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tv   HAR Dtalk  BBC News  July 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am BST

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hello, i'm caitriona perry. we continue with breaking news here in washington. us presidentjoe biden announced he's ending his re—election bid, withdrawing his name from the 2024 presidential race, and endorsing vice president kamala harris for the democratic nomination. the biden campaign has already filed with the us federal election comission to change the name to "harris for president." in a statement on x — joe biden — "it has been the greatest in a separate post, he said...
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the 81—year—old president — currently in isolation while recovering from covid — was under increasing criticism a poor debate performance against his republican opponent donald trump in latejune. a number of democrats called for president biden to end his campaign. democratic donors also threatened to pull funding. mr biden�*s allies in congress have praised his decision to step aside. former democratic speaker of the house nancy pelosi hailed president biden as �*one of the most consequential presidents in american history. and, senate majority leader chuck schumer echoed that sentiment, writing in a statement �*his decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and ourfuture first." the reaction from congressional republicans, however, has struck a different tone.
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current house speaker mike johnson called for mr biden to step down as president saying �*ifjoe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately.�* senate minority leader mitch mcconnell heavily criticised democratic policies, writing �*washington democrats have not proven themselves any more capable than the president of delivering the secure borders, safe streets, and stable prices that working families deserve.�* joining me is north america correspondent nada tawfik(i. correspondent nada tawfik. she correspondent nada tawfik. is in delaware where i joe she is in delaware where president joe biden is isolating following that diagnosis of cove it a few days ago. what is it like there at the moment, described the scene to us, have we seen the president at all today? have we seen the president at all toda ? . , ., have we seen the president at all toda ? ., , , today? yeah, you can see behind me the secret service _
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today? yeah, you can see behind me the secret service that _ today? yeah, you can see behind me the secret service that have - today? yeah, you can see behind me the secret service that have turned i the secret service that have turned up. this is a state park beach but i'm just a few hundred feet away from joe biden�*s private community and so this is one of the buffer areas that the secret service regularly sets up. and i can tell you coming in here right outside of the area by his home, the secret service has been moving along all day, photographers, others who have come by to try and take a picture, to mark this moment, butjoe biden has not been seen in person, not on video, definitely not seen here at this beach where there is a private stretch for his community, and that is because he is said to have a hoarse voice, still recovering. but certainly in recent days there was questions as he isolates there with his wife jill questions as he isolates there with his wifejill biden whether he had been discussing his future and what he wanted his legacy to look like. and so it was certainly a surprise, the timing of the announcement, that
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joe biden made that from here at the small beach town resort and remains here and hasn't been seen on camera, rather than from the white house though he does say he will be making a statement later in the week about how he came to this decision. certainly in the meantime, we have been hearing from others in the biden family, his son hunter biden, his granddaughter naomi, all of them paying tribute to his life in public service, as a senator of delaware from this date, all the way up to vice president and then the presidency, and as a man himself and they really encouraged americans from all over to thank him for his service. , ., �* , , ., service. joe biden very proud he comes from _ service. joe biden very proud he comes from scranton _ service. joe biden very proud he comes from scranton in - service. joe biden very proud he - comes from scranton in pennsylvania, but delaware is very much his home in recent years. he is well know —— well known there. what is their
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reaction to this news?- well known there. what is their reaction to this news? yeah, that's riuht. reaction to this news? yeah, that's right. look. _ reaction to this news? yeah, that's right. look. they — reaction to this news? yeah, that's right. look, they often _ reaction to this news? yeah, that's right. look, they often vacationed | right. look, they often vacationed here, came every weekend they can get away from washington, dc just to give you a sense of how they are embraced here, there is one cafe, lori's cafe that even has a sandwich named after the biden �*s, have tuna salad, half chicken salad, so it gives you a sense of how known they are in this community. they do kind of walk around, they do speak to residents and so i was actually here at the state park beach speaking to beach—goers who were sunbathing when they got the news, just asking about their reaction. and it was really notable speaking to both democrats and republicansjust notable speaking to both democrats and republicans just how they spoke aboutjoe biden, saying that the president, they wish him all the best, that he deserves now to kind of go on after he finishes serving his term, kind of with his head held up his term, kind of with his head held up high. and from there, kind of
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speaking to them about the kind of process that's going to pay out —— play out. on the democratic side it was interesting to note there was some apprehension from democrats whether the party will be able to unite around when a candidate, if it will become allah and if she will be able to beat former president donald trump if it is hard, and from the republican side still very much a sense that donald trump has had some real momentum in the last few weeks while these calls have swirled about joe biden stepping down. republicans saying that they do feel he's in a strong position no matter who the candidate is for the democrats. very early hours since this announcement and people very much still absorbing the news. figs and people very much still absorbing the news. �* , ., , and people very much still absorbing the news. �* , . ., ~ and people very much still absorbing the news. a. ., ~ and people very much still absorbing thenews. a. ., ~ the news. as always, thank you so much for that. _
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hunter biden asked americans to thank his father, adding in a statement... that statement from hunter biden. and joe biden�*s granddaughter naomi said on x... to americans who've always have his back, keep the faith, we will always have hours. of course keep the faith, joey, is an expression thatjoe biden likes to talk about when he speaks about his whole raison d'etre for being involved, it was a statement his mum used to give to him. let's bring in abby livingston, political campaigns expert and reporter for puck news. abby, what are you hearing about the congressional pressure campaign to remove president biden?
