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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  August 8, 2024 4:45pm-5:01pm BST

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three upcoming taylor swift concerts in vienna have been cancelled because of a possible security threat. the shows were part of the singer's eras tour and had been due to start tonight. two people have been arrested on suspicion of planning islamist attacks. a short time ago, authorities released this image of the alleged suspect, a 19—year—old, with north macedonian roots, but did not name him. austria's general director for public security said the man made a full confession in custody. our correspondent lauren moss has the latest. welcome to the eras tour. she's performed more than 100 shows to millions. this has been the most extraordinary experience of my entire. but taylor swift's next three concerts in vienna are now cancelled over concerns of a suspected terror threat. two people were arrested on suspicion of planning attacks at events in the austrian capital, including the ernst happel stadium. yesterday, chemicals were found at the home
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of a 19—year—old austrian man in ternitz, south of vienna. a 17—year—old austrian citizen was arrested in the city. police say both had become radicalised online. one had made an oath to the so—called islamic state group. we seized the weapons and his goal was to kill himself but a large number of people today or tomorrow at the concert. 65,000 people a day had been expected at the concerts, including many who travelled from around the world. we came from italy. yeah, and we bought tickets one year ago, so we wanted to go to this concert really, really bad. i'm working in shanghai now, back to my hometown. - i only go to one week. vacation to come here. jasmine flew from stansted airport to vienna. when she landed,
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she heard the shows were cancelled. normally, taylor swift and the eras tour kind of feels really wholesome. it feels very communal, it feels very safe. and the fact that that has now been tainted by something as atrocious as this is absolutely vile. but i think a lot of people are trying to be resilient. the austrian chancellor, karl nehammer, has called the cancellations a bitter disappointment, but says the authorities quick action prevented a tragedy. taylor swift hasn't commented, but her website says all fans will be refunded the cost of their tickets in ten days. the next stop on the eras tour is a return to london, where taylor is set to play five dates at wembley stadium from next thursday. the separatist former leader of catalonia, carles puigdemont, has risked arrest by returning from exile to spain — openly addressing supporters in front of the catalan regional parliament. although spanish parliament passed an amnesty law pardoning those involved in the failed independence bid in 2017, mr puigdemont still faces arrest.
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0ur news reporter sergi forcada has more. after seven years in self—imposed exile, this was a much anticipated return for puigdemont supporters. hundreds of them gathered in front of catalan parliament in barcelona for a welcome rally. nobody knows how he got there because he had to do it in secret, as he's still facing a possible arrest. the spanish supreme court considers that the new amnesty law that drops legal action against pro—independence leaders doesn't fully apply to him, because it doesn't include the charges of embezzlement, of which he's accused of. conscious of a possible imminent arrest, mr puigdemont told his supporters that he wasn't sure when he would see them again. translation: the amnesty law was supposed to be returned - to politics and it should never have left. but this did not suit some members of the supreme court, and so we are not interested in being part of a country
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where an amnesty law does not give amnesty. a country where an amnesty law is not respected is a country that has a problem with democracy. well, after speaking to the crowds and despite a heavy police presence around him, mr puigdemont vanished, he disappeared. right now, nobody knows where he is. and police are actively searching for him. in the last few hours, there have been control checks across the country, and if they find him, mr puigdemont may be arrested and will possibly end up injail. puigdemont returned to barcelona today as the catalan parliament is electing a new president for the region. this man, salvador illa, is a politician who doesn't support independence. he will be elected as head of the catalan government. and that's obviously after pro—independence groups lost their majority in may's regional election. some more breaking news about the
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unrest around england and northern ireland. the labour councillor ricky jones has been arrested on suspicion of encouraging murder after comments at a london counterprotest. labour have suspended rickyjones from the party after his video emerged online of him addressing the crowd at a protest in walthamstow in north london and that was last night. the video purports to show him saying far—right leaders need to have their throats cut. the labour leader said these comments are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. scientists say they've discovered that the potential success of a racehorse can be detected when it'sjust one—month old —
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by looking at its gut health. experts at the university of surrey found that testing bacteria in the digestive system helps to show how well the animal could perform. 0ur science correspondent victoria gill explains. atjust a few months old, these thoroughbred foals are neverfarfrom mum, although they're very curious about the world. and at this stables in surrey, young racehorses have been involved in a scientific study that's revealed clues about whether they'll be a future winner. this little nibbly one is just four months old, but she's basically an athlete in training. and what this research has shown is that even at one month old, her future success can actually be seen inside her body, in her gut. the scientists just need a small sample from the stable. it's as simple as that. all we need for the tests that we're going to do are a faecal sample from the foal. in this container are all the microbes or bacteria that live in a young racehorse's gut. the researchers used a dna test to reveal all the different kinds of bacteria. they regularly took and tested faecal samples from 52 horses over the first three years of the animals' lives.
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the diversity of gut bacteria in foals at four weeks old, so really young, that predicts their future health and theirfuture racing performance. so the more different types of bacteria in the foal�*s gut, the healthier... correct. ..the more successful? correct, yes. what does this show us about how important the gut is forjust overall physical health? absolutely critical. there is a growing understanding that what happens in human guts, in animal guts, in horses, has a profound influence on many aspects of health and disease. researchers are now investigating which helpful bacteria they could give to very young foals as an early boost for their future health. we're always looking to find out ways in which we can produce as healthy a horse as possible, and one that's going to perform well on the track. so anything that we can investigate further into how how we can get them to be in the best shape they can be, is a really good opportunity for us.
