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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am BST

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southern city rafah. world leaders gather in switzerland with ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky to discuss how to bring peace to the country. the princess of wales makes her first official appearance since being diagnosed with cancer at the king's official birthday. hello, i'm carl nasman. israel's prime minister has vowed to continue the war against hamas after eight soldiers were killed in a blast in southern gaza. the incident happended during what the idf called �*operational activity�* in the city of rafah in southern gaza. it identified one captain and said the names of the others would be released later. israeli forces have been attacking rafah for weeks, saying hamas�*s last remaining battalions are based there. meanwhile, the hamas—run health ministry in gaza said 30 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces
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in the past 2a hours. and in tel aviv on saturday evening, thousands gathered demanding a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages held by hamas since the 7 october attacks. our correspondent hugo bachega is injerusalem and gave us this update. this is the deadliest incident involving the israeli military since january and one of the deadliest in this war. so the military gave some details about what happened earlier today. it said these soldiers were members of an engineering unit and their armoured vehicle was hit by a large explosion. and this explosion then triggered the detonation of explosive material, engineering material in the car. so this is under investigation. apparently, this was in breach of the standard practice, and an investigation continues. but daniel hagari, a military spokesman, said that this
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initial explosion was most likely caused by an explosive device in the area or by an anti—tank missile. and we know that earlier today, the armed wing of hamas claim to have carried out an attack on an israeli convoy with an anti—tank missile, after setting up an ambush. so, a huge incident in gaza. israeli forces have been attacking rafah for weeks, saying hamas�*s last remaining battalions are based there. this is also where hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been sheltering, many have fled other parts of gaza because of this constant military activity. so, one of the deadliest incidents for the israeli military in this war. meanwhile, tensions have also been escalating this week between lebanon's hezbollah movement and israel along israel's northern frontier. on wednesday an israeli strike killed one of hezbollah�*s senior commanders. in retaliation, the group then fired multiple barrages
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of rockets into northern israel. i spoke about all this earlier with colin clarke. he is the director of research at the soufan group — a global intelligence and security consultancy. great to have you here. i want your thoughts on that explosion today and rougher which killed at least eight members of the idf. what do you think that now says about the state of this war and this battle in gaza? —— rafah. it war and this battle in gaza? -- rafah. , ., . ., war and this battle in gaza? -- rafah. , ., _, ., rafah. it is to the core of something _ rafah. it is to the core of something i _ rafah. it is to the core of something i worried - rafah. it is to the core ofl something i worried about rafah. it is to the core of. something i worried about in rafah. it is to the core of- something i worried about in an essay titled counterinsurgency trap, warning against idf mission creek in gaza. the israelis home anyway playing into hamas has. they want them to get bogged down. yet it troops are still dying, and unfortunately, so we've just seen. at the g7 which just
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took place yesterday, we heard this plan laid out by france and the us and israel as well. this is meant to help reduce tensions of the north of israel with hezbollah. we've seen plenty of fire going back and forth between the two sides. what did you make of that announcement and whether or not that's something that can be affected? there's a real sense of urgency in terms of getting some kind of deal done to reduce tensions between israel and hezbollah. and it is important. if you think about what the israelis have been racing against hamas and gaza, a second theatre on the northern front against hezbollah would make what's going on in hamas look like child's play. hezbollah is one of the, if not the most capable violent non—state actors. it's a state within a state, is a group with an arsenal about 150,000 precision—guided rockets and missiles. so the israelis know
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the stakes are high. the us, the french do, international communities trying to broker some kind of deal to roll back tensions here. it felt like this deal, which was laid out at the g7, got a lukewarm response from israel, at least from its defence minister yoav gallant came out to rule this out altogether. do you think it is a plan that israel might be on board with or are their eyes on the northern border thinking that they might want to take their military action there? it is about short _ military action there? it is about short versus - military action there? it 3 about short versus long—term gains. i think the israelis are looking to solve the hezbollah problem for the long run and i think the united states, france and other countries don't really see that something that's pragmatic. so they are looking for more short—term and tactical victories. looking for more short—term and tacticalvictories. in looking for more short—term and tactical victories. in turn the israelis have labelled those biopic, seeing it as
