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tv   Sportsday  BBC News  July 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm BST

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sick violence and unite as a nation. the way of said president biden and donald trump had a good and respectful phone calls. in sports news, carlos alcaraz wednesday wimbledon singles title for a second year running, beating novak djokovic. the atmosphere is better than in berlin as fans gear up for the derose finals, hopes of building that england can beat spain, the favourites. let's go back to our top story. donald trump has urged americans to unite against wickedness the day after i arrived —— surviving an assassination attempt at an election right in pennsylvania. as world leaders condemn what is happened we have news the uk promised her sir keir starmer has condemned the violence and send condolences for the victims and send condolences for the victims and his family's and wish donald trump a quick recover, the uk
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promised her spoken to the former president this afternoon following that attack at yesterday's rally. there are growing questions about how the gunman was able to get so close. our senior north america correspondent, gary o'donoghue, was outside the venue where donald trump's rally took place. this is his report. and you know, that's a little bit old, that chart�*s a couple of months old... it was just a few minutes into donald trump's speech when a volley of shots rang out. gunshots get down, get down, get down! gunshots the former president could be seen clutching at the right side of his head. after that, he hits the ground, as the secret service pile on top of him. theirjob, to put their bodies between him and the shooter. there was panic among the thousands of people inside the rally. many ran, many threw themselves to the ground. donald trump was seen getting to his feet and raising a fist to his supporters, signs of blood at his right ear. cheering
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he can be heard saying the words "fight, fight." cheering we're just waiting to see if things have cleared, and as you can see, we're on the ground behind our car, which is not ideal, but that's the shelter we have at the moment, and that's what we are trying to ascertain — what's happened. as people streamed out of the venue, they told us what they had seen. one man, a local business owner, described how he had noticed a man he believed to be the shooter climbing onto a low roof nearby holding a weapon. we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us. so we're standing there, and we're pointing, we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. and he had a gun, right? he had a rifle.
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a rifle? we could clearly see him with a rifle. absolutely. he's got a gun! shouting, screaming we're pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground, we are like: "hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle." and the police are like: "oh, what?" gunshots shouting, screaming get over here! - what are you doing? we now know at least one spectator was killed and two more critically injured. a doctor in the crowd tried to help. i heard the shots. i thought it was firecrackers to begin with. somebody over there was screaming: "he's been shot, he's been shot." so i made my way over. i said: "i'm an emergency department physician, let me help you?" the guy had spun around and wasjammed between the benches. there's the helicopter
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coming in to get him. so, people there were really helpful... was there only one person shot, that you saw? i did cpr, did chest compressions is as well as breathe for him. president trump was taken straight off to the local butler county hospital. shortly afterwards, he released a statement paying tribute to law enforcement, and expressing condolences for those killed and injured. later, he posted on truth social. "it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. we will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness." thomas crooks. the fbi has named 20—year—old thomas matthew crooks as the subject involved. he graduated from high school two years ago. condemnations were swift. president biden had this to say.
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the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just unheard of — it's just not appropriate. and everybody must condemn it. everybody. the biden campaign is suspending its activities for the time being. but donald trump, seen here after the shooting last night, has said he plans to go to the the republican national convention on monday as planned. in the meantime, investigations will continue. everyone asking: how could an attempted political assassination be part of modern day america? gary or donnie who was there with the producer with that report there. just get an update now stop president biden has postponed a trip to texas after that rally. that is coming from the white house, and we are waiting foran coming from the white house, and we are waiting for an address from president biden, butjust to bring you up—to—date. president biden has
