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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm BST

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found in a with the human remains found in a suitcase on bristol bridge. police find more body parts in london. joe biden fiercely defends his re—election campaign, despite growing calls from within his party to step aside. and after months of lavish events, the son of asia's richest man ties the knot. it is a star—studded guest list for the four day ceremony in mumbai, including bollywood stars, kim kardashian, john sena and tony blair. let's head to the united states first. president biden has attempted to put his re—election campaign back on track with a defiant rally in the us state of michigan. a growing number of democrats have called on the president to step aside from the contest after his faltering debate performance last month. our correspondent never at at the rally.
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they chant: don't you quit! don't you quit! feeding off the energy of his supporters, joe biden delivered a gaffe free and forceful defence for his candidacy. despite continued panic about his ability to beat donald trump, he insisted that he was going to win in november. i'm the nominee. i'm the nominee of this party because 1a million democrats like you voted for me in the primaries. you made me the nominee. no—one else. not the press, not the pundits, not the insiders, not donors. you, the voters. you decided, no—one else. and i'm not going anywhere. he laid out his vision for a second term, restoring abortion rights, he laid out his vision for a second term — restoring abortion rights, strengthening social programmes and fighting for working americans. in contrast, he said trump would be a threat to democracy. trump is even more dangerous now. trump said if he wins, he'll be a dictator on day one. he means it, folks. we're not going to let that happen. over my dead body it will happen.
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after a bruising few weeks, this was the boost his campaign needed. the biden campaign may be betting that these rallies and the optics of cheering crowds of supporters can help him outlast the calls to step aside — but some democrats fear that if he stays in the race, it's notjust a choice between him and trump. some voters may sit out the election entirely. that could be disastrous in key battleground states, such as here in michigan. tom moran, a 69—year—old bus driver and a lifelong democrat, doesn't see how biden can win. the party, the people that can influence him, his family, anyone, they need to let him know that if he doesn't step aside, i believe he'll lose in a landslide and he'll drag the other candidates down. elissa slotkin for senate, she doesn't have a prayer if he's at the top of the ticket in michigan — and it would be a shame to end his career that way. joe biden has made clear he isn't going anywhere,
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but his stamina and endurance will continue to be under a microscope for as long as he's in the race. nada tawfik, bbc news, detroit, michigan. let's stay with the story. thomas gift is a professor at university couege gift is a professor at university college london and he says he believes joe college london and he says he believesjoe biden might still have a chance, despite falling behind. joe biden is losing, simply put. he is losing in polls across the country by 5—7 points, and he is losing in key swing states like ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. so he is down. we are not surprised by that, given the very catastrophic debate performance he had and then a couple of other public interviews. but he is not out of this race, at the same time. donald trump is a very polarising figure, he has a ceiling on his support and so it is possible that biden could regain his momentum. and biden, of course,
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trying to tell a positive story about his time in office. do you think those stories are getting through? or do you think all this noise, all these stories about his mental state and fitness, do you think that is getting in the way? i think it is the latter. we just heard a cacophony of noise, mostly coming from democrats and not republicans, saying that biden needs to get out of the race. the problem for biden is americans cannot un—see what they saw at that debate a couple of weeks ago. polling came out showing that approximately 72% of americans think biden doesn't have the mental acuity or the physical vigour to carry out four more years in this job, so if biden is going to win he is going to have to depend on significant portions of americans to vote for him who don't think he's up for this task. and how do you think, seeing biden in some of these rallies, some of these debates, and seeing those actions when he has called people
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the wrong name a number of times now, how do you think that will affect people when they go to vote? what will they be thinking? one of the real problems for biden isjust this narrative that has developed around him. so if he gives a speech and 99% of it has no problem, but there is one gaffe, that is what the media will pick up on. let's get more now on the decision in los angeles to dismiss charges against the hollywood actor alec baldwin. meaning the involuntary manslaughter case against him is over. mr baldwin wept when the case was thrown out. charges related to the fatal shooting on the set of rust. thejudge ruled the the fatal shooting on the set of rust. the judge ruled the state the fatal shooting on the set of rust. thejudge ruled the state had withheld a key piece of evidence. we have a legal affairs expert based in los angeles being interviewed and she gathers her thoughts on why this decision was made.
