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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am BST

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we are dropping out. the humanitarian crisis on the ground deepens. hello, i'm carl nasman. we begin in the uk where the labour party's resounding election victory has ended 1a years of conservative government. new prime minister, sir keir starmer, is promising to rebuild britain "brick by brick" and provide security for millions of working—class families. after a ceremonial meeting with king charles, sir keir began the process of forming a government, appointing his new cabinet ministers. in his first official
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remarks, the new pm laid out his ambitions. my government will fight every day until you believe again. from now on, you have a government unburdened by doctrine, guided only by the determination to serve your interests. to defy, quietly, those who have written our country off. you have given us a clear mandate, and we will use it to deliver change — to restore service and respect to politics, end the era of noisy performance, tread more lightly on your lives, and unite our country. let's break down the results. the labour party secured 412 parliamentary seats in thursday's general election — a gain of 211 seats on 2019, dealing a catastrophic blow
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to the conservative party, which won only 121. that's a loss of 251 seats. the liberal democrats and reform uk also made significant gains in parliament. former prime minister rishi sunak left downing street earlier, closing the door on 1a years of conservative rule. for more here's the bbc�*s gary o'donoghue in london. well, within hours of sir keir starmer entering downing street as the new british prime minister, heading up his centre left government here in london, that all important call took place between the white house and the new administration here in britain, reaffirming the importance of the special relationship, promising to deepen it, and talking about the importance of ukraine and britain continuing to back ukraine and its war against russia,
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particularly with money and weapons, which has been happening for the last 2.5 yea rs. there are some key connections, if you like, between the new labour government here and washington already. the chancellor, the finance minister here, rachel reeves, the first woman to hold that post in a uk government, she has been over to washington on a number of occasions, has built links with janet yellen, the treasury secretary, and has taken some of labour's policy, economic policy and the inspiration from bidenomics. talking about building out from the middle, and rather than sort of rejecting the idea of trickle down economics from the top. also the new foreign secretary, the new foreign minister here in the uk, david lammy, he's the descendant of enslaved people he spent a lot of time in the united states, describes himself as an atlanticist. he's been very rude about donald trump in the past. he's had to walk back some of that. he referred to him as an anti—woman, nazi sympathising sociopath. but his team have also realised that in four months�* time, there may be a different administration in washington, and that they have to be prepared for that. because if there is one thing
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that is true about british governments, really for the last century or so, is that their national interest, whatever their political persuasion, but they know their national interest, the british national interest lies in a close working relationship with washington, the so—called special relationship, and that cannot really depend on who is in the white house. so with an extraordinary position here, where we've got a british general election in the same year as a presidential election. hasn't happened for for more than half a century, more than a quarter of a century, rather they're going to have to prepare, if you like, for two very different eventualities. joining me live is laura beers, professor of british history at the american university. so labour taking over after a landslide victory. prime minister keir starmer promising a national renewal. what will his priorities be?
