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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 1, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the most valuable and useful books are these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life.
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belarus 24. what unites soviet coins and the scale of canvases, rarity, uniqueness, sophistication, the idea of ​​​​the illusion of faces, was based in the concept of this creativity in general, visual, and since when these works were created, then of course, the idea was just portraits made of coins, unique art
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, which captured the consciousness of its creators , i am happy that there is a critic, because any criticism is in the mind, it is very important, when there is criticism, then there is confidence in what exists what you have come to, what you have achieved, criticism is in the concept , you can say, well, you like the work or not, this is not criticism, two special stories on creating portraits from coins and a grandiose monument, look on friday at our channel, my history, nature, culture, faith, people, generosity, once you desire it, you will not forget it
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again. everything here is correct. hello, you are watching the program, tell me not to be silent. victoria popova and tatyana sherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the head of the belarusian antarctic expedition, alexey kaidashov. hello. good afternoon. hello, alexey alexandrovich. very soon the 16th belarusian antarctic expedition is heading to the coldest continent. when is the start planned, and how will you get there, what route, the path is not close? yes, time flies, the expedition is already the sixteenth. november, a vanguard group
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of 10 people flies from minsk via istanbul to capetown, from there on a special flight to antarctica. three people, general cargo, food, will arrive on board a russian ship, in mid-january, how long? yes, it takes so long, now the avant -garde group takes the minimum, because this aviation route is very difficult, as they say, to balance between scientific equipment, food, personal protective equipment, avant-garde group: who is this? case the vanguard group is a group that, as a rule, takes off earlier, deploys life support systems, scientific instruments , begins research, these are technical personnel, not only scientific workers , including, but the names are so romantic
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cape town, as it looks, has never been ? cape town, well, even a lot of songs, that’s what it is, in fact, a very creminogenic city, yeah, yes, we must give it, it should, it should, yes, from this point of view, well, it’s exotic, insofar as, this is one of the transit points of our long journey, you don’t go out, yes, no, we are going out, of course , some layoffs are expected, but now we will be in quarantine for five days, according to the sanitary protocol, however, we continue this practice in order to avoid. accidents so that a few hours before the departure of a special flight to antarctica, rapid testing is carried out to make sure that all the expedition employees are healthy, in good health, because bringing the virus to antarctica there, but this is
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a very big problem, why explain? isolated situation, limited ability to provide medical assistance, any virus spreads instantly. in those conditions it is difficult, or difficult, or in some cases impossible, so this is associated with very serious measures, then evacuation, medical, and so on, so , unfortunately, we have been on other expeditions, and what is the weather like now at the belarusian station, the mountain in the evening, yes , it’s called a belarusian station, well, right now it’s in the status of a seasonal field base. since we only work seasonally, here this morning at 6 am i was looking at the operational meteorological information that comes from our meteorological station , which operates autonomously year-round, it sends
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meteorological data every 6 hours, there are no people there, -18, uh, sunny, wind - 3 m per second, gusts eight, that is, actually for us. this is very comfortable weather. yes. how many people are on the current expedition and who are these people’s professions? uh, the balance - personnel ratios, well, now it’s almost optimal, that is, approximately 45-50% of scientific personnel, the same number of, uh, technical support personnel. the average age of the expedition staff is about 35 years. all specialists, half of those included in the sixteenth belarusian antarctic expedition have work experience, this is also very important in antarctica, because recruiting a completely new team is fraught with problems, every year young people,
