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tv   Sportsday  BBC News  July 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm BST

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evening and tonight. a few this evening and tonight. a few splashes of light rain. easing out towards dawn. further south, splashes of light rain. easing out towards dawn. furthersouth, clear skies and another warm and muggy night. some of us not dropping below 14 night. some of us not dropping below 1a or 15. typically about 10 or 11 across the north of scotland. that is how we start the day. lots of dry weather once again tomorrow. summaries of cloud drifting around. across northern ireland and perhaps scotland and northern england —— some areas of cloud. light winds and it will feel hot, 32 towards the london region, so that could be the hottest day of the year so far. typically looking at the low 20s or the high teens across scotland and northern ireland. we go all again on wednesday. another dry day with that strong sunshine. feeling hot and humid once again. just a small chance by wednesday we could see one or two isolated showers. high 20s and low 30s in the south. possibly high teens or low 20s further north. thanks, sarah.
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and that's bbc news at six. you can keep up with all the latest developments on bbc website. now it's time to join our colleagues for the news where you are. he live from london this is bbc news. eight people have been stabbed and taken to hospital after a major incident in southport in the northwest of england. merseyside police say they have received reports of a stabbing and were called to a property on hart street in the town at about ten to 12 this lunchtime. armed police detained a male and seized a knife and the four said there was no wider threat to the public. we're do to hear more in the public. we're do to hear more in the next few minutes from the police and other emergency services who were involved in responding to this incident. let's speak to our correspondent nick garnet who has beenin correspondent nick garnet who has been in southport all day since this story broke. nick, just remind us of what has happened there today. this
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was a what has happened there today. ti 3 was a summer club, what has happened there today. ti 1 was a summer club, beginning of what has happened there today. t1i1 was a summer club, beginning of this summer holidays. as every mother and father, every carer will know that you keep the kids occupied during the holidays to use these summer camps is a real blessing. this was a fully booked class. it was a dance and yoga class, they were dancing and yoga class, they were dancing and playing along to taylor swift songs i'll being played in a business park building just behind me and just off this main road. at ten to 12 it to 12 it been going on for an hour ten to 12 it to 12 it been going on foran hourand ten to 12 it to 12 it been going on for an hour and half, somebody went in and the stabbing took place. eight people have been injured for that they've been taken to hospital. the people described it to me as it being like a bomb going off. it was absolutely awful. they said people had been severely injured and were being pulled up by other people who got to the scene the first people to arrive from the emergency services were fire and rescue team to have a station nearby. they came and told everyone to safety and got them out of the building. since then a man
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has been arrested, a 17—year—old in an area that's probably a 15 minute drive away from where we're. since then the police have been in the building still searching and looking through the area, trying to find clues, any evidence that they may need to find. the eight people injured have been taken to three hospitals in merseyside. 0ne being the children's hospital alder hay which is a specialist in dealing with terrible incidents. the worst injured of the children were taken there. there was an air ambulance, they've got a doctor on board and were able to provide first aid before the children got to alder hey for treatment. we don't know about the condition of any of the injured yet and we hope we will find out soon. there will be a news conference and there will be representatives from merseyside
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police emma merseyside fire and rescue and northwest air berlin service will be there. it is a tragic start to a period of the school holidays where everyone just wants the kids around they are happy that the children are around. this is such an awful thing. this street in particular is a very family type of street. i was told by one neighbour that 90% of the people who live on the street are either parents or grandparents of the children coming to stay for them it's just the type of place for that we hear that there was a dance class going on around the corner, they would send their children to go up two to it for the the children most effectively to this particular area. there is a very small business park, down an alleyway, no one would know it was there unless they knew it was they are. that's what they are at they are. that's what they are at the moment dealing with, trying to
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work out what happened, what link could it be and what reasons behind this for them as i say, a 17—year—old is in custody at the moment and is being questioned. we're going to hear from the chief constable merseyside police serena kennedy. we will hear from mersey fire and rescue and also northwest ambulance service and dave kitchin who is in charge of the north is evident service. they brought the helicopter in and landed that nearby to allow emergency services to get people to the ambulance and then taken off to hospital.— taken off to hospital. next, i've been reading — taken off to hospital. next, i've been reading some _ taken off to hospital. next, i've been reading some of - taken off to hospital. next, i've been reading some of the - taken off to hospital. next, i've - been reading some of the reporting on the bbc lives page and a lot of eyewitnesses and members of the community have been contributing to those interviews. there is a real sense as you would expect disbelief, a lack of comprehension of what the
