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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am BST

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tom court decided on nation's tom court decided on friday that israel must immediately hold its military offensive in rafa and southern gaza. the international court ofjustice which rules or disputes between countries says the catastrophic situation in gaza has deteriorated and described humanitarian conditions in rafah as disastrous. the case was originally brought to the court by south africa, which has applauded the ruling. however, the icj has no enforcement powers and it is up to the states to comply. when asked about the ruling the us, a key ally of israel, said it has been clear and consistent on its position on rafah. al corresponded anna holligan sent this update from the hague. this is a hugely striking order. it goes further than any other provisional measures issued in this case by these judges. and it seeks to significantly alter the course of the conflict in gaza. so let's just have a look at what the judges are ordered israel to do. one, hold the military
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offensive in rafah immediately, allow unimpeded access for fact—finding missions, any un mandated investigators, so that allegations of genocide can be investigated. israel must also, according to this provisional measures order, ensure that the rafah border crossing stays open to allow urgently needed humanitarian aid to be delivered at scale. and must report to —— back to this court on the international court of justice, here in the hague in one month on how these orders are being implemented. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has again rejected allegations of genocide, bowling them false and outrageous. paul adams has more reaction from jerusalem. even as thejudge more reaction from jerusalem. even as the judge was reading at the icj's latest ruling, there were plumes of black
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smoke over the city of rafah, suggesting that israel's military campaign in that area continues. we know that israeli troops and armour are poised very close to the city of rafah, we don't exactly know how far they intend to push into the city and when that will happen, but the israeli government has indicated that it is still determined to finish thejob and it is still determined to finish the job and what it regards as one of the last hamas strongholds in the southern part of the gaza strip. so the israelis are saying that they are doing this according to international law, that the way they have conducted their operations so far does not pose, as south africa is arguing, a threat to the well being of the civilian population in the gaza strip, but by giving people notice of israel's military intentions they have tried to keep its civilians out of harms way. that clearly did not wash with
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the judges at the icj, who are essentially saying that israel is not doing enough to keep civilians safe and that, consequently, their military operation in rafah should come to an end. operation in rafah should come to an end-— to an end. joining me now to discuss this _ to an end. joining me now to discuss this is _ to an end. joining me now to discuss this is doctor - to an end. joining me now to discuss this is doctor rachel| discuss this is doctor rachel joyce, lecturing fellow at duke university and non—resident fellow at institute for global affairs. thanks forjoining us and bbc news. what does legally binding mean if this ruling is of itself not enforceable? thanks so much for having me. i'm in, this is really the million—dollar bastion. the international court ofjustice is, you know, the highest court in the un system, all un states are obliged to comply with the rulings, but, of course, is relatively powerless, so it has very limited enforcement mechanisms. there is no police force, no military backing for this court. so for this reason the court has a loss of
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symbolic meaning. we can have some sort of impacts that we are seeing, especially the buildup of international court action and advocacy, but i think where we are really going to see impact, when we talk about notjust legal, binding, about not just legal, binding, debating about notjust legal, binding, debating nation of decisions, but the enforcement will be in the security council. that's where we're probably going to see where this case go and that's where you ashley harrison military might and where you're going to see this play out next. we where you're going to see this play out next-— play out next. we saw earlier in the week _ play out next. we saw earlier in the week the _ play out next. we saw earlier in the week the chief- in the week the chief prosecutor for the international criminal court put forward a case for an arrest warrant to be issued for the israeli prime minister and the israeli prime minister and the defence minister. would this ruling be used in any way in that case?— in that case? well, the cases are completely _ in that case? well, the cases are completely autonomous, | in that case? well, the cases l are completely autonomous, in some sense. they aren't institutionally connected. but of course these cases are watching one another and the icc�*s action last week was really momentous and quite remarkable and i think we are
