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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am BST

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expected enforcement is the expected attack fired what is using an ar style rifle from an elevated shed 200 feet away from the event and that shooting is now being investigated as an attempted assassination. according to cbs news donald trump is now left the hospital. it is not clear where he is headed to but we know he has left the hospital and his original plan was to head to his home in bedminster new jersey. we now want to play for you and again this is a graphic moment but this is the moment when that attack took place. take a look at what happened... gunshots screaming get down, get down, get down! several shots fired there. you could hear them and see the president reaching for his right ear.
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images subsequently released showed blood on his ear as the president was then rushed off stage and into a waiting vehicle. former president trump has posted on social media. he said "i want to thank the united states secret service, and all of law enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting thatjust took place in butler, pennsylvania. most importantly, i want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. it is incredible that such an act can take place in our country. nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. i was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. i knew immediately that something was wrong in that i heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. much bleeding took place, so i realized then what was happening. god bless america" just coming back to those
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details that we are learning about how the attack took place. federal law enforcement has now confirmed that the attacker was male and was taken out by a us secret service sniper and one spectator was killed, with two others critically injured. others injured were rushed to a nearby hospital. the suspect was on a shed, on an elevated platform outside the security perimeter. us secret service is bolstering its manpower to cover all other protectees, per standard operating procedure. joining me live is our senior north america correspondent gary o'donoghue. he has been covering this event for us in pennsylvania and speaking to eyewitnesses. he was there outside the event before this shooting took place. it has been a long day for you and now reaching into nighttime and we can still see
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police vehicles behind you. what is the sense you are getting right now? the last time we spoke to you you said you thought it would be a long night and a long investigation. i think that is right. there is a lot of questions that the secret service and the police and all those will want answered and i have no doubt at all that this will be an fbi operation, we were told that the place is being cleared for the place is being cleared for the fbi because this is now an attempted assassination. we know that and that is an extraordinary thing to have to say about america in 202a. an attempted assassination on a political leader in this country. that is something that americans will have to absorb. the investigation will continue and they will want to know about the suspect. much will be read and said about his background, his motivation. we know from one of our own
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eyewitnesses who we spoke to in the immediate aftermath of what had happened that he saw a man climbing onto the roof, that white roof of the building a few hundred feet from when donald trump was speaking, he saw him with a rifle and tried to alert security services. he could not do that. they were actually taken up with moving someone else on at the time who was on the ground. they were occupied with doing that so that may have been a distraction, we do not know at this point in time that is an interesting detail we have learned in the last few minutes, that they were engaged in trying to move someone else on was on the ground. they may have not seen this guy on the roof apparently with the automatic rifle and secret service now confirming he fired a number of shop, he was neutralised, he was killed by them in return fire and on the video you can hear two separate bursts of gunfire. and then panic in the crowd and we see striking pictures there have donald trump grasping the side
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of his head. he then goes to the floor, he is told to go to the floor, he is told to go to the floor, he is told to go to the floor by the secret service to pile on top of him and take him away. we saw some reaction from the president, democrats have also spoken about pulling some of their campaigning mantiri will now, a suspension in the campaign people try to work out what this means, not just for this campaign but what this means for american politics going forward because the stakes are incredibly high here. we spoke to people, this was their first rally they had been to. one teenage boy, colby, lives two miles down the road, his first—ever rally and he sees people carried off in stretches and ambulances and a man shot on a roof. it is a shocking shocking night in america. shocking shocking night in america-— shocking shocking night in america. ., , america. gary, you were outside the rally when — america. gary, you were outside the rally when you _ america. gary, you were outside the rally when you heard - america. gary, you were outside the rally when you heard the - the rally when you heard the shots breaking out and he were speaking to eyewitnesses. could you take this back to that moment and what it was like to
