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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 22, 2023 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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an investigative and operational group worked: all the circumstances of the incident and the cause of the fire will be established by the lyakhovichi district department of the investigative committee during the inspection. emergency situations ministry workers quickly arrived at the scene of the call and found out that it was completely engulfed in fire. during reconnaissance of the fire, the bodies of two children, a boy and a girl, were found. the fire destroyed the roof and ceiling of the property. experts will determine the cause of the incident. special purpose tasks and regular work, one of the best special forces in the country 35 years old, the president of belarus congratulated the riot police officers and officers, they work on the ground, under water, at height and at gunpoint, where it is difficult, dangerous, and other units cannot cope, amon fighters do not like loud posters and pompous speeches, although every day they risk their lives for the peace and safety of others, from ensuring order on the streets to eliminating illegal bank formations, impossible tasks for them. at the end of the eighty-eighth year
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, a special police detachment was created. the creation of this unit was dictated by time. crime began to rampant on the streets of belarusian cities and a decision was made to create a special police unit for security support, especially the operational units of the criminal investigation department, the main department for combating organized crime. the selection was very poor, which ones they don’t do, where it’s difficult, where other units can’t cope, they work there. for the anniversary of the special forces, the television news agency prepared a film from the start to the present day, about real special operations, formation and spirit brotherhood, we will tell you and show you that same amon. belarus is on air alone, today at 20:30.
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and this is all the news of the issue, more about events in the country and the world, watch at 3:00 pm, see you on the first button. hello, sas is authorized to air the program, and its presenter nadezhda sas is also present. i'm glad to welcome you. let me remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country. and each of us. the war
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on drugs is the topic of our today's program. let's talk about how ukraine is turning into a drug hub in europe. but first, about the key events in world politics this week. a large-scale belarusian delegation arrived in equatorial guinea. on november 14, 2023, in the city of malaba, negotiations were held in a narrow composition of the belarusian delegation under the leadership of foreign minister oleinik with colleagues from equatoria. headed by the minister of foreign affairs of international cooperation and diaspora. the countries confirmed their serious political commitment to developing bilateral cooperation. in during the meeting, they discussed the progress in implementing the agreements reached by the heads of the two states in minsk to develop cooperation in specific areas, including agriculture, food industry, medicine, pharmacology, construction, forestry, petrochemicals, education and others. after seven years. absence
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, former prime minister david cameron returned to the big politics of great britain and took up the post of foreign minister. the reason for the reshuffle was the dismissal of the head of the ministry of internal affairs, suela braverman, for her harsh remarks about the pro-palestinian marches that have taken place in london regularly since the start of the war between israel and hamas. james cleverly, head of the foreign office, was appointed in her place, and cameron replaced him. since the 1970s, this is the first time a former prime minister has returned to david cameron. first of all, he is known for initiating a referendum on leaving the eu in 2016, which , unexpectedly for himself and most of the establishment, he lost; many in europe still cannot do this for him sorry, also he advocated cooperation with china and dialogue with russia, but under his premiership there were completely different international realities. the representative of the polish opposition, szymon golovnia, was elected chairman of the sejm. lower house
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of parliament. according to the voting results , golovne beat elzbeto vitek, the candidate from the law and justice party. this party won the october elections, but did not receive an absolute majority. not heady: the first victory of the opposition coalition claiming the right to form a government, but the losing peace team is still playing for time. president andrzej duda instructed the representative of the law and justice party, mateusz morawiecki, to form a government, but it is unlikely that he will receive confidence in the sejm, where the majority of votes from the opposition and the election of the speaker clearly confirmed this. then the right to create a cabinet will pass to the leader of the civil coalition, donald tusk. the first step of the new speaker was to remove barriers that limited people’s approach to the sejm building, as well as simplify the rules for journalists to move along the corridors of parliament. all these restrictions were introduced during the reign of pis. well, the highlight of the week was the negotiations between the president of the united states, joe biden, and the chairman
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of the people's republic of china, shizen ping. among the few practical agreements of this meeting was an agreement to resume cooperation between the two countries in the fight against drug trafficking. and the leaders of the two most powerful states in the world spoke about a problem that is rarely discussed in political talk shows, but which at the same time has a very serious impact on politics, about this illegal trafficking of illegal substances by drug cartels, as the most important non-state players in world politics and economics, will be discussed in today’s program, i am pleased to welcome petrovich bogadel, deputy head, to our studio. general forces of the military academy of belarus, candidate of military sciences. hello, i am pleased to welcome for the first time to our studio vladimir konstantinovich kireev, head of the analytical department of the international eurasian movement, political scientist from the russian federation. hello, according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a blitz
