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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 21, 2023 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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this is an understandable policy, hello, today we will talk about a man who has been haunted by the laurels of george soros for 30 years. his companies, media, tame politicians and foundations over and over again invade the countries of the post-soviet space with their truth and democracy.
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so, mikhail khodorkovsky had his hand and wallet involved in alexei navalny, ukraine and , of course, the events in belarus in 2020. what does the fugitive oligarch want, how did he earn his money, why is the thief a murderer, a friend and supporter of those who wanted to overturn belarus, we only need to draw facts and conclusions to you.
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money, it’s so beautiful, khodarkovsky’s famous phrase in one of his interviews became his guiding star into the world of perestroika. in 1987, khodorkovsky headed the center for scientific and technical creativity at the komsomol , but very quickly the institution turned into banal traders, they transported cognac, alcohol, jeans through the komsomol corridors, and in the nineties they completely started cashing, in other words, they laundered money. but the money became.
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through influential acquaintances back in the cpsu , khodorkovsky created the minotep bank, a structure which served the interests and money of the elite, those very dashing nineties. in march 1992, minotep announced the start of the spring action program, which included attracting financial resources to expand the production and processing of energy resources, primarily oil, and organizing the production of equipment for the oil and gas and construction industries at defense enterprises. for these purposes, it was planned to accumulate at least 50 billion dollars by the end of the ninety-second year. in october of '92, minotep performed mediator in negotiations between the ministry of top energy of the russian federation and representatives of an american company, the largest manufacturer of pipelines and equipment for main oil and gas pipelines. communication with the americans was also established with the yeltsin administration. after all, khodorkovsky is one of the sponsors of the russian presidential elections in the nineties. a number of transactions
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allowed the businessman to take part in the creation of the european union bank on the island of antigua, a global laundry, mikhail from the bank of new york became friends, hundreds of corruption scandals are associated with this organization, the soviet system becomes irrelevant for him, the same komsomol becomes irrelevant for him, god bless him, he got out of it everything he could, moved into commercial activity, in commercial activity something ceased to be relevant, someone took over his ways, god bless them, you can get rid of people, from structures, the campaign for good money was successful, khadarkovsky, like a vacuum cleaner swallowed up state-owned companies for next to nothing during privatization and finally, kompaniyas, one of the oil giants of russia. very interesting terms of the auction at which khodorkovsky received yukos. in fact, the state gave minotep a head start that was unattainable for other players. moreover, even before the start of the auction
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, khoder’s circle began to openly warn competitors that no one should open their mouth to yukos. a consortium, which included alfabank, inkombank and russian credit, proposed. for the assets of yukos 350 million dollars, however, on behalf of the state, applications for participation in the auction were registered by minotep, which naturally did not accept the consortium’s application and yukos went to khodorkovsky, who paid only 9 million more for the stake than the stated price of 150 million. honestly, democratically, everything is as khodorkovsky tells his flock on the internet. at his peak, the businessman had a personal fortune of $15 billion. however, after khodorkovsky’s release in 2015 , another dark story came to light: the murder of the mayor of neftyugansk. the reason is that the oligarch’s company did not want to pay taxes to the budget. the investigation established that the businessman, through employees of his company, ordered the murder several people whose activities
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were contrary to khodorkovsky’s interests. among those killed was vladimir petukhov, the head of neftyugansk. it is noteworthy that the murder occurred on khodorkovsky’s birthday. as a result, only alexey pichugin, head of the internal economic security department of yukos, went to prison. the oligarch himself, at 21 , told a heartbreaking truth in an interview with a ukrainian propagandist. they say petukhov got involved with the bandits, the mayor needed money to pay, but the equal-to-the-apostles representative of the seven-bankers could not sacrifice principles and think about ordinary people. i say, what are you doing? you have a third of the city's state employees, what are you doing? well, he says, well, it’s like mine, well, yours, so i say, well, that’s it, that means i won’t pay taxes to you, i’ll bring cash from moscow and distribute it to state employees according to the statements, that’s what i did, distributed it, and they slammed him