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be there and to hear those shots at a campaign rally for the former president? i have to tell you it was immediately clear what was happening. we were clear what was happening. - were talking to some of our colleagues on the bbc world service while this speech was going on and while we were going on and while we were going live with them we heard the volley and it was clearly blunt —— gun flyer that met one fire. difficult tojudge but about 100 metres away possibly and there was no mistake, it did not sound like a backfiring car or anything like that, it sounded like that familiar crack of automatic gunfire. there were a number of shots and i certainly think i had six or eight at least in the first volley. we can now hear from the video that there were more. as soon as that happened the
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panic consumed inside the event and people started to stream out, people were running, on the floor. people did not know what was happening, the president was bundled off eventually. and it took a while before it became clear that there was no other threat. there was talk in the immediate aftermath of their possibly being a bomb somewhere but that did not turn out to be true as far as we know but there was certainly talk that there may have been a bomb somewhere around that they were looking for but as far as we can tell that was not true. there are many questions and many questions notjust about many questions and many questions not just about the event but about the future of the debate in america because unquestionably the political temperature here has been raised steadily and incrementally, radically over the last few years. and this is where we are.— where we are. gary, you have covered the — where we are. gary, you have covered the united _ where we are. gary, you have covered the united states - where we are. gary, you have covered the united states in i covered the united states in politics here for many many
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years. what do you make of this moment that we are seeing right now? i moment that we are seeing right now? , ~ , now? ijust think it is incredibly _ now? ijust think it is incredibly sad. - now? ijust think it is incredibly sad. gary, | now? i just think it is - incredibly sad. gary, you have been speaking _ incredibly sad. gary, you have been speaking with _ incredibly sad. gary, you have been speaking with so - incredibly sad. gary, you have been speaking with so many l been speaking with so many people there... . been speaking with so many people there. . ._ people there... . this is a ureat people there... . this is a great country. _ people there... . this is a great country. go - people there... . this is a great country. go ahead. | people there... . this is a l great country. go ahead. it people there... . this is a - great country. go ahead. it is a ureat great country. go ahead. it is a great country. _ great country. go ahead. it is a great country. he _ great country. go ahead. it is a great country. he regards l a great country. he regards itself as an exceptional country. the exceptional country. the exceptional country. as a beacon in the world. a beacon for democracy, a beacon forfreedom world. a beacon for democracy, a beacon for freedom around the world, a beacon forfree expression, free trade, perhaps, all those kinds of things. and here we are in a farm showground in western rural pennsylvania and people are taking pot shots at political leaders. people are attempting to assassinate political leaders. what on earth is going on? what on
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earth is going on? what on earth is going on? what on earth is going on was to mark there is a malaise that everyone has a responsibility for here notjust politicians, everyone has a responsibility for the malaise that has set in and it is culminated, perhaps it has not culminated yet. perhaps this is not the end of it, who knows. we have come to a point where the country that regards itself as the most civilised country in the world is looking at political assassination attempts. there is clearly a _ assassination attempts. there is clearly a concern _ assassination attempts. there is clearly a concern right - assassination attempts. there is clearly a concern right now. is clearly a concern right now that this could escalate as you mentioned, that there could be some sort of retaliation and i want to briefly ask you you've been speaking to people there and i think you are picking up on some of the emotion and anger among supporters of trump. tell us a bit, we've seen various, all the former president vanessa coming out an urgent calm, what now needs to happen in order to make sure that this does not spiral? ——
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all the former presidents are coming out. all the former presidents are coming out-— all the former presidents are cominu out. , , ., , coming out. these things always need leadership _ coming out. these things always need leadership and _ coming out. these things always need leadership and that - coming out. these things always need leadership and that is - coming out. these things always need leadership and that is a - need leadership and that is a delicate thing. sometimes leadership means following public opinion but other times it means leading public opinion and it will require some kind of bipartisan cross—party effort to do that which seems a long way off in america right now, doesn't it? you heard a lot of anger from people coming out, some use the phrase civil war, carl, to me, talking about civil war which is an incredibly emotive phrase in this country, as you know. some of them were incredibly sad. proud gun owners who said we have to do something about this. that we cannot give these guns to lunatics. there was a range of emotions and desperation for some kind of understanding about how to stop things like this from happening. one of your guests
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earlier on was talking about the vegas shooting. i was there and at the shooting 30 miles up the road here in pittsburgh at the road here in pittsburgh at the tree of life synagogue. i have had it with american shootings, to be honest. but this seems to be a moment where rubicon has been crossed and we could have had tonight another former president dead. quite simply we could have had anotherformer simply we could have had another former president dead. that is the gravity of the moment, gary. looking ahead now we hearfrom the republican party, the rnc public and national convention on monday plans to go forward. what do you expect now? how will this change the campaign? there is a big event happening on monday. we had thatjoe biden has decided to pause his campaign ads so this could potentially
