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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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the government final destination. the government plans to bring out a report for the people affected by the infected blood scandal. for people affected by the infected blood scandal.— people affected by the infected blood scandal. ., ., ., , blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously — blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously going _ blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously going to _ blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously going to die _ blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously going to die in - blood scandal. for someone who is ridiculously going to die in four - ridiculously going to die in four months' time, what do i care about a payment? i’m months' time, what do i care about a -a ment? �* ., ., ., ~ months' time, what do i care about a .a ment? �* ., ., ., ~' payment? i'm doing great, thank you for askinu. payment? i'm doing great, thank you for asking- how— payment? i'm doing great, thank you for asking. how about _ payment? i'm doing great, thank you for asking. how about you? - payment? i'm doing great, thank you for asking. how about you? and - payment? i'm doing great, thank you for asking. how about you? and the l for asking. how about you? and the ai but with for asking. how about you? and the ai but with a — for asking. how about you? and the ai but with a voice _ for asking. how about you? and the ai but with a voice similar— for asking. how about you? and the ai but with a voice similar to - for asking. how about you? and the ai but with a voice similar to the - ai but with a voice similar to the actress scarlettjohansson. a 73—year—old british man has died — and seven people have been critically injured — after a flight from london to singapore hit severe turbulence. passangers shot this is footage filmed from passengers inside the plane, showing the debris and open overhead lockers —
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as well as injured passengers being stretched off the plane, while ambulances waited on the tarmac. one of the singapore airlines crew told a passenger — it was the worst turbulance she'd experienced in her 30 year career. this was the scene on the tarmac with emmergency services surrounding the plane. the singapore—bound aircraft was diverted to bangkok and landed at 3.45 local time. it was carrying a total of 211 passengers and 18 crew. let's go and live to the airport in singapore. monica, bring us up to date with the latest regarding these passengers. we date with the latest regarding these assenuers. ~ ., date with the latest regarding these assenuers. ~ . ., date with the latest regarding these assenaers. ~ . ., ., passengers. we are waiting to receive word _ passengers. we are waiting to receive word that _ passengers. we are waiting to receive word that there - passengers. we are waiting to receive word that there is - passengers. we are waiting to receive word that there is a i passengers. we are waiting to i receive word that there is a flight to bring the passengers who are well enough to their final destination. the time of it is unknown, we are
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monitoring the situation here. as you havejust monitoring the situation here. as you have just described, monitoring the situation here. as you havejust described, it monitoring the situation here. as you have just described, it was a harrowing scene for these passengers. we know that southern are injured, and a british man died. singapore airjust put out a statement, there was 47 passengers from the uk on board, we are unclear about how many of them will be on this flight once it arrived sometime this flight once it arrived sometime this morning in singapore. it is business as usual here, the people who are arriving, many don't know what has happened, or if they do, it is not stopping them in their tracks. we are waiting for more word from singapore airlines on the status of the condition of some of those passengers. me status of the condition of some of those passengers.— status of the condition of some of those passengers. we had an update from some of— those passengers. we had an update from some of those _ those passengers. we had an update from some of those passengers - those passengers. we had an update from some of those passengers in i from some of those passengers in bangkok, but in terms of some of the
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accounts you are hearing from the passengers, tell us more about that. we did speak to some of our colleagues, one of the passengers on the plane said that it was around dinner time, the plane said that it was around dinnertime, people the plane said that it was around dinner time, people are walking around the plane, it was a time when they were sensing there was any turbulence and they were getting comfortable and just as the extreme disturbance happened, the tab it has happened, one man describes that there was coffee that had spilled on him, then the next thing that he knew he opened his eyes and saw the entire plane dishevelled. things were shown around, a woman by him had a severe cut in his head. there was a lot of panic on the plane. at 3:16pm they made an emergency landing in bangkok where officials are medical staff there, took those
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who are critically injured to a nearby airport. we are waiting to see what their progress is, and throughout the night we will hopefully get some fresh details. what have you heard about the numbers of people injured and hospitalised? numbers of people in'ured and hospitalised?i numbers of people in'ured and hositalised? . , . hospitalised? there are seven that are critical. — hospitalised? there are seven that are critical, one _ hospitalised? there are seven that are critical, one did _ hospitalised? there are seven that are critical, one did pass _ hospitalised? there are seven that are critical, one did pass away, i are critical, one did pass away, 72—year—old british man, there were staff on board, and dozens who are in different states of injury. some are minor, some will be checked in overnights, but it is unclear right now how the hospitalised... how long they will be hospitalised for. the singapore airlines has said that they are working closely with the families of victims of this flight and we have also heard from boeing. we will hear from them later in this