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yeah, well, it's always been a question of where did the live round that killed hutchins come from? and that has never been pinpoint decided. so to have any kind of live rounds being introduced as, even as evidence, suggested as evidence, it goes to the potential exculpatory evidence, uh, of the brady law that this case was dismissed under. and itjust shows the importance of disclosing everything to the defence. and as the defence attorney said today, it's not up to the prosecutors to decide what's potentially exculpatory, that the defence can make those decision based on the disclosure of all the evidence. so how can a piece of evidence like this that seems central to the case that you, as you say, how can it not be disclosed?
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well, the prosecutor had explained that she just deemed it irrelevant. she didn't feel that it was, she felt that it was obviously on site, not related to the live rounds on the rust movie set, so she didn't feel that it needed to be disclosed. this was a decision that she made. and the other prosecutor has made clear that she doesn't agree with that. the other prosecutor actually resigned in the middle of of the day during the proceedings, which was really quite, quite extraordinary. it is. so alec baldwin, let's look forward. alec baldwin cannot be tried again, but he can face some civil lawsuits. what are those and how does that work? yes, there are wrongful death lawsuits that are proceeding. and of course, those lawsuits have really been on hold pending the outcome of these criminal proceedings. so we could see those really accelerate now and see some outcome. we don't have the same evidentiary rules in these civil cases that we do in criminal cases. so those are still going to proceed. and we could see some liability here. but of course the punishment
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in civil cases is money. monetary damages, as opposed to prison time. and then let's look at hannah gutierrez—reed. she faces trial. what could this mean for her trial? well, her attorney has said tonight that he'll be moving for her immediate release from prison. and he's wanting to look at potential discovery violations in her trial that could lead to a new trial. and finally, you know, when you when you look at this, this again, puts the us legal system in the spotlight, in the global spotlight. how do you think people are viewing the system at the moment? i think, i know defence attorneys, criminal defence attorneys in the united states are really celebrating this decision because brady material, as it's called for the the supreme court decision that it's named after — brady versus maryland — complaints about that material being withheld, potential exculpatory evidence, that's the most common complaint from the criminal defence bar in the united states. and i think there's kind of a fear thatjudges and prosecutors
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just don't see the importance of that. so i think people see this decision today as sending a strong message about the importance of disclosing everything and not letting prosecutors decide what the defence can see as exculpatory or not. weight she was speaking to me earlier. one of the most pressing issues for uk earlier. one of the most pressing issues fo , ., , earlier. one of the most pressing issues fo ,., , ., earlier. one of the most pressing issues fo , ., , issues for uk government is to bring down “smal— issues for uk government is to bring down hospital waiting _ issues for uk government is to bring down hospital waiting lists. - issues for uk government is to bring down hospital waiting lists. the - down hospital waiting lists. the latest figures show the numbers have risen for the second month in a row, with an estimated 7.6 million treatments waiting to be carried out in england at the end of may. one hospital in leeds is attempting to cut its waiting times by performing operations on the weekends. our reporter, jamie coulson, has been to find out more. afternoon, carol are you good? yes, i'm fine... at stjames hospital in leeds the colorectal surgery team has adoped new ways
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of working to reduce backlogs, including working weekends and evenings. it creates extra capacity, so less urgent cases that have built up on waiting lists can be dealt with. carol, who has just had an operation to repair her bowel, had been waiting well over a year. i was on the waiting list for about 65 weeks, something like that. don't have to worry any more about waiting, ringing up and seeing where i might be on the list. so how well has the weekend working and evening working helped with your waiting list? we have been able to get through a huge number of patients in the weekend list of operations. 14% of the overall operations we have done has been done at a weekend. that equates to over 250 patients that have been done on these lists that, if we were not running weekend lists, wouldn't have been done otherwise.
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our colorectal unadmitted position for 52 weeks. we had 3275 patients. but i can update because it has changed to m39 patients, as of today. the team is making inroads, but admits there is a long way to go. in the wake of covid, some patients were waiting over two years, but the ambition is to have no patients waiting more than 52 weeks by next april. we are keen to roll this sort of thing out more generally. last december sir keir starmer visited the hospital to see how it worked. since becoming prime minister, he has already indicated he would like to see similar approaches in other hospitals. considering there is a stretched workforce in the nhs, do you feel it is realistic that this could be mirrored elsewhere? the principles are very simple. but it does require buy—in from the workforce that is able to do this stuff. people are not doing this for free, we have been paying them for additional work, so the financial aspect of it is important as well.
