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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 18, 2024 1:00am-2:01am BST

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i'm caitriona perry here in milwaukee, welcome to the bbc news special coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee. where all eyes are onjd vance and his highly anticipated speech he will give tonight at the republican national convention. but first, we've learned in the last 90 minutes that presidentjoe biden has tested positive for covid—19, throwing his campaign into further question. he tested positive earlier in the day after an event in las vegas. he then cancelled a speech to a latino civil rights and advocacy group. the president is experiencing mild symptoms, including a cough and runny nose, according to his doctor. mr biden is vaccinated and tonight received a dose of the antiviral medication paxlovid.
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in a statement, white house press secretary karine jean—pierre said: the white house will provide regular updates on his status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation. in the hours before testing positive, mr biden was on the campaign trail inside a restaurant, shaking hands and speaking with voters. following his diagnosis, the president was seen without a mask as he exited his motorcade and climbed the steps of air force one to return to delaware. this all comes at a perilous time for the president, with his re—election bid continuing to lose support from allies. on wednesday, one of the most influential democrats in congress, adam schiff, called on biden to end his re—election bid.
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congressman schiff said that while he believes president biden has been "one of the most consequential presidents" in us history, he said it was time for the president to "pass the torch". mr schiffjoins 17 other house democrats who have directly called on president biden to exit the race. just one senate democrat, peter welch, has publicly asked the president to exit so far. this an updated tally from our partners at cbs news. polls also show a marked decline in support from democratic voters. it all started with biden�*s debate performance, which sent congressional democrats into a panic over whether he could defeat trump for a second time. the white house has sought to deflect concerns about mr biden�*s age. but further gaffes, including several at last week's nato conference, have seen support for the president erode.
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joining me live is elbridge colby. del anthony, who has travelled extensively with joe biden over the years. thank you for being with us. the dramatic days in us politics keeps on coming but this would seem to be quite serious forjoe biden? it is serious forjoe biden? it is there is. — serious forjoe biden? it is there is, people _ serious forjoe biden? it is there is, people get - serious forjoe biden? it 3 there is, people get covid—19, i had injanuary, the still still out there but it comes at a fraught moment forjoe biden, he is fighting for his political life is actually with more democrats pushing for whether it comes in a fraught moment forjoe biden, he is fighting for his political life is actually with more democrats pushing for whether he should stay in the race and republicans here in milwaukee highlighting the trump must make vitality versus what they see is the weakness ofjoe biden. this will only play into the comparison but take some of the comparison but take some of the campaign trailfor the comparison but take some of the campaign trail for who knows how long, right when he really needs to be out there showing he still has the ability to campaign. he could not campaign _ ability to campaign. he could not campaign last _ ability to campaign. he could not campaign last week, - ability to campaign. he could not campaign last week, he i ability to campaign. he could i not campaign last week, he was at nato and that he was the
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campaign following the attempted assassination on donald trump, however goorjian is a regular at this time to be there among american voters? it there among american voters? it is still earlyjuly, not in the home stretch of the campaign yet but it is an important moment to counter programme the republican convention which has been remarkably united and slickly produced so far over the past three days. also to quell the doubts within the democratic party. it is usually democrats he is up for being on the campaign trail, he needs to be a strong voice for his agenda, and his priorities in contrast with donald trump. he cannot do that from recuperating in delaware. the other development of i was the director of the tarp over democrats who call for publicly for him last week to step aside which had been paused. it was turned on again today with adam schiff and the los angeles times and also the conversation that inaudible chuck schumer
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had. ~ . had. what can you tell us? chuck schumer _ had. what can you tell us? chuck schumer reportedly | had. what can you tell us? . chuck schumer reportedly had had. what can you tell us? - chuck schumer reportedly had a very blunt conversation with joe biden this weekend before the assassination attempt on donald trump where he told joe biden in no uncertain terms he thought he should step aside for the good of the party, for the good of the country. chuck schumer has since released a statement denying this, in a way, saying he did really what happened between the way inaudible the weather democrats feel by that anything else is mere speculation. while he did not try to attempt down he did rac the meeting did not happen. how serious or significant is that for chuck schumer to be having these conversations? obviously chuck schumer is the leader of senate democrats. he is one the most high ranking democrats in the country, so if chuck schumer is expressing these concerns, it is not go
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much higher than that we will be to see what nancy believes he has to say. adam schiff a democrat member of congress, also is fairly influential within the party. he will be in all likelihood the next senator for california, one of the leading prosecutors were house democrats in the first impeachment for donald trump. he is closely tied to nancy pelosi. cut to come out on the record and say this, suggests that it record and say this, suggests thatitis record and say this, suggests that it is just something inaudible backbench democrats, this is something that has ties all the way to the top of the party. all the way to the top of the -a . , ., ., party. the understanding would be they congressional - party. the understanding would i be they congressional democrats do not do anything without nancy pelosi knowing about it or signing off on it, so is there a suggestion that she knew about this before adam schiff did it and in some way either endorses or did not say do not do it? i either endorses or did not say do not do it?— do not do it? i heard reports from her— do not do it? i heard reports from her office _ do not do it? i heard reports from her office saying - do not do it? i heard reports from her office saying that i from her office saying that they did not know about this ahead of time, ifind that difficult to believe, particularly because adam
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schiff has close ties in both california democrats, close ties together. adam schiff, you would think, would have run this by a release made nessie believes the aware of this, the same way with george clooney just over a week ago, how that was unlikely to have seen a light of day without people connecting with the democratic politics knowing about it ahead of time but we do not have confirmation of that. that is just the sort of thing you would think would play out. these remarks came before we knew that president biden had covid—19, do you think that others coming forward and pause again on the public discourse? maybe, i thought the assassination attempt for donald trump would put a pause on it but it seems like a bully pause byjoe biden — did not make those concerns go away, the fact we are only a handful of days after this and that what seems this big pendulum swinging back and forward
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between calls forjoe biden to step down and that he will sit around, it is now swinging back towards the calls for him to step aside. i think that tells you that even ifjoe biden has over19 you that even ifjoe biden has over 19 he will not make this go away and the other thing to remember is the announcement today that there is a virtual rollcall vote for delegates they would essentially confirm joe biden as the nominee ahead of time as next week, that has been postponed at least until the end of august which suggests that there is still time for democrats to oppose joe biden be the nominee, to organise a push for him to zap aside. , , aside. pendulum swings, we will wait is see _ aside. pendulum swings, we will wait is see where _ aside. pendulum swings, we will wait is see where it _ aside. pendulum swings, we will wait is see where it stops. - wait is see where it stops. along ahead in milwaukee, we will talk to you a bit later. we are learning that the man identified as the attacker of former president donald trump in pennsylvania on a saturday, we're letting details about him. according to fbi officials a 20—year—old used his mobile phone to search for images of
