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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 11, 2023 2:10am-2:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the rain is swaying, thick, variable, raindrops are knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope little hedgehog, like dew in the field, like in the sky a star, like
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a star in the sky, like endless space in the sea. naked surf, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, a big dream and a big love, don’t be sad, your whole life
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is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait. have fun, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, you hope you say, don’t be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, your whole life is ahead. thank you very much, thank you very much for your kind words addressed to yuri fetrovich malikov,
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we will definitely pass everything on to him, thank you! for 14 years now, his work begins when the sun sets, a few hours of sleep at dawn it continues again, every evening, without holidays, weekends and vacations, he doesn’t think that they are also stewed, asked, and you fill them with water in the morning, he is the only representative of an ancient profession in belarus, which was found in the archives there was a uniform of a lamplighter more than 100 years ago, that’s what. in the past, an ordinary electrician suddenly turned into a tourist symbol of the city. in order to see how he does his job, people specially travel 100 km. once upon a time in those days, people of that age had hearts of gold and wooden crosses, but now, unfortunately, everything has gone
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the other way around. wooden hearts and gold crosses. he is often compared to a character from andersen's fairy tales. and it's not just about the authentic costume on the vintage staircase. a lamplighter from the city of brest, a man who not only lights large lanterns on the streets of the city, but also small lanterns in people’s souls. the height of a hot summer day: the start of the evening shift is still far away and viktor petrovich and his wife natalya are going to the dacha, this is a place of attraction for them, they can rest their souls,
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although it’s unlikely for their bodies, judging by the perfectly planted beds of vegetable and berry plantations, a lot of work has been invested here . we hardly see each other when we arrive, we don’t talk. someone strokes roses, talks to roses, someone does its job, we cope because we have to love the earth, then, communication with microorganisms, with the earth , you don’t feel tired, you seem to be tired, you’re going home, well , such fatigue is pleasant, looking at the lean, fit and constantly smiling viktor petrovich and not you will say that he is 66 years old, however, he himself talks about his age like this, divide it by half, well, natalya needs to ask, but i guessed it half, 15, still a teenager,
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viktor petrovich always had an easy and positive attitude towards life, but the most amazing thing is that with with age, this trait in him not only did not disappear anywhere, but manifested itself even more, the motto of such a life. he wants, we don’t have any problems, we solve all the problems , there’s no need to get hung up on some small details, we just often create problems for ourselves, and go around whining about something, then there’s not enough money, then there’s not enough, there’s such an old parable, a grandmother went to the sage and said, i have no... no sick people, no colleagues, you have hands, you have eyes, be glad that you woke up, because
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many are not given this, perhaps exactly this attitude towards life, oneself and people played a decisive role 14 years ago, when viktor kirisyuk, among a huge competition of applicants, was chosen to become the main and only lamplighter not only of the city of brest, but of the whole of belarus. then he worked in brest-gorsvet, as an ordinary electrician; at first he treated the unexpected position simply as new responsibilities. then it would have been uncomfortable, such a drastic change, this is the profession, what it means to walk quietly with a screwdriver or pliers. and when there is a bunch. people and you are alone, so all attention on you, so it’s exciting, but over time the excitement passed, and viktor petrovich got used to the role so well that, imperceptibly for himself, he became a symbol of brest, and the tradition
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of lighting lanterns in the evenings turned into a calling card of the city, even without the costume of a vintage staircase, the famous lamplighter on the pedestrian street sovetskaya everyone knows: artists, craftsmen, street people... yulia, for example, comes here very often, she is an actress in the theater of living sculptors, i saw him every evening, every morning i knew that he lights the lanterns, then we met closer, somewhere after work, i met him already without the image of a lamplighter, he treated us to chocolates, sweets, and somehow we met, i already know him as well, as a person, indistinguishable, here is a lamplighter - this is one person, just victor petrovich without an image in an image - the same, just as kind, just as humorous , just as cheerful, just as responsive, it’s just wonderful, the very idea to revive the former tradition of lighting lanterns came to the city leadership in 2009 on the eve of the next anniversary of brest. specially
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for the main pedestrian street sovetskaya , 17 lanterns with kerosene lamps, stylized in the 19th century, were ordered. we delved into the archives and found information about what a lamplighter from peter’s times looked like. we ordered a uniform and a cap based on old sketches, like this lamplighter’s costume, and found in the archives a uniform that was more centuries old. the lamplighter's butt is what the buoys tore off, but there were spare ones, but now they are beautifully screwed on the wires here. in fact , many buttons had been torn off over so many years of work, but viktor petrovich never got angry, only i laughed it off, well, some even pull the floorboards hard, but i ask them, be gentle, girls, lower, before the appointed time of marriage. a few minutes
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remain, warm summer twilight slowly falls on brest, an old waltz sounds from somewhere far away and a lamplighter in a frock coat with shiny buttons comes out of a small closet, the fairy tale comes to life before our eyes. people come and say: you’re like... anderson’s fairy tales, adults, yes, i’m even somehow surprised, oh, how am i, it’s like i ’m in a fairy tale or ended up there, a fairy tale, you give a fairy tale, and indeed, looking at how sincerely, like a child, adults react to the bresse lamplighter, how they smile from ear to ear, rush to reach the button to make a wish, it becomes clear what
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viktor petrovich is talking about, thank you! health to you, happiness, of course, any, everyone is happy. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. thanks to the internet, a person can communicate with other people without leaving home, regardless of distance, and even earn millions. and just in fact one of the few, what humans have not yet been able to subjugate is the climate, we are simply forced to adapt to it. let's share interesting facts. a sensational statement by belarusian scientists: will our climate really become the same by the end of the century?