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a postponed trip he was planning on monday to texas after this attack on the former president, donald trump. the white housejust the former president, donald trump. the white house just given us those details. we will continue to monitor that and bring you president biden's address when we get that. robert mcdonald is a retired secret service agent. he led the team that protected joe biden when he was vice—president. earlier he spoke to my colleague matthew amriowala and gave him his reaction to events at that trump rally. feeling a lot of, um, sympathy or, uh, wondering what the agents that, uh, went through that horrific situation yesterday are going through. you know, we spend our entire career preparing for a situation like that. i fortunately never had to experience that in my 21 years with the secret service. a lot of things went well yesterday. i think probably a number of things may have gone wrong. i think it's a little early to be overly critical of the entire operation, but i think the secret service
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is going to have to do a deep dive on this and look at again what went well, what didn't go well, and what can we certainly do better to make sure something like this doesn't move forward in the past? we're entering a time in the united states where we're heading into the home stretch for the elections. there's a lot of vitriol between the candidates, and it's a very ugly situation right now. and now we have this to deal with, to try to make sure that our protectees of the secret service remain safe. uh, each and every day. you pitch a long way forward. there are immediate, really serious questions. america needs answers. that was what lawmakers have been saying in the subsequent hours. the question is how a shooter could get that close to the former president. i think the thing thatjumps out at me, and i've been on with your outlet several times today, and i know you're playing a eyewitness interview with one of your reporters. it troubled me a little bit that the eyewitness was indicating to police and or potentially
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secret service agents that they were seeing him crawl up on the area of the roof with a weapon. i'm a little bit concerned, again, not knowing the full story at this point on why that information did not make it to the president's detail and shift. those are the agents that are specifically right around him that reacted to him after the shot rang out. i'm a little bit concerned that that information wasn't passed along to the shift, so that they could have made a decision to take him off that stage before any of those shots rang out. so we're going to have to find out who knew what and when they knew it. and why did the system not work to get that intelligence information or that eyewitness information to the people that needed to know it at that immediate time? i've read criticism, too, about the length of time it took to get the former president off that stage. the very fact that he was able to stand up, to pump his fist, to be visible again and potentially
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give the shooter, had he not been ta ken out, another opportunity. what is your thought on the time it took to get the president away from the scene? many of the things that the shift did after they reacted to the shot and the communication that is audible on some of the tapes that you can see of the incident is very good. i certainly would have liked to have seen the former president have been taken off that stage a little bit quicker and brought into the armoured vehicles. however, you know, in these type of situations there is no script. you know, nothing goes exactly according to the way we train and you have to react to the certain situation at the time. so the president may have been resisting. he wanted to get that gesture out, that fight gesture or whatnot. again, uh, i think there could have been some things done a little bit better there, but an overall response from the shift i'm very happy with and i think was very good. give me an idea of how, normally, a campaign rally would be secured, both inside the venue and the areas
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outside as well. the both inside the venue and the areas outside as well.— outside as well. the secret service, especially. — outside as well. the secret service, especially. well. — outside as well. the secret service, especially, well, any _ outside as well. the secret service, especially, well, any entity - outside as well. the secret service, especially, well, any entity has - especially, well, any entity has trouble securing an outside venue, especially with the size of the crowds resident trump has been drawing throughout his presidency and the campaign. what the secret service does is uses methodology and protected advance and unique sinners. it uses three rings of protection, the inner ring is secret service personnel, the middle ring is police and secret service, and the outer ring is normally local and state police, and we work in concert together to develop that plane over a five or 70. that the agents are working on putting that security plan together. that's when all the hypothetical questions come up. that's where all the places of concern, ie the roof of that building, it should be discussed, and the getty for any problems, so that's how that all comes together. they do the motorcade routes, they
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run them, they don't use google maps are things like that, they get in a car and make are things like that, they get in a carand make sure are things like that, they get in a car and make sure the roads are safe. we do a hospital survey, the president went to the hospital yesterday after this incident, and there was already information in regard to where that hospital is and where the phone number was so we could tell the hospital were coming after the the shot. that was just to give you an update. when a president biden has postponed his trip to texas on monday after what happened at the trump rally, that is from the white house. we are expecting president bite into address the nation imminently. let's speak to our news correspondent carl nasman who is in washington.
