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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 31, 2024 9:30am-10:01am BST

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doors behind me. a reminder of the charges huw edwards faces — three charges huw edwards faces — three charges of making indecent images of children, he's accused of making 37 images, six of which are said to be of an extreme nature. what's expected to happen today, this is the first court appearance, the first step on the legal ladder when you are facing charges. he will be expected to confirm his name, date of birth, address, nationality and the charges he faces will be read to him. he's expected to enter... excuse me. expected to enter a guilty or not guilty plea. this issue edwards, very famous news anchor, presenting the ten o'clock news for years as well as the election programme that used to be presented by david dimbleby, he took overin presented by david dimbleby, he took over in 2019. this is the significant moments, the first time will see him since he left the bbc,
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since he stopped presenting at last july. he resigned from the organisation on medical grounds in april after a career spanning a0 years. april after a career spanning 40 ears. . ~' april after a career spanning 40 ears. . ~ , ., we will return to westminster magistrates' court as soon as we get any developments and what plea huw edwards put in. you are watching bbc news. if you are just tuning if you arejust tuning in, a reminder that we are talking about the breaking news that one of hamas top leaders, ismail haniyeh, is dead, according to the group. they claim that israel is behind the attack and this happened during a
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raid on his residence in tehran during a visit for the iranians president's inauguration. so far we have not heard from israel themselves. they have not claimed this attack or commented specifically on it yet. let's talk to an international negotiator at chatham house. thank you for your time. we keep talking about the risk of escalation because that is, of course, the primary concern when something like this happens. what do you make in terms of israel's perspective, the way they will greet this news when it comes to their overall objectives in this war? thank you for having me on your show, that is an excellent question. it is a pivotal moment, let me just say that, a very, very dangerous place, given that the assassination was on iranians soil. you know,
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during the inauguration of the incoming reformist iranian president. as you know, an iranian bodyguard was also assassinated. it is quite alarming in terms of where we are at. in terms of a reaction, israel has said one of the main goals of the girls of war was to take out the hamas leadership. so ismail haniyeh is the number—one leader and think the reaction in certainly the very extreme messianic right wing government in israel is going to be one of celebration. which, again, is very concerning. but also the number two has been presumed, almost confirmed by the israelis. so that is two out of
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three of the senior leadership members of hamas. that is if you want to look at this through an optimistic lens and say, ok, this has taken place, maybe israel can claim they have achieved their goal. however, yahya sinwar, the chief perpetrator of the massacres of the 7th of october is still alive in the tunnels in gaza, surrounded by hostages. i think that until they get him, either dead or alive, the war is unlikely to end. he touched on iran's reaction _ war is unlikely to end. he touched on iran's reaction and _ war is unlikely to end. he touched on iran's reaction and we - war is unlikely to end. he touched on iran's reaction and we have - on iran's reaction and we have reported that the supreme leader has said they will avenge ismail haniyeh death. and this raid, according to hamas was during the visit for the
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inauguration of the reigning president. they said they will make israel regret the cowardly killing of ismail haniyeh and that it would defend its integrity. according to afp, the news agency, ismail haniyeh was described as a brave leader by the president and the leader of hamas ismail haniyeh was based in qatar and therefore the inauguration. and they said this has provided the ground for a harsh punishment. we are talking about strong words, condemnations from across the region. given your own background as a negotiator and your knowledge of the sort of processes, where does this leave the ceasefire deal? i where does this leave the ceasefire deal? ~ , ., ., ., deal? i think it is not going to hel the deal? i think it is not going to help the ceasefire _ deal? i think it is not going to help the ceasefire deal. - deal? i think it is not going to | help the ceasefire deal. qatar, deal? i think it is not going to - help the ceasefire deal. qatar, he mentioned that ismail haniyeh was
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based in qatar. he moved to qatar and has been based there for a number of years and he was also viewed as the most pragmatic among the hamas leadership in the negotiations. it is going to be rather tricky. negotiations. it is going to be rathertricky. he negotiations. it is going to be rather tricky. he is not there and as you know, qatar themselves have condemned this as a heinous act and they are not likely to want to rush to resolve the situation. and time is running out, because the us is heading towards an election and unless this is resolved very soon, key negotiators are qatar, egypt and the united states and without the involvement of all three it is unlikely a deal will reached. i don't see this as good news for the hostages in gaza and for the population of gaza. 0f hostages in gaza and for the population of gaza. of course, this affects the whole region, because i do believe the key to stability is
