interesting frontiers lebanon. now for eight months, hezbollah and lebanon, the most powerful and capable of iranians, iranian allies in the region, has been fighting an open walk there is real. however, that has remained contained and it has remained contained for several reasons but one of them is that iran does not want to see its chief allies in a war with israel right now. hezbollah is one of first line of defence should israel decide to attack. the regime and its nuclear installations, in iran. the israelis had sensed that we can score that vulnerability but hezbollah does not want war, the iranians do not want and if really pushed further into
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lebanon. so there is a question out there whether some in israel would want to take advantage of that moment and perhaps try to settle scores with hezbollah and degraded and undermine it once and for all. i think it is something we've got to and watch out for. fik. think it is something we've got to and watch out for.— and watch out for. 0k. all right. thank you _ and watch out for. 0k. all right. thank you very _ and watch out for. 0k. all right. thank you very much _ and watch out for. 0k. all right. thank you very much for - and watch out for. 0k. all right. thank you very much for that. l and watch out for. 0k. all right. - thank you very much for that. thank you. thank you. let's speak to bahman kalbasi, our bbc persian service correspondent. 0h, we have lost him don't make a shame. that is a shame. 0k. 0h 0h, we have lost him don't make a shame. that is a shame. 0k. oh no, we have got him. shame. that is a shame. 0k. oh no, we have got him-— shame. that is a shame. 0k. oh no, we have got him. there we go. hello. can ou we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear — we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear me? _ we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear me? i _ we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear me? i can _ we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear me? i can hear - we have got him. there we go. hello. can you hear me? i can hear you - we have got him. there we go. hello. | can you hear me? i can hear you now. fantastic. fantastic. what does all this mean for the iranian people? well, this was the most unpopular president this country has seen. he came into office with about 30% of eligible vote. this is a country
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that, at the peak of peoples turnout and participation back in 1997 sent the president to the office with 70% support so he was deeply unpopular when he came to office. he did not solve any of the crises that the country was and is facing. economic. the difficult relationship with the outside world and, obviously, the protest that we have seen is another signifier of how deep the dissatisfaction runs so if he is no longer in the picture. will it make a difference? a lot of iranians would feel indifferent to it because they will believe that the regime is they will believe that the regime is the one, the supreme leader, the structure are the ones setting policy. they have bought an incredibly unpopular president of the four and now he has gone so
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there is that part of the reaction. there is the regime loyalist reaction put up with seen the gathering and praying for him. and there is a part of the population thatis there is a part of the population that is basically feeling relieved. he was called because of his direct involvement in the hamas execution of political prisoners back in the 805, a butcher. so a lot of people would be happy he is dead, if that is the case. would be happy he is dead, if that is the ease-— is the case. let's delve into the iranians psyche _ is the case. let's delve into the iranians psyche in _ is the case. let's delve into the iranians psyche in the - is the case. let's delve into the iranians psyche in the country. | is the case. let's delve into the i iranians psyche in the country. do iranian5 p5yche in the country. do you think this could possibly be seen as an opening? i've spoken to couple people this evening and are iranian5 really tho5e couple people this evening and are iranian5 really those who want change, really a threat to the supreme leader, to the regime 5upreme leader, to the regime itself? they seem so powerful, don't they, the regime. and what iranian
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people, would they take this as an opening? people, would they take this as an oeninu? . v people, would they take this as an oeninu? ., h ., people, would they take this as an ohenin? . ., �*, ., opening? what's next for them? if there are opportunities _ opening? what's next for them? if there are opportunities to - opening? what's next for them? if there are opportunities to protest, j there are opportunities to protest, there are opportunities to protest, the public has protested. whether ebrahim rai5i wa5 the public has protested. whether ebrahim rai5i was in office or was in. the reason the picture tomorrow or not. his death will accelerate another opportunity remains to be seen. the reality is, the deep anger that exists in the public against the government, it is so on display that the reaction the last few hours on social media, few would talk to, it is like good read and saw what difference does it make? the regime. a55ume difference does it make? the regime. assume the perfect policy that they do in the eyes of many millions of iranian5. 0f do in the eyes of many millions of iranian5. of course, the loyalists will be sad or they are also engaging in a lot of internal fighting, the forces of the regime, for the eventual replacement of the