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the research shows that, like so many animals, these elite athletes of the equine world are driven by the trillions of bacteria that live inside their bodies. victoria gill, bbc news. and now let's speak to the lead research for that study, chris proudman, professor of clinical veterinary science at the university of surrey. thank you for coming to talk to us. explain what you are saying about how this shows they are healthier. is that what it is? it doesn't mean they will be stronger? 0r is that what it is? it doesn't mean they will be stronger? or is it linked? tell me exactly what you can tell about how they will be fast. thank you. this project was absolutely fascinating for us. the main objective of the project was to see how gut bacterial populations which we measure in the faeces of
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horses, how they influence the health of the horse and we looked at specific health outcomes. we tracked any episodes of respiratory disease, orthopaedic disease, soft tissue disease etc. that was one area we like that and we can talk about the outcomes in a minute. we also recognise that with this population of racehorses, because most ended up going racing, we had a unique opportunity to look at athletic performance. you could then use our data from the early life gut bacterial populations and map that to featuring racing performance and one of the fascinating things about this study is the fact that something that happens so early in life, at four weeks old, affects the horse for many years later. we studied up to three years old but the impacts could last even longer than that. . ., . ,
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the impacts could last even longer than that. . , ., than that. the concern is about antibiotics _ than that. the concern is about antibiotics and _ than that. the concern is about antibiotics and we _ than that. the concern is about antibiotics and we are - than that. the concern is about i antibiotics and we are wondering about the effects on babies and whether you can see similar things in humans. was it really that for weeks it was really crucial and perhaps if they herald antibiotics after that it wouldn't have been quite so influential? it after that it wouldn't have been quite so influential?— quite so influential? it certainly was the first — quite so influential? it certainly was the first four _ quite so influential? it certainly was the first four weeks - quite so influential? it certainly i was the first four weeks approved critical for some of the health outcomes we looked at, respiratory disease in particular. but also some of the racing outcomes, the four—week critical window, what's happening on the horses gut at four weeks old and probably for a week or two before that is absolutely critical to those outcomes. you mention antibiotics and that formed an important part of the study. within our population of foals, quite a few were treated with antibiotics during the first month of life and we were able to demonstrate that those foals did
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have a reduced bacterial gut diversity and also, that in turn we found was associated with an increased risk of respiratory disease later in life and also reduced athletic performance when those horses raced. so we can't be absolutely sure whether this is a cause or effect but it's a plausible observation that early in life affected gut bacteria diversity which led to adverse health impact. thank you. it's fascinating. now it's time for a look at the weather with stav. hello there. weather was pretty disappointing today, but tomorrow it's looking brighter. we should have a lot more sunshine around and it will remain quite breezy, feel a little bit warmer because of more sunshine. there'lljust be a few showers dotted around, mainly in the north and the west. so these weather fronts have been
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crossing the country, bringing the cloud, the rain, lots of isobars on the charts indicating the strong winds. the rain will peter out overnight. we could see a few showers still affecting western areas. there could be some mist and murk across central and southern parts. it will be a very warm and muggy night, 15 to 18 degrees, low teens further north. but as this weather front clears through, then it'll introduce some slightly fresher air. friday, a run of westerly winds, fairly strong at times and just one or two showers, but much brighter than today, with plenty of sunshine around, many areas staying dry altogether. most of the showers will be across scotland, northern ireland, up to northwest england. 18 to 20 celsius there across scotland and northern ireland. as we head through friday night, it's a fine end to the day, a few showers continuing across scotland, and then we'll see these weather fronts bring thicker cloud outbreaks of rain to parts of england and wales, particularly wales and southwest england. temperature—wise again, quite mild, 10 to 15 degrees. as we head into the weekend, we are tapping into some very hot and humid airfrom france, but this will mainly be across england and wales, with the extreme heat confined towards the southeast. so saturday is looking like this, bright across northern areas with some sunshine, a few showers across scotland. early cloud, a few showers across england and wales will melt
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away into the afternoon. we should see increasing sunshine. temperatures will be up to around 25 or 26 degrees, low 20s further north. through sunday and into monday, we draw this hot and humid air across england and wales. like i mentioned, the highest temperatures will be across the south east corner. so sunday we actually see this area of low pressure bring some cloud, stronger winds and outbreaks of rain to northern ireland and western scotland, some of it heavy. but elsewhere, the sunshine will increase and we'll start to tap into that hot air. the mid to high 20s across england and wales, up to around 30 or so in the south east. monday, i think, is the peak of the heat, could be in the low 30s across the far south east, but then the temperatures return back to normal for all areas and it
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will become unsettled. live from london. this is bbc news. thousands of anti—racism protestors peacefully take to the streets across england after a week of anti—immigration disorder. 140 people have been charged in connection with last week's riots with warnings of more to come,
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including for those who encouraged the violence online. nobel laureate mohammed yunus is sworn in to lead the new caretaker government in bangladesh following weeks of deadly protests. and three taylor swift concerts in vienna are cancelled after two men are arrested on suspicion of planning an attack. unverified today we have been looking at the situation and the russian border reading jen with thousands had been evacuated following a rare raid by ukraine. i maryam moshiri live in paris with 13 of the olympics will do plenty more sports to come, plenty more metals up sports to come, plenty more metals up for grabs, sports to come, plenty more metals upfor grabs, i sports to come, plenty more metals up for grabs, i will have the very latest.


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