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he has a serious domestic agenda particularly putting money into the nhs, dealing with issues like the doctor stride, investing in education, trying to get british energy off the ground. a series of domestic reforms but he also has eyes on the foreign scene and particularly the conflict in gaza and ukraine.- and particularly the conflict in gaza and ukraine. how is it will it be _ in gaza and ukraine. how is it will it be especially _ in gaza and ukraine. how is it will it be especially the - in gaza and ukraine. how is it will it be especially the nhs, | will it be especially the nhs, a big issue to tackle? indeed. keir starmer _ a big issue to tackle? indeed. keir starmer during _ a big issue to tackle? indeed. keir starmer during the - keir starmer during the campaign has insisted he will not tackle that issue either by increasing the debt even further through increasing borrowing or taxation but there is a commitment to limited research constraints to invest
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more in public service. professor, we saw the kind of made for tv walk on the new covenant walking into cabinet and rachel reeves will be the first female chancellor and she will be dealing with an economy thatis will be dealing with an economy that is not firing on all cylinders?— that is not firing on all cylinders? that is not firing on all linders? , . ., ., ., cylinders? yes. we now have had three female _ cylinders? yes. we now have had three female prime _ cylinders? yes. we now have had three female prime minister - cylinders? yes. we now have had three female prime minister butl three female prime minister but is the first female chancellor of the exchequer. this is a nice moment from a feminist perspective but she will come in facing serious economic constraints. slow growth since 2008 but certainly since the last covid—19 economic downturn which is constrained her room from manoeuvring in terms of budget and investment but the labour party is determined to get britain going again and jumpstart the economy. she has
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her work cut out for her but she also has a clear plan in mind. �* , ., ~ she also has a clear plan in mind. �*, ., ~ ., mind. let's talk about the conservatives _ mind. let's talk about the conservatives and - mind. let's talk about the conservatives and it - mind. let's talk about the conservatives and it is - conservatives and it is difficult to sugarcoat this. this was a historically poor result for the taurus. rishi sunak stepping down as the leader of the party. can they rebuild from here. —— tories. i think they will have to rebuild. the story of the election, despite the landslide victory in terms of the number of seats for the labour party, is about the implosion of the conservatives. the labour share rose just marginally by the conservative vote collapsed. they lost not only to the labour party but to the liberal democrats, particularly in target seats and in the southwest, and also crucially to reform, led by nigel farage, who is close to donald trump and with an anti— migrant
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agenda. there will be an internal debate about whether you can to reform about attacking to —— attacking to the rate yourself or tried to gain ground and a rejection of the right wing extremism and tries to grab the centre in politics. tries to grab the centre in olitics. ., tries to grab the centre in militia-— tries to grab the centre in olitics. ., ., ., politics. you mentioned reform uk, an anti-immigration - politics. you mentioned reform uk, an anti-immigration party. | uk, an anti—immigration party. 14% of the vote, five seats in parliament, what does it say about the direction in the uk. we are seeing preliminary results in france where the far—right is doing very well, is that a similar picture right now in the uk? i is that a similar picture right now in the uk?— is that a similar picture right now in the uk? i mean i think the crucial— now in the uk? i mean i think the crucial difference - now in the uk? i mean i think the crucial difference with - the crucial difference with this first past the post voting, reform uk in parliament representation in parliament no weight matches are surprisingly high share of the votes in last
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that election. nigel farage said he will push for representation in a benefit for his movement. i think it does raise questions for the conservatives though. i mean, they need to deal with the fact that a significant minority of the country found the appeal that nigel farage and his party were making. there is a strong anti—immigrant sentiment in britain right now. there is a lot of anxiety about britain's perceive diminished place in the world vis—a—vis is the other continental and global powers and nigel farage wants to capitalise on that. everyone has the rise on results in the months to come. thank you very much. thank you. joe biden says he's "completely ruling out" leaving the us presidential election, despite mounting pressure from some within his own party. president biden�*s faltering performance against donald trump in last week's debate has seen a number of seniorfigures in the democratic party calling for him to make way for a younger candidate.
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in an exclusive interview with abc news anchor george stephanopoulos, mr biden said he was thrown off by mr trump, but denied there was a wider issue. the fact of the matter is, when i looked, he also lied 28 times. i mean, the way the debate ran,...— times. i mean, the way the debate ran,... but it seems you are having _ debate ran,... but it seems you are having trouble _ debate ran,... but it seems you are having trouble from - debate ran,... but it seems you are having trouble from the - are having trouble from the first question, even before he spoke. i first question, even before he soke. , . first question, even before he soke, , ., ., first question, even before he soke. , ., ., mr biden�*s problems mounted friday, with the washington post reporting that senator mark warner is trying to bring together fellow democratic senators to pressure mr biden to step aside. mr warner's spokesperson didn't deny those reports, which have since been confirmed by our us news partners, cbs. but mr biden is striking a defiant tone — telling reporters he is "completely ruling out" standing aside.
