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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  July 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm BST

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�*and 2001, 2015, gordon brown in 1997 and 2001, some of this is the usual political theatre of, we have the voters out of the way and now we need to do the stuff we think will pay off in four years�* time but some of it is a very real condition of our public services will stop it is a policy issue rather than an economics issue. to issue rather than an economics issue. ., . ., ., issue. to what extent though would the incoming _ issue. to what extent though would the incoming government _ issue. to what extent though would the incoming government have - issue. to what extent though would the incoming government have the | the incoming government have the excuse of, we hadn�*t seen the books, we only knew broadly what the spending position was. at that point, especially as i mentioned with this big majority, couldn�*t they say, look, we have to rethink this, she could do something different from what is in the manifesto?— different from what is in the manifesto? ,, ., ., manifesto? she could although althou:h manifesto? she could although although it _ manifesto? she could although although it is _ manifesto? she could although although it is true _ manifesto? she could although although it is true to _ manifesto? she could although although it is true to say - manifesto? she could although although it is true to say that l manifesto? she could although l although it is true to say that the new government doesn�*t have all the figures when it is in opposition and most of these in year pressures will genuinely... 0vera most of these in year pressures will genuinely... over a longer time, because we have the 0br, independent think tanks, it is quite hard, unless there is something truly remarkable in this exercise that
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they have unearthed, it would be quite hard for them to find something sufficiently large to justify ripping up their manifesto promises they made. 50 justify ripping up their manifesto promises they made.— justify ripping up their manifesto promises they made. so remind us of what the fiscal _ promises they made. so remind us of what the fiscal promises _ promises they made. so remind us of what the fiscal promises were, - promises they made. so remind us of what the fiscal promises were, the i what the fiscal promises were, the pledges that rachel reeves said she would stick by? the pledges that rachel reeves said she would stick by?— would stick by? the big promises that matter _ would stick by? the big promises that matter in _ would stick by? the big promises that matter in this _ would stick by? the big promises that matter in this case, - would stick by? the big promises that matter in this case, that - that matter in this case, that promised to stick to the fiscal rule of having debt fully by the fifth year of the parliament and crucially not to raise any of the big revenue raisers, income tax, national insurance, value—added tax and corporation tax which means you are really left playing around with acid taxes, inheritance tax, a bunch of taxes, inheritance tax, a bunch of taxes, many of which are popular but which historically are quite hard to raise in a way which actually gives you a lot of bang for buck.- raise in a way which actually gives you a lot of bang for buck. when the labour government _ you a lot of bang for buck. when the labour government left _ you a lot of bang for buck. when the labour government left power - you a lot of bang for buck. when the labour government left power in - labour government left power in 2010, a note was left, wasn�*t it, for the incoming conservatives saying, there is no money left? is it any worse now than it was then? it is different now than it was then. in 2010, the conservatives inherited an economy in a very bad
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state but public in a good state, the incoming labour government has inherited a public realm with huge problems and an economy with sluggish growth since the financial crisis. ., ,., ., , sluggish growth since the financial crisis. ., . , ~' crisis. the labour party knew it would be difficult _ crisis. the labour party knew it would be difficult and - crisis. the labour party knew it would be difficult and this - crisis. the labour party knew it would be difficult and this is . crisis. the labour party knew it. would be difficult and this is why we are here today. we understand rachel reeves is about to make a statement. the first one as chancellor. in £20 billion of cuts is what has been flagged, we are going to listen to this statement live here on bbc news, we will get reaction as well when the conservatives reply to this statement and then we will have analysis of it over the next couple of hours. let�*s listen in. thank you, mr speaker. before i begin my statement, my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the events in southport and i�*m sure the events in southport and i�*m sure the whole house willjoin me in paying tribute to our emergency services dealing with this ongoing situation. mr speaker, on my first
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day as chancellor of the exchequer, i asked treasury officials to assess the state of public spending. that work is now complete and i am today presenting it to this house. in a statement, i will do three things. first, i will expose the scale and seriousness of what has been uncovered. second, iwill lay seriousness of what has been uncovered. second, i will lay out the immediate action that we are taking to deal with the inheritance. and third, i will set out our longer term plans to fix the foundations of our economy. let me take each of these in turn. first, the inheritance. before the election, i said we would face the worst inheritance since the second world war. taxes at a 70 year high, debt through the roof, an economy only just coming out of recession. mr speaker, i knew all of these things. i was honest about them during the campaign and the difficult choices it makes. and the british people
