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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 4, 2024 12:00am-12:31am BST

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the iran backed group hezbollah says it has launched dozens of rockets at israel. bricks and bottles have been thrown at police as far—right rallies turned violent in england and northern ireland. and venezuela's opposition leader maria corina machado appears at a mass rally in caracas, defying authorities�* attempts to arrest her. hello, i'm carl nasman. we begin with some developing news. hezbollah says it has launched "dozens" of rockets toward israel from southern lebanon. reports and videos such as this one indicate that many, if not all of hezbollah�*s rockets have been intercepted by the iron dome defence system. this is said to be happening over the upper galilee region in northern israel. it comes of course as tension have been boiling over between
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israel and the lebanese militia group hezbollah. iran, hezbollah and the regional allies have promised retaliation after the hamas leader ismail haniyeh was killed earlier this week in iran. israel took responsibility for the killing of a hezbollah leader in beirut but has not commented onhaniyeh�*s killing. the uk government has called for british nationals in lebanon to leave the morning the situation could deteriorate rapidly. the foreign secretary today was blunt. he said, "leave now." now, david lammy was in beirut this week with the new defence secretary. he said the situation could deteriorate rapidly. he said the consequences could be catastrophic. they hope that people will leave by commercial flights, which are still operating, but the government is now gearing up for a possible evacuation, if that's needed. and to that end, they're sending extra military
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personnel, they're sending extra consular officials and border force staff to the region as contingency planning. they won't say how many people are going or where, but the last evacuation from lebanon, when there was a war in 2006, that was by boat to cyprus, which is very close to lebanon, where there's already a british army presence. now, the statement issued by the government today said that two military ships are already in the region, and the raf is putting helicopters on standby. the government is still hoping for a diplomatic solution, for de—escalation, but fears are growing that if and when hezbollah retaliates for that killing, israel will attack lebanon hard. caroline hawley, our diplomatic correspondence. we will bring you more on that story as we get it. meanwhile, israel bombed a school compound in gaza city on saturday, killing at least 15 palestinians,
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according to local officials. this is the moment the strike hits the school. footage reviewed by the bbc that is too graphic to broadcast shows emergency crews carrying away charred bodies on stretchers. we can show you this footage of injured children being stretchered away. gaza's hamas—run media office said the school was sheltering displaced people. israel's military claims the school served as a hamas command centre. hamas denies accusations that it uses civilian sites an emergency official said there were two strikes on the school, the first one without warning. translation: the occupation army targeted _ translation: the occupation army targeted to _ translation: the occupation army targeted to school - translation: the occupation. army targeted to school without warning which led to a number of murders and injuries. our crews were able to transfer some of the murdered but not all of them, because one of the enemies... we withdrew from the area and the school was targeted again 20 minutes later. i spoke with norman roule, a nonresident senior adviser with the warfare, irregular threats and terrorism programme at the centre for strategic and
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international studies. the programme, i want to start with reports, that the us is moving warships and other military assets into the middle east. what do you make of that? is that simply a deterrence over those tensions that we've been hearing about, or could the us be preparing to be involved in any sort of military action there? good evening- — military action there? good evening. the _ military action there? good evening. the united - military action there? good evening. the united states| military action there? good - evening. the united states will make every effort not to involve itself in what it believes could be an escalating regional conflict. however, the military capacity in the region is substantial. it includes an aircraft carrier task force, into destroyers, some of the most advanced aircraft in the us inventory, and this will allow them to provide significant defence capacity to the region but also to deter iran from expanding the conflict on its own. walk us through. — conflict on its own. walk us through, then, _ conflict on its own. walk us through, then, some - conflict on its own. walk us through, then, some of- conflict on its own. walk usj through, then, some of the different scenarios of how iran might retaliate for the killing on its own soil of that hamas
