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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 9, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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in the new cultural development project , we remember folk traditions. pa of the traders of belarusa, the bread is not razali , the gat was amused, the bread is lamali, so the davana, the gat ologul soul of the belarusian, libra rubyazhazhevichi paulnyashni zeni zheuvaytsy, the trady to the outskirts leko zyolokov. we also turn to the historical past. geta pabudova, yana presvechanaya karal mindaug, the first karanavan karal, to whom our present land belarus appeared, because national self-awareness begins with the knowledge of our karins. geta is so outstanding that at the prykladze adnago month you can swim for an hour. there was spachatku garadzishcha, then zamak, and then zeinichaya tsarkva. our country, belarus, has always been famous for such noble people. we talk about the most
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fascinating things from the world of science. thanks to the internet, a person can communicate with other people without leaving home, regardless of the distance, even earn millions. and in fact, one of the few things that humans have not yet been able to subjugate is the climate, we are simply forced to adapt to it. sensational statement belarusian scientists, whether by the end of the century our climate will really become the same as in turkey and why researchers are interested in the climate at the ends of the earth, risk groups, who should definitely increase sun protection, failure to use the ultraviolet spectrum of protection in the proper amount injures the skin, we ask the most exciting questions questions and looking for answers to them, someone didn’t have, there weren’t pigmented ones until a certain age... then you
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come back from vacation and realize that what you have on your face is not at all what you wanted. by the results of the analysis, we can find out whether a person has an increased risk of developing hyperpigmentation and, accordingly, signs of photoaging, look at the project science nearby, on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about exchange rates, the dollar has fallen in price, the yuan and the russian the ruble has risen in price. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 18 kopecks. the euro is now 3.39 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.37, 100 russian rubles costs 3.44. ensuring technological sovereignty is one of the tasks of any
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states, including belarus. the development of technology ensures prosperity, economic independence, and competitiveness in global and regional markets. all breakthrough new technologies are carefully protected, hidden from competitors, therefore it is important to develop your competencies, strengthen the connection between university science and the real sector of the economy, the subject of these topics was discussed last week at the international forum oil and gas chemistry 2023, which was held at the bgtu. the latest innovative developments of belarusian scientists, many of them have already been put into production. according to the deputy head of the presidential administration , new technologies are being created for the country, some of them can become basic supporting industries that will give impetus to the development of a whole complex of belarusian enterprises. if only we could rely on western universities to train our specialists. university
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according to its competencies, ours, then the cost of training one student would be about 90,000 dollars a year, only by conducting scientific research can be trained at a high level, obtain unique competencies, when such a specialist graduates from the university , he can bring something new to production, he comes... with the most modern knowledge, with his own ideas, he can push technologies, develop these technologies already at production sites. more than half of the bgtu specialties are related to the petro-gas chemical sector of the economy; in total , the university has about 90 areas. emphasis on creating import-substituting products, for example, one of the developments is an artificial stone based on phosphorus gypsum, produced by the gomel chemical plant. for now we buy it abroad, in volume.
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approximately 300,000 tons, pilot production is already in operation, in the future this will help save millions of dollars - universities say, today we signed an agreement, i believe, one of the very ... important ones for the creation of a branch of the department of the university of organic synthesis at the mozyl oil refinery and the creation of an industry laboratories, that is, we create a number of equipment there at the enterprise that will work within the framework of a joint laboratory to ensure their technological process hol, on issues here is the first one - this is bitumen, that is , the production of new types for the production of asphalt, which would be generally resistant to temperature changes, climate change, and so on. according to the rector of bgtu, more and more often enterprises turn to the university for scientific support of their orders; in the last year alone, about twenty new
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technologies for industry have been mastered, about seven have already been introduced into cooperation with the development bank this process can speed up. economic efficiency, it is connected to a greater extent, and we cannot assess the economic efficiency of these projects depending on the period, so standard bank financing for such projects most often does not work due to long payback periods; accordingly, market failures must be leveled out in some way, and in order to to represent on promising strategic projects. lending, financing, and a development bank was created, a bank that should ensure the development of the country, including
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including ensuring technological sovereignty, therefore it is important to find projects that are of national, intersectoral importance, with the participation of all state bodies, the government, funding organizations, sometimes even the budget, implement these projects, and they will pay off, this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in business, we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday to the most noticeable in the economy, see you.
