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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am BST

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the electoral campaign enters its second week, with the political leaders making pledges on wealth and levelling—up across the country. south african parties are gearing up for coalition talks, as the ruling anc party looks set to lose its majority in parliament after wednesday's general election. and the breakthrough saliva test that could turn the tide on prostate cancer. hello, i'm kasia madera. we start with the latest on the israel—gaza war. both israel and hamas have made broadly positive responses to a peace plan intended to lead to a permanent ceasefire in gaza. the israeli proposal was unveiled by president biden at the white house. he said it was a three—part plan that
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would begin with a six—week ceasefire in which the israeli forces would withdrawn from populated areas of gaza. there would also be a surge of humanitarian aid as well as an exchange of some hostages for palestinian prisoners. the president said it was "time for this war to end". hamas issued a statement saying it was ready to deal a statement saying positively with any proposal offering a permanent ceasefire and a complete israeli withdrawal. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the plan was in line with israel's demands that the war would not end until its hostages were released and hamas no longer ruled gaza or posed a military threat. our first report this hour is from vincent mcaviney. after almost eight months of israeli response to the 7th october attacks by hamas, gaza lays largely in ruins, with the lives of palestinians who call it home turned upside down. more than 36,000 have been killed across the region, according to the hamas—run health ministry.
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hundreds of thousands are displaced and aid is struggling to reach them. the conflict has put the us—israel relationship under immense pressure. but in a surprise move, president biden unveiled a new peace proposal and ceasefire offer from israel. i know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely. some — some are even in the government coalition. and they've made it clear they want to occupy gaza. they want to keep fighting for years. and the hostages are not a priority to them. well, i've urged the leadership in israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes. president biden outlined a three—phase proposal that would begin with an immediate six—week ceasefire. at the same time, israeli forces would carry out a withdrawal from gaza. israeli hostages in gaza would be exchanged for palestinian prisoners,
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and 600 trucks of humanitarian aid would be delivered there each day. in the second phase, hamas and israel would negotiate a permanent end to hostilities. the final phase would include a major reconstruction operation in gaza with international support. among those urging hamas to get on board was foreign secretary david cameron, posting on social media, "let's seize this moment and bring this conflict to an end." for president biden, resolving the conflict has become a political imperative ahead of elections in five months�* time. he's been losing the support of some younger voters and muslim voters. both have been vocal in their dissatisfaction at events in gaza. for palestinians in gaza, if hamas agrees to this deal, it will be the start of a long road to rebuild some semblance
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of the lives they once had. vincent mcaviney, bbc news. here's our middle east correspondent hugo bachega on those proposals. i think it's very significant that the american president made a speech at the white house announcing these proposals. so basically, this is a three—phase plan. the first phase would see a six—week temporary ceasefire and would also see the release of some of the hostages who are being held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners from israeli jails. and during this first phase, there would be negotiations between israel and hamas for a second phase. and i think this is the key point here in this deal, because the second phase would see a permanent ceasefire. this has been a key demand from hamas, because obviously hamas thinks that if there is no guarantee that there will be a permanent ceasefire, they believe that once
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the hostages are freed, that the israeli military may return to gaza to continue with its military offensive against the group. so that's why they've been demanding a guarantee of a permanent ceasefire. and i think it was very interesting yesterday that president biden acknowledged that this deal would not be accepted by everybody in israel. and essentially he was talking about far—right members of the coalition of the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, who are against any idea of a deal with hamas. they say that the war must continue and that military pressure is the only way to bring the hostages back. but again, the president said that the israeli authorities should accept the deal despite political pressure. he also urged hamas to accept the deal. he said it was time for the war in gaza to end and for the day after in gaza to begin.