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well, present biden was effectively at political war with the congressional leadership and that is quite obviously charles schumer who leaves the united states senate, and it became jeffries leaves the united states senate, and it becamejeffries who leads the united states house. the leader of the democratic party in power and influence an organisation and skill is the former speaker, nancy pelosi. and once it became clear that she was no longer interested in having joe biden is the democratic nominee, we saw what appeared to be almost a boa constrictor squeezing around the president and giving him fewer and fewer options. and so the refrain throughout this drama even as momentum swung back and forth was the democratic mantra of never bet against nancy. mas the democratic mantra of never bet against nancy-— the democratic mantra of never bet against nancy. was there any way out for joe against nancy. was there any way out forjoe biden — against nancy. was there any way out forjoe biden other _ against nancy. was there any way out forjoe biden other than _ against nancy. was there any way out forjoe biden other than this, - forjoe biden other than this, bowing down to the pressure you
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described there? i bowing down to the pressure you described there?— bowing down to the pressure you described there? i don't think so, i think it would've _ described there? i don't think so, i think it would've been _ described there? i don't think so, i think it would've been a _ described there? i don't think so, i think it would've been a very - think it would've been a very underfunded, disorganised campaign and you would see... the issue at hand wasn'tjust and you would see... the issue at hand wasn't just the and you would see... the issue at hand wasn'tjust the white house. it was that he was dragging down the candidates running for senate and the united states house, and democrats were looking at a full—blown republican wipe—out next fall which was quite frankly terrifying to many of the rank—and—file. once that became clear that they felt that they were in jeopardy, clear that they felt that they were injeopardy, they clear that they felt that they were in jeopardy, they were going to start running campaigns against the president, they will start distancing themselves from him and i think it would've been a very lonely campaign forjoe biden. 50 think it would've been a very lonely campaign forjoe biden.— campaign forjoe biden. so what ha--ens campaign forjoe biden. so what happens next. — campaign forjoe biden. so what happens next, abby? _ campaign forjoe biden. so what happens next, abby? that - campaign forjoe biden. so what. happens next, abby? that pressure campaign coming from members of congress, is that now moving on to all these endorsements that we've seen from kamala harris? —— four, kamala harris with mark it was implemented in a very time and
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tested pelosi tactic which is individually having members call on him to withdraw every 30 minutes or an hour. ., �* , him to withdraw every 30 minutes or an hour. ., v .,, him to withdraw every 30 minutes or an hour. . �*, .,, ., an hour. that's east on friday night for the most _ an hour. that's east on friday night for the most part _ an hour. that's east on friday night for the most part and _ an hour. that's east on friday night for the most part and things - an hour. that's east on friday night for the most part and things went l for the most part and things went quiet, so that's when we knew that something was probably out. and yes, just from the momentjoe biden posted his letter, he almost saw across the board endorsements for kamala harris among members of congress. some people have kept their powder dry for political purposes, but it seems as if kamala harris is an acceptable choice to most of the democratic party. and most of the democratic party. and what then about _ most of the democratic party. and what then about potentially who could be her vice president? there are a handful _ could be her vice president? there are a handful of _ could be her vice president? there are a handful of people _ could be her vice president? there are a handful of people in - could be her vice president? there are a handful of people in the - are a handful of people in the shortlist, there's mark kelly who is the husband of gabriel giffords, the congresswoman who was shot about 15 years ago. he's a senator from arizona. there is andy bashir who is from kentucky, he's the governor. josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania who's had a very positive week as the leader of of his state where the assassination
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attempt of donald trump happen, also pennsylvania is a swing state and there's one more that forgetting. but there is a small group of up—and—coming democrats who are very much on the radar, but they have to be vetted and that is also another reason there's so much unity behind harris�*s because she has already been vetted, democrats know what they're getting. so they are going to go through this process to figure out who is the best person to serve. and abby, when you were speaking earlier about those fears the democrat has about the impact ofjoe biden at the top of the ticket on house members and senators up for reelection this year, does the removal now ofjoe biden used those fears, does it improve matters for those congressional colleagues? taste those congressional colleagues? we have those congressional colleagues? - have to see how the vice president does as a candidate, but generally it assesses was leading into this that she and joe biden were pulling about the same. what the difference was there was much bigger upside for her so if has... they feel better