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ending the war in gaza and paving a very, very defined, clear path to security in two states, meaning a palestinian state alongside an israeli state. that has to be negotiated, it is not something that is just going to happen. negotiated, it is not something that isjust going to happen.— isjust going to happen. aright, thank ou isjust going to happen. aright, thank you for— isjust going to happen. aright, thank you for that. _ isjust going to happen. aright, thank you for that. i _ isjust going to happen. aright, thank you for that. i want - isjust going to happen. aright, thank you for that. i want to i isjust going to happen. aright, i thank you for that. i want to bring an update now, the israeli government's press office has posted an image of ismail haniyeh on facebook. as you can see it has the words, eliminated, stamped across his forehead. it is accompanied by the caption, eliminated, ismail haniyeh, hamas' highest leader was killed in a precise strike in tehran, iran. as a reminder, ismail haniyeh headed hamas' political bureau and youyou, another senior
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leader is still alive, according to hamas and this is the first reaction we have had so far that claims the attack by israel of the assassination, rather of the high mass leader. let's speak to the former israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff to four foreign ministers. i hope you are listening there and have seen that image, that post that has been released by the israeli government's press office, what do you make of that announcement and the time it took, what calculation where they making the way they note that read? good morning. you know, it was clear who was behind this. the few hours of non—admission, you know, no comment werejust an of non—admission, you know, no comment were just an exercise in time stalling to see reactions, to ascertain facts and now that it is
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common knowledge, israel comes out with a more or less admission or more or less assuming responsibility for this. more or less assuming responsibility forthis. but more or less assuming responsibility for this. but this was inevitable and obvious.— for this. but this was inevitable and obvious. ., , ., and obvious. right, and in terms of that picture — and obvious. right, and in terms of that picture we _ and obvious. right, and in terms of that picture we saw— and obvious. right, and in terms of that picture we saw there, - that picture we saw there, eliminated stamped on his forehead, benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet have made it clear that eliminating hamas has been one of their primary goal throughout this war. where does that leave the course, that goal, how close are they to achieving that elimination? look, these people who have been eliminated throughout the years are all dispensable and all replaceable. this is not a strategy. sometimes people tend to take these targeted killings or assassinations as some kind of a strategy. they delude themselves into thinking there is a cause. this is tactics, it is
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justified, it is warranted, i can defend this, that is fine, that is not a strategy. and it brings the question, well, two questions, actually. 0ne question, well, two questions, actually. one is, if this is what israel wanted to do and if this is what israel feels justified, why hasn't israel done this in the last ten months or at least in the first two or three months rather than drop a 900 kilo bomb in populated areas in gaza. this is a much more efficient way of conducting the war other than the full—scale invasion and destruction and ruins left behind. so you ask yourself, if this could be done, then why did you not do this before? there is always intelligence, there is always a lack of intelligence, there is always the question of opportunity and the
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sensitive issue of the venue. you could not do it in qatar, iran is fair game as faras could not do it in qatar, iran is fair game as far as israel is concerned. that is question number one. question number two is, aside from the fact and i repeat myself, i am sorry, that it is something that can be justified, am sorry, that it is something that can bejustified, the question is, was the prospect of the potential of escalation seriously factored into the decision? 0k, escalation seriously factored into the decision? ok, you have killed this guy, he deserves to die five times, fine. what was achieved here as opposed to the potential of the risk of escalation, broad, regional escalation? i am risk of escalation, broad, regional escalation? iam not risk of escalation, broad, regional escalation? i am not saying they should not have been done, all i am saying is it seems like it wasn't done. . . . saying is it seems like it wasn't done. ., ., done. that is an important point you make because _ done. that is an important point you make because in _ done. that is an important point you make because in 2000 _ done. that is an important point you make because in 2000 and - done. that is an important point you make because in 2000 and 412 - done. that is an important point you j make because in 2000 and 412 tacro leaders were killed in the past by israel as well and they reformed.