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that was our middle east correspondent outlining a bit more detail to that 3—phase plan as he described it. let's speak to the conflict mediator 0liver mcternan, who was deeply involved in the negotiations to free the israeli soldier gilad shalit. gilad shalit was held by hamas for five years. how do you start these kind of negotiations when ultimately, even now, i'mjust looking at the latest lines coming from the middle east this, benjamin netanyahu insists on the disruption of hamas in any proposals, any negotiations? that is something hamas can't agree too, how do you begin negotiations? i hamas can't agree too, how do you begin negotiations?— hamas can't agree too, how do you begin negotiations? i think you have in ointed begin negotiations? i think you have pinpointed the _ begin negotiations? i think you have pinpointed the challenge _ begin negotiations? i think you have pinpointed the challenge for - begin negotiations? i think you have pinpointed the challenge for the - pinpointed the challenge for the negotiators. i don't think it is helpful to have all this public declaration before people get around the table and are able to build the trust, the confidence in the exchange of ideas and thoughts to
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enable a real, genuine ceasefire in exchange for hostages to take place. we have waited a long time to hear those words from president biden, this warmest end. i think the success of this phase will depend on his determination and commitment to walk the talk, if i may put it that way. —— those words from president biden, this warmest end. there has been enough killing, enough disruption, both in gaza and with the families of the hostages and the hostages themselves, this madness must come to an end. unless he is prepared to commit america to those words, ifearwe prepared to commit america to those words, ifear we will see prepared to commit america to those words, i fear we will see what we have seen it several times before these great public announcements and thenit these great public announcements and then it breaking down in the detail. you touched upon the pressure that president biden is putting on
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benjamin netanyahu, he is also being pressurised from the other side, from the right of his party that believe that only a military solution can be had in order to release their hostages. he is between a rock and a hard place, which way do you think he is going to go? i which way do you think he is going to no? ~ . which way do you think he is going to no? ~' . ., , to go? i think there are many in netanyahu _ to go? i think there are many in netanyahu pass _ to go? i think there are many in netanyahu pass own _ to go? i think there are many in netanyahu pass own party - to go? i think there are many in netanyahu pass own party and i to go? i think there are many in - netanyahu pass own party and many who i've spoken to who would agree that they see this as a military solution only. and are prepared to put the lives of the hostages at risk in order to achieve that goal. remember, right from the start of this war, netanyahu expressed two goals that everyone brought into and that was that first the elimination of hamas and secondly the return of the hostages to their families.
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right from the start i have been saying those goals are incompatible, now what we need to realise is that i think israel decision in its own interests at this time. it is the external support from america to say look, this is the only way you go, and i think until that happens, we are not going to see a solution. 0liver, thank you so much, apologies to cutting, conflict mediator 0liver, thank you so much an absolute apologies for breaking in but what we are doing that is because i want to cross to west london, our political correspondent damien atticus is that with the labour bus that is just about to drive off which is why we just break into that interview. figs drive off which is why we 'ust break into that interview._ drive off which is why we 'ust break into that interview. as you hear the cheers from — into that interview. as you hear the cheers from labour _ into that interview. as you hear the cheers from labour activist - into that interview. as you hear the cheers from labour activist here, . cheers from labour activist here, you timed it pretty much perfectly,
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angela rayner�*s battle bus, they just launched it here, she is now on that, just a bit less than five weeks, 5000 mild is what they are saying she is going to cover now in that bus. she says she will drive the length and breadth of the country to take labour's message out there. she said showers really looking forward to it because she wanted to be out on the roads talking to people, pushing that labour message, change britain on every side of it, change after 14 years of conservative rule they say. angela rayner now, that will be how function in this election campaign, to be out around the country. sir keir starmer saying he willjoin her at various points on that campaign tour, but she will be the roving face if you like of the labour party and that central message that they want to push which we heard on the
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stages here from angela rayner and keir starmer. now that she is off on her way to essex today, we believe. i am very pleased we got the back end of the bus, so to speak. we saw it move away because we have been watching those pictures all morning. 5000 mild, thatis pictures all morning. 5000 mild, that isjust over a pictures all morning. 5000 mild, that is just over a thousand kilometres per hour international audience. have they done enough now when it comes to the difficult week for the labour party when it came to the veteran mp diane a bit, have they done enough now to get over that, has it been resolved? because it feels like speaking to a friend of diane a bit a bit earlier, there is still confusion and hurt still. ithink there is still confusion and hurt still. i think there is certainly distraction from what they would have hoped to have talked about carer
