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tv   Sportsday  BBC News  July 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm BST

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way. impeded or compromised in any way. that means all of us have a responsibility not to do or say anything to cut across or prejudice the criminal investigation. we must let the police do theirjob and they have my full backing in that task. in more than that, we must show respect for the families. where there are updates merseyside police work hard to try to provide information first to the families, even though that is not easy or always possible. likewise it is extremely important that people don't spread damaging misinformation online. false information has already been extensively shared in the last 2a hours. those who do this for their own purposes risk undermining a crucial criminal investigation. i ask everyone to show some respect for the community in southport and for families who are grieving and in trauma. in these
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dark and difficult moments the police must be able to get on with their work and communities must be given the time and space to grieve and heal without outside voices seeking to use events to stir up or advance their own views. there will be other questions as the investigation develops. we will doubtfully in the days it had discussed terrible violence and its causes. the investigation will pursue any contact the suspect may or may not have had with different agencies before the incident took place. southport will no doubt be in our minds when we debate martin's law is part of the kings speech. but for today the most important focus of all it must be the injured children. the grieving and traumatise families and the people of southport who are in shock at what has happened. tonight people from across southport are gathering for a community vigil. when i visited this morning many people
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were gathering at southport football club, which had thrown its doors open for the community. and where youth workers told me they were determined to keep supporting southport and children with events this summer. i hope everybody will recognise a sense of community and solidarity that the people of southport who have come together to support each other in the most terrible of times. the words of one paramedic have stayed with me, he described how terrible it was when he arrived and how despairing he felt but also how proud he was of his colleagues and passersby who pulled together to help. he said that while facing the very worst of times he could also see around him in his colleagues and passersby who were working together to save lives the very best of humanity. and that is what we keep in our hearts as we think of southport, as we think of the grieving families and most of all our thoughts are with the little children and we keep them in our prayers tonight. i commend this
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statement to the house. shadow home secreta , statement to the house. shadow home secretary. james _ statement to the house. shadow home secretary, james cleverley. _ statement to the house. shadow home secretary, james cleverley. thank - secretary, james cleverley. thank ou mr secretary, james cleverley. thank you mr speaker- _ secretary, james cleverley. thank you mr speaker. i _ secretary, james cleverley. thank you mr speaker. i also _ secretary, james cleverley. thank you mr speaker. i also think - secretary, james cleverley. thank you mr speaker. i also think the i you mr speaker. i also think the secretary of state for an advanced copy of her statement. this was a heinous attack on innocent children and those caring for them at the start of the summer holidays. it has left no doubt families broken and a community stunned. i'm grateful to the home secretary for coming to the house to update us on this situation and i'm grateful to you, mr speaker for allowing flexibility on the order paper so that this event can be discussed. the home secretary and the prime minister have done the right thing by going to southport today to offer the governments
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condolences and i echo their sentiment. all of our thoughts are with the victims of this appalling attack. the families and the people of southport at this incredibly difficult time. ourthoughts of southport at this incredibly difficult time. our thoughts are especially with those who have lost their lives and those who are currently being treated in hospital. some of course in critical condition. we think of their families at this time. who you want to thank our emergency services who responded to this horrific attack. we should never take the bravery of those people who serve us for granted and it is a reminder when those people run towards danger and we're duty—bound to give them our support so that they can act decisively and with confidence and do everything they can to save
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lives. and of course our ongoing thanks goes to the staff of the national health service currently caring for those victims who are receiving hospital treatment. and particular thanks go to the members of public who intervened to help, despite the very significant danger to themselves. there bravery cannot be overstated. we still know little about the details of what happened yesterday in the right honourable lady is absolutely right that we give the police the time to do a proper and thorough investigation. she is also right to highlight the impact of misinformation and disinformation online. enough people are already distressed without their distrust being amplified by