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about her versus joe her so if has... they feel better about her versusjoe biden. and so i think it could play differently in different regions of the country but there is just widespread different regions of the country but there isjust widespread optimism across the democratic party. there is an enthusiasm and energy they are today which hasn't been there in years. today which hasn't been there in ears. ~ ., ., , , , years. we heard from debbie wasserman _ years. we heard from debbie wasserman schultz - years. we heard from debbie wasserman schultz early - years. we heard from debbie wasserman schultz early in l years. we heard from debbie l wasserman schultz early in the programme, she said the virtual roll call that was going to take place with joe call that was going to take place withjoe biden at the top of the ticket will still go ahead before august seven. how important is it that that happens or of the candidate is becoming to the convention for an open convention? i think most democrats want this wrapped up as soon as possible. this has been a torrential civil war and the party, they are exhausted. and there doesn't seem to be much division over who it should be. i would be surprised if this is an open convention. that doesn't mean that this won't be an interesting convention, because we never seen anything like this before it thank
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ou so anything like this before it thank you so much _ anything like this before it thank you so much for— anything like this before it thank you so much for being _ anything like this before it thank you so much for being with - anything like this before it thank you so much for being with us i you so much for being with us here on bbc news. leaders around the world have voiced support for president biden and his decision to leave the race. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky has just released a statement praising mr biden's leadership. praise for mr biden's global leadership also came from european leaders, including german chancellor olaf scholz who said on x of mr biden... uk prime minister keir
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starmer said on x that mr biden "will have made his decision based on what he believes is best for the american people." and ahead of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's visit to the us this week, israel's president isaac herzog and defence minister yoav gallant thanked mr biden for his support of israel. i spoke with lindsay m chervinsky, a presidential historian. there's been a lot pressure onjoe biden in recent weeks but were you surprised by his announcement today? thanks for having me. today, i'm thinking about the selfless act putting country above self that present biden executed today in making this decision.
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joe biden has been a consequential president and today i am focusing on his legacy and his historic work on behalf of the american people. manic! behalf of the american people. would ou like to behalf of the american people. would you like to hear _ behalf of the american people. would you like to hear from _ behalf of the american people. would you like to hear from him _ behalf of the american people. would you like to hear from him today, i - you like to hearfrom him today, i mean this announcement came on x, rather than any kind of press conference or any kind of statement. he put forward a letter, a very thoughtful letter, that reflects his thinking, and i anticipate over the coming days we will hear from present biden directly. i was just with him last tuesday in nevada, campaigning, and he knows how important it is that we do well and his consequential presidency now needs to have the baton passed to in my opinion to vice president kamala harris who i enthusiastically endorsed to continue his legacy. d0 endorsed to continue his legacy. do you think there should be a, almost another primary selection process now, or that the parties should rally behind the vice president? well, ifully believe rally behind the vice president? well, i fully believe that the democratic national committee will
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have an open and transparent process that reflects our democratic values. in every sense of the word. so i look forward to hearing back from them but i do hope, and i encourage my fellow members of congress and colleagues in democratic politics around the country to rally behind the vice president because she has worked hand in glove with president biden to deliver on the promise of this presidency and this white house. �* , , . house. and if she is the ultimate nominee. — house. and if she is the ultimate nominee. who — house. and if she is the ultimate nominee, who would _ house. and if she is the ultimate nominee, who would you - house. and if she is the ultimate nominee, who would you like - house. and if she is the ultimate i nominee, who would you like to see on the vice presidentjo hart of the ticket? taste on the vice president jo hart of the ticket? ~ . ,., on the vice president jo hart of the ticket? ~ . . , . ticket? we have so