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shortsighted, not getting us anywhere, we will be back in the same situation in the next three months so philosophically there is a difference over what each side looks at as some kind of a workable solution going forward. i of a workable solution going forward. ., ., . ., ., , forward. i want to change gears to ask about — forward. i want to change gears to ask about the _ forward. i want to change gears to ask about the report - forward. i want to change gears to ask about the report were i to ask about the report were seeing an american media today that recent us air strikes in somalia, we are targeting a global leader of isis, we don't know whether or not that leader was killed in those air strikes but what do you make of that attack and how significant it might be? i5 attack and how significant it might be?— attack and how significant it miaht be? , ., ., might be? is another reminder that the fight _ that the fight against the islamic state is not over, as much as the united states and the west, we want to walk away from counterterrorism, but there is counterterrorism fatigue the fight goes on and all those folks know somalia for the presence of al—shabab, the al-qaeda linked group, there is a small but potent islamic state presence are especially playing arise they facilitated between islamic
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state affiliates are different parts of the world. it is and note that serves as a connective sinew between islamic state core and iraq and syria, islamic state khorasan afghanistan and other elements of the islamic state global network of franchises. we've seen what — network of franchises. we've seen what i _ network of franchises. we've seen what i called _ network of franchises. we've seen what i called the - network of franchises. we've seen what i called the coup l seen what i called the coup felt that there is an area that sees so much turmoil and upheaval politically. how much danger is there in terms of a group like isis trying to get hold and take advantage of the situation in many different african countries across west to east? ~ ., african countries across west to east? ~ . ., , , to east? we have really seen the centre — to east? we have really seen the centre of— to east? we have really seen the centre of gravity - to east? we have really seen the centre of gravity shift - the centre of gravity shift from the levarlet, from parts of the middle east and even parts of south asia and gravitate towards sub—saharan gravitate towards sub—sa ha ran africa gravitate towards sub—saharan africa from the horn of africa to the east and west and everywhere in between. countries are struggling with governance, borders and uptake
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in terrorist activity not only by islamic state and its affiliate but al-qaeda and its affiliate but al-qaeda and its affiliate and to the wagner group, russian mercenaries now fighting under the banner of africa cool and you've got a total mass of the continent whether us and its allies a reduced presence. the g7 summit of the world's richest nations came to a close saturday, with leaders gathered in italy signing off a communique covering a range of pressing issues. italian prime minister giorgia meloni wrapped up the meeting with a press conference, where she laid out the document, which covers issues from migration to artificial intelligence, chinese trade policy, and the us�*s proposed israel—gaza ceasefire deal. but the leaders's main focus was the war in ukraine, with leaders pledging $50 billion of loans to ukraine secured on the interest of assets seized from russia. the final communique reads, in part:
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0ur diplomatic correspondent james landale sent this report. as ever, these limits are extreme and awful lot of issues that they pack into the two or three days. they talked about migration, they talked about artificial intelligence, they talked about the threat from china, notjust in terms of support for russia and ukraine but also its effect to the global markets. but the central focus of many of the discussions that took place here both formally as part of the g7 and also bilaterally in the g7 and also bilaterally in the margins and in the corridors here was of course the war in ukraine. the italian prime minister summing everything up today, said that there had been a comprehensive and united approach to defend ukraine and she said g7
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messages sent a strong signal that people would support ukraine for as long as is necessary. those are the words but in terms of the actions this summer, they've agreed to raise $50 billion in alone for ukraine that's going to be paid off, if you like, by using interest made of frozen russian assets. we got a bit more information about that today from the italian prime minister. she said that the united states, canada, the uk and japan would be the main countries providing that loan. and then the european countries would joining in terms of sharing about that. she also in her press conference summing the summit up, addressed to the so—called peace offering, the offer of ceasefire and peace talks made by president putin just 2a hours ago. she described this as a propaganda move, not something that should