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speculation and gossip online. i would ask that you follow up with the conversations i had in the united states of america or on social media platforms regarding their responsibility in this regard. it is also a reminder to all of us that we have a personal responsibility to check before we share and do not feel the need to get involved in the grief of others. it will of course be a time when we must ask how this happened so that we can take the right steps to ensure that no child, no family and no community has to face the anguish that the people southport are feeling today. it is of course too early for us to know the full picture, but an attack on innocent children enjoying their summer holiday strikes to the heart of us
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all. no matter what drove this individual to commit this appalling crime we stand together in solidarity with the people of southport today. i want to finish by saying that our hearts go out to the three young girls who have lost their lives. bebe king elsie dot stancombe,, alice dasilva aguiar, we cannot imagine what their families are going through now. i know the whole house willjoin the home secretary end to be in expressing our condolences to them. i think the home secretary for the statement. can i thank the shadow home secretary for his words and for his support for the families, the whole community in southport, particularly for his tribute to emergency service workers whom he will know from all of his past experience? at the
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heroism that they have shown but that was strained beyond anything we could have imagined with what they had to deal with it yesterday. and to his recognition of the bravery of passersby who came forward to help as well. i agree with him to do about the responsibility on every one of us, the police do need to be able to pursue this investigation. there will be whiter questions for other days with them the most important thing is that every one of us supports the police and their investigation now. i've agreed with the responsibility on social media companies because we do need to recognise there are things taking place on social media that go against their terms and conditions in their commitments as well, they need to take some responsibility for that. above all this is about young children and this is about children and theirfamilies who children and this is about children and their families who will be grieving for them and the many other children who were involved yesterday
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who will be facing great trauma as well was up this is a moment when it's notjust the people of southport who will be desperately wanting to come together to support their own, this is about all of us, not just across this their own, this is about all of us, notjust across this house but across the whole country being there for the people of southport and the families who have lost loved ones. the home secretary yvette cooper speaking there in the house of commons. hertributes speaking there in the house of commons. her tributes to the victims and families of this horrific attack in southport, echoed by the shadow home secretary james cleverley. both of them of course commending the emergency workers who attended these stabbings. reminding us that those emergency services felt absolute despair at what they were facing as they tried to save the lives of those little girls who we now know have died. also expressing pride in
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how the community has come together. that is what has happened this evening in southport with a vigil with thousands of people have been in attendance. my colleague nicky schiller has been in southport all day. he was there at the vigil for that we canjoin him there now. we've had in the last hour a minute silence and also i would estimate thousands of people here. one of the speakers at this vigil was the mayor whojoins me now. were you surprised by the number of people that have turned out this evening? i was amazed by _ turned out this evening? i was amazed by how— turned out this evening? i was amazed by how many - turned out this evening? i was amazed by how many people | turned out this evening? i was amazed by how many people but at the same time _ amazed by how many people but at the same time not surprised. i know how well the _ same time not surprised. i know how well the people of suspected and there _ well the people of suspected and there wider merseyside area do come together— there wider merseyside area do come together at a time like this. it�*s together at a time like this. it's 'ust together at a time like this. it�*s just wonderful. what was your message to the people here tonight? be kind to each other, be respectful of those _ be kind to each other, be respectful of those families who are suffering butiust_ of those families who are suffering but just be of those families who are suffering butjust be kind. give people a hug. make _
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butjust be kind. give people a hug. make sure _ butjust be kind. give people a hug. make sure that everyone is ok, call in on _ make sure that everyone is ok, call in on your— make sure that everyone is ok, call in on your neighbours, speak to a stranger, — in on your neighbours, speak to a stranger, make sure that you are there _ stranger, make sure that you are there for— stranger, make sure that you are there for them. i think that's what we need to— there for them. i think that's what we need to do for that we need to be good to— we need to do for that we need to be good to each other. what we need to do for that we need to be good to each other.— good to each other. what were your feelin . s good to each other. what were your feelings when _ good to each other. what were your feelings when you _ good to each other. what were your feelings when you heard _ good to each other. what were your feelings when you heard of- good to each other. what were your feelings when you heard of this - feelings when you heard of this yesterday?