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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  July 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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boycott the speech, the fourth the israeli prime _ boycott the speech, the fourth the israeli prime minister- fourth the israeli prime minister has made to congress. joe biden will speak to the nation later tonight — he'll explain why he's decided to drop out of the presidential race. kamala harris steps up her campaign for the white house. wisconsin last night — indiana in a few hours' time. we'll be there live. and a distressing video is made public showing the british olympic star charlotte dujardin repeatedly whipping a horse. she says she's deeply ashamed, and has withdrawn from the paris olympics. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala. we start in washington, where israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is preparing to address thejoint houses of congress later — amid protests over his handling of the war in gaza. amid protests over his handling on his first trip since the attack
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by hamas on october the 7th, mr netanyahu has said that he'll be seeking to consolidate bipartisan support for israel. but several us lawmakers have said they won't attend. in a statement, the number two ranking democrat in the senate, dick durbin, says "i will stand by israel — but i will not stand and cheer its current prime minister". protests against mr netanyahu's visit started last night — hundreds ofjewish demonstrators staged a sit—in, at the capitol — to protest against the war in gaza and were later removed by police. let's go live to capitol hill and catriona perry. we have seen more and more protesters gathering close to where you are. i know you're going to talk to our correspondent tom bateman, who is with them, in a moment or two. from that, tell me more about the raw politics of what we are going to get later in congress? this
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is a very divisive _ going to get later in congress? wm 3 is a very divisive issue in the us. obviously, president biden is standing strongly beside prime minister netanyahu over these past months since those october 7th attacks. but his support is not universally welcomed, not even within his own party, where somewhere between 30 and 50 democratic lawmakers will boycott the speech today. you mentioned dick durbin. the only democrat senior to him is chuck schumer, who has said he will be there, but many of his colleagues will not, many of them holding counter events, rallies and joining the protests themselves, opposed to how prime minister netanyahu is handling this. and there are those who are protesting because they want a stronger position in terms of getting the hostages home and those who are protesting because they want more done for the palestinian people in gaza, making the point to president biden that he should tell prime minister netanyahu that the war is
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against hamas and not the palestinian people.- against hamas and not the palestinian people. twin question here, palestinian people. twin question here. because — palestinian people. twin question here, because after _ palestinian people. twin question here, because after the _ palestinian people. twin question here, because after the events i palestinian people. twin question here, because after the events of| here, because after the events of sunday, is there likely to be much greater behind the scenes pressure to get benjamin netanyahu to sign up to get benjamin netanyahu to sign up to that ceasefire deal? and they brought a thought, because right from the start of october the 7th, america were in lockstep with israel. there has been a subtle shift the longer this war has gone on with the way israel has executed the war, with increasing concern. tell me about those elements. firstly, president biden is obviously not seeking re—election. that changes the calculation for him personally in how he will now approach his relationship with prime minister netanyahu, who he will meet at the white house tomorrow. it now becomes even more personal than it ever was forjoe biden. he has a legacy that he needs to protect. he has only a couple of months left as
