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tv   Politics Live  BBC News  July 10, 2024 12:15pm-1:01pm BST

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is ready will have been done. that is ready intelligence driven, so information goes to the intelligent cell and is assessed by the senior investigating officer, and then det supt rob hall it was in charge, would make decisions about where those resources would go so lots of speculation at the moment and this may or may not be associated with the manhunt and those of us who live in london will know it is not unusual to have armed officers in locations dealing with incidents but given that the suspect lives in enfield and we are talking about gordon railway station and officers there, it may be connected. but i think that officers will want to ensure that if they have any intelligence around the suspect being in that area, they will want to carry out a very thorough and comprehensive search, so i imagine that dogs will be asked for so dogs
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will come along and assist the officers and you may well have licensed such officers attending and then the local officers. i should imagine leave will probably be cancelled if awesome officers in that area given how important it is to locate the suspect. —— cancelled for some officers. given that the suspect may had a crossbow, that highlights the safety concerns for offices and areas of the public —— members of the public so i would urge anyone who has information to call 999 and share that information. it is important to reiterate the facts, and i'm glad you have done it, that even though we are seeing pictures of armed police in this area around gordon hill, it does not mean it is connected to the manhunt or that they have in any way, shape or that they have in any way, shape orform progressed in their search
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for... or form progressed in their search for... �* or form progressed in their search for...�* ,, . ., , for... i'm speculating here, but they may _ for... i'm speculating here, but they may have _ for... i'm speculating here, but they may have intelligence - for... i'm speculating here, but. they may have intelligence given for... i'm speculating here, but - they may have intelligence given the suspect they are looking for is in enfield. i can see why they would be that particular speculation and it may well be connected but i think it is important that we don't allow social media to dominate something like this and obviously the news authorities like the bbc, sky, itv will obviously have rules and regulations but unfortunately social media is a bit like the wild west and anyone can put anything on there and anyone can put anything on there and it can start rumours and i think it is really important to be rely on critical news resources and i've listened to you talking about this and you have said throughout that this is unincorporated and this is all information, very different to what happens in social media so i think it is really important to wait and i understand the press
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conference will be here shortly, so it is important to listen to what's police say and ensure any information that is shared with the public does not unnecessarily alarmed people and there may well be people in gordon hill who are listening to this programme who will be very frightened and the advice from the police has been to stay indoors and wait for an outcome, and to look out and follow something like bbc news and follow information that comes out that is credible and don't rely on social media. what absolutely, and again, dal babu, very good advice. i willjust bring in a bid for information to viewers watching this so if you to in a bid for information to viewers watching this so if yo- in a bid for information to viewers watching this so if you to stay with us for 'ust watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a _ watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a second. _ watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a second. -- _ watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a second. -- bring - watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a second. -- bring in i watching this so if you to stay with us forjust a second. -- bring in a| us forjust a second. —— bring in a bit more information. there has been a tweet on x by a reporter from a rival news organisation which says that kyle clifford's home in enfield was raided by armed police around
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8am and he wasn't there and the manhunt is still on and a quote from a neighbour is that they are surprised if he had done it, he is from a good family, that is not from the police but from a neighbour, and thatis the police but from a neighbour, and that is a tweet from a rival news organisation who talked to someone who lives on windlesham road. we are also hearing more from residents on ashlyn close where the incident took place. we heard from derek turner who is 73 years old and lives on the close, and he said it happened all of a sudden, the place went crackers, there were police cars everywhere, armed police in black uniforms with semiautomatic guns. i thought it was a terrorist being. and to bring you another quits from a resident of ashlyn close who said she heard three women screaming,
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sorry, not three women, she heard screaming from the house where the three women were killed —— another quote. this witness said it was between 630 and 7pm last night and it sounded like kids, somebody�*s screaming and then it was more shrill, and i said, that is definitely someone screaming, and within 15 minutes it was chaos and we had armed police running down the road saying, stay in your house, and they shutters into our houses and basically put us into lockdown. i just want to talk to you about the weapon the police believe the suspect could potentially still be armed with as we continue to watch these helicopter pictures coming live to us from enfield where we believe the police manhunt has moved to. crossbow is as a weapon, how common are they. is there a big issue with crossbows in this country? it is