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broadcast. their interest in how they are working with singapore airlines to get to the bottom of this. ,, ., ,., airlines to get to the bottom of this. ,, ., , this. singapore is where the flight was originally _ this. singapore is where the flight was originally meant _ this. singapore is where the flight was originally meant to _ this. singapore is where the flight was originally meant to land. i this. singapore is where the flight. was originally meant to land. some of these passengers do hope to get there by the end of the day. more from monica in today you's verified live. ourtransport from monica in today you's verified live. our transport correspondent has told me more about the protocol surrounding turbulence on flights. pilots and aircrew will be trained to deal with turbulence. this sounds like a severe incidence of turbulence. normally, you would be told to fasten your seat belts for safety reasons. in fact, generally, the advice is that it is reckoned recommended to keep to keep your seat belt fastened for the whole flight. it was just over 11 hours into the journey,
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flight. it was just over 11 hours into thejourney, people flight. it was just over 11 hours into the journey, people do move about and need to go to the toilet, or have food served, but it can be difficult, however much they try to plan these systems and tech in place, to predict and no that they are about adding to tablets. the first one to go through it, it can be a difficult situation, and it sounds like it was here. lots of people have been injured and it looks like a frightening situation. when you look at the pictures you get a sense of the force of the... in terms of how much the plane drops in turbulence, it can be huge amounts, can't it, in terms of the impact of the passengers inside? if impact of the passengers inside? it can be if you hit an air pocket. we are still establishing what exact flea went on. but a large drop that
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passengers felt was a direct result of hitting the tablet saw the pilot reacting. they did then make the descent into bangkok. it was cruising along the coast when it sharply dropped six feet, people would have felt that scary situation.— would have felt that scary situation. . , �* �* , , situation. that is the bbc website .a i e situation. that is the bbc website -a~e and situation. that is the bbc website page and the _ situation. that is the bbc website page and the live _ situation. that is the bbc website page and the live page _ situation. that is the bbc website page and the live page that i situation. that is the bbc website page and the live page that is i page and the live page that is running the latest details that we have had from the airlines, from the passengers, from our correspondence there and you can get the very latest there. the uk government has in the past few hours set out details of the infected blood compensation scheme. the cabinet office ministerjohn glen said those directly or indirectly affected would receive compensation. 30,000 people were infected with hepatitis and hiv while receiving nhs treatment between the 1970s and 1990s —
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and 3,000 have since died. yesterday, a public inquiry said victims were repeatedly failed, with evidence of a cover—up. here's our health correspondent dominic hughes. very good of you to join us. i know you had a big day yesterday. thank you for having us. it has been a significant 2a hours for those lives who have been touched by the infected blood scandal. the publication of sir brian langstaff�*s report was surrounded by high emotion. now the focus moves to what real action the government will take, particularly the compensation deal and what it signifies for those like jade, whose dad paul was one of those infected. i think for me it symbolises the acknowledgement and recognition, of course, and the justice, and also the opportunities lost, that everyone has lost throughout their lives, the infected and the affected, and it also represents the lives that were lost, first and foremost, and the wrongs that were done.
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as a sibling who has lost a sibling, there are parts of my life - i will never have that _ i was expecting to have in terms of being able to recall those memories of childhood that| only your sibling can do. and i don't think money can replace that. - but it certainly helps to feel that it's recognised - as an impact to all the people that were affected. _ there have been some limited financial for support schemes for those caught up in the infected blood scandal. so far, 4,000 survivors and bereaved relatives have already been paid an interim amount of £100,000. but a final compensation scheme for all those affected, including family members, has not yet been agreed. it is thought the final cost could total £10 billion, maybe more. it's notjust the harm caused by the infections that requires compensation, it's also the wrongs
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suffered by those affected, that must also be compensated for. so when a person with an eligible infection has been accepted onto the scheme, their affected loved ones will be able to apply for compensation in their own right. for those like robert, infected in the 1970s, there is an urgency to compensation. as an affected person, your life is continuing. but when you are dying, you feel slightly differently about what compensation means. a lump sum payment, a monthly payment to somebody who, ridiculously, is going to die in four months' time, what do i care about next year's payments? i want a lump sum now and i want to be able to go and have a good time. compensation is very different for an infected person. lizzie lost her mum. she was told she had hepatitis c, there was no support. _ it had a huge impact, both financial and emotional.