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supreme leader who is now in his 5upreme leader who is now in his 805. but ebrahim rai5i were seen as you could potentially replace him. what good that due to the rivalrie5 within the i5 what good that due to the rivalrie5 within the is all of that could possibly present an opportunity. thank you very much indeed. iju5t reminded viewers, what are the supreme leader said, first time he 5upreme leader said, first time he spoke this evening, was, not to wait for top officials have been very busy with their work, very strongly, since this evening, after hearing the news of the incident. we have given recommendations and everything will continue. thi5 given recommendations and everything will continue. this is bbc news. good evening. it really has been a weekend of contrast. once again, we've had a few 5torms develop through the afternoon, fewer than we had yesterday, but 2a in the warm 5un5hine. and it should stay warm and dry to start for many of us. but it will turn cooler through the week as wet and windy conditions arrive. and of course, it hasn't been warm 5un5hine for all we've had 5tubborn
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sea fog around the north sea coast, some of the irish sea coast as well. so just a cool 12 today and then that sea fog mist and low cloud will return back inland as we go through the night. so some fog again around tomorrow morning, particularly acro55 eastern areas. cooler, 5lightly fresher than it was last night. could be some fog further west as well. so all in all, i think quite a grey and misty start for many of us on our monday morning. once again, the fog and that low cloud retreat5 back to the coast and we should see less of it through monday than we've seen during the weekend. and the same goes for the irish sea coasts, but we could still have one or two shower5, slow moving thunderstorms as we go through the afternoon, because once again, in that sunshine, temperatures will leap up to the high teens and low 205. they're a little bit lower temperatures than they've been today, just because it'll be a chillier start for some of us. and then through monday evening and overnight, we'll probably pick up more mist
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and low cloud once again and perhaps a few more showers will come into eastern areas. and we've got this weather system approaching to the west. so a slightly chillier night. again, look for some fives actually as we start tuesday morning. not really a frost level worry, but certainly chillier than it has been now. tuesday looks like a slightly more unsettled day, more showers around, if you like, particularly for the west, northern ireland, as that weather front comes in, tho5e showers turn thundery and also central and northern areas or 5orry, eastern and northern areas. that means that with a bit more cloud around, there might well be temperatures a little bit lower and one or two potentially around for the chelsea flower show. of course, that's coming up through this week, a little bit drier towards the end of the week. the reason for the unsettled weather tuesday night into wednesday's, this area of low pressure approaching for the east as well as weather front5 approaching from the west. all in all, it looks like it'll turn wetter and windier for the midweek period. so a rather unsettled looking picture by that stage. perhaps fewer showers friday and saturday, but still a rather unsettled looking picture with temperatures closer to average.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. a helicopter carrying iran's president ebrahim rai5i and iranian foreign minister hossein amir—abdollahian has been involved in an accident. state media is reporting, the helicopter — one of three travelling in a convoy — made a "hard landing" after it got into difficulties in heavy fog
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and poor weather conditions. interior minister ahmad vahidi 5aid re5cuers were still trying to reach the site due to those difficult weather conditions. an unnamed iranian official has told the reuters news agency, the lives of the president rai5i and iran's foreign minister are at risk. meanwhile, iranian5 have been urged to pray for the health of their leaders. they've been gathering in droves in the president's home city — following pleas from state media. iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei has a55ured the country that there will be no disruption to state affairs. more now on our breaking story — a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of north—west iran, where a helicopter reportedly carrying president ebrahim rai5i and foreign minister hossein
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amir—abdollahian has gone missing. iranian analy5t abbas faiz gave me his thoughts and reflections on the events of the day so far. i think the scenario that they would probably find each of the occupants of the helicopter alive may have become somewhat unlikely. the next is probably they know based on past practice of the government of the islamic republic, they probably know what has happened. again, we have two possibilities with first is that if for example ebrahim rai5i is still alive but injured. in that case i think they would announce the news straightaway and very quickly. if there is other news
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that he is not alive, but past that this happens at a time of day death of ayatollah khamenei. and they clearly announced it several days later. why with the suppress the news? that is really a big question because they would be afraid of the reactions of the people may actually have against the situation against the government, against the system because we know ebrahim rai5i was not actually a loved person do many iranian5. in fact, quite the opposite. he was the senior member of what is known as the death committee. that death committee was responsible in the 19805 for the execution of more than a000 pri5oner5.
