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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm BST

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' initiative biden announces a new initiative regarding the war in gaza. it includes a ceasefire and hostages being freed. fin includes a ceasefire and hostages being freed-— includes a ceasefire and hostages bein: freed. �* . ., , being freed. an enduring ceasefire, the release — being freed. an enduring ceasefire, the release of _ being freed. an enduring ceasefire, the release of all _ being freed. an enduring ceasefire, the release of all hostages, - being freed. an enduring ceasefire, the release of all hostages, this - the release of all hostages, this proposal has been transferred to hamas. , ., ., , hamas. elsewhere, donna tran fights back. he makes— hamas. elsewhere, donna tran fights back. he makes a _ hamas. elsewhere, donna tran fights back. he makes a series _ hamas. elsewhere, donna tran fights back. he makes a series of _ hamas. elsewhere, donna tran fights back. he makes a series of false - back. he makes a series of false claims in a speech just a day after being found guilty of falsifying business records. sign this is a scam, this is a rigged trial, it shouldn't have been in that menu, we shouldn't have been in that menu, we shouldn't have been in that menu, we shouldn't have had thatjudge. the us and germany say ukraine's military can use western—supplied weapons to strike targets inside russia — as fighting intensifies in the kharkiv region. four budget airlines are fined by the spanish government for imposing what is says are �*abusive' extra charges.
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welcome to the world today — an hour of international news from the bbc... in the last 30 minutes, president biden has been talking about the conflict in the middle east. he said they have submitted a comprehensible ceasefire proposal that could end to a permanent end to the what with hamas. it has three stages, it involves the withdrawal of israeli troops inhabited areas of gaza, as well as the release of its really hostages for top mr biden said the proposal has now been sent to the palestinian side, and urged hamas to accept it. here is some of the present�*s speech. for accept it. here is some of the present's speech.— accept it. here is some of the present's speech. for the past several months, _ present's speech. for the past several months, i— present's speech. for the past several months, i negotiate i present's speech. for the pastj several months, i negotiate as present's speech. for the past l several months, i negotiate as a foreign policy and intelligence community alike have been relentlessly focused, not just on the ceasefire that would inevitably
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be fragile and temporary, but an endurable enter the war. that was the focus, and endurable enter the war. 0ne the focus, and endurable enter the war. one that brings all the hostages home, and shows israel's security. create a better day after in gaza, without hamas in power. it sets the stage for a political settlement, and provides a better future for israelis and palestinians alike. after intensive diplomacy, carried out by my team, my many conversations, leaders of israel, qatar and egypt and many middle eastern countries, israel has now offered a comprehensive new proposal. it is a road map to an enduring ceasefire, and the release of all hostages. that enduring ceasefire, and the release of all hostages.— of all hostages. that was president biden speaking _ of all hostages. that was president biden speaking within _ of all hostages. that was president biden speaking within the - of all hostages. that was president biden speaking within the last - of all hostages. that was president biden speaking within the last 30 l biden speaking within the last 30 minutes. we now go live to israel.