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but as a principle, yes, you would be able to replicate it elsewhere. but you would have to have appropriate buy—in from the have appropriate buy—in from the teams. really happy, i will see you tomorrow. latest figures show a waiting list of more than 7.5 million planned treatments in england. fixing it will take time. jamie coulson, bbc news. after six months of lavish celebrations, the wedding ceremony for the son of asia's richest man is finally ending in the indian city of mumbai. the son of reliant industry's chairman is tying the knot with a merchant, the daughter of pharmaceutical tycoons. the four day ceremony is the combination of a string of pre—wedding parties the family has hosted since march featuring performances by pop stars, including rhianna and justin bieber is. reality tv star kim kardashian and former uk mps tony blair and
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borisjohnson were among the international guests. and in england a lincolnshire village is preparing for the reburial of a i9th—century explorer who is credited with napping and naming australia. the remains of captain matthew flinders were found by archaeologists working on the hs2 rail project in london five years ago. he will be laid to rest in his home village today, as harry parkhill reports. it is like christmas morning at donington church. but beneath the wrapping, gifts for the return of the village's most famous son. who will be here injust a few hours' time. captain matthew flinders, the explorer who mapped and named australia in the 1800s, will be reburied in the church he was christened in this afternoon. the village has a big party planned. tremendously excited, it will be a huge event for the village, something i think the village has never seen before and probably will never see again, to see a spectacle
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of this size to come back to donington very shortly and the generosity we have had from people to make this whole thing happen is wonderful. gifts have been arriving from across the globe. this is the pine that has been generously donated from australia. we've got nothing like this in the uk other than in rhs gardens and things like that. these little bits here, when they mature, we've got to collect them up and send them to kew garden for propagation. as i say, we are ever so lucky to have this in the uk. the seeds of this return to donington started in 2019, when the explorer�*s lost remains were discovered during the building of hs2 in london. this nameplate confirmed the find and a campaign to bring the body home soon succeeded. five years of planning later and matthew flinders will be laid to rest. but he is not the only one who will need one. i shall be delighted that we have actually achieved what we have set out to
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achieve five years ago. i think the opportunity of taking five years to prepare has allowed us to do a far betterjob than we might have done, had we done it quickly in the first place. but it has been a huge project, very, very all—consuming and i shall be looking forward to a rest. just one final stretch, then, on the explorer�*s and the volunteers' long road to the reburial. harry parkhill, bbc news, donington. let's return to sunday's euros final and despite england's progress, their manager, gareth southgate, has divided opinion among supporters, some of whom think he is a bit too cautious. but maybe not in his hometown of callie. our reporter peter whittlesea has been on the tour of the town centre see what they think they're of the england manager. sunday will be the biggest day of gareth southgate's life, so i took him to his hometown, crawley,
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took him to his hometown, crawley, to meet some of the super fans. southgate, you are the one! you... are we turning them on? you still turn me on! you can bring it home! what is the atmosphere regarding gareth in crawley cross oh, we love him! ,, , will gareth in crawley cross oh, we love him!_ will it - gareth in crawley cross oh, we love him!_ will it be i him! see? he lives here! will it be an alcohol — him! see? he lives here! will it be an alcohol free _ him! see? he lives here! will it be an alcohol free game, _ him! see? he lives here! will it be an alcohol free game, do - him! see? he lives here! will it be an alcohol free game, do you - him! see? he lives here! will it be i an alcohol free game, do you think? yes, darling. no! i’m an alcohol free game, do you think? yes, darling. no!— yes, darling. no! i'm alcoholfree. she is baby-sitting, _ yes, darling. no! i'm alcoholfree. she is baby-sitting, and _ yes, darling. no! i'm alcoholfree. she is baby-sitting, and getting i she is baby—sitting, and getting drunk — she is baby-sitting, and getting drunk. �* ., ,. , she is baby-sitting, and getting drunk. �* ., ,. , ., , drunk. among school friends at his old barber. — drunk. among school friends at his old barber, fans _ drunk. among school friends at his old barber, fans not _ drunk. among school friends at his old barber, fans not only _ drunk. among school friends at his old barber, fans not only wish - drunk. among school friends at his old barber, fans not only wish you | old barber, fans not only wish you well, they wanted to look his best in berlin. ., ., ., ., ., in berlin. hello, garage, how