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so many people were infected i and affected, and their lives have been turned upside down through no fault of their own. _ people have lost houses, i people have lost marriages. i lost myjob at the time i because i was so distraught at the death of my mum. i had to borrow money to pay for her funeral flowers. - but it's notjust about me i personally, it's about all of us. we have all suffered. for the infected and the affected, these days are the culmination of years of campaigning. but they are determined to hold the government to account. dominic hughes, bbc news. let me tell you what is coming up in the next couple of minutes. the defence have rested their case in donald trump's hush money trial. the latest from our correspondent covering that trial. also on the
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programme, iran's hosts the funeral for their president. around the world and across the uk, you are watching bbc news.
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let's head to new york because donald trump is a case has been put to rest. both sides represents their closing arguments in a week's time. donald trump was accused of falsifying business records about paying is stormy daniels in the run—up to the election. he denies the charges. our correspondence gave us the latest developments from the courthouse. the us the latest developments from the courthouse. . . , ., courthouse. the defence cuts to
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witnesses. _ courthouse. the defence cuts to witnesses, the _ courthouse. the defence cuts to witnesses, the burden - courthouse. the defence cuts to witnesses, the burden of- courthouse. the defence cuts to witnesses, the burden of proof. courthouse. the defence cuts to i witnesses, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. this is where the former president donald trump were to take the risk and take the stand and testify in his own defence. to testify and get the jerry insight into his attempt into this entire alleged scheme that prosecutors have spent weeks outlining to the jury. there were signals that, despite public comment, that he would testify. but he wasn't going to, his legal team telling thejudge he wasn't going to, his legal team telling the judge that they were still debating that. now we know for sure that donald trump will not be taking the stand in his defence. so, his case rattles to its end. prosecutors have rested after calling 20 witnesses, presenting 200 pieces of evidence and exhibits over
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several weeks. the defence called to witnesses, and one of them created perhaps the most dramatic appearance in court he was reprimanded by the judge who gave him a harsh dressing down, emptying the entire courtroom of reporters as well, accusing the witness of staring him down and not following proper court decorum. the judge has now told thejury following proper court decorum. the judge has now told the jury that they will return next tuesday after they will return next tuesday after the long holiday weekends here in the long holiday weekends here in the united states, to hear closing arguments on both sides. he gave them each instructions to keep an open mind about the case and to not research or talk about it with anyone. he said that those instructions had a greater significance now more than ever. a long holiday weekend, in the meantime, both sides will be debating how they want the judge to issue instructions to the jury. they will be debating that with the judge
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until we have closing statements next week. figs until we have closing statements next week-— next week. as we get to the combination _ next week. as we get to the combination of _ next week. as we get to the combination of this - next week. as we get to the combination of this historicl next week. as we get to the i combination of this historic case, both sides will be trying to work out where the jury is going to land and the narrative that surrounds that absolutely crucial decision. absolutely. they are now going to have a long weekend to fine tune their arguments. prosecutors have had the benefit of having a narrative laid out, it is ultimately their case. they have presented precise and very easy to follow chain of events that they say led to the allegations that donald trump falsified these business records to disguise the true nature of the hush money to stormy daniels. what the defence did over cross examining every witness, was to sew as much
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doubt as possible. but we saw that cross examinations went on far longer than even legal analysts. they should have. they were throwing everything at the will to see what would stick. what i and other reporters covering the trial are interested to see, is how the defence wraps up all of those points in the closing argument. they need to give a compelling end pitch to jurors, and jurors have heard a lot of doubts owed in different directions. it will be interesting to see how the defence wraps it up, because that will be crucial before the prosecution get handed this case. thousands of people in north—western iran have been mourning the president ebrahim raisi. there is no indication yet as to what may have caused the crash. here is our