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leader. ., ., , on its own soil of that hamas leader. . ., , ., leader. iran has two challenges. - leader. iran has two challenges. the - leader. iran has two| challenges. the first leader. iran has two i challenges. the first is leader. iran has two - challenges. the first is it wishes to avoid igniting a conventional conflict, because that would severely damage its fragile economy and its fragile political system, at a time when leadership transition is on the horizon. at the same time, it does seek to maintain the us and israel interregional quagmire, so what it needs is almost a goldilocks solution, a serious of attacks against israel involving local proxies who israel has recently struck, sufficient to deter israel and send a strong message, but not so significant to note a conflict. here's the danger. if there are significant civilian casualties as a result of these attacks, israel will feel compelled to retaliate, and that could begin the escalatory letter towards the conventional conflict everyone wishes to avoid. i conflict everyone wishes to avoid. ., ., ., . conflict everyone wishes to avoid. ., ., ., avoid. i want to touch on the situation _ avoid. i want to touch on the situation with _ avoid. i want to touch on the situation with lebanon - avoid. i want to touch on the situation with lebanon and l situation with lebanon and hezbollah in just a situation with lebanon and hezbollah injust a moment, but we are hearing that a successor
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for haniyeh is currently being selected with him us. do you have any idea who that might be and how a change of leadership could end up affecting hamas? ismail haniyeh was close to the iranians and cinnabar in gaza remains the most prominent hamas leader and he will want strong relations with tehran. the former leader of hamas did not have good relations with iran, so i think you are going to seea iran, so i think you are going to see a tussle within hamas in the near term as they identify a figure of perhaps a caretaker figure, who is deemed sufficiently close to tehran to get them through this crisis, period, as they then build towards a longer—term individual for that position. norman, there is building tension through the north of israel with lebanon and hezbollah. how hide do the danger is there of that border conflict, which has been going
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on since the day after october 7, being much bigger?- on since the day after october 7, being much bigger? much like iran hezbollah _ 7, being much bigger? much like iran hezbollah has— 7, being much bigger? much like iran hezbollah has a _ 7, being much bigger? much like iran hezbollah has a problem. i iran hezbollah has a problem. israel has had security attacks against the most absurd conscious individuals in hezbollah, in the most high—security area of beirut successfully. —— security conscience. hezbollah has to consider, what can it plan and get away with under israel's watchful eye? in the near term i think you will see more attacks, i believe there are 50 rocket attacks this evening against israel, but israel, but lebanon has got to figure out some way of managing this issue some way of managing this issue so that hezbollah can deter more israeli attacks while restoring his pride. the individual kill don i killed was the most senior military official within hezbollah. == officialwithin hezbollah. -- the interval _ official within hezbollah. —— the interval they killed. where do these killings, one of which has been admitted to by israel, the other one we believe to have been conducted by israel, where does this leave any hopes of a cease—fire deal between
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israel and hamas? the of a cease-fire deal between israel and hamas? the united states and _ israel and hamas? the united states and its _ israel and hamas? the united states and its partners - israel and hamas? the united states and its partners in - israel and hamas? the united states and its partners in the l states and its partners in the region did push aggressively to reignite the diplomatic process in recent days, but that has not proven successful. i don't see much chance of this happening until we get through this period which could last sunday's, although we should expect an attack as early as this weekend, iran did take two weeks in april went is not inconceivable we may see some days before iran initiates a multi—phased attack, so i don't see diplomacy moving forward in near term. let's turn to our other main story tonight. multiple arrests have been made in the english city of bristol as far right protesters clashed with counter protesters and police. uk prime minister keir stamer has denounced the violence that has broken out in several cities and towns. police are on alert, after officers in belfast, liverpool and manchester were injured during the protests. the violence on saturday follows days of unrest, fuelled by online disinformation
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about the fatal stabbing of three girls in southport on monday. saturday's protests follow a violent night in sunderland on friday, in which four police officers were hospitalised and ten people arrested. home secretary yvette cooper condemned the violence, emphasising that those involved will be held to account. criminal violence and disorder has no place on britain's streets. we have been clear to the police that they have our full backing in taking the strongest possible action against perpetrators, including we are making sure that there are more prosecutors, there are sufficient prison places and also that the courts stand ready, because anyone who engages in this kind of disorder needs to be clear that they will pay the price. in liverpool, our reporter dan johnson witnessed the protests and sent this report.