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the president would have to bring the nation together given the countries in a state of shock over what have to former president trump. that's right. president biden has always sought to portray himself as always sought to portray himself as a uniter of the country, which is something he tried to do after the pandemic when he was first coming into office, something he try to do after the events of generally six. the storming of the capitol building. president biden like to see methyl south as someone who can bring together both side of the country, republicans and democrats, and that is something he will be trying to do with the speech we are expecting to happen from the roosevelt room in the white house in just a few minutes' time. we saw him addressing the nation last night just about one hour or so after the shootings took place at the rally in pennsylvania. he came up and address the nation from his home in delaware before then immediately returning to the white house. we know from reports and social media that the
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president and the vice president had been receiving briefings from the situation room, those are the types of briefings that would include classified information and security information with updates and information, and updates on security going forward, not only for former president trump but also for the white house and people like the vice president and current president. these will be remarks that will be closely watched, and there'll be something they will try to bring the country together, and we saw a preview last night during those brief remarks. he said, there is no place in america for these kind of violence. he said it sick. he said we cannot allow for this to happen, we cannot allow for this to happen, we cannot allow for this to happen, we cannot be like this as a country. so we will have to see what president biden says. this would be one of those very high —— highly watched addresses from the white house. of course, he has made many speeches just in the last few days, and have been watched for different reasons. there been concerns about his until fitness and campaign, reasons. there been concerns about his untilfitness and campaign, but this would be a different type of
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speech, something where he will be addressing the nation, speaking from the heart, and the place where he like to see himself as a uniter not a divider. it like to see himself as a uniter not a divider. . , ., , a divider. it has to be said that the former— a divider. it has to be said that the former president _ a divider. it has to be said that - the former president donald trump himself is called on americans to stand united. he said that after the attack had happened. he is not changing his plans. he will continue. he is aiming to adjust the republican national convention on monday, we are, in theory, he is going to be voted in as the republican party presidential nominee. so he is sticking to his agenda, his dates. mil nominee. so he is sticking to his agenda, his dates.— nominee. so he is sticking to his agenda, his dates. all the reports were getting _ agenda, his dates. all the reports were getting from _ agenda, his dates. all the reports were getting from the _ agenda, his dates. all the reports i were getting from the republicans, from the donald trump campaign, is that this very large convention, the republican national convention, will go forward as planned. it was scheduled to begin on monday in the state of wisconsin. we believe that donald trump will be travelling there and will go through all of the pump and circumvented there. the plan before would be that she will
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be officially nominated as a parties nominee for the presidential race on the last day. that a0 convention on thursday. this will not be a normal convention. it may not go forward as planned, in terms of the types of things people will be seen on stage. we don't know exactly whether or not donald trump will make an address. it is likely he will stop this is an event that brings together 50,000 people of many different politicians, the family of donald trump, high—profile people. 0bviously, trump, high—profile people. obviously, the security situation there will be changed and we have reporters there on the ground in wisconsin who have been updating us on what devin seen. it is likely to be much tighter, than it was before. but this is going to go ahead, and we have to see what rhetoric we hear from the republicans. in the ed immediate aftermath of that shooting, there were calls from both size —— sides of the aisle to dial down the temperature in the country, but we did here on social media from some high—profile evidence, some who
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were even considered to be in the running to be his running mate, be his vice presidential candidate, people like tim scott and jd vance, a senator from people like tim scott and jd vance, a senatorfrom 0hio, people like tim scott and jd vance, a senatorfrom ohio, who went people like tim scott and jd vance, a senator from ohio, who went to social media and said things which some people might view as controversial and inflammatory. laying the blame at the feet of the democratic party for the shooting and lean the blame at the feet of the biden campaign, seen the shooting was a direct result of the rhetoric coming from the biden campaign. colin donald trump a threat to democracy. this is before we knew the identity of the shooter and the motive. we are still not quite clear on what exactly that up to the shootings called desh, some some were saying that rhetoric was unhelpful. we heard from the head trump campaign spokesperson, and one of their top advisers, and say included, that is not what we need right now. and many of those comments from other republican
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lawmakers have been deleted or taken down, so there is an effort to sure, and part of the trump campaign to dial some and part of the trump campaign to dialsome —— and part of the trump campaign to dial some —— down some of that more inflammatory rhetoric. and as you mentioned, we heard from donald trump into separate statements posted on his social media network calling for calm and unity in the country. so will be interesting to see how the dust settles in the country, a tense moment here. how would president biden address the notion destination and what will he say not only to democrats but every american in a country? how will donald trump do that. he's politician used to speaking directly to his own base, to republicans, to the part of the country maybe on the part that far right. with the attempt to broaden his message and speak to democrats directly and independents and republicans at that republican national convention which is due to begin on monday. llnder is due to begin on monday. under intense security. _ is due to begin on monday. under intense security. carl, _ is due to begin on monday. under intense security. carl, inc. - is due to begin on monday. under intense security. carl, inc. you i
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is due to begin on monday. under| intense security. carl, inc. you for the time being, my colleague in washington. to his point, we know that republican national convention, officials are saying they are working closely with secret service security detail alongside dozens of law enforcement agencies to secure that event i had of donald trump was michael appearance there this week, so he will continue with his agenda, and he would be there on monday. of course, there's been lots of reaction from international leaders to the assassination attempt on donald trump. the uk prime minister sir keir starmer singh... meanwhile, the french president emmanuel macron...
