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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 14, 2023 12:05am-1:05am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] or something is capable of returning humanity to the mainstream of common sense, we continue, such a density of events, such an intensity of passions , in order to really understand, you need a cold mind and powerful analytical talent, our guest today on this part is a professional with a capital p, there is only one connection with us one of the most authoritative russian-speaking experts, russian intelligence officer, professor mgemo, andrei bezrukov, andrei olegovich, hello, we are very glad to see you again, thank you for taking the time, i propose... to start with the palestinian-israeli confrontation, we, of course, follow the news, which is filled with emotions, it is understandable, first there is a bloody attack by hamas, the taking of hostages, then we see the blockade of the gaza strip, israeli strikes on civilian targets, the use of prohibited shells, according to the data, 70% of those killed in the gaza strip are women and children , but behind the emotions it is difficult, it is important to recognize what is happening deeply, in particular, why
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did everything happen right now in this form? it’s hard to say here, i can at least name two factors. first time recently there was such a situation that the agreement between israel and saudi arabia became a reality. if this agreement had been signed, the independence of palestine could, i think, be put an end to. and this is exactly what the americans were leading to, and hamas naturally did not like this, but that’s why right now, why exactly at this moment, i think that hamass has become, from a military point of view, at least a fairly independent player, making its own decisions, and naturally, he didn’t even inform his, so to speak, patrons,
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from lebanon, iran. and carried out so that it was difficult to recognize, the preparation for it was difficult to recognize, which was successful, that is, many experts, and all over the world , unanimously immediately started talking about the fact that israeli intelligence had slept through, and the reason was precisely that no one expected it, they didn’t agree with anyone, this is the reason, because they still said a super special service, a super army, i ’m interested in your opinion, as professionals in this sense, you understand what’s the matter, every super special service, super army has normal people living people. and they make mistakes, and the question is not that one of them is an outstanding professional, there are probably many of them, but that the whole process of collecting information, its analysis, its, let’s say, coverage in decision-making circles, correct coverage,
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then making a decision, taking measures that would or what happened on october 7 , this is a single chain, if some element in this chain breaks or does not work, if some element in this chain, and here perhaps the political element played its part role, then the whole the chain does not work, and no matter how well we talk about this or that part of this chain, there will be no result, and this is most likely the factor here, now, when we look at the assessments that sound not only the special cruelty of israel, they themselves call this is decisiveness, but also such nasty patronage of the united states, we see the behavior of washington in sabbezion, israel, in general, does not hide it, and we can understand that for them this whole story is almost an existential threat, so hence such determination, what does this mean for the states? in in many ways, israeli policy determined
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american policy in the middle east. how true is this, well, let the scientists figure it out, that's not the question, for the united states now, and for the democratic party, for the democratic administration, this is really a litmus test of which side you are on, and of course, when you have to choose, the united the states chose israel, but let's mention one more thing, if before the united states. skillfully maneuvered on the one hand the arab world, on the other hand, israel, its allies in europe, then, apparently, now there are no those competencies, politics is deteriorating, and under the weak leadership of biden, if you can even call him leadership like that, look at the consolidation of the entire west around israel, and yet the west has
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very serious interests in the entire arab world, that is, i just see the degradation of western policy, okay, so we hear loud statements from the arab world, but so far there have been real steps... less than a statement, maybe for now, but, in general, that’s for them the current conflict may become a new point of assembly for the entire region, it has already become to some extent, the arab world will have nothing else left, because well, the influence of the so-called arab street, in such crises, is very great, it is still interesting to observe , as after the events, for example, in makhachkala, the western media, especially... the american ones are trying to make russia out to be the main anti-sem, this is their kind of distracting maneuver, right? well, it's just funny, it's just funny. what anti-semitism? i, i don't really see him, huh
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you know, just like in belarus, you can put on several elements, so to speak, well, which have already been fed by the special services, are already ready for some... performance, well, you know, this is a problem, i would he said, it’s more local, this is a problem of local intelligence services, who should have known people who , well, let’s say, uh, are ready to come out for any reason, they would have come out for another reason, this, this is just a reason, that what’s going on now in palestine, this is a reason for speaking, it could have been different, you remember, at the beginning of the special military operation, they also tried to set fire to dagestan and, in general, people also came out, is this a problem with how the local