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university graduates and so on, along with experienced specialists, who may already be somewhere around 40-45 in age and so on, therefore middle age. here, almost like christ, we know how people are selected for space, well, we have seen, in any case, but how your expedition is selected, there are some tests on centrifuges, the selection is very tough, serious, firstly, i want to say, that the competition is quite serious, four to five people for one vacant place on the expedition, the selection is tough, it begins, well, with an initial interview with a candidate, an applicant for participation in the expedition, then there are several stages, well, as we call the filters, two thresholds psychological testing in independent organizations, so to speak, this is on the basis of the ministry of emergency situations, on the basis of the scientific and practical center for sports, psychologists work with the children, then
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there is an in-depth medical examination , including bicycle energy testing, of course, in-depth various analyzes and so on, but selection is not only based on let's say, the general condition. core, what is more important to you as a boss? you know, you need to maintain a golden balance, some kind of optimal balance, because just a healthy person is one thing, but if there are some, well, let’s say so, doubts about psychological stability, there were rare cases when... a candidate was refused participation in the expedition, well, there was no such thing as they missed, as they say,
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already when the expedition is in full swing, suddenly someone either cannot stand it psychologically, or creates such an atmosphere when others can’t stand it, well, let’s not isolate all these things, yes, no matter what selections, testing, and so on go through, behavioral nuances can still arise during the expedition, of course. there are some rough edges, but the most important thing is to identify them in time, how to identify them and stop them in time, this is a very important point, including, this is one of the unspoken responsibilities of the expedition leader, including the doctor, who is included in the expedition, but for you, what is most important, here’s how would you define psychological stability, what a person should be able to do, expeditions, what is most difficult there, tolerance, yeah, tolerance, some kind
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of living conditions, which, of course, cannot correspond to a three, four five-star hotel, we understand, we are in field conditions, tolerance towards your guys, with whom you work side by side, for a long time, let’s say, you need to be able to do things head on, but not by showing it, without showing it, or without translating it into some kind of action, yeah, what tasks it is precisely on this expedition that our polar explorers are faced with what kind of research is planned, expeditions, work within the framework of government programs headed by the national academy of sciences, these are five-year stages, now the fourth five-year stage is underway. state program, it includes
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eight scientific programs, including, uh, engineering and technical programs, in addition to scientific programs, engineering and technical, this is for the development of the second stage of the infrastructure of the belarusian antarctic station, therefore - the range of work, the range of research that the expedition has to complete in six months and carry out, very intense, very extensive , you use the domestic underwater vehicle gnome to study plants and animals in the depths of the ocean, we will show our viewers now on the screen how it works, so you actually plunge it into the depths, yes, but i, a small correction, this is not a domestic production of a union state, it would probably be more accurate to say so, because some... components were produced in the russian federation. it is equipped with photo-video cameras
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plus a manipulator for sampling in the water and bottom layers. did you find anything interesting with its help? yes, of course, that is, those forms of biological life, especially bottom-dwelling ones, yes, as we call them benthos. basically , these samples are obtained using the gnome apparatus, and in some cases i plunged into diving equipment, as if completing this picture, well, let’s say, the complex apparatus, man, it is still more effective than the apparatus alone, and what is the depth, for a person, this is on an air mixture. well, up to 50, maximum up to 60 m, uh, a gnome can
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dive to a depth of 100 m. it’s surprising that the beauty is the same as in the red sea, in the ocean, i didn’t expect it, it seemed to me that there was still less life there , and, you know, its very rich biological life, our scientists, biologists have been studying it for fifteen years now uh, very successfully, including, uh, for the purpose of isolating certain uh defining certain unique properties of these marine organisms in order to later apply them in various spheres of uh economic life. scientific, that’s interesting, i remember we talked about 10 years ago, maybe a little more, and then you told an interesting fact that you found a bacterium that processes or destroys petroleum products, and that this is possible would be used, in fact, for practical purposes, there in including during oil spills, but somewhere