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donald trump and joe biden. he also searched for dates of donald trump's public appearances as well as the date of the democratic national convention. the fbi has not found any indication that he held strong political views, something that officials describe as notable, since most politically motivated the government leave a discernible trail of their viewpoints. the fbi says the investigation is still ongoing. the secret service director is part of the committee on a monday any compliance with a subpoena from the committee. but it's like, jd the committee. but it's like, jd vance will address the convention at later on. jd vance spoke at a campaign event in milwaukee earlier today when he attacked the media reporting on donald trump and he responded to the attempt on a saturday of his life, saying he was terrified that the country
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could almost lose a great president. today we will also hear from president. today we will also hearfrom rn as president. today we will also hear from rn as the speakers on today's theme, the theme tonight is make america strong once again, where us foreign policy will be the focus. the programme tonight is well under way here at the convention, so let's go down behind us out of the convention floor and check in with our north america correspondent. she is down there behind us. what is the atmosphere likely you are? the atmosphere _ atmosphere likely you are? tue atmosphere has atmosphere likely you are? he atmosphere has been atmosphere likely you are? ttj: atmosphere has been one of excitement all week, just to remind our audience this is usually a basketball arena, and it still has that vibe, people overexcited and clapping, they have their science but, of course, this is a political event and behind me at the moment is the texas governor greg abbott, talking about red
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issue we know that is important to americans and republicans about border security and what have you, so it is all awful at the moment, and we do expect thatjd vance, the vp pick for donald trump to take the stage later on this evening. i was spend some time talking to people about how they feel about the speech, the overexcited, i asked them how they felt about the fact that jd vance once upon a time i said nevertrump, and he had referred to donald trump as america's hitler. some are said to me well, people can change their minds, he said the bike then but now we are family behind him and all is forgiven and they are very much looking forward to hearing what he has to say. forward to hearing what he has to sa . ~ ., ., forward to hearing what he has tosa. . ., , forward to hearing what he has tosa. ., ., to say. what other speakers are we expecting — to say. what other speakers are we expecting to _ to say. what other speakers are we expecting to hear— to say. what other speakers are we expecting to hear from - we expecting to hear from tonight?
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we expecting to hear from toniaht? . ,, we expecting to hear from toniaht? ., i. we expecting to hear from toniaht? . ., tonight? can you say that auain? tonight? can you say that again? indeed _ tonight? can you say that again? indeed it - tonight? can you say that again? indeed it is, - tonight? can you say that again? indeed it is, the i again? indeed it is, the governor _ again? indeed it is, the governor of _ again? indeed it is, the governor of texas - again? indeed it is, the governor of texas greg | again? indeed it is, the - governor of texas greg abbott is on siege behind you and i can see you are standing right by the delegate, they are very excited to hear from by the delegate, they are very excited to hearfrom him but wondering who else will we hear from on the station i'd? there is a star—studded lineup. —— on the stage tonight. is a star-studded lineup. -- on the stage tonight.— the stage tonight. there are more speakers _ the stage tonight. there are more speakers are - the stage tonight. there are more speakers are due, - the stage tonight. there are more speakers are due, not| more speakers are due, not exactly sure who is coming after greg abbott. i thinkjd vance will be the last speech and i think that is much later tonight and most people are here to see him. donald trump will arrive again at some point, we do not know if he will introducejd vance at all on the stage but as we have seen the night before, donald trump will arrive with his family, jd vance, i think his
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speech will be obviously very closely watched given that if mr trump does win the election, jd vance will be an incredibly important asset to him. we know he is very much on the theme — he is very much on the theme — he has aligned himself with the same positions as donald trump when it comes to foreign policy, domestic policy, and it has been, i've talked to a lot of people aboutjd vance and they were surprised he had got they were surprised he had got the nomination. some of them has said to me they would have referred others but they do like the peak and in the end they do trust donald trump with they do trust donald trump with the choice that he has made, he is a young man, 39 years of age, andi is a young man, 39 years of age, and i think for many here he is probably seen as the heir apparent. to the republican party in the future if it does ever move fast donald trump. ——
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move past donald trump. ever move fast donald trump. -- move past donald trump.- move past donald trump. thank ou ve move past donald trump. thank you very much — move past donald trump. thank you very much for _ move past donald trump. thank you very much for that. - move past donald trump. thank you very much for that. it - move past donald trump. thank you very much for that. it is - you very much for that. it is very noisy here in the milwaukee stadium, home to the milwaukee stadium, home to the milwaukee team here in milwaukee. usually when the song starts playing and was the chris evans ages are spotted around that means the former president donald trump is on his way. he is due here tonight and he will get here to hear the speaker andjd and he will get here to hear the speaker and jd vance. we will keep you up—to—date with all the events that happened behind us here on the convention floor. a party atmosphere there is well under way. i am joined atmosphere there is well under way. iam joined now atmosphere there is well under way. i am joined now by eldridge, who served as a deputy is a secretary defence for strategy and a development under the donald trump administration. they give are joining us here on the bbc news. some of the focus is on foreign policy, there have been these themes, tonight is make
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america strong again, you worked in the trump administration, what can we expect on a foreign policy in a secular donald trump administration particularly on ukraine? great to be with you and to your viewers. the message is clear. president trump was involved in the pipe and release the other day which had an emphasis on this piece through strength model which is to re— industrialise the american economy to make us stronger in our military as well. alliance is part of that but more equitable. the strength but is very important but also it said we would use military force more sparingly. president trump and senator vance have said we need to reckon with the challenges we face from a position of strength but also not in this way. a critique of the current
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administration but also the old republican party, a globe standing promises which let people like senator vance and his very compelling story, feeling like we have not use the military resources well. there is a sense to look at the forgotten americans. the nato summit took — forgotten americans. the nato summit took place _ forgotten americans. the nato summit took place last - forgotten americans. the nato summit took place last week. | summit took place last week. ukrainian president zelensky was here. would the tunnel trump administration continue with the support? t trump administration continue with the support?— with the support? i cannot say for sure but — with the support? i cannot say for sure but senator _ with the support? i cannot say for sure but senator vance - with the support? i cannot say| for sure but senator vance has been meticulous about the fact that there are limits, physically, militarily, the poor strength of our industrial base... he poor strength of our industrial base... ., , poor strength of our industrial base... he has spoken specifically _ base... he has spoken specifically about - base... he has spoken i specifically about ukraine base... he has spoken - specifically about ukraine at the munich security summit?