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he posted earlier on x, quote, "i'm not letting one "90—minute debate wipe out 3.5 years of work. "i'm staying in the race, "and i will beat donald trump." it's a message he repeated to supporters at at a rally in the key battleground state of wisconsin. millions of democrats like you just voted for you in the primaries all across america. they voted for me to be your nominee, no—one else. you, the voters did that, despite that some folks don't seem to care who you voted for. guess what, they are trying to push me out of the race. let me say this as clearly as i can, i am staying in the race! cheering and applause. the bbc�*s mike wendling was at the rally and sent this report. the presidentjust the president just gave the presidentjust gave a pretty energetic performance here in front of a crowd of a couple of hundred democratic supporters. here in wisconsin
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which is a key swing state in november's collection and absolutely crucial for whoever wins. it was a lot different from the debate a week ago. and his questions about his health, inaudible those questions are not going to go away. he did say that although there are people trying to push him out of the race, he is staying the course. very emphatically his that i am staying in the race. the ones he is talking about on the campaign trailfor the ones he is talking about on the campaign trail for some time again that reproduction rights, social security infrastructure, but most of all that donald trump is a threat and he says he poses a threat to american democracy. this was not aimed at questions over his mental fitness not aimed at questions over his mentalfitness and not aimed at questions over his
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mental fitness and health. not aimed at questions over his mentalfitness and health. but the questions about that will continue to dog him for the next four months. he is certainly not out of the woods yet. bob costa is chief election and campaign correspondent at our us partner cbs news. earlier he shared this insight into the state of mind inside the democratic party. i talk to a top democratjust before coming on with you this evening. it is evident to me that even top democrats who like biden, houara k if he remains the nominee, believes it still needs to assert himself again and again. we cannotjust shrug off all of these consents because they are hearing it now from voters. this top democrat told me privately that during the fourth ofjuly holiday, many voter constituencies are coming up voter constituencies are coming up to this present and think, what is going on? is president biden 0k? what is going on? is president biden ok? so that is something prevalent across the democratic party this week. at the same time the white house believes this is a person who has been
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in public office since 1972, he has been up and down and endured humiliations in the past and he will do so again, in the view. hungary's prime minister victor orban met with russian president vladimir putin in moscow. the visit was heavily criticised by other european leaders. mr orban is the eu's only head of government to maintain warm ties with russia since its full—scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. friday's meeting was part of what mr orban has called a "peace mission," coming just three days after a visit to kyiv where he met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky. hungary recently took over the presidency of the council of the european union, but eu leaders stress that mr orban is not acting on behalf of the bloc. from moscow, our bbc russia editor steve rosenberg has more. well, this was quite extraordinary. just a few days after his country had assumed the rotating presidency of the eu, hungary's prime minister, viktor orban, flew to moscow without his eu hat on for surprise talks with president putin
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about the war in ukraine, sparking consternation in the european union. so the president of the european commission basically called this appeasement, and the eu's foreign policy chief said that mr orban had no mandate from the european council to come to moscow. well, viktor orban didn't seem to care. he said that this was the second part of a peace mission. he'd been in kyiv earlier in the week for talks with president zelenskyy. with president zelensky. translation: we need - to take many steps to move towards ending the war. but the first important step we've taken today restoring dialogue. translation: we are grateful to the prime minister- for coming to moscow. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue and move it on. once the putin orban talks were over, we managed to get some reaction from the hungarian foreign minister. very strong words from brussels. appeasement you're accused of. ok, so once again,
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we are a sovereign country and without dialogue, without discussion, without channels of communication to be kept open, there will be no solution. last 2.5 years have made this very clear. i think that moscow often looks for opportunities to drive wedges between its opponents, to sow division in the west. disunity. and the russians will be well aware of the optics here. the leader of a european country flying to moscow, holding talks with president putin at a time when much of the west has been trying to isolate russia because of the war in ukraine. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. earlier, my colleague catriona perry spoke to angela stent, the director of the center for eurasian, russian and east european studies at georgetown university. from your perspective, what do you think viktor orban is doing in russia? he wanted to show that hungary has taken over the presidency of the european council for six months. he has his own ideas,