are ou in berlin. hello, garage, how are you doing? _ in berlin. hello, garage, how are you doing? same _ in berlin. hello, garage, how are you doing? same as _ in berlin. hello, garage, how are you doing? same as normal? - in berlin. hello, garage, how are l you doing? same as normal? what in berlin. hello, garage, how are - you doing? same as normal? what was gareth like at — you doing? same as normal? what was gareth like at school? _ you doing? same as normal? what was gareth like at school? you _ you doing? same as normal? what was gareth like at school? you we - you doing? same as normal? what was gareth like at school? you we were - gareth like at school? you we were not in the same _ gareth like at school? you we were not in the same friendship - gareth like at school? you we were not in the same friendship group, l not in the same friendship group, but he _ not in the same friendship group, but he was — not in the same friendship group, but he was really good, everyone knew _ but he was really good, everyone knew he — but he was really good, everyone knew he was really great at football. ~ , ., , football. when you friends with him? no. i loved him, _
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football. when you friends with him? no. i loved him, he _ football. when you friends with him? no. i loved him, he was— football. when you friends with him? no. i loved him, he was billions, - no. i loved him, he was billions, but no _ no. i loved him, he was billions, but no we — no. i loved him, he was billions, but no. we were our friends on facehook, _ but no. we were our friends on facebook, we still talk. he hasn't chanced facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in _ facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in 30 _ facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in 30 or _ facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in 30 or 40 _ facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in 30 or 40 years. - facebook, we still talk. he hasn't changed in 30 or 40 years. if- changed in 30 or 40 years. if england win, a he comes here? you will have _ england win, a he comes here? you will have a _ england win, a he comes here? you will have a free _ england win, a he comes here? you will have a free pedicure, _ england win, a he comes here? you will have a free pedicure, manicure i will have a free pedicure, manicure and massage — will have a free pedicure, manicure and massage done _ and massage done. laughter- laughter eight free eyebrows as well! laughter eiuht free e ebrows as well! , eight free eyebrows as well! does he need his eyebrows _ eight free eyebrows as well! does he need his eyebrows done? _ eight free eyebrows as well! does he need his eyebrows done? of - eight free eyebrows as well! does he need his eyebrows done? of course. | need his eyebrows done? of course. what is wrong _ need his eyebrows done? of course. what is wrong with _ need his eyebrows done? of course. what is wrong with them? _ need his eyebrows done? of course. what is wrong with them? he - need his eyebrows done? of course. what is wrong with them? he will i need his eyebrows done? of course. | what is wrong with them? he will be more handsome _ what is wrong with them? he will be more handsome if _ what is wrong with them? he will be more handsome if he _ what is wrong with them? he will be more handsome if he gets _ what is wrong with them? he will be more handsome if he gets his - more handsome if he gets his eyebrows— more handsome if he gets his eyebrows done. _ more handsome if he gets his eyebrows done. do _ more handsome if he gets his eyebrows done.— more handsome if he gets his eyebrows done. more handsome if he gets his e ebrows done. ~ eyebrows done. do you think you will aet free eyebrows done. do you think you will get free nails? _ eyebrows done. do you think you will get free nails? no, _ eyebrows done. do you think you will get free nails? no, not _ eyebrows done. do you think you will get free nails? no, not really. - eyebrows done. do you think you will get free nails? no, not really. what. get free nails? no, not really. what else? callus — get free nails? no, not really. what else? callus removal, _ get free nails? no, not really. what else? callus removal, everything. l get free nails? no, not really. what else? callus removal, everything. i| else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs _ else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs a _ else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs a tan. _ else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs a tan. do _ else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs a tan. do you - else? callus removal, everything. i think he needs a tan. do you know| think he needs a tan. do you know gareth is here _ think he needs a tan. do you know gareth is here from _ think he needs a tan. do you know gareth is here from here _ think he needs a tan. do you know gareth is here from here in - think he needs a tan. do you know i gareth is here from here in crawley? yes, my main man, gareth! loath? gareth is here from here in crawley? yes, my main man, gareth!- gareth is here from here in crawley? yes, my main man, gareth! why is he our main yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? _ yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? i _ yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? i don't _ yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? i don't know, - yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? i don't know, he - yes, my main man, gareth! why is he your main man? i don't know, he is. your main man? i don't know, he is aood. he your main man? i don't know, he is good- he ism _ good. he is... laughter