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correspondence. a military escort for the coffin of iran's president and the others who died with him. in a carefully choreographed procession, they move through tightly packed crowds. his faithful followers came out in large numbers to pay their respects. fervent in their grief, this is the first of several days of the official ceremonies. not everyone feels this way. president ebrahim raisi was hated by many iranians who are currently not mourning his death. it are currently not mourning his death. , . . , are currently not mourning his death. , . ., , _ death. it is an attempt by the reaime death. it is an attempt by the regime to _ death. it is an attempt by the regime to show— death. it is an attempt by the regime to show support i death. it is an attempt by the regime to show support for l death. it is an attempt by the l regime to show support for him death. it is an attempt by the i regime to show support for him and make _ regime to show support for him and make those — regime to show support for him and make those who show force and sunport — make those who show force and support for a president that was very clearly extremely unpopular, notjust— very clearly extremely unpopular, notjust in— very clearly extremely unpopular, notjust in the recent months, but even _ notjust in the recent months, but even in _ notjust in the recent months, but even in the — notjust in the recent months, but even in the office with the least votes _ even in the office with the least votes of — even in the office with the least votes of eligible voters in the
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history— votes of eligible voters in the history of iran's presidential elections. history of iran's presidential elections-— history of iran's presidential elections. , , ., elections. president ebrahim raisi. . . elections. president ebrahim raisi... technical— elections. president ebrahim raisi. .. technical difficulties | elections. president ebrahim i raisi. .. technical difficulties were raisi... technical difficulties were blamed due to the mountainous area. the investigation is still under way. the president's sudden death is a profound shock. today, the assembly of experts pay tribute to him. the country chooses the next supreme leader, the ultimate authority in iran. ebrahim raisi had been a contenderfor the authority in iran. ebrahim raisi had been a contender for the job. authority in iran. ebrahim raisi had been a contenderfor thejob. as authority in iran. ebrahim raisi had been a contender for the job. as the iranian regime bid him a long farewell, it is hyping to project a sense of unity and consistency at a time of term out. —— at a time of
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turmoil. time of term out. -- at a time of turmoil. �* , ., ., ~' time of term out. -- at a time of turmoil. �* , ., ., ~ ., time of term out. -- at a time of turmoil. �*, ., , . , turmoil. let's look at some pictures now. we turmoil. let's look at some pictures now- we have _ turmoil. let's look at some pictures now. we have been _ turmoil. let's look at some pictures now. we have been expecting i turmoil. let's look at some pictures now. we have been expecting three days of these events that have been planned as the country remains officially in morning. ultimately, they will head to the capital where iran's supreme leader will reside over the main ceremony. a large turnout, as you would expect there are in different parts of iran for the start of the three—day funeral ceremonies. we have also been seeing pictures online of those, the minority who are away from these sorts of crowds but who have been celebrating the news of the demise of the president that they had despised. but these, certainly the crowds that have been encouraged by the officials, are turning out in large numbers.
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tap boys have told prince harry that he cannot include some evidence. 0ur he cannot include some evidence. our current respondent has more. this he cannot include some evidence. our current respondent has more.- current respondent has more. this is a case that — current respondent has more. this is a case that has _ current respondent has more. this is a case that has been _ current respondent has more. this is a case that has been going _ current respondent has more. this is a case that has been going on - current respondent has more. this is a case that has been going on for i a case that has been going on for some years is set for trial in 2025. it is more of a mystery hearing, trying to set up the exact parameters of what that trial will consist of. the vast majority of what will be decided has already been established, and it includes prince harry and several other high—profile individuals that did want to add something to that trial. from the point of view of prince harry, he wanted to add claims that related to his then girlfriend, now wife, megan marco. it was about unlawful information gathering in
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2016 battles involving her. the court said that those could not be included in this trial going forward. it did not say that they couldn't be tested in court, but that if he wanted to explore those that if he wanted to explore those that it should be done at a separate trial. the whole group including the prince of sussex and several other high—profile people, looked at several allegations against rupert murdoch and whether he could be part of this trial. the judge actually disagreed, saying that allegations had already made that senior news executives and newspapers knew about and falsely denied the unlawful information that was in including unlawful phone hacking and other information gathering. they've said
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that caution should be included in regards to these actions, they have said that what the trial needed to do was to establish whether they complain tenants actually had their information falsely dealt with by newspapers, it was a trial and not an inquiry is what the judge said. —— the complaints. the hollywood actress scarlettjohansson is taking legal advice after a new version of the ai bot, chatgpt, was released with a voice she claims is eerily similar to her own. chatgpt�*s owners say the voice is not intended to be an "imitation" of the star. our technology reporter, shiona mccallum reports. scarlettjohansson's face is known across the world, but it's the oscar—nominated actress's voice that's under scrutiny. good morning, theodore.