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have hoped to have talked about over the ast have hoped to have talked about over the past few — have hoped to have talked about r- the past few days, policies on energy, clean energy they had been talking about but it has been partly drowned out by that internal row about the selection of the one candidate, diane abbott, and we wait for the final list of candidates that will be put forward by the labour party which is next week, so tuesdayis labour party which is next week, so tuesday is the big party meeting that signed off on all of those. keir starmer, is a sign of that today, after he delivered his speech on the platform, came down and the first question to him were about to diane abbott, not about the economic policy that they want to talk about today which is a back to work plan, keir starmer says, where they want to reform the way thatjob centre service works to help people out of work back into work. that was a sign
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i think that that is still dragging on and of course as much as the attention and the questions, the questions that will linger too is any lingering damage it might have done to the labour party and the support they can draw on from the black community, those on the left of the party who have felt bruised from this process. keir of the party who have felt bruised from this process.— of the party who have felt bruised from this process. keir starmer has been tackling _ from this process. keir starmer has been tackling that _ from this process. keir starmer has been tackling that issue, _ from this process. keir starmer has been tackling that issue, also - been tackling that issue, also denying the party is blocking left—wing candidates. he has been doing the rounds this morning, let's take a lesson. 0n diane abbott, you said last week he would not get involved in her case, he said it was a matterfor the nec on candidate selection and you avoided having a view because jeremy selection and you avoided having a view becausejeremy corbyn expressed a view and that leads to a slippery slope. yesterday you gave your view and said she was free to stand, so
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what has changed, is a leader now allowed to intervene in these processes? i allowed to intervene in these processes?— allowed to intervene in these rocesses? . ., , , processes? i dealt with that issue esterda . processes? i dealt with that issue yesterday. today _ processes? i dealt with that issue yesterday. today is _ processes? i dealt with that issue yesterday. today is about - processes? i dealt with that issue yesterday. today is about taking l processes? i dealt with that issue i yesterday. today is about taking our argument to the country and getting people back to work, there are millions of people who aren't in work you are on benefits who desperately want the dignity and respect of being back to work, we are putting our plan on the table to reform job centres that they can be places of support to get people back into work to making sure we have a plan for economic inactivity and a guarantee for youth people. as i go across the country, we are now a week and a half into the campaign, people are asking how will you make the economy work and make sure we are all better off and our living standards go up, now we put our plan for getting people back into work. was that decision not made because you did not anticipate the face of
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the backlash if she was banned? i dealt with this yesterday, one of my jobs in the selection is to be answered about across the country, just as angela is with this bus 5000 miles, asking them what is the most important thing for you, and they say to me reportedly it is about the cost of living, living standards. so many people who want to be back in work but they don't feel supported and that is why our plan to get people back into work are so important to them. they want to hear what we will do a job centres and how they will be supportive of people back into work. they want to know what will we do about young people who are not in education or implement or training, what will we do with them? they want to know about you going to be acting on the table and this election is a choice
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election and i think it is really important for me to stay focused on that choice which is more of the chaos and decline under the tories ought moving our country forward with labour. the ought moving our country forward with labour-— with labour. the co-founder of operation _ with labour. the co-founder of operation black _ with labour. the co-founder of operation black vote _ with labour. the co-founder of operation black vote said - with labour. the co-founder of operation black vote said you l with labour. the co-founder of. operation black vote said you have with labour. the co-founder of - operation black vote said you have a lot of work to do within the community,, can you understand why black voters are perhaps thinking twice about voting for labour and if they are what is your message today? let me give my message because i think this is very important which is if you want to change, the power is if you want to change, the power is with you because the vote is with you, you have to vote for change. we have changed this labour party and put it back in the service of working people. what we are asking now, humbly asking, is the opportunity to change our country and put it back in the service of working people. that requires both
