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tv   Americast  BBC News  June 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am BST

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voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. i'm just getting home after a long night, but a fascinating night, and in many ways a night that is going to go down in history. we cover the debate right way through, but also plenty of analysis as well. you will hear later on from sarah smith and also from anthony, but we kicked off in the moments that the debate was coming to an end with miles, our presenter�*s friend, and me. stay with us because we have full analysis of this debate.
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well, it is over and the anchors are saying goodbye and the two men are standing there at their podiums, both of them looking as if they are still very much on camera and still very serious. that kind of gloomy look, that presidential look that they are both trying to affect. but, oh my goodness, as they continue to stand at the podium, i think many people in america, who have watched this debate will be wondering what on earth is going on. they turned to leave, and at that stage, cnn catch to a wider shot as the president and former president trump leaves the stage. they don't go close to each other. joe biden is there, and there are people there — i think family members with him on the stage. but the whole thing has been the most rambling, peculiar affair. someone in a focus group, quite early on in the course of the debate said it was
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a choice between the circus or the nursing home. and there has been a feeling i think among many, many people watching that, number one, the questions that were asked were not answered, but number two, this is probably the biggest story of the night — president biden did not look presidential. he did not hit home with the points that he needed to hit home. and there are bound to be questions now about whether he needs to be replaced. welcome to americast. theme music plays americast. from bbc news. it isjust in, in the americast studio in our worldwide headquarters in london where i have been watching the debate. it is the middle of the night here, but it still been an enormous night where it has been a pleasure to be up. i think i'm right in saying that it is going to be an episode of comings and goings, i should say, at the moment.
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neither anthony or sarah are with me. they are both in atlanta where the debate was they are both going tojoin us. sarah is actually in the spin room at the moment hearing what the various people are saying about it. i'm delighted to say miles tyler taylor is on the line. he is a very good friend of the podcast. great to be with you. kick us off with the things that stood out for you. the thing is people will focus on. the things that will have legs in them and that could make a difference. the most obvious thing at the beginning of the debate was the energy of the two candidates. i have said going into this debate that there would be three things to watch. age, range and appeals to populism. all three of those subjects definitely hits during this debate. age was the first and the most obvious. the relative vigour of the candidates is something that will be much discussed.
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donald trump and his team — sometimes he's had low energy debate performances. they wanted to make sure that in comparison tojoe biden, he seemed vigorous. tonight, he did. the second category i mentioned, rage. that is something that will be watched tonight. would they be sharp barbs? would they be on their feet and responding? even thouthoe biden�*s coating start and mixing up numbers, was quite bad. he did start to get into his stride after a while. you sanoe biden excrete exchanged barbs with donald trump. they were almost as powerful as trump's comment about biden not finishing his sentences. one thing that came up multiple times in this debate —
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at the white house, john kelly had said, he said the donald trump called foreign soldiers suckers and losers. the debate questioners brought that up tonight. joe biden pushed back very forcefully against that comment. joe biden ended that by saying that donald trump was the sucker and the loser. it felt like a schoolyard brawl. it was definitelyjoe biden�*s most powerful moment in the debate. there were moments where he should have hit home and he didn't. i was thinking about abortion and january the 6th. that's right, and i think one of the other things that was missing there was a surprisingly limited discussion about the fact that donald trump is a convicted criminal and is still facing three other pending trials. a lot of people expected this
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debate would open with nods to the january 6th insurrection at the congress and donald trump being a convicted criminal. those things did not appear until halfway through. that really set the tone for the debate. in a lot of ways it normalised what folks think has been quite an abnormal period in our politics with what has happened with donald trump and his legal cases. and, of course the continual bombast. but why didn't he manage to land a blow, for instance, about january 6th. when they asked if he would accept the result of the next election, there was no pension biden. ) there wasn't that kind of punch from biden, that they needed to be. for a president who has focused on the importance of protecting democracy and fears about the guardrails of the american republic being corroded, this was a big miss.