many qualified man , but ticket? we have so many qualified many. but i _ ticket? we have so many qualified many, but i anticipate _ ticket? we have so many qualified many, but i anticipate it _ ticket? we have so many qualified many, but i anticipate it will - ticket? we have so many qualified many, but i anticipate it will be i many, but i anticipate it will be somebody who has a record of service, that has an ability to bring people together and who can hit the ground running from day one. so i look forward to participating in the deliberation when members of the democratic party across the country. the democratic party across the count . .. the democratic party across the count . ., . , the democratic party across the count. ., . ., country. now, we heard calls from several people _ country. now, we heard calls from several people within _ country. now, we heard calls from several people within the - country. now, we heard calls from l several people within the republican party for president biden to stand
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aside completely at this point, not just to not seek reelection. have you confidence in him standing on his president?— his president? yeah, look, i think any notion — his president? yeah, look, i think any notion of— his president? yeah, look, i think any notion of that _ his president? yeah, look, i think any notion of that is _ his president? yeah, look, i think any notion of that is pure - his president? yeah, look, i think any notion of that is pure politics. i think it is reallyjust trying to be a distraction, a distraction from what armour president trump would put forward of project 2025, destroying norms, removing freedoms from this country. president biden is capable leader who has served our country well and will serve us until that last moment onjanuary 20, 2025. that last moment on january 20, 2025. ~ , .. �* that last moment on january 20, 2025. ~ �* ., ~ ., 2025. when you're talking about distraction's _ 2025. when you're talking about distraction's congressman, - 2025. when you're talking about| distraction's congressman, hasn't 2025. when you're talking about. distraction's congressman, hasn't it been the ultimate destruction for the democratic party and the three and a half weeks since the debate in atlanta to have all of this dirty linen essentially aired in public, where the republican party looks so unified and the democratic party have been essentially trying to and succeeding to get rid of the president for reelection? iliiui’eiiii
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succeeding to get rid of the president for reelection? well look, i think this president for reelection? well look, i think this is _ president for reelection? well look, i think this is demonstrated - president for reelection? well look, i think this is demonstrated that. i think this is demonstrated that democrats have the ability to walk and chew gum. to think about our future while at the same time painting a picture, a picture of former president trump's campaign, one of vengeance and retribution, and name—calling. you know, that's what we say. so if they are united, they are united behind an agenda that will move our country back not forward. i look forward in the weeks ahead to go to the democratic national convention in chicago and show america that democrats have a vision to lower costs for the american people, to protect democracy, to protect fundamental freedoms and bring our country together. freedoms and bring our country touether. �* ., .. freedoms and bring our country touether. �* .. .. , .. freedoms and bring our country touether. �* ., ., i. , freedoms and bring our country touether. �* ., ., , ., , . together. and how do you see that rocess together. and how do you see that process playing — together. and how do you see that process playing out, _ together. and how do you see that| process playing out, congressman, together. and how do you see that. process playing out, congressman, at the convention?— the convention? well, look, i think we will hear _ the convention? well, look, i think we will hear more _ the convention? well, look, i think we will hear more from _ the convention? well, look, i think we will hear more from party - we will hear more from party leaders but i anticipate there will be an open and transparent process, one that allows all of the delegates to weigh in, that we have a process
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thatis weigh in, that we have a process that is not a coronation but in fact a democratic process that rallies us around who i hope will be our presidential nominee, vice president kamala harris. presidential nominee, vice president kamala harris-— presidential nominee, vice president kamala harris. now, you said moment auo that kamala harris. now, you said moment ago that you — kamala harris. now, you said moment ago that you were _ kamala harris. now, you said moment ago that you were recently _ kamala harris. now, you said moment ago that you were recently on - kamala harris. now, you said moment ago that you were recently on the - ago that you were recently on the campaign trail with presidentjoe biden in nevada. you've been in many spots with him over the past weeks and months, campaigning. how do you think this is all going to impact the democratic party in the run into the democratic party in the run into the election? of course donald trump has been ahead ofjoe biden and most recent polls. you has been ahead of joe biden and most recent polls-— recent polls. you know polling is a sna shot recent polls. you know polling is a snapshot of _ recent polls. you know polling is a snapshot of time, _ recent polls. you know polling is a snapshot of time, a _ recent polls. you know polling is a snapshot of time, a moment - recent polls. you know polling is a snapshot of time, a moment in . recent polls. you know polling is a i snapshot of time, a moment in time. what is more important is that democrats and all americans come together and pick a president who is going to have our best interests first. and that's what we'll have when we elected the democratic nominee who i hope will be vice president kamala harris. and so i look forward to being on the campaign trail, to being as