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, well, so to speak, well, it touches the soul, but in the criminal case there are not one, but six episodes... of the relationship between nevzlin and his accomplices, who ordered and committed the murder according to the owner's go-ahead. the story of mikhail borisovich khodrakovsky and his, probably, one might say, best friend, comrade-in-arms, leonid nevzlin, is such one big, bright, unfortunately, terrible illustration of what happened in the nineties, how the very oligarchs who left robbed russia, the very people who are now saying that the system in russia needs to be changed, it is necessary... to overthrow president putin, we need to invest in some kind of democracy, but what they say, in essence, means democracy, this is lawlessness, this theft is the plunder of state property and so on. well, actually, that’s why belarus was such a tasty morsel, for characters like
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khodargakovsky, who financed some projects, they are abroad, but very actively took part in the information war in belarus in the twentieth year. we will say more later, but for now one more thing about those with whom they wanted to build some kind of new belarus, with such allies it’s scary to imagine what those same supporters of change would do here, that’s what nevzlin writes in social networks, my roots are from belarus, i love this people and this country, i would like it to become not the western outlying mafia of the russian federation, but a democratic sovereign state of europe, i believe that only parliamentary democracy without parliamentary democracy is acceptable for belarus. ozarenka and other freaks. i note that pichugin received a life sentence for a series of murders, he is crying on camera for a reason, judging by the materials of the criminal case, but he managed to escape to israel and was already concerned about the fate of belarus abroad. and now the destructive media at that time actively replicated vor’s statements
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and organizer of ordered massacres. the participation of nevzlin hiding in israel in murders and attempted murders has been proven and confirmed by a court verdict in absentia. it is clear that nevzlin performed all his actions only with the approval of his senior partner, mikhail khadarkovsky, no one denies this, even nevzlin himself, from an interview. he told me not to come back, one of his lawyers called me and said, mikhail borisovich asked me to tell him that you don’t have to come back. i was lucky to have good friendly relations with misha, equal, we are all we did it together with our own money. i came across a book about commercial banks. a wonderful book, it described in great detail
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how, at a popular level, how the banking system works, i said, i like it, okay, but how would i make a bank? on october 25, 2003, miraculously, khodarkovsky was arrested for tax evasion and fraud, the circle of business scams was closed, accounts were blocked, khodarkovsky, thanks to the feeding of media, became prisoner number one, and although he himself denied any interest in politics, the work of his funds for western countries, their own people burned it, that’s what journalist valery panyushkin, a prisoner of silence, wrote in his book, according to a businessman. mikhail khadarkovsky with seven pr specialists and assistants traveled to the regions to meet with student governors. it was officially stated that the purpose of khodorkovsky’s trip was to advertise and explain the united company sibneft in the regions. that all people in russia will only benefit from the merger of companies, because the price of gasoline will decrease
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and new social programs will be introduced. unofficially, says sps leader boris nemtsov, khodorkovsky wanted to communicate with governors and students, to understand how dissatisfied governors might be with the authoritarianism of the central government, and how dissatisfied students might be with the dictatorship being established in the country. here we come to the most important topic: the influence of sponsorship by khodarkovsky, a liberal. fraudsters and scoundrels of all kinds. the oligarch founded the non-profit public organization open russia in 2002, even before his criminal sentence. and here soros’ ears are already sticking out. it all started literally according to the training manual of the famous hungarian. khodarakovsky created computer classes in schools, schools of public policy, regional clubs, and even opened the koralovo lyceum in the moscow region. the director of the effective foundation was the first to catch the hand, not the politician. politician gleb pavlovsky, he said that those programs that are used to educate young people 12-18
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years old are banal work on the future electoral base, the fund continued to work when khodorkovsky was in prison, one of the most famous products, those same new students. they through financing certain information structures, society is pumped up as much as possible, and then at these necessary moments, when, for example, unauthorized events take place there. which hide behind various names, for example, open russia, well, no open russia is a media holding there, it was essentially a structure of global political provocations, when this provocation takes place, people come out, then open russia employees become coordinators, they become centurions there , thousands of people, like a man who
