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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the organizers of the largest miss universe competition want to see on their stage. thank you, the review was prepared by svetlana chernova. the belarusian cultural and business center is the palace of the republic, one of the most significant recognizable symbols of our country. the most important social and political events take place here and fateful decisions are made. it is also a site for large cultural projects. for example, we are now preparing for the new year's marathon. about upcoming events and plans of the team, we’ll ask maxim prikhodovsky, director palace of the republic, maxim anatelevich, hello, hello, so, you are already preparing, actively for the new year holidays , despite the fact that there is still a whole december ahead, including you are hosting the central event of our charity project our children, what surprises await its participants, let’s start with the main thing, it’s probably the new year for everyone, it’s still far away, for the palace of the republic it has already arrived, because
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for almost a month now preparations and decoration of the palace of the republic have been going on, this is always a very long process, we we haven’t used any design companies for several years now, we do all the decorations with our own hands, the same formula is like at home, and at home we always try to do something special, in our house, in our palace, we also come up with our own new concept every year, how to make so that the palace for a while, especially during new year's performances, turns into a fairy tale. this year, the palace of the republic had quite a lot of different events, they were large and they were not only in the palace, but in the minsk arena, at the dynamo stadium, but for us always fundamentally important - this is our annual finale, these are children's events, children's matinees, because there is nothing better than hearing children's laughter in the palace.
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and this year the director of the main performance was agata matsskaya, she is a famous director, this year there will be completely new approaches to the new year ’s performance, these include interactive activities with children, we tested them last year, they showed themselves very well when not only actors are involved, fairy-tale characters on stage, and when they communicate from the audience and work, including from the audience, this year this will also be actively used, this year there will be... new pyrotechnic elements will be used that will allow you to be drawn into the fairy tale, of course, there will be some intrigue, it will be clear - negative, positive heroes, of course it will not do without the main character santa claus, good is a must evil will win, ah, the guys will be very interested in seeing our new approaches to the stage in terms of screen placement , led screens, this will be new mechanization, in general... a lot of surprises
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await all those who come to us for new year's representation. new year's projects of the palace of the republic are popular among belarusians and among foreigners. the main christmas tree of the country is very attractive to our foreign guests. last year we had guys from the baltics come to us, last year we had quite a lot of guys from russia who came to see this performance. it’s clear that there is a tour of minsk, but the main informational reason is to attend this particular event, but this year. we already have applications from smolensk, from nizhny novgorod, from tula, from moscow, from st. petersburg, the guys who come to see the main christmas tree of the country, in the baltics, last year we had guys from latvia, last year there were guys from lithuania, they come, of course, until a certain time, a lot of guys came to us from ukraine and we still look forward to them with pleasure. perhaps someone thinks that the palace of the republic is an exclusively cultural event. but
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this is not true, what other major events will be held in the palace next year? well, the main one, if we move away now from our creative, concert activities, the main mission, the statutory mission, as it were, of the palace of the republic, is to ensure state special events, with the participation of the head of state, including, first of all, even so, in the month of february, in the palace of the republic, we will have an information center of the central electoral mission for the elections, all journalists will be in the palace of the republic for several days, where both the chairman of the central election commission and other experts communicate directly with journalists, monitor the progress of the elections, and for us this is very important, yes, that this happens , it always happens, so for us they say, is there any plot in the palace of the republic, we say, no, we have a plot no, we have it above, we have an information center. where everything is basically known, in
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accordance with the decree that was signed by the head of state, every year, starting next year, the belarusian people's assembly will be held and and when the date will be announced all-belarusian people's assembly, we will also begin preparations for this important event, i know, i always tell my colleagues, we live and work in a very interesting place, if you take it like this, look globally, then all the main messages or the entire main program, how the country will live in the near future, and what tasks are set, it’s all included within the walls of the palace. we do not look from the outside, we are participants in this process, because we have a great responsibility, preparation, prepare, accept, because people are coming for a special atmosphere, our task is to create it, well, thank you, questions from the program were answered by maxim