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and the canadian prime minister justin trudeau adds... and from fumio kishida from japan... meanwhile, the indian prime minister narendra modi says... of course, we must remember that a 50—year—old band lost his life
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during this. his family describe corey comfort tori as a hero who died to cover his family who were there at that rally. 0ne died to cover his family who were there at that rally. one person losing their life, and other injured, and of course that includes the former president, donald trump. as we await the press conference of president biden, our news correspondent. our news correspondent azadeh moshiri has been looking at what we know about the assassination attempt. let's look at how this unfolded as well as the verified images of the event. this video is of donald trump speaking at the rally in butler pennsylvania. we know he went on stage at about six. 0h 3pm local time, this video from tmz shows the government on top of the building. he seems to be setting up and trying to take aim. then, just a few minutes into donald trump was
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michael campaign speech, loud shots ring out at about 6:10 p:m.. you can then see secret service agents swarm around donald trump and take a close listen to what they're saying. he tells them he needs shoes before they rush him offstage. i got tells them he needs shoes before they rush him offstage.— they rush him offstage. i got you sir. let they rush him offstage. i got you sir- let me _ they rush him offstage. i got you sir. let me get _ they rush him offstage. i got you sir. let me get my _ they rush him offstage. i got you sir. let me get my shoes. - they rush him offstage. i got you sir. let me get my shoes. you i they rush him offstage. i got you | sir. let me get my shoes. you can see at this — sir. let me get my shoes. you can see at this point, _ sir. let me get my shoes. you can see at this point, blood _ sir. let me get my shoes. you can see at this point, blood covering l see at this point, blood covering part of his right here and on his face. he lists —— he lifts his fist, the word fights. that moment was captured in this photo by the new york times. can there hear the crowd chanting usa. these are videos that
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capture the moment filmed by people attending the rally and the bbc news has verified the remember, one spectator was killed at the ready, and according to our us media partner cbs, two others were critically injured. a little over 20 minutes later, trumps campaign says he is fine, that is at 7:03 p:m.. at 7:a5 p:m., law enforcement confirms that the suspect is dead, along with an audience member. all of this is a little over more than one hour and a half before the incident took place —— after the incident took place. this is how this unfolded. the next question for secret service is how it could have even happened in the first place. be so many questions. we have alive website on our page as well if you want to go over all the details, we are up witch and
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president biden to address the nation from the white house, the moment it happens will bring that to that. let's turn to berlin now where injust over an hour, england take on spain in the euro 202a final. excitment�*s running high for die—hard football fans. the england men's squad are hoping to win their first major trophy in almost six decades. will england defy the odds — or will favourites spain snatch the glory? these are the scenes in berlin pix as fans gather at the stadium ahead of the match emer mccarthy is in the spanish holiday town of benidorm for us — a favourite tourist destinations for brits of course. you've been speaking to english fans? notjust english translate spanish as well, but you are there amongst the english friends in an area that is a particular favourite.
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nail—biting when they're feeling confident, what do you reckon? if you can hear behind me, we are getting to the end of second michael by the beatles —— second michael by the beatles heyjude by the beatles. i thought it was the last one. sorry, as you can tell, this is been taken over as a song forjude bellingham who has really become the star of the england squad. and it's a song that we have heard a lot in the past few days. something we will hear a lot tonight. the atmosphere on the main strip in benidorm is very red and white focused and very excited. the fans are incredibly passionate, and they are incredibly confident about england's well. . we will keep you updated from here throughout the night, but at the
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moment, as everyone is telling us, it's coming home. the moment, as everyone is telling us, it's coming home.— moment, as everyone is telling us, it's coming home. the england find sa it is it's coming home. the england find say it is coming _ it's coming home. the england find say it is coming home, _ it's coming home. the england find say it is coming home, the - it's coming home. the england find say it is coming home, the spanish | say it is coming home, the spanish friends also seen the same, you are in the best place because your brain spinning amongst the england fines, lots of confidence as, i would ask you, no second, that the fencing, but they are feeling pretty buoyant and it's a good atmosphere, you can few from the background of the people behind you?— people behind you? there is certainly absolutely, - people behind you? there is certainly absolutely, and - people behind you? there is| certainly absolutely, and lots people behind you? there is . certainly absolutely, and lots of families art as well. there are kids and prams, kids and their england kids, also if you spanish friends, a spanish familyjust walking kids, also if you spanish friends, a spanish family just walking process right now, so definitely a party atmosphere postop the weather is fantastic as well, about 30 degrees, so it is certainly the place to be watching this match. as well, there's an increased police presence tonight for the next few hours, and there are additional measures in place, including drones and also all of the pubs and clubs along the main