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special services work? well, naturally, western propaganda and people who left russia are actively fighting the regime in russia , naturally, they will continue to set fires, maybe to close this topic, i want to draw on they were just well illustrated the other day, while the americans they are trying to present russians as the main antisemists, according to a report published by the national institute and the government of israel, against the backdrop wars in the middle east, the number of manifestations of anti-semitism throughout the world increased by 1.180% by 1.180%, while a third of these manifestations were recorded in the united states , major american cities, including new york, became hotbeds, that is, it seems to me that this is very very good answers the question of who and where... meanwhile, the concentration of forces of mutual hatred in the region gives rise to the fear that a new world war will come out of the middle east, in your
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opinion, it will happen, how likely is it, you know that , in the region, unstable for a long time, he it’s already burning, well, listen, when we first heard about the right thing, yes, why, everything is clear, a huge number of unemployed youth, a dysfunctional economy as a whole, a huge gap between rich and poor, the dominance of western, pro-western politicians, the authorities in saudi arabia carried out absolutely pro-american politics, and naturally, such tension within the region , it has already led to internal, let’s say , conflict between countries, and social conflict, you know, this is just the weak link in the world now, the second, of course, weak
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a link can now be called southeast asia, this region around the yellow sea, the south china sea, which, and of course, what the americans are trying to do now is to use this tension so that both let the region live, yeah, but the way out here is the formation of a palestinian state should stop this conflict, so that at least the next generation can live in peace there? do you understand whether this will stop the conflict of confrontation between the arab world and the islamic world with israel to the end. i don't know, but now it is absolutely obvious that without the formation of a normal palestinian state, this conflict simply cannot be extinguished. closer to us is the topic, of course, which we cannot ignore, behind
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the fire in the middle east, ukraine is going into the shadows, in the west, in general, this is no longer particularly hidden, in a conversation with russian pranksters, the example of italy miloni, here we are the other day we heard someone let it slip, europe is already tired of the conflict in ukraine, an interview with a loser, for which they are seeking revenge. now in zelsky's office, finally, in time and a very eloquent cover with a small a figurine of zelsky and no one in capital letters. for the ukrainian confrontation: is this the beginning of the end, or is it just a lull and we don’t... need to make such quick conclusions that we are moving into some new stage here, what do you think? well, i don’t see any calm yet, the conflict continues, the military phase, the active military phase, the heavy military phase continues, that consolidation in ukraine at the beginning of the conflict, it no longer exists, neither in society nor in power,
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this is the first thing, there is no consolidation and from point of view support from the west, as you say, and europe is tired, and the united states is tired , because the election cycle is starting in the united states, naturally the opposition will always exploit the weaknesses, the ruling factions, we see a huge difference in losses, and we see a huge difference in how i wish i could tell you this, in the overall strategic potential and this... the difference cannot be equalized by anything, even if the west gives up everything it has left, it doesn’t matter, the conflict will not turn in the other direction, this is fatigue, it, it, it turns into that according to the people it sounds like whether zelensky will be merged or not, so far it looks like the mood is to merge him, but then the other day he decided not to prepare for the presidential elections, that is, to take them and cancel them, and here
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here... a question arises, which, or rather, is not a question, but an assumption that he himself feels that , to put it mildly, clouds are gathering over him, they will merge him, there is a completely clear understanding that the conflict will not end with the victory of the west, and the throwing out of new resources for this conflict, ukraine doesn’t need any more of these resources will not lead to anything good, this means that the understanding is growing that the conflict needs to end. and this means that we will have to somehow come to an agreement with russia, russia will not come to an agreement with the authorities that are now in kiev, this is completely clear, and the west cannot leave this power in kiev, for the simple reason that if this power is left, then the results are tragic for the west, the results of this conflict will fall directly on the west, that is... the question of who lost, who lost in
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the conflict will be clear, the west lost, that is, we need a goat who can be written off defeat, well, to be suitable, the situation fit the following narrative : we did everything we could, we gave what we could, but here’s an incomprehensible, incompetent person named... zelsky behaved like this with corruption, with everything else, with wrong decisions regarding the counter-attack, bakhmut and so on, that well, obviously the person is incompetent , well, it’s clear why they lost then, that is, i don’t think that there is any other opinion now in the west about leaving
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selensky in kiev or not, how will it be... done, this is a completely different question, when we observed makhachkala, we already talked a little about this topic, first of all , he showed how easy it is to use, in general, any discontent and mobilize the crowd, and many say that in the twentieth in minsk we saw similar technologies, in your opinion they have the same root, really , in the events in 1920 in minsk, and now what we saw in the events in makhachkala? well , about the same thing, the same technology, who does it rely on? into two types of element, even three, say, for the opposition that exists outside the country, which is encouraged by money and technology from the west, which organizes this whole thing, and two elements inside, the first are people who actually hate belarus and russia and