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have a dramatic effect. there are big decisions _ a dramatic effect. there are big decisions to _ a dramatic effect. there are big decisions to be - a dramatic effect. there are big decisions to be made. i a dramatic effect. there are i big decisions to be made. they are clearly going to go ahead with the rnc and that is their right. the messaging and the tone of how they do that will be incredibly important. i am sure some will be tempted to weaponised, if i could put it like that this kind of event for political means, some want to do that unquestionably. the question is is that the right thing to do? his upper right thing to do? his upper right thing for the country? we will have to wait and see how that works out. just after the shooting happened there was a mobile billboard on a truck parked outside the perimeter that appeared all of a sudden with a big picture of donald trump �*s face on it with a target and it said something like in terms emma kratz
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attempted assassination donald trump. —— democrats attempted assassination. if that is where we're headed that is trouble but hopefully we're headed towards a more civilised reaction when people try and think and put an end to the rhetoric and the divisiveness in this country. i am not hopeful, i'm not particularly hopeful. there is an opportunity in this tragedy and let's bear in mind that someone has lost their life tonight. two people have lost their life tonight. one shooter, one person in the crowd and two people are fighting for their lives in hospital. it people are fighting for their lives in hospital.— lives in hospital. it is a moment _ lives in hospital. it is a moment where - lives in hospital. it is a moment where this . lives in hospital. it is a - moment where this campaign lives in hospital. it is a _ moment where this campaign has changed, a moment where this country seems to have changed. terry o'donoghue thank you again —— gary o'donoghue, thank you for your reporting. he has been speaking with eyewitnesses
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and spoke with one who described the moment when he says he believes he saw the secret service take down the secret service take down the alleged shooter. so, so, we had a party here all day and you can see behind us at the brinkles farm and greenhouse here, we had a party. and we all decided he, you know, when we hear trump there, we will walk up through the field, stand by the trees up there under the shade and watch, and listen to the rally, right? we could not see him but we could hear him. so, we walked up and probably 5—7 minutes of trump speaking, i'm estimating here, i have no idea, but we noticed a guy crawling, army, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building, beside us, 50 feet away from us. so we are standing there and we are pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. and he had a gun, right? he had a rifle. we could clearly see him with a rifle, absolutely.
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we are pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground and we are like hey, man, there is a guy on the roof with a rifle and the police like huh? what? they didn't know what was going on. we're like here, on the roof, we can see him right here, we see him, you know, he's crawling! and next thing you know, i'm like, i'm thinking to myself why is trump still speaking? why have they not pulled him off the stage? i'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two or three minutes, secret service is looking at us from the top of the barn, i'm pointing at the roof, just standing there like this. and next thing you know, five shots rang out. so you're certain the shots came from that roof? 100%. he was up there for a couple of minutes, you saw him up for a couple of minutes? at least three or four minutes. you were telling the secret service? we were telling the police, we were telling the secret service who were
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looking at us from the top of the barn, they were looking at us for the whole time i was by the tree, binoculars.. could they see him? probably not because the way the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see but why is there not secret service on all of these roofs here? i mean, this is not a big place. joe biden spoke about the incident in delaware, a few hours ago now and we want to play that address to you. i've been thoroughly briefed by all of the agencies of the federal government on the situation based on what we know now. i have tried to get a hold of donald. he is with his doctors. apparently, he is doing well. i plan on talking to them shortly. i hope. when i get back to the telephone. look, there's no place in america for this kind of violence. it's sick. it's one of the reasons we have to unite this country. we cannot allow for this to be happening, we cannot be
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like this, we cannot condone this and so, i want to thank the secret service and all of the agencies, including the state agencies, have engaged in making sure that the people — we have more detailed account relative to other people may be injured in the audience i don't have all the detail, we will make that available to you and may be able to come back a little later tonight but we will put out a statement if we don't, if i'm not able to everyone if it's not convenient for you or but the bottom line is the trump rally is a rally that he should have been able to conduct peacefully without any problems but the idea — the idea that this political violence or violence in america like this is just unheard of. it's just not appropriate. everybody, everybody must come together, everybody. i will keep you informed and if i may well speak to donald, i will let you know that as well. so far, it appears he is doing well, number one. number two, that there is thoroughly investigating what is happening to anyone else in the audience. i have — have some
