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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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the entire people's union, our people, my moti, shine on belarus forever, our beloved shepherd, live forever. not belarus, the friendship of peoples, the strength of the people, our forlorn, evil path, our road is strengthened, there was clear fear, divine faith, joy in dreams. hail to our land, blessed
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name, hail to the people's union, our beloved mother, races, maneches, belarus, our beloved.
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this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of thursday, november 30, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you, hello, what is the forecast for the years ahead, should we expect political warming against the backdrop of a global problem, climate change on earth? the un summit begins work in dubai, our correspondents will report in a minute. electoral campaign 2024, for the first time a single voting day. tactics for participation in elections are being developed by a public association. we'll tell you what work is already in full swing. but ukraine refuses to choose, either to lose, or is afraid to lose, or has received an order. the verkhovna rada adopted a declaration on the cancellation of the presidential elections, allegedly the time is not right. look. also in our issue. in oa
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the world climate summit under the auspices of the un starts. our president, alexander lukashenko, will take part in the emirates on a working visit. what to expect from a large-scale forum and whether global warming will affect world politics in a report from dubai. the planet is sick, snow collapse and storm of the century. how just one changes. conditions disrupt the normal natural balance, consider all the elements in the periodic table. eliminating the consequences of the snowfall, to help road and utility services, belarusians armed themselves with shovels and were cleaning the territory from 6 am. we will tell you all the details below. for storage according to gost, before december 1, all agricultural equipment must be prepared for winter. the farms have already started repairing the units.
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who will be the first to take to the fields in the spring, a matter of technology in the plot of the panorama, a large family, a stable job and a long path to happiness, today in the panorama there are stories about how a nigerian citizen was looking for a calling for his people, found in belarus. hockey that everyone needs, dynamoshinnik mmhl scores a record 10 goals. let's rejoice for the guys of andrei mikhalev in sports day program, and we’ll also tell you about the protoss’ double assist. successes of a volleyball miner in the super league. climate and big politics. the twenty- eighth conference of the parties to the un framework convention on climate change opened today in dubai. for the first time, participants intend to conduct a global inventory of the paris agreement. ultimately , a plan must be developed that the international community can further guide its achievement.
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hundreds of events will be organized at the conference site at expo dubai dedicated to combating climate change. the most significant of them will be the so -called high-level segment. over the course of two days, on december 12, the heads of state and government will make national statements in which they will try to convey the positions of their countries regarding environmental issues, food security, green energy, protection from natural disasters, and financial support for projects. the summit will have the widest representation from all over the world. officials from almost two hundred states, the delegation of our country headed by president alexander lukashenko. the head of state is in the united arab emirates on a working visit. it is worth recalling that belarus was among the first in the european region to ratify the paris
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agreement and begin its implementation. our film crew is already working in dubai. let’s ask our political observer, natalia breus, what to expect from a large-scale forum. climatologists predict that 2023 will break the record and become one of the hottest years in the history of weather observation. although such records lately this has been happening to us more and more often, here in dubai, where +30 - as they say, you can feel it on your skin. global warming is a problem that has been ringing the alarm bell on the planet for a long time, but the main question is how to come to a consensus if the degree of global confrontation is only growing. what is the threat of climate change? almost every day in the news, the black sea cyclone that hit belarus the day before is nothing compared to what happens every now and then in the world. floods , droughts, typhoons and storms, fires and tsunamis,
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they decided that something needed to be done about this in the early nineties, agreed to meet annually and discuss the topic of global warming and greenhouse gases, but the breakthrough year was 2015, when the paris climate agreement was adopted. after almost 8 years, it remains to be assessed whether the main goal has been achieved, to prevent global temperature rise on the planet above two, or better yet, half. is there collective progress, because if not, scientists predict that it will be difficult to adapt to a hotter world, and the secretary general, he even talks about the approaching climate crisis. i call on political leaders at the global level to take charge of themselves. climate change responsibility, save antarctica, save the planet. belarus is fulfilling its obligations under the paris agreement, but for the most responsible approach we are pressured by sanctions that certainly do not help this work, even the very nuclear energy