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at the moment directly depends on the intelligence services, well, here you can argue whose intelligence services are british or american , their goal is one - to destroy russia, what is at russia’s side is belarus, its closest partner, closest ally, this is essentially a link one chain, that is, they see us together as enemies, in short, to swing russia through belarus, but a close connection. russian journalists have told this more than once. we met back in the nineties. soros, who openly hates russia, often attended the open russia event in as an honored guest, he called the oligarch his longtime friend. when things became too obvious, the liberals' main donor tried to play hero again by shutting down the card, as the fund was called, himself. open russia is closed to protect its participants. from illegal persecution. this happened in the spring of twenty-one, but there is one
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point, at the same time alexei navalny’s anti-corruption fund submitted an annual report to the tax service, the american one, because a subsidiary structure was registered there, it turned out that khodorkovsky only officially allocated a million dollars, although the report was publicly published only in september twenty. the americans said that all this time, quote, they were processing information. anti-corruption foundation. alexei navalny’s fund was only 22% financed from donations from sympathetic citizens, the remaining 78% was contributed by the fund’s employees themselves in the period from 1917 to 2020. businessman evgeny chichvarkin and philanthropist boris zimin. as the financial resources at artie’s disposal show documents, in total this amount amounted to 164.6 million rubles. more than half of the funds came in transfers from zimin and the head of the fbk headquarters network , leonid volkov. this contradicts one of the main postulates of the fund: existence solely for independent money, that is
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, financial support for a wide group of people without attracting large private capital. yes, khodarkovsky gave money simply in cash, by the way, in belarus in the 1920s we also often heard from various foundations that we exist only on your donations, we are independent from a to z, another dust in the eyes. khodorkovsky’s salaries and budgets, which he devoted as an activist, at that time, even for that opposition, were simply fantastic, so of course, this attracted many adventurers, some kind of political chessmen who were built into this system, but no public , through some kind of fake schemes, through cashing out foreign cards and so on, that is, people used such a symbiosis, well, none of these methods can be called transparent, open, or, i don’t know, aimed at some kind of increase
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trust in these, structuralist and his funds have long been loved in the west, because he finances not only. subversive activities in belarus and russia, but british educational institutions, through the khodorkovsky foundation and the oxford russian foundation. and here another direct link to the events in belarus arises: mbx media, as if by chance, a couple of months before the elections , journalists from this publication poured into us, why? try to guess. some so-called journalists of these projects were detained even by the belarusian security forces in the first days; they did not were accredited, had nothing on them at all based on what can be called journalistic attributes, and in the end there were no power banks, if you ’re filming on a phone, in my opinion, these people served as coordinators, they are not the first since they did this, these same characters were detained, and there are actually a lot of them, they change their names, surnames, faces and so on, they
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do not represent anything as people, they are actually cogs in such a pretty good... example two open coordinators russia artyom vazhinkov and igor rogov. khodrakovsky’s envoys came to minsk in august 1920 to coordinate the protests. they were caught red-handed during the riots at the riga supermarket. however, when law enforcement officers detained them, postcard workers told their legend about the tourist trip. what are we doing here? i was on vacation for tourism purposes, i came to minsk, i’m also from russia, i came to a sanatorium, today i was vacationing in minsk with a friend, the boss of these journalists himself constantly shouted on air that the true president of belarus is a fugitive the cook, in general, followed the trend of general narratives, a destructive agenda, in the general flow of lies and fakes, managing to draw mind-blowing parallels. i am sure that
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the poisoning of alexei navalny, i have no doubt that it was a poisoning, is connected specifically with belarus. events, this is very putin-like: a special operation to prevent the diversion of attention on the eve of purges in minsk, but the fact that it could cost someone’s life, well, acceptable costs, keeping lukashenko in power is more important. the script should be written in hollywood, not engage in politics. by the way, the file on khodarkovsky’s personal channel is dated august 22 , 2020. what nonsense these liberal and honest activists fed their audience back then. nothing should interfere on the path to the goal, neither people, nor organizations, nor entire countries, nor society, nothing, there is a goal , i am moving towards the goal, and the accompanying victims in the form of people, the state, the country, society, or some organizations that stood in his way, they are swept away, this is the evolution of mikhail