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question drug mafia immortal andrey petrovich. well, you know, it’s still necessary , by and large, to tie things up after all. the mafia, where it exists, does not exist in a vacuum. the same thing, today the problem that mainly worries us is those neighbors, our neighbors who are on the southern borders , already today, probably, there is no doubt that ukraine, in essence, is not a sovereign state, on the one hand, in political matters it depends on instructions both internally and externally political policy, from overseas uncles, in matters of economics, it depends entirely on the cash injections that the western masters make the same thing, and not partners, as they like to call it, and of course, even in the military sphere, everything depends, first, starting from the training of military specialists, the armament of military equipment and the supply of ammunition, ending even with navigation
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and the supply of intelligence data, this is what we can conclude from this: today, in essence, this ukraine is being turned by the west, on the one hand, into its proxy force, which will solve problems not only related to russophobia and the war with the russian federation, but also the fact that they want to turn this territory essentially into a gray zone, where they will solve their issues, dark issues related, of course, to criminals, first of all, including drug cartels, the drug business, and the arms trade and the trade in people and organs, so everything that awaits ukraine... all the worst, it’s what awaits it, unfortunately, i agree with you, indeed ukraine has turned into not even the gray zone, the dark zone, where the worst things happen, such darkness is flourishing, unfortunately, hugely, but still the blitz continues, the drug mafia
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is immortal, vladimir konstantinovich, do you think that geopolitics determines the place of ukraine in the modern economic division of labor, and if the west takes for... some privileged functions, such as clean business, humanitarian technologies, then ukraine has been given such dirty functions related to what a colleague said : slave trade, organ trade, drug trafficking, at the same time a reverse reaction, since the human psyche, a person simply anthropologically, has a dark side, namely the desire, well, for some kind of dopamine pleasure, and to strive to get it in the most accessible, easy ways, including prohibited and harmful ways of pleasure, then these methods they acquire their beneficiaries, infrastructure, whole companies, organizations, cartels that provide these services, unfortunately, it happens in such a way that serving these
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criminal interests, organizations appear that receive such large incomes that they, in turn, begin to corrupt local... ukraine, but their incomes are large enough to corrupt western countries, we see a strange symbiosis, including ukrainian drug producers, traders with mexicans, americans, americans are already starting to play along with this criminal syndicate, simply receiving big profits from them, in turn explaining this with geopolitical interests, about drug cartels, their influence and more, let's talk to alexander yuryevich stepanov, a military expert and analysts , hello, i'm glad to see you on our program, yes, good afternoon, greetings, alexandrievich, you are a brilliant expert in this field, and not only,
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and you know , the war certainly intertwined both weapons and drugs, these are incredibly profitable industries, and here are the opportunities for large earnings, but i want to discuss with you the role of drug cartels as non-state actors in international relations, how much they influence politics in europe today, in the same america in latin america. has ukraine started to play an important role here not so long ago? yes, of course, i would like to say that today international drug syndicates act as actors, or even more likely as instruments of hybrid confrontation, and i would not give excessive subjectivity to their influence, because they act under total control, by and large in my opinion, this is a creature primarily of western intelligence services. if we carefully track the us military presence in certain regions in the 20th century, we can start with the same
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golden triangle from the understanding that, in principle, all opium that was grown in the region was controlled, and first of all, by the american intelligence services and those regional drug syndicates that were grown, disciplined, and given combat functionality, among other things, because drug syndicates - this is always a parallel illegal armed group. and those combat proxy structures that can influence the regional situation. the situation was similar in the golden crescent zone, we all know the presence statistics very well the western and, above all, the american contingent in afghanistan, when the volume of cultivation of opium umak and, accordingly, supplies, including the countries of central asia, increased tenfold and the interests of the russian federation were certainly supported. it should be noted that, by and large, all supplies
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of prohibited substances are always instruments of that same hybrid war and, above all , have a negative impact on the demographic potential of the population. we remember that back in the day, the tactics of colonel ordan’s five ring strategy were created, where there were separated as different segments. impact including the population, because by and large, narcotic substances destroy the gene pool; the main impact, for example, of those synthetic drugs that are now distributed from the positions of, among other things , ukrainian drug syndicates, everyone knows the khimprom group very well, it is this chemistry that destroys the active, young population , the average age is 18-30 years, and the most important thing is that these narcotic drugs are quite affordable, in principle they can be easily
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acquired by a large part of the population, in this is the moment who receives, and most importantly, controls the main financial flows, logistics corridors, because you need to understand that transnational drug syndicates are huge corporations, they are a systemic, organized, complex structure that is supervised through the services of financial transnational giants , the same trust funds that now take control of almost all western transnational assets, and this is trillions of dollars, if you take all the complex architecture, again remember the presence of nato in serbia all the bases being built are military infrastructure, by the way, one of the main contractors is hali burton, they, among other things... solved logistics problems, including drug trafficking, we all remember
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the scandals when, among other things, containers with two hundred american ones were delivered from europe in the usa, drugs were found in these coffins, this is not the yellow press, these are real crimes that happened, which were also investigated at the congressional level, so we see that this is a complex chain with a huge number of clues. ukraine in in this regard, it acts as a certain hub, a testing ground, where currently, in the conditions of just a gray uncontrolled zone, the so-called failed state, when... are also directly included in this process of control and distribution of the resource base, we understand that this is also a tool of hybrid warfare using prohibited substances, they have been doing this since 2014. alexandrevich, stay with us, i want to draw attention to the graphics, andrey petrovich, let’s comment on it, after the departure of the united states of america from