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like in turkey and why the climate at the end of the earth is interesting to researchers, risk groups, who should definitely increase sun protection, failure to use the ultraviolet spectrum of protection in the proper amount traumatizes the skin, we ask the most exciting questions, we look for answers to them, someone didn’t, didn’t was there until a certain point age of age spots, here on you, and when you return from vacation you realize that what you have on your face is not at all what you are... based on the results of the analysis, we can find out whether a person has an increased risk of developing hyperpigmentation and, accordingly, signs of photoaging, see the science project is nearby on tv channel belarus 244 in each program there are new heroes we are bakers by education working together at the same enterprise plus in english this is a higher education i will learn the korean language korean language. unpredictable questions, what were the brothers' names
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sucked according to legend by a she-wolf? so, the obligatory version, a chill on the forks, don’t take everything so literally, and unexpected answers to them, maybe it somehow rhymes dimyan, well, not timyan, but somehow it’s possible, porridge, i don’t know, some kind of, this a sport in which you have to move backwards, i accept the answer rome, the correct answer is milan. santa maria delegation in milan, build a tower, watch in the intellectual show, the tower on the belarus 24 tv channel. commonwealth of independent states, integration that unites over 230 million people, the leaders of the countries discussed how everyone could be stronger together , a red thread in the theses of the belarusian president sounds one thought, in response to... the world is big, the light just
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didn’t converge like a wedge on europe and america. developing cooperation with russian regions is an absolute priority for us. literally every week the head of state holds negotiations with governors, alignment to the right, or who is inspired by the third reich these days, from the nazis in the canadian parliament to the fascists in the european union. russians are becoming the new jews. belarusians, by the way, also fall into this category. for persecution of infringement of truth , a linguistic sign is enough. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. the legend is that if you rub a lamplighter’s button and make a wish, it will certainly come true for a very long time, but for adults,
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this fairy tale game turns into something more, good evening, hello, someone really makes a wish half jokingly, someone takes this ritual much more seriously, asking for important things and sincerely believing that magical the buttons of the bresse lamplighter will definitely help, well, people are already looking for salvation everywhere, some parents are sick, some have been away from home for a long time , they make a wish, they come in a year or two, in their arms with a child, they say, we made a wish, once recently she’s driving, she’s carrying strollers, thank you, this is what we made, our wish came true, well, thank god, a person should probably believe, if you believe and want, she will always come to your senses, i tell little children to always make a wish,
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i want, i can do it, and all the problems to light everything up... 17 lanterns take viktor petrovich about half an hour, but even closer to the end of this action, the crowd of tourists does not disperse, and the number of people wanting to take pictures with the famous bresse character does not decrease . in order to see the lights being lit in brest, they come from all over the world. we came on a promotional and informational tour, we are travel agents from the tyumen region, we came to get to know belarus, we arrived today from minsk to brest and the first thing we did was come here. i told you that it’s always like a fairy tale, and we they were also waiting for him to come out, so the atmosphere was conveyed by the fact that people were following him, not that someone looked at one lantern and dispersed, this is exactly the unity of all people in one place to observe such an unusual action, anastasia
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my daughter liza and i came from the city of bolokovo, saratov region, we learned about the plywood worker from the intellectual game kvis, we arrived in brest today, visited the bresse fortress, stayed here overnight in a hostel in order to go visit in the evening, this is very unusual, very impressive, the child doesn’t really understand yet , for me i didn’t see those times when lanterns were lit by hand, to see this, how it was, is very interesting, very educational and something new, just like any fairy tale and the ritual of lighting lanterns comes to an end, there are fewer people on the soviet..., and viktor petrovich takes pictures with the last tourists for today. during these half an hour, he not only completed his job, he withstood the noise and din of the crowd, the touch of dozens of hands, the hug of strangers, but with each i talked, smiled at everyone, didn’t
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refuse anyone, not a hint of fatigue or irritation, i’m generally for peace in the whole world, and for people to be kinder to each other, more often. so that money, money, money were not in the foreground, once in those days, people of that age had golden hearts, wooden crosses, but now, unfortunately, everything has gone the other way around, rhubarb hearts and golden crosses, to the soviet dusk has fallen, the lights are on, the show is over. and for our hero the work continues, in just a few hours, when it starts to get light, he will come here again to turn off the lights, they don’t think that they also put them out, they ask, and you
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fill them with water in the morning, in fact, i get up, i raise the glass, and that in just 24 hours he will have to go up and down once. so, 14 years, without days off, holidays and vacations. in any weather, winter and summer. although this profession is from earlier times, even today it cannot be called simple. in european cities, there are very few lamplighters left, and there they are worth their weight in gold. to the question: have you ever wanted to work somewhere in another country? viktor petrovich answers without even thinking. and i didn’t even think about it and wouldn’t have gone, well, i’m somehow a patriot, one might say, of my brest, with me it has its own


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