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and since the death of amini in 2022 ebrahim rai5i has been actively in charge of the repression that has been metred out to the peaceful protesters, those who actually protested the death and the custody of the morality police. since then 500 people have been killed from agents of the state. 500 protested, more than 21,000 have been taken into custody. many of them have been subject to severe torture. quite a lot of people, including a large number of women have been executed since this year. he is not a loved per5on.
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i'd like to go back to the fact that one of the likely scenarios would be the news of the deaths of those on board. in that particular scenario the suppression of that news, you said it's more the fact that iranian5 would almost welcome a change at the top. obviously, the very top is the supreme leader. is that a real threat to the iranian regime? it is a threat. as we know, this is a regime that is only able to sustain power by carrying out 5evere repression. for example, teenagers have been subjected to all sorts of horrible treatment in detention simply because they have been protesting in the streets.
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in the streets peacefully. in the way the regime has been reacted to everyone who is actually expressing some criticism of the government is very severe. the regime is afraid. it isjust a regime that is really afraid. we've had a number of analysts say in terms of continuity that may not necessarily be an issue. how stable is the constitution, the iranian constitution? the iranian constitution, in fact i'm glad you asked me that question, it is a constitution that is on a piece of paper. it is a constitution that is not actually complete. there are several items that are actually in breach of the international human rights. also, we're not talking just that at the moment but what i'm trying to say is that constitution, none of the items of that constitution, none of the provisions of the constitution has been put
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in fact, there've been breached by the powers the supreme leader has the supreme leader is a person who is really, age is catching up with him. he's probably not as agile as it was before. he has difficulty in making different types of decisions. all of these issues have clearly created a tough situation for the regime. that is probably why they want to be prepared, they want to have all their forces in the street in order to prevent any possible reaction from the people. what you are describing is a case of the conditions and like you said, the supreme leader is elderly, he's 83, he is ill, we may, obviously speculating but we may well have to watch as iran looks for a new president, a new foreign minister and restructure the parliament. it does make you wonder
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with the world watching on how much instability, the region itself is so sensitive at the moment. yes, i know. this is a regime that has made several really big mistakes. one of the big mistakes that was made under the president ship of ebrahim raisi was to attack pakistan with missiles for them and pakistanis came back for the nobody could in any kind of frame of mind would've expected it, the iranian regime to actually carry out that attacked but they did. that is one mistake that they made. the other mistake is the way they haven't actually looked at the reports of severe corruptions.
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one person whose corrupt practices have been highlighted is a very, very close person to ayatollah khamenei, the leader of the islamic republic. no action has been taken against him. where ordinary people for example, if something goes wrong and they are walking the street, they say something against the regime they are taken into detention. some have actually received sentences, some death sentences. this is not a regime that is actually acting in a logical manner. there are probably people within the regime who may want a different type of leadership. that leadership they probably know it is not going to be in the person of ayatollah khamenei. it's not going to be in the person of ebrahim raisi. which opens the door for a lot of speculation, whether there is really...