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prikhodovsky, director of the palace of the republic, the results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program en main broadcast, all projects of our tv channel are on the belarus24.bbi website on social networks, i’m saying goodbye to you, all the best, not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. at first glance, it may seem that intelligence and erudition are far from sports, but we will prove that this is not at all... so, what sport's lexicon does the term jep belong to? martial arts, martial arts, of course, jep is a blow, so to speak, with the front hand, we connected logic and correctly answered the question: according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. this
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device can be used in several sports. name at least one of them. i'm guessing it's a shooting. this is the wrong answer, centenary. not from the day of the first olympic games, but from the day of the formation of the international olympic committee, here’s a question, let’s say, with a trick, who will prove that he is the main sports expert of the country, who will score the most points by the end of the game, then there will be a winner. nazar takes the lead, and this is perhaps the main event of the second round, the fourth period , friends, the climax, the denouement of our project, watch the intellectual and assortative show and my history, nature, culture, faith, people, scholasticity,
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adzin times you want and don’t care anymore no. everything here is true. meeting of the collective security council the csto in minsk actually ends the belarusian chairmanship in the organization. the achieved goals were set back in november last year, but the international situation does not allow it. relax, the arms race, the terminology of the cold war are back on the agenda, the military budgets of nato countries are rapidly increasing, to the detriment of social support for their own citizens. the military budget, for example, of poland is growing by leaps and bounds, next year it promises to reach 4% of gdp. i wonder how this
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compares with their constant declarations of the defensive nature of the alliance, or this has nothing to do with the name. at the summit, the head of state focused the attention of his colleagues on the uncontrolled proliferation of weapons. in particular , we all observed very well when ukrainian weapons, or rather western weapons that are supplied to ukraine, ended up in the hands of hamas militants. how relevant is this challenge to us today? here, not only for us, but of course. and there is a global danger for the entire world community, let us see how today weapons are being distributed, on the one hand, we must understand that this is a market, which, well, is probably on par with the spread of drug trafficking, illegal sales of alcohol, organ trafficking, and
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most likely it brings in much greater profits, that is, on one side - these are questions associated with the criminal component, when single copies of vein weapons are distributed somewhere for criminal structures, such a black zone of all this, on the other hand, this is a gray zone, where quasi- criminal structures that are tied to including some government ones... these are special forces that extend throughout the world, for example , who do you think today ranks first in the illegal sale of weapons, this is the united states of america, i think this is probably , this is not news to anyone, it will not surprise anyone at all, dozens of feature films, of course, look, 80% of weapons sold are in canada, canada, a prosperous state, more than 80% in mexico, in latin america, that’s all weapons that are supplied... from the united states, i will not talk about how weapons are supplied to the middle east and so on,
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let's focus on our regions where this all happens, and here ukraine becomes the focus, ukraine, where it has already been legalized today, is in the process of legalizing cannabis, supposedly for medical purposes, well, we understand that for recreational purposes, this is also not far off, this is the well-known khimprom, which today has essentially captured the whole of ukraine and is carrying out the sale of synthetic drugs and, of course, the sale of weapons, you look, it turned out that hamas is already fighting with these weapons, which were going on the territory of ukraine, we have 24-25 years ahead, the possibility that in some hotheads such a decision will be made by someone then about invading our territory, with the aim of separating part of it from our republic, then here, of course, a flow of these weapons can pour in, this is actually a big challenge for us. it was within the framework of our military security, it was not in vain that mmmali rakhmon said, that we need to strengthen the western flank of our
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organization. andrei ivanovich, the popular opinion ranges from the fact that we are approaching the point of no return to the fact that diplomacy still plays a decisive role in international relations. in your opinion, how are things really going? well, in my opinion, of course, diplomats work and international organization of work and another question is that it is not always possible to agree on some points, this is most often associated with ambitions at the beginning of twenty-two, which cost the west to refuse to admit ukraine to nato, this not would lead to such a big conflict , tens of thousands of deaths, and it is unknown how the situation will develop further, but in general, of course, dozens of international conferences on security issues are held annually in the world, and literally in the month of october there was an international conference here in belarus at the level dedicated to issues of eurasian security, conferences including discussions of regional, global security issues, and so on.