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he has always been disruptive in the european union and nato, so he wanted to show and make his mark, and i don't think he really believes that he is going to be able to make peace between ukraine and russia. after his talks with putin, he said ukraine and russia were very far apart in the way they see things and in the possibility of ending the war. he didn't need to go to moscow or kyiv to understand that, but it is showing that he is a force to be reckoned with. european leaders have been at pains to point out that although hungary is holding the presidency of the eu at the moment, viktor orban is not speaking for them in these meetings in moscow, but how problematic is it for the eu to have him there doing this? it is problematic because it is disruptive, and there are some other eu members like slovakia, i would say to some extent even austria, who want a more forward—looking policy
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toward vladimir putin, who maybe are not as excited about voting as much money as the eu has voted to support ukraine, so it makes things more difficult. it causes more dissension within the eu. poland has also sharply criticised what orban has just done, unlike the previous government that had a rather good relationship with hungary. it is not going to the change eu policy, but itjust is much more disruptive for them. what will president putin take from the whole thing? he will take from it that she's doing quite well from dividing the alliance from these issues. here you have a eu and nato ally willing to meet with him, who as we know has been indicted as a war criminal, and to talk about peace with ukraine and have a press conference where putin accused ukraine of not being interested in peace, laid out briefly his
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own peace plan, which of course involves ukraine accepting all the loss of territory, which the russians have demanded they do, so he can come away from this satisfied that he doesn't have any united west against him. viktor orban has said he is on a peace mission, although he has said ukraine and russia are far apart, but do you think he thinks he can make peace there? i doubt he does, i'm sure he understands he cannot make peace given the wide gulf between the countries, but he wants to show he is a legitimate eu leader he wants to get some brownie points for it, you might say, from some countries. i doubt he believes he can really make peace between russia and ukraine, just as i doubt all the other countries like china, who presented their own peace plans, understand they cannot either. let's turn to some
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other important news around the world. vote counting is under way in the iran's run—off presidential election. the vote comes after no candidate in last week's general election was able to secure 50% of the vote. the race is now down to ultraconservative saeed jalili and the reformist dr masoud pezeshkian. a final result is expected on saturday. thousands of people have returned to their homes in northern california in the us, after wildfires swept through the area burning more than 800 acres of land and destroying 7a structures. officials warn that residents should brace themselves for the fire season as excessive heat and dry weather feeds the wildfires. storm beryl is passing over mexico after bringing strong winds to southern jamaica. it has weakened to a tropical storm, with sustained winds of 70m/h or 112km/h. officials say that being over land will continue to weaken beryl. however its expected to regain strength once it clears mexico, and again become a hurricane as it heads towards southern texas.
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efforts to secure a ceasefire deal and a hostage release in gaza are gaining momentum after weeks of stalled negotiations. the head of israel's spy agency mossad returned from qatar's capital doha on friday after an initial meeting with mediators. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office says indirect negotiations with hamas will resume next week. our middle east correspondent sebastian usher has the latest from jerusalem. we've heard little from what came out of those talks for now, but we have heard from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office, saying that an israeli delegation would be sent again for discussions in the coming week. we also heard from the prime minister's office that gaps still remain, and before the israeli delegation left, israeli officials were saying that there should be low expectations. i think those expectations had risen when a response from hamas had been given to israel to look at. and there were reports
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from various sources that that response might contain a significant breakthrough. now, a significant breakthrough would essentially be an agreement by hamas to drop its key demand that there must be a permanent cease fire at the start of any process, which is not in the biden deal that was set out, which would allow the process to begin and then moves towards a permanent cease fire would happen after that. if that is the case, then that would be a major shift and it would put the ball very much in israel's court. the palestinian health ministry says israeli forces killed seven people on friday after it raided a refugee camp in the occupied west bank. the israeli military says the raid was carried out to find militants involved in an attack last week in which an israeli captain was killed. hamas says five of its members were among the dead. the military said there was a gun battle in thejenin refugee camp after surrounding a building it said militants had