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setting out our ambition to change the country but also our first steps, the down payment if you like, stabilising our economy, getting people back into work, setting up great british energy to keep bills down, there is in the first steps to be change this country desperately needs, so my message to be voters is if you want change and i think so many people are yearning for change, you have to vote for it. sir keir starmer they're speaking a little earlier before that battle bus drove off behind you to do that 5000 milejourney bus drove off behind you to do that 5000 mile journey across the country. is his messaging getting through it when it comes to the policies? is that getting through, all the different headlines that we have had in the past week? i think certainl it have had in the past week? i think certainly it is _ have had in the past week? i think certainly it is getting _ have had in the past week? i think certainly it is getting through - have had in the past week? i think certainly it is getting through at i certainly it is getting through at some level. what was interesting, you could hear in that interview, it is worth saying that interview is what in the coverage of all of this
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is called a pool interview which is where he does one interview and the questions are agreed on behalf of all of the broadcasters who will then share that, so the bbc, itv, and so those questions reflect what has gone into that in a joint decision of all of that. so it is interesting how all of those were focusing largely on the diane abbott issue but he is trying to rent it back to the policy he wants to talk about today which is this back to work plan. you heard him there saying it is myjob to keep the focus on this but the criticism of him has been it is also hisjob as a leader of the labour party to keep the party and that direction, but the party and that direction, but the questions about selection, could they have been fixed a long time ago? what you will see now is perhaps the question will shift back to more of the issues of policy like
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this back to work plan today as people will drill into that and the criticism there as it is more sort of waffle than actual welfare reforms, that is what the conservatives say and that is something i think keir starmer was seeking to try to address but again, these are questions that will all be debated. this these are questions that will all be debated. �* , . these are questions that will all be debated. ., ~ these are questions that will all be debated. a . ., ~ these are questions that will all be debated. ., ~ debated. as always, thank you so much. as damien _ debated. as always, thank you so much. as damien was _ debated. as always, thank you so much. as damien was saying, - debated. as always, thank you so | much. as damien was saying, that pool or clip is where all the broadcasters get one opportunity to speak to a leader and as damien was saying, really interesting to see how that works because the broadcasters is putting questions and decided to give them what questions will be asked. lots more on our website as you can imagine and we have a poll tracker to see how all the different parties are doing at the moment and we will of course have much more on the conservatives and the liberal democrats and some of the other party is a little later on in the
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programme so do stay with us for that. live nation entertainment, the owner of the ticketing website ticketmaster, has confirmed that hackers have accessed customer data. the company says it's working to mitigate risk to users after the hackers offered personal data for sale on the dark net. earlier this week, the hacking group, shinyhunters, said it had hacked the personal details of more than half a billion ticketmaster customers. the group says the stolen data includes names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card details. on friday, santander bank confirmed it had been hacked by the same group. south african parties are gearing up for coalition talks as the african national congress looks certain to lose its outright majority for the first time since the end of apartheid. results from 97% of polling stations show the anc at around 40% after this week's election, a sharp drop from the last one. it will have to share power to in order to continue governing and political parties are gearing up for coalition talks. earlier i caught up with my colleague catherine byaruhanga
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who is at the vote counting centre north ofjohannesburg to hear how some of the opposition parties are already challenging the results so far. yes, so the screen behind me shows that out of all the polling stations in south africa, 97 of them have published their results, shared them, they've been verified and so the electoral commission is sharing them with the country. what they show so far has been the story we have seen over the past few days and that's that the ruling anc is set to lose its majority in parliament. however, over the past 2a hours or so, we have been hearing from different political parties in south africa. some of them challenging the process and the final results that have now been shared. specifically in the western cape region, several parties there are challenging those results, and crucially there is the mk party, the party of the former presidentjacob zuma.
