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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am BST

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team gb will public sector pay. and team gb will be hoping for more gold medals today with high hopes in the gymnastics, swimming and triathlon. good morning from southport, where the townies waking up to the fact that there was hamas stabbing here in town yesterday in which two children died, —— a mass stabbing. two children died, two adults and critically ill, they are trying to protect the children who were taking part in a summer holiday dance event, taylor swift themed dance event. when i arrived here this morning it was a really quiet. there
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were a few early—morning joggers out and a couple of people taking their young children out in prams here. at the scene it remains cordoned off with the police presence and the fact that the printed teams are at that venue. if you take a look behind me, you can see there are flowers left and a huge media presence, notjust the media here from the uk but around the world. i've seen people hearfrom from the uk but around the world. i've seen people hear from as far as australia reporting on this terrible, terrible event that has hit the town. a little later there is going to be a vigilfor hit the town. a little later there is going to be a vigil for those who lost their lives and we are expecting the home secretary yvette cooper to come to the town to talk to the police and the local community and offer her condolences to the families of those who were involved. let me take you through this series of events that happened
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yesterday here at hart street. police were called to the street in stockportjust before midday. there were reports of that mass stabbing at a taylor swift themed holiday dance club. 13 ambulances were called along with armed police and paramedics. the children injured and the two adults were taken to five local hospitals. that included the alder hey hospital. two adults are also in a critical condition after being injured during an incident. police say they were trying to protect the children. a 17—year—old boy has been arrested and is in custody. he was arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. a lot of people in the town this morning asking the question,
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why? the police are investigating what the motive could be. they haven't given any more details on that. all they have said is that the incident is not being treated as terror related but as you can imagine, it has been such a shock to the local community and people have been coming up and just standing here at the cod and in silence and saying a little prayer. a little earlier on, a man in a van drove up, wound down his window, and said, i just want to say a little prayer. the local priest is saying that it is really hard for the local community to come to terms with what has happened here in this quiet residential street in this seaside town of southport. it was of course an event that was taking place at the beginning of the summer holidays and these events take place all over the country, where you can take your children and leave them to enjoy an
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event, and this event was for children aged six to 11. floral tributes have been left, onejust saying, love, southport. another one i saw earlier had a poem on it that had been entitled hope. it said, through this devastation with tears, can barely cope, our love to be ongoing, we cling to future hope. i have also seen a little girl's doll left with another tribute left at the scene. a ladyjust a few moments ago came up and put down some flowers and left in tears. it really has affected this town. i can't tell you how much that locals... it is just shock and grief they are feeling this morning. my colleague tom symons looks back at the event yesterday and i should warn you that you may find some of the details in his report disturbing.
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in southport they have been bringing flowers, an instinctive response to an incomprehensible act of violence against children on a summer's morning. something like this doesn't happen around here. it is something that is very, like, hit our community very hard i think as well, and obviously it is still very raw as well, everything that is going on. the prime minister's response echoed those from southport. the events are truly awful, and i know the whole country is deeply shocked at what they have seen and heard, and i know i speak for everybody, the whole country in saying our thoughts and condolences are with the victims, their families, their friends and the wider community. and last night the king said he and the queen had been profoundly shocked to hear of the utterly horrific incident in southport. and so many will have been affected. organisers of the summer holiday dance class and the children who were taking part.