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president. he doesn't want to be seen as a lame duck president, and this is absolutely one of the goals he would like to deliver upon before he would like to deliver upon before he leaves office injanuary. a proud zionist, he has spent much of his career standing close to israel and particularly with prime minister netanyahu, but we have seen that relationship change in recent months. in the aftermath of october the 7th, president biden travel to israel and had that embrace with prime minister netanyahu. here in the us, there was almost zero coverage of what was happening in gaza. the groundswell of support was very much towards israel. that has shifted over the past months now there is a growing and significant public anger in this country at what is happening in gaza and the death toll and the continuing horrific humanitarian crisis. so we are seeing protesters here today who are coming for a variety of reasons. we
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can cross over to my colleague tom bateman, who is behind me in the middle of the protests. tom, described the scene where you are. we got here half an hour ago and in that time, _ we got here half an hour ago and in that time, many hundreds more protesters — that time, many hundreds more protesters have arrived. speeches from _ protesters have arrived. speeches from the — protesters have arrived. speeches from the stage are getting under wax _ from the stage are getting under wax one — from the stage are getting under way. one speaker was talking about tens of— way. one speaker was talking about tens of thousands of people killed, he said _ tens of thousands of people killed, he said by— tens of thousands of people killed, he said by prime minister netanyahu. the protesters say they want to carry _ the protesters say they want to carry out — the protesters say they want to carry out a _ the protesters say they want to carry out a citizens arrest against benjamin — carry out a citizens arrest against benjamin netanyahu. clearly, they are not— benjamin netanyahu. clearly, they are not going to be able to get anywhere _ are not going to be able to get anywhere near him. if you look this way, _ anywhere near him. if you look this way, you _ anywhere near him. if you look this way. you can — anywhere near him. if you look this way, you can see the dome of the capitol— way, you can see the dome of the capitol building in the distance. i 'ust capitol building in the distance. i just took— capitol building in the distance. i just took a — capitol building in the distance. i just took a walk up the path here. there _ just took a walk up the path here. there are — just took a walk up the path here. there are at — just took a walk up the path here. there are at this point huge barricades and dozens of police. they— barricades and dozens of police. they have — barricades and dozens of police. they have tried to put a ring of steet— they have tried to put a ring of steel around the capitol building. there _ steel around the capitol building. there was— steel around the capitol building. there was a van filling up as i
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walked — there was a van filling up as i walked up— there was a van filling up as i walked up and boxes of plastic cuffs to cut _ walked up and boxes of plastic cuffs to cut people being pulled out. so already. _ to cut people being pulled out. so already, they are anticipating the potential— already, they are anticipating the potential for trouble here later. but at _ potential for trouble here later. but at the moment, things are extremely calm and people are peacefully protesting. the organisers talked about wanting to -et organisers talked about wanting to get tens— organisers talked about wanting to get tens of thousands of people to come _ get tens of thousands of people to come to— get tens of thousands of people to come to washington today. buses were bein- come to washington today. buses were being laid _ come to washington today. buses were being laid on from cities all over the east — being laid on from cities all over the east coast, so there is the potential— the east coast, so there is the potential for a large turnout as people — potential for a large turnout as people try to make their voices heard — people try to make their voices heard. but crucially, as they get to the heart _ heard. but crucially, as they get to the heart of— heard. but crucially, as they get to the heart of american democracy here, _ the heart of american democracy here, that — the heart of american democracy here, that path is going to be blocked — here, that path is going to be blocked as we get into the hours towards — blocked as we get into the hours towards mr netanyahu's speech. talk towards mr netanyahu's speech. talk to us about towards mr netanyahu's speech. ma; to us about the people towards mr netanyahu's speech. iaia; to us about the people who towards mr netanyahu's speech. iaia; to us about the people who are already there stop what are they saying to you about their reason for coming to protest today while the prime minister is speaking?