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across many towns and cities, the police have been stretched, fighting running battles. this was the scene in blackpool this afternoon. and here's how protests turned to violence in hull city centre. there have been injuries, but mostly to police officers. they struggled to maintain order in liverpool, where two counter demonstrations clashed near the waterfront. antifascist protesters confronted around 1,000 from the far right, chanting anti—immigrant slogans. the police are now forcing back the antifascist demonstrators, they're trying to create a bit of space between the two sides. watch how this motorbike officer was treated. merseyside police described this as serious disorder, and the home secretary is promising action nationwide. we will give the police all the backing that they need in the actions that they
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are taking in response to this criminal disorder and thuggery, because it has no place on britain's streets. that's why we're ensuring there are additional prosecutors in place this weekend, that the courts stand ready. there are people in custody. this was leeds. and another far right demonstration in manchester led to further arrests. northern ireland's been affected, too. there were street protests in belfast. the police are under pressure. but some are accusing them of double standards. listen to this officer outside a mosque in stoke. if you've got any weapons, get rid of them. "if there's any weapons, get rid them," he appears to say. "we're not going to make any arrests." but racist chants and anti—islamic slogans have also been widespread in these protests. sunderland saw serious rioting last night after a far right demonstration erupted and a number of police officers were injured there. today, they were clearing up and assessing the damage.
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during the course of the evening, our officers were met with serious and sustained levels of violence. this was not a protest. this was unforgivable violence and disorder. the police are braced for more of this. there are further protests planned in coming days. the demonstrations are spreading, and so is the violence. tonight, the streets of liverpool are alight, and many people are desperately asking what any of this has to do with events in southport this week. dan johnson, bbc news, liverpool. 0ur correspondent thomas magill updates us with the latest developments. tonight, we know that there are still hundreds of people out on the streets in bristol. earlier, they met in the city centre, but they have now moved en masse to a hotel on the edge
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that houses some asylum—seekers. the police are also there, and where these far right demonstrations have erupted across the united kingdom today, we have also seen counter protests emerging as well, with many other protesters, antiracism protesters, antiracism protesters, joining as well, so they are also there in bristol tonight. we know that there is still people on the street, causing disruption and disturbances on roads and in the city centre in belfast, as well. the psni has described that as a sporadic disorder across parts of the city. two people have been arrested there. and one of the main motorways in the country was closed for a short time earlier. we're also starting to learn a little bit more who has been arrested most of so far, two people were arrested in manchester, four in hull, i
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mentioned two in belfast. he tallies up to 12 now in sunderland following the violence that we have seen there yesterday, in which cars were set on fire and a police station, there was an arson attack on a police station. we also learned in the last hour orso also learned in the last hour or so that more than 20 people have been arrested by lancashire police, so that's in towns in the northwest of the country, so blackpool, blackburn and preston, for a whole series of offences, including disruption, carrying of a bladed weapon and protesting. so, that's the very latest, but it's certainly a night where there are still many people on the streets, protesting and causing disruption. venezuelan president nicolas maduro says he "will not accept" the opposition�*s attempt to "usurp the presidency," as protests continue across the country. venezuela's opposition leader, maria corina machado, led a mass rally in caracas on saturday, defying government calls for her arrest. she urged her supporters
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to continue protesting peacefully and said the government led by mr maduro has lost all legitimacy since sunday's disputed elections. ms machado went into hiding earlier this week after accusing maduro and his party of defrauding the opposition candidate, edmundo gonzalez, of a clear victory. the us secretary of state antony blinken spoke over the phone with the opposition on friday. in a statement, he said... an analysis by the associated press of vote sheets released by the opposition suggests edmundo gonzalez received 6.89 million votes, nearly half a million more than the government says mr maduro won. here's what ms machado said this to supporters. translation: the world knows they intend _ translation: the world knows they intend to _ translation: the world knows they intend to forcefully - they intend to forcefully withhold the result. six days later, they have not handed
