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tv   Newsday  BBC News  June 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am BST

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welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i'm arunoday mukharji. lets get you the headlines: a ceasefire plan for gaza hangs in the balance as the us says hamas proposed a number of changes. president biden arrives in italy for a g7 summit set to be dominated by the wars in ukraine and gaza. russian naval vessels arrive in cuba — in a move seen as a show of force amid tensions with the west over the war in ukraine. and — india defeat usa by seven wickets to reach the super 8s in the t20 cricket world cup.
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you're watching bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in the uk and around the world. we begin in the middle east and the us secretary of state has said that american and other mediators will work over the coming days to see if they can reach an agreement for a ceasefire in gaza. the us has come up with a plan, but there's a blame game about why it hasn't been accepted. speaking in qatar — on his latest trip to the region — antony blinken said that israel had agreed to the deal, but hamas had proposed a number of changes, some of which he described as unworkable. but a senior hamas official has denied this, saying they did not put forward new demands, and are still committed to the proposal. hamas claims israel has rejected the deal and argues america is covering up for its ally. israel has not commented. let's take a look at the plan, which involves three phases.
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the first would see an initial six—week ceasefire, when hamas would release some of the hostages — including women, the elderly, children and the sick or wounded in exchange for israel releasing an undefined number of palestinian prisoners. a second phase would see all remaining living hostages released and the withdrawal of all israeli forces from gaza as part of a "permanent cessation of hostilities", but the latter would still be subject to further negotiations. in the third phase, the remains of any dead hostages would be returned and a major reconstruction plan for gaza would commence. our correspondentjon donnison, has more from jerusalem. well, look, i don't think this deal is dead, but it's not looking terribly healthy. there's no doubt that the americans, the qataris, the egyptians, the world really, wants this deal to go ahead. but the two people who really matter,
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the people who are calling the shots are prime minister benjamin netanyahu here in israel and yahya sinwar, the hamas leader in gaza. and it doesn't really seem like either of them are committed to what the americans are saying they have agreed to. so the the key issues that there's disagreement on are phase two of the proposal that was announced byjoe biden a few weeks ago. so that would involve the complete withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and a permanent cease fire between israel and hamas. now, hamas is seeking greater reassurances, guarantees that that is going to happen. they don't trust that israel will stick to that. and the truth is that although america says that israel has signed up to that, benjamin netanyahu has not said that publicly. he's not said that explicitly.
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and he knows that if he were to do that, there are people within his government on the extreme right of his coalition who have said they will pull out of the government and that would mean fresh elections and possibly the end of benjamin netanyahu's time in power. so the americans seem to think this deal is close. theyjust need to push a little bit harder. they're going to continue, they say, to put pressure on the qataris and the egyptians to put pressure on hamas. but it really doesn't feel like on the ground. but it really doesn't feel like on the ground, it's terribly close at the moment. this remains a big story if you want to read more you can see that on the bbc website as well as other headlines linked to the regent with global ramifications. us presidentjoe biden has arrived in italy for the g7 summit which is due to kick off on thursday.