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afghanistan's export structure has changed, and opium production has collapsed. poppy, here is the red curve, we are seeing it, and wheat production has increased sharply, well, after the adoption of the law on the legalization of medical cannabis, as some experts say, ukraine will experience a reverse trend, rapid growth of the drug industry, this is a complex topic, many naturally argue, that post-traumatic syndrome in people who return from a war zone , and it may be worth treating it with the use of medical cannabis, but where line and how to control it? perhaps the current ukrainian government is pursuing completely different goals? i completely agree with my colleague that the capacity of the market today is primarily related to the sale of drugs, it is actually akin to the sale of tobacco and
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alcohol, weapons, and that is what we are saying today that the whole world, well, in that western world , which we are talking about, often there is simply a question of legalizing these drugs; everyone knows, for example, that the same germany in the twenty-second year passed a law on legalization, and not only for medical purposes, but also for recreational purposes, for the purpose of obtaining pleasure since the twenty-fourth year, in the united states of america in the beacon of goodness and democracy, there, for example, in 38 states it is officially permitted to use it for medical purposes in 16 countries, including for recreational purposes, it is cannabis, that is, in its various forms, that canada has allowed virtually throughout the country, that is, these are only some elements, no, it certainly does not lag behind this anywhere or is accustomed to keeping up with nowhere the western world, of course, ukraine , and we all know that zelsky carried out some
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reforms, we all know that his judicial reform was supposedly carried out successfully, informatization there, the fight... with the military commissariats , and of course the land reform cannabis reform and legalization. what’s interesting is that in many of these countries the volume of production of this cannabis and its cultivation are somehow limited, for example, in ukraine, this is allowed, you look, 40 million hectares of arable land, well, used for agriculture in total, this is a wonderful black soil, that is, the land there itself is essentially about 17-18 million hectares, bought in fact by such large companies as korggil, dupont, monsan, these are companies that deal with what, food and chemistry, we all quite recently, this is how it was also shown here how wheat here is commensurate, for example, with the same
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production of poppy, cannabis and everything else, but if in afghanistan this suddenly changed dramatically, let’s remember, just recently, how the west advocated for that, and continues, i think, to advocate for the continuation of this grain deal, this grain corridor, where they were able to sell 10 billion only supposedly wheat, by the way, andrei petrovich, i want to add, public figures and political scientists in romania are sounding the alarm, because over the last for 2 years, huge quantities of drugs have poured into romania ; in his article, political scientist ion cristoiu notes that the romanian authorities do not pay enough attention... to the so-called grain corridors through which the ukrainian mafia transports drugs both to romania, so to the countries of europe, so he calls on other countries, including austria and switzerland, to pay special attention to incoming grain shipments, but naturally, in addition to grain, more interesting things arrive in europe. yes,
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alexander yurievich, well, the scheme is quite clear, there are too many interested. in this, how realistic is it to fight drug trafficking in the 21st century, everyone understands very well that most often the key players are the beneficiaries, well, it is real and necessary to fight drug trafficking, because this is a matter of survival, in principle, of any state, and we see that , in fact, on the territory of the russian federation... major measures have been implemented, including the elimination of cells of transnational drug syndicates, and if we carry out statistics, then today, compared to at the end of the nineties, the beginning of the two thousandth, the use of illegal substances decreased significantly, but again we can talk about the factor, including the ukrainian factor, in relation to synthetic drugs, in particular these
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famous salts are alpha pvp, mephedrone, which began to be supplied in large volumes, including from this direction , in the fourteenth year, as i already said, here again, whose interests, who is in charge of this story, here again we can turn to ... analogies, when back in the seventies, the cia was given, by and large, a business related to drug trafficking, with the comment that the proceeds could already be used for secret targeted operations, off-budget funds, so -called, by and large at the level political leadership of the united states, this decision was approved, so everything that happens today from the point of view of the development of drug syndicates in eastern europe is certainly under the control of western intelligence services, and i am sure that not all funds are spent on
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carrying out any special operations, in including ending up in the pockets of individual managers, but that’s a different story. if we’re talking about an effective control system, then of course a huge and significant role here belongs to the efficiency of customs authorities, to the efficiency of the customs service. gran control, and when all these structures really, first of all, pursue state interests, the interests of national security, then we see effectiveness; if, despite having all the technical potential, the united states cannot ensure control of its state border, then is such a task worth it, or are they specially forming those holes through which up to 90% of regional supplies, say cocaine, are supplied, that is, in this case we see the interests of the us security bloc in the fact that these deliveries are carried out. thank you
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huge, alexander stepanov was in contact with us, we continue our discussion, vladimir konstantinovich, today many experts are talking about the involvement of senior officials of the zelsky regime in the flow of drugs to the front line for the armed forces of ukraine, so that in the end, that’s all. not to pay the 15 million hryvnia promised to families as a result of death, they are hooked on a drug needle, many really cannot boldly go and look death in the eye, so not only is this an incentive for fighters, it is also a desire, the use of military pharmacology, this is now quite traditionally, almost all power structures involved in intensive military operations use one or another pharmaceutical, and prohibited, on the verge