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the parents who came to pick them up and those who saw the aftermath. it was like a bomb had gone off. girls' bodies all over the place. me, one of my colleagues who works with me, james, he brought one of the girls out of the building and she didn't look good at all, poor kid. i checked in on my girls and ijust ran to the crowd because ijust thought, you put your nhs head on, don't you? and the mother that i wasjust consoling, the look on her face, because she knew something had happened to her child. it is like, oh, my gosh, how do you even comprehend? there is nothing you can do. this is like the worst thing you can ever imagine. - my daughter was there on saturday, our friends' kids were here, - and theyjust got slain, massacred. there were so many witnesses,
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police were able to quickly describe what happened. the children were attending a taylor swift event at a dance school when the offender, armed with a knife, walked into the premises and started to attack, inside, the children. we believe that the adults who were injured were bravely trying to protect the children who were being attacked. as a mum and a nana, i can't begin to imagine the pain and suffering of the families of the victims are going through at this moment in time. 13 were stabbed, 11 of them children. two were killed. six children and two adults remain in a life—threatening condition. but why did it happen? a question now being asked, notjust here, but across the country. police continue to hold a 17—year—old boy from a nearby village, banks. they have yet to suggest any motive, but they are not treating the attack as terror—related.
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this will likely be a long investigation in a deeply traumatised community. as we mentioned, a number of children, six of them are still in a critical condition, nine children in all remain in hospital and two adult also in a critical condition. the police say those two adults were the ones that try to protect their children at this dance event while the multiple stabbing was taking place. it was a taylor swift themed event. it was fully booked, 25 children there, also they were making bracelets as well as doing dance and yoga. a number of hospitals took in those injured children, one of them the older a hospital in liverpool.—
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hospital in liverpool. alder hey is one of their _ hospital in liverpool. alder hey is one of their premier _ hospital in liverpool. alder hey is one of their premier children's i one of their premier children's facilities in this country and has a worldwide reputation. it treats around 450,000 children every year. the staff inside they're obviously well accustomed to dealing with traumatised children and of course their parents but i suspect even the most hardened of those staff yesterday were shocked by what space them. these were children who haven't been involved in any kind of accident or developed at life changing illness, they simply went out to a dance party yesterday morning in the school holidays and never went home again because that person went into that dance class and started stabbing people at random. what we do now is six of those children remain in a critical condition which means of course they have received life—threatening incident delete back injuries. two adults are in a critical condition, they are said to have bravely tried to have saved the children. we don't know which hospitals are catering
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which children, we know some are at alder hey and the communications department said they are hoping to issue an update later this morning on how those children are doing but it is clearly being a fretful night for their parents, waiting, praying hoping for news, some signs of recovery and let's not forget that two families, the families of two children who died are at this moment in time experiencing unimaginable grief. in time experiencing unimaginable arief. �* , , in time experiencing unimaginable arief. , ~ .,�* in time experiencing unimaginable irief_ , ~ .,�* 4' ., grief. absolutely. we don't know the aces grief. absolutely. we don't know the a . es of the grief. absolutely. we don't know the ages of the children _ grief. absolutely. we don't know the ages of the children that _ grief. absolutely. we don't know the ages of the children that are - grief. absolutely. we don't know the ages of the children that are in - ages of the children that are in hospital but we know the events cater for six to 11—year—olds. when children are that young, they come in with such injuries, it must be very difficult for the doctors and nurses, many of those who would be parents themselves.— parents themselves. absolutely, obviously they— parents themselves. absolutely, obviously they are _ parents themselves. absolutely, obviously they are doctors - parents themselves. absolutely, obviously they are doctors and l obviously they are doctors and nurses but they are people, mothers and fathers as well and it is like that for anyone who has children, to put themselves in the position of
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those parents. your children go to a dance event and this happens. this hospital is a world leader, it has processes in place for major incidents of this kind, and yesterday it declared a major incident, close—knit —— closed its accident and emergency department. as afternoon went on, more details came on from southport around the extent of the injuries and the number of children involved. truly horrific experience for everybody, the first responders, the police were on the scene in south bod and the staff here at alder hey and other hospitals across the north—west have been dealing with the aftermath of this gradually —— southport. the question is, why? why their children, why that event, why did this happen? those are the questions of the police will be trying to answer as the investigation continues and a 17—year—old boy currently being questioned on suspicion of