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are trying. .. to undermine, systematically undermine the situation, the second part is people who, well, seem to have no rudder and no sails, who do not understand what they are doing, who can be incited to go out like this, to protest, and this is such a situation exists in any country, and the only question is the extent to which local special services are able to see these people and allocate work with them, these provocations will continue. andreyvich, thank you very much for participating in our program, thank you for taking the time, thank you , professors, member of the presidim of the council on foreign defense policy of russia, andrei bezrukov, were in touch with us , well, that’s all for today, see you in a week,
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happily , everyone has their own happiness, we, when we participate in these practices, we awaken in ourselves, our own unique history, in childhood there are no days off, that is, in childhood the child does not wait for saturday on sunday, and the skin burns with your right and the light changes until it shines, your attention is linked to your body, and your center of weight changes, your breathing changes, your attention changes, now what instrument, what instrument can unite everyone, here is a round dance game festival , look at the project ... when joining the service, our main
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duty is to carry out our work efficiently to ensure road safety , which will help our citizens live in world and neighborhood. my work, the purpose of life, service to the people, the law, you can work somewhere else, but here it is written down in our code, service to the people and the law, so everyone serves us, we don’t have such a concept of work, i think that the special unit strela is a revered service, our whole country looks at our service, guests arriving here are first greeted by state inspectors strela , well, our suspicion has always been completed primarily with all the technical devices for communications, initially, what if we have somewhere is being developed, then in the boom we immediately consider all these technical parts, we have equipment at a higher level, in addition to ensuring road safety, we provide practical assistance to other road users and the territorial division of the civil aviation authority, we also check how they perform their service, communicate with
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citizens, and when communicating with other participants in the movement, do it in a way that is humane, firstly, and secondly, as you would like to be communicated with. if you look at the special employee divisions arrow, he is already an example in himself, he is not only for others, he is for himself, and if he is an example for himself, then for others he will also be an example, initially everyone looks at him, it turns out that if a person, an employee, initially, he must become a person, and he must be an example only for himself, and others will look at him within the framework of all concepts, i believe this should initially be a goal. professional education, psychological training of the employee, implies oneself working with all categories of citizens that we have, you need to be a worthy officer , a worthy person, so that behind his back, when he retires, they will say that he was a worthy person who served, gave
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everything to his homeland, to his service to the people. at the weekend, the minsk dynamo football team could have achieved a championship treble; they had long ago won the title in the reserves tournament; the youth team was already in a holiday mood; on saturday, everyone expected that the club’s main team would secure gold ahead of schedule after 19 years, but the grodno neman is still resist. november, and at the very least still cherishes hope for first place with a four-point gap two rounds before the finish. this is arena, hello, watch today's program. there is enough potential to build a good team in the future,
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we are going to move towards this gradually. this is exactly how everything works in football. the belarusian national team is going to give the difference; the spanish coach has never won. at the new place of work, village receptions are prohibited, and the guys themselves say that it is difficult to play with us in this regard, delicate hockey, on cup of the president's sports club, girls went against the guys, i never thought that cycling would tie up the arts, painting on wheels cycling has officially become an art, alternative weekends, look at what people devoted their weekend to while you sat at home doing nothing. today the main football team of the country started training camp in matches with andora and kos. we have the right to expect the first victory of the spaniard carls alvos; although he has not won yet, he managed to create a positive background around the team, this
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the background, of course, must be supported by results; by and large, alos plays with the same players as his predecessor georgy kondratiev, which means that the difference can only be made by a different psychological approach to the team. there are plenty of mini-intrigues for the coming week, but let’s highlight one of them: will striker denis lavt score his first goal for the national team, 30 previous attempts. so they turned out to be unsuccessful. you know, we are going step by step, collecting more and more information about each player. this work cannot be considered completed, because the doors to the national team is open to everyone. everyone must clearly understand, show yourself and we will give you a chance. so i repeat, now we are gaining knowledge about belarusian football, but i can already say that i am pleased with what i have seen. there is enough potential to build a good team in the future. we are going to move towards this gradually. this is exactly how everything works in football. what kind of formats do tournament organizers come up with during the time of sanctions on belarusian and russian hockey, for example, at a competition under the auspices of the presidential sports club on