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knew them, too. that is why they voted for change. but upon my arrival at the treasury three weeks ago, it became clear that there were things that i didn�*t know. things that the party opposite... things that i didn't know. things that the party opposite... order. this is an — that the party opposite... order. this is an important _ that the party opposite... order. this is an important statement l that the party opposite... order. | this is an important statement for your constituents and... sorry? it is important — your constituents and... sorry? it is important to my constituents to here as _ is important to my constituents to here as well, if i'm struggling to hear— here as well, if i'm struggling to hear it. — here as well, if i'm struggling to hear it, they are struggling at home as well_ hear it, they are struggling at home as well so— hear it, they are struggling at home as well so please, you will all get your chance to question. i think it is more _ your chance to question. i think it is more important to hear and then comment — is more important to hear and then comment. , ., , comment. things that the party o- osite comment. things that the party opposite covered _ comment. things that the party opposite covered up. _ comment. things that the party opposite covered up. covered i comment. things that the party | opposite covered up. covered up comment. things that the party - opposite covered up. covered up from the opposition, covered up from this house, covered up from the country. that is why we are today publishing a detailed audit of the real spending situation, a copy of which will be laid in the house of commons library. i want to take this opportunity to thank my right
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honourable friend the chief secretary for the treasury for his leadership and to treasury officials for all their work in producing this document. now let me explain what it has uncovered. mr speaker, the government published its plans for day—to—day spending in the spring budget in march but when i arrived at the treasury, on the very first day, i was alerted by officials that this wasn�*t how much the previous government expected to spend this year. it wasn�*t even close. in fact, the total pressure on this budget across a range of areas was an additional £35 billion. 0nce across a range of areas was an additional £35 billion. once you account for the slippage in budgets, you usually see over a year, and the reserve of £9 billion designed to respond to genuinely unexpected events, it means that we have inherited a projected overspend of £22 billion. a20 £2 billion hole in the public finances now. not in the future, but it now. £22 billion of
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spending this year but was covered up spending this year but was covered up by the party opposite. if left unaddressed, it would mean a 25% increase in the budget deficit this year so i will today set out the necessary and urgent work i have already done to reduce that pressure on the public finances. that is by £5.5 billion this year and over £8 billion next year. let me be clear, i�*m not talking about costs for future years that they signed up to but did not include likely compensation for infected blood which has cross—party support. i�*m not talking about the state of public services in the future, but the crisis in our prisons, i�*m talking about the money they were already spending this year and had no ability to pay for which they hid from the country. they had exhausted the reserve and they knew that but nobody else did. they ducked the difficult decisions, put party before country and they continued to
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make unfunded commitments of the unfunded commitment knowing that the money wasn�*t there. but resulted in the position we have no inherited. the reserve spent more than three times over only three months into the financial year and they told no one. mr speaker, the scale of this overspend is not sustainable. not to act is simply not an option. we have already seen official 0ns figures this month showing that borrowing is higher this year than the 0br expected and the disaster of liz truss a�*s mini budget shows what happens if you don�*t take tough decisions to maintain economic stability. some, including the leader of the opposition and the shadow chancellor, have claimed the books were opened. how dare they! it is not true. and let me tell you why. there are very clear instances of specific budgets which were
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overspent and unfunded promises that were made but that crucially, the 0br was not aware of for the march forecast. i will now take each of these in turn. first, the asylum system. the forecast for the number of asylum seekers has risen dramatically since the last spending review and costs first for asylum support have risen sevenfold. the previous government covered up the true extent of this crisis and its spending implications. the documents i�*m publishing today reveals a projected overspend on the asylum system, including theirfailed rwanda plan, for this year alone of more than £6.4 billion. that was unfunded and undisclosed. next, in the wake of the pandemic, demand for rail services fell but instead of developing a proper plan to adjust for this new reality, the government handed out cash to rail companies to
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make up for passenger shortfalls but failed to budget for this adequately. because of that and because of industrial action, there is now an overspent of £1.6 billion in the transport budget. that was unfunded and it was undisclosed. since 2022, the government, with the support of this whole house, has rightly provided military assistance to ukraine in response to the russian invasion. the spending audit has found there was not enough money set aside for the reserve to fund all these costs. we will continue to honour these commitments in full and unlike the previous government, we will make sure that they are always fully funded. 0n will make sure that they are always fully funded. on top of these new pressures, since 2021, inflation was above the bank of england�*s target for 33 months in a row, hitting 11% at its peak. the previous government hadn�*t held a spending review since 2021, meaning they never truly reflected the impact of inflation in