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for which its neighbors were thrown off the chain will allow belarus to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 7 million tone per year. for as a minister, i am very happy that this year there is a very representative delegation at cop-28 in dubai, and the most important thing, of course, is that our head of state heads this delegation. the republic of belarus, like few countries, fulfills its obligations in full and very efficiently. and the main commitment, of course, is to reduce emissions of acid gas and greenhouse gases. the republic of belarus exceeds these indicators. damage from natural disasters hits the economy and suffers from natural disasters disasters primarily in the countries of the global south. and here it is interesting that a discussion of climate reparations is expected, the creation of a new international fund to compensate for the consequences of global warming
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for developing countries. climate often becomes a subject of debate rather than consensus, especially against the backdrop of the confrontation that is taking place in geopolitics today. it is they who unite all countries and this is truly an issue on the international agenda that is unifying in nature, so we hope that it is truly international cooperation following this summit will be built on a fair, non-discriminatory basis and will contribute to truly solving global climate issues. the participation of belarus at the highest level in this event emphasizes the importance that our country attaches to solving issues of security, safety... the summit site resembles a large international anthill, and even to get here, you need to stand in line, almost 200 countries, 150 heads of state, 90,000 delegates. perhaps it's easier say which world leaders will not come, rather than list a long list of vips.
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it is already known that the forum will be held without biden, putin and sidinpin, but they expect that with the head of the european council, the german chancellor, the british prime minister, the president of brazil , for example, there will also be three dozen heads of african countries, experts believe that climate issues today are too politicized. the environmental agenda, once raised by the west, has turned into a fiction; western programs and western trends do not solve real economic and environmental problems. problems, but they are being sabotaged, it is necessary in this regard to abandon old approaches, to understand that the west does not have any global humanitarian interests, and is looking for new directions for the colonization of new states. if we want to solve environmental problems, we need to approach them from scratch, without actually taking into account... the ideological dictate of the west, to decide for ourselves what problems there are, how they can be solved, what a person can
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influence, what global changes in nature, we are forced to react and adapt. tomorrow at the world climate summit will be a busy day, we expect that our president will voice approaches and proposals of belarus to resolve global issues of climate and environmental security, well, given how many leaders will be in dubai these days, of course, we expect that on the sidelines of the summit, dubai telelenova agency . for several decades now, scientists have been warning that due to global warming , at least half of the living creatures on the planet will die, and an increase in temperature of just 1° causes irreparable damage to everything. alive. you and i may not notice this in our daily lives, but the threat of warming is literally hanging in
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the air. for reference, the average temperature on earth this year reached a new historical maximum, exceeding 17° with a plus sign in july. climatologists predict that by the end of the 20th century, up to 30% of the population will be forced to change their place of residence due to climate change. scientists too. on august 7, they indicate the smallest area of ​​sea ice, only 13 cm, but such active melting, among other problems, releases also a lot of bacteria, the nature of which is not yet clear; this year the level of carbon dioxide reached an anti-record level.
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in may, a peak of 424 parts per million was recorded, if translated into simple language, then clean air is in danger of disappearing, and safe drinking water, agriculture and food are also under threat, how global warming is changing weather conditions, disrupting the normal balance of nature, details in the author's section periodic table. covered with snow endlessly, a storm in the usa is a blizzard in st. petersburg, snow collapse on the russian-georgian border. hurricane winds and eight-meter waves, the storm of the century, the black sea overflowed its shores. how accurate were the weather forecasters' forecasts? and what does temperature contrast have to do with it? let's look at all the elements and put them in their places. this is the
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periodic table. hello. natural anomalies and weather armageddon, the rampant nature of the elements on the black sea coast have already been called the storm of the century. roads and embankments were washed out, houses and infrastructure were damaged. hurricane wind speed at the epicenter is 144 km/h. and the height of the waves is local media reports reached. for 100 years of height, the geography of the rampant elements also expresses it, the sea is agitated once, this is really the strongest storm that we have seen in georgia in all 5 years , the sea is agitated twice, the komi water is all, refrigerators are under water, sofas are under water, everything is under water .