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of prohibition, are legal, because there are completely legal stimulants, in fact , the use of such combat pharmaceuticals, as they say, has already become the norm of modern times war, a person, when consuming these substances, gains significant potential for physical strength, does not get tired for several days, retains... cognitive abilities and at the same time can conduct military actions without a sense of fear, without feeling pain with very significant wounds for several hours, that is, practically what should lead to painful shock and incapacity of a fighter, makes a person who takes this pharmaceutical practically a killing machine, but at the same time, of course, destroys his body, but i think that we are still not talking about military pharmaceuticals, but narcotic substances. and here, too, it has become part of everyday life , and according to some surveys, up to a third to half of ukrainian military personnel use
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narcotic substances right in the region of hostilities, right on the line of contact, and naturally, this simply brings big profits, here we can hardly talk about some very big political implications, it’s just that money makes itself, i would like to draw attention to all that, well, i sort of agree with all the well-known facts that my colleague said, but still... yabi redirected this graph, because the idea that the special services direct drug traffic is generally correct, because it is obvious that they have mechanisms for this work, but today’s world has changed everything, it may not be some drug cartels that began to determine politics, became subjects of decision-making, but drug money, naturally corrupt, forces the will of these drug cartels and the same intelligence services to be carried out , it is not the intelligence services that determine the task of destroying the american middle class, today’s america is extremely narcotized, and obviously the police and the fbi and
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intelligence agencies are involved in this, but this naturally cannot be the goal of american policy, here capitalism practically devoured the state machine, it subjugated it, it took its skin, invested its own values, in this case , it subordinated the american economy, it already controls the entire border zone with mexico, this cannot be any value american state machine, this is not about america making mexico weak, this is about the fact that... now they directly want to wage war on the cartels, and the president of mexico says that if this happens, mexico will declare war the united states, but americans and north americans cannot control the situation, the gene is out of the bottle, the situation has become uncontrollable, and regarding ukraine, it is worth remembering that for the past ten years there has been a policy of legalizing soft drugs, as a means of subsequent
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legalization of hard drugs. obviously. drugs for health are not as dangerous as hard drugs, but it is the hard ones that bring the biggest profits, ukraine plays only one of the roles in this ensemble, one segment, of course, we understand, even the law that it is accepted there, but well, it is not accepted now at the moment, but they are still trying to push it, it includes such moments that it is not determined what the dosage of the medicine is, its difference from just, well, as if for the pleasure of receiving, but in all of the countries in which marijuana is legalized have such a concept of dosages, and secondly, it is not determined how many territories will be given over to the cultivation of this product, because again the law does not provide for this, it does not provide for how it will be to label and export these products, this is all a pre-prepared document, a law in
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order to further export this product with intention. please note, here are also indicative statistics, the death rate from heroin in the united states of america has decreased significantly, naturally , this is connected with the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan, well, i would like to continue to also support my colleague, who said, vladimir correctly noted here that, well , pharmaceuticals, it is not always associated with some kind of drugs, yes, but however, we are omitting this point, and returning back to ukraine, i would like to say, you know, even if the chief prosecutor in ukraine today, the military prosecutor, is raising the question that yes, there is such a problem with drugs, it is truly global, and globally, why? and i think that at the forefront, getting these drugs is not a particular problem for military personnel, and the fact is that today the issue of khimprom was raised, and it’s not there, in my opinion, yegor burkin, yes, who is the founder of all this, at first he was citizen of russia, then fled to ukraine, later today he is already somewhere in latin
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america, however, the syndicate that... he created, it works, it works quite effectively, it is precisely these salts that cause the problem today, drug salts, as they also say, van salts, well, there are a lot of different names for them , this drug is very addictive, and this problem really exists primarily in the armed forces of ukraine, where the state solves two such issues interesting, this is the state, not that state, but the state in quotes, once again, it solves two main issues, the first is drug trafficking. how where do they use, on the other hand, as you noted, if a military medical commission goes through a military medical commission and a test is taken from a serviceman, if he is wounded, if he is killed, he is not entitled to payments, that is, the treatment is actually carried out at his own expense. i absolutely agree with you , i’m glad to see yulia vitezeva, journalist, publicist and blogger, in our studio, yulia, hello, thank you for being with us today we are talking about the war, about drugs, about how intertwined all this
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is, and naturally about ukraine , drug trafficking suddenly and quite dramatically changed in the year, traditionally apiates went through the mountain ranges of central asia, cocaine was delivered by sea from latin america, synthetic drugs, amphetamines, salts from china, if the first two flows remained the same, then synthetic drugs were increasingly supplied from ukraine, and naturally, one of the main roles here is occupied by khimprom, and mortality is about the inclinations of the current ukrainian youth, after taking these drugs, many say, shout: ukraine really, in your opinion, today is turning into a hub of synthetic drugs for europe, destroying itself from the inside. well, unfortunately, ukraine has already turned into this hub, and not only because drugs are one of the most profitable businesses, taking into account