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, interestingly, our scientists have already come up with something in this direction, are developing it, maybe working on something? well, yes, the bacterium was identified, they are called bacteria destructors of oil, petroleum products, they actually have such properties, let’s say , the initial base that they destroy is alien to the antarctic environment, it could be completely by accident that this was determined, tell us, how it was, that’s how you accidentally discover a bacterium, that’s well, when refueling the equipment... and there was an unexpected small local spill of diesel fuel , well, i don’t know literally there, maybe 50 g, 100 g spilled onto the rocky surface, the next day we noticed that something like this appeared at this place, you know, how old jam ferments or something like that, such foam, and mold, covered with some kind
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of jelly mass and so on, so - in our composition there was a very enthusiastic professional biologist who specializes in the field of microbiology, vladislav myamin, no i was too lazy to take samples of this substance, let’s call it that, which looked like extraterrestrial in this place, yes, i carried out the appropriate research , did so-called laboratory cultures, brought strains of these bacteria here, here they were able to be cultivated, it was clear that this it is local bacteria that react like this to petroleum products, unfortunately, but this is not only in our field, many developments are still at the stage, only laboratory ones, why, because the interest of serious structures is needed,
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relatively speaking, belneftekhim there or some higher even organizations. who would invest serious finances in the further development of these funds, that is, a state order is needed, at the laboratory level this is, as it were, determined , it is clear, but we need to move on, so i want to say that several more types of bacteria have been identified, which have already they are now successfully used in agriculture, and products are being developed based on their unique properties. to combat diseases of agricultural plants, then this is one of the examples that already exists in practice, and for pharmaceuticals there are some practical results of your research, your work, there are some new types of medicines, well, just like penicillin was once discovered, maybe these are the same - work in this direction is being actively carried out, including the national
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academy of sciences, well, let’s say, one of the priority tasks is setting work in this direction, that is, searching for and identifying possible sources for the subsequent production of, well, drugs such as pharmaceuticals, this may be the case in agriculture, veterinary medicine and so on, cosmetology , including, work is underway, but believe me, this is a very, well, long process, in fact, it is not that a bacterium has been identified. and there through no. a pill for everything for decades, for six months a certain unique, universal remedy has already appeared, which no one has, as they say, the leading scientists of the world are working on various such drugs, yes, and only a small part of them reach
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the final, the final stage. but what draws you to this expedition now is you left some business that... further research, you know how it happens that you think about something, that’s something that doesn’t let you sleep at night, doesn’t let you sleep at night, as always, the process of preparing an expedition, has everything been thought out, has everything been taken, is everything provided for , is everything safe, and so on , well, about what is being dreamed about, i think, well, these are probably questions that need to be asked in the issue. who are going to be in antarctica for the first time, to work in antarctica, because for me personally this is a profession, this is a job that lasts for many years... more than several decades, and i look at it like this, i’m going to work, but now a film about
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fyodor konyukhov has been released in wide release, and viewers note in the comments that, in general, a healthy person would not be so eager to go into such conditions, coming up with ideas over and over again tests for yourself, what do you think about this, about this spirit of research, it is not characteristic of everyone, right? well, firstly, we have already talked about this, you need a certain psychological core, this is the first, second , uh, such - work, events are divided into several categories, there are extreme sports, yes, who are the highest there, to climb to the highest peak, to swim across the ocean alone, there, well, some, huh? moments, these are extreme sports, which prove from personal experience that this is possible for a person, we have a completely different path, we have
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, uh, well, to some extent, routine, many years of purposeful work, scientific research, the accumulation of series of observations, which then must be transformed as a practical result , you know, to raise a flag somewhere and well , excuse me, just a word about crowing, we were here - this is one thing, uh, work, a lot years, in various directions , to get results, to achieve results, well, this is somewhat different, and we will pause for a while , i remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected. the program “don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the head of the belarusian antarctic expedition, alexey goydashov.