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ironic, crossbows in this country? it is ironic. we _ crossbows in this country? it is ironic, we had _ crossbows in this country? it is ironic, we had an _ crossbows in this country? it 3 ironic, we had an incident in tower hamlets about six weeks ago where they cross but was used to shoot at people and it's caused a huge amount of panic in the area and a huge amount of police resources and local authorities trying to provide some reassurance in the area, but a crossbow is a sort of made offensive weapon if it is being used but it is not unlawful and it does not have the same kind of restrictions and some other kinds of weapons do, and following incident where an individual groomed by an ai bots, jaswant singh chail, going to buckingham palace to try to kill the former queen, there was a strengthening of the regulation around crossbows, but people can have crossbow legitimately but there are calls to have greater restrictions on them because they
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can be a weapon as we have seen here and it depends on the strength of the shot. you can have kids with bow and arrows which caused no damage and arrows which caused no damage and are no problem but crossbows are lethal machines and that is why they are restricted under the firearms act. . ~' , ., are restricted under the firearms act. . ~' i” ., are restricted under the firearms act. ., ~ ., ., act. thank you for that, dal babu. it is important _ act. thank you for that, dal babu. it is important to _ act. thank you for that, dal babu. it is important to underline - act. thank you for that, dal babu. it is important to underline that i act. thank you for that, dal babu. | it is important to underline that we are not sure whether this man has a crossbow but this is what police are seeing and this is one of the reasons they are underlining the fact that kyle clifford, whose picture you can see her on the screen, is armed according to police, potentially armed, but they are definitely saying he is dangerous and that if anyone sees him, not to approach him to contact the police as soon as possible. i really appreciate you talking to us, dal, and it's important to get the views of an expert. if you are still there can you hear me? i
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views of an expert. if you are still there can you hear me?— views of an expert. if you are still| there can you hear me?- we views of an expert. if you are still there can you hear me? i can. we are 'ust there can you hear me? i can. we are just seeing — there can you hear me? i can. we are just seeing these _ there can you hear me? i can. we are just seeing these aerial— there can you hear me? i cam we are just seeing these aerial shots of enfield and we heard earlier from a news reporter saying that kyle clifford's home in enfield was raided earlier but he wasn't there and the manhunt continues. how common is it for a perpetrator, an alleged perpetrator like this to return to their home or their home area? it return to their home or their home area? , ., , ., ~ area? it is not unusual. i think what we do — area? it is not unusual. i think what we do know _ area? it is not unusual. i think what we do know at _ area? it is not unusual. i think what we do know at the - area? it is not unusual. i think. what we do know at the moment area? it is not unusual. i think- what we do know at the moment is that police would be gathering loads of intelligence and they will be monitoring phones, monitoring the current links of associates of the suspects, and they may have a covert intelligence source who was giving them information and they may have reviewed footage from cctv or door bell footage they have seen. —— about human intelligence source. so
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we don't really know but i should imagine police will have been working overtime to get that information which is crucial. —— covert human intelligence source. police forces up and down the country will have been aware and we have already seen that cooperation between hertfordshire police and bedfordshire police working very closely with the metropolitan police so i think a significant amount of resources in this manhunt will now be down to the metropolitan police in conjunction with hertfordshire police, so the met is almost a third of the entire police force in the country, so they have huge amounts of resources and i should imagine the armed response vehicles, the arvs the armed response vehicles, the arvs will be directed to go to any areas where they suspect the suspect is. i think there is a huge amount of speculation at the moment that it
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is gordon hill and it may be one of many areas that police are looking at at the moment, so they will be following up every single lead but given that the suspect is rumoured to have a crossbow or may have a crossbow, the police will want armed officers to be at the forefront of any searches, given the potential danger that may be two unarmed officers who may come across the suspect. i think the other thing thatis suspect. i think the other thing that is important to mention is that the suspects themselves will be listening to the news and they will be watching tv and they may do this, thatis be watching tv and they may do this, that is the nature of suspects when they are on the run, they will want to know what the authorities know, and i think it is important that the suspect understands it is in his best interest, ed kyle is watching this, it is in his best interest to give himself up and approach an armed officer and give himself up —— and if kyle is watching this. in the