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this helicopter crash, whatever the reason in the future it may come to be put up or whether it was something that grows out of the tension between the different factions within the regime. we don't know. there had been that this gap. 50 days i understand is that time frame within which elections will need to be held. we've now heard from the supreme leader himself telling iranians not to worry. what do you make of that tone?— iranians not to worry. what do you make of that tone? exactly. if they don't know — make of that tone? exactly. if they don't know what _ make of that tone? exactly. if they don't know what has _ make of that tone? exactly. if they don't know what has happened - make of that tone? exactly. if they j don't know what has happened why should the supreme leader say don't worry, we have got everything under control? if ebrahim raisi is alive
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they would not definitely talk like that. they must know what has happened to ebrahim raisi and they want to really prepare for the they want to really prepare for the they want to really prepare for the they want to prepare their own kind of supporters. 0n the issue of replacing ebrahim raisi, underthe constitution we of course know that the deputy to ebrahim raisi should takeover until elections take place. what the constitution allows the ayatollah ali khamenei, the supreme leader to put his own person in place. so really it is all dependent on what ali khamenei will do. we
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need to also look at the tension that exists between the different factions in the islamic republic echelon. whether those actions that want more logical society, logical around, logicalforeign policy, around, logical foreign policy, whether they around, logicalforeign policy, whether they will be able to exert their authority and say enough is enough. 0rthey their authority and say enough is enough. or they will their authority and say enough is enough. 0rthey willagain their authority and say enough is enough. or they will again once more allow ayatollah khamenei to call the shots. i also sat down with the bbc�*s middle east editor. i asked sebastian usher, and asked him how things stand in this developing story. we're at a stage, five or six hours to come through and we haven't really move forward that much
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recently in terms of the finding of the helicopter. what we've had, we had this kind of thing before is statements being made on state news, other outlets and they are being refuted. there is not long ago a statement quoting a member of the iranian red crescent, which is leading the search, more than a0 teams are fanned out across the area where they believe the helicopter is. that quoted this member of the red crescent is saying the site have been found. that obviously immediately made people feel that real progress has been made. but that's not been taken back. so we're in this kind of shadowy information zone where things are being said and they are being said by authoritative outlets and iran. but we can't necessarily take them 100% at value because they can change. and were
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very reliant on those sources. rumours are swirling, of course. there are many with me and i'm sure many other reporters quoting sources but they have said this and the other but nothing, i think it should go 100% about what has happened. we still do not know the condition of the people on this helicopter. it took a long time to establish, several hours to establish that the helicopter had a major incident. also on board was notjust president ebrahim raisi but for the minister was not established. now it's ebrahim raisi but for the minister was not established. now its two tracks with up one is the rest of the operation and where it goes, the huge difficulties because of the weather conditions for them which almost certainly contributed to the crash of the first place was up on the artists by the uranian state essentially asking the people to do all they can in terms of prayers for the safety, the safe return of president ebrahim raisi. you've been
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seeing pictures on state television of iranians out in holy cities giving prayers for exactly that. and we've had again, as you've been reporting the supreme leader has made a statement, ayatollah khamenei saying the same message that people should come to gather in order to wish their very best and pray their very best for a good outcome. also i think this is important saying that whatever happens it's not going to affect the running of the security of the country.— affect the running of the security of the country. let's go back to the withholding — of the country. let's go back to the withholding of— of the country. let's go back to the withholding of information. - of the country. let's go back to the withholding of information. so - of the country. let's go back to the l withholding of information. so many points they are. withholding information or holding it back, our previous guest said there is precedent for this when it comes to the iranian regime, it's controlling the iranian regime, it's controlling the narrative. it is their m0. definitely to a degree. certainly in the past very much so. we saw that
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with the downing of a ukrainian airline but that happened. there are all sorts of reports that were coming in at the time which were contradictory but sounded like they were official and there was great control given. the actual what happened didn't come out for a few days without that create a huge criticism within iran the way it been handled. it's been response to that in the way the incidents have been handled since. i think we're seeing a slightly more open response to this in terms of information that comes out. what's difficult is it comes out. what's difficult is it comes out. what's difficult is it comes out through... a number of semiofficial news agencies that we all very much rely on to know what's going on. they don't always speak with the same voice. they will quote this official, that official and quite often those officials will be at odds and what they said. i think thatis at odds and what they said. i think that is what's been happening. what we haven't had on what the ayatollah
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khamenei for a more general call for people to wish well into a short there is no security issue here. what we haven't had here is a clear statement from the authorities of what they know has happened in black and white so that that is the ground zero from which you start in terms of where you now expect the information to come. there have been sources saying that was due within the coming hours. it hasn't happened so far. again, the same sources said that hold that back and said no, that hold that back and said no, that isn't necessarily going to happen. we're finding our way. i think the international community, leaders around the world, there's been a lot of sympathy pouring a cup office of help, especially from regional powers, regional countries for them i think they are watching just as closely at the same reports