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good morning. you have a meeting in five minutes. you want to try getting out of bed? in the movie her, she played an ai chatbot which a human fell in love with. now listen to this. 0h, mark. i'm doing great. thanks for asking. how about you ? a remarkably similar voice called sky has been used by 0penai, the company behind chatgpt, as they released their assistant last week. scarlettjohansson revealed she had in fact been offered to be the voice of the new system — an offer she declined — so she was surprised at the likeness. in a statement to the bbc, she said... when i had the released demo i was shocked and angered that the voice would sound so similar to mine that close friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. she criticised the ceo sam altman for posting the word "her" on social media.
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she took that as an insinuation that she was the inspiration for the chatbot�*s sound. despite denying it was an imitation, the firm said it was pausing it. in a statement, mr altman said... the voice of titlecase guy sentence case is not scarlettjohansson. 0ut case is not scarlettjohansson. out of respect for miss johanson, we have paused using titlecase guy sentence case's voice. it is in question how individual rights can remain protected and how artificial intelligence and deep fakes can become more of a threat. hello. rain clouds are looming and we are in for a wet day tomorrow. as far as today's concerned, showers and thunderstorms are possible across some parts of the country, but for many of us, it's actually going to be a relatively dry day, albeit on the cloudy side. certainly more cloud around today compared to yesterday. now, this is the forecast for
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the second half of the afternoon. some rain there across east anglia and the south—east. where you see the lightning bolts, that's where the thunderstorms are more likely to develop. is there any sunshine today? yes, there is, across the western isles and the north of scotland and it feels warmest here too. now through this evening and overnight, the rain's going to come become more extensive across central and eastern areas of the uk. the winds will freshen, too, and by the morning really quite soggy across this part of the world, but not everywhere — dry across the bulk of scotland, northern ireland and some of these western areas as well — mild, around 12 or 13. now, this low will hang around through wednesday, thursday and into friday, and it will deliver a substantial amount of rainfall, particularly to more northern parts of the country. so here it is — a thoroughly wet grey day across many parts of england, wales. eventually the rain will reach southern scotland too, and later in the day should just about nudge into northern ireland. now, the south coast will probably have some sunny spells, but showers are possible, too, and even downpours much cooler tomorrow.
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and also a noticeable wind blowing in from the north. now, by thursday, the rain won't be quite so heavy, but it will transfer northwards. look at the winds again, coming in from the north. so, in scotland it really will feel very cool indeed. temperatures in some areas could be no higher than around 11 or 12 degrees. more like 16—17 in the south with a bit of sunshine, but again, a fair amount of cloud. so, how much rainfall are we going to get? well, there is a possibility of widely 30 to a0 millimetres of rain. and in some spots, the met office warns there could be as much as 100 millimetres of rain or more. so there could be some impacts through the week from that heavy rain. now, this is the outlook into the weekend. there are indications that, as we head into the bank holiday weekend, high pressure will start to build. so, the weather will settle down. but overall, it does look like it's going to be a mixed bag. now, here's that high pressure — from monday. it could be a very decent day, reliably dry, i think. but come tuesday, i think
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just one or two showers.
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severe turbulence kills one passenger and injures dozens more. boeing says it is ready to assist singapore airlines with its inquiry. making a i say, the eu approves a law to regulate the use of artificial intelligence —— making ai save. and a soft landing for the uk
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economy, the imf upgrades its growth forecast but warns against tax cuts. this is business today. let's get more on the singapore airlines incident in which severe turbulence killed one passenger and has injured dozens more. the flight between london and singapore was forced to make an emergency landing in bangkok and flight data indicated the aircraft dropped 2000 metres as pilot burrow tried to the plane. boeing are ready to help support their investigation. —— as pilots tried to stabilise the brain. remind us exactly what we know, michelle. this was a flight that left london and was heading to singapore, and at some point along the way when it was flying over thailand it hit this period of turbulence which has had a pretty devastating consequences where one passenger has been
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confirmed as having died


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