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end, the police resources are so huge that they will find him and his and is best interest to come forward and is best interest to come forward and give himself up. i and is best interest to come forward and give himself up.— and is best interest to come forward and give himself up. i wanted to ask ou and give himself up. i wanted to ask you something. _ and give himself up. i wanted to ask you something, dal, _ and give himself up. i wanted to ask you something, dal, because - and give himself up. i wanted to ask you something, dal, because i - and give himself up. i wanted to ask you something, dal, because i was. you something, dal, because i was reading earlier a witness talking to the press about what happened in this witness, it is quite a traumatising statement because this witness talks about hearing screaming and shell screaming, and then they talked about within 15 minutes armed police running up and down the road saying, stay in your house, and shutting them off and basically putting them into lockdown. —— shrill screaming. that was last night at about 11 and it was last night at about 11 and it was only this morning that we received a photograph from the police, so why do you think there was that long delay between these two events given these police were raiding the home of the suspect at around 8am? raiding the home of the suspect at around sam? the raiding the home of the suspect at around 8am?— around sam? the police don't
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normally share _ around sam? the police don't normally share all _ around sam? the police don't normally share all the - around sam? the police don't - normally share all the information with the media, the media will play an important part in this manhunt andi an important part in this manhunt and i think you will see from the press conference that the police will be very keen to engage with the media but the police have a balance in dealing with intelligence and keeping it safe and restricted to the people who need to know and then sharing it at an appropriate moment, so the police will have probably given those messages right at the beginning because i don't know where the suspect is. they will have search the local area, cleans the area and then they will have been a reassurance team, police officers, safer neighbourhood team officers who will have been patrolling that a view to give reassurance and then the police through the intelligent cell would have been moving through locations in areas where people go and look for the suspects of the home address will have been one of them but then they will have perhaps been an obvious one for the suspect to be, so even if he had gone there, he may well have moved on, so we
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have to remember that when police arrived, their priorities will have been sadly the victims who died at the scene, and then they will have had to build a case to see where the suspects are. i'm speculating here, but there may be a history of domestic violence, and there may be a history by the suspect has made threats before to the victims and police databases will have then checked to see who potentially has threatened the victims, and i think the fact that the suspect lived in a metropolitan area will have meant metropolitan police will have been involved in this right from the get go and then shared intelligence they had on the suspect along with the senior investigating officer who is leading the manhunt. qm. senior investigating officer who is leading the manhunt.— senior investigating officer who is leading the manhunt. 0k, dal babu, it has been really _ leading the manhunt. 0k, dal babu, it has been really interesting - leading the manhunt. 0k, dal babu, it has been really interesting to - it has been really interesting to talk to you and i thank you once again for your time talk to you and i thank you once againforyourtime and talk to you and i thank you once again for your time and your insights and your advice. thank you
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once again, and the advice dal babu was giving is that anyone who sees or has heard anything of kyle clifford or anything in relation to the deaths of these three women is to contact the police as soon as possible so let me take the opportunity as we wait for that news conference at hatfield police station to begin, let me bring in alan wilkinson, news correspondent at the scene now. and we have been a ring now and getting more insight into what happened from witnesses and people who have been talking to the media and telling the media... we have lost helena. let me tell you what we have been hearing from people talking to the media. we heard from one resident who said that it literally sounded like kids, somebody screaming and then it was my trail, and i was like, that is definitely a woman screaming, with a
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15 minutes it was chaos. they were armed police screaming, stain your house, the shutters off and put us into lockdown. we had another neighbour that said they are a class family. it's a tragic and horrifying story, there was a lot of activity from police and ambulance last night. there were over a dozen cars, air ambulance, night. there were over a dozen cars, airambulance, and roads night. there were over a dozen cars, air ambulance, and roads closed way past midnight. the witness then goes on to say it is a decent neighbourhood. mostly retired people and professionals who are living here. we are waiting, as we said, for a statement from jesus subaru intendantjohn simpson, and in the next few minutes... let's just show you the press conference location. that is what we are expecting in the next few minutes. we understand, at
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the moment, from our special correspondent lucy manning who is down there that kyle clifford is still on the run. we understand that no arrest has been made, but again, it's important to wait for the police to confirm that bit of information. this is a fast—moving developing story. there are a lot of elements here. there was a lot for the police to look into. there is a life manhunt. there is a forensic investigation at the house, and just to reiterate, for those of you who mayjust be joining to reiterate, for those of you who mayjust bejoining us, that police are still searching for kyle clifford, the 26—year—old man from enfield, in relation to the deaths of three women in hertfordshire. officers were called to action close about its 7pm last night. the live pictures you're seeing now are of an