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everything, all the furniture, everything, food, food, everything, the sea is rough three times and many more times, the eighth floor, these are nine-story buildings, i personally was worried about the frames so that they wouldn’t fly off me, everything was dangling like that, so they were shaking , i didn't even know that to do, in fact, there has never been such a storm on our coast, as long as i’ve lived here since childhood, it’s scary, there’s bad weather all around. conspiracy theories are popping up on the internet, information has appeared that the ukrainian supreme witch althea allegedly admitted that it was she who caused the hurricane in the crimea, it was noted that she estimated her magical contribution to the repetition of the storm at 3 million hryvnia, who was trying to gather her compatriots, here only althea herself disclaimed responsibility for the bad weather; later it turned out that the news was fake and nothing more joke of a satirical channel. climatologists have their own scientific explanation; they agree that dangerous weather events are occurring more and more often
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as a result of climate change. over the past 3 million years, the earth's temperature has reached record levels. and europe this year experienced its hottest summer on record. farmlands are turning into deserts and glaciers are melting at record rates. endangered, clean air, safe drinking water and healthy food. extreme weather conditions threaten lives humanity in the short term. 2023 is not over yet, but is already rich in natural disasters. let's remember some of them, large-scale forest fires in greece. turkey, the ab flames burned hawaii on the island of maui, one of the worst fires in us history occurred. the fatal earthquake, the strongest in almost 100 years, in february took residents of turkey and syria by surprise. the destructive force leveled thousands of buildings to the ground. now there is a new
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snow scourge in the southwestern united states. in many cities, schools and kindergartens are closed. on terrible accidents on the roads urged residents to stay at home, authorities in western germany. worsening weather led to dangerous road conditions, resulting in deaths. heavy snowfalls were recorded the day before in romania, bulgaria and moldova. the weather is unstable. an increase in average air temperature changes weather conditions and disrupts the normal natural balance. this is one of the most important problems of humanity, but it works like a time bomb. winter weather also tests belarus for its strength. almost the entire country found itself under the influence of the southern cyclone oliver. the height
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of the snow cover reached 30, and in some places even 40 cm. road and utility services. stop clearing the roads, ordinary belarusians have also joined in. how the consequences of bad weather were eliminated - report by daria rochko. the fact that snowfall would create such a situation was clear several days before. the weather is sometimes too unpredictable, but the weather forecasters kept saying there was a cyclone coming, they thought of everything, prepared the equipment, the traffic police, the ministry of emergency situations, and the doctors on control. for svetlana ddikevich from magilevo, yesterday evening turned out to be a turning point in every sense. i only asked for help today, but already tomorrow. surgery after long days of recovery in a hospital bed, i decided to take a walk with my husband before going to bed, went down the stairs, the stairs were not cleared, it was unsuccessful, completely unsuccessful, somehow i twisted my knee, with a sharp drop in temperature, more and more people were turning to doctors with hunger injuries, there are already over 770 victims across the country, almost half of them
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are children, these are patients with fractures of the ankles, shin bones, femoral neck fractures, trochanteric fractures, bone fractures shoulder, forearm. on the roads, due to bad weather, trolleybuses, buses and car drivers stopped their movement, skidded on turns, reduced speed, and no matter how careful they were, the number of accidents almost doubled within a day. according to operational data, no damage to building structures due to snow load was recorded. employees of the ministry of emergency situations went out throughout the day to clean up fallen trees and also provided assistance to thirty vehicles that were caught in snow drifts. in in some areas of the vitebsk region , heavy snow caused power outages in the polotsk, rosonsk, glubokoe and shumilinsk districts. at the moment, specialists have restored all networks. in case of difficult travel to the place of restoration work , all-terrain vehicles are also used; in extreme cases , personnel have to get to the place of work or
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operational adventures using skis. there are enough people and equipment to clear snow. all inventory is at the points of issue, they are located next to the residential sector, open from 6 am to 90 pm, what time does it start today? i’m helping, utility services, they shouldn’t have to deal with this alone, so we, as if we were unequal, happiness and a large whole team went out to clear the snow, brs volunteers also help, for anna afanana, the guys today not only cleared the territory, but also brought firewood. thank you very much for coming. the branches were removed, firewood was supplied, the snow was cleared, all the collected snow was delivered to the snow melting station, it works around the clock, a day here accepts up to 330 trucks.