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barricaded themselves in, while an airstrike "struck several armed terrorists" in the area. in gaza, civilians are facing terrible conditions, after nearly nine months of war. the united nations reports that about 1.9 million — or nine out of every ten people — have been internally displaced in gaza at least once since october. the staggering numbers come after the most recent israeli evacuation order. on monday, the military ordered an estimated 250,000 palestinians to evacuate from the southern gaza city of khan younis. my collegue catriona perry has been speaking about the humnaitrian crisis with sam rose, the director of planning at unrwa, the un agency that supports palestiniain refugees. there is very rental that we have been able to bring through the crossing since the beginning of may so the displacement that happened from khan younis, we were able to have some flour, supplies we
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had in stock but otherwise a very difficult, we have hundreds and hundreds of containers stuck in egypt and trapped at the border and as long the axis constraints persist at the border, it will be difficult for us to get food. there are some commercial supplies on the market. there is some fresh fruit and vegetable but very difficult for people, regular people to afford as the prices have risen considerably since the start of the process and people are not working so they have no means to secure them so while commercial supplies are coming and which is a good thing, they do not help us to meet the needs of the vulnerable and it is a similar situation up in the north. we have been able to get food in to northern gaza, some supplies are now coming in some supplies are now coming in so with the displacement from eastern gaza cityjust a few days ago, we were able to provide food, we were able to
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provide food, we were able to provide some water. this is unripe in cooperation with other humanitarian associations. —— unwra. it would bring the fuel in as well, get supplies in and safe passage through what is increasingly squeezed space in gaza. your evacuation orders issued at khan younis covering a quarter of the entire land of the gaza strip so the safe space in which we are operating as a humanitarian community is becoming increasingly squeezed into the central area of the gaza strip. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. friday was another pretty unsubtle day, but at least many areas saw at least some sunshine for a time, and through the afternoon didn't look too bad here
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in flamborough in east yorkshire. some hazy sunshine, a bit of high cloud, and the seas looking quite calm. won't look like that, mind you, for saturday because further southwards we ended friday with a band of rain moving in, and this area of rain is actually going to develop into a whole new area of low pressure. so that's notjust going to be bringing some wet weather our way, but also it'll be quite windy at times as we go through saturday, particularly for england and wales, where we've got the tightly packed isobars with us. so next few hours are quite a heavy rain across england and wales, there'll be some heavy showers for northern ireland, and another zone of quite persistent rain setting up across northern areas of scotland. our temperatures to start off saturday morning, generally around about double figures about 10—13 for most. but as we start off saturday, there will be these areas of heavy rain associated with this developing low pressure system. gusty winds running into the 30s of miles an hour, knocking the edge off the temperatures. and even as the rain clears through, showers will follow.
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sunshine and showers for northern ireland, some persistent rain for northeast scotland —that could cause one or two issues here. and look at that, just 12 degrees in aberdeen, certainly a lot colder than it was on friday. now, the second half of the weekend on the whole looks like being the better of the two days of the weekend, but it's all relative, really. we start the day on a dry and sunny note, but showers become pretty widespread through the afternoon, some of those turning heavy and thundery as well. temperatures for many areas, still generally mid to high teens. could be a few areas that sneak a 20, but i suppose where thejuly sunshine comes out it won't feel too bad. next week, if you're hoping for signs of change, you can forget that, we've got low pressures coming our way from the south—west. now, monday is another showery kind of day, so most areas will start the day dry with sunshine, the cloud then develops late morning into the early afternoon, and then we start to see some showers and thunderstorms break out in places. could be a few areas that miss those — maybe east anglia, south—east england seeing largely dry weather. and a little bit warmer here as well, temperatures could get into the low 20s
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for a time, but overall next week it is looking pretty unsettled, with rain or showers around and temperatures still a little below average for the time of year. bye for now.
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voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines
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for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. this week... we're with the next generation of bot builders — and they're not who you think they are. plus, this may be music to your ears — if you're a tabla player. the computerised version is now upon us. and the scammers targeting chinese people with threats of extradition, as deepfake police officers demand bail money. there's no chance i can know that's not real. it's so convincing.


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