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partially and that was a wake—up call because what he was saying and i think this is the place for europeans to focus on and analyse it like in places like japan and taiwan, we're going to help those who help themselves. i hear a lot from europeans but the olaf scholz government is not giving the german defence ministry it is asking. hi frederick of president macron of france has a high rhetoric but he's not giving as much money. this is something europe has to take the on and senator babet has articulated that it is about physical reality. the europeans are starting to understand that places like poland, the new government by the uk, a former official saying they see the direction of travel and we cannot do everything around the world and senator rubio made
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that point as well.— that point as well. europe was remitted to — that point as well. europe was remitted to rising... _ that point as well. europe was remitted to rising... it - that point as well. europe was remitted to rising... it needs. remitted to rising... it needs to accelerate. it crosstalk has given a lot of help to ukraine. but if we look at what is going on, the other issue disclosed todayis on, the other issue disclosed today is relating to asia and china. what do you see a trump administration to .0 towards china? tt administration to .0 towards china? , . ., , china? it is clear president trump in — china? it is clear president trump in his _ china? it is clear president trump in his first - china? it is clear president trump in his first term - china? it is clear president trump in his first term and j china? it is clear president | trump in his first term and i hope he has a second term, really shifted our focus towards a much more realistic and tough line approach on china. senator vance said the other day that we have been distracted in europe and we need to re— prioritise on asia. almost everybody in this country, is that and independents recognise china as our top challenge. ten times the gdp of china, ten times the
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building shipped capacity of the us. strength was china but an approach that we want to avoid world war three. chinese are preparing for a large—scale confrontation. my sense is avoiding that involves been strong but also open and president trump has expressed his openness to talking to xi jinping, to beijing. we want to govern through peace through strength. irate govern through peace through strenuth. ~ , strength. we saw the news yesterday _ strength. we saw the news yesterday of _ strength. we saw the news yesterday of the _ strength. we saw the news yesterday of the iranian - strength. we saw the news i yesterday of the iranian death rate against a trump. how should the us essentially be dealing with that threat? tt dealing with that threat? tit just dealing with that threat? tt just shows the nasty and if of the iranian regime. former senior members of president trump first time. jake sullivan said, even eight months ago, that the middle east has never
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been quieter and here we are there is a war going on in gaza, the houthis are still attacking shipping. again senator vance speaking from that position and actually the ad just before we started, talking about the four ever was. a lot of supporting our allies, saudi arabia, the abraham accord, putting abra ham accord, putting economic abraham accord, putting economic pressure on the iranians. these are things we can reasonably expect. thank ou for can reasonably expect. thank you forjoining _ can reasonably expect. thank you forjoining us. _ can reasonably expect. thank you forjoining us. let's i can reasonably expect. thank| you forjoining us. let's speak now to the former us director of the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency, chris krebs. thank you for joining us. how secure do you think the us technology infrastructure to withstand outside interference and it is he a's election cycle?- he a's election cycle? with resect he a's election cycle? with respect to _ he a's election cycle? with respect to election - he a's election cycle? with l respect to election security, it is focus on the prior trump and biden administration. eight
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solid years of investment, training, improving the underlying technology and ensuring that all the resources are in place for the fair elections. i expect the 2024 elections. i expect the 2024 election will be as secure if not more secure than the 2020 election. �* , ., not more secure than the 2020 election. �* i. _, . ., election. are you concerned at all about outside _ election. are you concerned at all about outside influence? i l all about outside influence? i am concerned about all about outside influence? t am concerned about influence and it is important to differentiate between infrastructure and the influence efforts they continue from russia, china, iran and elsewhere and since the attempted association on former president donald trump we have seen an increase of influence efforts, trying to so division, chaos and undermined just the way of life here in the united states from those three actors and i expect that to only increase, notjust ending on november five but through certification and inauguration
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next january. certification and inauguration next january-— certification and inauguration next january. what should both campaigns _ next january. what should both campaigns be _ next january. what should both campaigns be doing _ next january. what should both campaigns be doing to - next january. what should both campaigns be doing to protectl campaigns be doing to protect themselves? tt campaigns be doing to protect themselves?— themselves? it is not so much an issue of — themselves? it is not so much an issue of the _ themselves? it is not so much an issue of the campaigns i an issue of the campaigns themselves though of course i have to ensure their systems, e—mails and other information repositories are secure. if you recall back in 2016, the russian conducted a hack and leak on the clinton campaign and elect outjohn podesta's e—mails. more broadly, i think there is a whole of society requirement admission we have to be more resilient, do not allow these external actors, foreign actors, to get into the midst of our own political decisions. american voters decide american elections and we have to make sure they do not have the opportunity to come in and muck around in our process. t5 come in and muck around in our rocess. , ., ., ., process. is there a role for the tech — process. is there a role for the tech companies i process. is there a role for the tech companies or- process. is there a role for the tech companies or a i process. is there a role for i
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the tech companies or a greater role than what they have already pledged? absolutely. that is part — already pledged? absolutely. that is part of _ already pledged? absolutely. that is part of the _ already pledged? absolutely. that is part of the whole i that is part of the whole society record for the government has responsibility to go on the lookout for foreign security services, other actors setting up campaigns, the us department justicejust the other campaigns, the us department justice just the other week disrupted and ai power button at work that was driving false information direct at us audiences but the tech companies have a responsibility to ensure that their platforms are not being abused by these foreign security services and cut out and proxies and in that case, x did disrupt and take down about a thousand accounts and we should see more of that going forward. we really need a dedication and emphasis on that going forward. t dedication and emphasis on that going forward-— going forward. i and speaking to chris from _ going forward. i and speaking to chris from the _ going forward. i and speaking to chris from the republican l to chris from the republican national convention. you woke
