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tv   The Context  BBC News  July 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm BST

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' loyal friend and steadfast be your loyal friend and steadfast partner and on behalf of the people of israel, i came here to see" thank you america. thank you for your support and solidarity and standing with israel in our hour of need. together, we shall defend our common civilisation. together, we shall secure a brilliant future for both our nations. may god bless israel, may god bless america and me god bless the great alliance between israel and america forever.
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applause. 45 minutes, prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu speaking to a joint session of the us congress, interrupted throughout by raucous applause, particularly from the side of the chamber, filled with republicans who had invited him here to speak, and it was an impassioned and forceful defence of israel's military campaign in gaza. in an address that lasted much longer than the previous addresses he has made to congress. he urged the lawmakers to congress. he urged the lawmakers to give them the tools to finish the job faster, pay tribute to the men and women of the idf, introducing some webbing and wooded, and almost at the outset. and almost at the outset of the speech, the prime minister made a point of thanking president biden, with whom he has had deep disagreements over the past ten months. our world is in upheaval. in the middle east, iran's axis of terror conference america, of terror confronts america,
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israel, and our arab friends. this is not a clash of civilisations, it's a dash between barbarism and civilisation. applause. it's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. resident biden and i have known each otherfor over a0 years. i want to thank him for half a century of friendship to israel, and for being as he says, a proud zionist, actually, he says a proud irish—american zionist. some of the families of those still being held in gaza were sitting in the gallery. the prime minsiter said he was confident efforts to secure the release of the hostages will succeed. and yet for all the standing ovations he was given, and there were many, this was a raucus show of support for the prime minister, he will have seen the empty seats in the chamber. dozens of democrats stayed away today, including the vice president
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who instead travelled to indianpolis, for a previously scheduled event. outside the capitol, there were tens of thousands who came in protest, many demanding that america stops supplying the weapons. mr netenyahu said those opposed to israels war should be ashamed of themselves. he accused them of standing with murderers and rapists. and he attacked the iccjudges whose investigations he said were libellous and dangerous. these protesters burned american flags even on the lith ofjuly, and i wish to salute the fraternity brothers at the university of north carolina who protected the american flag, protected the american flag against these protesters. chant: usa!
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israel has enabled more than 40,000 eight trucks to enter into gaza, food for every man woman and child in gaza. if there are palestinians in gaza. if there are palestinians in gaza. if there are palestinians in gaza who are not getting enough food,it in gaza who are not getting enough food, it is not because israel is blocking it, it is because hamas is stealing it. my colleague caitriona perry is on capitol hill for us. if there was some questioning what reception he would get those thoughts were put to bed, lots of standing ovations, especially from the republicans.— standing ovations, especially from the republicans. indeed, very loud and raucous _ the republicans. indeed, very loud and raucous reception _ the republicans. indeed, very loud and raucous reception for - the republicans. indeed, very loud and raucous reception for the - and raucous reception for the prime minister, lots of standing ovations, also, some of those standing ovations notable in that the democratic side of the house stayed seated, particularly during the clip you played there earlier where the
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prime minister was talking about those protesters and call them idiots, and said they did not know the difference between good and evil, most of the democrats stayed seated for that part. of course, it looks like now the tally of about 50 democrats were not in attendance, most choosing to boycott, not all, of course, you mentioned the vice harris addressing a sorority in indianapolis earlier, and made her point in the first sentence in that speech saying that engagement had been set months ago, well before this date for prime minister netanyahu's speech had been allocated because she has come under it at the pressure for not being there. the democratic leader in the senate, chuck schumer, was there but noticeably when the prime minister came into the chamber, chuck schumer did not offer his hand and shake his hand as many of the other members there did, he instead just nodded in there did, he instead just nodded in the direction of the prime minister. thank you for that, will come back
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to the evening to get reaction from capitol hill, with me here in the studio isjeremy bowen. to put a few from that, the common cause he was trying to draw between the united states and israel, and also to present this conflict as something sustained and exacerbated by a foreign power, namely iran. he: presented israel notjust foreign power, namely iran. he: presented israel not just as presented israel notjust as america's ally but as a country fighting for america, to protect americans, fighting america's battle for it, and he particularly pointed to iran, which he always does, as the source of evil in all of that. from his point of view, and he always prides himself on understanding the american political psyche, it was a merciful performance in that you got all that applause, he knows where to press the buttons, and he did it. of