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enforcement reports. i have — have some reports but not final reports every agency in the federal government — and i'm going back to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that have been put together again to give you an updated briefing if anything has happened they are learning any more in the last couple of hours, so thank you very much and i hope i get to speak to him tonight and i will get back to you if i do, ok? mr president, do you think this was an assassination attempt? i don't know enough to — i have an opinion but i don't have any facts, so i want to make sure we have all the facts before i make some comment, any more comments, thank you. vice president harris says she's relieved trump was not seriously injured. "we are grateful to the united states secret service, first responders, and local authorities for their immediate action. violence such as this has no place in our nation. we must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure that it does not
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lead to more violence." joining me live is our correspendent tom bateman. we heard from the president and we heard from the vice president and at this point of the night we have heard from every single former president of the united states as well. every living president we have now, we have had statements from all and all echo the message that there is no place for political violence in the united states and condemning utterly what had happened. that also reflected in the raft of political figures who have come out since this took place to condemn it, almost exclusively although it was interesting to hear gary talk about that billboard that was brought in later on that he was shocked by, the picture of a target and that fear that this further unleashes even more of a febrile and dangerous
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atmosphere and i think those concerns are very much reflect that in the intense focus we have had with politicians trying to project a message of how unacceptable this is, condemnation and also appealing for calm stop you mentioned kamala harris and we also had one from mikejohnson one from mike johnson describing one from mikejohnson describing this as a horrific act of political violence are to please full campaign rally. the mayor of new york eric adams, interestingly, reflecting that as well that political violence has no place in this country and he is saying that out of an abundance of caution the new york police department is sending officers to certain areas across the five boroughs. home to donald trump, he has many properties there and that reflects a concern, i think, there and that reflects a concern, ithink, in there and that reflects a concern, i think, in that locality and in that statement. another one from robert f
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kennedyjunior whose family have been utterly visited by political violence in this country over the decades he said that now is the time that every american who loves our country needs to step back from the division. renounce all violence and unite in prayer for president trump and his family and the list goes on and on. additionally we were talking earlier about the international reaction and that continues. international reaction and that continues-_ continues. briefly it is clear in terms — continues. briefly it is clear in terms of _ continues. briefly it is clear in terms of the _ continues. briefly it is clear in terms of the reaction - in terms of the reaction getting from nearly all lawmakers here that these are, indeed as you mentioned, these are pleas for calm. i think they very much are and i think that reflect the sense of shock and outrage about this and also how this has happened in what has been a very, very volatile year surrounding the presidential campaign. remember it wasjust going presidential campaign. remember it was just going to be a few days ago that donald trump had
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been due to be sentenced over the new york convictions, the 34 the new york convictions, the 3a felony counts. that had been knocked back because it was just under a fortnight ago the supreme court made its ruling that presidents had immunity, criminal immunity over official acts they carried out and that was when his lawyers then went to the court again. that sentencing had been delayed now until september so they were looking at that again. all his legal issues are still very much in the ether. the volatility around that playing into the campaign and at the same time the political crisis injoe biden's campaign for re—election. we are still in the middle of that, remember with a sense— with a sense that increasing numbers — with a sense that increasing numbers of _ with a sense that increasing numbers of democrats - with a sense that increasing numbers of democrats and | numbers of democrats and members of congress were attempting to pull the rug from under him in terms of his candidacy and now we have this. in what is already an extremely febrile atmosphere and i think
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thatis febrile atmosphere and i think that is why we are now seeing this very concerted attempt of huge numbers of people trying to effect outright condemn this and make appeals for calm. tam and make appeals for calm. tom bateman there _ and make appeals for calm. tom bateman there for _ and make appeals for calm. tom bateman there for us. _ and make appeals for calm. tom bateman there for us. we have new information coming in now about the president. president biden is reportedly now returning to the white house. he was in delaware and is returning after that shooting at donald trump �*s rally. he was scheduled to be in delaware for the weekend and has changed plans and will now be returning to the white house. joe biden is now scheduled to leave delaware at around 10:30pm eastern, in about six minutes from now. he would then arrive in washington, dc shortly after midnight which is 90 minutes from now. we will bring you now some of the international reaction coming international reaction coming in after that shooting at the