— yesterday? absolute sadness. somebody _ yesterday? absolute sadness. somebody in _ yesterday? absolute sadness. somebody in the _ yesterday? absolute sadness. somebody in the crowd - yesterday? absolute sadness. i somebody in the crowd shouted, yesterday? absolute sadness. - somebody in the crowd shouted, we shouldn't be here. that's exactly right _ shouldn't be here. that's exactly right we — shouldn't be here. that's exactly right. we shouldn't be here. that shoutdh't— right. we shouldn't be here. that shouldn't be happening. this doesn't happen— shouldn't be happening. this doesn't happen in— shouldn't be happening. this doesn't happen in a — shouldn't be happening. this doesn't happen in a seaside town like southport. whoever that was was correct, _ southport. whoever that was was correct, we — southport. whoever that was was correct, we should not be here. we've _ correct, we should not be here. we've heard just now the home secretary, shadow home secretary paying tribute to the emergency services. you must be extremely proud as well. services. you must be extremely proud as well-— services. you must be extremely proud as well. yes, they've done a wonderfuljob- _ proud as well. yes, they've done a wonderfuljob. this _ proud as well. yes, they've done a wonderfuljob. this morning - proud as well. yes, they've done a wonderfuljob. this morning the i proud as well. yes, they've done a l wonderfuljob. this morning the fire brigade _ wonderfuljob. this morning the fire brigade went and laid some reads. those _ brigade went and laid some reads. those that— brigade went and laid some reads. those that laid the reeds were at the scene, — those that laid the reeds were at the scene, they were first on the scene _ the scene, they were first on the scene yesterday and despite what they must've witnessed, the horrific
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scene _ they must've witnessed, the horrific scene that _ they must've witnessed, the horrific scene that they must've had to attend — scene that they must've had to attend they were there today in solidarity laying wreaths. that just shows _ solidarity laying wreaths. that just shows how good they are for that they are — shows how good they are for that they are wonderful and i'm really proud _ they are wonderful and i'm really proud of— they are wonderful and i'm really proud of them. i they are wonderful and i'm really proud of them.— they are wonderful and i'm really proud of them. i wrote down some of the word saying _ proud of them. i wrote down some of the word saying that _ proud of them. i wrote down some of the word saying that you _ proud of them. i wrote down some of the word saying that you hope - proud of them. i wrote down some of the word saying that you hope that i the word saying that you hope that the families could gain some support but it was hard to find the words at such a horrendous time with you and you can't help but cry. trio. such a horrendous time with you and you can't help but cry.— you can't help but cry. no, i can't. each time — you can't help but cry. no, i can't. each time somebody _ you can't help but cry. no, i can't. each time somebody gives - you can't help but cry. no, i can't. each time somebody gives me i you can't help but cry. no, i can't. i each time somebody gives me a hug or says to _ each time somebody gives me a hug or says to me. _ each time somebody gives me a hug or says to me, how are you feeling, i -et says to me, how are you feeling, i get a _ says to me, how are you feeling, i get a feeling in my stomach, i'm holding — get a feeling in my stomach, i'm holding myself together. i get imagine — holding myself together. i get imagine how it feels for those affected. because all of us are affected — affected. because all of us are affected. ijust can't help but weep for those _ affected. ijust can't help but weep for those families and those chitdren— for those families and those children whojust want for those families and those children who just want to dance. that— children who just want to dance. that is— children who just want to dance. that is the — children who just want to dance. that is the point. they were there for a summer holiday activity. i think what resonates around the country come around the world is that could happen anywhere around
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the world, couldn't it? it that could happen anywhere around the world, couldn't it?— the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. the world, couldn't it? it certainly could- you _ the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. you just _ the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. you just don't _ the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. you just don't expect i the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. you just don't expect it i the world, couldn't it? it certainly could. you just don't expect it to | could. you just don't expect it to happen, — could. you just don't expect it to happen, how somebody can get their head around what has gone on yesterday, it's got to be difficult. it's yesterday, it's got to be difficult. it's going — yesterday, it's got to be difficult. it's going to be an extremely long road for— it's going to be an extremely long road for everybody involved. merseyside, probably the whole country — merseyside, probably the whole country. this isn't what you want for your— country. this isn't what you want for your home town. it'sjust country. this isn't what you want for your home town. it's just such a sad evening — for your home town. it's just such a sad evening. but wonderful to see so many— sad evening. but wonderful to see so many people supporting each other. what can— many people supporting each other. what can you do to offer support going forward? just what can you do to offer support going forward?— what can you do to offer support going forward? just be there. the same as everybody _ going forward? just be there. the same as everybody else, - going forward? just be there. the same as everybody else, i'm i going forward? just be there. the same as everybody else, i'm just| going forward? just be there. the i same as everybody else, i'm just an ordinary— same as everybody else, i'm just an ordinary person. just be there for everyone — ordinary person. just be there for everyone so is said before, if somebody looks like they are struggling just give them a little i'iul. struggling just give them a little hug. touch them, ask them, make sure that you _ hug. touch them, ask them, make sure that you catt— hug. touch them, ask them, make sure that you call in — hug. touch them, ask them, make sure that you call in on people and just be there _ that you call in on people and just be there for each other at this sad time _ be there for each other at this sad time. ~ �* , ., , time. we've seen the solidarity