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in a sideline meeting, biden and ukraine's presdent zelensky are expected to sign a new security agreement. the deal follows a new raft of us sanctions against companies helping moscow's war machine in ukraine. meanwhile, the french presidency has announced that g7 leaders have agreed to provide ukraine with $50 billion using interest on frozen russian assets by the end of the year. for more analysis, we can speak now to professor of international affairs, james brown, at temple university's japan campus in tokyo. thank you for your time. to put things in context, japan has been fairly cautious and hesitant about respecting international law. how would they be approaching the issue of the frozen russian assets at the g7? ~ ., ., ., the g7? what we have that in the g7? what we have that in the run-up — the g7? what we have that in the run-up to _ the g7? what we have that in
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the run-up to this _ the g7? what we have that in | the run-up to this assignment the run—up to this assignment is clearly some different positions within the g7. you have had a more hawkish approach from the united states, talking about even seizing the assets in their entirety and other countries, including japan, taking a more cautious approach and what we are seeing emerged with the summit is a compromise agreement, an agreement that japan will also be happy with, which means the assets themselves are not confiscated but rather they can be used to draw this loan of around 50 billion us dollars that can be provided immediately for the reconstruction is of ukraine and that will be paid off over the years with interest on those assets so japan it would be pleased with that.- be pleased with that. japan is also the only _ be pleased with that. japan is also the only asian _ be pleased with that. japan is also the only asian country i be pleased with that. japan is also the only asian country atj also the only asian country at the g7 another question of china, which is also going to come up, is it a tightrope walk forjapan while handing in a tightrope walk forjapan while handling any pushback considering china is a critical
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and important economic partner for the country?— for the country? firstly, for ja an, for the country? firstly, for japan. they _ for the country? firstly, for japan, they will— for the country? firstly, for japan, they will be - for the country? firstly, for japan, they will be looking | for the country? firstly, for i japan, they will be looking to make sure that attention is drawn to the indo—pacific. quite rightly, the g7 will be talking about the middle east, and ukraine, butjapan�*s and ukraine, but japan's priority and ukraine, butjapan�*s priority will be don't forget about the indo—pacific and describing that as a tight rope exercise is exactly right. japan does want to take tough approach towards china and in the news in the last few days withinjapan, a lot of talk about possible sanctions against chinese companies for their support for russia but at their support for russia but at the same timejapan is mindful that china is its number one economic partner and undoubtedly there would be a backlash from chinese japan's stance is too strong.— stance is too strong. japan is also looking _ stance is too strong. japan is also looking closely - stance is too strong. japan is also looking closely at - stance is too strong. japan is also looking closely at the i also looking closely at the north korea question and its relationship with china and something that would like to keep the spotlight on? japan would be a — keep the spotlight on? japan would be a lead _ keep the spotlight on? japan would be a lead speaker - keep the spotlight on? japan would be a lead speaker on i keep the spotlight on? i:v—.i would be a lead speaker on that issue at the g7 summit and
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japan's concern is north korea is providing all the support for russia in terms of ballistic missiles and artillery shells but what they are more worried about is what russia might do for north korea in return, especially in terms of providing any advice, technology that might help with its missile and nuclear programmes.- its missile and nuclear programmes. its missile and nuclear rorammes. , programmes. james, you said they have _ programmes. james, you said they have been _ programmes. james, you said they have been divergent - programmes. james, you said i they have been divergent views, some hawkish, some cautious on various aspects and issues, do you think we will see a united front at the g7? any issues that will need ironing out by disagreeing member states? i think the officials have done their work here. over the last few weeks, there has been intensive activity by the italian presidency... inaudible various other officials we
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expect to see no divergence. we lost ou expect to see no divergence. we lost you there for a moment but i think we got a crux of what you were mentioning. thank you very much for putting that in perspective as we lead into the g7 and track the development. thank you very much once again. always a pleasure. staying with geopolitics. three russian warships and a submarine have arrived in cuba, some 90 miles off the us coast. the ships will be carrying out military exercises. the us and cuba said they posed no threat, but it comes as tensions are high between the us and russia over the war in ukraine. it's important to note the russian warships are not believed to be carrying nuclear weapons. our central american correspondent will grant explained what we know about this deployment and the ships involved. the ships are some of the most high tech, sophisticated
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russian warships ever to visit cuba. cuba has been host to russian military and naval exercises in the past. there's nothing in and of itself unique about that. the fact that these warships are accompanied by nuclear powered submarine was interesting — i don't think any cubans had seen anything like that before. of course it's a target, there is a double message here for that one is to the government in havana very much saying that russia remains by the side of the communist run government, they are close allies and will remain so for them the main message to washington, the white house which said essentially about meddling in what they see as their back yard — if you're going to meddle in our back yard of ukraine, the war in ukraine well we too can do so in the caribbean, in cuba, venezuela and so on. it is all about the optics and sending that message in the current circumstances
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for the how do you assess the responses been from washington? would you say cautious and looking to try to play it down? in a sense, yes. what they are doing is letting journalists and briefing the media to say look, we're very well aware that it is there. that these warships are in nearby waters but we're not believe as the officials have put it that this poses a threat to the united states. cuba for its part has stressed that as well. as you said in your introduction it is not believed there are nuclear weapons on this nuclear powered submarine. i don't think they will take it entirely lightly. it is a form of sabre rattling. it comes at a sensitive time, it says a lot about russia's relationship with latin america, the caribbean at a time when washington is diverted elsewhere and perhaps has been guilty of not paying enough attention to the rest of the americans.