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we knew the details were on the table, we now know what is included. present biden putting a six week timeframe on this, but the big question is whether this is enough to bring the two sides together? we know that weeks ago they were intense negotiations to be reached between israel and hamas for a ceasefire in gaza, temporary ceasefire, and a release for the hostages are still captivated in gaza. there were many negotiations for that deal failed, and this gaza. there were many negotiations for that dealfailed, and this plan outlined by president biden, the first phase is a six—week temporary ceasefire, and the negotiations would be held for a permanent ceasefire in gaza. he has been urging hamas to accept this deal. we know that yesterday, the high mass leadership issued stating saying
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they wouldn't negotiate with the israeli government if there wasn't a permanent ceasefire. now president biden with this announcement, announcing the main details of this deal, urging hamas to accept this deal. it was also very interesting that president biden acknowledged that president biden acknowledged that many in israel would disagree with some of the proposals here. we know that some inside the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu are against the idea of accepting a deal. they say that the war in guys that must continue, that this is the only way to put pressure on hamas. for the release of all hostages who are remaining in captivity in gaza. present biden said this was a decisive moment, and again, he said that the israeli leadership should back this deal, despite any kind of pressure, and he also asked israelis
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to take a step back, and think about what happens if this moment is lost, and he said we cannot lose this moment. it seems that this moment is an effort by biden for this agreement between israel and hamas. thank you very much hugo, from jerusalem. let's speak to tom bateman — our state department correspondent who's in washington. give me assessments about what, if anything, what changes now. the details of the panel on the table. 0n the face of it, significant development, but a lot of this does rest on those two sides coming together and agreeing to the terms of it? ~ . ., ., together and agreeing to the terms ofit? m ., ., ., of it? much of that has been on the ro osals of it? much of that has been on the proposals before, _ of it? much of that has been on the proposals before, and _ of it? much of that has been on the proposals before, and you've - of it? much of that has been on the proposals before, and you've got i of it? much of that has been on the| proposals before, and you've got to say come out what is the new offer here? how might this shift the dial
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of getting hamas and israel to reach an agreement. and what the american president is saying here to hamas is that the israelis have made a much bigger concession. that is around what he described as a so—called phase two in the deal, when he says that in the israeli wording, there would be a permanent ceasefire, a permanent end to this war. he said a bit later in the speech at the us was there to ensure that israelis stick to their side of the deal, just as qatar and egypt would make sure that hamas sticks to its side of the deal. he said the us will guarantee that israel finishes this walk, if you can get to a second phase after six weeks, where the first batch of hostages have been released, the latest batch of hostages, the wounded and the elderly, are released and its significance second phase where this temporary ceasefire would turn into a permanent one. an end to the war.
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that is what is being dangled in front of hamas. that is quite close to an egyptian brokered agreement weeks ago, that hamas had said it agreed to. it's later got bogged down, and once again fell apart. that wording is quite close to what they wanted. the demand from hamas, it's always been that there has to be a complete withdrawal, and to the war, of israeli forces on the ground from gaza. present biden said you would get withdrawal of israeli population from centres, and after six weeks, complete withdrawal from gaza. in exchange, hamas would release all of the rest of the hostages. why does it go from here? yesterday, we had him as saying it wouldn't come to a negotiating table until israel stopped the fighting. i think titley after the killings in
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rafah after an israeli air strike on sunday, it was one of the reasons they had said that. and the israeli side, they have a lot of objections to the ultranationalist, far right in the government to all of this. they don't want to put any trips out of gaza whatsoever. you could be looking at a significant political change if the israeli government was to accept this. i do think the american administration would object to that. they're frustrated with benjamin netanyahu deeply, and i think they would far rather, don't ever since publicly, be working with other members of his war cabinet, the members of the opposition. they are looking at a way through all of this, but the key point is to try and get them back to the negotiating table in quick time. what present biden is saying if you don't grasp this moment, it won't come again. you're looking at a year's long insurgency, israeli occupation, and a really devastating future for
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everyone involved. that is basically the american administration message. in his words, it's a decisive moment. in his words, it's a decisive moment-— in his words, it's a decisive moment. ., ., , ., ., in his words, it's a decisive moment. ., ., ., moment. tom, really good to have you there. moment. tom, really good to have you there- thank — moment. tom, really good to have you there- thank you _ moment. tom, really good to have you there. thank you very _ moment. tom, really good to have you there. thank you very much. _ moment. tom, really good to have you there. thank you very much. as - there. thank you very much. as thomas saying, that deal, potentially needing a lot of help from carter and egypt to bring the two sides together once again. egypt and qatar working to ensure hamas would not resume military operations against israel. present biden also talking about the plight of palestinians, saying they have endured sheer hell, too many civilians have been killed, he said, and he talks about a better future of self—determination for the palestinian people. let's take you to paris right now, where a pro—palestinian protesters getting under way there. messages we had from present biden spreading right now around the world, but as we are
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hearing from our correspondence in jerusalem and then washington, they still are what lot of work to do to get this deal over the line. whilst a significant step forward, and joe biden putting it, a six week timeframe on this, it involves a lot of work for all sides to come together in the table to agree this deal. six weeks of phase one, which will enter mass would negotiate, phase two would be a permanent end to the hostility. in phase three, he says, a major reconstruction plan for gaza and the ability for palestinians to return to their home. clearly, the ultimate end is a permanent end to hostilities. how will they get there, how it happens, the details that still needs to be determined is a work in progress. certainly right now, significant moments thatjoe biden says we cannot afford to lose.