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it should have been something that the candidate, thatjoe biden, wove into answers, even if it wasn't on topic, this is what you are trying to do in politics. if you get asked a question and it's not the question you want, you answer the question you want. biden missed opportunities throughout this debate to weave in some of those punch lines against donald trump and to highlight the real scope of the significance of this election. and one of those occasions is where he talked about trump's character. he had been itching to do that. it was quite late on in the he talked about trump having sex with a porn star. itjust kind of fizzled out as a moment. it absolutely did. it makes me think, we have
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talked about the double haters before, people who say that neither trump or biden is a candidate that they want. the double haters will probably feel vindicated by this debate. neither candidate really stood out to them. in donald trump they didn't get anything different tonight that would inspire them to choose him. folks... i just wonder whether the rules that everyone is talking about and they are really going to curtail donald trump, and is not going to be able to interrupt, ijust wonder whether the rules actually rather helped him. for my money, he looked a bit more — he did ramble quite a lot and he said things weren't true. his concluding statement was quite bizarre. but, and it is a big but... it looked as if he kept himself under control and allowed biden
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a lot of rope. it seems like his acting violence had told him to do this. i felt he followed a path of the work for him. he wasn't the angry trend that we saw in the debates last time round. even even that, it was a fact checking failure. cnn and will be on this particularly from angry democrats, but here is the thing. if your policy in the debate is that the anchors are going to keep it moving, and that you're going to cut off the microphones, one of the upsides of that is is that you keep the debate on time. one of the downside is that you don't let the candidates fact check each other. they didn't answer a single question, myles! this thing was just filled with whoppers. including from joe biden. though not as many from joe biden. there was mrs statement after misstatement after misstatement. let us go for a few.
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what really stood out for you when it came to donald trump's whoppers. on some of the most hot button issues, donald trump really tried to re—characterise his legacy. one would be on veterans. veterans came up a surprising amount in this debate. donald trump of course talked about he was the biggest champion of veterans during his presidency. this was an easy one to identify. i recall vividly donald trump wanting to detonate the department of veterans affairs. he didn't like that so many was being spent on it. he has tried to re—cast himself as a champion veterans. he also tried to re—characterise his position on abortion. because he is concerned about how that is going to affect him. there were some other whoppers relating to his legal issues. biggest one yet. some of the legal issues, some of the ones i wrote down was that there was "no terror
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at all in my administration." talking about terrorism around the world. the things he claims about foreign affairs were really bizarre and completely un—factchecked. there were things about donald trump's personal life that we know to be true. it was remarkable where in this debate one of the candidates said out loud... "i did not have sex with a porn star." i know that most people know that not to be true. it was quite an oddity, to be sure. joe biden also said something that was immediately repudiated by the border force union. the people representing border force guards. he said that they had endorsed what he wanted to do on the border.
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they almost immediately sent out an x or a tweet or whatever we are calling it, saying that that wasn't the case. i thing that really struck me was the rambling lists. a one time he couldn't remember people how many were on the list. economists. it was presidential historians. this wasjust weird. presidential historian who said the donald trump was the worst president ever. this was byjoe biden talking. he could remember there was 58 or 59 of them. who cares? why are you wasting your time like this? i think there will be a whole slew of headlines written aboutjoe biden trying to memorise numbers. who on earth advised him to try to memorise so many numbers because it was a catastrophe for the president. he conflated billionaires with trillionaires. thousands with millions. numbers were adjusted upward and downward. this didn'tjust happen one or two times, almost every other answer that the president gave tonight involved a number, and more often than not,
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he stumbled over the number. it was not a good look, and it certainly held back his answered from having the punch they needed. did he get anything out of it, joe biden? i would be surprised if the second debate happens on september the tenth. it was so clearly unhelpful to president biden. that i think they'll be re—considering whether they want to do a second one. if he got anything out of it was probably the notion that this type of format, these side by side debates are not good ifjoe biden wants to be re—elected. are we clearer about the answers to the question a donald trump was asked. specifically about this hugely important things. let's focus on abortion for a minute. there is no question at all that abortion is one of the big issues at this election.