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seeing that empowering the icj's decision that we are seeing today. the icc has long been seen as a base court, a courtjust been seen as a base court, a court just for africa. what's fascinating is seeing south africa come to the court and bring a western backed major power like israel into the fold of this court. indeed, some 50 of this court. indeed, some 50 of the indicted criminals at the icc had been africa the past. it's very rare to expanded to look at ukraine and georgia and so the court is kind of getting more and more ground and the icj is taking note. and the icj's decision i think is reflecting this noble movement that we have seen, these courts are dated moving in lockstep to have some chinks in lockstep to have some chinks in the arm of the israeli government's defence. in the icj rulin: government's defence. in the icj ruling the _ government's defence. in the icj ruling the presiding - government's defence. in the icj ruling the presiding judge| icj ruling the presiding judge that that israel must immediately stop any action in rafah, which it said could bring about the physical destruction of the palestinians. does that appear to be alluding to what is generally accepted as
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constituting genocide under international law? it absolutely is. and this is the question. they have minced words a bit and analysts are dissecting the use of the, in the statement put out by the judge, but it talks about the destruction in whole or in part which is the legalese, the type of language we see as expert, we look at this is talking about genocide and they are really explicit worries about some 300,000 civilians that remain in rafah. the concern about this constituting genocide. now, it wasn't a completely slam dunk when for those who have been a using the israeli government here. south africa had initially with the crimes it had been calling for scenic genocide, other crimes like apartheid, accusing israel of this had been looking for a full on ceasefire, but it's a little bit more detailed in terms of what this is calling for. it is specific to halting military action in rafah with a
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specific intention to open the border in rafah and specific also about unimpeded access on fact—finding missions. again, think it will be limited, a doubt we will see any of that directly, but it is a pretty bold move by the court. now, israel has _ bold move by the court. now, israel has rejected _ bold move by the court. now, israel has rejected this - bold move by the court. now, israel has rejected this ruling | israel has rejected this ruling in its entirety and we see the air strikes continuing in rafah today, as they have for quite some time now. is there anything the court can do? we mentioned is not legally enforceable, but is there any sort of next step that it can take? , ., , ., ., take? yes, that is a great question- _ take? yes, that is a great question- i _ take? yes, that is a great question. i do _ take? yes, that is a great question. i do think- take? yes, that is a great question. i do think this l take? yes, that is a great| question. i do think this is going to go next to the security council. the security council does have some enforcement powers here under chapter seven, enforcement powers here under chapterseven, underthe chapter seven, under the threats to chapterseven, underthe threats to peace provisions in the security council's mandate you could see sanctions you could see some sort of military backed action. now, is most likely that the us would veto that action. it's potential that action. it's potential that the us could abstain. so the us has been flirting to
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some degree expressing concern over rafah, it has been the hot button place where the biden administration has not wanted to see this level of destruction. so we could see some sort of enforcement there. but really, for me, and for a lot of analysts that we are seeing, these court movements are source of chess pieces in the game. what could be game changing is this increasing global pariah state as of israel and the us back in. at the same time it could backfire good —— we could see israel move away from the rules—based order and it could push the us, which has never been a big supporter of the court system, if this move backfires and it pushes the us even further away from these courts are good actually disempower them. so it is a real interesting political football been brought into these laws in terms of enforcement and, unfortunately, with the horrific civilian toll hanging in the crossfire is. i'm awake to see what happens next. doctor racheljoyce, lecturing fellow at duke university and non—resident fellow at the institute for
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global affairs, answerjoining us on bbc news. global affairs, answer 'oining us on bbc newsh global affairs, answer 'oining us on bbc news. thank you so much. as we have mentioned, the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza has been severely restricted by the close of two key crossing points at rafah and elsewhere. at the request of us president joe biden egypt agreed to provide deliveries of un providers supplies until an agreement is reached to reopen the rafah crossing. on friday, the rafah crossing. on friday, the us announced an additional $275in the us announced an additional $275 in military aid to ukraine including us made rockets to help propel the rockets in the kalkie region. the president has been visiting car kieve including a printing complex recently destroyed by russian missile strikes. ukraine's military claims to have stopped russia's advance in the northeast region where a fortnight ago moscow's troops cross the border to open a new front. he ever says it has launched a board attack. james waterhouse sent this report.