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very donald trump and also fired for contradicting is election plan. would you like to see him as president again? american voters decide american elections. it is not up to me. the american people are going to decide that. my opinion is my own, that's it. mt to decide that. my opinion is my own, that's it.— my own, that's it. all right. chris krebs _ my own, that's it. all right. chris krebs thank _ my own, that's it. all right. chris krebs thank you i my own, that's it. all right. chris krebs thank you for i chris krebs thank you for joining us here on bbc news. let's listen to the governor of north dakota.— north dakota. i stood on one leg _ north dakota. i stood on one leg for— north dakota. i stood on one leg for two _ north dakota. i stood on one leg for two hours. i i north dakota. i stood on i one leg for two hours. i broke my achilles the day before but to kick things up i have a question for you and i need your help answering so nice and so loud that everyone can hear you. are you ready? who will make america energy dominant? again, who will make america
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energy dominant how about one more time, but enough to wake up more time, but enough to wake upjoe biden? crowd: trump! that's right because when a president trump unleashes american energy, we unleash american energy, we unleash american prosperity and we ensure our national security serving as a governor with president trump was like having a beautiful breeze at our back. he cut taxes and red tape. serving as a governor underjoe biden has been like a gale force wind in our face. biden has been like a gale force wind in ourface. biden's what energy has every american because the cost of energy is in everything we use or touch every day. biden's redtape has
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raised the price of the gas in your car, food on your table, close on your back and it has even raised your rent. biden's green agenda feels like it was written by china, russian and iran. let's look atjoe biden ev mandates. where do nearly all the batteries and minerals come from? china. and the day that biden halted permits for clean gas facilities in america think about the party they threw him that night at the kremlin because biden's policies are making russia and iran filthy rich and they are using that money to fund was an terrorism against our allies. at home, biden is acting like a dictator. easy as using mandates to shut down reliable baseload electricity. that is
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why your electric bills have shot up was as out reliability spirals downward. for more years ofjoe will usher an era of takeout. imagine, no electricity for your fridge, light or air conditioning. president trump will ensure there is a powerfor you president trump will ensure there is a power for you and importantly, that we have the power is united states to be china in the ai arms race. unleashing american energy dominant is our power back to prosperity and peace through strength. teddy roosevelt encouraged america to speak softly and carry a big stick. energy dominance will be the big thing that president trump
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will carry. yes, president trump will make sure that america is a selling energy to our allies versus buying it from our adverse. —— adverse areas. innovation has always been the source of american greatness and president trump champions innovation over regulation. last year, over that whole year, my wife catherine and i travelled all across america, as all of you know, it is rural america that feed the world, that fuels the world and defend the world. small towns with a huge impact and rural america is trump country! in north dakota we
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know one thing for sure because we have seen him do it, and thatis we have seen him do it, and that is the hardest working president in american history is donaldj trump. president trump cares deeply about every american. truck drivers, roughnecks and, yes, america's great farmers and ranchers. president trump cares deeply about you. we know he will fight for us, he will fight for ourfamilies and we fight for us, he will fight for our families and we know one more thing, he will let all of you keep driving your gas powered cars. when a president trump unleashes energy dominance, he will make america affordable again, he will make america
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strong again, and what president donald trump and jd vance together, they will make america great again. the governor of north dakota there just leaving the stage after making his address to the republican national convention here. he was one of the individuals in the final three candidates for possible vp peak, we know now that donald trump has pickedjd peak, we know now that donald trump has picked jd vance. peak, we know now that donald trump has pickedjd vance. i am joined now here by the former chief of staff to the former vice president mike pence. thank you forjoining us here. wejust heard the thank you forjoining us here. we just heard the governor of north dakota there have a passionate speech about american energy and energy dominance. is that we're the
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future of american economic policy moving?— future of american economic policy moving? the reality was durin: policy moving? the reality was during the _ policy moving? the reality was during the trump _ during the trump administration, he did advocate for a lot more of american energy developments, and i think that he had the president talk about energy dominance and thatis talk about energy dominance and that is obviously what he has picked up. i think that would be beneficial to our economy, there has been too many restrictions in reform in america. the biden administration claims we have more production than before but the permit takes years before people can develop those wells, so i think it will be good for american business to return to that. t american business to return to that. ., ., ., ~ american business to return to that. ., ., ., ,, ., that. i want to talk to him about the _ that. i want to talk to him about the platform i that. i want to talk to him about the platform of i that. i want to talk to him about the platform of the | about the platform of the republican party under donald trump verses may be what people would think of as a traditional conservative policy position. there have been changes under donald trump, you have seen a softening on abortion policy, a trade union president address the rmc here for the first time. d think it is donald trump taking the republican party away from those additional positions? the
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platform _ additional positions? the platform followed - additional positions? ttj: platform followed by many speakers on monday night were clearly conservatives inside our party. donald trump came to become president in 2016, he brought in a new group of voters, blue—collar working voters, blue—collar working voters that had to be our foundations and that enabled us to cigarettes victory. it seems they what we do now is less additive to the foundations but it is actually tearing down. if the platform changes on a social issues on abortion as well as additional inaudible weather issues like trade whether party is now embracing that across—the—board, issues like no longer announcing a strong defence of taiwan, but clearly there are differences in the current administration on the potential new administration with ukraine were conservatives had originally been, even the speaker here making the outlandish accusation that nato was for vladimir putin invasion of ukraine and i think that much of what the beginning of the convention showed was an