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do you think you looks better now? oh, yes, he's got that perfect glow. you will be darker than the spanish! is it hurting? you will be darker than the spanish! is it hurting?— you will be darker than the spanish! is it hurting? yes. are you a football fan? _ is it hurting? yes. are you a football fan? of _ is it hurting? yes. are you a football fan? of course, - is it hurting? yes. are you a| football fan? of course, yes. is it hurting? yes. are you a - football fan? of course, yes. and gareth? doing — football fan? of course, yes. and gareth? doing a _ football fan? of course, yes. and gareth? doing a good _ football fan? of course, yes. and gareth? doing a good job. - football fan? of course, yes. and gareth? doing a good job. it - football fan? of course, yes. and i gareth? doing a good job. it would gareth? doing a good 'ob. it would be nice to have, h gareth? doing a good 'ob. it would be nice to have, you _ gareth? doing a good job. it would be nice to have, you know, - gareth? doing a good job. it would be nice to have, you know, a - gareth? doing a good job. it would be nice to have, you know, a nice i be nice to have, you know, a nice one of these. s, be nice to have, you know, a nice one of these-— be nice to have, you know, a nice - one of these._ yes, one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch — one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch you. _ one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch you, i _ one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch you, i think _ one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch you, i think that - one of these. a statue, maybe? yes, a nice touch you, i think that would i a nice touch you, i think that would be great. a nice touch you, i think that would be areat. �* ,, a nice touch you, i think that would be areat. �* i. ., a nice touch you, i think that would be areat. �* ., a nice touch you, i think that would beureat. �* ., ., be great. are you a football fan? what is going — be great. are you a football fan? what is going to _ be great. are you a football fan? what is going to happen - be great. are you a football fan? what is going to happen on - be great. are you a football fan? - what is going to happen on sunday? going to win!— what is going to happen on sunday? going to win!_ going - what is going to happen on sunday? going to win!_ going to - what is going to happen on sunday? | going to win!_ going to win. going to win! madame? going to win. would ou going to win! madame? going to win. would you give _ going to win! madame? going to win. would you give gareth _ going to win! madame? going to win. would you give gareth a _ going to win! madame? going to win. would you give gareth a bit _ going to win! madame? going to win. would you give gareth a bit of - going to win! madame? going to win. would you give gareth a bit of a - would you give gareth a bit of a ride? , . so would you give gareth a bit of a ride?- so our— would you give gareth a bit of a ride?- so our man - would you give gareth a bit of a i ride?- so our man gareth would you give gareth a bit of a - ride?- so our man gareth is ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is caettin a ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is getting a ride _ ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is getting a ride and _ ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is getting a ride and everyone - ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is getting a ride and everyone here - ride? oh, yes. so our man gareth is getting a ride and everyone here is. getting a ride and everyone here is backing him and his team for the win. peterwhittlesea, bbc news, crawley. let's take you to what it claims to be the most patriotic estate in england. it is in
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bermondsey in south london and is often thrown into the spotlight when england competes in a major tournament. why, you ask? well, earlier i wasjoined by tournament. why, you ask? well, earlier i was joined by two of its residents, chris and his son, rouse, who live on the estate. let's just say when we started talking i was in a bit of shock. tote say when we started talking i was in a bit of shock.— a bit of shock. we have lost count. there are not _ a bit of shock. we have lost count. there are not as _ a bit of shock. we have lost count. there are not as many _ a bit of shock. we have lost count. there are not as many as - a bit of shock. we have lost count. there are not as many as there - a bit of shock. we have lost count. i there are not as many as there have beenin there are not as many as there have been in the past because we have run out of funds, so we have one in every other balcony this year, but there is at least 350 floating around the estate somewhere. that is a lot of flags. how long does it take you to decorate this or is it up all year round? tote does it take you to decorate this or is it up all year round?— is it up all year round? we wish it could be up _ is it up all year round? we wish it could be up all— is it up all year round? we wish it could be up all year— is it up all year round? we wish it could be up all year round, - is it up all year round? we wish it could be up all year round, but i is it up all year round? we wish it l could be up all year round, but with the wind, this becomes like a hurricane with winds pick up, the flex can rip, but we love to leave them up. they will come down after, well, fingers crossed after tomorrow they might stay up for a bit longer. maybe the council will let you keep them up. wejust went maybe the council will let you keep them up. we just went as gareth southgate's area in crawley. they seem pretty patriotic. why are you