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overwhelmingly at this protest and others _ overwhelmingly at this protest and others they have had recently that we have _ others they have had recently that we have covered, people talk about wanting _ we have covered, people talk about wanting to — we have covered, people talk about wanting to protest against israel's mititary— wanting to protest against israel's military offensive in gaza and the scale _ military offensive in gaza and the scale of _ military offensive in gaza and the scale of the numbers of civilians kitted _ scale of the numbers of civilians kitted try— scale of the numbers of civilians killed by the israeli offensive. that— killed by the israeli offensive. that is— killed by the israeli offensive. that is one of the first reasons quoted~ — that is one of the first reasons quoted. many of the banners here are also about— quoted. many of the banners here are also about us military aid for tsraet~ — also about us military aid for israel. that is a fundamental issue not israel. that is a fundamental issue hotiust_ israel. that is a fundamental issue hotiust ih— israel. that is a fundamental issue notjust in the protests outside, of course, _ notjust in the protests outside, of course, as— notjust in the protests outside, of course, as you were mentioning, the many— course, as you were mentioning, the many democrats, it seems, that will boycott _ many democrats, it seems, that will boycott the — many democrats, it seems, that will boycott the speech by benjamin netanyahu. israel receives $3 billion— netanyahu. israel receives $3 billion of— netanyahu. israel receives $3 billion of aid from the us per year, the biggest recipient of american military— the biggest recipient of american military aid historically. and that has been — military aid historically. and that has been one of the fundamental grievances, particularly among democrats. they have tried to push
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joe biden— democrats. they have tried to push joe biden to change course. that was that one _ joe biden to change course. that was that one moment where a consignment of arms— that one moment where a consignment of arnrs were _ that one moment where a consignment of arms were held back by the americans to the israelis. the administration said at that point that that — administration said at that point that that was over the fact that they— that that was over the fact that they had — that that was over the fact that they had such a huge impact in densety— they had such a huge impact in densely built areas of gaza. some bombs _ densely built areas of gaza. some bombs have since been allowed to flow again, but the key point of the relationship of military assistance has not _ relationship of military assistance has not budged joe biden, who himself— has not budged joe biden, who himself has talked about indiscriminate bombing by the israelis — indiscriminate bombing by the israelis in gaza. he has been frustrated and exasperated by his inahitity— frustrated and exasperated by his inability to cajole benjamin netanyahu to his cause and fundamentally over the humanitarian crisis in _ fundamentally over the humanitarian crisis in gaza.— crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously ve loud crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously very loud where — crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously very loud where you _ crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously very loud where you are, - crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously very loud where you are, so - crisis in gaza. tom, it is obviously| very loud where you are, so thanks for bringing us that. we will speak to you a little later. prime minister netanyahu's speech will
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take place behind me at the capitol a few hours from now, and he is expected to use that speech to speak to a number of audiences, obviously the domestic audience in the us and the domestic audience in the us and the lawmakers who ultimately have control over various funding votes of support to israel, but he is also going to be addressing the domestic audience back in israel. before he boarded the plane to fly here earlier in the week, he himself was subject to many processing israel. is the first time he has left the country since there is october 7th attacks and there is a groundswell of public feeling there against what the prime minister is doing to get those hostages back to israel who continue to be held by hamas in gaza. back to you. we will be back to catriona for more build—up later. staying in washington, and president biden will address the nation tonight —
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a defining political moment, as he explains why he's dropped out of the presidential race — and how he plans to govern over the next six months. meanwhile — kamala harris has described november's election as a choice between freedom and chaos. in a financial boost to her campaign — the vice president's team say they have raised more than $126 million since her endorsement. and a new opinion poll conducted in the days after biden's exit from the race — shows the vice—president with a small lead over donald trump — 44% to his 42%. but that is a national poll, not the crucial swing states. speaking at a democratic party rally in the crucial swing state of wisconsin on tuesday, kamala harris told cheering supporters that as a former prosecutor, she "knew donald trump's type". i took on perpetrators of all kinds. predators who had abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers.
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cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. cheering. whit ayres is a republican pollster and the founder and president of north star opinion research. here is his analysis of the latest polling. what kamala harris's ascension has done is move the race back to what it was beforejoe biden's disastrous debate, where we'll have national polls showing both candidates very close to each other, but donald trump holding a lead in most if not all of the swing states. so we have a real race on our hands, but i still think donald trump is the favourite. listening to these early contributions, have you worked out what the strategy from republicans will be?
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the strategy will be to paint kamala harris as a san francisco liberal who wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling and private insurance, someone who is way to the left of not onlyjoe biden, but most american voters. so it's an easy thing to paint her like that. they will also paint her as a candidate who is just not very good. she was widely recognised to be one of the weaker members of the biden administration. her favourable and unfavourable ratings are upside down, favourable in the 30s, unfavourable in the 50s. her 2020 campaign for president was an unmitigated disaster, beset with staff infighting and backbiting and message confusion, and she had to drop out before the first race in iowa. so she doesn't have a record of being a good candidate on the stump.