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departmental budgets having a direct impact on budgets for public sector pat’- impact on budgets for public sector pay. when the last spending review was conducted, it was assumed pay awards would be 2% this year. 0rdinarily, the government is expected to give evidence to the pay review bodies on affordability but extraordinarily, this year, the previous government provided no guidance on what could or could not be afforded to the pay review bodies. this is almost unheard of but that is exactly what they did. worse still, the former education secretary had the pay review body recommendation sitting on her desk but instead of responding and dealing with the consequences, they shirked the decisions that needed to be taken. i will not repeat their mistakes. where the previous government provided no transparency to the public and no certainty for public services, we will be open about the decisions which are needed
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and the steps that we are taking. that begins with accepting in full the recommendations of the independent pay review bodies and the details of these awards are being published today. that is the right decision for the people who work in and most importantly the people who use our public services. it gives hard—working staff of the pay rises they deserve while ensuring we can recruit and retain the people we need. it shouldn�*t have taken this long to come to these decisions and i do not want to be in this position again. so i will consider options to reform the timetable of responding to the pay review bodies in the future. this decision is in the best interests of our economy, too. the last government presided over the west a set of strikes in a generation. this caused chaos and misery for the british public and it reached havoc on the public finances. industrial action in the nhs alone cost the taxpayer £1.7 billion last year.
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that is why i�*m pleased to announce today that the government has agreed an offer to thejunior today that the government has agreed an offer to the junior doctors the bma are recommending to their members. my right honourable friend the health secretary will set out further details. let me pay tribute to him, his leadership on this issue has paved the way to ending a dispute which has caused waiting lists to spiral, operations to be delayed and agony for patients to be prolonged. today marks the start of a new relationship between the government and staff working in our national health service and the whole country will welcome that. mr speaker, where the previous government ducked the previous difficult decisions, i am taking action because knowing what they did about the state of the finances, they continued to make unfunded commitment after unfunded commitment but they knew they couldn�*t afford,
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putting party before country, leaving us with an overspent of £22 billion this year, where they presided over recklessness, i will bring response ability. i will bring immediate action, let me set this out in detail. first on pay, i have today set out our decision to meet the recommendation of the pay review bodies. because the previous government failed to prepare for these recommendations in departmental budgets, they come at an additional cost of £9 billion this year. the first difficult choice i am making is to ask all departments to find savings to absorb as much of this is possible, totalling at least £3 billion. to support departments as they do this, i will work with them to find savings ahead of the autumn budget including three measures to stop all nonessential spending on consultancy and government communications. and i am taking action to ask departments to find 2% savings in their office costs. mr speaker, iwill to find 2% savings in their office costs. mr speaker, i will now deal with a series of comments made by
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the previous government which they didn�*t fund. —— a series of commitments. if we cannot afford it, we cannot do it. first, at the conservative party conference last year, the former prime minister announced the introduction of a new qualification, the advanced british standard. that is a commitment costing nearly £200 million next year, rising to billions across future years. mr speaker, this was supposed to be the former prime minister�*s legacy. it turns out he didn�*t put aside a single penny to pay for it. so we will not go ahead with that policy because if we cannot afford it, we cannot do it. next year, the illegal migration act passed by the previous government made it impossible to process asylum applications or remove people who have no right to be here. instead, they relied on a doomed policy to send asylum seekers to rwanda on planes which never took off leaving tens of thousands of people stuck in
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hotels on the public purse. we need a properly controlled and managed asylum system where rules are enforced so those with no right to be here swiftly removed. so we have scrapped their failed rwanda scheme which placed huge pressure on the home office budget, to bring down these costs as as soon as possible my right honourable friend the home secretary has already laid legislation to remove the retrospective element of the illegal migration act which will significantly reduce the use of hotel accommodation. these measures will save nearly £800 million this year and avoid costs spiralling even further next year. this was a bad use of taxpayers money and we will not do it. mr speaker, the previous government claimed it was levelling up government claimed it was levelling up the country. it made promise after promise to the british people but the spending audit has uncovered that some of those commitments weren�*t worth the paper they were written on. but autumn statement last year the former chancellor