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more patriotic?— more patriotic? have a look. i haven't seen _ more patriotic? have a look. i haven't seen there _ more patriotic? have a look. i haven't seen there are - more patriotic? have a look. i haven't seen there are many i more patriotic? have a look. i- haven't seen there are many flags in crawley. we have been dubbed the most patriotic estate in england. it's notjust most patriotic estate in england. it's not just flags most patriotic estate in england. it's notjust flags of england, we have done it for the lionesses, we did it. georges day, we do it as often as can because it brings us together. whether we are from, we're all here for a reason, the moment the flags go up we are talking and things crossed for a big party tomorrow. things crossed for a big party tomorrow— things crossed for a big party tomorrow. , ., ,, ., tomorrow. yes, talk me through the .a l tomorrow. yes, talk me through the party. what — tomorrow. yes, talk me through the party. what is _ tomorrow. yes, talk me through the party, what is happening? _ tomorrow. yes, talk me through the party, what is happening? what i tomorrow. yes, talk me through the party, what is happening? what are| party, what is happening? what are you going to be doing? fin a party, what is happening? what are you going to be doing? on a bouncy castle. you going to be doing? on a bouncy castle- bouncy _ you going to be doing? on a bouncy castle. bouncy castle? _ you going to be doing? on a bouncy castle. bouncy castle? are - you going to be doing? on a bouncy castle. bouncy castle? are you i you going to be doing? on a bouncyl castle. bouncy castle? are you going to be on a bouncy — castle. bouncy castle? are you going to be on a bouncy castle _ castle. bouncy castle? are you going to be on a bouncy castle watch i castle. bouncy castle? are you going to be on a bouncy castle watch the i to be on a bouncy castle watch the football? laughter we got a fair bit going on. we got a singer coming down, we have a dj, obviously we will have a big screen, food, drink, the bouncy castle, obviously. we have got some, shall we say merchandise being made at the moment? we are going to try and sell some merchandise tomorrow to try and
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raise some money for a park that has been closed for three years. we are just all going to come together and hope we have a really good time. and hope we have a really good time. and the england team have had a bit of stick, haven't they? how do you think they have been playing? to be fair, the whole _ think they have been playing? to be fair, the whole tournament - think they have been playing? trr ye fair, the whole tournament hasn't set the world alight, let's be honest, but i mean, england have got thejob done. they honest, but i mean, england have got the job done. they haven't inspired, near the beginning, that we were going to win it straightaway, but for us here they were always going to bring it home. if they can play like they did against holland in the first half against spain, it is 100% coming home and you've got to back gareth southgate for everything he has done. we are right behind him. absolutely. rouse, who is your favourite player? who have you been watching? favourite player? who have you been watchin: ? �* ., favourite player? who have you been watchinu? �* ., , , favourite player? who have you been watchinu? �* , ., ., favourite player? who have you been watchinu? , ., ., ~' watching? don't go shy now. you like cole palmer— watching? don't go shy now. you like cole palmer now? _ watching? don't go shy now. you like cole palmer now? he _ watching? don't go shy now. you like cole palmer now? he changes - watching? don't go shy now. you like cole palmer now? he changes it i cole palmer now? he changes it everyday, to be honest! filth. cole palmer now? he changes it everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i understand — everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i understand you _ everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i understand you are _ everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i understand you are both _ everyday, to be honest! oh, does he? i understand you are both goalies? i i i understand you are both goalies? i am a retired goalie, but rouse is an up—and—coming rope goalie. this is
