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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  July 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm BST

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in the studio by retired us on the leader and joined by former pentagon correspondent. barbara, we havejust been discussing high facing nato nato members as they did with assistance to ukraine with the offence from russia and what you're expecting to hear for the next two days? i expecting to hear for the next two da 5? ~ ., expecting to hear for the next two da 5? ~' ., ., days? i think were going to obviously _ days? i think were going to obviously see _ days? i think were going to obviously see president - days? i think were going to - obviously see president zelensky literally begged nato for more weapons, for more long—range missiles, more air defence. he is expecting, key issue for delivery from european highlights this summer that should help but general hodges would say, all of these items have been dribbling in the f—i6s have been dribbling in the f—i6s have been delayed for so long in their constraints of what targets ukraine is allowed to hit in the bottom
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line, russia has a lot more to prepare district targets inside ukraine and wejust prepare district targets inside ukraine and we just saw that in the last 2a hours or so with a devastating strike on the children hospital in kyiv. but could be most interesting for what is not said publicly and have a lot of reporting is out there circulating to washington that many native delegations are trained to meet with people they believe will be part of any potential donald trump administration of donald trump is reelected and they want to get with those people are talking to them behind the scenes.— those people are talking to them behind the scenes. right now i want to cross over — behind the scenes. right now i want to cross over to _ behind the scenes. right now i want to cross over to that _ behind the scenes. right now i want to cross over to that event - behind the scenes. right now i want to cross over to that event where i to cross over to that event where the nato secretary—general is speaking. the nato secretary-general is s - eakin . . the nato secretary-general is s-ueakin. ., ., , , speaking. the horror, the suffering and the terrible _ speaking. the horror, the suffering and the terrible human _ speaking. the horror, the suffering and the terrible human cost - speaking. the horror, the suffering and the terrible human cost of- speaking. the horror, the sufferingj and the terrible human cost of war. they were determined that this would never happen again. so, they founded
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nato. with a clear purpose to preserve peace and safeguard freedom. a solemn promise and ironclad commitment to protect each other. one for all and all for one. i have great respect for the treaty. not least because it is so short. just 14 paragraphs and only a few pages. never have so few words meant so much to so many. peace has been preserved in freedom has been safeguarded. that makes nato the
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most successful alliance in history. when i arrived at nato ten years ago, i was told it may be the most successful alliance industry it is not the longest. that honour belonged to the league of ancient greek city states. but the league lasted 7a years and and these alliance, we can finally say that nato was not only the most successful in the strongest but also the longest lasting alliance in history. to understand the enduring
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success of nato, it is important to recognise our transatlantic alliance was never given in on the contrary, it is the result of deliberate choices and difficult decisions. starting with nato's creation. after world war ii two, many americans wanted to leave europe. and bring their boys back home. just as the united states did after world war i. fortunately this time, courageous leaders on both sides of the atlantic were able to defy opposition and create a transatlantic alliance to deter the
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soviet threat. a controversial idea emerged that we needed to talk to our enemy, to minimise the risk of an arms race spiralling out of control. and lead to nuclear armageddon. step—by—step leads to difficult talks and harmful negotiations and architecture, thousands of weapons are destroyed and transparency, interest build. there will became a safer place to to deterrence and defence but also due to disarmament and dialogue and that cold war ended without nato firing a shot. this opened a
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historic window of opportunity and brought us to another critical decision whether to enlarge nato and welcome all adversaries as new allies. the contest of the former packed had already made her choice and they all wanted to join our alliance and personalities which led the way. the question is whether or not we were ready to open our door and some feared that this would delude and weaken nato. and provoke moscow in previous crossroads, it was not an obvious choice. it is not an easy decision and it took time.
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but in the end, we stood up for the right of every nation to choose our own path and be open nato's door. hardly a decision in modern history is changed europe more profoundly. nato enlargements did what was previously unthinkable, pave the way for eu integration and brought peace and prosperity across the continent. allies showed them clarity and determination is a must continue to do now. russia's war against ukraine is the biggest security crisis in generations. ukraine has shown remarkable courage and nato allies
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have provided unprecedented support but, let's be honest. not even our support for ukraine has been given. it is not straightforward because our support comes from costs and risks. the reality is, there are no cost free options with an aggressive russia as a neighbour. there are no risks free options and remember, the biggest cost and the greatest risk will be in russia wins and ukraine. we cannot let that happen.