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course, in doing that, he deployed it thoroughly selective version of the truth, and it is the truth according to, his truth, according to mr netanyahu, not the truth according to inlets of israelis who oppose them, and also not the truth according to members of the international community, aid agencies about for example. he said that in rafah, in southern gaza, there were little casualties amongst civilians, and did not say that the us, biting, forced israel to change its military plans when it was going to attack rafah to allow humanitarian corridors, he did not go into that subject.— go into that sub'ect. more than that, the us _ go into that subject. more than that, the us state _ go into that subject. more than that, the us state department| go into that subject. more than - that, the us state department said that, the us state department said that she may have likely edited international standards in protecting civilians.- international standards in protecting civilians. yes, i think there is overwhelming - protecting civilians. yes, i think there is overwhelming evidencej protecting civilians. yes, i think i there is overwhelming evidence he has and there is a resulting chorus around the world, and of course he also selected the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court
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for particular condemnation, who he is of course, somebody who wants the icc to issue arrest warrants against mr netanyahu and his defence minister and he said that" you know, if we allow this to happen, democracies will not be able to fight terrorism". so that was one of his real targets. he said there is absolutely no evidence that israel was starving gaza. that is not true. the americans have said that, the americans have said that while there is some evidence that hamas have taken some shipments of aid, the main problem is that israel doesn't allow enough in. it is notjust the american saying that, but an overwhelming chorus around the world and loads of evidence that the enormous military catastrophe happening in gaza has been massively exacerbated by israel's actions. plus, it is how you distribute it
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when you get in and we spoke to philippe as a reading's team yesterday and the un team that are there in gaza who were shut up on their way to gaza city. you there in gaza who were shut up on their way to gaza city.— there in gaza who were shut up on their way to gaza city. you have to be able to — their way to gaza city. you have to be able to move _ their way to gaza city. you have to be able to move around _ their way to gaza city. you have to be able to move around and - their way to gaza city. you have to | be able to move around and cordon it with the various leisure and stared to move aid, that is the case in any war zone trying to move aid around, so it is a very netanyahu, as you expect, this is the world according to him, it is not the world according to all of the evidence he takes the evidence where it suits them, and ignores evidence that does not fit in with his arguments. to the end of the speech, he spoke about the day after scenario, and he obviously does not talk about a future palestinian states, he talks more about israel having security, a security umbrella over gaza. what do you think —— how do you think that would affect the compositions tomorrow was a mark he goes to the
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white house and speak tojoe biden, who clearly is attached to a two state solution? jae who clearly is attached to a two state solution?— state solution? joe biden and the secretary of _ state solution? joe biden and the secretary of state _ state solution? joe biden and the secretary of state and _ state solution? joe biden and the secretary of state and many - state solution? joe biden and the i secretary of state and many others have said the only solution long—term is a palestinian state living in peace alongside israel. netanyahu and his supporters say, and they're back in the spamming is released, say that is impossible, it is never going to happen. so israel hesitate these military action to make sure that they can live in peace, that gaza is not the threat. he says that it can be governed by the listing ends but they must be ones that don't have ill will towards israel. he said nothing about gaza being linked with the listing and administration in the west bank and certainly no mention of a listing in state. so i felt he had morse praising that speech for donald trump and he did when he was president than he does forjoe
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biden. joe biden's is on the way out. biden. joe biden's is on the way out. , , ~ ., out. then there is seeking to criticism about _ out. then there is seeking to criticism about the _ out. then there is seeking to criticism about the delay - out. then there is seeking to criticism about the delay on | criticism about the delay on one weapon shipment was give me the weapons faster, get the tools faster. ext; weapons faster, get the tools faster. �* , . . weapons faster, get the tools faster. j . ., . , ., faster. by channeling winston churchill's _ faster. by channeling winston churchill's famous _ faster. by channeling winston churchill's famous phrase - faster. by channeling winston l churchill's famous phrase from faster. by channeling winston - churchill's famous phrase from world war ii, he was taking a dig at the biden administration, who are pretty much given israel all they wanted. they would not submit able to fight they have without notjust american military supplies would also because of the actions of america, the american fleet for example in protecting them from weapons coming from yemen, but he took a dig at biden was not a consignment of £2000 bombs. the accusation is that israel uses these very heavy bombs in some areas to go over specific targets and then, of course, they don'tjust kill the target, they can —— kill everyone around the area. kill the target, they can -- kill everyone around the area. obviously, he will be heping _