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as you already said, in 2006 alexey aleksandrovich began such active work, and before that, after the collapse of the union, the belarusian country had not undertaken any scientific activities there in antarctica? if we take a brief look at history, more than 100 belarusians took part. in the work of soviet antarctic expeditions from 1955 until the disintegration of the soviet union, belarus from the bssr, extreme belarus returned from antarka in 1992, yes, then there was a certain break, significant, long, quite, for obvious reasons, a new state appeared on the map . the sovereign republic of belarus, the stages of the first construction and so on, that is, of course, there were more others, more important
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questions, however, several dozen belarusians, in one direction or another , took part in activities in antarctica, this was related to the operation of our il-76 aircraft, which, as they say, were here in belarus, they were chartered for work. in antarctica, that is, aircraft crews. there were several enthusiasts , as we said, extreme sports enthusiasts, who participated in such sports, extreme expeditions, international, belarusian-russian and so on, but targeted, planned work in antarka was not carried out at that time, it began in 2006 after you know that no matter what, but i always emphasize this, when i was the president of the country, the green light was given to this program, the polar program
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for the study of the polar regions of the earth, we know , that there are several countries, states, dozens, probably yes, that are conducting their research, against their background, here are the belarusians, do you think, have made some significant discoveries during this time since 2006, well, let us... ' let's start with the fact that the antarka treaty system today the day includes 54 states, only 28 countries of which, of this number, have year-round or seasonal stations in antarctica , including the republic of belarus, that is , half; few can afford to have a station in antarctica. and even more so to carry out scientific research on a regular basis, to build a modern station , including starting to conduct long-distance scientific
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inland... trips and so on, which is why these facts themselves already indicate that state support in this regard was not a one-time thing, but she and with looking into the future, prospects for the future, we do not look at our feet today, where to find a piece of bread and butter to eat, but we look forward and think about how the country will move, develop, including in the general world community in the future, and what priority research is being carried out and how sanctions may have affected the provision of equipment for the scientific instrumentation base. today, the state program includes eight scientific areas, core and several elective, including atmospheric physics and the study of aerosol gas composition
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atmosphere, monitoring of the ozone layer, these are biological research, microbiological... research, seismological monitoring, thermal monitoring of ice cover and bedrock, this is also environmental monitoring, research into the impact of anthropogenic influences on the natural environment of the antarctic , including, that is, a wide range of sciences , did the sanctions have an impact, no, because the strategy of the academy of sciences was initially built when organizing polar research in antarctica, it was built and based on using first of all, the instrument base developed by belarusian scientists, organizations that are part of the national academy of sciences, and i want to say that these are not just some
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home-grown devices or what? these are devices of the highest level, not inferior to world standards, and some devices are not available at all, there are no analogues to these devices in world practice, so we are not, well, if not ahead of the rest in this direction, then at least we look quite strong and excellent , our data, the most important thing on based on the instrument base of belarusian belarusian developments, representative, and not... recognized and accepted by the world scientific community. they started doing import substitution even before it became mainstream, right? well, yes, this just speaks, politics, about the strategy of looking into the future and possible nuances that may arise, that is, well, to some extent, foresight. how was the belarusian polar station created? here we have a video, when installation was already underway - well, new modules, and before that there
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almost... we had to survive in tents, and what is this station like now, will it grow, you say that it will already grow with new modules, tell us in more detail, in such cases they say how it was, we noted, yes, we celebrated the previous fifteenth anniversary of the state program, the fifteenth anniversary of the creation of the polar research center, we recalled, brought up video archive footage and so on, as it was, and it was so that in the place where the current belarusian antarctic expeditions are based, they remained the remains, i would directly call it the infrastructure of the soviet era, but these are several simple trailers , we call them bolks, which stood for decades without maintenance, without supervision, and so on, were dilapidated, blown by the winds, with broken windows,