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today, there is no more conflict in the world than there was 10, 20, 30 years ago, this, of course, is also the result of the work of diplomats, the result of the work of some international structures, well, in general , traditional diplomacy, which we are talking about now, it’s like such a beautiful phrase, but the word traditional has recently not quite fit into the western paradigm of such tolerance, tolerance diplomacy or the western tolerant world, but if we talk about this seriously, then diplomacy in general, or as we say traditional diplomacy, is first of all an instrument of the powerful, and it was it’s always like that, as you rightly said, firstly, on the one hand, we say that when this is a multipolar world, then it is possible to negotiate on an alternative basis, where there are countries of the first, second, third world, precisely in the panetian apparatus... peace,
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where all states live in diplomacy, which is based on the rules and conditions that are dictated by the same united states, which we also witness, in fact, every day, and the most important thing that is happening: today many are saying that we have entered just in the era geopolitical turbulence, we have already been spun by the whirlwind of changing eras, you and i are witnesses to the destruction of the previous system of international relations, and we are participants in the destruction of the existing unipolar, if you like, western-centric. model, there is a gradual transition to multipolarity, a complex,
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dramatic transition. this is due to the fact that western politicians do not want to give up their positions, ignoring the inexorable course of history. let's see today, well, the nato bloc is expanding to the east, this is finland, which is closing everything today checkpoints, the baltics, which were placed there. moldova, which also takes a russophobic position, what is happening there today in nagorno -karabakh, how they are targeting our central asian region, then there is syria, uh, then we go to yemen, we go to africa, where with the countries of the maghreb, the countries of the sahel, what all these events indicate is that today we clearly see a fault line between the global west and the global east, that is, two global civilizations. we have an era ahead of us,
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truly civilizational polycentrism, where polycentrism. centers, not much polar, but polycentric, where polycentric forces will unite civilizations around themselves, this will be in latin america, this will be 100% in africa, the arab islamic world will unite, china will be the center of civilization, china is exactly what they are saying a lot now about the upcoming transformation of the security council of the united nations, which today does not work and is represented mainly by the interests of western countries. it is precisely these centers, in my opinion, that should become members of this security council, which will perform precisely the function of protecting the interests of these countries, but this should in no way become a continuation of some kind of neocolonial policy, all countries should to be on equal rights, this is the organization of a collective security treaty, where these countries
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act as equal partners and is, in all likelihood, the core of this... the one that will become the basis for changing this world and creating a polycentric civilizational approach. we see that they are trying to speculate on the topic of the absence of armenian representatives at the summit in belarus , putting forward completely different conspiracy theories in this sense. in your opinion, what is the reason for this and could this be a demarche or is it a thoughtful internal political position, given the rather difficult situation in armenia itself? of course, one can have different attitudes towards the absence of the prime minister of armenia from the summit in minsk, we would be pleased to see one of the leaders of the member states of the organization at our place, especially since the results of our chairmanship were summed up, and the president of kazakhstan voiced the directions of activity for the chairmanship of his country, but in any case, the csto secretary general
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will visit yerevan after minsk, submit the entire package of documents to pashinyan. perhaps he will sign, at least he will be familiar with it, and , of course, he will convey the spirit of this session, which took place in minsk, that is , we are unlikely to lose anything here, i’m interested in your opinion regarding regional conflicts, which, among other things, cause a certain emotional outburst in society and fuel all kinds of terrorist movements, we have seen that there are already certain statements from western politicians that there is a tendency to increase such alarming feelings regarding the development of terrorism, and literally the other day there was an explosion on the canadian-american border of a car, some publications have already stated that it was an attempt at a terrorist act, in your opinion, to what extent is there a threat of a resumption these acts of terror, it is relevant today, what the west is famous for today is that it created, there used to be a gold standard, yes, but today the double standard