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enthusiastically behind our nominee, and working so that the american people can have the opportunity to thrive in this country that we don't concentrate wealth at the top, that we are keeping our word to our allies abroad and that we are fighting for every single american. so that's the mission will put forward and it will show to our country what we are capable of and how we can continue to progress we've made to date. find how we can continue to progress we've made to date.— how we can continue to progress we've made to date. and 'ust while we're we've made to date. and 'ust while me talking — we've made to date. and 'ust while we're talking there _ we've made to date. and just while we're talking there representative | we're talking there representative jim clyburn of south carolina has put out a statement on x saying he also is endorsing vice president kamala harris. he has said that, i'm just reading through the statement there... he echoes the good judgment thatjoe biden demonstrated in selecting president harris to lead this nation alongside him. i support her candidacy to succeed him as the democratic party 2024 nominee for president. do you expect many of your colleagues will do the same and this will be quite a straightforward
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process? this will be quite a straightforward rocess? .. .. ~' ~' process? look, i think the process will reflect — process? look, i think the process will reflect transparency _ process? look, i think the process will reflect transparency but - process? look, i think the process will reflect transparency but it - will reflect transparency but it will reflect transparency but it will come to a consensus, the vice president has been working hand in glove with president biden since january 20, 2021. i worked at the white house, was a senior staffer in the biden harris white house, and i've seen what she's capable of, and she is ready to lead this country. two are —— to our greater tomorrows. i hope more of them will support, harris this november.— i hope more of them will support, harris this november. there's been discussion in _ harris this november. there's been discussion in recent _ harris this november. there's been discussion in recent days, - harris this november. there's been discussion in recent days, that - harris this november. there's been | discussion in recent days, that much of the pressure coming from democratic party members was around concerns for a down ballot races for races in the house and senate. do you think with joe races in the house and senate. do you think withjoe biden not seeking reelection that that put yourself and other colleagues on a stronger footing? taste and other colleagues on a stronger footin: ? ~ .. and other colleagues on a stronger footin: ? ~ ., ., . ., and other colleagues on a stronger footinu? ~ .. ., . ., ., footing? we move forward from today. and it is essential _ footing? we move forward from today. and it is essential that _ footing? we move forward from today. and it is essential that we _ footing? we move forward from today. and it is essential that we win - footing? we move forward from today. and it is essential that we win the - and it is essential that we win the house and the senate, that hakeem
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jeffries is the next speaker of the house of representatives, so we are all rolling her sleeves up. i'm travelling the country, speaking to people about supporting my colleagues so that everybody on the ballot, all the way down in every state, every community in our country, that we are successful. and it's great to have who i will hold will be on the top of the ballot, kamala harris.— will be on the top of the ballot, kamala harris. ~ ., . . . . kamala harris. while on that, kamala harris is already _ kamala harris. while on that, kamala harris is already receiving _ harris is already receiving endorsements from juggernauts within the democratic party. in a statement from former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton, said... but former president barack obama stopped short of endorsing ms harris in his own statement.
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in it he says... earlier i spoke to leon caldwell. given the pressure that had been building, was this expected thatjoe biden would reach this decision today? biden would reach this decision toda ? ~ �* , , . biden would reach this decision toda ? ~ �*, , . ., , today? well, it's been a tumultuous three weeks — today? well, it's been a tumultuous three weeks since _ today? well, it's been a tumultuous three weeks since that _ today? well, it's been a tumultuous three weeks since that debate - three weeks since that debate debacle onjune 27 and the pressure wasjust mounting.