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frozen, clogged... with snow and so on, with their own hands the guys, the expedition staff cleaned it all out, restored it, reconstructed it, and for the first 8-9 years we were housed in them with rather modest energy capabilities, without laboratories, the science in the first years was - descriptive, was done in simple words on my knees, but then a very radical change occurred. in 2011, the program was transferred to the national academy of sciences, and i believe that this was the starting point of a new modern stage in the development of the national antarctic program, firstly , plans were already envisaged for the construction of stations, for strengthening the instrument base, for expanding research programs and so on and it was not only put on paper, it
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was fulfilled. in fact, a plan was developed for the construction of the belarusian antarctic station was agreed upon in 2013, the first facility was laid in 2015 , which is what you saw now on... video footage of the belarusian antarctic station, the instrument base was developed, we have now reached the level of, it’s not a shame to say, the best world standards for work in antarctica in terms of instrumentation provision, scientific support, in scope, areas of scientific research and so on, that is, in fact, in the hierarchy of the antarctic treaty system, the republic... belarus, well, i would like to say that in the top 20, really it looks, well, solidly, yes, that is, these piles, how it all stands there, and i want to add, they appear on the internet,
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somewhere maybe in videos on tv, antarctic stations abroad, and large countries , there china, india, there the united states of america, germany and so on. such unearthly objects as some flying saucers and so on and so forth, but in fact, it’s the same thing, the same modules, the modular principle of assembly, these are the same modules, only this, when you eat the candy, you take off the wrapper , yes and the most important thing is that the candy is in the end, so i want to say that our modules are candy, wrapper, come on. to speak frankly, it is stylish, maybe, yes, it can create some kind of effect, beautiful, but it does not carry a useful or safe load, we took the path, yes, it is reasonable to save budget
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funds, tell us about your life there, what’s most difficult is that i’m wondering if the bears come up to you, if they sniff you, but it would be appropriate to tell the audience why polar bears don’t eat? yes, well, i'm asking a question, why don’t polar bears eat penguins, well, because they don’t meet, yes, in antarctica, they live at different poles, at different poles, yes, and they have different goals, tasks, yes, well, you have it, even a kitchen corner equipped , yes, there are for sure - there are some amenities there, well, living conditions, as well as... and mm quality of food - these are important, i would say psychological factors, but i will not go back to the almost 10 years we lived in the field, now there are full
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conditions, that is, firstly, everyone provided, albeit with a small, but separate room for living, we have on the basis of the old one of the structures of the soviet antarctic expedition, now the kambus is temporarily equipped, company cabins, we have a bathhouse, we have a sanitary and hygienic block, we have full-fledged toilets rooms, we have scientific laboratories , we have a powerful des complex, which in the future is designed to carry out winterization activities, we have a new oil depot, a number of environmental facilities, garbage and waste disposal, installations for pressing them and so on, that is, a full-fledged mini-town, modern, well, firstly, safe, and secondly, creating
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, well, the minimum necessary living and working conditions in polar conditions and ensuring work safety; during the previous expedition, you first carried out an inland expedition to ... well, the uniqueness is that our research staff visited and examined previously unexplored areas of antarctica, no human had ever set foot there, in the literal sense, some aerial filming was carried out there and so on, but on the ground. no one has penetrated this area before us, but again, this is not the goal itself to penetrate into an unexplored area , the goal is research, primarily scientific research, to find out something, something, yes, find out something,
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this was a pilot expedition, because we had not carried out one before, but i will return a little to the fact that few countries can afford to have infrastructure in antarctica, and also few... countries can decide or organize safe and effective inland expeditions. this the route, as young people now say, is tightly packed. gps electronic media, tracks built and so on, but how many kilometers? the total length is 184 km, uh, many probably, well, let’s put it this way, ordinary citizens will think, well, what is this, yes, i have a village there, but it’s 200 km away, i get there back in 2 hours, well, believe me, yes, that’s in antarctica,