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involvement in these terrible incidents. involvement in these terrible incidents-_ involvement in these terrible incidents. ~ , involvement in these terrible incidents. , ~ ., incidents. absolutely, dave. i know that authorities _ incidents. absolutely, dave. i know that authorities are _ incidents. absolutely, dave. i know that authorities are offering - that authorities are offering support here in the local community and i heard a nurse who works at one of the local hospital saying support is being offered to student nurses who are in the hospitals who may not have come across something like this in their career. the have come across something like this in their career-— in their career. the health service will have its _ in their career. the health service will have its own _ in their career. the health service will have its own system - in their career. the health service will have its own system set - in their career. the health service will have its own system set up i in their career. the health service j will have its own system set up to help staff, particularly in staff, to cope with things that they don't see, and these extraordinary events. this place is well geared to look after these parents who are going through the most awful of times, wondering when they will get news of how their children are doing. it is a tragedy notjust felt here at the hospital, notjust southport but right across the north west and the country because of this sort of
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incident is extremely rare and when it does happen it is truly shocking. we should reemphasise that this is a rare event. you are seeing some helicopter pictures of the area, the street remains cordoned off. we are expecting the home secretary to visit the area, yvette cooper. the mayor of the liverpool city region steve rotherham also urging people not to spread misinformation on social media because of course when an event happens like this and the police can't say much because the investigation is onlyjust getting started, that does lead to rumours and speculation on social media. that's absolutely right on the social media age, there is no end are people willing to pop online and spouting rubbish. we have seen it with other major incidents and stories, people who know nothing claiming that a no a lot. nobody
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knows at the moment exactly what happened. that is what is being pieced together and the police are bound by legal restrictions on what they can and can't divulge and they don't want to compromise their investigation at any stage, which is why they have to limit the amount of information they give out but they have said very clearly that they are convinced it is not terrorist related and they don't need to seek anyone else other than the person they are currently speaking to at a police station somewhere on merseyside. i police station somewhere on merseyside— police station somewhere on merse side. ., ., merseyside. i note you have reported from this area — merseyside. i note you have reported from this area for _ merseyside. i note you have reported from this area for decades. _ merseyside. i note you have reported from this area for decades. -- - merseyside. i note you have reported from this area for decades. -- i - from this area for decades. —— i know you have reported from this area. how do you think southport will react to this? it is area. how do you think southport will react to this?— area. how do you think southport will react to this? it is an unknown auanti will react to this? it is an unknown quantity because _ will react to this? it is an unknown quantity because as _ will react to this? it is an unknown quantity because as people - will react to this? it is an unknown quantity because as people have i will react to this? it is an unknown i quantity because as people have said throughout yesterday and today, southport is a peaceful town. it is a holiday resort people go in the summer to enjoy themselves. you
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don't hear of major incidents happening in south bod, it is not like inner city area where you do hear of tragic incidents from time to time. i can't remember the last time the southport area within the news for something like this, or even a major crime. it is not a place of people would expect this, but what we have seen so far is that people do come together at times like this, they do want to offer help, do what they can to support the families, to support one another because you only have to be a parent or grandparent for the thing to resonate with you. i have got granddaughters, i take them to dancing classes. a lot of people do. you never dream in a million years, it is never on your radar that something like this would happen and i think that is what people are thinking today.— i think that is what people are thinking today. absolutely, you mention the — thinking today. absolutely, you mention the local _ thinking today. absolutely, you mention the local community. | mention the local community. southport football club have postponed their pre—season friendly that was due to take place tonight against morecambe, and they have