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last week they invited a women's team from a neighboring country. there is certainly room for improvement with such guy partners. the ladies performed outside the competition, but they were the ones who attracted the attention of our correspondent kristina kamysh more than others. in general terms, in television broadcasts everything is clear in terms of the balance of power between men and women, everything is clear in terms of speed. and this is how young people behave. on the ice with girls, what does he talk about and what impression does he make? fulfilled the plan, and, in my opinion, in our coaches’ opinion, we looked decent, a victory, in the locker room the junior national team of belarus is a complete idyll , the hat that is usually awarded to the most valuable useful player in a victorious match, this time the hockey players gave it to the entire coaching staff, so ours... thanked their mentors for the trophy. success in the cup of the presidential sports club was
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the sixth in history for the belarusian team, third in a row. and once again your general congratulations. on the way to this trophy, our juniors beat their peers from kazakhstan 4:1 convincingly. the guys from russia were defeated 1:0. the red car did not bring to belarus to the tournament u-18, and u-16. according to the idea of ​​the eastern neighbors, their youth team will progress faster this way. but the guests were upset because of their result, and even for a group photo, not all russians wore medals. such tournaments are absolutely necessary, because it is a great chance to watch the players, test the players. and for us, for u-16, playing with u-18 is a huge plus. because we understand what to expect in the future, on the eve of this world cup, teams are playing several european tours, each of them is divided
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into some kind of, well, fours, there fives and hold tournaments among themselves to have an idea and about each other , so that the guys get this international, so for us these matches, they are of course important, this is what we would look like, it would be exciting, it was somewhere there would be some stress, so... here, but uh, from the point of view of the game, i think we would be ready to play there. it is also pleasing that several belarusians were among the best players of the cup in their roles, for example, anton krupovets was noted among the goalkeepers, and oleg khomchenko won in competition scorers race. of course it’s great for the guys, and for me personally, since i’m a maximalist, i always love the highest pedestals, in fact, we’re already hosting the sixteenth cup of the presidential sports... club and this already shows the status of this event, it’s important so that our guys get this international experience, and we see how
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equal the teams are, how strong they are, preparing to defend the team of the color of our flag in the international arena, little by little understanding what it is wear the coat of arms on the chest. this season, the organizers made adjustments to the regulations and held a mini-tournament in hockey in the 3.3 format, in which juniors from belarus also became the first. our final goal has been achieved, this is a victory both 3:3 and 5:5, we have gained good international experience , i think tournaments of this format should be held more often, the schedule of matches itself is similar to the world cup, one might say that every day is new match, there is not much time to recover and we have to give every match our all, our system works, and we play for each other together, and the main, final goal is victory, the decoration of the cup of the presidential sports club... was the women's team of our eastern neighbors, the girls are in the worst situation, because the men's squads of belarus and russia can get together to invite the team
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of kazakhstan and organize a full-fledged tournament and there is no such opportunity in the chat, since there are no rivals whom the international federation of the sport will allow to play, so we have to compete with the guys, power moves are prohibited here, and the guys themselves they say that it’s difficult to play with us in this regard, that you can’t hit anywhere, you have to slow down everywhere, they were careful , someone will fall somewhere, oh, excuse me, get up, get up, sometimes they helped, well done, in any case, they treated us great, very nice, someone even joked with us saying that let’s remember hockey, because at the beginning of our journey we all lost with huge scores, we faced strong teams, in fact it’s no big deal, that is, if you look at how to treat this, obviously that we are losing there in everything, but this is a reason for russia to somehow benefit from it, this is what the coaches are pushing us to do, that we are preparing further, we are preparing for strong opponents when we come out to the international arena, for a moment the russian women's team
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won bronze three times at the world championships in the ihf rankings, now they are in sixth place. at the last olympics in beijing, the team competed in the playoffs of the tournament. of course, at the presidential sports club cup the girls performed outside the standings and had three defeats, we will omit the total score. i’m very pleased when they score so many goals for goalkeepers, especially, but you have to sacrifice something in order to learn, you still get great emotions, even though they score so much. how many direct messages do you receive on instagram from belarusians, perhaps? or our own russians, well, i won’t say that there are a lot, but there are people who sign up there, sometimes there, we were also at the khl matches yesterday, people there, in principle, also know about this tournament, they come up there and take pictures, it was also very pleasant, how many people have you added as friends on instagram? well, yes, new subscribers have appeared, so to speak, they are pretty
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under the masks, right? well, yes, very, very much, guys, well, they tried... to be gentlemen , yes, therefore, these are young guys, regardless, or he’s going on a date, or he’s going out to play against girls, he’s probably somehow inspired, that’s what at the same time, at the same time , they probably didn’t quite understand how to act correctly, but that’s why i’m telling you, you see, yes we we also learned some advantages from this. the domestic hockey federation also took advantage of a good opportunity and organized team building for two women’s teams, because now belarus is actively developing this discipline, while our team is growing up, it only dreams of competing with russians, therefore, during a master class on making shoppers, the older ones taught the younger ones how progress faster on the ice. what do sports and art have in common?