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assault on conservatism. the convention you want to have you won speakers, you want to renew people to the party, and we have feature labour union speakers before but having them come to the convention and basically accused the corporate pigs is not conservative, it is not a party has been for generations, so what is a dramatic transformation of all that at this convention.- that at this convention. what does that _ that at this convention. what does that mean _ that at this convention. what does that mean for _ that at this convention. what does that mean for the i does that mean for the republican party? there are some high profile individuals who are not he, yourformer boss mike pence being one of them. ., . , boss mike pence being one of them. ., ., , , them. for many people here, there is the _ them. for many people here, there is the sense _ them. for many people here, there is the sense this i them. for many people here, there is the sense this is i them. for many people here, there is the sense this isjust| there is the sense this is just for show, this is more entertainment, the reality is many traditional republicans will continue to have the same values but i think it signals a significant change because in the first rump administration, he wanted to have the conservatives around here because they were speakers inaudible. i do not sense that same potential personnel in the second administration. it will
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be much more of a populist field than conservative. actually it is just where we were in 2016 for frankly smiley face administration government, when you look at what is actually the deregulatory agenda, what are foreign policy was, as well as where we were on confirming the judges, was, as well as where we were on confirming thejudges, it was very traditionally conservative and yet it seems like the looking to move away what was actually successful. if we see healing at a celebration of make america great again policies, how does that affect the races? there will be a fight for the house of the senate. taste will be a fight for the house of the senate.— will be a fight for the house of the senate. we are in an era riaht of the senate. we are in an era right now _ of the senate. we are in an era right now of — of the senate. we are in an era right now of american - of the senate. we are in an era right now of american politics | right now of american politics were sadly a lot of these elections are less about issues of morale personalities. it will be nice if we could go back to discussions and perhaps it will feature more. they need to have more flexibility for their positions is opposing to adhering to the platform. it is the signalling to the nation as to where the administration wants to go.
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to where the administration wants to go-_ to where the administration wants to go. to where the administration wants to no. ., ., , wants to go. you mentioned they about the economic _ wants to go. you mentioned they about the economic policies, i about the economic policies, tariffs, moved to protectionism and also foreign policy, the move to isolationism. what will that mean for america's place in the world moving back to itself? ~ ., , in the world moving back to itself? . . , ., ,, itself? we have seen it happen before. itself? we have seen it happen before- it _ itself? we have seen it happen before. it has _ itself? we have seen it happen before. it has been _ itself? we have seen it happen before. it has been disastrous| before. it has been disastrous to our economy and i think that even more so in the economy today. some estimates are 10% tariff across—the—board, costing america 500,000 jobs, and that is before retaliation tariffs come into effect. those sorts of policies are not as economically was certainly bad for national security. i do think we have a system with checks and balances and the president is afforded the ability to do that. they have to be legislated. while this will get tied up in the courts, it is still something signals to the market the different direction we want to go, and typically, in administration they were targeted tariffs but they were targeted tariffs but they are intended against china to china to try to get them to
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change their positions writing a greater access to american markets, but what it looks like this inaudible wants to go is across—the—board to friends and allies alike. taste across-the-board to friends and allies alike.— allies alike. we have seen joe biden allies alike. we have seen joe itiden for— allies alike. we have seen joe biden for tariffs _ allies alike. we have seen joe biden for tariffs on _ allies alike. we have seen joe biden for tariffs on china i allies alike. we have seen joe biden for tariffs on china as l biden for tariffs on china as well. speaking about allies, we saw last week at nato summit european leaders expressing privately and publicly concerns about a trump administration, we knowjd vance position on ukraine as well. are you concerned about the transatlantic relationship or what might happen? t transatlantic relationship or what might happen?- transatlantic relationship or what might happen? i think that resident what might happen? i think that president trump _ what might happen? i think that president trump is _ what might happen? i think that president trump is a _ what might happen? i think that president trump is a bit - president trump is a bit sceptical of the broader alliance with many nations, he refers to have one on one negotiations, and so i think with all of our traditional allies like britain, will signal a significant change but i do think there is concern that would be no longer the same support forfunding same support for funding ukraine to same support forfunding ukraine to defend same support for funding ukraine to defend itself. same support forfunding ukraine to defend itself. i think you would see in certain areas, i think it will be more
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of a winners and losers among traditional allies.— traditional allies. you know all about — traditional allies. you know all about running _ traditional allies. you know all about running a - traditional allies. you know all about running a vice i all about running a vice president office. jd vance is the candidate here, what do you think he will bring to the ticket and the party? t think he will bring to the ticket and the party? i think it is a bit — ticket and the party? i think it is a bit different. - ticket and the party? i think it is a bit different. the i ticket and the party? i think| it is a bit different. the 2016 donald trump was getting the nomination and the party was divided. there is a different set of conservative evangelical voters. right now donald trump has the party solidified, so i thinkjd vance is actually bringing more of a thorough get forum to do their best advocate forum to do their best advocate for his policies more than a calculation and thinking this is a geographic say we are missing are somehowjd vance brexit on. i do not think it is the same calculation, lucky to see who could be our best offender for the policies? see who could be our best offenderfor the policies? the offender for the policies? the former chief _ offender for the policies? the former chief of _ offender for the policies? the former chief of staff to vice president mike pence, thank you for speaking to us the bbc news. a little earlier here the convention heard from peter navarro, a white house trade
