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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:11pm BST

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' appointments to appointments to a new goings, new appointments to a new cabinet positions for that labour party after their landside victory in the general election last night. in the next few hours, we'll take you through all of the headlines and key outcomes from the general election — hearing from representatives from all of the main parties. let's start by recapping the result. labour have taken power, winning 412 seats, which is set to give them a majority of 170. sir keir starmer has been appointed prime minister by king charles — and has spent the afternoon appointing his first cabinet. rishi sunak�*s conservatives fell to just 121 seats — down 251 on the last election. he has left downing street, and says he will resign as conservative leader. the liberal democrats have gained 63 seats. their total of 71 makes them the third largest party at westminster. reform uk — led by nigel farage — won 14.3% of the vote —
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but that has translated into just five seats. that's one more than plaid cymru — who doubled their representation in the house of commons to four. in northern ireland — sinn fein are now the largest single party — holding seven of the 18 seats in the province. and in scotland the snp were big losers — losing 38 seats, leaving them with just nine elected members in westminster. let's start with labour — and sir keir starmer. his first official business — once the outcome of the election was confirmed — was to travel to buckingham palace, for his formal appointment as prime minister. the meeting with king charles was held, as is traditional, in private — but buckingham palace did issue this video of the moment the monarch met the politician. after that — it was a short trip back to his new residence at ten downing street. he and his wife victoria travelled the last few yards to the famous
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front door by foot — the people you can see greeting them on the pavement are labour party supporters, who'd been allowed into the gated street for the morning. sir keir then made his first speech as prime minister.. my government will fight every day until you believe again. from now on, you have a government unburdened by doctoring guided only by the determination to your interests. to define, quietly, those who have written our country off. you have given us a clear mandate and we will use it to deliver change. to restore service and respect to politics. end the era of noisy performance, tread more lightly on your lives and unite our country. mr starmer has been busy since going inside the front
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door at number ten — appointing his first cabinet. most of the new ministers and secretaries are no surprise. angela rayner will serve as deputy prime minister. the uk will now have its first female chancellor of the exchequer — with rachel reeves taking on that role. yvette cooper — who was a cabinet minister under gordon brown the last time labour were in power, 1a years ago, will be the home secretary. and david lammy will become the uk's new foreign secretary. labour's success has come largely at the expense of the conservatives. their share of the vote was down by almost 20% on the last election. rishi sunak did retain his seat in yorkshire — but says he will step down as leader — and had this to say as he left downing street.( to the country, i would like to say, first and foremost, i am sorry.
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i have given thisjob my all. but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. to all the conservative candidates, the campaigners, who have worked tirelessly but without success, i am sorry that we could not deliver what your efforts deserved. sir keir starmer will shortly become our prime minister. to put the conservative performance into perspective. their total of 121 mp5 is their lowest since the end of the first world war. their share of the vote was just 23.7% — down from the 43.6% they polled in 2019.
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let's look at the reform uk party now. their campaign was of course spearheaded by nigel farage — who's become well—used to being heckled, and that continued at his party's post—election news conference this afternoon. he, as usual, carried on regardless — and with just over 14% of the national vote translating into just five seats — that's less than 1% of the total — he had this message for the country. when it comes to providing the voice of opposition, we may be too few in number to necessarily be thought of as opposition in the house of commons, but let me promise you something, we are going to be the opposition around the country. we are all committed to working for our constituents. we are all contributed to doing the best we can in
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parliament. but above all, what we are going to do, from today, is we are going to do, from today, is we are going to professionalize the party, we are going to democratize the party, and those a few bad apples that have crept in will be gone, will be long gone, and will never have any of their type back in our organisation. you have a 100% promise on that. what impact we have on the larger political picture? the fallout from reform uk's surge at the expense of the conservative party continues. tonight the new father of the house of commons, sir edward leigh, has said the tory party should invite nigel farage to join their party — perhaps even as a leader. he's been speaking to peter levy on bbc look north. have a listen. what is been has been. we will not
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look at _ what is been has been. we will not look at the — what is been has been. we will not look at the future, and the point i would _ look at the future, and the point i would like — look at the future, and the point i would like to make, we have to, i think. _ would like to make, we have to, i think. invite — would like to make, we have to, i think, invite form uk voters and nigel— think, invite form uk voters and nigel farage tojoin us because otherwise. we can't have it divided vole~ _ our political correspondent, iain watson joins me from millbank i want to start first of all was that. one suggestion, there have been other suggestions about the role nigel farage could take potentially with the conservative party, it's interesting there he may even be leader. it is party, it's interesting there he may even be leader.— even be leader. it is quite dramatic but not one — even be leader. it is quite dramatic but not one which _ even be leader. it is quite dramatic but not one which nigel— even be leader. it is quite dramatic but not one which nigel farage - even be leader. it is quite dramatic i but not one which nigel farage seems keen to take on. he was asked about the conservative party today, and he said he couldn't care less what happened to the conservative party, so he was pretty much in dismissive mode. that said, there are various times where he is flirted with the conservative party. he attended the
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liz truss faction, the pop cons as they were called, and he has also been seen dancing around earlier. also interesting, there some, a minority in his view, some in the conservative party wishes he went the other way, joined them in reform, suella braverman the former home secretary, and interestingly, she reacted to the election result by suggesting the conservative party owed their traditional supporters a apology, especially on issues like immigration to stop so this goes to the core of the dilemma the conservative party, facing its worst defeat in modern history, what he does next, what direction does it move in? does it move to the centre and wait for keir starmer to potentially mess up? or does it decide it would try to reunite the rights and what form does that take? is it a takeover of the parts are with nigel farage or some defect in,
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as some have done, to his party instead? these are the kinds of debates that would undoubtedly play out once we have a conservative leadership contest in place. that has not happened yet but there are people like robert buckland, the former cabinet minister who lost his seat and warned in an impassioned speech when he lost his suite in swindon against any move by the party to the rights. you have to take a look at some of the new mps, the composition of the party, and find out how that dilemma would be resolved because we are country and satan else on nigel farage but the lib dems have just satan else on nigel farage but the lib dems havejust had satan else on nigel farage but the lib dems have just had their best election result in modern history since the liberals merge with the social democratic party, and that there was their best result allots at the expense of the conservatives, so if they want to get those former conservative voters who are perhaps weary of people like nigel farage, then they would have to make a
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decision very clearly over the next few months which direction they want to take. �* , few months which direction they want to take. 3 . ~ few months which direction they want to take. �*, ., ~ ., to take. let's talk about the new government _ to take. let's talk about the new government. keir _ to take. let's talk about the new government. keir starmer - to take. let's talk about the newl government. keir starmer quickly appointed his cabinet. no great surprises in the cabinet appointments. there were people doing those roles in opposition. the cabinet will meet tomorrow, and the real work begins, doesn't it? it does, there will be a cabinet meeting tomorrow and following that, we get a clearer idea of the immediate priorities. they had for six first steps during the course of the election campaign, some can be delivered quickly, wanted to set up border security command as an alternative way of tackling illegal migration, an alternative to the rwanda scheme which is dead in the water was stopped in addition, there said other things that may take longer, so much as print training recruitment of thousands of new teachers, for example, and one
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priority area it would be the health service and the idea of


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