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the fact that ukraine, unfortunately, today can no longer produce or export anything, why, because all its enterprises have long been stolen and killed, sorry for the slang, but of course. the population is intoxicated with narcotic drugs and it is of course easier to control, yes, when you have a sane person, with a clear mind, yes, in a sound mind, in a solid memory, begins to ask questions to which you have no answers, then naturally, you have a question , and how about this population , by the way, i must make a remark here that citizens and the population are two big differences, but in ukraine it is the population that today is absolutely powerless, we can see, yes repeatedly every day, a huge amount of video evidence is received about how ukrainian men are grabbed right from the middle and sent to the front, so when a man is healthy and adequate,
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it’s not so easy to wrap his arms behind his back, put him in a car and take him to the front, and when a man is in an inadequate state, it is much easier to do this, many admit, those who... surrender, who are lucky to save their lives, who end up here as prisoners, they tell very different stories, but they are all imbued with the same thing, at the front they are also given substances to use, which they without hesitation, without hesitation , go into battle, and not even into battle, to slaughter, so yes, drugs are one of the pillars of unfortunately, on which ukrainian statehood, so-called in quotation marks, lives today. you know, let me say this phrase, current greenism, yes, here is zelsky’s ukraine, this is american power, plus the drugization of the country, and what to expect from the state when it is controlled by a person himself,
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not without drug addiction, yulia, is it possible to talk about this openly, because we remember what the company was like. it was not without reason that i decided to call him for a fight and take tests and check mr. zelsky for the presence of narcotic substances in his blood, is it then possible to give the country to be torn to pieces, and give an account of the adequacy of the actions of the ukrainian authorities, if people are not deprived of such things. addictions? poroshenko also knew what he was talking about, unfortunately, yes, people from the bahema, they are very often subject to such addictions, but that zelsky, whom we remember in the nineteenth year, the zelsky we see now , as he says, we have two big differences in odessa
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, that is, here too, i suspect that he , let’s say, was already hooked on heavier drugs, and he i don’t mind it myself, because for him this is the only way to forget and get away, at least for a while ... from reality, plus it helps him to at least somehow stay in public, although on the other hand i don’t even know what’s worse, why, because all his latest outputs are something scary and transcendental in fact, that is, it is clear that the person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and his facial expressions also give him away, no matter what he says, so here, on the other hand, this is also a means of control , because an addicted person is very easy to control, and we are watching, i’m not a narcologist, but it’s obvious that the person is already in an extreme state, the president of the country neighboring us, yes, who threatens everyone with a dirty bomb in all other possible and impossible ways, as it seems to them , yes, here is the achievement of victory, yes man
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inadequate, that is, here, of course, it could be compared with biden’s dementia, but it seems to me that zelsky is worse in this situation, because a young healthy man in the prime of his life, now he has turned into this... you know, this is him put it on posters, and distribute it throughout children's institutions with the inscription: children, drugs are evil, why, because it’s actually really difficult to come up with a more visual propaganda, it’s scary when we’re talking about a country, a warring country, a country that constantly demands weapons, demands money and demands to make every effort to destroy russia, well, yes, they have such fantasies , then of course, it’s worth thinking about, and not only to... not only to the neighbors of ukraine, but to everyone in general, because i remind you that on the territory of ukraine up to there are still operating nuclear power plants, and i wouldn’t want to develop this topic even in my wildest dreams. yulia vityazeva was in touch with us, thank you very much, about
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vladimir zelensky’s inner circle, now we’ll talk, former business partner of the current president of ukraine, gennady lazutkin openly told one of the deputies, people, geoleros, this conversation was recorded on a hidden camera, but nevertheless, it is extremely interesting, let’s hear it, the people. won’t help, won’t help, dash, won’t help, but why, because i love cocaine more than the people, now they already know, they understand , i think the ponies are already sorting not only the bill by the smell, they are also sorting this colombian colombian this costa rican , vladimir kostantinovich, well , the president really won’t help the country, because loves cocaine more than the country, it seems to me that this is... not just a diagnostician, it is a verdict
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on everything that we are seeing today. vladimir aleksandrovich from the very beginning , a selfish, narcissistic, artist, you don’t even have to be some kind of intelligence specialist in order to draw up a psychological portrait of him, it’s obvious that they chose him because he had to be very easy to control, and who is generally accepted to believe that he is kolomoisky’s creature, but to say that behind all his people there are some mysterious forces that they are pulling the strings, it seems to me that this is overly complicated, everyone bears a degree of responsibility for their actions, zelensky, biden, and poroshenko, and outright butchers who were ready to start a war, let’s remember how poroshenko competed with zelensky, who will start a war, and zelensky was threatened, if you don’t start, then there will be poroshenko, that’s why they use drugs, so they might be pedophiles there. such personalities, why do we
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constantly portray them as some kind of weak people who are controlled by someone, yes why are they taking them there, and they’ll take everyone there , as if they’re taking drug addicts, they’re taking healthy, physically adequate people there, they’re breaking them, how many people have gone missing since 2014, there was genocide there without any drugs? drugs are a way of obtaining pleasure that destroy a person, and zelensky is fully responsible for his actions, he is not a puppet, he is a criminal who is aware of what he is doing, cocaine gives him pleasure and he does it consciously, because people do not care for him important, not because he is a puppet, but because he is a criminal.