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the organizers of the viva art exhibition tried to find the answer to this question. cola art, which. the start was given exactly a month ago, and now it’s finally time to take stock. one of the key components of the viva cola ar exhibition was the exposition of the minsk bicycle club, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, an exclusive photo - a prestigious collection of cycling t-shirts, loud victories, priceless trophies. the leading professional club in belarus has something to be proud of, and our correspondent elena gorelchik has something to tell and show about this . three floors of the palace of arts were in power for a month cycling, immediately at the entrance, visitors to the exhibition were greeted by rare bicycles for children and adults, and it was not even our parents who once rode them, but our grandparents. on the walls there are modern photographs of athletes, soviet posters and uniforms of winners of various competitions. this is how viva cola art managed to combine
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the past and the present. the second floor is specifically for art lovers and fans of the minsk cycling club. a variety of art objects are located here. all of them are clearly dedicated to cycling, they all became competitions and competitors as in sports for winning the competition. there were seven winners in each category. thus, the best sculpture, according to the jury, was authored by sergei galuz. the prize for best graphics went to elizaveta pastushenko. i've loved it since childhood. bicycle, i always loved cycling, now i enjoy riding a bicycle, regardless of the weather, the idea seemed interesting to me, firstly, of combining a person with a mechanism, as far as this can be solved plastically in sculpture, well, in art, which i studied throughout my entire life, here is the second, how to convey speed and dynamics, in my work, this is an athlete who practically
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merged with his bike to achieve goals, it’s called a may night’s dream, but there, let’s say, a mixture of everything, yes, then there is spring, when life awakens again after winter, yes, that is, people go out for a walk, start singing, everything blooms, again, this is the moment when everyone takes their bikes and starts riding. the competition was attended by famous and experienced artists, sculptors and representatives of other creative directions, such as very young and little-known students from different cities of belarus, more than 200 people in total, each of them is familiar with bicycles in one way or another, because in childhood many raced on two wheels, but it was this competition that helped its participants become even closer to the present. i never thought that cycling would link an artist with art, because the self-sufficient phenomenon of cycling, and sport in general, is a self-sufficient discipline,
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which we treat with a special reverence respect, because there are achievements, there are results, there is a nation, behind all this there are very high definitions that work for the country, for the republic, so the artist stands a little aside, often, i won’t say, always forever, cycling, it’s just so is immense, so inexhaustible today, there are still so many facets and spaces in it that no one has yet reached, and both in a professional and amateur form, you drive and every minute you can enjoy the surroundings, past you on life flies by at such speed. he's
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kind of cosmic. dry, warm, which means comfortable for runners in mid-november, it gives runners the opportunity to run and compete before the winter weather, which is popularly called snow, literally every week fellow runners call our correspondent andrei kozlov to the race. he is either in silichi on a bison, or in grodnoy racing with the same active belarusians. a huge amount of information on a healthy lifestyle simply cannot disappear or remain
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unnoticed, so the jam is plot again. buffalo. the key here is to warm up, otherwise there is a high risk of injury while running. the bison of the power format with handlebars, this year resigned at the beginning of october , was not fresh, but the most athletic ones gathered on the track. the volume-operator plan speaks of a scale in order to test your endurance and functional preparation of the body during this period of the year, the leg muscles in the mud are here as a symbol. 3, 2, 1, ahead of us running along the distance with attacks of heights, but we reached the finish line absolutely everything, and everyone, despite their place in the final protocol, received a commemorative medal, someone ran for a fan, well, someone devotes their life to this cause. i trained daily, i seem to be a professional-level track and field athlete, i train daily, i’m preparing for stripping competitions, this was not a planned start, but
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the organizers invited me, great, motivated, girls in bezon gracefully emphasize the beauty in sports, while many pass the most difficult bison races, here, apparently, are not they just want to be athletic, but also bright , training in any case, there’s no way without it, aspirations, desires, everything, probably, sasha pekhtereva won among girls in the age group of 9-12 years old, by her last name you can understand that she is the daughter of the world champion of this year in steeplechase tatyana pekhtereva, in addition, sasha celebrated her birthday the day before the victorious bezon. i turned 10 yesterday, i tried my best to win, but it worked out,
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i run very often, we do modern things, so bison goes to the winter hibernation, but his fans are already marking the dates on the calendar for the next running year, power is in motion. around the same minutes , the debut season of the running league, which was promoted by the team of the belarusian athletics federation, was closing in grodno. throughout the year, everyone could register and go through all the stages. at the same time, the running league is a brilliant opportunity to get to know belarus a little better, because each race took place in a different belarusian town. we started in kobrin in the east of the country and ended in grodno in the west. particularly active participation - these are our children, who are the most energetic, and of course, there were teams