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the temperature of the wastewater is somewhere around 17-18°, the snow is already melting, the wastewater with the molten snow mass flows by gravity into the pumping station, and while the temperature outside remains below zero, the ice is just beginning to get stronger, and as for now... practice, precisely in this is the period where most injuries occur. there is 2-2.5 cm of ice now, for safety you need a minimum and the more the better, but here you can immediately see that it is not strong, which you won’t notice under the snow, it may not be there at all, so go out on the ice strictly forbidden. according to the forecast , there will be no heavy precipitation on friday and saturday; temperatures at night can reach -15 and drop to -7 during the day. but on sunday we are expecting snow again, it will cover most of the country
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. karina gurevich, andrey yastrebov and marina romanovskaya, tv news agency, joined the snow marathon. the militant wing of hamas took responsibility for the attack in jerusalem, as one of the groups noted, quote, it was a response to the israeli crime, while the execution of civilians, the organizers called heroic operation. as a result of this armed attack, three people died, six victims were taken to hospitals in critical condition, the attackers... were eliminated by the police, here is footage of the terrorist attack from a cctv camera. today it also became
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known that hamas and israel may extend the humanitarian truce in the gaza strip until friday, december 1. according to incoming information, it is expected that ten israeli hostages will be released in exchange for the release of thirty palestinian hostages from... israeli prisons women. the day before, israel released the sixth group of palestinian prisoners of thirty people, palestinian president abbas spoke in favor of a complete ceasefire in the gaza strip, pointing out the importance of increasing humanitarian supplies to the territory of the palestinian enclave, primarily medicine, food, water, and fuel. events in the world are increasingly placing emphasis on showing everyone their true place in the geopolit. for example, what happened in qatar. the visiting german president arrived in thirty-degree heat i waited half an hour for a high-ranking official
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who was supposed to meet him. there was a guard of honor and a red carpet lined up at the ramp, but there was still no representative of the receiving party . they simply forgot about steinmay, forgot to meet him. but here i will note that such diplomatic scandals, especially in the east , never happen. they are random, so what is germany like now? since the beginning of the armed conflict in ukraine, it was this country that, for some reason, increased production volumes in military-industrial complex companies to a record level. it was this country that started over again before everyone else hush up, and then completely distort the historical events of the second world war. are the states succeeding in these technologies for making money during the war, just as the states did before? most of the american military aid for ukraine is spent in the united states. the author of the washington post article called it, in quotation marks, the best-kept
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secret. the money does not go to kiev, it is used by the states to create either new weapons or to replace weapons that are sent to ukraine from old stocks. according to the politician, states have already received $24 billion since last year. most investments in and arizona. another amazing military structure is the european peace fund. yes, paradoxically, now the main task of this peace fund is to ensure military supplies by the governments of states in conflict zones, primarily in africa and the middle east. in the twenty-second, this peace fund, together with the eu, transferred its peacekeeping efforts to the murder of ukraine. now all the attention is back. war in the middle east and the erasure of an entire people from the face of the earth. in all these global geopolitical games, the funniest ones are
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feeding animals, for example, lithuania. she very loudly issued ultimatums, saying that she would reduce aid to ukraine if the eu reduced payments to vilnius from european funds. as the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs stated, literally, if the european peace fund does not continue its work, then small countries like mine will be less able to help ukraine with their resources, and what kind of theirs they have, there has been nothing of their own there for a long time. however, other allies also support the ukrainian ones. it’s been a long time since we’ve been so excited about fried cockroaches or a very specific swedish pickled herring, which is quite explosive. kiev is close to capitulation, and zelensky is following the path of musolini, this opinion was expressed by...