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in antarctica, everyone there... and you still put a flag, vasya was here, although they criticized, no, this is not the goal itself, this , you understand, is a flag, we didn’t put it on the captured citadel, we put it, indicated that we were here, and this is an area of ​​scientific interest of the republic of belarus. does this mean that another country cannot declare. in no case, in no case, this is not practiced, yes, because the antarctic treaty itself provides for freedom of scientific research, this is one of the most important postulates, and why are no minerals, resources, in general, extracted there? is antarctica rich in these resources? until 1991, when the environmental protocol was signed
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to the antarctic treaty. most of the countries that were working in antarctica at that time were conducting active geological surveys. therefore , it is not necessary to say that antarctica is a white pit from the point of view of geology and mineral resources. certain serious material has been accumulated, including by the soviet union. we can say that the entire periodic table is present and many of these elements are predicted on an industrial scale, but in 1991 a protocol was signed, in ninety on the eighth day it came into force, the protocol prohibits industrial exploration and mining in antarctica, because antarctica has been declared a world reserve, today nothing in our world can be predicted, do you admit the idea, after all, that when... they will want to conquer antarctica , some specific
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states, the system of the antarctic treaty, which was concluded in 1959 at the height, at the peak of the cold war, suggests that the majority of states, world powers are interested in maintaining the status of antarctica as neutral peaceful continent. therefore, well, in fact, all our activities are aimed at this, well, to get ahead of ourselves and say that someday the sharing of this will begin, perhaps, but i think that it will be very distant, and they are interested precisely because of the scientific potential, yes, so that conduct research activities of scientific potential , secondly, well, there is such a thing as untouched. reserve resource, in fact
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antarctica is an extremely untouched reserve resource of humanity, we are not talking about any specific country, because on a large scale on earth, most of the deposits have been explored and are actively being developed, yeah, so this can also be strategically considered as a reserve, well, for now, probably, economically , it’s probably not profitable, but it’s not absolutely a fairly expensive pleasure. that is, today there are no economically justified technologies that would make it possible to successfully extract minerals from under this multi-kilometer layer of ice, but you told us during the break that 95% of the reserves of fresh water there, including in the ice dome , antarctica contains 94% of the fresh water of the entire globe, we once shot a video with such an amazing
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natural phenomenon as the aurora, let's now show our viewers so that they too can enjoy this beauty, but the spectacle is truly mesmerizing, how often have you been able to see this with your own eyes every year, every expedition, but for this it comes. time, because we are in antarctica at the beginning of the so-called polar day, that is, the sun is actually at different angles for 24 hours. respectively, such phenomena as polar for obvious reasons, the radiance cannot be observed, but when the angle of the sun begins to decrease, this is usually march, april, may, then it is already observed, but how long will
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your expedition last, 231 days, well, i think that this is not the limit, then there is, in principle, in the interests of science, i would say this, the task of the national academy of sciences has been set, to increase the time frame for work in antarctica, but this will be dryly bureaucratic, that is, the task has been set, correctly, but it has been set strategically, that is, this is being done in order to to expand the time period for conducting scientific research, collect more material, this is much more effective, of course. yes, when the cycle is round, a year, and what runs out of supplies the fastest , bread, first, water, or the supply does not run out, we bake bread - on the spot, that is, we have mastered this technology, both gray and white, here the black one is unfortunately more complicated, but we take
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a small amount frozen, but also more like a delicacy, here the products are calculated with a reserve, yeah, that is, without fail for... unforeseen circumstances, force majeure , which, you know, happen periodically, the ship is delayed for some reason, the evacuation is delayed, and so on and so forth, so the presence of an emergency reserve of food, fuel, backup energy supply systems and so on, this is mandatory, so we are trying to convey this. purely in some cases, when there may be some kind of misunderstanding, why do you need so much, and misunderstanding, and what happens to the station when the expedition leaves, well, that’s enough a serious process of conservation, that is, it is not the way we imagine when we leave the dacha, yes, we checked, unscrewed the plugs, hung up
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the lock, we left, these are complex technological systems, these are complex device complexes, these are vehicles, communications equipment and so on, all this in stages, starting there several weeks , or even a month before the start of the evacuation, all these systems are gradually decommissioned, and so on, mothballed, checked, rechecked , and so on, because we are part of the vanguard group to antarctica, v it’s a pure field, where there are no sources of power supply, nothing, everything should work within literally an hour or two, so the responsibility for how equipment is preserved, including scientific equipment, is the highest, and the requirements for this are the highest, including mine personally for the expedition staff , you have a project