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be taken seriously. effectively, she said it was like saying to ukraine you can leave ukraine if you want to sit down at the peace talks. giorgia meloni joining others in the west in dismissing this attempt by president putin to try to get ahead of the peace conference that is taking place in switzerland to discuss ukraine's own ideas for peace. so that was the broad perspective that we got today from this g7. the italians are very happy with the way it went. i think the problem though is this. this is a weaker g7 than other years. many of the leaders apart from jordan maloney phase electrical challenges. it is very unlikely that the same seven people will be sitting around this table again. so the summit has demonstrated community in ukraine, but is never the question be, will what has been decided here in italy actually last and have an impact in
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years to come? meanwhile, world leaders from some 100 countries are in switzerland this weekend, by invitation of president volodymyr zelensky, to discuss how to bring an end to the war in ukraine. russia and china are notably absent from this weekend's summit, which is designed to pave the way for a future peace process in which russia takes part. but some countries have reservations. saudi arabia's foreign minister said difficult compromises will be needed to reach a peace agreement that ends the war. the leaders of italy and germany strongly rejected ceasefire terms laid out by russian president vladimir putin on thursday, in which he said kyiv would need to withdraw its troops from four regions that russia partially occupies. uk prime minister rishi sunak said it is important to find a peaceful path to end the war. now, there will be, of course, a diversity of views around this table. but i commend and thank everyone for their participation here today, demonstrating that you all seek a genuine peace to this conflict, because putin has no
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interest in a genuine peace. he's launched a sustained diplomatic campaign against this very summit, ordering countries to stay away. and we should ask, why does russia feel that they are so threatened by a summit discussing the basic principles of territorial integrity, food security and nuclear safety? instead, russia's representative at the united nations recently said the only topic for any international meetings on ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the kyiv regime. well, that will never happen, because aggression cannot and will not prevail. instead, we must set out the principles for a just and lasting peace based on international law and the un charter. that is the path to a permanent cessation of hostilities, showing that we will always protect the right of all nations to determine their own future. and this summit is the chance
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to start down that path. at the switzerland summit us vice president kamala harris met with president zelensky, discussing the delivery of a $1.5 billion us aid package. during the event, ms harris voiced herfull support for mr zelensky. russia's aggression is not only an attack on the lives and the freedom of the people of ukraine. it is not only an attack on global food security and energy supplies. russia's aggression is also an attack on international rules and norms and the principles embodied in the un charter. 0n the front lines, ukrainian forces in the country's north—east are struggling to prevent russian troops from advancing towards kharkiv. in burgenstock our correspondent sarah rainsford has been following zelensky�*s latest push towards peace. shattering the peace of a swiss mountainside for the cause
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of peace in ukraine. volodymyr zelensky came to meet delegations from all over the world, coming together here to begin seeking out a path towards ending the war waged by russia. talking peace is new territory for kyiv, but now, it's seizing the initiative, hoping for a broad global alliance that can help push for a settlement on ukraine's terms. 101 states and international organisations are now at this summit. this is a tremendous success, our success, the common success of all those who believe that a united world, united nations, are stronger than any aggressor. russia wasn't at the summit because ukraine believes scenes like this show vladimir putin's not interested in peace, just destruction and domination. only this week, he called on kyiv to capitulate if it wants a ceasefire. do you think that
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the west has been too scared of vladimir putin to actually help ukraine defeat him? well, i'm pleased that the uk has played a leading role in providing support to ukraine, the first country to provide lethalaid, more recently, under my leadership, main battle tanks, long—range weapons, to train air force pilots. that demonstrates the strength of support for ukraine. ukraine's close allies will have to go on doing all that, even as they support the stirrings of a peace process that would have to involve russia, too, at some point. we are looking. for the possibility, if thisjoint plan will be ready, l it will be possible to invite a representative of russiaj and represent this plan. but this is very important, l together with all countries, maybe just more, and it will be open dialogue. l the gulf is huge. the chances of bridging it seem so remote. but far from the devastation in ukraine, perhaps there's a faint glimmer of hope. sarah rainsford, bbc news, lake lucerne.