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advisor to former president donald trump and he was free from prison today after serving four remands for contempt of congress. he refused to co—operate with the congressional committee investigation for the january think attacks on the capital after his release from prison he came here to the republican convention launching into an attack on congressional and democrats and the us justice system. democrats and the us 'ustice s stem. , ., ., ,, system. this morning i did walk out of federal _ system. this morning i did walk out of federal prison. _ system. this morning i did walk out of federal prison. in - out of federal prison. in miami. joe biden and his apartment of injustice put me there. tonight i am here with you in this beautiful city of milwaukee. i have a simple message for you. if they can come for me, and if they can come for me, and if they can come for me, and if they can come for donald trump, be careful, they will come for you. here is how it went, here
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is how i got in prison, the legislative branch came for me first. yourfavourite democrat nancy pelosi created your favourite committee, the sham 6 january committee, which demanded that i violate executive privilege. what do they do? i refused. —— what did i do? the 6january committee demanded that i be tray donald trump to save my own skin. i refused. here is the thing about the constitution, they demanded that i break the law. because they have no respect for it. i refused, and the
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democrat majority in the house then voted to hold me in contempt. what happened next? the next thing to drop as the executive branch. another one of your favourite democrats, democrat attorney general merrick garland. there is a winner. i went to prison so you will not have to do. i am your wake—up call. will not have to do. i am your wake-up call-— wake-up call. peter navarro there, wake-up call. peter navarro there. the — wake-up call. peter navarro there, the former _ wake-up call. peter navarro there, the former trade i wake-up call. peter navarro i there, the former trade advisor for donald trump. you are joining us here milwaukee, wisconsin with his bbc news special coverage of night three of the republican national convention, brings you all the latest from this key battleground state is on of the speeches from the floor behind us let's have a recap of our
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top story tonight. president biden has tested positive for covid—19. the white house says he tested positive earlier in the day after an event in las vegas, before cancelling a speech there. the president is experiencing mild symptoms, including a cough and runny nose, according to his doctor. mr biden is vaccinated and tonight received a dose of the antiviral medication paxlovid. in a statement, white house press secretary karine jean—pierre said: in the hours before testing positive, mr biden was on the campaign trail, inside a restaurant shaking hands and speaking with voters. the president was seen without a mask as he exited his motorcade and climbed the steps of air force one
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to return to delaware. this all comes at a perilous time for the president, with his re—election bid continuing to lose support from allies. on wednesday, one of the most influential democrats in congress, adam schiff, called on biden to end his re—election bid. congressman schiff said that while he believes president biden has been "one of the most "consequential presidents" in us history, he said it was time for the president to "pass the torch". mr schiffjoins 17 other house democrats who have directly called on president biden to exit the race. just one senate democrat — peter welch — has publicly asked the president to exit so far. this an updated tally from our partners at cbs news. polls also show a marked decline in support from democratic voters. it all started with biden's debate performance, which sent congressional democrats
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into a panic over whether he could defeat trump for a second time. the white house has sought to deflect concerns about mr biden's age. but further gaffes — including several at last week's nato conference — have seen the president's support continue to erode. let's talk about this now, i am regularly form democratic and kustermann from florida stephanie murphy. joe biden is having no luck at all in this campaign, diagnosed with covid—19 today. what if i do think it will have? tt covid-19 today. what if i do think it will have?— covid-19 today. what if i do think it will have? it has been a coule think it will have? it has been a couple of — think it will have? it has been a couple of rough _ think it will have? it has been a couple of rough weeks i think it will have? it has been a couple of rough weeks for l a couple of rough weeks for him, and i think the calls and, of course, we all hope that he has a speedy recovery from covid—19. there have been incidents that have sort of delayed or muted the calls for him to step aside with the assassination attempt on a
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trump last weekend, shutting down the conversation because it was inappropriate to continue with politics as usable given what had just happened. now with joe usable given what had just happened. now withjoe biden being sick, i imagine it buys him a bit more time. the pressure continues to mount on the question is whether or not the question is whether or not the president will continue to assess his ability to win, and i think whether or not he assesses that, what is true, is whether it is fair or unfair is no longer the person who can focus on pointing out trump's policy issues because every time he gets onstage the focus is on his age and the potential.— is on his age and the otential. . , ., ,~' ., potential. he was asked in an interview _ potential. he was asked in an interview in — potential. he was asked in an interview in las _ potential. he was asked in an interview in las vegas i potential. he was asked in an interview in las vegas before j interview in las vegas before the diagnosis came about what anything make him decide to step down and he said if the medical condition emerged that meant she could not continue that he would. was healing the
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pathway for a dignified exit there? i found that president biden tends to speak off—the—cuff and i'm not sure that was of the strategic approach. he started with god almighty needed to come down to speak to him and then he he went to ever ever saw polls that showed me losing and now is a medical condition. i think he needs to take in opinions other than from those in his inner circle, take a look at the poles the rest of america seeing causing his biting to inaudible and to see if it is the right person to move forward.— if it is the right person to move forward. following the assassination _ move forward. following the assassination attempt, i assassination attempt, california congressman adam shift has brought these back into the public from the
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private. nancy pelosi, you spoken about how much control she has the democratic party. but what about that speech from adam schiff?— adam schiff? they are very close. adam schiff? they are very close- they _ adam schiff? they are very close. they are _ adam schiff? they are very close. they are in - adam schiff? they are very close. they are in the i close. they are in the california delegation and congressman schiff was a part of her leadership team and they were in policy committees together. i do think that the party has tried to give president biden a graceful exit by communicating these concerns privately and that is why you say there is only one senator in 18 house members, many people have been trying to have this conversation privately. an as we have seen the legs from conversations he has had from democratic caucuses —— leaks like the ones he had with the pro— economic caucus, they have