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france's main centre—right opposition party has removed its leader, after he announced an alliance with the far—right national rally in snap elections scheduled for the end of the month. senior republicans also voted to expel eric ciotti, angered by what they saw as a betrayal of the party's history and values. but he's rejected the unanimous executive committee vote, insisting he's still the party's leader. earlier, president emmanuel macron called on centrist parties to coalesce to counter extremist parties on the right and left, warning of "unnatural alliances". he also defended calling the snap election, after the national rally convincingly won european parliamentary elections in france. translation: this is why, in my view, the answer - could not lie in changes of government or coalitions which were not possible in parliament, as the last few days have very clearly shown, but in a dissolution, which is the only way to clarify matters.
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because we are at a time when our country must rise to a number of challenges and cannot be blocked by the extremes and because it is an act of confidence in our people, in democracy, in the republican spirit and in the national common sense. and in our national commonsense. in my view, in this context, returning to the sovereign people is the only republican decision. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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you live with bbc news. dengue was once considered a disease largely limited to tropical and subtropical regions. it's transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes and in recent years it has spread as far as europe and the united states. ——you are live with bbc news. it's thought climate change has made it possible for an invasive species of mosquito to thrive in new places and drive up the number of infections. here's our health reporter philippa roxby.
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mosquitoes have become a growing threat in europe over the past two decades. the particularly invasive asian tiger mosquito has now set up home in 13 countries in europe, including france, spain, germany and greece. warm, humid conditions are encouraging it to spread further north and west. and with it come diseases like dengue. dr andrea ammon, a director of the european centre for disease prevention and control, told a press conference in sweden what they're seeing. there is a connection between a higher temperature in summer, milder winters and the spread of the mosquitoes further in areas where they're not present right now. figures for 2023 show a significant rise in people infected locally and through international travel. with the olympic games bringing large numbers to paris this summer, experts
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are warning of the risk of more outbreaks. advice is to use repellent and remove stagnant water from gardens, where mosquitoes can breed. if climate change progresses at the pace it has so far, a recent report warns that dengue could be transmitted in the uk within a0 years. philippa roxby, bbc news. heavy rainfall has prevented flights from taking off from spain's third largest airport because of flooding on its runways. eyewitnesses at palma de mallorca airport said it was chaos, with passengers running for cover from water pouring through the roof. all flights were grounded. our reporter chi chi izundu has more. heavy rain, heavy flooding. a stock because nearly nine centimetres of rain to fall in less than an hour in palma de mallorca. this is a's third
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biggest airport. passengers were not able to enter or leave the terminal building and officials activated an emergency plan and temporarily rerouted flights to other airports because of the possibility of operating safely. possibility of operating safel . , possibility of operating safel. , ., safely. does that impossibility. - safely. does that impossibility. i. safely. does that i impossibility. i got safely. does that . impossibility. i got a notification that my flight was cancelled until this evening and now we are checking for other options to get to germany tonight. it other options to get to germany toni . ht. . , other options to get to germany toniaht. .,, , other options to get to germany toniaht. , . tonight. it has been cancelled apparently. — tonight. it has been cancelled apparently. and _ tonight. it has been cancelled apparently, and i— tonight. it has been cancelled apparently, and i was - tonight. it has been cancelled apparently, and i was going i tonight. it has been cancelled | apparently, and i was going on apparently, and i was going on a business _ apparently, and i was going on a business trip.— a business trip. last year, some 31 — a business trip. last year, some 31 million _ a business trip. last year, some 31 million people i a business trip. last year, i some 31 million people passed through this apple's dollars an hour with flights resuming, operation cleanup can begin. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. there have been violent clashes between police and protesters in the argentinian capital buenos aires as lawmakers discussed economic reforms proposed by presidentjavier milei. local media described the scenes outside the congress
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building as "a battlefield". more than forty people were injured. the measures proposed by the president include declaring a state of economic emergency, cutting pensions and watering down labour rights. a russian strike on the ukrainian president's home town of kryvyi has killed nine people. the prosecutor general�*s office says 29 people were wounded. a search and rescue operation is ongoing. president zelensky called on ukraine's allies to step up deliveries of sophisticated defence systems to ward off russian aerial attacks. at least 49 people have been killed in a fire at a residential building in the kuwaiti city of mangaf. flames engulfed the lower part of the building while thick black smoke billowed from the upper floors. many of the casualties are said to be foreign workers who lived there, including a number of indian nationals. a bangladeshi court has indicted the nobel peace prize winner, muhammad yunus, and 13 others on charges