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ex-adviser to the head of the pentagon, colonel douglas mcgregor. according to him, the sooner the ukrainian leader leaves office, the better it will be for him, and even suggested that zelsky will flee the territory of ukraine. in the meantime , the ruling junta and the anglo-saxons, represented by the verkhovna rada, adopted a declaration canceling next year’s elections, both presidential and parliamentary. and even this will not help either zelinsky or his servants to escape from discontent. this whole eurogarden is dying out, there nazism is flourishing, robberies, stun guns, batons, the investigative committee of belarus told the details of the criminal case about the abuse of refugees by latvian security forces, as the department noted, the authorities of this country took the lives of seventeen foreigners who were trying to reunite with their relatives in europe, in addition, there are hundreds of refugees who...
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faced acts of brutal violence by nationalist xenophobic armed groups on the territory of latvia. according to the investigation of foreigners who have already testified, the latvian military kicked , punched and beat with batons, used a stun gun and ignored any pleas for help. after this, the crippled migrants were taken to a camp, where their passports were torn, their mobile phones were smashed, and their money was taken. uniformed mercenaries stole $2,000 from one of the victims. among the foreign hostages of the camp were two former afghan officers, one man served in the police, the other in military aviation. they said that the most aggressive mercenaries had differences: a patch with the inscription sigma on their uniform uniform. according to them, it was these criminals who were the main punitive force, beating all foreigners, smashing mobile phones and taking money. after that, they took the beaten hostages to the border
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and threatened. with weapons they were forcibly pushed into the territory of the republic of belarus. these circumstances indicate that russian policy has not only ideological principles, but also practical application in the form of organized territories, punitive force and a well-functioning filtering system for the sss. currently all foreign migrants expelled from latvia to belarus were provided with medical assistance; their lives and health are no longer in danger. investigators interviewed. the victim was ordered to undergo a forensic examination to determine the severity of the injuries. the investigative committee provides a fundamental legal assessment of the actions of latvian officials involved in such incidents. we are always ready to extend both a helping hand and a hand of friendship. and also, as our guests note, belarus is a country of great prospects. there are opportunities here for personal growth, realization of career
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ambitions, education. this is primarily said by those who become belarusians not by birth, but as a result of a conscious choice; a native of nigeria, balajji george akinsanya, has been living in belarus for 12 years; he was once brought here by the desire to be closer to his beloved, in the end everything started to work out, he became a father of many children, got a job, and the state helped with an apartment. about family happiness, belarusian and nigerian, as well as the advantages of life in sineokaya, report by natalia ignatenko. responsible and diligent. the colorful foreigner was immediately accepted in belarus, balajji george readily tells us that he moved for the sake of family reunification, over time he got used to dressing warmer and learned russian, which was difficult for him. which i love very much, i’m just here
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, i’m... years old, international family, official work and social package, 2500 m of vinyl wallpaper passes through his hands per shift, monitoring the safety of the packaging is his task, colleagues are not against being next to such a charismatic packers, jokes a little more and will become a full-fledged belarusian. at first he was it’s a little difficult to integrate into the work process, i had to show a little how to do it right. as quickly and literally within a shift everything went like clockwork, we will try it step by step on the driver of this line. belarus is an open and friendly country with great prospects for those who are ready to work according to the letter of the law
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for the benefit of the country. balaje george kinsane is one of those, he says, in his homeland everything is different. he had extensive experience working in other countries, in egypt, he worked in russia, he worked in nigeria, and after his work shift, his father left work they are expecting three children, stefania, olivia and akim. comprehensive support for large families is another powerful argument in favor of sinekoy. a cozy three-ruble apartment in a new microdistrict of gomel, the state subsidized the purchase of square meters, the children grew up in decent conditions, he was surprised, because in their country in general, well, it’s like a fantasy, family and family, that is, it’s as if everyone floats out on their own as best they can , but
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there is no such social support, of course, 25,000 people are registered in the citizenship and migration departments of the gomel region, they come to belarus for study, work, flee from war, go for family reunification, they choose blue-eyed for a while as a safe country, and stay forever to live, raise children, and be worthy citizens. our country is interested in the influx of labor resources; over the last 3 years, more and more foreigners have expressed a desire to obtain a belarusian passport. since the beginning of the year , more than 700 foreign citizens have acquired citizenship of the republic of belarus; mostly, of course, these are citizens of russia, ukraine, and kazakhstan; we are primarily interested. in, so that we still have hardworking, law-abiding people who respect the constitution and laws of our country. soon a citizen of nigeria will become a full-fledged belarusian and is preparing documents to obtain citizenship. bladzhi jorjane admits that