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hello, kitten, how ours slept, ours, and like a fireman, with growling, snoring and pulling, can you imagine, for more than 10 years, you know, here, i’ve stuck so many different things, like cats on this airfield, no one there was no trace, no, no, listen, mow, i haven’t had a gram for a year now, really, you should have first asked why i called you for a drink, but why did you call him by that name, well, i told you, i told you i said, you never listen to me, you can’t call the name of a tragically deceased person, the mik-29 fighter cube for the helm, which was held by the honored test pilot ivan kotov, clearly sat down at a given point, had to have time to scurry around before
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the end of the stick. watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. esports tournaments attract hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world, there are players who play for heroes who are very good in defense, in general there are supports who help the defense to attack, move forward on the map, and destroy the enemy, that’s why this game is fantasy, that is, there is a lot... there is a lot there, i don’t know there are stories there, there are mixed lord of the rings, there are a bunch of different heroes, he is one of the first people who believed in the development of e-sports at a time when having a computer in the house was the exception rather than the norm, and in the evening i had a full-fledged pck on the vviewk monitor, with which - crazy devices, at that time they were mitsumi, there wasn’t even a scroll, but it was simple and as if it were a gun, and i realized that in general
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, this is probably what allows you to open up, chairman of the belarusian e-sports association, denis bogush, watch on friday on our channel. let me remind you that the program is on air, sas is authorized to declare. in today's program we are talking about ukraine, the country of the drug cartels, andrei petrovich, isn't it too rude, but... the name today we use in your opinion, but no, it seems to me that we call a spade a spade, it would be, but note, enough for a long time it was believed that these were taboo topics, but today we affirm that we need to talk about this, not be afraid to call a spade a spade, because the lives
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of millions are at stake, of course, it would be so funny if it wouldn’t be scary, look, even you’re scared? it would be impossible to imagine in a dream or an anecdote that in some state one alcoholic president drags another drug-addicted presidential candidate to get tested, well, where else can one imagine such a thing, you know, it’s difficult to imagine who the third president will be then in the end there will be no poverty in this ukraine, that’s all , that’s what she said, that... whoever needs an even larger dose, he’s already an experienced drug addict, well , to be honest, i’m not ready to say, how much experience does he have and how much of a drug addict is he, but the fact that he now needs another dose of the presidency, despite what he promised before all the people, is a fact; of course, it remains a fact that during this time this man has done with this country, with his
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country where he was born, well, i even say this to myself, once again it was quite difficult to imagine, quite simple. look at what he promised and what he did, and i understand that today even the most stubborn people must eventually realize where they are going, where they fly in all this, 2 years ago official data were published on how many drug addicts there are in ukraine itself, then the figures were somewhere between 12,000 million people, today it is obvious that this is after these legalizations, after... processes, today, of course, this has increased significantly. drug addiction is essentially endemic, so right where to give these drug syndicates? people don't have jobs. today, the most moneyed people, they are all there, on the front line, conducting military operations, and of course, these are there drugs poured out, because we say, this khimprom, you look,
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it was noted everywhere in ukraine, letters, telegrams, there azov already carried this one in his arms, this yegor, burkin or whatever, levchenko was already called there. and we’ll look at the story, we ’ve prepared exactly this, the name khimprom is heard repeatedly in today’s program, what does it represent, more details in our story, please. ukraine has turned into a large market for the sale of synthetic drugs; less than 10 years ago , khimprom appeared on the drug business market, it is run by a native of the republic of bashkatastan, egor burkin, aka egor levchenko, he modified an already existing scheme. sale of prohibited substances on the darknet. the update turned out to be so successful from a financial point of view that its creator became rich, and the business conquered more and more new territories. accordingly, the number of people who controlled traffic also grew. among yegor’s so-called partners was his classmate andrei, who was responsible for the legalization of funds