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opened up their stadium for people to go in and just talk to councillors if they need to. the community coming together already. we are expecting a vigil later tonight and for those viewers just joining us, just remind us what the hospital is saying about those critically injured children. that hospital is saying about those critically injured children. critically in'ured children. at the moment critically injured children. at the moment what _ critically injured children. at the moment what the _ critically injured children. at the moment what the hospitals - critically injured children. at the moment what the hospitals are | critically injured children. at the - moment what the hospitals are saying is they have six critically injured children, the most serious type of injury, potentially life threatening injuries, and two adult also critically injured. those adults the police told us yesterday where in their words bravely trying to fight off this knife attacker as he was running amok among the children in the dance car. can you imagine witnessing something like that? it beggars belief. that is a situation. we are hoping that here at alder hey they will issue a statement outta
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morning goes on to tell us what is happening, how the children are doing. the parents at the moment are treating the children and looking after their parents at this very difficult time. 0utside... after their parents at this very difficult time. outside... outside alder hey. _ difficult time. outside... outside alder hey. the — difficult time. outside... outside alder hey, the children's - difficult time. outside... outside | alder hey, the children's hospital in liverpool. i want to show you their scene here. you can see a lot of media here from around the world. someone hejust coming up of media here from around the world. someone he just coming up to lay some flowers and that has been happening all morning, where flowers have been laid at the front here. there is a cording at this site and the other side of the road at art street and up both sides there are floral tributes building up to the children who lost their lives, two children who lost their lives, two children died in the attack here yesterday but also those critically injured as we have been talking about with dave, including those two adults who the police say try to
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protect the children at this dance event during this ferocious attack. the local community is already coming together. i mentioned that the local football club has opened up the local football club has opened up their stadium for people to come in and talk this morning and we have also got a vigil that will take place later tonight. earlier i spoke to local councillor, who grew up just $10 away from here and he gave me his reaction to what yesterday. i grew upjust down me his reaction to what yesterday. i grew up just down there, immediately facing _ grew up just down there, immediately facing the _ grew up just down there, immediately facing the heart space. explain what it is. facing the heart space. explain what it is it _ facing the heart space. explain what it is. it wasn't there when i grew up. it is. it wasn't there when i grew on i_ it is. it wasn't there when i grew up. i believe it is a community group — up. i believe it is a community group space where different events are held~ _ group space where different events are held. ~ . .,, group space where different events are held. ~ ., .,, i. group space where different events are held. ~ ., ., are held. what has your reaction been to this _ are held. what has your reaction been to this horrific— are held. what has your reaction been to this horrific incident - been to this horrific incident yesterday?— been to this horrific incident esterda ? , ., ., , ., yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't exoeet — yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't expect this _ yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't expect this sort _ yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't expect this sort of _ yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't expect this sort of thing - yesterday? devastation, shock. you don't expect this sort of thing to - don't expect this sort of thing to happen— don't expect this sort of thing to happen in— don't expect this sort of thing to happen in the place you grew up, especially— happen in the place you grew up, especially here. it is really quiet.
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as a _ especially here. it is really quiet. as a child, — especially here. it is really quiet. as a child, i_ especially here. it is really quiet. as a child, i went out in the street. _ as a child, i went out in the street, there were no issues with social— street, there were no issues with social behaviour —— might anti—social behaviour. social behaviour -- might anti-social behaviour. what is this area like? quiet, _ anti-social behaviour. what is this area like? quiet, very _ anti-social behaviour. what is this area like? quiet, very family - area like? quiet, very family orientated, _ area like? quiet, very family orientated, a _ area like? quiet, very family orientated, a working-classl orientated, a working—class community, young families, a bit different— community, young families, a bit different from the rest of the demographics of southport, much youngen — demographics of southport, much younger. we demographics of southport, much ounuer. ~ . , demographics of southport, much ounuer. ~ ., , ., demographics of southport, much ounuer.~ ., , ., , younger. we have seen far was being -la ed younger. we have seen far was being played here — younger. we have seen far was being played here throughout _ younger. we have seen far was being played here throughout the _ younger. we have seen far was being played here throughout the momentl younger. we have seen far was being l played here throughout the moment -- played here throughout the moment —— morning. it has been the reaction to the community?