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toda . time. we've seen the solidarity today. reeves _ time. we've seen the solidarity today. reeves seen, _ time. we've seen the solidarity today. reeves seen, the i time. we've seen the solidarity i today. reeves seen, the problem is why there is at the moment the police investigation no answer to that question. trio. police investigation no answer to that question-— police investigation no answer to that cuestion. ., ., . , ., . that question. no, no answer to that cuestion. that question. no, no answer to that question- i'm — that question. no, no answer to that question. i'm not— that question. no, no answer to that question. i'm not sure _ that question. no, no answer to that question. i'm not sure we _ that question. no, no answer to that question. i'm not sure we will i question. i'm not sure we will ever find an— question. i'm not sure we will ever find an answerto question. i'm not sure we will ever find an answer to that question to be honest — find an answer to that question to be honest. we will leave the police to maybe _ be honest. we will leave the police to maybe find out more. can you ever answer _ to maybe find out more. can you ever answer that _ to maybe find out more. can you ever answer that question? i'm to maybe find out more. can you ever answerthat question? i'm not to maybe find out more. can you ever answer that question? i'm not sure that you _ answer that question? i'm not sure that you can — answer that question? i'm not sure that you can. can you ever say that it was— that you can. can you ever say that it was because of this reason that? i'm it was because of this reason that? i'm not— it was because of this reason that? i'm not quite sure that we ever could — i'm not quite sure that we ever could. in— i'm not quite sure that we ever could. , ., i'm not quite sure that we ever could. y., , ,., i'm not quite sure that we ever could. ., could. in your message you asked for a calm and — could. in your message you asked for a calm and respect _ could. in your message you asked for a calm and respect going _ could. in your message you asked for a calm and respect going forward. i a calm and respect going forward. that is what this child needs, isn't it?, and respect for that column for each other so that we don't start to feel were all out of control. band feel were all out of control. and resect feel were all out of control. and respect for _ feel were all out of control. and respect for those _ feel were all out of control. and respect for those affected by the events _ respect for those affected by the events of— respect for those affected by the events of yesterday. i appreciate our events of yesterday. i appreciate your time- _ events of yesterday. i appreciate your time. there _ events of yesterday. i appreciate your time. there you _ events of yesterday. i appreciate your time. there you can - events of yesterday. i appreciate your time. there you can see i events of yesterday. i appreciate | your time. there you can see how events of yesterday. i appreciate i your time. there you can see how the community is trying to come to gatherfor
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community is trying to come to gather for that we've had this vigil, the minute silence and thousands of people were here for the still around me as you can see hundreds of people remaining here in the town centre, coming together to try and offer each other some support after those horrendous advents in the town yesterday. hider;r advents in the town yesterday. nicky schiller, thank _ advents in the town yesterday. nicky schiller, thank you _ advents in the town yesterday. nicky schiller, thank you very _ advents in the town yesterday. nicky schiller, thank you very much. our correspondent in southport. there will be more from us here on bbc news between seven and eight o'clock this evening as we reflect on what has happened in southport over the last couple of days. also that vigil thatis last couple of days. also that vigil that is been held this evening. for the moment we willjoin my colleague for world today. the moment we willjoin my colleague forworld today. saying the moment we willjoin my colleague for world today. saying that some foreign countries have been asking citizens to leave, flights are being stopped in and out of the country. are being stopped in and out of the count . ., ., , ,
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country. from one side it sounds like the failure _ country. from one side it sounds like the failure for _ country. from one side it sounds like the failure for the _ country. from one side it sounds like the failure for the us. i country. from one side it sounds like the failure for the us. many| like the failure for the us. many people see it in this way. some media reported that the us has kind of pushing israel to not to attack and avoid attacking any area in beirut or any area inside beirut which is controlled by has a lot feeling for the escalation. just before this attack i was talking to one of the mothers of the militia in iraq, he told me that he just came back from iran and he mentioned that iran has given iraqi shieh militia its full blessing for starting to resume their attack against the us bases for the we know there was a hierarchy shieh militia attack towards israeli courts. but now