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received from the sale. now a young man is listed on the interstate wanted list under the article on giving a bribe on an especially large scale to an official. at the beginning of 2017, russian security forces began mass arrests and searches as part of a criminal case about the creation of an organized crime group, then employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb detained almost 70 members of a drug syndicate, and three laboratories were liquidated. the founders of the group were detained on suspicion of creating an organized crime group. the court released him on his own recognizance. the leader of the drug syndicate and his assistant are on the federal wanted list of russia; they managed to escape to ukraine and move your business there. the traders received ukrainian passports and gained support. they became beneficiaries for two reasons: firstly, the roof brought in a decent income, and secondly, drugs are another way of putting pressure on russia. it is curious that the work of the drug concern in ukraine did not encounter any special obstacles; according to russian security officials, the leader of the drug mafia and his accomplices paid
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tens of thousands of dollars to ukrainian judges, deputies and intelligence officers so that the investigation of cases against the syndicate would not be allowed move. since the beginning of the svo, the founder of the burkin gang began to present himself as a ukrainian patriot who donates money to the ssu. according to him, he allocated only about a million dollars to the kiev unit of the defense forces. he published a letter of gratitude. the roof in the verkhovna rada, connections in the police, corrupt employees of the office of the ukrainian prosecutor general, the sbu and other structures have led to the fact that the drug cartel is still operating today. he also supplies illegal substances and again recruits new pawnbrokers. today at the group includes about a thousand people. russian. you know all the participants in the criminal scheme. yes, it was difficult to imagine what the ukrainian state would turn into just a few years ago.
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and the situation is only getting worse, people are dying from hostilities, from poverty, corruption is making a significant contribution to this whole process , besides this, drugs are being destroyed, and the gene pool is being destroyed, andrei petrovich, do you think there is an end to these actions, how many threads are missing, there will be an end, but you know how integrated it is these... drug traffickers in the government structures of some countries, of course it is very very difficult to talk about this, even look, in the russian federation itself, yegor burkin, someone managed to release the leader of this cartel, and by signature and not on departure, that is, under investigation the authorities of the russian federation have something to think about, they have to look for those people who protect such entities on the territory of the russian federation, and because. the russian federation and the republic of belarus we are in a single union state, we have both
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there are no such state borders, that is, they are open, and of course there is no concern, for us, first of all, this is the fact that this business today is truly of a global nature, as far as we are fighting these drugs, exactly as much as the effect is equal they resist and drugs fight us, first of all, with the destruction of the gene pool. and with the breakdown of government bodies, structures and so on, look even at the same united states, but today it is the number one state in terms of use drugs, and not just herbal ones of some kind, but of course synthetic ones, so if we look at how they were used in the same armed forces - drugs are used, that is , over the last 5 years in the us armed forces, with an overdose .. 15,500 military personnel were detained on drugs, of which more than 300 people died during this overdose
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, that is, deaths, which means that it’s actually all over the place, although the united states has begun to really actively fight this drug addiction in during the vietnam war, and there were entire articles, scientific monographs were published on how to deal with this, but nevertheless, even in the professional army, this issue has not been resolved, so this is actually a global problem, what is a soldier who has used drugs, not a single unit commander, commander of a military unit of a formation would want to have such military personnel, why? well, firstly, of course, the reaction decreases, the person acts inappropriately, he essentially becomes dangerous not only for the enemy, but for himself comrades around themselves, these are the ones who bring all this there, this is beneficial for them, as we have already said, on the one hand, he receives a double benefit, this is a pseudo-state, receiving from the sale
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of drugs, then what should not be done appropriate payments, and i am sure that in this structure there are also those who negotiate in corruption schemes how to pay some part of the money to the family and appropriate some for themselves, well, i think that there are military medical commissions this is how they also earn money, that’s how counting and ukraine lives, is this possible? win, but you know, probably in the near future, let's be honest, no, this is the task of every person, to protect himself, to protect his family, for the sovereign, somewhere there is a commander to protect his units, to carry out appropriate explanatory work in schools, another option we don’t have, that is, as it was right, vladimir said, it’s better, as they say, or better, to look at the president of ukraine, but it’s better to see everything about... a video, not a photograph, but watch his video, this is the best way, as they say, to show that drugs are really harmful and should not be used.