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area in enfield, we believe it's near gordon hill station, and we believe the police hunt for kyle clifford has moved to enfield, it is where he is from, and it is where our helicopter is now circling. as you see that in the distance on the ground, a police vehicle. but cross life now to hatfield, i believe it is about to start. we are just going to keep you on the pictures. i think it's best to stay in the pictures anyway. we don't know, any minute now we could have that press conference starting. i want to read you another line, another quote, from a witness. this is from simon, 49 years old who lives by the scene. he said i got told to go inside because a man might be in the loose with a crossbow. asked how he felt about the situation, he said, i'm a realist about what goes on behind
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closed doors. it's shocking, though, i do boast about the fact we live close enough to watford to work, and close enough to watford to work, and close enough to london. while it's freaky and sad, it's a nice area to live in. i don't know what made the betting tip over the edge. that is a witness statement from someone who lives in the area. getting more and more of these statements coming into us from witnesses, residents who live nearby, who either heard things last night or were told by police to stay indoors because of that. you can see now, the screen is split between the press conference in hatfield which is about to start. police were called to an area national close last night. on arrival, they found three women with serious injuries. despite their best efforts, the women who are believed
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to be related died a short time later at the scene. the victims are aged 25, 28 later at the scene. the victims are aged 25,28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incident. we have extensive police resorted deployed at various areas across north london and in hertfordshire. the manhunt also involves manned police officers and specialist search teams looking at a pace and what is a horrific incident, currently believed to be with across crossbow but other weapons may have been used. if members of the public see kyle clifford, do not approach him at any point and to dial 999 immediately. kyle, if you're seeing or hearing this, make contact with the police via 999. beyond that
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immediate search operation, an inquiry has been lodged an appeal to the public for any information in relation to the instance. it will of course be the concerned local residents. additional local offices will be in the area today, so speak to them if you need to. you can report information online at heart dot police .uk, or via web chat. you can call 101, quoting up in fauna. you can say 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity crimestoppers or via their untraceable online form. thank you. that was a press conference by
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superintendentjohn simpson. no questions taken by reporters there. let me bring you all the details from the press conference. detective superintendentjohn simpson said the victims were aged 25, 28 and 61. those of the three women who were killed in that house. they are related, but we have been told any information other than that. he described it a targeted incident, and he also talked about the police search of being concentrated in the area of bushy, round hertfordshire, but in a number of area across north london including enfield, where we are seeing these live pictures from the news helicopter. he talked about and police and specialist search teams being involved in the search. he said a crossbow was used in the attack, but may be that other weapons may have been used in the attack as well. again, the details
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on that have not been given by police. he then asked any members of the public if they see anything or have any information, to dial 999 and to not approach the suspect. he is dangerous. he then made a direct plea to kyle clifford, you can see on the screen, he caught him by name and said kyle, make contact with the police by calling 99 if you are seeing this. he also then appealed for any witnesses and understood there is a lot of concern among local residents. just to reiterate other information from the press conference, the key points are the women involved, there were men killed in this instance, a 25, 28 and 61 years old. it is what is described as a targeted incident. a crossbow was used, but potentially other weapons may also have been used. we don't know any more detail
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than that. i think we can cross life now to our news correspondent helen wilkinson, and you are listening to that, i'm sure, as was i. some more information given to us but not as much information as perhaps reporters and correspondents would have hoped. there were no questions given to us by the police, but if they decide on what we know more now. , ., they decide on what we know more now. , . , ., ., , now. yes, that updating the last moments from _ now. yes, that updating the last moments from the _ now. yes, that updating the last moments from the chief - moments from the chief superintendentjohn simpson from hertfordshire police, giving more details describing the incident at the property to the end of the cul—de—sacjust to the right. one of the properties there, where three women were found seriously injured, all died at the scene, or related. the chief superintendent described it as a targeted incident. he also
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gave details about the ages of the three women. they are 25, 28 and gave details about the ages of the three women. they are 25,28 and 61. so we have had details of how old the three women were. also, what was revealed that searchers have focused on the area where we are, and also a number of areas including enfield, thatis number of areas including enfield, that is where the area where the man that is where the area where the man that they are looking for, kyle clifford, who is 26 years old is wrong. the officer also said a crossbow was believed to be used in the instance, but also, may be other weapons. the incident described as horrific. some more details there from the press conference which you heard from hertfordshire police.