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community with dealing with foot of a moment of real panic when a safeguarding alert was issued by police. safeguarding alert was issued by olice. , safeguarding alert was issued by olice. police. yes. southport is not the -e of police. yes. southport is not the type of place _ police. yes. southport is not the type of place where _ police. yes. southport is not the type of place where things - police. yes. southport is not the i type of place where things happen. i've worked in this area for most of my life. i can count on one hand the number of stories, news stories that happen in southport, it's not that type of place for the allies of the north of liverpool. it's where many people from liverpool go to retire. it's a holiday type of environment and it was getting to the beginning of the holiday season. there were members of the public who were in care homes or other areas and got a phone call and a text from the police warning them that something was going on. at that point people were starting to come back to the police to find out what was happening. i spoke to a nurse that
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heard her daughter had been in the house and heard a ghastly scream. she knew that it wasn't a normal scream. that is echoed by collin perry who works opposite where the stabbing took place with him he said that one of his colleagues have gone outside and heard a scream. he said it was not like any screen you would normally hear from children it was not like any screen you would normally hearfrom children playing, it was totally different. that was the sign that something was wrong. in some way the police emergency system to notify people has brought people back and brought them very quickly back to this area. it's just one of those awful things that we leave our children in clubs like this, we go off and you can go for coffee while they are playing thinking they are completely safe. this tragedy happens. for all those people in all the people who live in the street and in the nearby roads it is just an appalling, appalling thing to have happen. 0ne it is just an appalling, appalling thing to have happen. one i don't know how this area in particular
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gets over. know how this area in particular gets over-— gets over. we're waiting to 'oin this press fl gets over. we're waiting to 'oin this press conference �* gets over. we're waiting to 'oin this press conference that h gets over. we're waiting to join this press conference that nick| gets over. we're waiting to join - this press conference that nick was just describing what we're expecting to hear from serena just describing what we're expecting to hearfrom serena kennedy who is the chief constable of merseyside police. while we wait for the people from the emergency services to appear let's listen to this report from our north of england correspondent. a sunny day in the school holidays, and children who'd been dancing moments earlier are lying in the street. where there had been music, there was now the sound of screaming. paramedics and police raced to them, local people too — including an off—duty nurse. i checked in on my girls and ijust ran to the crowds. ijust thought... you put your nhs head on, don't you? and the mother that i was just consoling, just the look on her face, cos she knew something had
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happened to her child. it's like, "oh, my gosh." how do you comprehend? there's nothing you can do. the police were called by people working next door to where the primary school—aged children had been taking part in a taylor swift—themed dance and yoga class. they came across a graphic and distressing scene. it was like a bomb had gone off — girls' bodies all over the place. one of my colleagues that works with me, james, he brought one of the girls out of the building. she didn't look good at all, poor kid. there was a few parents around. i've heard whaling and screaming pretty much all afternoon of parents coming later to pick kids up and only really finding out what's going on. a major incident was declared, 13 ambulances sent and children taken to three hospitals. firefighters raced there too to give first aid and trauma support and police cordoned off a large area
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near to southport town centre. in a fast—moving situation, armed officers arrested a 17—year—old boy at a village three miles north of the resort. police said they'd also recovered a knife. the incident is not currently being treated as terror—related. i know the whole house will be very | concerned at the extremely seriousj incident that has taken place in southport. - all of our thoughts will be - with the family and loved ones of those who are affected. i have been in contact- with the merseyside police and crime commissioner. and the merseyside mayor to convey my support to the police and our thanks to the police - and emergency services for their response. - southport is known as a happy holiday resort, full of families which always shows its best side in summer. today, the community is having
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to come to terms with the fact that unspeakable horror has happened here instead. judith moritz, bbc news, southport. let's return to southport and join our correspondent nick garnet who has been there all day. nick, this incident first began at around ten to 12 today. talk us through the timeline of then what unfolded. let's start at the beginning. at ten o'clock this is when the summer club started. i dance and yoga class with taylor swift songs. most of the people there were young girls, around primary school ages of six until 11 years of age. at about ten to 12, ten minutes before class was due to end someone came into the building and the stabbing took place with the at that point neighbours have talked about it being mayhem.