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vladimir kostantinovich, and it is clear that the united states is using ukraine, and everyone is pursuing their own goals and desires, conducting experiments, building biological laboratories, using them as a testing ground, using them as a drug hub, and probably the worst thing. in all this, that even if there are brave souls who are ready to oppose this entire system, such people usually do not live long, a highly profitable business run by very cruel, cynical people, leads to the fact that the state system, as our colleague said, is completely corrupt and those who do not agree to receive money, as pablobar said, lead or silver, who do not agree... fake police officers of the investigative
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committee of the prosecutor's office in ukraine and not only in ukraine, which. participate in these drug schemes, but unfortunately we are not talking only about, to make it clear, i wanted to mention, you said, trafficking in organs, people there, drugs, export of work, according to europol from 2000 to 2015 from ukraine, moldova, georgia and romania, there was a collection of statistics, as of 2015, 2 million women were trafficked, i emphasize, not for prostitution, but for sexual slavery, you can imagine what cynicism, that is here is a living person, they come to him and say: you will work as a waitress or take care of sick people, and then they take away your documents , put them in a barracks and take them to the middle east or france, there are whole slave markets there, to the middle east, to north africa , and you
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do you think that these people who do such things have some kind of moral mechanism inside them that will force them... to make sure that children do not die from overdoses, by the way, the children's industry, and the porn industry is quite popular, video materials with the participation of children, and the most terrible - this is the age from 3 months to 3 years, the most popular, expensive videos, ukraine was the key source of these video materials, according to some data, well, i’m not sure that they are more, in fact, on sites that... well, actually wear humane relatively the character is of the only fans type, and up to 25,000 ukrainian women are registered, but i think that in reality there are much more, and if we are talking about the dark segment of the dark net, such as videos like snaf with the murders of people, then we simply do not understand what volumes are involved speech. andrei petrovich, let’s summarize our
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extremely complex, and very unpleasant topic for me as a woman, a mother... but it seems to me that we are doing the right thing by talking about this, of course, we need to talk about this, without any doubt, even if today we still have the lion's share dedicated against the backdrop of all these drugs to our fraternal neighboring ukraine, it must be said that today nothing depends on the ukrainian people, in general, the instructions that their owners give them will be carried out, we began to say at the very beginning of the program that it has turned into either gray or black. zone, when the question of whether to freeze the conflict or create conditions for peaceful negotiations and further peace is beginning to be discussed today, you know, i would like to say, probably, don’t let god, for now, god forbid, but for us to freeze this armed conflict and come to some kind of peace agreements, even if it is that russia will receive part of its territories there, well, at hand we will get such a gray zone that
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will continue, first of all.. ... will disturb the peace, will sell drugs, will attract other criminals, we will get this by 24, 25, that all this riffraff will come to us, and russia will receive, in addition to the entire front that it has today, which will have to it will still be necessary to defend to strengthen both the bryansk and belgorsk regions, and we will also need to strain ourselves at a front of more than a thousand kilometers in order to protect our country, the formation and forces of the west from this, so, of course, the question that we raised today does not live in airless space, it is very connected with politics, with the economy, and most importantly, with the military security of our state, all this must be considered only in its entirety. thank you, vladimir konstantin, final word, 30 seconds please, we are faced with a terrible problem, and this problem is
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, in fact, the basis of the modern world order and ... in the wild, uncontrolled by the state , society, it begins to devour this society, our task is to stop not just some criminals in ukraine, but to change the very nature of the modern world system , thank you very much, to conclude our interesting discussion on a very difficult topic, i would like to say this, the most famous drug trafficker in history , colombian, pablo escabar, once said, there is nothing worse than putting him in power a person with personal problems, this is exactly the mistake that the ukrainian oligarchs made, and gullible voters unwittingly played along with them, and the whole world is dealing with the consequences of this. thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare. ukraine, under the leadership of zelsky, is rapidly becoming a major hub for synthetic drugs in europe.
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every day, coming to work wearing my
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white coat, and providing assistance to my patients, i try to preserve them, their family, their health for peace and creation. since childhood i decided to become a doctor, with dolls i i played, i always had a hospital, my parents, well, they dreamed of having someone in their family with a higher medical education, but they never voiced it, i probably completely decided in the ninth grade that i wanted to be a medical worker, a doctor , well, my parents fully supported me and gave me the education that i wanted, well, i’ve been a doctor for 20 years, i’m proud
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of my profession, i never regretted that i became a doctor, therapy was close to my soul, i like diagnostic search, and why exactly i work on the site, because well, well, a hospital, a person came to a hospital, you examined him, you treated him, gave a recommendation, left, after all, to the stations, it’s much more interesting, the diagnostic search begins with the usual educational link, they come back to us, that is, we see the results of our work, namely the achievements in our work, the patient’s gratitude if we helped him, his smile, his trust in the future, well, this means a lot, medicine: always keeps up with the times, that is, new modern technologies appear, they also appear in medicine, the protocol, medications are changing, and they are becoming more accessible to our patients.


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