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let's speak to amanda renteria, former national political director for hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, and currently the ceo of code for america. we will come to some of those thoughts in a moment on kamala harris, but i want to start withjoe biden's address, because that is such a critical moment in the us, because he will explain why he dropped out and how he intends to govern over the next six months, and thatis govern over the next six months, and that is important, isn't it, the way he looks and sounds with those republican calls already that he should stand aside now?- republican calls already that he should stand aside now? yeah, it will be all-important _ should stand aside now? yeah, it will be all-important and - should stand aside now? yeah, it will be all-important and people | will be all—important and people have been waiting for it. but president biden has a deep amount of respect on both sides of the aisle. so i think people are hoping to see a healthy, well, ready president. and what happened in the last couple of weeks is, before that debate and
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even after, he had some very good press conferences talking about the world globally. so people want to see that biden from the state of the union, the biden after the press conference in nato. that is going to give confidence not only in his ability to govern for the next six months, but also his message about why kamala harris are right now, is going to be important to supporters, as well as to make sure this continues to be a smooth transition and that their record is something thatis and that their record is something that is lifted up in this campaign process. that is lifted up in this campaign rocess. �* , ., that is lifted up in this campaign rocess. h ., ., ., ., process. let's turn to kamala harris, because _ process. let's turn to kamala harris, because we _ process. let's turn to kamala harris, because we saw- process. let's turn to kamala harris, because we saw her. process. let's turn to kamala - harris, because we saw her setting off to indiana and in wisconsin, clearly setting out that line of attack on donald trump as a prosecutor, but also that central message, let's not go back as the united states. it message, let's not go back as the united states.— united states. it has been an incredible — united states. it has been an incredible start _ united states. it has been an incredible start to _ united states. it has been an incredible start to this - united states. it has been an - incredible start to this campaign. not only has there been an energy around the country in different
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groups who didn't see themselves in this election cycle, people have stepped up not only with resources, but also volunteers. and the campaign itself has come out with a clear message. when you have 100 plus days to go, that is what you need because this is going to be a challenge. she is reintroducing herself. she has to address attacks quickly, so it has been a fantastic start and the important thing from here going forward is mobilisation and energy on the ground, which isn't as easy to see in polls, but very easy to see on social media and door knocks and things like that, and that is the energy that is mounting on the us. it’s and that is the energy that is mounting on the us. it's very early to talk about _ mounting on the us. it's very early to talk about polls, _ mounting on the us. it's very early to talk about polls, given - mounting on the us. it's very early to talk about polls, given what - mounting on the us. it's very early to talk about polls, given what hasj to talk about polls, given what has happened on sunday. i want to talk about attack lines from republicans. there are two different sets, we heard about the san francisco liberal from heard about the san francisco liberalfrom our heard about the san francisco liberal from our last guest. heard about the san francisco liberalfrom our last guest. but another thing being thrown at kamala
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harris is that she is a dei, which is a reference to being a diversity presidential pick up in terms of something like that and the offence called, give me an idea of how democrats respond to that. donald trump has also said, we are not going to have the first female president who is a socialist, and especially a female? i president who is a socialist, and especially a female?— president who is a socialist, and especially a female? i think that is auoin to especially a female? i think that is going to rile _ especially a female? i think that is going to rile up — especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a _ especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a heck _ especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a heck of - especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a heck of a - especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a heck of a lot - especially a female? i think that is going to rile up a heck of a lot of. going to rile up a heck of a lot of people. the comment about dei says a lot more about trump and jd vance that if they hired someone different than themselves, the only way they would do it would be forced to. for the rest of america, many of them in the rest of america, many of them in the democratic party but also in the republican party, they recognise that if you are a woman or a person of colour, you can lead, you can be a strategist, you can be smart and compete and win. that is what the excitement will continue to be about. i think those comments are going to harm him as it goes