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that from the very beginning of the running league. for the main prizes our financial, monetary, well, we see that we have a lot of children present at our races, runners are also present, people in a good mood, cheerful, this is such beautiful autumn weather, which makes us happy for almost a year, the weather we have been pleased throughout our entire running season; the program opened with a family run near grodno, where the most important thing is participation, not victory, the running movement of belarus, right now, is already a whole dynasty, and additional time to be with those closest to you. cool, it’s great that we pass on our example to the child, teach him about sports, our dad runs , so for me this is already the seventh race and i would like children to be constantly involved in such races, so that adults can take them with them and show how it’s all done it’s not so simple in fact, the finishing point, or rather the start of the 10 km race, began in the center of grodno, all participants had a wonderful... an opportunity to get to know the surroundings of one
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of the most beautiful cities from an unusual perspective. the runners have set off for the distance, and we invite you to register in the running league right now, then next year will bring a lot of sports emotions. and that’s all for today, arena will be on air in a week, so see you. a show in which two worlds are united, a virtual game and real fights, they will not forgive each other the slightest mistake ; they will make the opponent’s weakness their advantage. participants from four countries will. give yourself strength when i
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i stood on this platform, my legs just started shaking, my knees themselves, come on, they will prove not in words, but in deeds, who is the hero of our time? it was scary in the first minute, of course, i didn’t expect that my hands would hurt so much, the tests became more complicated, oh-oh-oh, look, he’s taking off forward, let’s go higher. well, there’s just a little bit left, come on, watch the “heroes on” project on our tv channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live
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inclusions from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan , kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day.
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be with the belarus 24 tv channel and open it. i will never see them again, and i... i won’t see you, you will see, zhen, you and i will still embrace our sky, you and i will still be together, we will definitely be, you hear, and you will definitely see the planes at van, you will definitely see
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, you will become a doctor, i believe in it, you hear, you will write to me, of course i will, i will write you a long, long letter every day. and wait for zhenya’s answer every day.
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hi, hi, zheka didn’t come, no, she’s still at school. vanka is leaving today, that's the glory god, i told you that horasto agreed to take care of things as soon as he found out that alya died, in vain, i’ll be a punk, because i planted him at 10, and if he killed him, that’s why he shot. can you imagine the state he was in, i don’t even want to imagine when his mother died, i was scared at first by little, it turned out to be a criminal abortion, of course, how else could such a woman end her life, a very
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logical ending to life, you are unbearable, and not we take it out. hello dad, go eat, i don’t want it yet, mom, i’ll come later, what? that means i don’t want to, where are you going, i won’t take a long time, mom, no, eat first , mom, the truck is already at the entrance, what about the wires, no , you won’t go anywhere, mom, let it go, yours will get by without any careless wires, let her in, don’t
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interfere at all, go, mom, please, no, you’re not going anywhere, let’s go, i also want to say goodbye. thank you andrey vladimirovich, thank you for everything. van, let’s get over it, i never had a father. for me you are andrey vladimirovich, wait. nasi, future pilot. andrey vladimirovich, they
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flew with me for more than 120 hours, thank you thank you very much, you will say when you become a pilot, you will become the best pilot in the country, you thank me for this, i am proud of you. i will also boast to everyone that i put you in my cockpit as a kid, gave you my notes to read, well, you will become the best pilot in the country, you will become a hero, i promise you vladimirovich, that’s great, be great. good luck to you in life, that’s it, get into the cab,
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uncle kol is tired of waiting, come on, uncle kol, jack, i’ll get to the gate, okay, dad, okay, everything
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will be fine. we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that you are aware of current events in the country and the world. in addition, our team of journalists obtains valuable knowledge from experts on how to maintain and increase health. there is also room for entertainment, every friday we bring to your attention the best projects and films of our tv channel, this and much more awaits you in the weekly project ether 24 on 7, watch on the tv channel
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belarus 244. vanya, stop, vai, stop, please, vai. i can’t live without you, vai, howl, please, stop, zhenya, zhenya, vai, i can’t live without you, i can’t live without you, my dear!