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everyone around the area. obviously, he will be hoping when _ everyone around the area. obviously, he will be hoping when the _ everyone around the area. obviously, he will be hoping when the headlines| he will be hoping when the headlines are written from the speech tomorrow that he reinstates his position as the international statesman, where this is leaving him on the world stage? i this is leaving him on the world state? ., �* ~' this is leaving him on the world state? ., �* ~ ., ., , stage? i don't think there are many surrises stage? i don't think there are many surprises in — stage? i don't think there are many surprises in the _ stage? i don't think there are many surprises in the speech, _ stage? i don't think there are many surprises in the speech, it - stage? i don't think there are many surprises in the speech, it was - stage? i don't think there are many surprises in the speech, it was the l surprises in the speech, it was the kind of speech you expect them to stay, and on the world stage what you will see is that those people who think and respect him as a strong man, israel's mr security repetition, of course was left in tatters after october seven because many israelis blame them for what happens, they would say, yes, it's true, and those who criticise them will be pretty appalled by the tone of the speech. we have not mentioned so far in this, and in is worth saying, there was this lesser published earlier in the week by senior israeli retired intelligence and security for officials who wrote to congressional leaders on monday, including a former head of their spy agency eat them aside, former generals and chief of staff, people
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who are political opponents of netanyahu, and they said netanyahu is an exit essential threat to israel, that he builds up my or with billions of dollars to divide and rule so he wouldn't have to reach political sentiments with the palestinians, and that led to the october seven attacks. and the 0ctober seven attacks. and the acquisition by people like that against netanyahu is that he's trying to prolong the war to put off the day of reckoning when an official israeli inquiry was a, so why did you let the catcher is sending packing faces —— cases full of cash into gaza, which hamas used in the way they wanted? and without. for some those toenails. lmilli in the way they wanted? and without. for some those toenails.— for some those toenails. with that in mind, lawmakers _ for some those toenails. with that in mind, lawmakers are _ for some those toenails. with that in mind, lawmakers are not- for some those toenails. with that | in mind, lawmakers are not stupid, they would've read that letter and know the divisive nature of netanyahu and the fact that she is sustaining this war for political ends as well, or that is a criticism, do you suspect that the
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reception he was given today was more about the reception for the alliance between america and israel rather than the man standing at the podium was to mark?— rather than the man standing at the podium was to mark? chuck schumer, the senate majority _ podium was to mark? chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, _ podium was to mark? chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, back - podium was to mark? chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, back in i the senate majority leader, back in march he said netanyahu had to resign, he was a danger to israel, there has to be new elections, he was in there, he did not will over and clapped them and he said he was meant to be there because of the alliance with israel, and also one of the representatives, jerry nadler might decrement —— he said before this that netanyahu was a worse leader injewish history. and he said the speech was a cynical stunt, but i could not see him on the video feed, but i've seen reports that he was uploaded as well. so, there is performative action in politics, always, and his alliance with
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israel, between israel and america, is undoubtedly a very strong alliance. no doubt about it, no matter what their leaders have a legal at teachers are not. goad matter what their leaders have a legal at teachers are not. good to net our legal at teachers are not. good to get your thoughts, _ legal at teachers are not. good to get your thoughts, germany, - legal at teachers are not. good to get your thoughts, germany, wasj legal at teachers are not. good to i get your thoughts, germany, was to cut short break but after that will get some reaction from tel aviv with dahlia scheindlin. across the world and around. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's take a look at some of the other stories in the headlines. a video showing the british 0lympian — charlotte dujardin, repeatedly whipping her horse, has now been made public. the dressage star, has been provisionally suspended by the sport's governing body, and she's pulled out of this summer's 0lympics, saying she's deeply ashamed of what she called "an error ofjudgement". video has emerged of an arrest at manchester airport where a police officer is seen kicking a man who's on the ground, and apparently stamping on his head. the incident happened after reports of an altercation between members of the public in terminal two. greater manchester police reported three officers
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were violently assaulted. a man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, and a number of knives were seized, after a soldier was stabbed near army barracks in kent. the victim, who's in his 405, is in hospital in a serious but stable condition. the attack isn't believed to be terrorism related. this is bbc news. let me take you to washington and some scenes outside the capital of the moments, tens of thousands of protesters that turn out today, some of them around union station tonight, and those are the scenes outside the capital, where they are burning the israeli flag —— american flag, i beg your pardon, and pictures of netanyahu as well. looks like they are just wheeling and