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forward. i hope that comes, because you will see a heck of a lot of women stand up. if everyone remembers when romney said a binder full of women, that fired up a lot of women. so i'm not sure that attack is going to win, but i think for many of us women, latinos, people of colour, brilliant. amanda renteria, thank _ people of colour, brilliant. amanda renteria, thank you _ people of colour, brilliant. amanda renteria, thank you for _ people of colour, brilliant. amanda renteria, thank you for taking - people of colour, brilliant. amanda renteria, thank you for taking time to speak to us and great to have you on the programme. let's get back to what we were hearing from the fbi director christopher wray a short while ago, because he has been questioned by politicians in washington over the investigation into the attempted assassination of donald trump. he is appearing before the housejudiciary committee and has confirmed a drone and three explosive devices were recovered from the gunmen because my home. here are some of the tense exchanges going on in the last hour. here here are some of the tense exchanges going on in the last hour.— going on in the last hour. here is the problem- _
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going on in the last hour. here is the problem. we _ going on in the last hour. here is the problem. we are _ going on in the last hour. here is the problem. we are at - going on in the last hour. here is the problem. we are at 13 - going on in the last hour. here is the problem. we are at 13 days, | going on in the last hour. here is i the problem. we are at 13 days, and you say— the problem. we are at 13 days, and you say we _ the problem. we are at 13 days, and you say we have been disclosing. we had the _ you say we have been disclosing. we had the colonel in front of homeland yesterday _ had the colonel in front of homeland yesterday. he disclosed to us that the emergency services personnel were posted to the second floor of the building, that they left to pursue — the building, that they left to pursue the person they spotted, crooks, — pursue the person they spotted, crooks, that they texted a photo of crooks _ crooks, that they texted a photo of crooks to _ crooks, that they texted a photo of crooks to the representative at the command — crooks to the representative at the command centre. that information was relayed _ command centre. that information was retayed to— command centre. that information was relayed to the us secret service. they— relayed to the us secret service. they asked that it be texted to sonreone — they asked that it be texted to someone else. that was many minutes before _ someone else. that was many minutes before president trump took the stand _ before president trump took the stand. why were they not keeping him off the _ stand. why were they not keeping him off the stand? we know it is a criminat— off the stand? we know it is a criminal investigation and you have to wait— criminal investigation and you have to wait for— criminal investigation and you have to wait for it to develop, but do you have — to wait for it to develop, but do you have any reason or any other target _ you have any reason or any other target of— you have any reason or any other target of your criminal investigation other than crooks, who is dead? _ investigation other than crooks, who is dead? tide— investigation other than crooks, who is dead? ~ ., investigation other than crooks, who is dead? ~ . , ., is dead? we are investigating the shooter both _ is dead? we are investigating the shooter both to _ is dead? we are investigating the shooter both to determine - is dead? we are investigating the shooter both to determine his - is dead? we are investigating the - shooter both to determine his motive and his activities before the
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shooting, but also to make sure whether or not there are any co—conspirators or accomplices. haste co-conspirators or accomplices. have ou co-conspirators or accomplices. have you developed _ co-conspirators or accomplices. have you developed any — co—conspirators or accomplices. have you developed any evidence to suggest — you developed any evidence to suggest that there are any accomplices?