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is it clearer now what donald trump believes? he was asked a very central question about whether he would sign a bill if it came to him from a republican congress that banned abortion around the united states. he was asked that question. ina sense, in a sense, did he give the clearest answer? i in a sense, did he give the clearest answer?— clearest answer? i will say this. . . i don't think americans got clarity on where trump will go on these things. because he tried to have it both ways, including on abortion. he kept falling back to the point that he wanted to be deferential to the states. but if you read between the lines of a comment like that, that means for a lot of americans come in a lot of states around the country, it will mean severe restrictions on reproductive rights and there was a tacit, if not explicit admission
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from donald trump, that that reality would continue. we are joined by sarah. you have just come out from the spin room. what was the mood like down there? that was one of the more bizarre experiences i've had from thisjob. the party send out their most famous faces to talk to the press. to pump out the lines about how their candidate did. the democrats were literally running away from us. there were no democrats on the floor at all. all sorts of people from the trump campaign, all sorts of congressmen, nobody from the democrats. they were huddled in a corner, absolutely surrounded by tv cameras. you could not get near them. you couldn't hear what they said. they said don't worry, quys said. they said don't worry, guys we're going to take all of your questions. this was senator raphael warnock, the georgia senator. some people talk about as a future
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potential candidate. also senator of california, gavin newsom, another potential candidate. they were making defensive comments before we could shut any questions at them. this was not normal by any manner of means and of course the complete difference you could see in the body language and how they were behaving between the democrats mac and the republicans mac, totally reflected how they felt about what they had just seen happen in the debate. the democrats knew it was a disaster. what they were saying was oh, well, joe biden had a bit of a cold and that is why he had a raspy voice and don't worry about this style and performance, let's talk about the substance of the debate let's talk about where he won on those points and lies donald trump told and why he wasn't picked up on them by the moderators. their hearts weren't in it. they didn't look like people really believe what they were saying. we've seen this kind of situation before. obama could not spin
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it very well. neither could george bush againstjohn kerry. even ronald reagan in his first debate did not have a good debate. it was very hard for their supporters to put a positive spin on it. but i don't think i've seen a presidential debate performance quite as rough as what we saw from joe biden tonight. i heard that gavin newsom got asked whether he was going to run for president. again and again! i was one of the people are asking that. i was trying to film some of it on my mobile phone. i wasn't completely convinced that my cameraman could veto the heads of the other journalists. —— could reach. i managed to cut some of it on my phone. while i was asking them was, are you going to change horses? do you need to think about another candidate? they were trying to tell us that it was the substance
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of the debate that mattered, not the style, not how joe biden performed. let's look at what they were saying. let's look at all the untruths we heard from donald trump vs what we saw from biden. it was pretty clear that nobody was buying that. i asked gavin newsom, the california governor, whether he would consider running if the democrats changed horses. he said of course, no, he said i am backing joe biden. what else could he say? i asked one of the others whether they were worried that it was more likely now that donald trump would be elected president? they were all telling me what a disaster would be if donald trump was present. you can imagine the talking points. they had prepared all these talking points before the debate began about how he's a danger to the nation. how it would shame that nation to have a liar in the oval office. what i want to ask them was,
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don't you think it is now like more likely that he will be elected after that disasterous performance from biden? they said, no, we are confident of victory. not one of them looked confident. they put kamala harris on cnn after the debate. they had her defendantjoe biden cosmic performance. she acknowledged that he had a rough start, but that he finished strong. we are hearing these reports, anonymously at the moment from democrats who are worried about joe biden being the nomine, who are wondering if they have to do something else to find a different candidate. they are wondering how they might be able to pull this off. all of that right now is being done anonymously. if the democrats are doing that publicly, thenjoe biden has a very serious problem. luckily for them, this is early, it is onlyjune. they are trying to focus on donald trump. one of the reasons they wanted
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to have this early is to allow time to recover. they've got that time, if they can use it. the question is whether they can make it through the next few weeks. that must be a relief to the biden campaign. there are two candidates who could take over from him. raphael warnock and gavin newsom saying on tape, no, no, no, they have absolutely no interest in having the democratic candidate. they are all behind joe biden100% of the way. what we will have to see whetherjoe biden stepped aside. people may tell him that he has to do for the good of the party. he is not showing any willingness to back away now. he's got a campaign appearance tomorrow in north carolina. estate that appears close according to polls. —— a state. how will he be able to respond to this on the stage? better talk about the trump campaign. they were out there early.