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khodorkovsky, a natural result that we we see now, absolute embitterment and no longer the need to hide any of our true plans. but from england, switzerland and germany, or wherever the fugitive criminal oligarch now lives, of course, it is clearer how belarus and russia should develop. at the same time, the senior partner in contract killings actively distributed instructions to the rioters in minsk, calling for the use of force against law enforcement officers. not everyone understood this message. we all heard berkut's negotiations. on the maidan, they thought only when they were answered with force by force, i’m afraid there is no other choice,” khodorkovsky wrote on twitter. you, dear monster, answered him in a comment: mikhail borisovich, come to the barricades and lead. protest, otherwise they somehow showed up in kiev, and then the hut is on the edge, move to belarus and help the republic. here we also remember the story of olga kovalkova in a loud prank
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by the telelenova agency and her shameful confession that if she came to power, she would sell naftan and mozyr to an influential oligarch, practically for nothing, everything as she liked, for example, khodarkovsky. for what, for financing a political campaign, of course, which would be covered up with the same cliched freedom and democracy. simple and understandable. the scheme for dividing the country with tekhanovskaya would be the same. and at the moment we are talking about processes such as privatization, not today, in the sense in belarus, yes , naturally, when you come to power, if you are interested in something specific, then you need to talk about this specific thing, that is, how if you are interested in a specific enterprise, as a large businessman, which certainly also has an interest, ours, the boss, also wanted to participate in that privatization process, and under belarus, which will be... with your participation, well, in particular, interest in the not all chemical industry, yes, i understand that too, with such a background it would have been a sin
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not to work in ukraine. khodarkovsky is closely connected with rinat akhmetov, one of the main oligarchs, who worked through the smart holding gasket company and the german gerhard frank rieger. rieger was introduced through the dutch company metin. german represented the interests of the shareholder, who wished to remain anonymous, through him they organized an additional issue of class b shares, these are securities with increased voting rights and value. thus, the mysterious investor became an important part of the company. match number one. rigerge appeared at the corporation literally a couple of days after the first meeting between akhmetov and khodarkovsky. coincidence number two: he worked with an oligarch in moscow in 2002 and became the financial director of the yukos company. everything indicates that rieger became khodarkovsky’s personal confidant,
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one of a dozen close associates. than in in reality, athens the director was in charge and what assignments he carried out, even his colleagues from top management did not know. however, subsequently in october of the fourteenth year, a man with the same name, gerhard frank rigger, appears in european companies associated with khodarkovsky, in estonia and the czech republic. for example, he was on the board of directors of the czech fao, and it was through fao that khodorkovsky paid money to the russian opposition, primarily to alexei navalny and representatives of the parnassus party. in 2015 , the equivalent of rub 40 million passed through fao accounts. support for non-systemic opposition projects. it also provided funding for open russia and its electoral project, open elections. apparently the chains were broken. perhaps for the first time in his life he felt a new feeling for himself, he was thrown out, he invested 10 million dollars in the construction of luxury housing in kiev, the construction was frozen, and the oligarch’s company is a candidate for sanctions, because he earned his
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money, which he managed to withdraw from russia, in russia , which means we need to block it, karma, that’s what it is, another parallel with the belarusian events, khodorkovsky also wanted to create a government in exile and, too, it turned out to be nothing, but it seems the story does not end, in september he traveled to the usa, where he was essentially given an invitation to work with fbk, the navalny foundation, so the western-fed media and the frontman himself are probably will appear closer to spring and our elections, and then russian ones, and no one in the west is embarrassed that the disgraced businessman has blood on his hands up to his elbows, i hope now you too will understand this, happily.
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