— the community? shocked and devastated. _ the community? shocked and devastated. it _ the community? shocked and devastated. it is _ the community? shocked and l devastated. it is heartbreaking the community? shocked and - devastated. it is heartbreaking what has happened. no one expected to happen— has happened. no one expected to happen on— has happened. no one expected to happen on their doorstep and it is trying _ happen on their doorstep and it is trying to— happen on their doorstep and it is trying to come to terms with what has happened over the last 24 hours. there _ has happened over the last 24 hours. there will— has happened over the last 24 hours. there will be a vigil tonight. 6pm at the town _ there will be a vigil tonight. 6pm at the town hall. _ there will be a vigil tonight. 6pm at the town hall. is _ there will be a vigil tonight. 6pm at the town hall. is it _ there will be a vigil tonight. san at the town hall. is it likely to there will be a vigil tonight. 5n,'n at the town hall. is it likely to be well attended?— well attended? absolutely, the community _ well attended? absolutely, the community will _ well attended? absolutely, the community will come _ well attended? absolutely, the community will come together| well attended? absolutely, the . community will come together and make _ community will come together and make sure — community will come together and make sure that we help each other. it is so _ make sure that we help each other. it is so important. this is every parent's nightmare, the start of the summer holidays. it should be a
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joyous time for children. absolutely, it is the first full week— absolutely, it is the first full week of— absolutely, it is the first full week of the kids being off in southport and just getting into the summer— southport and just getting into the summer holidays, the last thing you expect— summer holidays, the last thing you expect to _ summer holidays, the last thing you expect to happen and that is at the back of— expect to happen and that is at the back of every parent's mind. how do ou think back of every parent's mind. how do you think people _ back of every parent's mind. how do you think people in _ back of every parent's mind. how do you think people in particular - back of every parent's mind. how do you think people in particular in - you think people in particular in carter street will come together? i think it is human nature to look after— think it is human nature to look after each — think it is human nature to look after each other when tragedy happens — after each other when tragedy happens and that will absolutely happen — happens and that will absolutely happen here, people will take care of each _ happen here, people will take care of each other and wrap their arms around _ of each other and wrap their arms around the — of each other and wrap their arms around the people impacted especially. around the people impacted especially-— around the people impacted eseciall . ~ ., ., around the people impacted eseciall. ., especially. what can you as a local council due — especially. what can you as a local council due to _ especially. what can you as a local council due to provide _ especially. what can you as a local council due to provide support? i council due to provide support? being there for people, signposting people _ being there for people, signposting people to the relevant services that will help _ people to the relevant services that will help them and just show cohesion— will help them and just show cohesion and unity at this point and some _ cohesion and unity at this point and some things are bigger than politics _ some things are bigger than olitics. .,. ., some things are bigger than olitics. ., _, . ., politics. the local councillor here, as he said. _ politics. the local councillor here, as he said, everything _ politics. the local councillor here, as he said, everything is - politics. the local councillor here, as he said, everything is bigger. as he said, everything is bigger than politics when an event like
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this happens. a horrific event in a town like southport, the whole community comes together. my colleague has been here all morning. i was struck when i arrive just how silent and quiet this street and the area is. 1 . silent and quiet this street and the area is. , ., , ., , area is. yes, that is actually, i know when — area is. yes, that is actually, i know when we _ area is. yes, that is actually, i know when we leave - area is. yes, that is actually, i know when we leave here - area is. yes, that is actually, i| know when we leave here later area is. yes, that is actually, i- know when we leave here later today, it will stick with me that i got here this morning and it was completely silent. a couple of journalists around in couple are people going around their day being escorted in and out of the police called in, and i thought, this is probably what it would have been like this time yesterday and the lives of the people living here has changed forever and coming to terms, if that is even possible to do, or any time in the future with what has happened, is something that many people can't comprehend and that is why notjust people on merseyside and liverpool, but the country are just stunned at the start of the summer holidays at something like