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you sound critical and solely focusing on eliminating these hamas leaders, could you tell us about some of the domestic pressure that the war cabinet and benjamin netanyahu have been facing as well when it comes to balancing that with getting the hostages home? i am not critical, getting the hostages home? i am not critical. quite — getting the hostages home? i am not critical, quite the _ getting the hostages home? i am not critical, quite the contrary. _ getting the hostages home? i am not critical, quite the contrary. i - critical, quite the contrary. i think they should have been done in the first place instead of a widescale military invasion of gaza. 0k, widescale military invasion of gaza. ok, so i am all for the assassinations. all i am saying is, all i am saying is do not, meaning the israeli government, do not delude ourselves into thinking this is a strategy. there are two or three domestic questions, two levels of domestic questions, one is to show something people can identify with. the horrors and the deflation of israelis after october the 7th
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demanded such action. that is one type of pressure. until now it wasn't attained, israel failed to do so. it was done yesterday, ten months later. the second set of questions is to create what is called a victory photo, a triumph picture, something that would allow, conceivably, i am picture, something that would allow, conceivably, iam not picture, something that would allow, conceivably, i am not saying it is going to happen, but conceivably allow israel to say, enough is enough, the wall is in fact over. we have done what we can militarily in gaza, we have targeted, assassinated ismail haniyeh in iran. we will still be looking out for yahya sinwar, the military leader of hamas who is hiding somewhere in the underground in gaza. that will not stop but other than that the war is done and that should lead to a
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ceasefire and hostage deal. and firstly i go back to the point i made to you a moment ago, this could lead to an escalation that could in fact distance is even further away from hostage deal a ceasefire. so it really remains to be seen in the next few days how this will play out. it next few days how this will play out. . . next few days how this will play out. , , ., , ., next few days how this will play out. , , ., out. it is interesting what you say in terms of _ out. it is interesting what you say in terms of this _ out. it is interesting what you say in terms of this perhaps - out. it is interesting what you say in terms of this perhaps not - out. it is interesting what you say| in terms of this perhaps not being an overall strategy, but preferable to what was happening in gaza and the casualties, the scale of the casualties, the civilian casualties, thatis casualties, the civilian casualties, that is something we have been hearing from the united states as well. given your experience and background, i wonder what you think it was likely in terms of information passed between israel and the united states about this and how the us is likely to view this development?— how the us is likely to view this development? how the us is likely to view this develoment? , ., , , development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and — development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and i'm _ development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and i'm not _ development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and i'm not trying - development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and i'm not trying to - development? 0k, let me phrase this differently and i'm not trying to be - differently and i'm not trying to be clever with you, i am trying to
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overcome the lack of information. i don't think this could have been done without us assistance. i don't think this could have been carried out without us intelligence gathering and intelligence sharing. and i don't think israel would have done that without american consent. that does not mean israel is asking permission, israel has a green light, so to speak, use the cliche from america to do these kind of things from the outset. but i am saying, hitting a target 2000 kilometres away in tehran with that type of precision requires more than what israel's intelligence is capable of, even if we attribute to it, the highest quality level. this needs american acquiescence and cooperation. if i need to somehow
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find an indication that what i am saying is right, look at what the defence secretary and one of your previous guests mentioned, look at what lloyd austin, the us defence secretary said a few hours ago. he said, if israel is attacked we will come to its assistance. he did not specify what assistance is and he did not specify what if israel is attacked means. ithink did not specify what if israel is attacked means. i think what he meant was, if this escalates, if this expands into iranians and israeli exchange of salvos, as was the case in mid april, or aboard the front, and let's not forget ismail haniyeh's assassination comes on the heels of another targeted killing in beirut yesterday of mr phil read shuker, if that ignites, if that