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strip can't serve anything in glass, so those are the measures put in place to keep everyone safe, and to ensure everyone just enjoys the game. the euros only come around every four years, so it's an exciting moment, and we have to remember that as well. absolutely, emer, and what _ remember that as well. absolutely, emer, and what we _ remember that as well. absolutely, emer, and what we have _ remember that as well. absolutely, emer, and what we have unc - remember that as well. absolutely, emer, and what we have unc and i remember that as well. absolutely, l emer, and what we have unc and see those friends, i love there's a guy behind you with a england flag week, i'm enjoying that very much, people really getting into the spirit, but of course they have to realise that they are in spain, and spend want to win as well. they are in spain, and spend want to win as well-— win as well. absolutely, and there are spanish _ win as well. absolutely, and there are spanish friends _ win as well. absolutely, and there are spanish friends about - win as well. absolutely, and there are spanish friends about in - win as well. absolutely, and there are spanish friends about in theirl are spanish friends about in their spanish gets, and what it is overwhelming the english, i do think there have been a few people that we have spoken to it that say spain is the better team. so there may be a few sad faces tonight and tomorrow morning, but that is just what makes
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the game exciting, right? that is why we love football because of that friendly rivalry and excitement. i mean, it is up to them now, it is out of her hands, we will see in the next few hours how it pans out. we certainly well, emer, thank you for bringing that atmosphere to us from benidorm, with all the fans, they are gearing up. some extra security there understandably, what we saw there understandably, what we saw there emer lapping up the atmosphere. all the england fines singing heyjude in honour ofjude bellingham who turned 20 euros old, and not to forget that yamine lamal yesterday turned 17 years old, so a battle of the young players will see there in the next hourjust one hour and two minutes to kick off, so we would of course monitor all of the twists and turns when the game
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finally starts. we will have a life page as well. another life page is what's happening in the united states because we are expected president biden to speak following that assassination attempt of former president donald trump. the overnight committee in the us congress has summoned the secret service director it that americans demand answers. 0ur security correspondent is frank gardner and he told a colleague that they are definitely in its of questions that the us security services need to answer over this. there's definitely a lot of questions about this. so the fbi are leading the investigation. that investigation involves not only the fbi, but primarily the secret service because the buck stops with them and also homeland security. but it's primarily, the finger of blame here is pointing at the secret service. they've got a massive budget. they've got 7,000—plus staff, uniformed and undercover agents, a lot of weaponry. and you saw some of them there gathered around the president, some of them in military
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clothing as well. there are two strands to this investigation. the first is one, essentially, it's detective work of ticking off the boxes. "who was the shooter"? well, he's already been identified, 0k? he's been named, identified. they've been to his house. but you've got to do a lot of follow up to that. live from london. this is bbc news. an hour to kick off — england's men are in the stadium as they bid to end that 58—year wait for a major football trophy as they take on spain in the euro 202a final. this is the scene live in berlin where tens of thousands of fans are in the german capital to hopefully witness history. and i'm 0lly foster in berlin. the team news is in ahead of this euro final. england are making one change to face the spanish. people haven't travelled nearly as far to _ people haven't travelled nearly as
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far to get — people haven't travelled nearly as far to get a south london, but they are going _ far to get a south london, but they are going to— far to get a south london, but they are going to have a good time nonetheless. 0ne are going to have a good time nonetheless. one of the biggest nonetheless. 0ne of the biggest nights— nonetheless. one of the biggest nights for english football in years — and in spain, in the hometown of a football_ and in spain, in the hometown of a football sensation, _ and in spain, in the hometown of a football sensation, lamine - and in spain, in the hometown of a football sensation, lamine yamal,| football sensation, lamine yamal, thousands— football sensation, lamine yamal, thousands are _ football sensation, lamine yamal, thousands are gathering _ football sensation, lamine yamal, thousands are gathering to - football sensation, lamine yamal, thousands are gathering to watch. football sensation, lamine yamal, . thousands are gathering to watch the final. thousands are gathering to watch the finah here, _ thousands are gathering to watch the finah here, they— thousands are gathering to watch the final. here, they are _ thousands are gathering to watch the final. here, they are confident- thousands are gathering to watch the final. here, they are confident they l final. here, they are confident they can heat— final. here, they are confident they can beat england _ final. here, they are confident they can beat england and _ final. here, they are confident they can beat england and win— final. here, they are confident they can beat england and win the - can beat england and win the tournament _ i met st james' i met stjames' park, where an english striker started his career. and fans here have been trickling in, hoping to watch him bring it home. good evening, i'm nicky schiller. it is seven o'clock. we're nowjust an hour away from kick off in the euro 202a final in berlin. this is the scene live in the city. can england's men win theirfirst major trophy since the world cup in 1966?


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