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our country has long become his second home. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, tv news agency. belarus is preparing for a single voting day; public associations are actively involved in preparations for a large-scale election campaign. created today republican headquarters for coordinating the activities of the organizational structures of the white russia party. the decision was made during a conference call. the headquarters will include the leaders of the minsk city branch of the party, as well as all regional branches. we are actively working to determine the list of candidates for deputies of local councils in the house of representatives. the percentage of
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belarus party members in future representative bodies will be high. this is our task, and we will solve it in all possible ways available to us, of course, i act only in legal field. regions have also joined via video link; they also intend to take an active part in the upcoming campaign; a number of issues will be considered at the second congress of belaya rus on december 23; representation from the gomel region will be broad. our region will be represented by 43 delegates, plus members of the supreme political council, these are five people from our region , plus candidates, the political council, the white russia party - this is really the driving force, and this is the tool that allows any citizen of our country to advance your initiatives.
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the party plans to take an active part in the election campaign in all areas, from nominating members of belarus as deputies at various levels, to participating in observation groups and election commissions. o. normative acts are presented in accordance with the provisions of the updated constitution; in general, the legal field of belarus is formed by 2,500 laws, and the legislative work of the senate: public discussion of new projects, work with citizens’ appeals, was discussed during the open dialogue of the chairman of the verkhovna rada chamber of parliament natalia kachanova with the team of ojsc naftan. the meeting was attended by representatives of all structural divisions of the enterprise. they also discussed the development of regions, this is a priority of state policy, social guarantees for families raising children, and the functioning of healthcare and education systems. speaker of the council of the republic. touched upon the issue of motivating citizens to
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work in the context of the expert council held the day before, discussed the socio-political situation in country outside its borders. naftan members had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them, and there were complaints about the work of public transport in novopolotsk. natalya kachanova assured that electric buses will be purchased in the cities. moreover, the problems of passenger transportation are under control. i always understand that i’m talking to those people who will suggest ideas, questions that need to be solved, but at the same time they will take your speech kindly, why, because, well, i think that many people here know me, everything i conveyed about how the country lives, what issues are being resolved today, what laws are we working on today ... what laws are we working on,
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what is the situation in the deputy corps, what events are coming up for us, i think people heard me, and of course, they will convey it to their colleagues, these meetings that we hold, they are always to the benefit of both us and, i think, people , in order to hear about what else can be done today and needs to be done in the near future, so that we live as that's what we want, we don't always look, ivanovna, i i think it’s right that much more is decided locally than people think, that everything is decided there, local authorities, after all, they can solve many issues themselves, just like at our work, we can do something ourselves at your place of work. this is a city-forming enterprise that
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employs 10,000 novopolotsk residents. this year is an anniversary for naftan, february 1963, the first belarusian gasoline was produced here. a decade later, the novopolotsk enterprise is still at the forefront of the industry. a large-scale investment project has been implemented here for the construction of a delayed oil extraction complex. this made it possible to deepen oil refining and achieve... yield of light petroleum products. belkopsoyuz needs to develop an effective business model - this was stated by prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko at the presidium of the council of ministers, where the work of this trading network was discussed. a third of the country's population uses belkoopsoyuz stores, especially in villages and small towns, where there is often simply no other alternative. however, questions to work with. based on the results of the first
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half of the year, the president gave quite tough assessment of their activities. there is only one requirement: the system must mobilize to successfully complete this year. people have many justified complaints regarding the assortment and availability of goods in consumer retail stores. most of the properties are for rent, and the number of new points opened is quite large. insignificant. the results of the activities carried out by the state control committee and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade indicate a lack of control on the part of management and mismanagement in some regions. development of your belkop-union plans networks according to the approved program for the development of consumer cooperation until the twenty-fifth year, but the first steps to reformat work and service are ready to be implemented right now, especially... before the new year holidays there is always increased demand.