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hakeem jeffries, the minority leader in the house had told joe biden last weekend he was having a really, having a drag on down ballot races on their chances on being able to win the house on the senate, and there was just a crescendo effect where more and more members were coming out and there was a lot, a lot of talk about more members coming out, elected officials, if joe biden didn't get out after this weekend. there had been rumours for days that it was going to happen on sunday, no—one knew for sure, but in fact it did. and you can see how the party is really coalescing around this decision, praising joe biden for a storied career but also thanking him for putting the country for himself, they say.— thanking him for putting the country for himself, they say. leanne, much ofthe for himself, they say. leanne, much of the discussion _ for himself, they say. leanne, much
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of the discussion toward _ for himself, they say. leanne, much of the discussion toward the - for himself, they say. leanne, much of the discussion toward the last - of the discussion toward the last week in particular, is how democrats had a fearfor week in particular, is how democrats had a fear for the success of the down ballot races, house races and senate races ifjoe biden stated the top of the ticket, is that a message that was getting through to him and perhaps weighed him? well. that was getting through to him and perhaps weighed him?— that was getting through to him and perhaps weighed him? well, it was a messaue perhaps weighed him? well, it was a message that — perhaps weighed him? well, it was a message that reportedly _ perhaps weighed him? well, it was a message that reportedly chuck - message that reportedly chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries gave, house speaker, former house speaker nancy pelosi's said something similar as well. and... nancy pelosi's said something similaras well. and... to nancy pelosi's said something similar as well. and... to the present, so he was hearing it but definitely it's an incredibly difficult decision, right? and there was a lot of resistance we are told. do you stay with us here on bbc news, plenty more to come. hello. it looks like the second half ofjuly will continue to be much more in tune with summer weather than the first half ofjuly. it's going to feel quite warmer out there when you get the sunshine —
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temperatures at or above average — but this week, a more typical week and there'll be a bit of a mix around. some rain at times, particularly on monday and thursday, they're the greatest likelihood, but some longer drier spells, too. now one of the wetter spells said monday. it's these weather fronts pushing across the country, which gives a rather grey and misty, murky start to the day. patchy light rain or drizzle for many, but some heavier bursts across scotland and the far north of england first thing. many will brighten up, a scattering of showers will quickly rush across early afternoon southern areas before some longer, drier spells later. further north will also see sunshine develop. lots of cloud eastern scotland, best of sunshine in the west, but some slow moving showers, not much of a breeze here, and where those showers do form in scotland, northern ireland, northern england, there's an outside chance of the odd rumble of thunder. but look at the temperatures in the afternoon with some sunshine — 16—24 celsius. they're bang on target for this stage in the year. some of the heavier showers will last in eastern scotland into the first part of the night, but through monday night into tuesday, cloud and patchy rain will push from ireland into wales, central and southern england. and like monday morning, it will be a mild enough start today for many — coolest with clearer skies
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in northern scotland. but for tuesday, a ridge of high pressure starts to build in. before it does, though, we've just got this little kink in the isobars, little trough linked to the weather front, which will bring cloud and occasional showery bursts of rain, especially during the morning across parts of southern wales, central, southern england. odd isolated shower elsewhere on tuesday, but for most it will be largely dry. best of the sunshine around northern and western coasts. we will see a bit of a breeze, so temperatures down a little bit on monday's values. a cooler night then to take us into wednesday, but with that ridge of high pressure, a bit more widespread, lighter winds, it will be a much more pleasant day. a few isolated showers can't be ruled out. a lot of dry and bright weather with some sunshine to begin with and then clouds spilling in from the west. longer spells of sunshine for the afternoon in eastern areas — just one or two inland showers. it will feel warmer again, temperatures more widely into the 20s. as we go through wednesday night into thursday, though, as we go through wednesday night into thursday, though, this will probably the wettest spell of the week, with these weather
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fronts pushing across. not completely wet, but there will be some patchy rain or drizzle around again more widely on thursday, brighter on friday, and turning warmer and drier through the weekend.
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this is bbc news. we're tracking new developments here in washington — and several top democrats are rallying behind kamala harris after presidentjoe biden announced he's ending his re—election bid and endorsing her as the new democratic nominee for the 2024 us presidential election. in a post on x vice presient harris said... a source has told the bbc that — following the endorsement — vice president harris has been making calls to key democratic officials, lawmakers and governors to secure support. this follows president biden's announcement on x, where he said...


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