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they confirmed the ages of the victims, those three women who are found with serious injuries in the property at 25, 28, 61. all three women died at the scene. police say it was a targeted instance. they are searching areas, including the area where we are, and a number of other areas, including enfield. that is the area where the man they are searching for, kyle clifford, 26—year—old man, that huge manhunt thatis 26—year—old man, that huge manhunt that is continuing in this lunchtime. they are searching that area. and police and specialist search teams are involved in that huge manhunt, and also, the officer, chief superintendentjohn simpson said a crossbow was used, but may be other weapons were used in the attack. the chief superintendent also made a direct appeal to kyle
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clifford himself, during that news conference in the last five minutes or so. the detectives that are searching for him will be very reliant on members of the public. they are, of course, their eyes and ears, and there's only so much that emphasis can do on the ground searching for this man. they will be very much hoping that this very public appeal to try and find kyle clifford, the man they want to question in connection with this triple murder investigation, they will be hoping that members of the public will now be alert, and if anyone sees him, people have been told to dial 999 immediately. they are not to approach him, because they believe he may still have a weapon on him, a crossbow. confirmation there from hertfordshire police that a crossbow is believed to have been used in what is described as a horrific
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incident here yesterday and it is possible other weapons were used in the attack. the searches are continuing this lunchtime for the 26—year—old man, kyle clifford, who police want to speak to in connection with the deaths of three women who are found with serious injuries. the property, just at the end of the cul—de—sac to the right, where forensic teams are continuing, where forensic teams are continuing, where women were killed aged 25, 28 and 61. let where women were killed aged 25, 28 and 61. , , , ., and 61. let me 'ust bring everyone who's and 61. let me 'ust bring everyone who-s watching— and 61. let me just bring everyone who's watching some _ and 61. let me just bring everyone who's watching some more - who's watching some more information. one of the interesting aspect of that press conference is the moment in which chief superintendentjohn simpson directly talked to kyle clifford, saying, kyle, if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact. dial 999.