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officially they say that they are going after any attack. they were telling me that any attack on beirut will result to resume attacks on us bases with the i know that us bases now are on high alert pulled up if you'rejoining us here on bbc news, just to bring you up to speed with what's been happening for them israel has confirmed it is carried out a targeted strike for the israel's army and says it is carried out a strike on beirut targeting the hazlitt commander it says was responsible for the attack on the golan heights.— responsible for the attack on the golan heights. we're “oined by our correspondent h golan heights. we're “oined by our correspondent in i golan heights. we're joined by our correspondent in southern - golan heights. we're joined by our. correspondent in southern lebanon. hugo, get us up to speed with what is been happening for that we mentioned that israel has confirmed that it carried out a targeted strike in it to beirut. do we know
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it yet casualties or how severe the blast was? ~ �* , it yet casualties or how severe the blast was?— it yet casualties or how severe the blast was? ~ �* , , . , ., blast was? we're seeing pictures of the destruction, _ blast was? we're seeing pictures of the destruction, at _ blast was? we're seeing pictures of the destruction, at least _ blast was? we're seeing pictures of the destruction, at least one i the destruction, at least one building partially collapsed in that area where the attack happened in the southern suburb of beirut. the significant of the attack is that happen in an area controlled by his brother in the capital of beirut. so his brother may see the israeli attack as a provocation, and escalation in the hostilities. and may decide that they have no other option then retaliate. —— option then retaliate.hezbollah this could lead to another escalation for the lebanese media reporting that at least one person was killed. several people have been injured as a result of this attack.
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this is a densely populated area of beirut. this happened about in an hour ago, just after half past seven in the evening here in lebanon. the israeli authorities have confirmed that they were behind this attack. they said that the target was a commander that was behind the attack that happened on saturday. that hit the israeli occupied golan heights, killing 12 children and teenagers with up right after that attack the israeli authorities promised a response, a severe response. they blamed. saying that a three claim date redline. has bella had claimed it attack on saturday in the area of this explosion but then after the scale of this attack became clear it denied any kind of responsibility,
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any involvement in this attack that happened on saturday for days we've been waiting for this response. israeli response promising a retaliation and all this happened this evening with these southern suburbs of beirut, eight and three stronghold being hit. you suburbs of beirut, eight and three stronghold being hit.— stronghold being hit. you did mention the _ stronghold being hit. you did mention the statement i stronghold being hit. you did mention the statement by i stronghold being hit. you did| mention the statement by the stronghold being hit. you did i mention the statement by the idea stronghold being hit. you did - mention the statement by the idea of for that we can show that now. this line from the defence ministry saying that has blocked across the redline with an operational update. you can see in your screen. saying... just to bring you back into the connotation, market, we're seeing
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that statement from the idea. it does seem like they are trying to state the reason for this strike. also try to align under it. possibly. i think the fact that they are not— possibly. i think the fact that they are not changing those instructions to israeiis— are not changing those instructions to israelis living close to the border— to israelis living close to the border in _ to israelis living close to the border in terms of the shelter that they need — border in terms of the shelter that they need to seek it will be an element — they need to seek it will be an element of reassurance to them that they are _ element of reassurance to them that they are perhaps not expecting an imminent— they are perhaps not expecting an imminent response. i should tell you that the _ imminent response. i should tell you that the israeli media is reporting that the israeli media is reporting that the _ that the israeli media is reporting that the target as i mentioned earlier, — that the target as i mentioned earlier, just to bring you back up to date _ earlier, just to bring you back up to date with that was a man known as a senior— to date with that was a man known as a senior adviser to the head of hezbollah. israeli media reporting we cannot— hezbollah. israeli media reporting we cannot independently verify that at the _ we cannot independently verify that at the moment. the target was a senior— at the moment. the target was a senior adviser to hezbollah. the interesting thing about this guy if
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indeed _ interesting thing about this guy if indeed he was a target is that he was also — indeed he was a target is that he was also wanted pies that you as for the attacks— was also wanted pies that you as for the attacks on the us marine core barracks _ the attacks on the us marine core barracks in — the attacks on the us marine core barracks in 1983 which killed 241 american — barracks in 1983 which killed 241 american marines. it was the deadliest _ american marines. it was the deadliest attack on american marines at the _ deadliest attack on american marines at the second war. in attack swiftly foiiowed _ at the second war. in attack swiftly followed by another attack on 58 french _ followed by another attack on 58 french paratroopers. that is on israeli media that he is the target there's— israeli media that he is the target there's another media report, not confirmed — there's another media report, not confirmed which is that he has potentially survived the attack tonight — potentially survived the attack tonight. we will wait to see if we can stand — tonight. we will wait to see if we can stand that out for that whether we get _ can stand that out for that whether we get only blind confirming the entity— we get only blind confirming the entity of— we get only blind confirming the entity of the attack. already the idf entity of the attack. already the w were — entity of the attack. already the idf were saying that a senior commander it was a target. it could indeed _ commander it was a target. it could indeed be _ commander it was a target. it could indeed be this bad for them and whether— indeed be this bad for them and whether or not he survived the incident, — whether or not he survived the incident, hugo was a reports of one