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they heard the screaming, they heard what was happening and they came and theyjoined and try to help. colin perry who is injudas reportjust now went on to say that one of his neighbours took about ten girls to safety in his house. he was helped by another neighbour for the call and said the community was coming together, everyone was trying to help, everyone was trying to save the younger kids. he said another man, a builder also help some of the children leave the site. there have been other instances of people coming together to help as well. a supermarket, a campaign has been lodged to make sure that those people who need support, need food, because a lot of the parents are still in a school that's not very far from still in a school that's not very farfrom here. being helped by the emergency services. some of them have been helped with sue two food supplies from a local supermarket thatis supplies from a local supermarket that is giving things in. this seems to have affected the whole of
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southport. we're not far away from lord street, which is the main street in southport. 0ne lord street, which is the main street in southport. one woman said that she knew something was going wrong when she realised that the shops were shutting their doors and the shutters were going down. although shops were shattering she said, and i was thinking, something was going on for them it wasn't until we walked a bit further up and someone said that somebody had been caught. that was when the terrace set in. and you think, who has been caught, what's actually happened, said. there's a man who lives on one of the roads off hart street, he says he started hearing about the incident when neighbours told each other to go in and lock the doors. the police did raise that alarm and said that everyone had to stay indoors that was really wild the operation was going on and they wanted as few people nearby as possible. it was not because that they were in immediate danger. the police throughout this and said that there has been no immediate danger
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to anyone else nearby. it is that worry, you don't know what's happening at all. the other thing thatis happening at all. the other thing that is happening is on social media people have been making comments with very little substance to them. the mayor of liverpool city regent steve rutter has been appealing to people do not take to social media to spread gossip and rumour when there is nothing. we're going to here in a few minutes i'm from merseyside police, from merseyside fire and rescue service and northwest ambulance service and they will be able to tell us the detail as far as we're allowed to know at the moment. stories from people live by the dues nearby, a woman told my colleagues that she described hearing aid scream from a mother whose daughter had been stabbed for that she didn't want to be named because she decided she didn't want that. the woman's daughter was barely conscious with them and never seen anything like it, she said, we
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don't know what's going on, she said, she the daughter was one of those taken to alder hey hospital. three hospitals have received the injured today. two adult hospitals injured today. two adult hospitals in merseyside but also alder hey children's hospital which is the main specialist children hospital in that region and is well known for helping the most severely injured of people and has the very best doctors and facilities that there are around. merseyside police say that a 17—year—old male was arrested for the knife was recovered as well. that person is in police custody. they say it is not a terror related incident. merseyside police said yes, it remains in police custody and will be questioned about the incident. the inquiries are ongoing to establish motive for this tragic incident and they too are urging
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people not to speculate about the reasons behind it. emma longman who works at a nearby supported living accommodation said she felt panicked when she received the safeguarding alert from merseyside police. she and her colleagues closed all the windows down, went through all the correct procedures that they are trained for. they shut the blinds and secured the back gate for that we didn't know it was going on, she told us, we could hear the police as i thought maybe it was some type of road accident. the son of one of our support workers was in a different holiday club, she said. got a phone call saying to go and pick him up. i felt really panicked, she said. we didn't know what was going on for them everyone was a bit on edge and scared for that when we found out it was a stabbing with oh my god, are they still out there?. it is a appalling tragedy and one which has really hit this community hard. we're waiting for news conference on the emergency services they've got an awful lot on their plate at the
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moment, obviously. what they are doing is far more important than talking to us and letting us know. we will be hearing from the chief constable a merseyside police, serena kennedy and also from northwest ambulance service who brought in their helicopter which landed nearby. they have doctors on board so they were able to help treat some of the injured. northwest fire and rescue service were here because their fire station isn't far from here. they were able to come and help treat some who had been injured for them as well as that get everyone out and get them to safety. nick, you mentioned the emergency service representatives that we will hear from. service representatives that we will hearfrom. it's not all the service representatives that we will hear from. it's not all the time at press conferences like this that we have all three represented. we must remember that this was described this morning as a major incident, which tells us something of the scale of what they were dealing