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politicians in south africa are hammering out the details of the country's next government — the first since the end of apartheid not to be exclusively run by the african national congress, the party once led by nelson mandela. last month's elections saw incumbent president cyril ramaphosa lead the anc to its worst result since the end of white minority rule 30 years ago, the first time it's held less than half the seats in the national assembly. mr ramaphosa was re—elected by the legislature friday — but only thanks to the support of the democratic alliance, the anc�*s traditional opponent, alongside two smaller parties. negotiations are under way to decide the shape a new national unity government in which cabinet posts will be shared among its four member parties. for more on this unprecedented moment in south africa's politics, i spoke to wilmotjames, former chairman of the democratic alliance.
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it's a pleasure to have you on bbc news. these two parties really don't see eye to eye. the da has historically been the biggest critic of the anc. now that they'll be partners in the government, how do you think this is going to work? can these parties work together? yes, they certainly can. if you think about the national interest at this moment of time, and the fact that the da, the democratic alliance — which i know quite well — is a centre party and the anc needs to move to the centre as well. i think there's grounds for cooperation and serving interest of the country. and sharing in the future of the country. i know you've been party to some of those discussions behind the scenes. can you give us a sense of what those discussions have been like? so, what we need to understand
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is that the anc has fallen below 50 to 40% for the first time. what it needs to do is find common ground with the population. we would like to see a better economy, we would like to see a more effective set of government policies and we'd like to see some progress when it comes to resetting foreign policy in a range of other issues. so, the discussion is a good one because for the first time, the anc does need the cooperation of other parties. so we need to see an early alignment of policies, and i think it's a very productive discussion. the attitude is good on the part of the anc, on the part of the democratic alliance, the other parties as well. there are of course major divisions emerging that are new and we need to deal with in this country. critics of the democratic alliance have labelled the party as the one
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that is there to represent the white minority in south africa — is that fair? the fact fact is it is a party of minorities. at the same time it represents the party in the centre that includes everybody. it is nonracial. if you look at the diversity of its elected representative, is very diverse. certainly a lot of people of colour. so it needs more work and that respect, but major strengths, and those strengths are very important make this country a successful one as the coalition progresses. cyril ramphosa will continue as the president. what sort of confirmand is as you think you will have
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to make if he has a seat at the table? the factors there has to be in agreement to make the economy grow and develop better. unemployment is way too high. so we need to review things like the tax policy, fiscal policy stop we need to review the powers of municipal governments. in terms of its ability to run an effective show. and so the economy has to grow and unemployment has to decrease. so the compromises have to do with managing a far more open economy, that is far more open economy, that is far more competitive and is distinctive, and so there has to be a compromise made on essentially how this economy is run. the second series of compromises has to do with how
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this country deals with good governance and corruption. and to have a far more effective police system, to have a far more effective system of national prosecutions, and two in fact make sure that we are able to reduce the insecurity that so many south africans face when it comes to their lives. thousands of people lined the streets of london for the trooping the colour parade, where catherine princess of wales made her first official public appearance since announcing she was being treated for cancer. the princess joined the rest of the royal family at the annual event to mark the king's official birthday. it's the first royal engagement catherine has carried out this year. the king — who is also having cancer treatment — travelled by carriage instead of riding on horseback as he has done in the past. charlotte gallagher reports. a much—anticipated moment — the princess of wales back in the public eye. all eyes on her for her first
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appearance since she announced her cancer diagnosis. she was a huge draw for the crowds in central london today. this is a day full of tradition and spectacle, but it's also about family. the king and queen in their carriage. it's his first trooping the colour since his own cancer diagnosis and he chose not to travel on horseback. national anthem plays the troops taking part in this annual celebration of the king's official birthday have been rehearsing for months. every step, drumbeat and musical note has to be perfect. the irish guards led the event this year, and their colour, or regimentalflag, was on full display. their royal colonel, the princess of wales, looked on with her children,