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not only would it embolden president putin, it would also embolden other authoritarian leaders. in iran, and north korea and china. they all support russia's brutal war. they all want nato to fail. so, the outcome of this war which shapes global security for decades to come. the time to stand for freedom and democracy is now. the place is ukraine. overthe democracy is now. the place is ukraine. over the last 7a years, the transatlantic relationship has weathered many storms. we are bound
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together not only by interests but also by history, tradition and values. and our alliance should not be taken for granted. it was not a given in 1949, it is not a given now and it will not be a given in the decades to come. everyone in this room has the responsibility as political leaders and experts as citizens we need to show the same courage and determination in the future as was demonstrated in the past when nato was founded. the future of our alliance depends on our men and women in uniform. they put their lives in the line every day to
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keep our lives safe. at the national cemetery to pay my respects for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. we owe them an eternal debt of gratitude. we honour them all. mr president, theirfriends. our alliance is not perfect. and will continue to face difficult decisions in the future and i do not know what the next crisis will be. but i do know that we are at our best when we take difficult decisions with political courage and moral character. and i know that we are stronger and safer together in
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nato. it is good to have friends. thank you. nato. it is good to have friends. thank vom— nato. it is good to have friends. thank ou. ,, . ., , , ., thank you. the secretary general deliverin: thank you. the secretary general delivering remarks _ thank you. the secretary general delivering remarks of _ thank you. the secretary general delivering remarks of its - thank you. the secretary general delivering remarks of its 75th - delivering remarks of its 75th celebration anniversary event on this, the eve of my official nato summit and in a month or two will hearfrom the us presidentjoe biden was making his way to the stage there as we speak. and former pentagon correspondent was with us for some brief remarks and what did you make with secretary—general said there? you make with secretary-general said there? ., .,, you make with secretary-general said there? ., , , . there? one of the most experienced euro ean there? one of the most experienced european diplomats _ there? one of the most experienced european diplomats and _ there? one of the most experienced european diplomats and indie - european diplomats and indie diplomats around the root that you will ever find diplomats around the root that you will everfind in i was diplomats around the root that you will ever find in i was struck by his very strident statements about the fight for democracy in the place for that fight is ukraine. he is leaving no wiggle room and he well
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knows the debate within the united states and it centres around eight or no aid for ukraine and he is aware of the election coming here in the united states and he is aware that some of this delegation members that some of this delegation members that are sitting right there at the meeting with donald trump loyalists to try and get a sense of where the trump administration is in all of this and it's very striking that the secretary—general took this occasion as you would expect them to do to make that very definitive statement and everything about democracy and the place for that fight is ukraine right now. he the place for that fight is ukraine riaht now. ,. , right now. he described the situation — right now. he described the situation is _ right now. he described the situation is the _ right now. he described the situation is the biggest - right now. he described the - situation is the biggest security crisis in generations, didn't he? he did crisis in generations, didn't he? he: did because there are already indications that russia is simply is not stopping in us officials believe russia may be well behind some of the threats that have been made that
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have impacted us military bases in europe and we saw the spaces within the last several days go to the highest condition of security alert and about a decade and the reason is, they believe that behind the scenes, russian loyalists are planning some kind of sabotage attempts against us bases potentially in europe and this is going to be and we have it never comes to pass but if it were, it is going to be something that putin will be removed of and he always uses essentially cut out other actors, other people to carry out his sabotaged agendas and there's a lot of concern about that in europe right now, huge concern of nato possible eastern flank, poland and its neighbours and it's very clear that russia has no intention of stopping the war and no intentions of stopping its aggressions in europe, potentially. trainings on
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bbc news, _ europe, potentially. trainings on bbc news, this _ europe, potentially. trainings on bbc news, this is _ europe, potentially. trainings on bbc news, this is a _ europe, potentially. trainings on bbc news, this is a special- bbc news, this is a special programme bringing you coverage of the summit special celebration event every person secretary—general and we are awaiting remarks from the us presidentjoe biden and speaking there to barbara and also joint in there to barbara and also joint in the studio by us army retired lieutenant ben hodges, what did she make of what you just heard it was quite stark remarks?