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the assortment will be, firstly, wider, and secondly, the emphasis will be more on the new year's assortment , on the same gift sets, somewhere on those products that are traditionally more in demand before the new year, in the same way today the advertising design itself , the promotional design of our retail facilities will be reflected in this. in the same way, we have strengthened control over prices so that today prices really... do not differ in the city and even in the auto shop, so we plan to work in this direction. velkop union plans to launch its online store , in the near future... they intend to open at least seventy retail facilities in cities, before december 1, all agricultural equipment must be put into storage, this must be done wisely, depending on how correctly the conservation was carried out equipment for the winter period depends on how quickly it can be put into operation in the spring;
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in addition, this extends the service life of its main components and reduces the number of breakdowns due to unscheduled repairs. in the vitebsk region, according to the rules, the entire fleet of sailors, seeding units, sprayers is already available for one or two days, they will be joined by 100% of balers, rakes, mowers, tillage units, grain harvesters, tractors, and in the meantime, machine operators begin repairing machines, olga moslovskaya will continue the topic, the equipment, in this case the inclined chamber, is sealed so that in weather like today snow does not blow in there. seven combine harvesters on the line ready for winter: exhausted, chains loosened, wheels unloaded, whitewashed to protect from ultraviolet radiation. in the yanovich agricultural complex, there is a great demand for equipment, all machines and units are assigned to specific
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machine operators, and they do the repairs themselves, i’ll throw in the work, well, now i need to remove the box, repair it, the rear axle is onboard. look, change bearings, seals, we’ll give the box away somewhere for repairs, we’ll rebuild the rear axle ourselves, the farm has drawn up a schedule for repairing equipment, in november we needed to update 21 units, we did it, all the equipment that needs to be repaired is scheduled for a year, so every month we must carry out a certain amount of certain equipment, the salary of the machine operator depends on this , the salary of the engineering service depends, first of all we will make the equipment that will go into the field - these are self-propelled machines, dew, these are dung beetles cultivators, then there is soil cultivation and mowers, rakes, tedders, in the vitebsk region there are nine agricultural producers, after the end of the agricultural year, 280 tractors and 350 units
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of trailed equipment require repairs. all repairs are practically carried out by the farms themselves, but there are some complex repairs that have to be carried out. this is the vitebsk engine repair plant zapadnodvinsk mrs, as well as teraspol agrotechnical service. repairs from a to z, assistance in winter maintenance of agricultural machines are ready to be provided at the gorodok agricultural technical college, more than two the workshop is flying. students work in the workshop under the guidance of mentors, but the quality of the work is by no means amateurish. you. within these walls there is everything needed to carry out repairs and complete maintenance of even the most complex agricultural machinery. first of all, they repair their units. the college cultivates 500 hectares of land, but they are ready to use farm equipment for work, and for free. the experience that students gain in this way is invaluable. this is
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a horizontal grinding machine in a bathtub for pressing of cylinder heads, there is a hydraulic press, and boring of valve seats, grinding of the valves themselves, since the college does not have much of its own equipment, the college is ready to lend a helping hand to local agricultural producers, completely carry out maintenance and repair of trailed equipment free of charge. we already have experience of cooperation with agricultural producers, and not only in the comfortable conditions of a service station; in the summer, the college’s mobile team repaired equipment in the fields. olga moslovskaya, mikhail khristoforou. well, by the way, for farmers, a lot of snow is a good omen, which means there will be a lot of bread, so the current snowy weather should be a joy, and anyway, tomorrow is officially winter: december 1st. well, perhaps now is the time to remember how
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we all got stuck in the snow on the slides, and not in smartphones and likes. let's look at the joint project of the telelenova agency without retouching. let's show the time and the most sincere emotions when there was no tiktok.