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over a single record. the period has expired and no pseudo legal manoeuvre can cover up the truth. the truth is in our tallies and the fact is in our tallies and the fact is in our hearts. this week saw the largest prisoner exchange between russia and the west since the cold war. 2a people from seven different countries returned home on thursday, including three americans. but some are still being held abroad. us presidentjoe biden says he will continue to pressure russia to release another american that was left out of the deal. 0ne one of them is marc fogel. the english school—teacher from pennsylvania was detained in 2021 on smuggling charges. you can see him here on the right, at a russian airport, where he was found to be carrying a small amount of medical marijuana. his family has urged the biden administration to do more to bring him home. earlier i spoke to his sister ann fogel, who told me
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about hopeful she is about his chance to come home. iam clinging i am clinging to whatever hope i am clinging to whatever hope i can, so, yes, to a certain degree, and the administration pulled off a masterful, incredible swap, and they should be congratulated, and i'm very happy for the return of paul and evan and alsu, i just wish my brother was among them. ~ , .. just wish my brother was among them. ~ y., ,, . ~ ., just wish my brother was among them. ~ ,, ., them. when you speak to your brother, them. when you speak to your brother. do — them. when you speak to your brother, do you _ them. when you speak to your brother, do you get _ them. when you speak to your brother, do you get a - them. when you speak to your brother, do you get a sense i them. when you speak to your brother, do you get a sense ofj brother, do you get a sense of his condition there? you mentioned, he is able to follow the news, you're able to talk with him, how is he doing? this is especially _ with him, how is he doing? this is especially difficult _ with him, how is he doing? ti 3 is especially difficult because it comes on the heels of 21 daysin it comes on the heels of 21 days in a prison hospitalfor him. he was released on the zist him. he was released on the 21st of which ironically is the
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day that day, i guess, formalised the list of who was coming home. but marc was in a prison hospital, which is not actually, i'm not certain it is really hospital at all, but he was given many, many, many, many shots, injections, drugs, and they did an ultrasound of his liver, and of course he does not speak russian and there are no translators, so it was very alarming for him. and its the fourth time he has been in a hospital like that, so i think he is really, been really slammed by this news, and is having a very difficult time
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right now. the second weekend of the olympics games is under way in paris. sprinterjulian alford brought home st lucia's first medal. she set a national record. american track star sha'carri richardson secured the silver, and bronze was claimed by fellow team usa athlete melissa jefferson. earlier, american gymnast simone biles came first in the women's vault, collecting her third gold medal of the 2024 games. the algerian boxer beat her hungarian opponent in the quarterfinals. i spoke to masterful woman. quarterfinals. i spoke to masterfulwoman. —— quarterfinals. i spoke to masterful woman. —— matthew fuller men. there was so much action today. i want to start off at the swimming pool, the usa does make katie ledecky entering the history books. you will a pretty incredible thing, just the longevity. she started
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when she was just a teenager, and sort of a young teacher. i think she was about 15 years old. she won this event, the hundred metres for the first time, in london. at the time, it was, who is this girl? —— 800 metres. now, she has become just that the greatest female 0lympian out there. certainly the greatest female swimmer. who has ever competed at this level. ., , who has ever competed at this level. .,, . ., . level. the most decorated american _ level. the most decorated american female - level. the most decorated | american female olympian american female 0lympian athlete of all time, just incredible. to the track and field, which is now getting into full swing. a lot of fun stuff going on, but i guess you might say a bit of a surprise in the women's 100 metres. i might say a bit of a surprise in the women's100 metres. i do think that _ in the women's100 metres. i do think that is _ in the women's100 metres. i do think that is a _ in the women's100 metres. i if think that is a surprise, yes. sha'carri richardson was definitely the favourite, she's been the fastest woman in the world this year, but she was upset, she ended up with the silver medal, lost tojulien
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alford of st lucia of all places. runners from the west indies have historically performed terrifically on the international stage, many of them, i say most of them, and “p them, i say most of them, and up at american colleges, where they train and get top coaching, and that's what all for it has done. she was at the university of texas, 23 years old, i believe, and shejust ran a great race, sha'carri ran a great race too, but she was little slow out of the blocks. i think she ran 10.89 seconds, i think she ran 10.89 seconds, i bet if you had asked her if her time would win, she probably would have said yes, but alford was just lights out. she ran like 10.72, a tent of a second or so off flowjoe's record for —— ages ago. -- ages ago. a first medal for st lucia- _ -- ages ago. a first medal for st lucia. pretty _ -- ages ago. a first medal for st lucia. pretty small. - -- ages ago. a first medal for st lucia. pretty small. we i -- ages ago. a first medal for. st lucia. pretty small. we have to mention, as many people call