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announced £150 million for an investment opportunity fund. not a single project has been supported from that fund so following discussions with my right honourable friend the deputy minister, i�*m cancelling it today because if we cannot afford it, we do it. the previous government also made a series of commitments on transport, promises that people expected to be delivered. promises many members across this house campaigned on in good faith. but the party opposite has failed them. we have seen from the national audit office the chaos the national audit office the chaos the previous government presided over, projects over budget and delayed again and again. the spending audit has revealed £1 billion of unfunded transport projects that have been committed to next year so my right honourable friend the transport secretary will undertake a thorough review of these commitments. as part of that work, she agreed not to move forward with projects the previous government refused to publicly cancel despite knowing full well they were unaffordable. that includes proposed
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work on the a303 and the a27 and my right honourable friend will also cancel the restoring our railway programme, saving £85 million next year with individual projects to be assessed through her review. if we cannot afford it, we cannot do it. the previous government had plans for a retail sale of natwest shares. we intend to fully exit our shareholding in natwest by 2025—26 but having considered advice, i have included a retail share sale offer would include significant discounts that could cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds therefore not representing value for money and not going ahead. it is a bad use of taxpayers might make money and we will not do it. let me address the unfunded pressures in our nhs and social care sector. in october 2020,
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the government announced that a0 new hospitals would be built by 2030. since then, only one new project has opened to patients and only six have started their main construction activity. the national audit office were clear that delivery was wildly off track but since coming into office, it has become clear that the previous government continued to maintain its commitment to a0 hospitals without anywhere close to the funding required to deliver them. that gave our constituents. . we need to be straight with the british people about what is deliverable and what is affordable so we will conduct a complete review of the new hospital programme with a thorough, realistic and costed a timetable for delivery. adult social care was also neglected by the previous government, the sector needs reform to improve care and support staff. in the previous parliament, the government made costly commitments to introduce aduu costly commitments to introduce adult social care reform charges but they delayed them two years ago
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because they knew that local authorities weren�*t ready and that their promises weren�*t funded. it will not be possible to take forward those charging reforms, this will save over £1 billion by the end of next year. mr speaker... save over £1 billion by the end of next year. mr speaker. . .- save over £1 billion by the end of next year. mr speaker... order. i want this— next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site _ next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site to _ next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site to be _ next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site to be quite - next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site to be quite as - next year. mr speaker... order. i want this site to be quite as well. i want this site to be quite as well. i want _ want this site to be quite as well. i want to— want this site to be quite as well. i want to hear the chancellor of the exchequen — i want to hear the chancellor of the exchequer. | i want to hear the chancellor of the exche . uer. . ., , ., i want to hear the chancellor of the exchequer-— exchequer. i can understand why --eole exchequer. i can understand why people and _ exchequer. i can understand why people and members _ exchequer. i can understand why people and members are - exchequer. i can understand why people and members are angry, | exchequer. i can understand why| people and members are angry, i exchequer. i can understand why - people and members are angry, i am angry, too, the previous government let people down. the previous government made commitment after commitment without knowing where the money was going to come from. they did this repeatedly, knowingly and deliberately. today, iam did this repeatedly, knowingly and deliberately. today, i am calling out the conservatives�* cover up and i�*m taking that first steps to clean up i�*m taking that first steps to clean up what they have left behind. the scale of the inheritance we have been left means the decisions we have so far announced a point enough. this level of overspend is
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not sustainable. left unchecked, it is a risk to economic stability and unlike the party opposite, i will never take risks with our country�*s economic stability. it therefore. asked to take the difficult decisions now to make further in year savings. mr speaker, the scale of the situation we are dealing with means incredibly tough choices. i repeat today the commitments we made in our manifesto to protect the triple lock but today i�*m making the difficult decision that those not in receipt of pension credit or certain other means tested benefits will no longer receive their winter fuel payment from this year onwards. the government will continue to provide winter fuel payments worth £200 to households receiving pension credit or £300 to households in receipt of pension credit with someone over the age of 80. let me be clear, this is not a decision i wanted to make. nor