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of embezzlement. he denies involvement in corruption. speaking to the bbc, mr yunus said he and his co—workers were being harassed by the authorities. cricket is the most genteel of english pastimes. not something you'd associate with america. but, the us is hosting the t20 world cup. and fresh off a historic victory over pakistan, the hosts took on another of the sport's giants but couldn't quite get past them. they came close though. india defeated the us by seven wickets — securing their place in the second round of the tournament with one more game to play. all hope is not lost for the us, either — they'll have a chance to qualify in a final group match against ireland. i spoke to us cricket broadcaster peter della penna who was commentating at the match to get his reaction. well, it is quite extraordinary. first, to have the crowd that they did say they had
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31,000 people here, which was the second biggest crowd of the tournament for any venue only behind the india—pakistan match here on sunday. so to see so many people turn out for a usa match and the way they supported usa over the course of the day, a lot of people walked through the turnstiles with india blue on, but there were usa, usa chants as the match wore on, and especially with the first two wickets that sir robert volker took, he's become a media darling here in the us and around the world with his story. as somebody who is a full time worker for oracle and saving usa in the super over against pakistan and taking the wicket of virat kohli first ball today and then following it up and over later with rohit sharma. and the crowd really got into it. and by the end of the day the usa players were the ones who were being chased forautographs, not the indian players. and that was extraordinary to see. yeah. in fact, that that is an interesting point because i wanted to talk to you about that. you know, a lot of people have been surprised when they heard
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that the t20 world cup was being held in the us. so given the crowds and the reaction, how would you say it's been there? do you feel cricket perhaps now has arrived in the us? well, it's kind of a tale of two cities for the first two venues that were used in the us. if you walk around the community in dallas, texas at grand prairie stadium. hardly anybody knew that the tournament was going on. i mean, you talked to the restaurant workers and hotel front desk workers, hospitality workers that you would expect to have their finger on the pulse of what's going on in their community. and really, very few people knew that the world cup was happening right under their nose. you contrast that to the venue in long island and nassau county. and overwhelmingly, the community was behind the event. a lot of people, whether it was leisure activities like going to golf courses or restaurants or hotels or taking the public transit, if you left grand central station or penn station in downtown underneath madison square garden and you took the train, the long island railroad, to get out to the venue in long island, nassau county international cricket stadium, the signage was everywhere, the awareness was there, and there was a much different
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atmosphere in new york that you get a sense that people were catching onto the world cup. do you think this is also because it's the t20, it's the faster format of the game, the money spinning version of the game? do you think it would be harder to do something like this if, say, there was a test series? you know, it's quite shocking to come across the amount of people who actually get introduced to cricket and become fans of cricket who are americans. and test cricket is their first introduction. that's their gateway to the game, one day cricket as well. you wouldn't believe how many fans come to these venues and you ask them, how did you get into cricket and it could be seeing the ashes, for example. that's how i got into cricket, the 2005 ashes, that seminal series between england and australia. that's how i got into cricket and i was born and raised in newjersey, didn't know anything about cricket before that, and i discovered it through a semester abroad in australia. and you encounter there a lot, a lot of people discover cricket through travelling overseas, so they might have had a job overseas or their
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partner might be from india or pakistan or england or australia, and they get brought to a test match and they fall in love with it. the challenge, regardless of whether it's test cricket, odi cricket or t20 cricket, is just getting them into the ground in the first place. it's very hard to explain cricket when you're using salt and pepper shakers and forks and knives and spoons on a dinner table. but if you get them in front of an actual match in a cricket ground, i've never had somebody who's actually come to a match in person and walk away not loving test cricket and not saying to themselves, i want to come back for another match. a team has located the wreck of quest, the ship used by sir ernest shackleton on his final expedition to the antarctic. the anglo—irish explorer died of a heart attack onboard in 1922. the ship sank a0 years later at the other end of the globe near newfoundland in canada. setting sail for sir ernest shackleton's final expedition, the ship, called quest, leaving london for antarctica,
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but shackleton never made it. he died of a heart attack aged a7, while the ship was in the harbour at south georgia. quest continued in service until it sank in 1962. now, an expedition has been searching the labrador sea off canada, where the vessel was lost. they used sonar to locate it. that's it. you got it. are you serious? well, look, that's what i thought. the image shows quest lying almost intact, 390 metres down. this matches exactly the characteristics, the size, and the fact that we can see a mast. it's very clear that it's... ..that it's quest. we have some wonderful news. we have located quest. the team contact alexandra shackleton, sir ernest shackleton's granddaughter. well, i suppose at the end, the final discovery of the shackleton story. as you know, it ended when he was only a7, and the ship went on which is why this expedition came into being. it's squaring the circle.