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now, if you look at the sectors of the economy, which areas for investment are the most promising today, in the context of our country , according to our recent experience... the top 3 looks as follows, this is the food industry, agriculture, i would unite this under the general slogan of food security, second place, perhaps, is pharmaceuticals, well, the third place is mining, investments in everything related to this, although perhaps in the last six months it was replaced by logistics and trade, well, now we were talking about classically... this is always a high-tech business, different industries,
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we will present how, what is called fintech, that is, technologies in the field of finance, very current modern technologies in the field of healthcare, there are startups related to social projects, family development, very interesting ideas embedded in these startups, well, everything that what they have in common is what every startup has. there is some potential for such global scaling, that is, potential, well , what is called in the language of venture investors unicorn. and you say, russia is now number one in terms of quantity, investments, yes, including as a trading partner, today russia is number one, but if you look at the investment basket, who else puts money into the development of our country, or only russia, more and more, in these turbulent times we no longer work with anyone, well, of course, russia takes up more than half of our investments, this share has been growing recently, cyprus is in second place, from the latest
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trends, which makes us happy that the united arab emirates is in the top five, the overall investment potential of the countries of the middle east and north africa, i would take so globally, the arab world is very highly underutilized for belarus and it is a good sign that the arab emirates are already in the top five, we think that they are like the leaders of the middle east, in terms of global investment, other countries will follow them. and i would also mention a country like pakistan , it has become a discovery of 2022, this year we already have two registrations of a company from pakistan, it was a little unexpected, although whoever knows well, here is the east, understands that a country with 200 million population for a minute, this is one and a half times more than russia. this is, in principle, a very high level of investment, even though the economy is still at a
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below-average income level, but it is large. there are more rich people in the country; according to statistics, the growth of investments in belarus last year was 137 times. if you look at investment projects in general, which of them are the most successful, the largest, the most profitable, what are you proud of? well, in the context of russian investments, i would start with the omskaron project, this is a large manufacturing enterprise in the city of mogilev, an enterprise producing a very important product... for belarus, a product, technical carbon, which our giant belshina consumes, in general, this project can be called a standard import substitution project, it covered a certain need for imports that we have today and brought the country technologies that it has we weren’t there, well, in second place, let’s remember the belarusian-chinese project, belg, maybe
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this is not the most recent project, but it ’s probably all the more valuable to sum it up, because today we see the result, that’s who could have thought 10 years ago that in every yard there will be a car of belarusian production, made by belarusians, and people choose it not because there is no choice, but because it is the best choice , so we really got advanced technologies in mechanical engineering, an advanced mechanical engineering product, in a car structure, a passenger car structure, and this is great, and the project, i would call it a model in all respects, this... the project is export-oriented, because the automotive industry within the belarusian market simply does not have economic feasibility, this is a project, again brought technologies here, this is a project with belarusian participation, that is, half of the capital there is a belarusian enterprise belas , accordingly, even half of the non-reinvested profit will remain in belarus from this project, and often rarely, so to speak, it is called
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an investment project, but i would emphasize that this is an investment project, a project to create, together with the people 's republic of china, the great stone industrial park, this is truly a global strategic project, the potential of which will be revealed not even in years, but decades. further, only the main sports news of the outgoing... pucks and the biggest victory of the season, the dynamo ended the next home series of the mhl regular season with a crushing victory. today , andrei mikhalev’s boys again hosted akm junior at home. bobrujski's fight ended with a score of 10:30. after thirty matches, the beavers are in third place in the silver division of the western conference with 34 points in their assets.
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well done, next, dynamo shinnik is expecting a long tour, which is on december 6 will start against the amur tigers. the capital's hockey dynamo will begin its next match as part of the khl regular championship tomorrow morning at 12:00. live, watch this early match on tv channel belarus 5. but about what we didn’t receive. in the game against cska the day before, stanislav livsky looked into it. our own mistakes defeated us. this opinion was expressed by dynamo hockey players the day before after losing to cska in moscow. vadim moroz will say so, and sam enos will emphasize that it was the minskers who played better. but in dry protocols later years will remain only numbers, and they recorded the victory of the army team 5:3. statistics, by the way, too.


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