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i want to run. where was the happy moment, any, i want to go to that country where there was no sex, but what kind of love there was, maybe i hold on to my
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desires, only with age it gets stronger, i want to go to that country where there was no money, but there were many friends, a country where there was no money, but there were many friends, i i’m leafing through an album of tattered photographs from previous years, a beautiful spring, i want to go to that country where there were no clothes, but there were a lot of books, i want to go to that country where there were no clothes, but there were a lot of books. and i want, even though i haven’t seen the ussr, i read it in books, and i know everything about lies and postscripts at port meetings, about
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crooked, about humiliating queues and jokes, and the toilet paper was not so bright and colored, you have two two tv channels there, there is a black and white tv, igor kirillov, the newspaper news with articles by alexander bovin, of course, there is no toilet paper, and a three-liter of food you have there are three-liter jars of birch sap, a pyramid of kefir, canned saury, they don’t have to make a lot of tanks. here the tanks will give you fawn hats, and i understand that the whole tragedy, the whole tragedy of the great empire was that there was no toilet paper, and indeed, it was impossible to survive, which means that the shortage of toilet paper is the ideological collapse of humanity , you know, without the russian cross, when a million died a year, without hundreds of thousands of drug addicts and prostitutes, without the civil war in tajikistan, without execution in 1993, without civil war... in ukraine, without this fratricidal war that is going on now, without
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americans rampaging around the world, without the destruction of international law, you know, without it was somehow calmer than all of this, although without toilet paper, but i understand that i will give you three rolls, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always one, my name is grigory azaryonok, this is the secret spring of politics, hello, i’ll tell you which country i want to go to, i want to go to the country where there is a rein on the official, on the bureaucrat, on the capitalist on the market, where people cannot be thrown, even if this is dictated by the free forces of the economy, where there is another force on them, the force of the leader, the president , and the joy of children is higher than a billionth to me the profits of the trusts, the joy that the leader gives, the mayor of minsk said, why are you offending people, but he already knew... why didn’t they take action, well, he started making excuses for me, as usual, i say, listen, there is an agreement,
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but there was an agreement with one of the districts, leninsky, in my opinion, or the central district , i don’t remember, and then they took this agreement, transferred it to uksgorkomu, that is, higher up, yes, there is an agreement, you are all according to the agreement, well, there, you understand, uh, at the same time, well, you know, inflation, materials have become more expensive, there is a reprimand in the contract. attributed no, then go build it as per the agreement, if you had provided for it in the agreement, then people may not have complained, but people complain that we, the state, do not comply with the agreement concluded, i understand, tomorrow morning, i want to that country where a military man, a serviceman, a sovereign man, at the top of the social pyramid, he has nothing of his own, everything that is government owned, he has... and he serves it, serves because it is necessary, because he looks at the field and dubrava and
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says in his heart: i will not allow all this trample on those who don’t like it , and his heart beats faster, and he takes up a weapon and says, lead into the attack, prince, and where the minister crawls, runs, fights next to a simple amonovite.
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so this morning we decided to run together with the fighters. they are optimal for today, 8 s2 km , taking into account the obstacles that await along the way, probably the most optimal, i ’ll be honest, at the finish line it was already a little difficult, but we all got there, i’m satisfied fighters who are physically prepared today, but the most important thing, as practice shows, is not physical preparation is fortitude. i want to go to a country where you are not thrown into the space of the wild jungle, where your homeland leads you from kindergarten to university, and beyond, where it finds you a job, housing, pays you income, distributes it, like a caring mother leads a child by the hand, so that he doesn’t fall, doesn’t break the labeshnik, but gets there and rejoices, where doesn’t matter the son of someone, a combine operator or a minister, the owner of a restaurant chain or a plumber, you enter the university the same way, where
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a social worker goes many kilometers away to the house of a lonely grandmother, and will bring food, he will clean, he will talk, for a modest fee this is all, but where it is necessary for the soul, i want to go to that country where at the end of autumn a hospital, school, clinic, medical center, road are solemnly opened with red ribbons. the hostel and the reactor are launched into the country where the authorities do not plunge people into the archaic, into stupid nationalism, digging into roots, climbing through forest... cemeteries and collecting shards, throwing bones at their homeland, and where new cities arise, gardens and parks , science cities, where their new technologies are, where people go to the top, to breakthroughs, to a dream, i had such a plan when they were building it, i had to
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extract competence from the russians, and yes, i told putin, i say, you know, you don’t care about the station, but we must build it together and we we must learn, well, as much as possible according to the maxim, well, with the exception of, for example, the reactor, so we are discussing, well, why should we build a reactor, there is someone to build it and there is enough production, and so on, everything that is possible, we must learn, we must thank putin , he’s great, he says: whatever you ask, whatever the belarusians can, take it, do it, he says, let’s go together. to build abroad, that was the big goal, but to build a station, well, well, we’ll build it, it’s not a question, we’ll learn, they did a great job for us, we can go with them now, not even 50-50, we can already 75 cost 25, that was the main idea, so that our people, our people, learn, this is space
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production, come to life, yes, yes , thank you guys, i confirm your readiness, well , i can already see you are glowing, that means everything is fine, yes , the first time it glowed, it didn’t glow very much, but the main thing he says to me is, here are the shots, how can we find people, do everything, i want to go to that country where the fifth generation is not fighting, you know many such countries, i’m alone, i look around and see her, belarus, alexandra lukashenko, this is our country, many call it the last island of the soviet union. they think that they are insulting, but we read the gospel, those who follow will be the first. the soul unmistakably finds the light of truth in the kingdom of chimeras, i say to fate again, thank you that i was born in the ussr. and let the sky
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frown ahead. i'll never lose my way, my address not a house or a street, my address is the soviet union, i settled down more or less, a broken life for a year, but i would give everything that i have to return to where my heart excites with dreams, and i laugh in the face of the wind, my address not a house or a street, my address is the soviet union.
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how much has been lost today. how much of me is left in the country that was once stolen, was in broad daylight, but my faith will still come true, i remain with my own, my address is not a house or a street, my address is the soviet union, but i still believe ... will come true again with my own, i remain, my address is not home and not a street, my address is the soviet union,
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their life in polish villages and agricultural towns , contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. in many ways, our future life depends on the conditions in which you were born, what surrounded you, what kind of nature, what kind of people were next to you. our life in the village is more measured, we are not in a hurry, we seem to work a lot, but we are not in a hurry. i call big cats. they are tame, they are kind, well , somehow i am happy with all this, i love it all. hard work. the main quality of these people, i have already had practice for more than 30 years, we use drip irrigation, much more effective and convenient in every village. or there is a place in the city that people are proud of, the pearl of our zakozel is the chapel-tomb of the ozheshka family, i have almost everything to eat.


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