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rally. the office of keir starmer, the uk prime minister, has released this in response to the apparent shooting at donald trump's rally. sir keir starmerjust returning to the uk from his first official visit to the us as the new uk prime minister. meanwhile, on x, canadian prime ministerjustin trudeau has said: that international reaction coming in. earlieri that international reaction coming in. earlier i spoke to a former secret service agent and security expert, charles
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marino. there's obviously a lot of speculation at point about what's been taking place, what kind of security response there might be. if you could kind of walk us through the details that we do know here — how would the secret service respond, in your experience, to a shooting at an event like this? former president trump has a high level security for two reasons. one, he is a recent former president out of office and he is also the presumptive republican nominee. here one week before the republican convention. so he carries a lot of resources around with him on the security side. and here at this site, i can tell you you've got three layers of security. you've got this inner bubble that you saw respond to the shooting and to the former president
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to shield him from additional gunfire. a middle perimeter which also includes screening everybody who came into that rally for things like weapons. which is why i find it interesting that we're not hearing exactly where this shooter was. was he inside this screened area or was he further away outside? crosstalk. just tojump in here, charles. crosstalk. outer perimeter of law enforcement. i think it is an important point, we've heard from several witnesses who have told the bbc that they personally saw someone on the roof on a building near where this outdoor rally was taking place. somebody with a rifle. we can work to verify obviously those reports but multiple people have told the bbc that. if that is indeed the case, what does that tell you, as a secret service expert? what kinds of plans are in place for somebody who might be outside the event? obviously within the event
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there is an incredible amount of security but is it the same for buildings outside an event like this? yes, it is. which is why the former president and you hear many eyewitnesses at the scene describing seeing the secret service counter snipers on nearby roofs. and you know what? it does not sound odd to me, what you are describing, of where people have told news reporters where they saw somebody because if you look at the rate of gunfire that you can hear, there's only one hit, what appears to be one hit. what that tells me is that it was a greater distance involved. of acquiring the target, being the former president. and having, you know, somewhere near six or seven
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misses and only one hit so there to have to catch these types of things. in this case, it appears they may not have worked but i can tell you the fbi will come in and the fbi is going to lead the investigation because this was an assassination attempt. the secret service will hand over the investigation to the fbi. they will stay a part of the investigation. and this rally area and the location of where shooter was now becomes a crime scene. and they will work it exactly as a crime scene. they will interview witnesses, they will look for ballistics and all the other things that are associated to make the case of what possibly went wrong here. we have heard from our reporter on the ground, gary o'donoghue, who says the area where he is right now outside of that rally has been blocked down for security concerns.
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i want to ask you, in terms of what happens after those shots ring out and we're at video right now of secret service on stage with the former president, they are guarding him, what are the protocols that are in place once there is a suspected assassination attempt? what happens next? you have two things going on here. you have sound — the sound of gunfire, which all secret service agents are very familiar with and know to respond to. and then, you have the visual of the former president grabbing the right side of his face by his ear. so, as they are seeing these two things happen, the agents — and you can hear it on the video — they start screaming at the former president to get down, to drop to the ground while they are simultaneously responding, so that they can put their bodies
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on top of theirs. rodney davis former congressman of illinois and christina ruffini, former white house correspondentjoined me. rodney, just that latest news, joe biden will be heading back to washington, he had been scheduled to stay in delaware. what do you make of what we've seen so far from joe biden delivering some brief remarks now expected to come back to the white house?— the white house? there were remarks that _ the white house? there were remarks that needed - the white house? there were remarks that needed to - the white house? there were remarks that needed to be i the white house? there were l remarks that needed to be said and frankly, i think he needs to show the american people that he is taking this assassination attempt on his rival, donald trump, very seriously. and coming back from delaware, which is not that far of a marine one helicopter flight, that's something that i think is good for america, to show the republicans and
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democrats can and should come together on a tragic day like today.


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