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we are seeing president zelensky spend more time in the northeastern city of kharkiv as russian forces inch closer after their cross—border incursion. this is a city experiencing astros more and more. it is now cell to help the 20,000 normal have been displaced in the surrounding kalkee region. this is a president who has extended his term, despite it officially ending. why? ukraine is in a state of martial law, there cannot be elections held at the moment according to the constitution. and there is parliamentary support for that. nevertheless, vladimir putin, on a visit to belarus to meet their leader, hasjumped on their leader, has jumped on this, their leader, hasjumped on this, saying the legitimacy of volodymyr zelensky�*s leadership has ended. there are a couple of ironies therefore ukrainians. firstly, the basis came by vladimir putin that the country is run by nazis. it seems that vladimir putin must
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have seen it as legitimate at one point but also that vladimir putin has just won a presidential election in russia where his main rivals are either imprisoned or dead. it's an irony that won't be lost on ukrainians in these times. on friday, can you president william ruto wrapped up a state visit to washington, the first official state visit of an african leader in 15 years. under president ruto cania has developed as a diplomatic and business centre. it was seen as an opportunity forjoe biden to show his support for kenya when russia and china are exerting more influence. kenya is pleased to send canyon police to stabilise the crisis in haiti. on friday, the white house called for the swift deployment of that mission after an american couple was named among three missionaries killed in the caribbean nation. us support for the mission was one of the main topics of the talks between those leaders
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this week. i've spoke about that situation in haiti and much more in a wide—ranging interview with president ruto at the conclusion of his official state visit. i want to start with an issue that there is close cooperation between kenya and the us and that is theissue kenya and the us and that is the issue with haiti at the moment. you have agreed to send a kenyan police force to 80. when will they arrive team already in haiti is as big as you. i've spoke to them this morning. they're finishing a mission tomorrow. that will give us a frame of what things look like on the ground, the capabilities that are available, the infrastructure that has been set up. bud available, the infrastructure that has been set up. and once we have that _ that has been set up. and once we have that assessment - that has been set up. and once we have that assessment that l that has been set up. and once l we have that assessment that we agreed with the haitian police and the haitian leadership we're looking at the arrival —— horizon of about three weeks or thereabouts for us to be ready to deploy once everything on the ground is set.— to deploy once everything on the ground is set. what is the situation on _ the ground is set. what is the situation on the _ the ground is set. what is the situation on the ground - the ground is set. what is the situation on the ground like . the ground is set. what is the j situation on the ground like in terms of those preparations. us
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officials were helping prepare. i think they base that was being prepared, ithink i think they base that was being prepared, i think i was given maybe 70% police —— complete. my team met with the transitional presidential council yesterday. they also met with the leadership of the police the day before. i think they a meeting with other groups just to make sure that we have all the, you know, items in place for us to facilitate the deployments, because there are many actors, you know, we are working under a un resolution that gives kenya the mandate to lead and we will be working with others who will be contributing different capabilities to
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facilitate this because we are doing it for the people of haiti. you had hoped to have your police officers there this week, though. a draft of three weeks is quite a delay. i think there was an expectation, it was not our hope. it was an expectation. we have been ready to deploy in haiti but that readiness means everything being in place. the reason why the right time is going to be in three weeks' time is because all of the other items need to be there — equipment, transport, communication, infrastructure on where to stay, what to do with the haitian police, proper connection with the partnership with the haitian in the meantime there is a date ofjune 2 that's been set by the high court, your opposition party has raised concerns about the legality of the deployment and there is a date they will hear questions on that, are you satisfied that the deployment is legal? that deployment meets every requirement of the law and the constitution of kenya.
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in fact i think we've gone beyond the requirements of the law, it was sanctioned by the cabinet, it was sanctioned by both houses of parliament, the senate and the national assembly, the court proclaimed itself on how it should be done, the requirements of the court has been made, the court wanted an agreement between the government of kenya and the government in haiti, that was signed and i witnessed it myself, between the prime minister, between the minister for security at that time and myself and the prime minister in haiti witnessed that agreement, and the same agreement has been adopted and ratified by the transitional presidential counsel. all the legal instruments are in place, kenya is a robustly democratic country.