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effigy into the foreground there as well, which presumably there was set fire to as well. some of these angry protests have been going on through the day. in fact, they've been going on through the week, protests outside mr netanyahu's hotel, outside mr netanyahu's hotel, outside the house rotunda, and they are continuing after that speech. and there you see the effigy being burned outside the capital. we may get some reaction to that and what is going outside the capital and then shortly, but let us go to tel aviv. i'm joined now by the political analyst, dahlia scheindlin — she joins us from tel aviv. nice to see you. who do you think was his audience tonight? goad was his audience tonight? good cuestion, was his audience tonight? good question. or — was his audience tonight? good question, or one _ was his audience tonight? good question, or one of— was his audience tonight? good question, or one of the - was his audience tonight? good question, or one of the most i question, or one of the most controversial parts of the speech i think was torts and when he said on behalf of the israeli people, and
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the israeli people are not feeling that he is speaking on their behalf, we have service that have been consistent through the appeared of the work, most recently, a survey showing that 70% of people think he is a reason why there has not been, he has a responsibility for the no hostage deal and two thirds think that he should be doing more. one of the biggest protests in israel over the biggest protests in israel over the last week, one of the biggest themes, they were saying, was don't go to washington unto you want to announce a hostage deal. so basically he's speaking to the american audience but as far as we can tell, today's base, that is really right wing. i have another theory which is a bit psychoanalytic mum and i normally don't like to do this, but given the incredible rounds of applause, as you pointed out, earlier that which is constantly showing people with their adulation, i think that maybe netanyahu himself needed that. he has been under so much pressure at home because there's so much
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criticism of how he is run this war, and although pressure the israeli situation is not been so bad in terms of security and the global programme that he himself might very well have needed this boost muscle in some ways i think he himself was the audience, and i also think he probably want to show israelis at home notjust the words of his speech but to show that he is so appreciated on the water one of the worlds most important global stages. so all of those were aims of the speech even before he gets into the content. i speech even before he gets into the content. ., _, , ., content. i read the comments from the former— content. i read the comments from the former is _ content. i read the comments from the former is really _ content. i read the comments from the former is really consul- content. i read the comments from the former is really consul general| the former is really consul general in new york who described the visit as an vanity to ultimately restore his flagging base at home. is there some truth in that, do you think? even though we have not coordinated on this, i generally agree it is part of his aim. of course, he has other political aims, telling from the speech, he was trying to in some
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ways assured the american political community that israel is still, you know, somehow partner oriented and mlm sides of the aisle when in fact netanyahu himself has done so much to make israel a partisan issue, and there were some attempt to reach across the aisle, see for the one did you mentioned about the biting administration at sloan on weapons shipments, but maybe there was a bit of a reassurance message. speaking to his base is the obvious reason and the interesting thing is that when netanyahu has pulled this kind of effort in the past, and demeaning —— debating whether to be cynical about it, israelis don't believe many more, but in the past, 2015, when he went to congress in the middle of an election campaign, he hoped it would boost his electoral fortunes to be shown in the wonderful position, and he was sure it would shore up his base to see
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him appreciated in congress. and it actually did not change his surveys are polling numbers at all during the campaign. he continued to lag behind on syllabary and and the only thing that changed the poles at that time was when he got very tough on the palestinian issue and said he would not allow a palestinian state, but you one is elections not because of going to congress. he and himself in a window as this will not be a game changerfor him in israel and the that end, it looks a bit desperate on his part, as if you just trying anything he can possibly think of to make sure that the spotlight is trained on him, that he grabs the headlines and it looks like the only statesman in the country. he's not very good at reinventing himself. he did not work in the past and i don't think it would change his position at home even though he is speaking to his base, and some measure of reassurance of the american political community, but i agree withjeremy, people who already have their opinions about them will dig into what they thought before. the
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british government is preparing to announce that it recognises a palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process, perhaps the most important line of what we got to the end was this idea, in fact i think i —— they voted against any recognition of the palestinian state before he left in the knesset, and he's trying to put paid to that and he's trying to put paid to that and presumably that will is what she discusses with joe and presumably that will is what she discusses withjoe biden tomorrow. this idea that if they do withdraw as part of the cease—fire that there is a security net and is really security net that remains over gaza. what does it look like and how do the israelis view that? i what does it look like and how do the israelis view that?— the israelis view that? i think there are _ the israelis view that? i think there are mixed _ the israelis view that? i think there are mixed messages i the israelis view that? i think l there are mixed messages with relation to what happens the day after. the netanyahu government for the most part has been steadfast and not want to discuss the day after i told to stop it is become such a point of contention that it was essentially practically the issue