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her, the greatest of all time, simone biles, in the gymnastics, winning her tent 0lympic gymnastics, winning her tent olympic medal, her third gold of the games, this time in the vault. ~ . , . , vault. what is so incredible about simone _ vault. what is so incredible about simone biles - vault. what is so incredible about simone biles in i vault. what is so incredible about simone biles in the i about simone biles in the situation is, three years ago, she had just a really rocky 0lympics she had just a really rocky olympics in tokyo, and she essentially had panic attacks and was just overcome by fear. they call it the twisties in gymnastics. and getting over that and decided to come back, this is a sport where women but they are still girls often when they are still girls often when they retire, but when women do not compete in as many 0lympics as simone biles has, and she has been so good for so long, just shows no signs of tailing
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off, i don't know if this is going to be her last 0lympics, there's a home 0lympics going to be her last 0lympics, there's a home olympics in four years. at this point, it's pretty hard to see why she would stop. pretty hard to see why she would stop-— pretty hard to see why she would sto -. ~ , ,, .. would stop. will we see simone biles in would stop. will we see simone itiles in los _ would stop. will we see simone biles in los angeles, _ would stop. will we see simone biles in los angeles, in - would stop. will we see simone biles in los angeles, in 2028? l biles in los angeles, in 2028? that would be really the scene. speaking of scenes, one of the most unique things about this 0lympics most unique things about this olympics in paris has been some of the settings that the city has utilised. we saw the fencing of this really incredible, grand room where they are doing the fencing, but also the triathlon, swimming in the river seine. you were there to watch it. there were doubts about whether this would happen. how did the triathlon events! turn out? it happen. how did the triathlon events! turn out?— happen. how did the triathlon events! turn out? it turned out areat. events! turn out? it turned out great- great— events! turn out? it turned out great. great to _ events! turn out? it turned out great. great to watch, - events! turn out? it turned out great. great to watch, great i events! turn out? it turned out great. great to watch, great to | great. great to watch, great to be a spectator. little rough if you were a triathlete, and the reason was not the murkiness and the pollution in the river, although we might find out about that in a few days, if some runners get sick, but the
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problem was the current. there was a very strong current in the river that day and so they were, the swimmers were going on a sort of loop, and they had to loop twice around, and they started out swimming west and then they turned back east, and one of the triathletes was telling me afterwards, she felt like she was swimming on a treadmill. she was concerned they would have to stop the race because the current was going so strong, but they ploughed through, they made it, and it was an absolutely spectacular race to watch. swimming in the seine and then cycling and running past many of the iconic sites in one of the world's most beautiful cities. , , , the world's most beautiful cities. , . , . :: cities. very briefly, about 20 seconds left, _ cities. very briefly, about 20 seconds left, but _ cities. very briefly, about 20 seconds left, but what i cities. very briefly, about 20 seconds left, but what are i cities. very briefly, about 20 i seconds left, but what are you watching for this weekend? i am a tennis guy. — watching for this weekend? i am a tennis guy, and _ watching for this weekend? i —n a tennis guy, and sunday is carlos alcaraz against novak djokovic stub i don't know how many more times these two players are going to play. 0ne
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players are going to play. one is the greatest of all time, the other might eventually be the other might eventually be the greatest of all time, and it is this great intergenerational matchup between djokovic and alcaraz, but also because it's the olympics, between spain and 0lympics, between spain and serbia. before we go a reminder of that breaking news once again coming in from the middle east. hezbollah saying it has hired dozens of rockets towards israel from southern lebanon, getting reports that indicate that many if not all of those rockets have been intercepted ljy rockets have been intercepted by israel's iron dome defence system. it is said to be happening over the upper galilee region in northern israel, and this here is a live view coming in from northern israel, looking into southern lebanon. that's the scene right now tonight. we will have more on that story as we get it coming up at the top of the hour, right here on bbc news. hello there.