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that agreement though, was signed with ariel henri, will they honour that agreement he signed? i have received an agreement in writing, i would not deploy unless that happened, i made it a requirement that the transitional presidential counsel that came into office recently must endorse the agreement that had been signed by the government that was, just to make sure that we are on the same side, and i can confirm to you that i have received their concurrence, in writing, and i have done the necessary constitutional requirements in kenya to make sure that this deployment is in compliance with the law and kenya and also in compliance with the un resolutions. the situation in haiti the situation in haiti is the situation in haiti is fragile. just today news that throughout us aid workers had been killed. what guarantees have you received that your
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police force would be welcomed? that they would be safe there? it is exactly for exactly what you are saying. we should not be losing people. we should not be losing people. we should not be losing people. we should not be losing missionaries. it is the reason why we made the decision. knowing very well that the responsibility for security in haiti is a shared responsibility. every country like canada and others that believe in freedom, self—determination, believe in democracy and believe in security will do what can you is doing. we are doing this to stop more people losing their lives to gangs. i am confident with express that we have that we have participated in 47 peacemaking, peacekeeping efforts across the world over the last a0 years. including
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other countries. we have faced such situations before. i wanted to talk to you about peace and stability in their region, particularly the conflict in sudan. the leader of the sudanese irony has questioned your impartiality and whether you should be leading the peace negotiations. what do you say to him? i leading the peace negotiations. what do you say to him?- what do you say to him? i have an allocation _ what do you say to him? i have an allocation to _ what do you say to him? i have an allocation to meet _ what do you say to him? i have an allocation to meet with - what do you say to him? i have an allocation to meet with the i an allocation to meet with the general. i have allocation to meet many other actors in sudan. if you are looking for peace, you don't talk to friends, you talk to enemies. we are speaking to everybody because that is how we're going make peace. i think there is now some progress. in fact it is one of the conversations i have yesterday with president biden and this morning with
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secretary blink and on what we can do together to bring the warring factions, bring can you on one side, egypt and another, bring the uae, saudi arabia, and see how we can do this together by bringing all teams because what is going on in sudan is unacceptable. the level of human suffering, the atrocities. the almost genocide going on in sudan is unacceptable. it is terrible. 7 million people today displeased in sudan —— displaced. the capital city has been reduced to rubble. this is something that should concern any leader and i can tell you can you is concerned. that is why as late as last weekend i was on this
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assignment because i believe as assignment because i believe as a neighbour we went to the people in sudan to do something about the situation and deal with that situation impartially by talking to all sides. fin by talking to all sides. on our by talking to all sides. on your partnership to the us, the declaration that needs remicade —— can is a non— nato ally you have a relationship with china on a recent trip with the billion—dollar discussion. do you think that you is the us the preferred partnerfor can the preferred partner for can you? the preferred partnerfor can you? it the preferred partner for can ou? , ., ., , ., ., you? it is not a question of preference. _ you? it is not a question of preference, it _ you? it is not a question of preference, it is _ you? it is not a question of preference, it is a - you? it is not a question of preference, it is a question you? it is not a question of i preference, it is a question of partnership. it is not a question of people trying to say whether we are facing west or facing east. say whether we are facing west orfacing east. we are say whether we are facing west or facing east. we are facing forward. we want to work together towards resolution of
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critical security issues that require global leadership and partnership and collaboration. whether talking about climate change, we did global collaboration. and a global partnership. whether we talking a peace and security issues from ukraine to the horn of africa central africa, we require global partnership was or whether we are talking about the effects of distress and countries. it is the reason why i had a very candid conversation with president biden on american leading and championing the weight of the reform of the international financial architecture so we can have a fairer international discourse that does not profile countries, developing countries or low—income countries unfairly. or low-income countries unfairly-—
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or low-income countries unfairl. ., . unfairly. on those economic issues you _ unfairly. on those economic issues you have _ unfairly. on those economic issues you have come - unfairly. on those economic issues you have come herel unfairly. on those economic. issues you have come here and pipe fulfilling a pledge to you see —— people seeking trade from the us. can you say you got what you came for on this trip? got what you came for on this tri - ? ~ ., ., got what you came for on this tri?~ ., ., ., got what you came for on this tri? ., ., ., ., trip? we got a lot. more than we came _ trip? we got a lot. more than we came for- _ trip? we got a lot. more than we came for. some _ trip? we got a lot. more than we came for. some of- trip? we got a lot. more than we came for. some of the - we came for. some of the issues, i had many at capitol hill with bigger of the house, bipartisan leadership of the senate. i had a meeting with congressional caucus and we can now confidently say the act thatis now confidently say the act that is given open markets, american markets to african products, duty—free will now be renewed on a bipartisan basis. we also i had long chats with