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precipitates a regionwide conflict, the us, according to the secretary of defence, it will come to israel's assistance. that is my clearest indication that the us was in on this. how much and to what extent, i don't know. this. how much and to what extent, i don't know— don't know. thank you so much, that was a clear— don't know. thank you so much, that was a clear assessment _ don't know. thank you so much, that was a clear assessment and - don't know. thank you so much, that was a clear assessment and we - don't know. thank you so much, that was a clear assessment and we do i was a clear assessment and we do appreciate your time. i do want to bring you some more updates from around because we are getting lines from the guard corps, a reminder they are a powerful military and political force as well as well as an economic force in iran. they have said they will retaliate. iran's ambassador in lebanon has said that iran hasn't been seeking to expand the war but iran will not allow the region to be prey for the us and
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israel and iran's guard corps said this is a violation of international rules and regulations, that it will respond to this crime. it said iran and the resistance front will respond to this crime, so referring to its alliance with hamas as well as hezbollah. let's talk about that and look a little closer with our next guest, chief editor of the independent persian. thank you for your time. independent persian. thank you for yourtime. i independent persian. thank you for your time. i want to get your reaction to some of what we have been hearing from the supreme leader, from masoud pezeshkian as well as the reigning guard corps. this is a blow in terms of their security and power in the region but there are real things, elements they need to consider when it comes to escalation?— need to consider when it comes to escalation? ., ,, , ., , . ., escalation? thank you very much for hostin: escalation? thank you very much for hosting me —
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escalation? thank you very much for hosting me today. _ escalation? thank you very much for hosting me today. the _ escalation? thank you very much for hosting me today. the important - escalation? thank you very much for| hosting me today. the important fact about this assassination is where ismail haniyeh was residing. he was in a compound of the revolutionary guards, one of the most secure areas in tehran and security was in the hands of the revolutionary guards. it is very interesting to understand the type of attack that happened. it was a drone and a missile that targeted him from the aircraft. those questions are still on the table and we don't have much information as they are investigating, i guess. information as they are investigating, iguess. if information as they are investigating, i guess. if they shared their security investigations, we hope it does, it will give us a better and clear internal picture of this assassination. whether it was
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israeli agents or israelis with drones and other civilians have been targeted, ismail haniyeh inside the compound. i heard your previous guest he was speaking about the american's green light for this type of attack. the one in lebanon and in tehran. american knowledge and approval, the israelis never taking such a major attack directly inside the capital of tehran and mr netanyahu recently the capital of tehran and mr neta nyahu recently was the capital of tehran and mr netanyahu recently was in the united states and it is possible there was further discussion with the us president and other politicians inside of the us to give him the opportunity tojust inside of the us to give him the opportunity to just conduct such an attack. in iran, iam hearing the questions over the death of ibrahim,
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and how his helicopter crashed. when we heard the attack happened in tehran, this question comes back in the picture that is possible he was targeted by israelis over the retaliation, the israelis are saying that would be due over the attack by the regime... that would be due over the attack by the regime---— the regime... that is a really interesting — the regime... that is a really interesting point _ the regime... that is a really interesting point you - the regime... that is a really interesting point you bring i the regime... that is a really. interesting point you bring up, the regime... that is a really - interesting point you bring up, but does not touch back again on security and how much of a blow that would be. the helicopter he was in, we don't know what happened then, israel hasn't claimed any attack when it comes to the former president's death. but here was a
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high—profile event where you would imagine security was on high alert. could you tell us more in the context of his visit, this was an inauguration of a president and he also was accompanied, he was there with other proxy leaders from the houthis, there was a senior figure from the houthis as well as a figure from the houthis as well as a figure from hezbollah as well. could you lay that out in terms of the magnitude of the security breach of this kind? i magnitude of the security breach of this kind? ., , ., ,., ., this kind? i tried to 'ust elaborate the fact that _ this kind? i tried to just elaborate the fact that perhaps _ this kind? i tried to just elaborate the fact that perhaps there - this kind? i tried to just elaborate the fact that perhaps there was i this kind? i tried to just elaborate - the fact that perhaps there was some accomplices inside iran, helping to recognise this target in more secure areas. you'vejust recognise this target in more secure areas. you've just named the other official visiting tehran during the inauguration, from the houthis and from hezbollah. but ismail haniyeh was the most senior person visiting tehran and he was in the top wanted