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been difficult conversations. they are trying to give him the grace and dignity because they believe the last four years were good yes but the election is about the next four years. reporting from abc news there was a conversation between senator schumer and the president biden and senator schumer saying it would be better if he went.— better if he went. how difficult _ better if he went. how difficult is _ better if he went. how difficult is that? if - better if he went. howi difficult is that? if that conversation is true, i think it is important. but the reality is, there is no pressure of a number of senators or house members that can force the president's hand. he has to make the decision himself to step aside and i think when somebody has power, it is a difficult thing for them and those around them to make that decision to yield it. our other paddlers, from a republican ombudsman ronnie davis is here with us. more
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calls within joe davis is here with us. more calls withinjoe biden�*s party and also his diagnosis with covid—i9. what think it will it have? it (avid-19. what think it will it have? . , (avid-19. what think it will it have? ., , ., ., ., ., have? it will add up to again a ve bad have? it will add up to again a very bad week _ have? it will add up to again a very bad week for _ have? it will add up to again a very bad week forjoe - have? it will add up to again a very bad week forjoe biden. i have? it will add up to again a i very bad week forjoe biden. he very bad week forjoe biden. he is going — very bad week forjoe biden. he is going to — very bad week forjoe biden. he is going to have to decide if he is — is going to have to decide if he is going to continue to beat back_ he is going to continue to beat back the — he is going to continue to beat back the calls for him to step back— back the calls for him to step back the _ back the calls for him to step back the ticket. adam schiff, as you — back the ticket. adam schiff, as you mention, that is a big criticism _ as you mention, that is a big criticism againstjoe biden, criticism against joe biden, one — criticism againstjoe biden, one he _ criticism againstjoe biden, one he will have to take seriously. i do not know why the covid—19 diagnosis will do. we don't — the covid—19 diagnosis will do. we don't know if it is going to be a _ we don't know if it is going to be a rough _ we don't know if it is going to be a rough out... it we don't know if it is going to be a rough out...— be a rough out... it takes him ofthe be a rough out... it takes him of the campaign _ be a rough out... it takes him of the campaign trail- be a rough out... it takes him of the campaign trail for - be a rough out... it takes him of the campaign trail for a - be a rough out... it takes him| of the campaign trail for a few more days at the very least. instantly does but frankly, joe biden— instantly does but frankly, joe biden being off the campaign probably helps him. we biden being off the campaign probably helps him.-
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probably helps him. we 'ust laid clip from i probably helps him. we 'ust laid clip from peter �* probably helps him. we just laid clip from peter navarro| laid clip from peter navarro who spoke earlier. just released from prison today where he served four months sentence for contempt to congress. we have been talking about the calls from joe biden and the rhetoric for unity but we had a very fiery speech, slamming the january six committee. are these goals for unity a pipe dream? inaudible ou're unity a pipe dream? inaudible you're going — unity a pipe dream? inaudible you're going to _ unity a pipe dream? inaudible you're going to have _ you're going to have individuals coming out giving speeches but the theme of the convention has been a lot more unified — convention has been a lot more unified and a lot less rhetorical political battleground type of discussion. this is a convention that is looking toward _ convention that is looking toward the american people and saying. — toward the american people and saying, we are a unified party, we are — saying, we are a unified party, we are one _ saying, we are a unified party, we are one set on winning, we
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are one — we are one set on winning, we are one set _ we are one set on winning, we are one set on bringing voters hack_ are one set on bringing voters back he — are one set on bringing voters back he may have decided to vote — back he may have decided to vote republican in the past. peter— vote republican in the past. peter navarro, stephanie knows, i peter navarro, stephanie knows, iwas _ peter navarro, stephanie knows, iwas in _ peter navarro, stephanie knows, iwas in the — peter navarro, stephanie knows, i was in the january six select committee appointee, the whole thing _ committee appointee, the whole thing about nancy pelosi about accepting appointments but at the same time we had to start prosecuting inaudible equally. inaudible did not abide by the congressional subpoenae, did he io congressional subpoenae, did he go to— congressional subpoenae, did he go to jail? — congressional subpoenae, did he go to jail? these are the things— go to jail? these are the things american people are looking _ things american people are looking at and maybe there is a 2-tiered — looking at and maybe there is a 2—tiered system ofjustice. | 2—tiered system ofjustice. i am 2—tiered system ofjustice. am not so 2—tiered system ofjustice. i am not so i agree. senator menendez, he has resigned after being convicted. they can forget the president's son. if there is a 2—tiered system... i meanwhile president trump's
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cases have sort of gone away. if there is one, one could argue at the other way but i would prefer that the department ofjustice is polarised because we need them to be fair. ——we would not argue that. article one was about congress. the founders wanted us to have these powers. and part of that is subpoenae powers and you would not want people to defy a republican subpoenae anymore that you would want one to defy a democratic subpoenae. the navarro is is about protecting article one. he navarro is is about protecting article one-— navarro is is about protecting article one. he mentioned the generous _ article one. he mentioned the generous six _ article one. he mentioned the generous six committee. - article one. he mentioned the generous six committee. they were extremely loud boos. that point of trying to get unity not possible? in
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point of trying to get unity not possible?— point of trying to get unity not ossible? . ., not possible? in the aftermath of january _ not possible? in the aftermath ofianuary six. _ not possible? in the aftermath ofjanuary six, many _ of january six, many republicans and ofjanuary six, many republicans and a lot of republicans and a lot of republican americans were horrified to see the siege of our government under attack. to see the violence committed against law enforcement officers. —— the seat of our government. i understand it has eroded with the whitewashing of it and we are in a different place today but, you know, this election, the american people do not really care that much, they care about the economy, their personal lives and i think parties that can leave the past in the past and talk about the future are the ones that are going to resonate with americans. that are going to resonate with americans-— americans. peter navarro also said, if americans. peter navarro also said. if they — americans. peter navarro also said, if they can _ americans. peter navarro also said, if they can come - americans. peter navarro also said, if they can come for- americans. peter navarro also said, if they can come for me, i said, if they can come for me, if they can come for president trump, they are coming for you as well. one of the few mentions about the conviction