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on board quest, shackleton wrote in his diary the night before he died, "ath of january, 1922. "it's a strange and curious place. "a wonderful evening. "in the darkening twilight, i saw a lone star hover, "gem—like above the bay." rebecca morelle, bbc news. people in china have got their first look at the giant panda foo bao, following her return from south korea. she had been undergoing quarantine and health inspection for two months, and her public debut came after accusations of mistreatment levelled at the chinese panda centre by fu bao's south korean fans. she is now exploring her new home. enjoying lots of bamboo, apples and steamed corn buns. that's all for now — stay with bbc news.
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hello there. it's turning more unsettled across the uk for the end of the week. we're picking up low pressure off the atlantic. that's going to bring wind and rain increasingly so across the country during thursday. although we start the day chilly and bright like we have the last few mornings, however, we cut off that arctic airflow, the blue colours, then replace it with something milder for the end of the week. however, that comes with wind and rain all tied in with this frontal system linked to low pressure. before it moves in, though, it's going to be another chilly start to thursday up and down the country. these are towns and city values could be low single digits. again, rural spots. so plenty of sunshine around chilly one or two mist patches. rain already getting into northern ireland will spread across the irish sea through the morning, reaching western britain around lunchtime. some of this rain will be quite heavy at times. the winds picking up too,
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eventually reaching eastern areas. all but northeast scotland and east and southeast england. here, it'll stay dry until after dark. 17 or 18 degrees will be the high. that's pretty decent considering the fact there'll be a lack of sunshine. now through thursday night the heavier the rain pushes northwards across scotland and the northern hours elsewhere, it's going to be clear spells patchy cloud and a few showers. but look at these temperatures. vastly difference how it's been the last few nights. a mild one to come with temperatures in double figures, low teens celsius pretty much across the board for friday. low pressure sits across the uk bringing showers or longer spells of rain. longer spells of rain will be affecting the northern half of scotland without weather fronts. elsewhere, it's sunny spells, scattered showers. some of these will be heavy and thundering places, particularly central, southern and western areas. but in between some good spells of sunshine and that'll lift temperatures up 18 to 20 degrees in the warmest spots. friday night will be very mild again. and as we head into saturday, low pressures withers again,
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and as we head into saturday, low pressures with us again, showers or longer spells of rain. some good sunny spells in between, though. if you avoid the showers and stay dry all day, it could be quite pleasant. again, those temperatures into the high teens, closer to the mid—teens across scotland where we have more cloud and rain. our area of low pressure just hang around, though, for part two of the weekend, even into the start of next week. but it could be that southern parts of britain on sunday could see drier, sunnier weather at time with the rain across the north. but there'll be further showers as we head into the start of the new week as well. take care.
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inflation eases in the us but not enough of be federal reserve two, record interest rates. with a higher cost of living not deterring australians from investing in theirfurry australians from investing in their furry friends, we will have the details ahead. hello and welcome to business today. we start with good news on the economy from the us. consumer price rises eased slightly last month arising just 3.3% but that wasn't enough to persuade the federal reserve to cut interest rates. the central bank held the cost of borrowing study at the highest rate in years. erin delmore has the details from new york. economic datasets can feel abundant,
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these are two big deal events.


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