— suggest that there are any accomlices? ., . , , accomplices? not at this time, but the investigation _ accomplices? not at this time, but the investigation is _ accomplices? not at this time, but the investigation is ongoing. - accomplices? not at this time, but the investigation is ongoing. so . the investigation is ongoing. so while we wait, maybe four months, and in _ while we wait, maybe four months, and in not— while we wait, maybe four months, and i'm not trying to take a pot shot, _ and i'm not trying to take a pot shot. but— and i'm not trying to take a pot shot, but the country went four years _ shot, but the country went four years with _ shot, but the country went four years with the understanding that the hunter biden laptop with russian disinformation was offered by respective intelligence officials and the — respective intelligence officials and the whole time, the fbi had the laptop— and the whole time, the fbi had the laptop and _ and the whole time, the fbi had the laptop and let that happen in public until finally offering testimony in the case — until finally offering testimony in the case. to the degree that we wait to hear— the case. to the degree that we wait to hear is— the case. to the degree that we wait to hear is a _ the case. to the degree that we wait to hear is a congress what happened in this— to hear is a congress what happened in this event — to hear is a congress what happened in this event because the fbi is conducting an investigation, it provides— conducting an investigation, it provides quarter for the us secret service _ provides quarter for the us secret service to — provides quarter for the us secret service to perhaps not reckon with the problems that are obvious to everyone — the problems that are obvious to eve one. ., . ., , everyone. some of the exchanges there with the _ everyone. some of the exchanges there with the fbi _ everyone. some of the exchanges there with the fbi director. - everyone. some of the exchanges there with the fbi director. they i
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there with the fbi director. they are on a break, but when they return, we will return to hear more of the exchanges. you're watching bbc news.
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welcome back. let's turn to breaking news. more details are coming in from the un's international organisation for migration, saying that 15 people have died and 150 are still missing after a boat capsized near waters of mauritania on monday. the un body says the vessel was carrying 300 people from the gambia. apparently, more than 100 have been rescued. the west atlantic route to the canary islands is frequently used by african migrants escaping hardship at home as they attempt to reach spain. efforts to locate the missing are ongoing. to repeat the basic figures, 15 people have died in this shipwreck, with over 150 still missing. that has come from
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the iom, the un body. we will keep an eye on that and return if there are more details. now, let's go back to washington. we are watching the build—up to that address to congress by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we have seen the pictures over the last while of the growing number of protesters on capitol hill. we arejoined by a representative who is a democratic spokeswoman from illinois who is boycotting the address to congress later. congresswomen, thank you for being here. start by telling me why you're not going to attend? i am being here. start by telling me why you're not going to attend?- you're not going to attend? i am a roud you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish _ you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish woman. _ you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish woman. i _ you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish woman. i have - you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish woman. i have had i you're not going to attend? i am a proud jewish woman. i have had a | proud jewish woman. i have had a long history with the state of israel, and that is why i am not
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going up two thirds of israelis think it is time for benjamin netanyahu to go. they feel that very strongly, and i think he is bad for the state of israel, that he is a menace around the world. and here we are, i'm about to go to a meeting with hostages. he doesn't even care about the hostages at all. he cares about the hostages at all. he cares about himself and maintaining his status as the leader. he doesn't care about the rest, so i am not going to care. we have invited him —— | going to care. we have invited him —— i am not happy that we have invited him to come to speak to congress. later, he is off to mar—a—lago to spend time with donald trump, who he supports for president of the united states. but trump, who he supports for president of the united states.— of the united states. but here is the thin ,
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of the united states. but here is the thing, congresswomen, - of the united states. but here is. the thing, congresswomen, which of the united states. but here is - the thing, congresswomen, which is that he has addressed some of the things you have been saying, underlining the point that he is in washington to thank the us for the bipartisan support they have had since october the 7th, but also to underline the point that israel is the us' key ally in the middle east. and those things are true, aren't they? and those things are true, aren't the ? ~ ~' ,., and those things are true, aren't the? ~ they? well, i think in some ways that we have _ they? well, i think in some ways that we have done _ they? well, i think in some ways that we have done too _ they? well, i think in some ways that we have done too much - they? well, i think in some ways that we have done too much to l they? well, i think in some ways i that we have done too much to help israel, which has no interest in ending this war. he doesn't care about the number of people that are dying and is continuing to go after palestinians in gaza. so i have not been supportive of him. in fact, we were able to pass legislation that aggressive weapons should not be