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that we're watching from these sources and trying to get clear of what happened. mr; sources and trying to get clear of what happened-— sources and trying to get clear of what happened. my next point, let's no back to what happened. my next point, let's go back to the _ what happened. my next point, let's go back to the helicopter _ what happened. my next point, let's go back to the helicopter for the - go back to the helicopter for the order if i could just get my team to bring that out. there's an image of a helicopter that we believe is part of this convoy. it's on the screen there, the convoy of three. president ebrahim raisi is in there, in the black robe on top of the white. he's got the black turban on. we understand that this is one of the helicopters. we don't know if that was the when he boarded along with the foreign minister. looking at that, it's not a helicopter you would expect the president to travel on. first point about let's go back to the state of iran's air safety record. �* , , . , record. let's start there. in terms of helicopter _ record. let's start there. in terms of helicopter safety, _ record. let's start there. in terms of helicopter safety, aircraft - of helicopter safety, aircraft
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safety, clearly there been problems, crashes before, crushers with senior officials before. this is not something that has come totally out of the blue. this might happen, of course when you're looking at the second most powerful man in the whole state and the third most powerful at the same time with him you would think that whatever transport they are going to be in would be as secure as possible. there's been a lot that has been emerging from iranian analysts from inside iran and people commenting essentially saying that the state of those helicopters come at the age of those helicopters come at the age of those helicopters come at the age of those helicopters is a sign of how sanctions on iran have weakened its technical ability. that's a helicopter, looking out at one might assume has been held together through spare parts. those spare parts may not have been as available as necessary. it may not be choice butjust by compulsion that there isn't anything else they are. it's
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an interesting dynamic with chiron but it can project a sense of power across the region, it is a very much for its proxies, it does that in the way it confronts with the us and israel time and time again and plays his cards very well. there is also thanks to sanctions, thanks to many other issues, economic mismanagement, decay of all sorts of the economy has been in the policy for a long time in domestic terms for a long time in domestic terms for peoples living standards, which have plummeted terribly, which is brought people out on the streets to protest regularly. it is not, it doesn't have that power and is a projection of power and that you see something like this and it undercuts that. i’d something like this and it undercuts that. �* ~' ., something like this and it undercuts that. �* ~ ., ., ., that. i'd like to get one more ”ointin that. i'd like to get one more pointing with _ that. i'd like to get one more pointing with you. _ that. i'd like to get one more pointing with you. just - that. i'd like to get one more pointing with you. just to - that. i'd like to get one more . pointing with you. just to update our views, the united arab emirates by the reuters news agency reporting that the foreign ministry has said that the foreign ministry has said that it stands by iran and it's
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ready to provide support and efforts to find the helicopter carrying the president. turkey is also said it is sending mountain rescue teams to iran, i heavily mountainous, forested area, a very vulnerable area as we heard. a mining area. you can imagine the conditions that the search and rescue teams are having to work in. let's go back to the eu. they have said they are going to be mobilising their mapping team. that straightaway it made me think about monitoring of the middle east security. everybody�*s watching everybody else. how difficult or challenging is it to travel around iran? the security concerns must be fairly high. what sort of security checks would they have gone through it with this be seen as a local trip? it with this be seen as a local tri - ? .,. it with this be seen as a local tri - ? .. ., ., trip? the fact that there are helicopters _ trip? the fact that there are helicopters is _ trip? the fact that there are helicopters is partly - trip? the fact that there are helicopters is partly a - trip? the fact that there are helicopters is partly a sign l trip? the fact that there are | helicopters is partly a sign of where this was taking place the
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northwest, not mountainous area, helicopters would be seen as the only viable method of transport transport up there. the infrastructure of iran, it is in bad condition, for ordinary irradiance is a big issue for the youwith thing for the elite, for the top figures within iran that the best is there to be provided. these issues whether they will be raised openly within iran is one issue that we need to look for later because that might lead to fractures within the way it operates. we will certainly see an up operates. we will certainly see an up swell from the dissidents, remember, when ebrahim raisi was elected it was with in historically low turnout. his support within the country, want to say is not the majority of the country. the people
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that came out on the streets after that came out on the streets after that death of the young kurdish or radiant woman, there are hundreds of thousands of they represent many more. there are huge french dues fractures within that society. sebastian usher speaking to me earlier. earlier we heard from kasra araabi, the director of research on the iranian revolutionary guard corps at us—based group, united against nuclear iran. in terms of the reaction to the ongoing news, i think the first thing that sticks out is the regimes poor handling of this crisis. this is what will stick out for ayatollah khamenei, the 85—year—old supreme leader who will be viewing today's events as a test run for succession for when he dies. and when viewed in this light the regimes handling of today's events are extremely problematic and concerning. in the past five years
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ayatollah khamenei has spent an entire manifest based on purifying, "purifying" regime to ensure a smooth succession process. he did the rationale that any elites mishandling of succession could result in the total collapse because the overwhelming majority of irainians has made it clear that they see regime change. so from ayatollah khamenei's perspective what he's looking at the ongoing events, what is looking at this new elites handling of this crisis i think this will be very concerning for him and he will view it as a test run for his succession. if you could just remind us, where are we with the iranian nuclear deal? the nuclear talks have been ongoing since the biden administration took office. they have been going nowhere.