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this could happen. but it was so quiet and now the whole area has been transformed with this huge police presence, police accordance of the media everywhere, people coming to lay flowers, notjust from “p coming to lay flowers, notjust from up and down the residential streets but from further afield. i spoke to one chap who had cycled in from liverpooljust one chap who had cycled in from liverpool just to lay some flowers and to say that he wanted to pay his respects to the families affected, just do something very small. i think that it's a sign of community here in merseyside, the wider merseyside area, that is what happens, there is a real sense of people pulling together and just feeling these sorts of things that happened very personally and strongly for their neighbours, even if they are slightly further afield. the prime minister keir starmer think the whole nation is deeply shocked. the thing about this is so many parents can imagine taking their child to an event like this during the summer holiday. this will be happening, these events, up and
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down the country. i be happening, these events, up and down the country.— down the country. i was 'ust speaking i down the country. i was 'ust speaking to i down the country. i was 'ust speaking to friends i down the country. i was 'ust speaking to friends and h down the country. i wasjust - speaking to friends and colleagues yesterday who drop their children offered various holiday clubs at the start the school holidays and something like this happens and i think that is what has got people thinking across the country and other countries, that this is such think that feels quite close to home for so many people and the tribute paid on social media by the prince and princess of wales, when they said as parents himself they can't imagine what these families here are feeling, and i think that does really sum it up for parents in the whole area and some people i was speaking to, they said they didn't have children there yesterday but they have had children dropped off at that centre for other events and they know people who know people. it is all very close—knit and even if it isn't you don't know anyone personally connected, everyone is imagining that the horror of how that must be for these people that
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have been affected. the that must be for these people that have been affected.— have been affected. the chief constable _ have been affected. the chief constable saying, _ have been affected. the chief constable saying, i _ have been affected. the chief constable saying, i am - have been affected. the chief constable saying, i am a - have been affected. the chief| constable saying, i am a mum have been affected. the chief- constable saying, i am a mum and a nanna andi constable saying, i am a mum and a nanna and ijust can't comprehend what this would be were like, not only for the families but the locals in the street, we have seen on social media some awful pictures of their paramedics trying to treat those children in the street in the moments after it had happened and even then in tears. and they are to going to things that they don't know what they are going to turn up to. i think at the press conference yesterday by the north west ambulance service and the chief constable and fire service, they were saying the impact on the emergency services that were called here yesterday lunchtime. we know the air ambulance was trying to find places to land and people with children and those two adults in critical condition transported to hospitals across the north west, but the impact on facing that when they go to work and try and save those young people, those children is
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huge. and people i have spoken to, they have held their own makeshift videos for them overnight. i was reading a poem just on other side of the road just called hope, written by i was speaking to the wife of the guy who wrote it, and she said he just wanted to write this poem, handwritten for the families to try and give them some kind of hope for those fighting for their lives in hospital and also for this community. aha, hospital and also for this community-— hospital and also for this communi .�* , ., ., community. a question that everyone is askin: community. a question that everyone is asking is. — community. a question that everyone is asking is. why? _ community. a question that everyone is asking is, why? what _ community. a question that everyone is asking is, why? what do _ community. a question that everyone is asking is, why? what do we - community. a question that everyone is asking is, why? what do we know l is asking is, why? what do we know about the police investigation and the suspect? brute about the police investigation and the suspect?— about the police investigation and the susect? ~ ., , ., ., the suspect? we know a 17-year-old male was detained _ the suspect? we know a 17-year-old male was detained yesterday. - the suspect? we know a 17-year-old male was detained yesterday. he - the suspect? we know a 17-year-old male was detained yesterday. he is| male was detained yesterday. he is still in custody on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. and the police have said that they don't believe this incident to be terrorist related. the motive is still unclear so those investigations are still going to continue throughout the day and an address was being looked at in
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banks, a villagejust address was being looked at in banks, a village just three or four milesjust north of banks, a village just three or four miles just north of here, and we know there is a 17—year—old in custody originally from cardiff but no further details have been released and we're still in custody. here at the scene, it is cordoned off and there will be a massive forensic operation inside area. exactly, if you drive around the area, there are so many different entrances into the street and they are completely closed. and we know those investigations and forensic teams have been on the scene all of your city and the police have been coming and going and changing shifts all morning while i have been here and for people who don't know this area that well, it is houses, hair salons, cafe is, the local pub over there. we really are in the middle of a residential area in southport itself. you have the seafront a short distance away, pleasure land,