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is it the one i expected to make. these are the necessary and urgent decisions that i must make. it is the responsible thing to do, to fix the responsible thing to do, to fix the foundations of our economy and bring back economic stability. alongside this change, i will work with my right honourable friend the work and pensions secretary to maximo is the take—up of pension credit by bringing forward the administration of housing benefits and pension credit, repeatedly pushed back by the previous government. by working with older pupils charities and local authorities to raise awareness of pension credit and help identify households not claiming it. mr speaker, this is the beginning of a process, not the end. i am announcing today that i will hold a budget on october 30 alongside a full economic and fiscal forecast from the off it for budget responsibility. i have to tell the house that the budget will involve taking difficult decisions to meet
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our fiscal rules across spending, welfare and tax. mr speaker, they still don�*t get it, do they? parties in downing street crashing the economy, gambling on the nhs, putting party before country every single time. mr speaker, it will be a budget to fix the foundations of our economy and it will be a budget built on the principle is that this new government was elected on. first, we will treat taxpayers mmoney with respect by ensuring that every pound is well spent and we will interrogate every line of public spending to ensure it represents value for money. second, i can repeat from the dispatch box our manifesto commitment that we will not increase taxes on working people meaning we won�*t increase natural insurance, the basic higher or additional rate of income tax or vat. -- or additional rate of income tax or vat. —— national insurance. today,
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the exchequer secretary is publishing the further detail on our manifesto commitments to close tax loopholes and clampdown on tax avoidance to ensure we bring money as quickly as possible. my third principle is we will meet our fiscal rules. we�*ll move the current budget into balance and get debt falling as a share of our economy by the end of the forecast. these are the principles that will guide me at the budget but let me be honest, challenging trade—offs will still remain. today i�*m launching a multi—year spending review. this review will set departmental budgets for at least three years providing the long—term certainty that has been lacking for too long. as part of that process, final budgets for this year and budgets for next year, 2025-26, will be this year and budgets for next year, 2025—26, will be set alongside the budget on october the 30th. i will look closely at our welfare system because if you can work, you should work. but as a principle of this government. underthe
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work. but as a principle of this government. under the previous government, welfare spending ballooned while inactivity has risen sharply in recent years. we will ensure that the welfare system is focused on supporting people into employment and we will assess the unacceptable levels of fraudulent error in our welfare system and take forward action to bring that down. mr speaker, to fix the foundations of our economy we must ensure that never again can a government to keep from the public the true state of our public finances. the fiscal framework which i have inherited had several floors allowing the garment to runs on departmental budgets, avoiding difficult decisions and pushing them back beyond the election. i am announcing announcing the most significant set of changes to our framework since the inception of the 0br. these changes will come into effect in the autumn. first, we have introduced legislation to ensure we can never again see a repeat of the mini budget. second,
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we will require the treasury to share with the 0br its assessment of immediate pressures and ensuring that law in the chart of a budget responsibly so no government can ever again cover up the true state of our public finances. finally, we will ensure that never again the public service budgets get set at only a few months�* notice. instead, spending reviews will take place every two years with a minimum planning horizon of three years to avoid uncertainty for departments and to bring stability to our finances. i have already spoken to the chair of the office for budget response ability, to brief him on the findings of our audit and reforms —— 0br. by launching the spending review, i�*m also today starting the fire and gone on a new approach to public service reform to drive greater productivity in the public sector. we will embed an approach to government that is
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mission led, inform driven with the greatest focus on prevention and integration of services at both national and local level and it is enabled by new technology including through the work of my right honourable friend the secretary of state for science, innovation and technology on the opportunities of ai technology on the opportunities of al to improve our public services. we will establish a new office for value for money with an immediate focus on identifying areas we can stop or improve the value of spending or reduce. we will appoint a covert covid corruption to bring back money after corruption billions of pounds in the pandemic by the previous government. i will also review the cost of our political system including restricting eligibility for ministerial severance payments based on time in office. i expect all levels of government to be run effectively and
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efficiently and i will work with leaders across our country to deliver just that. leaders across our country to deliverjust that. that means effective local government, civil service delivering good value for the british taxpayer and reform of our political institutions including the house of lords to keep costs as low as possible. mr speaker, the budget and spending review will also set out further progress on our number one mission, to grow our economy. economic growth is the only way to sustainably improve our public services and sustainably improve our public finances. we will the spending review to prioritise specific areas of capital investment that leveraged in billions more in private investment. it won�*t happen overnight, it will take time and focus but we have already made significant progress. planning reforms to get britain building, national welfare fund to capitalise on private investment, a pensions investment review to unlock capital for our businesses, skills england to create shared national ambition