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his new kit for the next season, he plays with the reagan's, but he has also been playing for academy as well. �* . . also been playing for academy as well. �* . , ., ., , ., 4' also been playing for academy as well. �* . , ., ., y., 4' , well. and ralph, who do you think is auoin to well. and ralph, who do you think is going to score _ well. and ralph, who do you think is going to score the _ well. and ralph, who do you think is going to score the winning _ well. and ralph, who do you think is going to score the winning goal? i well. and ralph, who do you think is| going to score the winning goal? may know. oh, going to score the winning goal? may know- oh. yes. _ going to score the winning goal? may know- oh. yes. may _ going to score the winning goal? may know. oh, yes, may know— going to score the winning goal? may know. oh, yes, may know is- going to score the winning goal? may know. oh, yes, may know is one i going to score the winning goal? may know. oh, yes, may know is one to i know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch. know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch- what _ know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch. what else _ know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch. what else are _ know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch. what else are you _ know. oh, yes, may know is one to watch. what else are you doing? i know. oh, yes, may know is one to i watch. what else are you doing? how many people are planning to come out on the estate? what is it usually like, talking to the atmosphere. it doesn't usually kick off until quite late when it comes to the matches. because we have everything going on tomorrow, i am because we have everything going on tomorrow, iam hoping it should start for about 2pm, but hopefully we will try and aim for the residents to come together, and the residence' friends and family but sometimes once it goes out into the media it can become a bit like a sand zone and we try and do not have that, but we are aware people will try and come down tomorrow. but we like itjust for ourselves, we are a bit selfish when it comes to that.
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no, i won't put down, then. i will stay up in north london. no, iwon't put down, then. i will stay up in north london.— no, i won't put down, then. i will stay up in north london. you're more than welcome! _ stay up in north london. you're more than welcome! john _ stay up in north london. you're more than welcome! john pickford - stay up in north london. you're more than welcome! john pickford is i stay up in north london. you're more than welcome! john pickford is the i than welcome! john pickford is the coalie, than welcome! john pickford is the goalie. you — than welcome! john pickford is the goalie. you are _ than welcome! john pickford is the goalie, you are both _ than welcome! john pickford is the goalie, you are both goalies. i than welcome! john pickford is the goalie, you are both goalies. howl goalie, you are both goalies. how many goals do you think is going to save? ., ., ., , save? none, he will not let any in, ou will save? none, he will not let any in, you will have _ save? none, he will not let any in, you will have nothing _ save? none, he will not let any in, you will have nothing to _ save? none, he will not let any in, you will have nothing to do. - save? none, he will not let any in, you will have nothing to do. what. you will have nothing to do. what you will have nothing to do. what you think? i you will have nothing to do. what ou think? .. . you will have nothing to do. what ou think? ~ , ., you will have nothing to do. what you think?— you think? i think he is going to have one penalty _ you think? i think he is going to have one penalty saved. - you think? i think he is going to have one penalty saved. you i you think? i think he is going to i have one penalty saved. you think is aoian have one penalty saved. you think is aoain to have one penalty saved. you think is going to have _ have one penalty saved. you think is going to have one — have one penalty saved. you think is going to have one penalty _ have one penalty saved. you think is going to have one penalty save? i have one penalty saved. you think is going to have one penalty save? arej going to have one penalty save? are you saying it is going to go to penalties?— you saying it is going to go to renalties? ., , ., ., ., penalties? please no. oh, no, not aaain! penalties? please no. oh, no, not again! you — penalties? please no. oh, no, not again! you have _ penalties? please no. oh, no, not again! you have just _ penalties? please no. oh, no, not again! you have just predicted i again! you havejust predicted penalties for england. and i need to know your final score predictions. what do you both think is going to happen tomorrow night, when england go to the final against spain? what go to the final against spain? what score? to everyone. _ go to the final against spain? what score? to everyone. you _ go to the final against spain? what score? to everyone. you said i go to the final against spain? what score? to everyone. you said 3-1. score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday- _ score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday- i— score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday- i am _ score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday. i am just _ score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday. i am just going - score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday. i am just going for- score? to everyone. you said 3-1 yesterday. i am just going for a l yesterday. i am just going for a win, i don't care what the guys, just get it done in 90 minutes, no penalties, get thejob just get it done in 90 minutes, no penalties, get the job done. just get it done in 90 minutes, no penalties, get thejob done. mail penalties, get the 'ob done. nail bitina , penalties, get the 'ob done. nail biting. shah penalties, get the 'ob done. nail biting, isn't it? i penalties, get the job done. nail biting, isn't it? finally, how you made any plans for a win? will you