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people in capitol hill and president biden provided leadership on gives an opportunity for close to 20 million people in our continental actors and a very robust partnership between the united states and africa. and many other things we have agreed on. can you for example is going to be the first country in africa to benefit from this act in the united states, part of the ecosystem that produces technology, working on producing chips or development of technology products. we signed an agreement that would also unlock huge potential on our technology space. especially around data centres, using an american technology in partnership with the uae and
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using renewable energy from cannula, a $1 billion investment to unlock the huge potential that exists. i think we have made huge strides and it is notjust cannula that has benefited. it is africa that benefited. it is africa that benefited.— benefited. it is africa that benefited. ., ., ., benefited. on that note, we out of time. thank _ benefited. on that note, we out of time. thank you _ benefited. on that note, we out of time. thank you so _ benefited. on that note, we out of time. thank you so much - benefited. on that note, we out of time. thank you so much for| of time. thank you so much for speaking with us.— speaking with us. thank you very much- _ for more on that you can go to our website or on the bbc news app. finally to paris. the cathedral would inspire collapsed in 2019, many works of art and relics moved to safety but others destroyed or badly damaged. the 12 metre tour cross has been reinstalled. the landmark now
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welcoming visitors at the end of this year. that is it for the moment. thank you for watching and stay with us on bbc news. hello there. the weather's looking pretty mixed this bank holiday weekend, although saturday looks to be pretty decent for many with a lot of sunshine around, sunday and bank holiday monday will see some heavy thundery showers developing, some local torrential downpours, but there'll still be some sunshine in between. now for saturday, we've got two frontal systems approaching — one across the east and one across the west. this one will arrive quite early through the morning across east anglia, eastern england and spread westward. so skies turning cloudier here. this one will arrive late in the day for southwest england, south wales. but in between, plenty of sunshine around after a chilly start, then we should see sunny spells into the afternoon. could see just a few showers developing. most places should stay dry and it'll feel warmer again with top temperatures of 20—21 degrees. now as we head through saturday
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night, this weather front across the east peps up, brings outbreaks of rains. much of northern england pushing into scotland and this one across the southwest pushes northwards across england and wales. so it'll be turning cloudier, breezier and wetter through saturday night. so as a result, it'll be milder with double figure values for most to start monday morning. but sunday's pressure chart looks quite messy. there's a couple of weather fronts pretty much across the country will bring a more unsettled day. so i'll have that first weather front, bringing outbreaks of rain to scotland and northern ireland through the morning, some sunshine for northern scotland and then for england and wales. the sunshine will emerge when the sunshine comes out, sets off scattered, heavy and thundery downpours. these could be quite slow moving, particularly through the midlands in towards wales and northwest england. if you catch one you'll certainly know about it. but sunshine in between, maybe not quite as warm. 17—19 degrees. for bank holiday monday, the weather fronts pushed their way northward. so it's in the north where we'll see the focus of the heaviest and most
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frequent showers. i think they'll pop up pretty much anywhere. again, it's going to be another day of sunshine and showers, but it is northern and eastern areas, i think, which will see most of those thundery downpours. and later in the day, something a bit drier pushing into western areas. temperatures again, a degree or so down so 15—17 celsius, but not feeling too bad in the sunshine. as we head into tuesday and beyond, it looks like the low pressure starts to take over or whether it turns breezier. we'll see showers or longer spells of rain, but high pressure waits in the wings so it could turn a bit more settled as we move into next weekend. but certainly into next week, it will be quite unsettled showers or longer spells of rain, but a bit of sunshine in between.
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voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. radio voice-over: safm, 104-107 nationwide, - leading the conversation. the talking point with cathy mohlahlana. caller: cathy, the time - is coming where the soldiers will have to patrol - the streets of south africa like the police. how much more can we endure? everybody says to me, "you know what? "your dad's in a better place."
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and, ja, ja, it wasn't — it wasn't supposed to be like that. you don't live here any more. no, no, no, we don't live here any more, since the incident happened. yeah, we had max security gates, everything. we felt that we were doing everything to keep safe. this was going to be the forever home. yes. this was the room where we had ourfamily time. this was — this is the most hard. hmm? tearfully: the most hard of everything. i you can take — you can take a moment, if you need to.


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