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is the basis of everything, that is, what it is, even we cannot fully determine , where is the difference between terrorism and this is the focus, that these regional conflicts that the white house is unleashing, they will cause such a reaction among the arab population, among the islamic population, you are afraid of terrorism, but you got it, you created it with your own hands, look what else will happen, you are doing this in vain, in vain, no one needs your democracy through death, you have millions of dead, relatives, people, and you know, among muslims, what this is, a blood place, they will never forgive this, never, you don’t think what will happen tomorrow, but in vain, and how to respond to the countries of the east-west, only in this way, they will take revenge, they have at their core, blood feud, and this will continue, it will be based on
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terrorist acts, that there will be terrorist acts, although for themselves mujahideen, for the people themselves, who are ready to sacrifice for the sake of their faith, for the sake of their loved ones, it will be, as they say, he will treat this as a national liberation movement led by his people, we must prepare for this, confrontation, we are in the very the beginning of this confrontation between the west and the east. the accusations about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country on our territory are simply absurd, we, i repeat, are not threatening anyone, we are just learning diplomatic skills, so called etiquette by those who made the language of power a global trend. this is real. today, only the presence of powerful weapons guarantees security in the region and gives the right to vote in the international arena. and the very
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fact that we have gathered at one table suggests that we are adequately responding , assessing the challenges of the time and are ready to confront them in the first place. the head of state focused special attention on the role of nuclear weapons, on the fact that their presence allows, among other things, to talk on equal terms with the powerful... of this world, to the extent possible relevant and important in our time? well, the most important thing, yes, the head of state also focused on the fact that until 2016 we lived quietly and calmly, until it turned out that they were practicing simulated nuclear strikes on us, and of course this greatly worried, first of all, the entire military-political the leadership of our country, because of course , issues of national security, they cannot be some kind of secondary, i think that every person on earth, well, probably would never, even in a nightmare, have the desire to see what
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what happened in kherashima and nagasaki, well, the same thing, if we look at what, for example, the americans did in northern syria or what is happening today with the gas sector, without any doubt, we see that it is scary, that uh , the world today is, well, on the brink of the third world war, i think everyone is already talking about this, politicians, all the military are warning about this, the protection of our interests, namely the military security of the state, was decided in precisely this way, that firstly, it was necessary to create parity, namely the forces of means against those that are on our western and southern borders, and , of course, resolve this issue in such a way as to exclude any possibility of an invasion of our territory. and here, probably, the important point is not to get involved in this arms race , because all the same, this is the same attempt as to destroy the soviet ... union by simply redirecting the main resources to the development of military infrastructure, including exposing some social aspects of life countries. of course, that's why we take a
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reasonable, balanced approach equipping our armed forces. look at the policy poland is pursuing today, it is grabbing these weapons systems from all over the world, who will give what? in general, the principle of military development in poland is quite difficult to understand. we took a completely different path, fundamentally. increasing the number of armed forces, well, with the exception of up to 70 thousand, which is necessary due to the events in the south of our country, so we have taken the path that precisely by increasing the potential, the combat potential of our armed forces, to create this parity, that is, we have the latest missile systems, we have aviation complexes , electronic warfare systems, air defense systems appear, in essence, we have armed forces that are not not... in composition and compact, we are able, yet if, together with a regional grouping of military forces, we completely create such a grouping
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that will ensure the security of our state, it will cool very , very many minds, even poland, which today buys these hymers there, everything, literally, you saw, came from us and the newest divisions and russian -made iskanderm, our polonaises have arrived, which today are already recognized as the strongest. multiple launch rocket systems, we essentially produce such missile systems ourselves, well, in collaboration, of course, with our partners, this is a huge achievement of our military-industrial complex and prospects, and the development of these missile weapons systems is very good. what are the current results of the summit in minsk? what key points can be noted? the key points are, of course, first of all, this is a summing up of the results of belarus' chairmanship in the csto during the year, and no one can blame belarus for treating the chairmanship