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for the memory of antarctica, can you briefly describe what it is? well, this is a russian project, which is now... being transformed into the format of an international project, it was supported by many countries, parties to the antarctic treaty. on in fact, these are those pages of history, including belarusian history, that are largely either forgotten or completely unknown. in fact, in antarctica there are several locations, burial places of soviet and russian polar explorers. here, but the soviets, we understand, it was a single family, including natives of belarus who participated in soviet antarctic expeditions, the ashes of some of them are in antarctica. this is the first second, uh, history
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of soviet antarctic expeditions, the history of modern belarusian antarctic expeditions, it is presented to a greater extent, there are materials, but they were not interconnected, they were not somehow updated there and so on, now the tasks of this movement, i would say, even yes, the memory of antarctica, not only the restoration places, soviet, russian polar explorers, but this is much broader, it is the restoration of historical facts, the historical truth about many of them, unknown facts, blind spots. bring back a human face, of course, personalize this whole story, of course, yes, but now we’ll take a break for a while, after
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after a short break, let's return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel , say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again say don't be silent, our guest is the head of the belarusian antarctic expedition, alexey gaidashov, and you and your team regularly send greetings and congratulations to us on the mainland, on significant holidays and on march 8 and february 23 for the new year, but i’m curious, because there are no time zones, what time do you focus on? well , from a practical point of view, for efficiency connections with the mainland, with belarus. we live by our watch, by our time, that is, you put your watch on the dashboard, and you live by it, as far as we know, you and
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your wife have been living since your student days, one might say, since your student years, has she always been like this? calmly perceived these circumstances, these specifics of your work, let you go on your long business trips for 231 days, jokingly, seriously, when he asks me... “there are no happy people, but there are no dissatisfied ones either, this is work, but what concerns those times when we met, started a family and so on, well, in principle , she already knew then that she would not have a quiet life, even at that time i had to go on long business trips to hot and cold spots. planet, so she imagined, nevertheless, you manage to do everything, even despite long business trips, you have three sons,
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both two of them dmitry, yes, yes, how did it happen, this is an interweaving of destinies, an interweaving of life circumstances and so on, and the eldest son alexey, yes, here, the second son dmitry, and the third son also dmitry. this is the son of my deceased comrade, well, it so happened that the boy was left here in minsk at one time alone , he didn’t become a dad at first, then his mother didn’t and no one close to him, so he entered our family, and this is ours, you have three sons, there are grandchildren, only one granddaughter, yes, these are our bows, as we say, because there are little boys all around, five grandchildren and one granddaughter, we all love her very much, we take care of her,
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like her brothers, and naturally her parents, uncles , aunts, and grandparents, well, i imagine how she bathes in universal love, well, nevertheless, she’s great , she’s made great progress in dancing, she’s been practicing seriously for many years, well, i would say even professionally. so good luck, alexey alexandrovich hints that he doesn’t swim, but works like the whole family, by the way, about work and rest, and polar explorers have weekends, how the regime is structured, until 6, let’s say, we have one mandatory day off , but it’s an unloading activity, some get enough sleep, some, if the weather permits, just go out into the neighborhood, relax, sometimes we get together, in groups... we do outings either
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on soldered ice, ice fishing, or to a colony, well, in the vicinity of a penguin colony, adélie, or just somewhere to climb some nearby mountain range, see the beauty, well, that is if the weather permits, otherwise in general, the guys just change their routine on this day, sleep and rest changes a little, here we can give a little slack, i bet you ask, does a person still cause serious harm to nature? i ’m saying, in general, in general, what do you think about humanity, its interaction with the environment wednesday, should we slow down now, or is everything fine? a significant part of humanity is very irresponsible about this. it starts in ordinary life, ordinary life, what we often say is that we went out for a picnic, someone collected it all, someone threw it all under a bush, here are