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with. , �* , ., ., ., ., with. yes. i've been to a lot of events over — with. yes. i've been to a lot of events over the _ with. yes. i've been to a lot of events over the years - with. yes. i've been to a lot of events over the years are - with. yes. i've been to a lot of i events over the years are terrible things have happened and yet as i drove into southport there are two schools at the end of the row, probably about a quarter of a mile from where we're now in the car parts were completely full of emergency service vehicles. there were fire trucks, ambulances, the end of 13 fire ambulances as well as the helicopter. local doctors came down to help with the local nurses who were off duty who were just coming home heard about it and came to do whatever they could. this was a whole community trying to get together and do the work. they had together and do the work. they had to because of the scale of the operation. eight people have been taken to hospital. we don't know how many others received small wounds or light wounds. 0n many others received small wounds or light wounds. on top of that every single child who was there will have been scarred in some way by what they saw and what they heard and what they witnessed. that is going to be something the emergency
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services have to be aware of and they will be and they will be taking whatever help they possibly can to help all of those people. as you say, they don't use the words a major alert and a major incident lightly. and yet that is exactly what they did here because they do so quickly that this was serious. it was interesting that the media found out it very quickly. i was over in manchester and was sent to drive over here. there were so many people who found out about this so quickly. it's the way of the world now. we all know about things as soon as they happen. it's notjust us at a distance or slightly distant from this, this was people whose children were at these events, they heard about it at exactly the same time as we did. , ., , ~ ., ., we did. tell us what is known at that moment — we did. tell us what is known at that moment about _ we did. tell us what is known at that moment about the - we did. tell us what is known at. that moment about the person who we did. tell us what is known at - that moment about the person who has been arrested. bier? that moment about the person who has been arrested-— been arrested. very little. eight were arrested _ been arrested. very little. eight were arrested shortly _ been arrested. very little. eight
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were arrested shortly after- been arrested. very little. eight were arrested shortly after the l were arrested shortly after the attack took place. i'm not sure if it was here or at an area called base, which is a village, basically the outskirts of southport for the about a 15 minute drive, maybe three orfour about a 15 minute drive, maybe three or four miles from here. about a 15 minute drive, maybe three orfour miles from here. that about a 15 minute drive, maybe three or four miles from here. that is the address that the police have been searching today. it's obviously understandable as soon as something like this the police will go and look at all the addresses in all the points of contact that that person may have had much to go and try and find out motive, try and find out what was happening, try and find out if they were involved or someone else was involved or instead of them. that has been a major evidence gathering operation going on today. as you can see behind me there are so blue lights down there, still police vehicles in the road, there are the left behind medical equipment that was left after they were trying to treat the injuries of those children who were inside
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there. we don't know how many adults were inside. we don't know if they received any injuries. we can presume that that may have happened because of the hospitals being used because of the hospitals being used because adult hospitals are in operation and are treating people this evening. we note that the hospitals are going to continue that throughout the night. they will be on full alert. these are hospitals that know exactly how to deal with incidents like these. these are inner—city hospitals and they will be doing everything they can to help those that have been injured. those that have been in'ured. never want to those that have been in'ured. never went to need — those that have been in'ured. never want to need to h those that have been in'ured. never want to need to call _ those that have been injured. never want to need to call about _ those that have been injured. never want to need to call about those - want to need to call about those services goodness they are available in cases like this. as you say, a hospital that specialises in supporting children in particular. you mentioned there has been a warning by police as a often is these days for people not to engage in speculation online. it can prejudice also to active proceeding