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list of the israelis. in the past few years they wanted to get hold of him and these days, when 0ctober few years they wanted to get hold of him and these days, when october the 7th happened, ismail haniyeh was on the radar of the israelis. it is interesting to see if there would be accomplices or somebody helping the israelis inside iran to carry out this assassination. but i can see the other part of the picture, killing ismail haniyeh would be a very big victory for benjamin netanyahu, for his far right government and he was under pressure, this nine months of the war in gaza that would give him the upper hand. but in tehran, they would empowered the extremists which we were hearing the new government is leaning towards more dialogue. it
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will create an atmosphere which the peace deal in gaza is under question and it pushes it back. inside tehran, i am sure there are agents and we can see many times situations happen in high level of iran, nuclear scientists involved in the nuclear scientists involved in the nuclear programme. israelis take this, but it is a little bit too early to say. this, but it is a little bit too early to say-— this, but it is a little bit too earl tosa. ., . ., early to say. thank you so much for our early to say. thank you so much for your time- — early to say. thank you so much for your time- we _ early to say. thank you so much for your time. we will _ early to say. thank you so much for your time. we will hear _ early to say. thank you so much for your time. we will hear more - early to say. thank you so much for your time. we will hear more from | your time. we will hear more from you. chief editor of the independent persian. as a reminder, if you are justjoining us, we are covering the breaking news that one of the top leaders of hamas, who headed the
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political bureau has been killed. we heard that verse from hamas, it happened during a raid in tehran. we have also heard that from israel now as well. stay with us. hello again. there is a risk of thunderstorms coming into the south—east. pollen levels are low and moderate across the board. grass pollen in decline. we still talking about weeds. as we go through today the risk of the thunderstorms in the south—east could produce some torrential downpours with the chance of some localised flooding. but we won't all see them. a lot of dry weather around, lots the sun shines and some fair whether cloud and a time to see some more cloud coming in from the north sea across eastern parts of scotland and north—east england. and a bit more cloud today
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for northern ireland. but here are the thundery showers and again some downpours from them coming in from the english channel and pushing across the south—east. temperatures today about 22 in glasgow and 20 in belfast, 28 in cardiff and london. at the west midlands, gloucestershire in towards the west country could see 30 or 31. this evening we start on a dry know but then further thunderstorms will develop and they become more widespread across england and wales and again some torrential downpours but not all of us will catch one. temperatures will be muggy in the south and not as cold as it was in part of scotland last night when the temperature fell to just over 1 degrees. tomorrow we start with the thunderstorms moving away into the north sea and a lot of dry weather as temperatures rise, we see further thunderstorms develop across parts of england and wales and again the potential for some torrential downpours. temperatures 15 to 28 degrees, dry across northern ireland
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and scotland. but then what happens as we head into the weekend, a cold front goes through and that will introduce fresher conditions. if you are not enjoying this hotter weather, there is a change in sight. friday, dry weather to stop the davidson chain across central and eastern areas but this is the cold front bringing in the cloud and also the rain and it will be breezy as well. temperatures 16 to 28 degrees, but you can see already feeling fresher towards the west. as we head into the weekend, fresher conditions prevail across us all and we are looking at some rain or showers at times but there will still be a fair bit of weather, too.
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live from london, this is bbc news. hamas have said its leader ismail haniyeh has been killed in the iranian capital tehran, accusing israel of being responsible. iran's newly inaugurated president says his country would respond, saying israel would regret their cowardly act. it comes hours after the israeli military said it had killed one of hezbollah's top commanders in a targeted air strike on the lebanese capital, beirut. 39 police officers are injured in violent clashes hours after a vigil to pay tribute to the three little girls killed in a knife attack in southport. former bbc presenter huw edwards has arrived in court to face charges of making indecent
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images of children. we start this hour with the breaking news — the political leader of hamas, ismail haniyeh, has been killed in iran. hamas accused israel of being responsible and said that his death would not go unanswered. hamas is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the united states, the uk and others. israel typically doesn't comment on its operations abroad and has made no statement as yet. we have now had a statement from their press office on facebook saying he has been eliminated, no more information on that now. reports in the iranian media say the strike occurred at about two in the morning local time. it came just hours after he attended the inauguration of the new iranian president. ismail haniyeh had been leading ceasefire negotiations with israel and his death is likely to affect any chance of progress.


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