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that broke up his original work evident because there was no clear political aim for the end of this war which is tied into the question of what happens in the guise of the day after partly because netanyahu is beholden to his ultra right wing ultranationalist coalition partners who don't want to hear anything about any sort of option other than israel retaining complete control of gaza. he made a statement in the speech, he said they don't want to resettle gaza, something is a far right coalition partners will not appreciate, but he is very reticent, every date there are different rumours and plans, different policy papers floated, and i don't think we have a clear sense but what we know is netanyahu did not say, he spoke about demilitarisation, the radicalisation, these amorphous terms that essentially leaving the door open to permanent residence, he would never talk about something like a permanent palestinian state, which is anathema not only to his far right partners but he himself
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has been set against that for years, as i mentioned, 2015, nine years ago was, he has been negative, his party, the coalition will government has within against it, actually twice, and so the gulf between how other countries see the inevitability of a two state solution as a way to de—escalate this conflict and what israel sees is enormous. and israel has lost faith in his —— israelis of lost faith in his —— israelis of lost faith in his —— israelis of lost faith in it as well. faith in his -- israelis of lost faith in it as well.— faith in his -- israelis of lost faith in it as well. dahlia, with the credit _ faith in it as well. dahlia, with the credit there, _ faith in it as well. dahlia, with the credit there, just - faith in it as well. dahlia, with the credit there, just up i faith in it as well. dahlia, with i the credit there, just up against a break, we'll talk more about netanyahu speech, will be right back. hello there. plenty of cloud around today, the thickest of that out towards the west where it's produced a few outbreaks of mostly patchy rain, but we have seen some sunshine. the best of that has been to the east of high ground, including here in northeast scotland. the air muggy and humid, lots of moisture in it, so it's led to some coastal mist, some hill fog around
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through the mornings. it's the same again tonight and through the day tomorrow, so plenty of cloud tonight, some showers just tracking along the south coast in an easterly direction. some more showers for northwest scotland. it will feel quite close and uncomfortable for sleeping, and temperatures at the very coolest point of the night may not be much below 14—17 celsius for the vast majority of us. so very mild muggy feeling start to the day tomorrow, which is looking cloudier and a bit breezier than today. some more showers along the south coast, tracking up through parts of kent, maybe through the afternoon, and plenty more heavy downpours across northern ireland at times up through northwest scotland. there'll still be some breaks in the cloud, notably to the east of high ground wales and across parts of yorkshire and lincolnshire, as well as eastern scotland, of course, and that will help to lift the temperature. but then on friday, a different feel to things — look at that cold front sweep through, some fresher feeling air behind it, so friday a lot less humid. the air will be drier, there'll be more in the way of blue sky and sunshine developing for most of us.
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still some showers, though. they'll be mostly out towards the north and the west, across northern ireland and across northwest scotland, blowing through into eastern scotland as well. a few showers across northern england and a few more isolated showers for england and wales. but here, it's largely dry and the sunshine will help to boost the temperatures 19—24 celsius. and there's some warmer feeling weather too, coming our way as we head through the weekend. but saturday high pressure starts to build in from the southwest. still some showers at times, notably again out towards the west, parts of northern scotland, perhaps northern england through western wales, but further south and east. although there will be some areas of cloud, there'll still be some sunny spells here and temperatures will be in the high teens at the low 20s. sunday, though, looking dry across the board. a few isolated showers, but generally dry and feeling a little warmer as well. there'll be some sunshine around. watch out for some more wet weather in the north west into the start of next week, but further south
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and east it's dry, sunny and warmer.
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hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. ina in a speech to the us congress, benjamin netanyahu has labelled opponents of the israel war as idiots.
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plenty more reaction to that speech in the us congress, but before we do all of that, let's get a check on the sport. hello from the bbc sport centre. the olympics are under way in paris — there's always a bit of action before the official opening ceremony and men's football is taking centre stage. there was controversy in one of the other games between argentina and morocco. javier macheserano's side were trailing 2—1, but appeared to score an equaliser in the 16th minute of stoppage time which led some fans to invade the pitch, forcing the argentina players to make their way quickly down tunnel. it then emerged the goal was ruled out by var. with the stadium cleared of fans, the game resumed more than an hour later to complete the final three minutes. it finally finished 2—1 to morocco. elsewhere, 2020 silver medallists spain beat debutants uzbekistan 2—1. later on, france, managed by former arsenal forward thierry henry, take on the united states in marseille. you can keep up—to—date with all of
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the latest scores on the results


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