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it has made huge inroads in areas like gauteng province where i am and kwazulu—natal. it's written to the electoral commission raising objections about the final tally. why this is important is because these are some of the most populous regions in south africa with huge vote counts. we're still waiting to hear from the electoral commission of how it's going to handle these objections. as you said, it is waiting until sunday to publish the final results because what usually happens is it will take the next few hours to meet with different parties, look over the results and then make a decision as to whether those objections will determine and change the final result that's in front of us. but really, we are waiting to hear from the anc itself as to how it's going to react to what looks like a significant loss in its vote share. much more on that election on our
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website as well. president biden has said it is dangerous for people to question the integrity of the guilty verdict in donald trump's hush—money jury trial. he said the former president had been given every opportunity to defend himself. mr trump has said he will appeal against his criminal conviction. 0ur north america correspondent john sudworth reports from new york. in the gold—trimmed grandeur of trump tower, its owner set out his vision for an election campaign based on the politics of personal grievance. we had a conflicted judge. highly conflicted. there's never been a more conflicted judge. so i'm the leading person for president and i'm under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together. but he's a very big danger to our country. and the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now — win it in the courts because they can't win it at the ballot box. the accusation is without foundation. mr trump's guilty verdicts were delivered on the evidence by 12
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jurors, finding that he'd falsified records to hide hush money payments to the porn star stormy daniels to keep her claim that they had had sex from us voters. hi, everyone. in his first comments on the verdict, president biden described mr trump's attacks on the court, the judge and the system as a whole, as dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. 0urjustice system has endured for nearly 250 years. and it literally is the cornerstone of america. but minds are already made up — americans are now a people talking past each other across a deep political divide. there's no doubting the seismic significance of having a convicted felon as republican candidate for president. but the political implications are harder to discern. 0n the one hand, it might put some voters off. 0n the other, mr trump will do everything he can to use
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it for his advantage. the former president claimed that, in the few hours since the verdict was delivered, he had already raised almost $40 million in campaignfunds. john sudworth, bbc news, new york. now have a look at these pictures. this is scott whitehouse in his driveway in derbyshire here in the uk. just have a look at some of this action! brilliant, look at the surprise on his face, that's what kills me! he's taken the internet by storm after displaying these nifty football skills that were captured on a home security camera. no one is more surprised than him, can we see the end? hello.
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in weather and climate terms, the beginning ofjune marks the start of summer and the weather is going to feel fairly summer—like this weekend. it will be dry for most of us, warm in the sunshine, but the nights will still be quite chilly. and saturday getting off to a rather chilly start. these are the temperatures in the towns and cities, out in the countryside some spots a little bit colder than that. but after that chilly start, most places will see some spells of sunshine. any early mist will clear, this area of cloud across east anglia and the southeast, that should tend to break up to give some spells of sunshine. but then we've got this zone of cloud pushing out of southern scotland into northern england, affecting parts of northern ireland, north wales, the north midlands — maybe producing the odd shower and temperatures for some northern and eastern coasts, around ia, 15, 16 degrees in shelter, southern and western parts, highs of 20 or 21 degrees. now through saturday night into sunday, a few mist patches, but largely clear skies overhead. that will allow temperatures to drop down into single digits for many. high pressure in charge of the weather this weekend
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centred to the west of us. but as we get into sunday, the orientation of that high will allow this clump of cloud to roll its way into the northern half of the uk. so, clouding over i think across parts of northern ireland, certainly northern and western parts of scotland. a little bit of patchy rain, perhaps some more persistent rain into the northwest later. eastern scotland should see some brightness and for england and wales will hold on to some spells of sunshine and it is going to feel warm out there. highs of 22 or maybe 23 degrees — always a bit cooler towards the north and the west of the uk, where this frontal system will be bringing some outbreaks of mostly light and patchy rain. that front sinking a little bit further southwards into monday. not much rain left on it by this stage, but certainly a band of cloud pushing southwards. that cloud likely to affect parts of wales, southern england by monday afternoon, with the odd shower. further north, some spells of sunshine. temperatures down a little bit, but still getting to 20 or 21 degrees. but those temperatures do have further to fall. the summer—like warmth not lasting all that long for some of us
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with this cooler air sinking its way southward. so temperatures will be dropping actually towards the middle and the end of the week, and particularly in the northern half of the uk, we will see some showers.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... israel and hamas have given broadly positive responses to a new peace proposal that would lead to a permanent ceasefire in gaza.
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the three—part plan would begin with a six—week ceasefire, with the israel defense forces withdrawing from populated areas of gaza. the deal could eventually lead to a permanent "cessation of hostilities". the electoral campaign in the uk enters its second week — the prime minister rishi sunak is heading to the north—east of england with a pledge to give 30 towns across the uk £20 million each. the labour party is launching a five thousand mile battle bus tour while vowing that, if they win the election, its main mission will be creating wealth. and south african parties are gearing up for coalition talks — as the ruling african national congress party looks set lose its majority in parliament after wednesday's general election. here in the uk, the labour leader, sir keir starmer,
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says the veteran labour mp, diane abbott, is free to stand for election in her north london constituency.


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