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formally or ineffectively, a lot has been done, first of all, of course, these are issues within the csto, that is, this the question of interaction, and questions of eliminating some contradictions, we know that there are contradictions within our organization, big steps have been taken... in the direction of the analytical component, however, this is the initiative of the president of belarus, this is what he put forward this initiative and spoke more than once before our chairmanship, the first steps have been taken, then the conference, which we say, is also a significant step in this direction, and of course, during the year the president of belarus repeatedly communicated with the leaders of the csto state, and also what - issues, including those related to organization, were discussed and resolved, that is, the fact that belarus odb did not become a participant in conflicts either in ukraine or in the south caucasus, this is also an important result, because if it interfered somewhere, then the consequences could be
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unpredictable. that is, we continue to be the organization that is aimed at ensuring security and preventing conflicts on our territory. you know , probably, the main result that can be stated is the first thing, that this organization, as a military-political union , continues to exist, and not just exist, but develop. today there is no alternative to organizing a collective security treaty, since it is... this treaty, this military-political alliance that gives us the opportunity exist in the regions where we are located, the presence of the nuclear umbrella of the russian federation ensures the military security of all states in all these regions, well, in my opinion, the most important result is that many military-political issues have been considered, primarily related to improving the system of collective forces , the main efforts were
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concentrated on technical and service personnel, that is, there are many aspects that were focused on by the heads of state, as well as military leaders departments, the ministry of foreign affairs, they say that against the backdrop of military-political cooperation, our collective security treaty will continue to exist, with us the chairmanship is transferred to kazakhstan ; quite the keys are in the hands of kazakhstan, in your opinion, what prospects may this open up for the country chairman? indeed, now kazakhstan is taking over the chairmanship, and the president of kazakhstan at the session has already voiced the directions in which they will work, first of all this connected, of course, with cooperation with international organizations, the un and so on, here of course i would like...
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the csto to find some kind of interaction with nato, because this is necessary, at least for the sake of contact, notifying each other, some kind of interaction is necessary , that is, kazakhstan, in my opinion, should also deal with this, kazakhstan also puts the issue of collective response forces at the forefront, we know that it has experienced itself, what the operational transfer of force is, the stress of the csto, and of course, some... obstacles , border customs should be removed when the csto forces are, if necessary, transferred to other countries, and this is also indicated, but in my opinion, kazakhstan should continue the line that belarus began on the analytical component of the csto, that is, that the president of belarus started this initiative, put it into practice , it needs to be developed further, because it is very important to understand the situation
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in the csto states, to know public opinion, it is necessary to know the military-political situation in the regions, and we know that the csto is three whole regions, three zones of collective security, this is eastern european, caucasian, central asian, central asian , in your opinion, what is currently the number one issue in ensuring security, this is a balance, first of all, of efforts that are related to the state, the individual and society, and most importantly, these are issues , of course, military... security, on the one hand, we were able, as i already said, to create parity in forces and means, ensure security on our borders, and third, to form our strengthen our mobilization capabilities, not only to improve the system of territorial defense, and today we are talking about the people's militia, as an integral part of the possibility that any aggression against our state, it will be protected , will be of a national and national character, first of all, the readiness of citizens -
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to defend their fatherland, and therefore that if people are not ready to defend their country, then it makes no sense what weapons, what strategy, tactics, and so on, that is, precisely the readiness of people to defend. the projects are quite successful, i'm sure they are ahead, because we are just beginning to develop these active relations, we have a large number of investors coming to us, we have great interest from our manufacturers there, they periodically go to the people's
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republic of china for negotiations, this is the creation of the belarusian industry park, we as participants we will be present in this park, this is a city in shandong province , we signed a memorandum of cooperation with the company that created this park and this will be one of the leading sites from which we our belarusian and vitebsk goods will be


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