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when there is an incident being investigated. to what extent are the police still interested in hearing from people who might have information? i from people who might have information?— from people who might have information? .. ., information? i think we will hear that in the _ information? i think we will hear that in the news _ information? i think we will hear that in the news conference, - information? i think we will hear| that in the news conference, that they are very keen to trace all the journeys that may have been taken place. they will want to know everything they possibly can about the background of the person they have in custody to see whether or not that person is involved or whether indeed other people may have been involved as well. they will want to try to copper bottom the root put up there is talk that somebody arrived by a taxi and didn't want to pay the taxi fare came out of the taxi wearing a mask and a hoodie over their hair. try to go down one alleyway, realise they gone the wrong way and they came out of it and then went out the right way and that led into the business park where the dance class was taking place with a who is that person, what was that person doing and why were they there? day of the
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type of questions they will want answers to. they will very much want to hear from answers to. they will very much want to hearfrom members of the public who may know something. the danger always is that the truth and the rumours and suggestions in the interested parties all conflate their message. and instead of straightening things out things become even more murky. we're keein: become even more murky. we're keeping an _ become even more murky. we're keeping an eye — become even more murky. we're keeping an eye on _ become even more murky. we're keeping an eye on the _ become even more murky. we're keeping an eye on the venue - become even more murky. we're l keeping an eye on the venue where the press conference is due to take place. we were on standby for that from about 630. but as nick said just a few minutes ago, this is a huge incident that the emergency services are dealing with. we're going to be hearing from the chief constable of merseyside police, serena kennedy alongside the chief fire officerfor serena kennedy alongside the chief fire officer for merseyside, phil gerken and dave kitchin is from the northwest ambulance services, the
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head of services. it is going to be held at the southport community fire centre on manchester road. if you are familiar with that area. next, as is the way there were many political leaders who were very quick to offer their condolences or their concern once reporting this incident reached the papers. yes. political parties _ incident reached the papers. yes. political parties very _ incident reached the papers. yes. political parties very keen - incident reached the papers. 1171 political parties very keen to express... political parties very keen to express- - -_ political parties very keen to ex-�*ress... , . . political parties very keen to ex-�*ress... , . �* ., express... i'm so sorry. we've now not the express... i'm so sorry. we've now got the emergency — express... i'm so sorry. we've now got the emergency services - express... i'm so sorry. we've now got the emergency services at - express... i'm so sorry. we've now got the emergency services at the | got the emergency services at the press conference.— press conference. let's listen in. it is with great _ press conference. let's listen in. it is with great sadness - press conference. let's listen in. it is with great sadness today - press conference. let's listen in. it is with great sadness today i i press conference. let's listen in. i it is with great sadness today i am here to advise that two children have died as a result of the injuries sustained in this mornings knife attack. nine the children have been injured and six of them are in a critical condition. all those injured have suffered stab wounds sustained during the attack. two adults are also in a critical
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condition after being injured during the incident. a 17—year—old male from banks in lancashire who is originally from cardiff has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. he has been taken to a police station where he will be interviewed by detectives. my office servers were recalled to report of a stabbing at 11117 this morning and southport. when they arrived they were shocked to find that multiple people, many of whom were children had been subjected to a ferocious attack. and have suffered serious injuries. it is understood that the children were attending a taylor swift event at a dance school when the offender armed with a knife walked into the premises and started to attack inside the children. we believe that the adults who were injured were bravely trying to protect the children who were being attacked. as a mum and a nana i
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cannot begin to imagine the pain, suffering that the families of the victims are going through at this moment in time. i wish to send my heartfelt condolences to them. our specialist family liaison officers are providing support to the families of the deceased children and the children who are injured at this moment in time. we will be working with our partners, including counsel to provide that wider trauma support to those who have been affected by this incident. the investigation is in its early stages and the motivation for the in survey two incident remains unclear. however counterterrorism police northwest of offer their support to merseyside police as a firm circumstances of what has happened are being established. at this moment the investigation is not being treated as terrorist related. i would appeal to everyone who's witnessed anything or who has information that could help us to