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that was a direct appeal, if you like, to kyle. he also come as you said, once members of the public not to approach kyle clifford if they see him, but to immediately call 99. as we watch this live pictures of the helicopter on enfield. they are focusing on this area of greenery around enfield. i'm not sure what the area is called, i'm not familiar with enfield, but the reason we're here is because in between the trees, if you could just looked right in the centre of the picture, there are a number of police standing around what potentially is a black, unmarked police vehicle. we believe they are armed police, and we believe they are in some way, involved in the search for kyle clifford. now, we had that statement a short time ago from hatfield
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police station, from chief superintendentjohn simpson. there wasjust a statement, superintendentjohn simpson. there was just a statement, no question from the media taken afterwards. it was clear from that statement that this is an extremely fast moving investigation. and being told by the producer who was talking to me in my ear that this is a hilly fields park. that is the area of enfield where police have packed their vehicle and if you look very closely, you can see a number of armed police who are there. just to reiterate a few moments ago, we had a press conference, some of the key bits of information we got from the police is that the search is continuing. kyle clifford is dangerous, should not be approached by the public, and another bit we didn't have before as they believe they could have been other weapons other than a crossbow used in this
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attack. i'mjust looking other than a crossbow used in this attack. i'm just looking at a map of gordon hill and hilly fields park is. it'sjust north gordon hill and hilly fields park is. it's just north of gordon hill station. we mentioned gordon hill station was a place of interest according to some elements of social media. hilly fields park is a green area, very close to lavender hill cemetery. it's a little bit to the east of chase farm hospital. it is right there in the north side of enfield. of course, if you move further north, west from anfield, you will then after 15 miles hit bushey, which is where the attack took place. let's take you back in case you missed that. it happened about 15 minutes ago. the police conference, given by chief superintendentjohn simpson. he read a statement to the press. let's have a statement to the press. let's have a listen to it again.—
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a listen to it again. police were called to a _ a listen to it again. police were called to a property _ a listen to it again. police were called to a property and - a listen to it again. police were j called to a property and ashton close just before 7pm last night. officers attended, alongside colleagues of the east of england and ambulance service, and on arrival, fined three women of a serious injuries. sadly, despite their best efforts, the women who are believed to be related died a short time later at the scene. the victims are aged 25, 28 short time later at the scene. the victims are aged 25,28 and 61. our overarching objective today is to protect public safety and to locate kyle clifford, who is wanted in connection with the murder of the three women in what we believe is a targeted incidence. we have extensive police resources deployed to various locations in north london, and also the kyle clifford —— bushey area of north london. we have a search team searching at a horrific pace. we also believe a
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weapon other than a crossbow was also used. if members of the public see kyle clifford, do not approach him, and to dial 99 immediately. kyle, if you are seeing or hearing this, please make contact with the police via 99. beyond the immediate search operation, a major crime inquiry has been launched, we are to appeal to the public for any information in relation to the incident. this incident will of course be a concern to local residents. additional local offices will be in the area today, so please do speak to them if you need to. you can import information online you can import information online you can also call 101. alternatively, you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity, crimestoppers. you can also use
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their online untraceable online form. thank you.— form. thank you. that is chief superintendent _ form. thank you. that is chief superintendent john - form. thank you. that is chief| superintendent john simpson, form. thank you. that is chief - superintendent john simpson, there. superintendentjohn simpson, there. someone who has a lot of experience in man man hence his sue simpson. she was in charge of the manhunt in 2010. , , ~' ., ., 2010. this is, we know, that hertfordshire _ 2010. this is, we know, that hertfordshire police - 2010. this is, we know, that hertfordshire police have - 2010. this is, we know, that - hertfordshire police have named kyle clifford _ hertfordshire police have named kyle clifford. what they are asking, and what they— clifford. what they are asking, and what they absolutely need is to have everybody _ what they absolutely need is to have everybody who may know kyle clifford to report _ everybody who may know kyle clifford to report immediately any sightings or any— to report immediately any sightings or any knowledge that they have of him. or any knowledge that they have of him that — or any knowledge that they have of him that is — or any knowledge that they have of him. that is the most important thing _ him. that is the most important thing dial— him. that is the most important thing. dial 999 if you know where their— thing. dial 999 if you know where their manners. not approach him.