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be celebrating or doing anything extra, extra special? but your estate is extremely special anyway. well, we'll be carrying on the party as late as we can, but obviously we have to be mindful of all the neighbours, but we will be partying into the early hours. the schools around the area have said they don't have to come in early, they can have an extra hour or two. you can have an extra hour or two. you can have an extra hour in bed and they can wear red and white to school. but we willjust wear red and white to school. but we will just carry wear red and white to school. but we willjust carry on as long as we can hopefully in the forthcoming days the england team will come down with a trophy and come on cs. that be nice, won't it? —— they will come and see us. hello, there. we've got low pressure close by to the east of england and eastern scotland, hence we've seen some rather cloudy, wet conditions in places this morning, whilst further west and increasingly in the south the sunshine will develop but trigger a few showers. this is the low pressure bringing the rain. it has brought rain to many eastern areas of england, in particular, through the morning,
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and it's pushing progressively into eastern scotland. so, clearing away from southern parts, perhaps a shower or two brewing. one or two heavy, thundery ones here, and the risk for wimbledon, we will see a scattering of showers through wales and northern ireland. drier for the north—west highlands, whilst we've got really rather cloudy, cool conditions in many areas further east, disappointing at 14 or 15, well below par, only 18 or 19, because the wind is coming from the north even in the sunshine. that north wind continues through this evening and overnight. more rain spilling in across the south—east of scotland, the north—east of england. drier as the showers start to fade away further south and west and a little cooler than the night just gone as well. perhaps a little bit of mist and fog first thing and certainly around the east coast and over the hills as we have seen during the morning today, that continues during tomorrow. if anything, less rain around tomorrow. more bright skies and sunshine developing for scotland and northern ireland, across england and wales, away from those east coasts. still a few showers but not as heavy as they will be today when there could be some thundery downpours. temperatures a little bit higher as a consequence, as well,
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responding to a little more sunshine and slightly less of a north breeze, which will continue into tomorrow evening. if you are sitting out watching the football, there is a lot of dry weather to be found away from the north sea coast. it should be dry as well for the football itself over in germany. some fine and dry weather around to end the weekend, but it doesn't really last very long because as that low pressure moves away into scandinavia another one approaches from the south and west to bring some heavy and thundery rain in, potentially, to wales, central and southern england and then northern ireland by the end of the day, all of the time brightening up across the north and east of scotland and the north—east of england. a warmer day here, with the winds offshore rather than onshore into monday. as for beyond, it does look set to stay unsettled in the north, but something a little drier and warmer promised further south. as ever, you can catch up with the weather on the website.
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live from london this is bbc news. the hamas health ministry says at least 71 palestinians were killed in an israeli air strike in southern gaza. a man is arrested on suspicion of murder.. in connection with human remains found in two suitcases on a bristol bridge. alec baldwin's manslaughter charge over the �*rust�* film set shooting is dismissed because of withheld evidence. and fans are already arriving in berlin for sunday's euros final between england and spain.
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hello. welcome to the programme. we begin with a developing story in gaza where the health ministry says the number of people killed in an israeli air strike near the southern city of khan younis has risen to at least 71 with almost 300 injured. the attack happened in the masawi area of the city. these pictures are of the moment of the blast. an israeli official said the strike targeted the head of hamas's military wing, mohammed deif, in an area where there were "only hamas terrorists and no civilians". the israeli military had designated this area a safe zone, urging palestinians to seek shelter there. an eyewitness described the scene to the bbc, saying it was like an earthquake. doctors at a nearby field hospital are reported to be struggling to cope with scores of casualties.


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