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to create shared national ambition to increase skills across our country and work across government on a new industrial strategy driven forward by a growth mission board to ensure we deliver on our commitments. 0ur ensure we deliver on our commitments. our country has fundamental strengths on which we can build and i look forward to welcoming business leaders to the international investment summit in britain later this year. i know that if we can create the stable conditions which investors need to thrive, we will return confidence to our economy so that entrepreneurs and businesses big and small know this is the best place in the world to start and grow a business because thatis to start and grow a business because that is the bedrock on which economic growth must be built. the inheritance from the. after the chaos of party gait when they knew trust in politics was at an all—time low, they gave false hope to britain. when people were already being hurt by the cost of living crisis, they promised solutions they knew would never be paid for. ——
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partygate. roads that would never be built, public transport that would never arise. hospitals that would never arise. hospitals that would never treat a single patient. they spend like there was no tomorrow because they knew that someone else would pick up the bill. and then, in the election, and perhaps this is the most shocking part, they campaigned on a platform to do it all over again. more unfunded tax cuts, more spending pledges, but all the time knowing they had no ability to pay for them. no regard for the taxpayer, no respect for ordinary, hard—working people. i will never do that. i will restore our country�*s economic stability. i will make the tough choices. i will fix the foundations of our economy so we can rebuild britain and make every part of our country better off. i commend this statement to the house.
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i now call the shadow chancellor of the exchequer. _ i now call the shadow chancellor of the exchequer, jeremy— i now call the shadow chancellor of the exchequer, jeremy hunt. - i now call the shadow chancellor of the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank ou, mr the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank you. mr speaker. — the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank you, mr speaker, and _ the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank you, mr speaker, and i _ the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank you, mr speaker, and i thank - the exchequer, jeremy hunt. thank you, mr speaker, and i thank the i you, mr speaker, and i thank the chancellor— you, mr speaker, and i thank the chancellor for advanced sight of her statement, they echo her thoughts for the _ statement, they echo her thoughts for the people and emergency services — for the people and emergency services southport. today, she will fool absolutely no one with a shameless attempt to lay the ground for tax _ shameless attempt to lay the ground for tax rises she didn't have the courage — for tax rises she didn't have the courage to— for tax rises she didn't have the courage to tell us about... order, order! now— courage to tell us about... order, order! now then. _ courage to tell us about... order, order! now then. this _ courage to tell us about... order, order! now then. this is - courage to tell us about... order, order! now then. this is the - order! now then. this is the cabinet _ order! now then. this is the cahinet i_ order! now then. this is the cabinet. i wanted _ order! now then. this is the cabinet. i wanted to - order! now then. this is the cabinet. i wanted to act - order! now then. this is the cabinet. i wanted to act like | order! now then. this is the i cabinet. i wanted to act like a cabinet, — cabinet. i wanted to act like a cabinet, not— cabinet. i wanted to act like a cabinet, not like _ cabinet. i wanted to act like a cabinet, not like a _ cabinet. i wanted to act like a cabinet, not like a rabble - cabinet. i wanted to act like a i cabinet, not like a rabble trying cabinet. i wanted to act like a - cabinet, not like a rabble trying to shut down— cabinet, not like a rabble trying to shut down the _ cabinet, not like a rabble trying to shut down the shadow _ cabinet, not like a rabble trying to shut down the shadow chancellor. jeremy— shut down the shadow chancellor. jeremy hunt. _ shut down the shadow chancellor. jeremy hunt she— shut down the shadow chancellor. jeremy hunt-— jeremy hunt. she says the information _ jeremy hunt. she says the information is _ jeremy hunt. she says the information is new, - jeremy hunt. she says the information is new, but. jeremy hunt. she says the | information is new, but she jeremy hunt. she says the - information is new, but she herself told the _ information is new, but she herself told the financial times, you don't need _ told the financial times, you don't need to— told the financial times, you don't need to win — told the financial times, you don't need to win an election to find out the state — need to win an election to find out the state of public finances, as we have _ the state of public finances, as we have got _ the state of public finances, as we have got the 0b are now. paul johnson — have got the 0b are now. paul johnson of the iff says the state of public— johnson of the iff says the state of public finances were apparent pre—election to anyone who cared to
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look, _ pre—election to anyone who cared to look. which — pre—election to anyone who cared to look, which is why he and other


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