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the smaller version of blackpool pleasure beach where people go for days out and families. people come here on holiday, people live here, go to school here, retire here and this is a centre of that residential part of southport. brute this is a centre of that residential part of southport.— this is a centre of that residential part of southport. we are expecting the home secretary _ part of southport. we are expecting the home secretary to _ part of southport. we are expecting the home secretary to come - part of southport. we are expecting the home secretary to come to - the home secretary to come to southport today.— southport today. yes, she has already written _ southport today. yes, she has already written on _ southport today. yes, she has already written on social - southport today. yes, she has| already written on social media southport today. yes, she has - already written on social media she is devastated by what happened. she is devastated by what happened. she is coming to southport to meet the chief constable of merseyside police, the mayor of liverpool, the police, the mayor of liverpool, the police and crime commissioner and community leaders because you made a good point before, people are saying, why? that is a question. why did this happen, how did this happen at the start of the school holidays? and i think a prompter wider question around security and questions that will be asked much further down the line when we potentially pass where we are right now, the height of this investigation and media, but there
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will be some questions at the home secretary will be wanting to address if not today then certainly in the weeks going forward. i think it is a sign that the home secretary has come here within 24 hours of this terrible incident happening to meet people. terrible incident happening to meet --eole. 1 11 1, people. yes, and the fact that we had that statement _ people. yes, and the fact that we had that statement very - people. yes, and the fact that we had that statement very shortly l had that statement very shortly after from their king and the prince and princess of wales, the statement by sir keir starmer. itjust shows how impacted the whole country is by this. and the media, we will move on, but for this one street, this is going to be years and years where they take too, if they even can recover from this.— they take too, if they even can recover from this. exactly, i have lived and worked _ recover from this. exactly, i have lived and worked in _ recover from this. exactly, i have lived and worked in liverpool- recover from this. exactly, i have lived and worked in liverpool and the merseyside area for several years in the past and i have seen many other tragedies that have taken place here, completely unrelated to this, but the shooting, the
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hillsborough disaster to name a couple. and this is the wider city region is always very close when something like this happens. and they do stick together, they do provide the support of each other, people coming from across the wider region today, and it isn't something that today two headlines is tomorrow two headlines, and then people move on, that won't happen here and those questions will be asked in southport, merseyside and be undeliverable for a long time to come. this is when they provide the local communityjust this is when they provide the local community just somewhere to this is when they provide the local communityjust somewhere to come in and talk to? 1 11, , 1, , and talk to? yes, the community has and talk to? yes, the community has a nearby shop _ and talk to? yes, the community has a nearby shop and — and talk to? yes, the community has a nearby shop and supermarket. - and talk to? yes, the community has a nearby shop and supermarket. i - and talk to? yes, the community has| a nearby shop and supermarket. i was down the road from early this morning and some neighbours came out
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to offer everyone reporting on it and the police, bacon sandwiches, just to offer some support in reporting and trying to police such a horrendous thing that has happened. i think that will, that is a sign of the type of area this is, that coming together of the community. that coming together of the community-— that coming together of the community. that coming together of the communi . 1, , community. stay with us, as you can see there is — community. stay with us, as you can see there is a _ community. stay with us, as you can see there is a huge _ community. stay with us, as you can see there is a huge media _ community. stay with us, as you can see there is a huge media presencel see there is a huge media presence here. journalists notjust from the uk but from around the world. i still standing next to mejust uk but from around the world. i still standing next to me just now, a crew from seven use in australia. this awful, awful tragedy yesterday is resonating around the world. so many people around the world who are parents would take their children to events like this, as we said. a 17—year—old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. i want to talk now to david spencer... he is a


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