— make of what you just heard it was quite stark remarks? yes, he's one ofthe quite stark remarks? yes, he's one of the best — quite stark remarks? yes, he's one of the best speakers _ quite stark remarks? yes, he's one of the best speakers i've _ quite stark remarks? yes, he's one of the best speakers i've heard - quite stark remarks? yes, he's one of the best speakers i've heard and j of the best speakers i've heard and is clarity _ of the best speakers i've heard and is clarity and. we of the best speakers i've heard and is clarity and-— is clarity and. we are going to interru -t is clarity and. we are going to interrupt you _ is clarity and. we are going to interrupt you because - is clarity and. we are going to interrupt you because joe - is clarity and. we are going to i interrupt you because joe biden is clarity and. we are going to - interrupt you because joe biden has interrupt you becausejoe biden has just made his way to the stage. good evenina. just made his way to the stage. good evening. welcome. _ just made his way to the stage. good evening. welcome. in _ just made his way to the stage. (ems. evening. welcome. in 1949, the leaders of 12 countries including president truman came together in this very room in history was watching. it had been four years
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since the surrender of the axis powers. in the end of this devastating war the world had ever known. here, these 12 leaders gathered to make a sacred pledge to defend each other against aggression and provide the collective security and provide the collective security and answered threats is one. because they knew to prevent future wars, to protect democracy, to lay the groundwork for a lasting peace and prosperity, they needed a new approach and combine their strengths, they needed an alliance and signed the washington treaty and created the nato. the single greatest affective defensive alliance in the history of the world. secretary—general, leaders of nato countries, foreign defence
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ministers and partner nations of the european union. members of congress, distinguished guests, welcome to the 2024 nato summit. it is a pleasure. it is a pleasure to host you in this milestone year and look back with pride at all we have achieved and look ahead in our shared future with strength and resolve an together, we rebuild europe from the ruins of war and help guide the torture of liberty through long decades of the cold war —— torch of liberty. we welcome and alliance in war broke out in the balkans, we intervened, restored peace and stop the ethnic cleansing with the united states was attacked on september 11, our nato allies all stood with us invoking article five for the first time in
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nato history. treating an attack on us as an attack on all of us. breathtaking display of friendship to the american people that we will never forget. to the american people that we will neverforget. throughout to the american people that we will never forget. throughout all this history, great changes occurred and people would ask, can nato adapt and every time, we proved we could adapt and we did, involving our strategies to stay ahead of threats and reaching out to new partners to increase our effectiveness in here with us today our countries in the nato pacific regions. they're here because they have a stick in our success and we have a stick there. —— stake in theirs. for years, finland and sweden have remained a close as partners and now they have chosen to officiallyjoin nato because of the power and meaning of
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article five guarantees that is the reason the most important aspect of 1949 and still the most important aspect. i will also note finland and swedenjoined aspect. i will also note finland and sweden joined the alliance notjust because their leader started but because their leader started but because their leader started but because their citizens called for at in overwhelming numbers. remember, nato's character is fundamentally democratic. it always has been must continue to be. today, nato's better resource than it ever has been. i want to pause on this because it's significant. in the year 2020. the yeari significant. in the year 2020. the year i was elected president, only nine nato allies are spending 2% of their defence and gdp on defence. this year, 23 will spend at least 2%. and some will spend more than that in remaining countries that
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have not yet reached that milestone will get there soon. remarkable progress. proof that our commitment is broad and deep. that we are ready and they were willing and able to deter aggression and defend every inch of nato territory across every domain, land, air, sea, cyberand space. my friends, it is good that we are stronger than ever because this moment in history calls for a collective strength. autocrats that want to overturn global order by and large cap for nearly 80 years and counting. terrorist groups continue to plot evil schemes, because may have been chaos and suffering in europe, proved the embossed buzzword of aggression against ukraine continues in food and putin wants nothing less than ukraine's total
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subjugation. the end ukraine plus plus democracy, destroy ukraine possibles culture and wipe ukraine off the map and we know putin will not stop at ukraine. make no mistake, ukraine can and will stop putin. especially with our full collective support and they have our full support. even when bombs are following on ukraine, i ordered the us reinforcements to the eastern flank, more troops, more aircraft, more capabilities now the united states is more than 100,000 troops from the continent of europe and later moved swiftly as well, not only reinforcing the existing battle groups of the east but also adding
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four more from bulgaria, hungary, romania and slovakia. doubling nato possible strength of the eastern flank and together, we build a global coalition to stand with ukraine and together, we provide a significant economic and humanitarian assistance and together, supply ukraine with weapons and needs to defend itself. tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, air defence systems, long—range missiles and millions of munitions. united states nearly two dozen allied partners have signed a bilateral security agreement to ukraine. more countries will follow and today, i am announcing historic donations of defence equipment for ukraine, united states, germany, netherlands, italy will supply ukraine with the equipment for five strategic air defence systems and in