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back— their manners. not approach him. back to _ their manners. not approach him. back to your question. in relation to why— back to your question. in relation to why they— back to your question. in relation to why they haven't announced who they are _ to why they haven't announced who they are looking for earlier, that is actually— they are looking for earlier, that is actually rather surprising. when we had _ is actually rather surprising. when we had the — is actually rather surprising. when we had the rahl moat incident in northumbria, what happened was we announced _ northumbria, what happened was we announced we are looking for him immediately. we knew it was him who had killed _ immediately. we knew it was him who had killed and maimed a number of people. _ had killed and maimed a number of people. so— had killed and maimed a number of people, so it should have been an immediate — people, so it should have been an immediate announcing of who they were looking for. of course, it waved — were looking for. of course, it waved he _ were looking for. of course, it waved be it was kyle clifford until recently — waved be it was kyle clifford until recently. the three ladies who died at the _ recently. the three ladies who died at the scene, they will have been trying _ at the scene, they will have been
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trying to— at the scene, they will have been trying to find out who had got into the property, who had actually done the property, who had actually done the terrible crime. it may well have been _ the terrible crime. it may well have been it _ the terrible crime. it may well have been it has— the terrible crime. it may well have been it has taken them a significant amount— been it has taken them a significant amount of— been it has taken them a significant amount of time to actually find out who it _ amount of time to actually find out who it was — amount of time to actually find out who it was that they were looking for. who it was that they were looking for but _ who it was that they were looking for. but the whole thing with a manhunt — for. but the whole thing with a manhunt is the earlier you get them out to— manhunt is the earlier you get them out to the _ manhunt is the earlier you get them out to the public, the more likely you are _ out to the public, the more likely you are to— out to the public, the more likely you are to tracking down quickly. the public— you are to tracking down quickly. the public at the eyes and ears of the police — the public at the eyes and ears of the police in these dreadful incidents. they will be using cctv, of course, — incidents. they will be using cctv, of course, but it's the public who know _ of course, but it's the public who know this — of course, but it's the public who know this man, as the public and may have seen— know this man, as the public and may have seen something suspicious in the area — have seen something suspicious in the area. it's the public who can actually— the area. it's the public who can actually help resolve this incident as quickly— actually help resolve this incident as quickly as possible. so actually help resolve this incident as quickly as possible.— actually help resolve this incident as quickly as possible. so we know now who the _ as quickly as possible. so we know now who the manager. _ as quickly as possible. so we know now who the manager. the - as quickly as possible. so we know now who the manager. the police | as quickly as possible. so we know. now who the manager. the police are concentrating their efforts on the
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bushey area, and on the enfield area. why are they doing that? why area. why are they doing that? why are they not potentially looking further afield? are they not potentially looking furtherafield? do are they not potentially looking further afield? do you think they have information, what is this a normal process for a of this type? this is normal procedure, what they will be _ this is normal procedure, what they will be checking is immediately around — will be checking is immediately around the scene. they will be trying — around the scene. they will be trying to — around the scene. they will be trying to see if there are any clues as to _ trying to see if there are any clues as to where — trying to see if there are any clues as to where he may have gone. they will go _ as to where he may have gone. they will go to— as to where he may have gone. they will go to his — as to where he may have gone. they will go to his last known locations. they— will go to his last known locations. they will_ will go to his last known locations. they will be looking for his home address. — they will be looking for his home address, there'll be checking out for any— address, there'll be checking out for any associates that he has. any friends _ for any associates that he has. any friends that — for any associates that he has. any friends that he has, to see if he has run — friends that he has, to see if he has run an— friends that he has, to see if he has run an effective then.- has run an effective then. let's briefly take _ has run an effective then. let's briefly take you _ has run an effective then. let's briefly take you back _ has run an effective then. let's briefly take you back to - has run an effective then. let's briefly take you back to hell - briefly take you back to hell wilkinson, our correspondence. we heard from sue sim, who headed up the rahl moat manhunt, and this man