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contact us on crimestoppers, oh 800 35 31. anyone who's been affected by this incident can contact victim care merseyside service for help and support. our hope of locally trained staff are here to provide free and emotional support and practical tailored advice to you. you can contact the victim care merseyside 10808, 1753080. thank you. fin contact the victim care merseyside 10808, 1753080. thank you. on behalf of northwest ambulance _ 10808, 1753080. thank you. on behalf of northwest ambulance service - 10808, 1753080. thank you. on behalf of northwest ambulance service with i of northwest ambulance service with like to _ of northwest ambulance service with like to offer us can a clear condolences to the families who lost family— condolences to the families who lost family today into the wider community. our thoughts are with you _ community. 0ur thoughts are with you i_ community. 0ur thoughts are with you i can— community. our thoughts are with you. i can confirm that we were called _ you. i can confirm that we were called to— you. i can confirm that we were called to the heart street area and southport — called to the heart street area and southportjust called to the heart street area and southport just before lunch called to the heart street area and southportjust before lunch time today— southportjust before lunch time today to — southportjust before lunch time today to an incident reported of multiple — today to an incident reported of multiple stabbings. they declared this is_ multiple stabbings. they declared this is a _ multiple stabbings. they declared this is a major incident due to the
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number— this is a major incident due to the number of— this is a major incident due to the number of casualties and the types of injuries— number of casualties and the types of injuries sustained. a substantial number— of injuries sustained. a substantial number of— of injuries sustained. a substantial number of ambulances who specialise resources _ number of ambulances who specialise resources were dispatched to the scene. _ resources were dispatched to the scene, including ourarea resources were dispatched to the scene, including our area response team _ scene, including our area response team and _ scene, including our area response team and ambulances and doctors. tragically— team and ambulances and doctors. tragically we can confirm that two lives _ tragically we can confirm that two lives have — tragically we can confirm that two lives have sadly been cut short. we treated _ lives have sadly been cut short. we treated 11_ lives have sadly been cut short. we treated 11 casualties on scene who were _ treated 11 casualties on scene who were conveyed by emergency ambulances to alder hey hospital, rural children's hospital along with university— rural children's hospital along with university and others. i'd like to thank— university and others. i'd like to thank our— university and others. i'd like to thank our staff who worked incredibly hard caring for the victims — incredibly hard caring for the victims and what was a devastating scene _ victims and what was a devastating scene. there's like to thank our blue _ scene. there's like to thank our blue lights— scene. there's like to thank our blue lights and emergency colleagues from the _ blue lights and emergency colleagues from the nhs for altare supports in this incident. again, would like to express our— this incident. again, would like to express our deepest sympathies to
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the loved _ express our deepest sympathies to the loved ones and those affected. no doubt _ the loved ones and those affected. no doubt this will have a lasting impact — no doubt this will have a lasting impact on — no doubt this will have a lasting impact on the whole community and our thoughts are very much with them _ our thoughts are very much with them the — our thoughts are very much with them. the chief fire emergency rescue — them. the chief fire emergency rescue service. on them. the chief fire emergency rescue service.— them. the chief fire emergency rescue service. on the colleagues i would like to _ rescue service. on the colleagues i would like to pass _ rescue service. on the colleagues i would like to pass on _ rescue service. on the colleagues i would like to pass on my _ would like to pass on my thoughts and those — would like to pass on my thoughts and those of— would like to pass on my thoughts and those of my— would like to pass on my thoughts and those of my service _ would like to pass on my thoughtsl and those of my service the family, friends _ and those of my service the family, friends and — and those of my service the family, friends and loved _ and those of my service the family, friends and loved ones _ and those of my service the family, friends and loved ones of _ and those of my service the family, friends and loved ones of everyone| this is not something anyone should have to _ this is not something anyone should have to come — this is not something anyone should have to come to _ this is not something anyone should have to come to terms _ this is not something anyone should have to come to terms with. - this is not something anyone should have to come to terms with. in - have to come to terms with. in relation — have to come to terms with. in relation to— have to come to terms with. in relation to the _ have to come to terms with. in relation to the incident - have to come to terms with. in relation to the incident itself, i have to come to terms with. in . relation to the incident itself, my firefighters — relation to the incident itself, my firefighters responded _ relation to the incident itself, my firefighters responded following i relation to the incident itself, my| firefighters responded following a declaration — firefighters responded following a declaration of— firefighters responded following a declaration of a _ firefighters responded following a