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as the king took the salute from the parade ground, next to his son and heir to the throne, prince william — himself, the royal colonel of the welsh guards. the princess of wales only announced she was attending the parade yesterday and it's a welcome sign about her progress. but this isn't a return to full public duties. although the weather wasn't ideal, the pageantry of trooping the colour was the same, with the king braving the elements outside buckingham palace. cheering and as if on cue, the torrential rain stopped just in time for the traditional end to the day — a balcony appearance and fly—past. the king and princess
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of wales stood next to each other as they took in the red arrows display. a family united, after what's been an incredibly difficult six months. charlotte gallagher, bbc news. and now a return to flight for a group of birds in san francisco. take a look at this. this is the moment that dozens of california pelicans were released into the bay after a mysterious illness led to hundreds of the birds starving and falling sick all over the state. nearly 400 were rescued and have been nursed back to health in wildlife centres. there's still no conclusive proof of what caused them to get sick. iam carl i am carl nasman in washington. plenty more news coming up at the top of the hour. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. saturday brought more than ourfair share of heavy,
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thundery downpours. for some of us on sunday, there probably won't be quite as many showers, particularly across england and wales, whereas for scotland and northern ireland, we'll see cloud and outbreaks of rain sinking southwards. on the earlier satellite picture from saturday, you can see clumps of cloud all rotating around the centre of an area of low pressure. this low still with us for sunday, but loosening its grip a little bit — so the winds will be easing, especially down towards the south. some showery rain first thing across some central and eastern parts of england. that should clear. then we will see some spells of sunshine, a scattering of showers, but not as many as we had during the first half of the weekend. conversely, for scotland and northern ireland, cloud will sink its way southwards, with some outbreaks of showery rain. quite breezy across the western side of scotland, down into the north coast of northern ireland, lighter winds down towards the south. temperature—wise, well, 13—14 degrees in the north of scotland, 19 or 20 in parts of south wales and southern england. now, as we head through sunday nights, we'll see this band
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of increasingly light and patchy rain sinking into northern england, parts of north wales. a lot of cloud filtering into western scotland and northern ireland. that'll hold the temperatures up — 11 degrees there in belfast, a little bit chillier where we do see any lengthy, clear spells. we will see some spells of sunshine on monday, perhaps the best of those across parts of wales, the midlands, down towards the south of england, the channel islands could just see one or two showers, and then we will see some showers breaking out once again through the day, always with a fair amount of cloud across the western side of scotland and northern ireland. temperatures north to south, 13—21 degrees, so not far off the average for the time of year. this clump of showers likely to move across the channel islands, perhaps clipping into southeast england on tuesday. some showers popping up elsewhere. a decent amount of dry weather. temperatures still in that range between 12—13 in the north — 21 degrees down towards the south of the uk. now, this ridge of high pressure is going to try to settle things down through the middle part of the week, but there's still a bit of uncertainty about how long it will hold on.
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this frontal system trying to push in from the south, this one trying to push in from the west. either or both of those could bring the return of some rain later in the week. there are some tentative signs that things could turn a little bit warmer later next weekend.
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voice-over: this is bbc news.
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now on bbc news, tom brook reports on the tribeca film festival, the city's world—famous film showcase. world —famous film showcase. talking world—famous film showcase. talking movies with a warning flashing images. hello from new york city. i'm tom brook, and welcome to talking movies as we look back at one of north america's biggest film events, the tribeca festival. i like tribeca festival because i can keep up with what's going on in the city. the tribeca festival is a great platform. it's where artists get
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the opportunity to showcase their work.


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