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simple examples, also in general. attitude towards nature, part of humanity, this will not end well, and nature is already showing and proving this, she no longer, she no longer does spankings, she already hits the back of the head and says, think about it, what is the polar explorer, explorer and just a person, citizen, alexey gyydashov dreaming about now? young ladies dream, we plan, and we bring these plans to life, that is, those programs that are being developed by the national academy of sciences, at the state level of polar research, they have far-reaching prospects, and let’s say, one of the main tasks is not only support at the level at which we are now, and
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step by step, we understand, step by step, we understand that nothing is sensible, when something is done there with a huge leap there or so on, everything should go along an evolutionary path, both our development of scientific research in antarctica, and the development of international cooperation in antarctica and so on, which, by the way, well, today has some of course there are complications, but nevertheless, yes, on the whole, at the level, if we take the superstructure. but on a professional level, on a personal level, and even more so there in antarctica, we continue to cooperate, we continue to support each other and so on, it’s impossible to do without this, and the
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special political laws of the big land no longer work there. in no case, yes, and it doesn’t matter if someone there is determined , let’s say, to come from unfriendly states or from friendly ones, there, if someone asks for help or assistance, or proposes some kind of, well, project, yes , no one will refuse , thank you very much, alexey alexandrovich for today ’s meeting, it’s as if we were watching our favorite program, the travel club, the voice is very similar to the voices of all our favorite presenters, who hosted this program on tour, and we hope that these misunderstandings that have arisen today are again temporary difficulties, and your big and serious work, which you have been doing for many years, will end successfully this time, of course,
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come back, we will be waiting for you, and we will welcome you no less warmly in our studio, albeit without pies, but we hope for an interesting conversation , thank you, thank you, thank you, tatyana sherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, and now speaks alexey gaidashov, the road can only be mastered by those who follow it forward, i wish everyone to set goals, achieve them, good luck, alexey alexandrovich, according to established tradition, i will ask you to leave your autograph and some... for us our viewers, thank you,
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even your signature looks like icebergs, just one chance to show your strength, it’s a ball of thread, oriad thread, arad thread, absolutely correct answer, how is perpet mobile translated from latin, i took latin 2 years ago, the last time, this is an amazing revelation . demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country , what are you going to do, well, absolutely at the same time our participants click, which english football club plays its home matches at the goodison park stadium, pavel, everton, absolutely right, the smartest and bravest gather here, not only the east, it’s a delicate matter, building
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a tower from crooked elements is still a subtle art. what gave you this idea, i love ballet, alexander gleb, alexander gleb, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, one of the best football players in the history of belarus, look, in intellectual and entertaining shows, we continue to talk about the cities of belarus with pleasure. the starting point of our route, like most tourists, is the station square. author's routes. it’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land, and the largest trade route from varyak to the greeks passed here. the most mysterious places. a unique timepiece in the heart of broadway. initially there were no arrows on them. they showed up later. the clock never showed at the correct time . interesting myths and legends, they say, here, on the central square, under the asphalt , a unique paving stone has been preserved; it was brought here in soviet times from the krevsky
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castle. watch in the program of the city of belarus on our tv channel. centuries-old weaving traditions. from manual machines to how were we able to preserve and pass on the unique technologies of the quality of our ancestors? watch in the fashion for culture project this weekend on the belarus 244 tv channel tell. how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. there should be no foreign impurities, couscous color, cream with a yellowish tint. take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight,
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do not take too light ones, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. we will cook chicken fillet steaks with a very unusual sauce and it will be very tasty. salad, if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, we lie down, raise our hands up, we raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus tv channel. 24!
12:00 pm
live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lavik is with you, hello, in this episode:


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