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for part two of the weekend, it looks like low pressure will be affecting more north—western parts of the country, whereas further south, thanks to the ridge of high pressure, we should see a lot of dry and settled weather. quite a bit of cloud around on sunday, but some sunny spells here and there and conditions turning wetter and windier thanks to this area of low pressure across northern ireland and western scotland as we go through the day. but much of central and eastern scotland, england and wales, quite a bit of cloud, like i mentioned, but also some sunny breaks here and there, and pleasantly warm — high teens to low 20s from north to south across the country. now, it'll be turning windier and wetter across the north—west of the uk as we head through sunday night, the rain really starting to pile into northern ireland, certainly across scotland, western scotland seeing most of that rain. some of the rain could be quite heavy, perhaps even thundery in a few places. but we'll be drawing up some warm and muggy air, so by monday morning, areas starting off with temperatures around the mid—teens. for monday, we have this area of low pressure almost in situ
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to the north—west of the uk, with this weather front bringing further heavy rain to the north and west. we're scooping up this very warm and humid air so a wet, windy day to come for northern and western scotland, some heavy rain at times, could see some disruption across western scotland. for parts of eastern scotland, certainly england and wales, it'll stay mostly dry, with some spells of sunshine and feeling warm and humid, mid to high 20s in celsius. warm and muggy across scotland. tuesday night, we see that weather front crossing the country. some of the rain could be heavy, maybe thundery on it, even as it pushes towards eastern areas. it'll take its time to clear the south—east on tuesday, so rather cloudy, some spots of rain. behind it, the air turns fresher again with plenty of sunshine, a few showers for western scotland and northern ireland. temperatures 19 to 2a or 25 degrees, so those values coming back down again with lower humidity. as we move out to tuesday into wednesday, low pressure affects the northern half of the country again. stronger winds, outbreaks of rain, higher pressure towards the south. so again, it's going to be a blustery day on wednesday for scotland, maybe the far north—west of england, northern ireland, with a few showers.
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further south, tending to stay dry with variable cloud coming and going and some spells of sunshine. again, low to mid 20s in the south, high teens, low 20s in the north. and as we end the week, we hold on to that theme, with low pressure always bringing more cloud and rain at times to the north of the uk. higher pressure continues to bring more settled and warmer conditions further south.
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this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. hello and welcome to talking business. here's what's on the programme this week — crowdstrike's faulty software updates, not hackers has caused what's been called the largest it outage in history. thousands of flights were grounded, hospitals disrupted, and broadcasters knocked off air as millions of devices running microsoft windows crashed. but as the costs ratchet up into the billions of dollars, we'll ask whether it's the price we pay for being so reliant on digital infrastructure. i'll discuss that and more with a cyber influencer and author, and i'll talk to the boss of a global cybersecurity firm that's the ncc group. plus, what does it all say about our readiness for the latest artificial intelligence breakthroughs?
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we'll speak to one boss that's helping companies


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