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used by israel. if we want to have an end to this, there have to be long—term solutions. he doesn't want a two—state solution. he doesn't want a deal with the palestinians, and we are all watching them die. answer me this question about the basic politics, because he will meet joe biden and kamala harris at the white house. isn't that an opportunity to apply more pressure for all the things that you are saying, and since sunday and that dramatic news from the president, isn't it an opportunity, maybe, for the democrats and the administration to pivot their policy to apply more pressure? i to pivot their policy to apply more ressure? ~ , pressure? i think it is time right now to pivot _ pressure? i think it is time right now to pivot that _ pressure? i think it is time right now to pivot that policy - pressure? i think it is time right now to pivot that policy and i pressure? i think it is time right now to pivot that policy and to l pressure? i think it is time right i now to pivot that policy and to not be there while he is there. benjamin netanyahu, i have known him for many
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years. he is going to figure out how to get a standing ovation during this moment and a good picture of how he has bipartisan support. he is not bipartisan. he is not for democrats in the house of representatives or the senate. he is for himself and for donald trump. just a quick line that is developing on my screen as i am talking to you, the news that the reuters news agency is reporting that israel has delayed the departure of its delegation to the gaza ceasefire talks to next week. that has come from israeli officials. do you fear that this is further foot dragging from the israelis about that basic call to get the ceasefire done? exactly, and the vast number of israelis want a ceasefire that includes getting the hostages
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released, finally. that's what he does he says he is for a ceasefire and he is working with the international community. he is not sincere. i international community. he is not sincere. ., international community. he is not sincere. . , international community. he is not sincere. . ., ., ., sincere. i am sorry that i have to cut across _ sincere. i am sorry that i have to cut across you. _ sincere. i am sorry that i have to cut across you, but _ sincere. i am sorry that i have to cut across you, but we _ sincere. i am sorry that i have to cut across you, but we are i sincere. i am sorry that i have to l cut across you, but we are coming sincere. i am sorry that i have to i cut across you, but we are coming to the end of this segment of the programme. but congresswomen, thank you for taking time to speak to us on bbc news. i am back with more headlines in a moment. good afternoon. the air is still feeling rather muggy and humid. there is a lot of moisture in it. plenty of cloud as well for the rest of the day, thickest out towards the west and producing showery outbreaks of rain, most of it
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light and patchy. the best of the sunshine further east, for eastern england, east of the high ground and eastern scotland in particular. we do have a more active feature pushing heavy downpours of rain into western wales and south—west england as we head into the late afternoon, showers for north—east england, north—west scotland and northern ireland, but lots of dry weather around as well and we will keep the sunshine for north—east scotland and down through parts of lincolnshire and south—east england, perhaps, where we see the sun, the temperatures will be boosted to 2a degrees, but cooler under the cloud further west. tonight, still plenty of cloud and patchy rain pushing through, heavy downpours possibly across the far north of scotland and it will feel muggy tonight, uncomfortable for sleep. we are keeping that high dew point of the air tomorrow, but it will turn a bit breezy, a westerly wind picking up again, a couple of very active fronts gradually pushing further east across the uk, bringing heavy downpours of rain across the
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far south coast and the channel islands, eventually perhaps into kent by the afternoon. more showers, possibly heavy and thundery, across the far north—west of scotland, into northern ireland, some in cumbria. lots of dry weather, particularly for that central swathe, east yorkshire, again we could see sunny spells later and that could help boost the temperature to 2a degrees. but friday looks drier, but a different feel to things. you have lost that muggy air, so it will be feeling fresher, showers in the north and west, but for much of england and wales, it looks dry and again, there will be sunny spells, temperatures here in the high teens or low 20s at the most. then as we look forward to the weekend, high pressure out towards the south—west is starting to build in, still some more showers in the north and west, potentially, on saturday, but lots of dry weather as well, temperatures gradually rising as we head through the weekend. goodbye.
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