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that president trump had in new york. he is a convicted felon. but as peter navarro sat and we had a from donald trump as well, they use that to their advantage?— well, they use that to their advantage? well, they use that to their advantaue? ~ , , ., advantage? absolutely. you look at the charges — advantage? absolutely. you look at the charges are _ advantage? absolutely. you look at the charges are brought - advantage? absolutely. you look at the charges are brought in - at the charges are brought in new— at the charges are brought in new york. these were charges that the — new york. these were charges that the us doj, that the commission decided not to pursue _ commission decided not to pursue. but then convictions were — pursue. but then convictions were put— pursue. but then convictions were put in place at a state tevet — were put in place at a state level. donald trump will appeal that and — level. donald trump will appeal that and we will see what happens although in the end, stephanie is right, we have to be more — stephanie is right, we have to be more unified inaudible what you are — be more unified inaudible what you are hearing is a much more unified — you are hearing is a much more unified tone down republican party— unified tone down republican party when it comes to the party's _ party when it comes to the party's position. peter navarro has been — party's position. peter navarro has been in a cage for so many months — has been in a cage for so many months and he will lash out. but it— months and he will lash out. but it does not represent what is happening here. anyone who walked — is happening here. anyone who walked into that capitol
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building that date should be prosecuted to the fullest extent _ prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. however if we are — extent of the law. however if we are going to hold a certain individuals and hold them to contempt of congress and give them _ contempt of congress and give them jail— contempt of congress and give them jail time, that sense a terrible _ them jail time, that sense a terrible president in the future _ terrible president in the future that everyone who does not abide _ future that everyone who does not abide by a congressional subpoenae now has to be held to the same — subpoenae now has to be held to the same standard even if they it might — the same standard even if they it might not be jail time. i respect _ it might not be jail time. i respect a _ it might not be jail time. i respect a lot of the work 16 committee did about security tapses — committee did about security lapses and concerns. i have my own— lapses and concerns. i have my own criticisms and i wish i had -ot own criticisms and i wish i had got a — own criticisms and i wish i had got a little _ own criticisms and i wish i had got a little further but at the same — got a little further but at the same time the report has some inaccuracies, some fallacies, one — inaccuracies, some fallacies, one being _ inaccuracies, some fallacies, one being that a colleague gave reconnaissance tour that even the police _ reconnaissance tour that even the police state did not happen. it allows doubt into the american public with official— the american public with official reports and proceedings. those things have to stop — proceedings. those things have to stop at — proceedings. those things have to stop at have to be more accurate _ to stop at have to be more accurate-— to stop at have to be more accurate. can i make a note about the — accurate. can i make a note about the american - accurate. can i make a note about the american judicial | about the american judicial system. none of these people
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got prosecuted and indicted and convicted without a grand jury initiated the process and a grand jury is a jury of your peers. the convictions are to settle the decisions of a jury of your peers, it is not any particular person. it is fellow american sitting in judgement... sorry for interrupting, - judgement... sorry for interrupting, donald . judgement... sorry for- interrupting, donald trump judgement... sorry for - interrupting, donald trump has just arrived in the arena. we i'm taking the same path as it in the past two nights, onto the floor, just beneath us here. again, giving his trademark fist pump and everyone turned to look at him. making his way up the stairs. the bandage on his right ear where he was great. you can see marco rubio in the front row as
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well, to greet the president. congressmen lecras. inaudible senator of texas.— senator of texas. --de la cruz. donald trump — senator of texas. --de la cruz. donald trump really _ senator of texas. --de la cruz. donald trump really taking - senator of texas. --de la cruz. donald trump really taking in i donald trump really taking in the adoration. the texas governor. going to some of the delegates and supporters. you can see more secret service agents arriving as soon as he went over to those delegates.
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protection tightened since the attempted assassination. cheering and applause. then our trademark fist pumps and the crowd respond back to him. the next speaker is the girlfriend of his son, kimberly guilfoyle, who i think isjust of his son, kimberly guilfoyle, who i think is just about to walk out into the stage. [10 who i think isjust about to walk out into the stage. do you recognise _ walk out into the stage. do you recognise those _ walk out into the stage. do you recognise those flowers - walk out into the stage. do you recognise those flowers of - recognise those flowers of yours? _ recognise those flowers of ours? �* , �* , �* yours? laughter. inaudible the last few _ yours? laughter. inaudible the last few days _ yours? laughter. inaudible the last few days in _ yours? laughter. inaudible the last few days in prayers - the last few days in prayers and i know that god has put an
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arm of protection over donald trump. we are all reminded that love for our nation and the beauty of life itself transcends all hatred and political decision. i stand before you tonight, more convinced than ever, this is the most important election in our lifetime. this election will decide the fate of our great nation and that is why we must elect president donald john trump. this is notjust a choice between republicans and democrats, this is a choice
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between safety or chaos, wealth or poverty, national sovereignty or open borders. this election is a choice between joe this election is a choice betweenjoe biden's vision for american weakness and donald trump's vision of american greatness. donald trump will once again make our country strong. say it. and prosperous. he will make america feared by our adversaries and respected by our friends. and our adversaries and respected by ourfriends. and most importantly, he will always put america first. after four years after four yea rs of after four years ofjoe biden's after four years of joe biden's disaster after four years ofjoe biden's disaster rest america last
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agenda, our country is more dangerous, vulnerable. you are watchinu dangerous, vulnerable. you are watching a _ dangerous, vulnerable. you are watching a bbc— dangerous, vulnerable. you are watching a bbc news _ dangerous, vulnerable. you are watching a bbc news special. watching a bbc news special coverage of the republican national convention. say hello to our pbs viewers.— to our pbs viewers. leave it alone — to our pbs viewers. leave it alone and _ to our pbs viewers. leave it alone and take _ to our pbs viewers. leave it alone and take a _ to our pbs viewers. leave it alone and take a nap. - to our pbs viewers. leave it alone and take a nap. but i it alone and take a nap. but joejust cannot help it alone and take a nap. but joe just cannot help himself. joe just cannot help himself. joe biden cannot lead america. he cannot even leave himself off a stage. now americans are drowning in inflation, insanity spreads like a cancer in our schools, we are closer to world war iii than any time in my life. we are facing an unprecedented invasion of millions of illegal aliens across our southern border.


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