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person— incident, hugo was a reports of one person killed in this drone attack, they think— person killed in this drone attack, they think it was a drone attack in southern — they think it was a drone attack in southern beirut for that we don't know _ southern beirut for that we don't know exactly who was killed. as hugo was underlining, the question tonight— was underlining, the question tonight whether this is an isolated or targeted, tonight whether this is an isolated ortargeted, one tonight whether this is an isolated or targeted, one single targeted attack— or targeted, one single targeted attack or— or targeted, one single targeted attack or whether it goes further. bear— attack or whether it goes further. bear in _ attack or whether it goes further. bear in mind, nine months into the war in— bear in mind, nine months into the war in gaza— bear in mind, nine months into the war in gaza fighting is still raging there _ war in gaza fighting is still raging there. hamas has not been eliminated as benjamin— there. hamas has not been eliminated as benjamin netanyahu has stated. the aim _ as benjamin netanyahu has stated. the aim of— as benjamin netanyahu has stated. the aim of total victory as he said would _ the aim of total victory as he said would be — the aim of total victory as he said would be the total obliteration of hamas — would be the total obliteration of hamas. that is not happened yet. israeii _ hamas. that is not happened yet. israeli forces are still involved in heavy— israeli forces are still involved in heavy combat up and down gaza. munitions — heavy combat up and down gaza. munitions have run low, israel can frames— munitions have run low, israel can frames frequently that it wants with her delivery of weapons from america for that— her delivery of weapons from america for that -- _ her delivery of weapons from america for that —— complains frequently. would _ for that —— complains frequently. would israel be ready at this stage to open— would israel be ready at this stage to open up— would israel be ready at this stage to open up a significant second front, — to open up a significant second front, and _ to open up a significant second front, and all out war against
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metairie? _ front, and all out war against metairie? possibly not. that said there _ metairie? possibly not. that said there is— metairie? possibly not. that said there is pressure from israelis who have _ there is pressure from israelis who have been— there is pressure from israelis who have been evacuated close to the border _ have been evacuated close to the border with lebanon to the 60,000 or so in the _ border with lebanon to the 60,000 or so in the last— border with lebanon to the 60,000 or so in the last few months to neutralise the threat for the there's— neutralise the threat for the there's another factor, which is benjamin — there's another factor, which is benjamin netanyahu popularity which is plummeted since the 7th of october— is plummeted since the 7th of october and before that could it we can prime _ october and before that could it we can prime minister be tempted to try to expand _ can prime minister be tempted to try to expand the fight into lebanon knowing — to expand the fight into lebanon knowing that potentially when the .uns knowing that potentially when the guns fail— knowing that potentially when the guns fall silent in this region, so could _ guns fall silent in this region, so could the — guns fall silent in this region, so could the end of his time in office? there _ could the end of his time in office? there are _ could the end of his time in office? there are plenty of elements of factors — there are plenty of elements of factors at — there are plenty of elements of factors at play here. obviously, both _ factors at play here. obviously, both sides _ factors at play here. obviously, both sides aware that a significant escalation— both sides aware that a significant escalation to an all out war could be something that could be extremely dangerous— be something that could be extremely dangerous and something that could really— dangerous and something that could really turn _ dangerous and something that could really turn into a regional inferno, which _ really turn into a regional inferno, which is _ really turn into a regional inferno, which is all— really turn into a regional inferno, which is all international players are warning against. we which is all international players are warning against.—
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are warning against. we can't underestimate _ are warning against. we can't underestimate the _ are warning against. we can't underestimate the internal i are warning against. we can't i underestimate the internal politics in israel and now it's playing a part in what's playing out. i want to draw attention to our views of what we see now. live pictures coming from beirut you can see large crowds gathering for that everyone standing relatively still, waiting to see what is happening. we see flashing lights from emergency services we have yet to get confirmation of the numbers are how much damage was caused by this strike into beirut. for those who have justjoined us that are catching up with a story that israel has made a hit or in attack on to a suburb of beirut in an attempt to strike back, just remind us again who strike back, just remind us hezbollah are end the conflict within israel. i'm looking up into the sky because there is some activity here, potentially of israeli aircraft near the border.