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the us election campaign has moved into uncharted territory, after donald trump's criminal conviction. in a long and at times rambling speech, he angrily attacked his opponents, claiming his trial was rigged. the biden campaign says the speech was confused and desperate. it follows mr trump's unprecedented guilty verdicts on all 3a counts, overfalsifying business records, to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star. he'll be sentenced injuly and could face jail, though legal experts believe a fine is more likely. he made it clear, he'll appeal. so, what impact could all this, have on the presidential election in november? gary 0'donoghue, has more from new york. the breaking news — donald trump, guilty. a watershed moment in this nation's history. the first former president - of the united states convicted on criminal charges. america woke up to news this morning that few would ever have imagined. a country that holds itself up as an example
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to the rest of the world, now with a former president who is a criminal. inside this iconic building that launched the extraordinary political career nearly ten years ago, donald trump vowed to fight on. this is a scam, it's a rigged trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue, we shouldn't have had thatjudge. eight years ago, donald trump famously said he could shoot someone right here in the middle of fifth avenue and not lose voters. now he really is a criminal multiple times over, those voters may well get their chance to prove him right or wrong. staten island was the only one of new york's five boroughs to vote for the quintessential new yorker donald trump in both 2016 and 2020. commuters arriving from the island for work today were remaining loyal. i love trump. why? because he's going to make america great again.
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what do you think of the conviction? he's still going to be president. still going to be president. i've got to get to work. joe biden is out. and you say convicted felon. i don't know what this jury was thinking. i think people are still going to vote for him anyway. - according to the trump campaign more than $34 million was raised from small donors in the hours following the guilty verdict, almost doubling their previous daily record. but half this divided country believes donald trump got what was coming to him. i don't know what to say. i did not think that this was actually going to happen, and ijust can't believe it. it's about time he was held accountable for something. i can't believe it, it's amazing. donald trump will undoubtedly appeal against this verdict but that won't happen for months. before that he will be sentenced
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and will enter the final lap of this presidential election with a criminal conviction around his neck. this is uncharted territory in the 250—year history of this country. let's speak to our north america correspondent john sudworth in new york. john, you are inside trump tower listening to the speech. what did you make of it? went on for quite a while, a lot of false claims and rambling at times? it while, a lot of false claims and rambling at times?— while, a lot of false claims and rambling at times? it was a rambling seech, rambling at times? it was a rambling speech. ben- — rambling at times? it was a rambling speech, ben. and _ rambling at times? it was a rambling speech, ben. and what _ rambling at times? it was a rambling speech, ben. and what struck - rambling at times? it was a rambling speech, ben. and what struck me, . rambling at times? it was a rambling speech, ben. and what struck me, i | speech, ben. and what struck me, i think, is often trump appeared more weary than angry. as you say, it was full of falsehoods of substantiated claims, at one point suggested that china was sending people's
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liberation army is across the american border disguised as migrants. he suggested that a former senior trump executive who was sent to jail for tax fraud senior trump executive who was sent to jailfor tax fraud including senior trump executive who was sent to jail for tax fraud including for failing to declare tax on luxury cars that he was given as part of his remuneration was nothing unusual. all americans do that, he seemed to suggest. but the main thrust of this speech today, of course, was to respond to that tidal wave of guilty verdicts in that court in lower manhattan yesterday evening. 0n court in lower manhattan yesterday evening. on that issue, mr trump a's language was pretty stark. he said we are living in a far—fetched state. —— fattest state. crooked joe biden was behind it. he also suggested thatjoe biden was trying to win in the courts in a way he cannot win on the election campaign.
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there is deep danger in


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