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the regime in iran has become extremely ideological and basically viewed a loss of us deterrence as an opportunity to expand on all fronts, escalate on all fronts, some pictures to show you from the search and rescue site in northern iran. those were the images earlier. they are looking for that man, the president of iran. good evening. it really has been a weekend of contrast. once again, we've had a few storms develop through the afternoon, fewer than we had yesterday, but 2a in the warm sunshine. and it should stay warm and dry to start for many of us.
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but it will turn cooler through the week as wetter and windy conditions arrive. and of course, it hasn't been warm sunshine for all we've had stubborn sea fog around the north sea coast, some of the irish sea coast as well. so just a cool 12 today and then that sea fog mist and low cloud will return back inland as we go through the night. so some fog again around tomorrow morning, particularly across eastern areas. cooler, slightly fresher than it was last night. could be some fog further west as well. so all in all, i think quite a grey and misty start for many of us on our monday morning. once again, the fog and that low cloud retreats back to the coast and we should see less of it through monday than we've seen during the weekend. and the same goes for the irish sea coasts, but we could still have one or two showers, slow moving thunderstorms as we go through the afternoon, because once again, in that sunshine, temperatures will leap up to the high teens and low 205. they're a little bit lower temperatures than they've been today, just because it'll be a chillier start for some of us. and then through monday evening and overnight, we'll probably pick up more mist and low cloud once again
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and perhaps a few more showers will come into eastern areas. and we've got this weather system approaching to the west. so a slightly chillier night. again, look for some fives actually as we start tuesday morning. not really a frost level worry, but certainly chillier than it has been now. tuesday looks like a slightly more unsettled day, more showers around, if you like, particularly for the west, northern ireland, as that weather front comes in, those showers turn thundery and also central and northern areas or sorry, eastern and northern areas. that means that with a bit more cloud around, there might well be temperatures a little bit lower and one or two potentially around for the chelsea flower show. of course, that's coming up through this week, a little bit drier towards the end of the week. the reason for the unsettled weather tuesday night into wednesday's, this area of low pressure approaching for the east as well as weather fronts approaching from the west. all in all, it looks like it'll turn wetter and windier for the midweek period. so a rather unsettled looking picture by that stage. perhaps fewer showers friday and saturday, but still a rather unsettled looking picture with temperatures closer to average.
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live from london. this is bbc news. a helicopter carrying iran's president and foreign minister is missing after an accident. rescue teams are searching in thick fog for the helicopter, iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei has given his first public statement about the incident. may god return the president to the people. the iranian nation should rest assured there will be no
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disruption to the running of the country. meanwhile, iranians have been urged to pray for their leader, gathering in droves in the president's home city, following pleas from state media. hello, i'm lukwesa burak. a major search operation is under way after a helicopter carrying iran's president and its foreign minister crashed in the northwest of the country in thick fog. president ibrahim raisi had been returning from a visit to the border with neighbouring azerbaijan. these are the two men missing after the crash, president raisi on the left, the country's foreign minister, hossein amirabdollahian on the right. they'd both been


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