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hence now is continuing. yes. the rahl moat manhunt, and this man hence now is continuing.— hence now is continuing. yes, those new details — hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that _ hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that we _ hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that we got _ hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that we got in _ hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that we got in the - hence now is continuing. yes, those new details that we got in the last i new details that we got in the last 15 minutes or so from hertfordshire police, we now know the ages of those three women who died at the property at the end of the cul—de—sac where we act this afternoon. those three women were aged 25, 28 afternoon. those three women were aged 25,28 and 61. they afternoon. those three women were aged 25, 28 and 61. they were found with serious injuries a short time later. we also heard from chief superintendent, john simpson, who described incident yesterday as horrific. he said it involved the use of a crossbow and that other weapons may have been used. let extensive manhunt is under way now for kyle clifford who is 26 years old. the officers said that extensive police resources have been deployed to north london and the bushey area as well. a direct appeal from the chief superintendent to the suspect, kyle clifford, he said in
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that appeal to contact the police via 999. also an appeal to members of the public. if they see him, also to contact 99. do not approach this man, they say. he could still have a weapon on him. man, they say. he could still have a weapon on him-— weapon on him. helena, thank you very much — weapon on him. helena, thank you very much indeed _ weapon on him. helena, thank you very much indeed for— weapon on him. helena, thank you very much indeed for that. - weapon on him. helena, thank you very much indeed for that. helena | very much indeed for that. helena wilkinson is live at the scene in bushey. just to reiterate what helena said. the police and the press conference made a direct appeal to kyle clifford. this is a huge manhunt, a lot of resources are clearly being put into this. this is our news helicopter, hovering around the enfield area, specifically it's the enfield area, specifically it's the hilly fields park area. it is just north of gordon hill station. that is the station where earlier, we were told there was a little bit of police action. police are now concentrating on the search around here. earlier on, we so in an police
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vehicle and officers in the hilly fields area. he and bbc news, will continue to bring the very latest on this fast moving and developing. he is the weather with matt. hello. for some of you, it's been a day to hide away from the weather. but for others across england you may be heading outside to watch a certain match on a big screen later. if you're in southern parts of england, the prospects are good as far as the weather is concerned. a bit breezy but dry with some late sunshine. but for the midlands northwards we'll see a lot more cloud and particularly northern england will be some outbreaks of rain around this evening. not as wet though, as has been experienced on the north coast of aberdeenshire today. just look at that. doesn't scream summer, does it? the rain continues to fall
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across the north east of scotland right now and will do into the start of the night. cold breeze with it. elsewhere, outbreaks of rain, some thundery across northern england, will gradually fizzle out. the rain will push in its way southwards, just a touch into parts of north wales and the north midlands. southern counties will stay clearer and not as humid as it was the last couple of nights. temperatures down into single figures for some. look at the chart for thursday. we've got high pressure trying to build in, but low pressure stilljust about dominant to the east of us. a weather front straddling northern england, north midlands, north wales brings outbreaks of rain or drizzle through the morning. lots of cloudier throughout the day to the north of it. a chilly breeze but a brighter, drier day across the north east of scotland. best of sunshine in the west and northern ireland, and reasonably sunny across southern counties of england and wales. there are just a small chance of1 or 2 showers. the breeze here lighter than today. elsewhere, it's a north or north westerly breeze, and if you're out the sunshine, and certainly in those cloudier moments across the damper parts of central uk, it will feel distinctly chilly for this stage injuly and we see cloud patchy rain start to work its way southwards as we go through into thursday evening. clear skies in scotland and northern ireland.
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this little ridge of high pressurejust about in. but as we go through into friday, we've got even that chilly air reach southern areas. mightjust interact with some rain across the south for a time. this weather system, a bit of uncertainty attached to it, just how far north it gets. but greatest probability of some rain at times is towards the south and southeast. few showers dotted around elsewhere. chilly and brisk wind down those north sea coasts. lighter winds in the west. we might get up to around 20 degrees in glasgow, but elsewhere we're looking at mid—teens generally for the vast majority. temperatures will lift a little bit, though this weekend. some rain around at times, particularly to eastern coast and on sunday across scotland to take care.
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good afternoon, you are watching bbc news with me, then brown. police are searching for a man who they say may be carrying a crossbow, and police have described it as a targeted and
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horrific attack. they want to question kyle clifford from north london, and are asking people to get in touch with them and call 999. it is believed that the victims are related to, and they were found fatally injured at a house in ashlyn close in busheyjust before seven o'clock yesterday evening and the police believe a crossbow and potentially other weapons as well were used in that attack. armed police and specialist search teams are now focusing their hunt on areas of hertfordshire and north london, and they have urged members of the public to be alert. these are pictures from the scene coming into is right now, but they have told members of the public not to approach kyle clifford, and they say that instead members of the public
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should call


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