declaration of a major— firefighters responded following a declaration of a major incident - firefighters responded following a i declaration of a major incident and were _ declaration of a major incident and were on— declaration of a major incident and were on the — declaration of a major incident and were on the scene _ declaration of a major incident and were on the scene in— declaration of a major incident and were on the scene in minutes. - declaration of a major incident andl were on the scene in minutes. with cruise _ were on the scene in minutes. with cruise from — were on the scene in minutes. with cruise from southport _ were on the scene in minutes. with cruise from southport fire - were on the scene in minutes. with cruise from southport fire station . cruise from southport fire station and a _ cruise from southport fire station and a specialist _ cruise from southport fire station and a specialist team _ cruise from southport fire station and a specialist team from - cruise from southport fire station and a specialist team from entryl and a specialist team from entry responding — and a specialist team from entry responding to _ and a specialist team from entry responding to assist _ and a specialist team from entry responding to assist our - and a specialist team from entry i responding to assist our colleagues from merseyside _ responding to assist our colleagues from merseyside police _ responding to assist our colleagues from merseyside police and - responding to assist our colleagues from merseyside police and north. from merseyside police and north west ambulance _ from merseyside police and north west ambulance service - from merseyside police and north west ambulance service dealing i from merseyside police and north. west ambulance service dealing with a true _ west ambulance service dealing with a true medic— west ambulance service dealing with a true medic and _ west ambulance service dealing with a true medic and understandably- a true medic and understandably chaotic— a true medic and understandably chaotic scene. _ a true medic and understandably chaotic scene. the _ a true medic and understandably chaotic scene. the cruise - a true medic and understandably chaotic scene. the cruise for- a true medic and understandably. chaotic scene. the cruise for trauma trained. _ chaotic scene. the cruise for trauma trained. worked _ chaotic scene. the cruise for trauma trained, worked alongside _ chaotic scene. the cruise for trauma trained, worked alongside the - trained, worked alongside the colleagues _ trained, worked alongside the colleagues to— trained, worked alongside the colleagues to provide - trained, worked alongside the colleagues to provide trauma i trained, worked alongside the - colleagues to provide trauma care, administer— colleagues to provide trauma care, administer first— colleagues to provide trauma care, administerfirst aid— colleagues to provide trauma care, administer first aid and _ colleagues to provide trauma care, administer first aid and undertake i colleagues to provide trauma care, i administer first aid and undertake a
7:00 pm
wide area _ administer first aid and undertake a wide area search _ administer first aid and undertake a wide area search for _ administer first aid and undertake a wide area search for any _ administer first aid and undertake a wide area search for any young - wide area search for any young persons — wide area search for any young persons affected _ wide area search for any young persons affected by— wide area search for any young persons affected by this - wide area search for any young. persons affected by this incident. my firefighters, _ persons affected by this incident. my firefighters, many— persons affected by this incident. my firefighters, many of- persons affected by this incident. my firefighters, many of whom . persons affected by this incident. i my firefighters, many of whom live in this— my firefighters, many of whom live in this community, _ my firefighters, many of whom live in this community, will— my firefighters, many of whom live in this community, will be - my firefighters, many of whom live j in this community, will be appalled by this— in this community, will be appalled by this act — in this community, will be appalled by this act. they— in this community, will be appalled by this act. they will— in this community, will be appalled by this act. they will be _ in this community, will be appalled by this act. they will be back - by this act. they will be back on the streets _ by this act. they will be back on the streets of _ by this act. they will be back on the streets of southport - by this act. they will be back on i the streets of southport tomorrow by this act. they will be back on - the streets of southport tomorrow to provide _ the streets of southport tomorrow to provide reassurance, _ the streets of southport tomorrow to provide reassurance, kindness- the streets of southport tomorrow to provide reassurance, kindness and l provide reassurance, kindness and support _ provide reassurance, kindness and support. trees— provide reassurance, kindness and support. trees themselves - provide reassurance, kindness and support. trees themselves —— - support. trees themselves —— teachers — support. trees themselves —— teachers themselves- support. trees themselves —— teachers themselves were... i support. trees themselves —— - teachers themselves were... 4:18pm this afternoon — so, we were aware that the three people gathered for that press conference were not pointed to kenny questions afterwards, but a very, very distressing update delivered to us there by the chief constable of merseyside police, serena kennedy, saying that we now know that two children have died, listening to that press conference was, my colleague, or my correspondent


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