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the coming months, united states and our partners will provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical air defence systems. united states will make sure there will we export critical air defence systems, ukraine goes to the front of the line. they will get this assistance before anyone else. ukraine will receive hundreds over the next year. help protect ukrainian cities from russian missiles, ukrainian troops facing attacks on the front lines. make no mistake, russia is failing in this war. more than three years in this war. more than three years in the embossed buzzword of choice, the are staggering. whether trench 50,000 russian troops dead or wounded, nearlyi million russians, young people leaving russia because they no longer see a future in russia. in kyiv, remember it was
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supposed to fall in five days, remember? still standing two and half years later will continue to stand. all the allies knew before this war putin thought nato would break. today, nato is stronger than it's ever been in its history. when this senseless war began, ukraine was a free country. today, it is still a free country and the war will end with ukraine remaining and independent country. russia will not prevail. ukraine will prevail. ladies and gentlemen, this is a pivotal moment for the transatlantic community and i might add for the
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world. let's remember, the fact that neither remains global security did not happen by accident, it was not inevitable. again and again, critical moments that we chose union over disunion, progress of a retreat, freedom of her tyranny, hope over fear and retreat, freedom of her tyranny, hope overfear and again retreat, freedom of her tyranny, hope over fear and again we stood behind a shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous transatlantic community near the summit, we gather and claim that nato is ready and able to secure that vision today and well into the future. let me say this. in overwhelming bipartisan majority of americans understand that nato makes us all safer. the fact that both democratic and republican parties represented here todayis republican parties represented here today is a testament to that fact and american people know with all the progress we have made in the past 75 years is happening behind
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the shield of nato. in the american people understand what would happen if there was no nato. another war in europe, american troops fighting and dying, dictators spreading chaos, economic collapse, catastrophe. americans, they know where stronger with our friends. and we understand that this is a sacred obligation as president reagan put it, and i quote, for ourfellow president reagan put it, and i quote, for our fellow democracy is not secure, we cannot be secure. if you are threatened, we are threatened. if you're not at peace, we cannot be peace. reagan knew it then and we know it now. our nations will continue to keep the faith with what we pledged in years to come. now, if you'll indulge me, i would
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like to move my remarks, nato is alliance of nation is also made of leaders and one person in particular as done an extraordinaryjob leading nato for the last decade. secretary—generaljens stoltenberg, will you come forward? so much of the progress we made in the alliances thanks to the secretary. he is a man of integrity and intellectual rigour, calm temperament in a moment of crisis. consummate diplomat and grocer leaders across the political spectrum and always finds a way to keep us moving forward and you have guided this alliance to one of the most controversial periods of its history and i realise i've asked you to extend your service, personally.
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forgive me. you put your own plans on hold when the russian word ukraine began, you did not hesitate —— war in ukraine began. smarter and more energised. then we began and a billion people across europe and north america and indeed the whole world will reap the rewards of your labour for years to come. in the form of security, opportunity and greater freedom and for these reasons, i am pleased to award you the highest civilian honour the united states can bestow, the presidential medal of freedom. reading the citation.
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the president of the united states of america this medal of freedom to jens stoltenberg. a visionary statesman in ceaseless defender of democracy, secretary—generaljens democracy, secretary—general jens stoltenberg has democracy, secretary—generaljens stoltenberg has guided the nato alliance — stoltenberg has guided the nato alliance through the most consequential decade for european security— consequential decade for european security since world war ii. when vladimir— security since world war ii. when vladimir putin launched his brutal assault— vladimir putin launched his brutal assault on— vladimir putin launched his brutal assault on the people of ukraine, betting _ assault on the people of ukraine, betting that nato would break, secretary—generaljens stoltenberg secretary—general jens stoltenberg proved _ secretary—general jens stoltenberg proved him secretary—generaljens stoltenberg proved him wrong. under his stewardship nato has become stronger and more _ stewardship nato has become stronger and more united than ever and americans— and more united than ever and americans for generations to come will benefit from the safer world he helped _ will benefit from the safer world he helped create. he demonstrates that the core _ helped create. he demonstrates that the core truths of the alliance is as powerful now as it was 75 years
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ago _ as powerful now as it was 75 years ago. together, are stronger. together, we are stronger. applause. applause. music


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