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what did they have to say? they looked like the cats that got the cream! there wasn't much point how they've thought it went. the bar was very low forjoe biden, but he managed to creep right under it, some of them were saying. they were saying oh, well. jason miller was quite bombastic. he doesn't hold back. he was being a little restrained when he said "i think it went quite well". but what he really wants to do was pump his fist. they were absolutely delighted. i asked them whether they were weighed whether the democrats will change the candidate? you might be very pleased this evening saying thatjoe biden looks a bit more beatable but if the result of this is we get
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gavin newsom or whomsoever, a younger, more vibrant candidate running against donald trump in november that might make it more difficult than you. of course they said they were not worried about that at all and it is probably too late for them to change they candidate anyway but you could see that was the one thing— like, they were maybe a little bit worried, did we do too well? did we do so well that we might actually end up getting rid of the only senior democrat who we think we are guaranteed to beat. , ., ., ., beat. they want to wound joe biden. i don't _ beat. they want to wound joe biden. i don't want _ beat. they want to wound joe biden. i don't want to - beat. they want to wound joe biden. i don't want to end - beat. they want to wound joe biden. i don't want to end up| biden. i don't want to end up with something else. when push comes to shove when the dust settles, they may decide that they need to stick with this horse. it is going to create a lot of concern. i talk to a deputy campaign managerfor the biden campaign and we asked him whether there was any thought to switching joe biden as a nominee. he said he wasn't even
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going to dignify that with an answer. he said thatjoe biden was going to be the democratic nominee and thatjoe biden was going to win in november. the first is probably true, the second part, there are going to be a lot of democrats wondering what the likelihood is of joe biden winning in november. we will watch the polls and see what the american public think about this. i wonder if they are thinking about the fourth ofjuly and beach trips and... this may roll away amidst all the summer activities. is there any food you can get around here? houses are open 2a hours a day. they have great hashbrowns and waffles and that is wherejoe biden went after! he waffles and that is where joe biden went after! he showed up there at about _ biden went after! he showed up there at about 1223 _ biden went after! he showed up there at about 1223 local - biden went after! he showed up there at about 1223 local time i there at about 1223 local time and said he had in order to be and said he had in order to be and the whole reporters were there and they asked him how he thought he did. he said he thought he did. he said he thought he did well. he asked does he was asked if he had a cold and he said he had a bit of a sore throat and they asked if he would be replaced and he said no and he said it was difficult to debate donald
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trump and he said it was difficult because he lied and he pointed to a newspaper report that said joe —— donald trump slide 26 times during. he is getting fed which i am jealous about. you limit the main takeaway from this as there is a waffle house open so i'm to go there. i would like to remind people they can contact us on discord. you can always contact us by voice note. have a good night, we'll be back soon. see all later!
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hello, thanks forjoining me. let's see what the weather's got in store for the rest of the weekend. and here's the headline — for most of us, it's not looking too bad. some sunshine, but at times it will be cloudy. could be a few showers as well. now, recently there was a weather front across northern wales and northern england. it brought some damp weather on saturday. that should be mostly out of the way come sunday, as this ridge of high pressure tries to build across the uk. remnants of that weather front still visible in the morning across east anglia and the south—east, all the way to south—western parts of england. so quite cloudy, with some spits and spots of rain for a time. 16 in london. north of that, i think sunshine to greet us in the morning. through the morning into the afternoon those cumulus clouds will be developing and then eventually spreading, so i think
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it is going to be quite a cloudy afternoon for many of us during sunday. some showers as well, possible almost anywhere. your best bet for sunny skies is actually around coastal areas, almost anywhere, especially looking out to sea — blue skies. temperatures 20 in london, high teens further north. nothing spectacular, and actually similar temperatures and weather for the football in germany. ok, onto the forecasts now for monday. another weather front approaches from the west. this is going to bring thick cloud and some outbreaks of rain initially to northern ireland, to scotland, the irish sea, and then eventually that weather front will move eastwards across the country. so i think most of us are in at least for a little bit of rain. a short spell of rain on monday, but come nothing spectacular, and actually similar temperatures and weather for the football in germany. ok, onto the forecasts now for monday. another weather front approaches from the west. a short spell of rain on monday, but come the afternoon, skies all brighten across western areas of the uk, so there will be some clearer skies towards the end of monday. it may take time for that weather front to clear the east coast. and then the azores high still here on tuesday and indeed wednesday, but we're just on the edge of that high pressure and often on the edge of high pressures there's a lot of cloud. good chance of catching a shower, and that's pretty
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much what we've got on tuesday. i think your best bet for the dry, sunny weather will be further southwest on tuesday, for example in plymouth and in cardiff, whereas in the north west of england, the chance of a few showers. so here's the week at a glance. if you want really warm weather, it's not so great because temperatures are below the average. if you like cloudy, changeable, cool weather, well, it's perfect for you. bye— bye.
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live from washington, this is bbc news. president biden holds a series of election campaign fundraisers as he seeks to put a lacklustre debate performance behind him. uk labour leader sir keir starmer urges voters to give his party a clear mandate for change on the final weekend before the election. and iran will hold a run—off presidential vote after the country's lowest turnout in decades. hello, i'm carl nasman. president biden is ramping up his campaign efforts this
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weekend after a faltering performance in a televised


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