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hezbollah it is heavily armed, extremely powerful militia and political party based in lebanon, supported by iran. it has an arsenal of more than 150,000, an estimated hundred and 50,000 missiles and rockets, including precision guided missiles that could strike deep in side israel. there is the concern that any kind of major confrontation here could cause a lot of destruction in israel. and here in lebanon a lot of people still remember what happened in 2006, the war between hezbollah the cause a lot of destruction and the cause a lot of destruction and the airport was hit by the israeli military. and hezbollah is the main player supported by iran
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across the middle east. the so—called axis of resistance some of these groups has said they would join, help if in case of a major conflict against israel. i think still there have been signs that both do not want major confrontation. both understand that they could be major conch singing ?? transmit 7? metairie they could be major conch singing ?? transmit ?? metairie has a lot of support, especially among shear muslims in the country.- muslims in the country. this is a u-rou muslims in the country. this is a group that _ muslims in the country. this is a group that acts _ muslims in the country. this is a group that acts as _ muslims in the country. this is a group that acts as a _ muslims in the country. this is a group that acts as a state - muslims in the country. this is a group that acts as a state within | group that acts as a state within the state that has been some criticism. ., , ., , ,.,, ., the state that has been some criticism. ., , ., , ., ., criticism. people opposed to what has blood is _ criticism. people opposed to what has blood is doing _ criticism. people opposed to what has blood is doing because - criticism. people opposed to what has blood is doing because they i has blood is doing because they believe that his brother is dragging lebanon into a conflict with israel thatis lebanon into a conflict with israel that is not in the countries interest. again, lebanon is going
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through a number of challenges. it has been in a state of permanent crisis for years now. huge economic crisis, huge political crisis. it is a very difficult moment for the country. now people really concerned that this could escalate and become a major conflict between his brother and israel. , _, . , and israel. this conflict between three and has _ and israel. this conflict between three and has been _ and israel. this conflict between three and has been ordered i and israel. this conflict between three and has been ordered for. and israel. this conflict between i three and has been ordered for many years without it did kick off with more regularity after the october seventh attack by hamas. that plays a big part in what we're seeing him at this conflict between these two players. at this conflict between these two -la ers. .. , , at this conflict between these two -laers. , at this conflict between these two -la ers. , ,,., ., players. exactly. his brother and hamas are _ players. exactly. his brother and hamas are part _ players. exactly. his brother and hamas are part of— players. exactly. his brother and hamas are part of the _ players. exactly. his brother and hamas are part of the alliance i players. exactly. his brother and hamas are part of the alliance of forces supported by iran. metairie
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started attacking israel a day after the hamas attacks on october the 7th. they say they are supporting palestinians in gaza, supporting hamas in gaza. since the beginning of these attacks there has been the fear that some kind of miscalculation or any kind of attack with a high number of casualties, civilian casualties, just like the ones that we saw on saturday could trigger an escalation here that could see a major conflict between israel and hezbollah. over the last few days we have seen a lot of diplomatic activity, in particular from the americans to try to limit this is very responsible to the american saying that israel had the right to defend itself. the americans again supported the view that this was in attack that was carried out by his brother from lebanon. the attack that happened on
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saturday. there was a lot of activity behind the scenes to try to limit this israeli response to avoid another escalation of hostilities here and avoid putting actively in a position where they feel they had to retaliate. tonight the question is, his brother is going to respond to an attack, targeting a senior has villa commander in southern route which is one of a battery stronghold in the lebanese capital beirut. let's remind you of the breaking news out of the middle east, the israeli military says it has carried out a strike in beirut on the hezbollah commander which it says was responsible for a deadly attack that killed 12 young people in the israeli occupied golan heights on saturday. the statement came in shortly after there was a big blast in the southern suburbs of beirut,
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where hezbollah has a


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