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stop, stop, stop, stop the car, take me with you, please, please, congratulate the car, beckoning, zhenya, vanya, vanya, vanya, zhenya , come on, please, please, don’t pull me away, come on , please, don’t pull me out, please, i ask you, don’t leave, i can’t live without you, i can’t live without you, i can’t, i love you, i can’t, i can’t live, not mine anymore, please come on, take me, forget me, i’m not i can live without, i don’t, i don’t need to. oh, oh, i love you so much, guys, we're
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running out of time, i love you so much, my, my, my, my, my! my lobe, i swear, i swear, i will love you all my life, you hear, all my life, i swear to you, no, no, no, no, touch, touch, everything, oh, oh, my dear vanka, how i feel bad without you, if only you knew, the world without you has become empty, colorless, all my thoughts are only about you, i always go to the airfield and embrace our sky with you, i watch airplanes and see you at the controls, how are you, my
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beloved vanka, we have physics now, tanya nosova is standing at the blackboard, solving a stupid problem, edik mitrofanov looks at me and turns his head again and again. yesterday he and vadik said that i had changed a lot ; for some reason they were worried about me. oh, vanechka , the most important thing is that dimka kosyakov came up to me during recess and said that his dad is flying to saratov at the beginning of next month, and i can tell you something with him. you see how well done dimka is, zhenya, and i have tomorrow, the molecule has woken up, continue the letter later, zhenya lugovaya, can’t you hear me? i'm asking you, what are you doing? give me your notebook immediately, i'm waiting, i'll do it again i repeat, give me your notebook immediately, i want to know what you are doing in class, how long will i stand with my hand outstretched, hm? don't
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test my patience. i don’t understand, lugovaya, what ’s going on with you lately? sorry, but don't do this in
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class. varka, call the older boy, he’s doing some math, he’s explaining something, no , arithmetic, you know to what point, he said, i’ll talk to him, vanya, vanya, go, does he want to talk to you about something? talk moles with your uncle,
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tell me what eh? what are your plans for life? do you have? what plans are you asking about? well , when you finish school, what are you going to do? enrolling in flight school , that means flying, that means you ’ll learn to fly, but here we are with your brother’s aunt larka , dragging our necks, right? that's a face, but how can you take a day off for a bottle, how can you take the soul out of someone for a bottle? go away, woman, get in the way, they're already talking, you'd better not fly, study, go to the factory, plow, make money, i know, here in the house
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we don't need stray parasites, i have my own parasites, there's a lot of horseradish, right? you have to plow, be a man, oh, oh, also, the parasites have come, mother, ah... mother , why are you babysitting someone else’s boy more than your own, you wipe your genet’s ass, but pashka has a brother, you don’t care for pashka grandma, he’s not your grandson, why isn’t your grandson enough for you, or something, oh, son , they’re all the same to me , well, you’re going to go pick him up in kindergarten over there, vanka, right? vanya comes home after school, and i’m happy to go for a walk, take the girl, i’m drunk as hell, let’s go
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, get the fuck out, don’t bother me , why are you staring at me, what should i teach, son, there’s no need to glare at me. she will crush me with her gigantic breasts, i will die an absurd death
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, and you will have remorse, sit down shupovalov , don’t you like me at all , why don’t you like me, you really like me , you’re a very handsome young man. a very positive person, 120 to 80 for you, then why do you ignore me all the time, because there is another man shapovalov, why then don’t you marry him? because i... the woman who already married him. zelena zyurevna. igor, please don't waste your time, you won't succeed anyway. i wish you a successful
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flight. elena yuryevna, hope dies last. but i


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