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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] pressure, first of all, from the western media of those events that concern russia , belarus, and here it’s time to talk about the abuse of freedom of speech, but for the west, we are not only competitors, it’s a tasty morsel that they covet all the time. the antarka treaty system currently includes 54 states, only half, including the republic of belarus, can afford to start having a station in antarka. our president was squeezed out of european politics, brazenly, cynically, instead of inviting them, to organize the same conference
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, what are you afraid of? already more than 200, only in the new school year about 100 girls have already come to hockey schools, so yes, hockey in belarus is developing and developing, including among women. why did you decide to reach the republican level, the republican championship, what are the goals? set before yourself? in principle, this is a logical development of the history of hockey. the history of women's hockey, and in our country girls have the opportunity to practice together with boys up to a certain age, to play in hockey, that is, until they are 13-14 years old, while there are no power moves in hockey, and girls play together with boys, but then in front of them a choice arises: either continue to play with boys, where there are already power techniques, or look for other options for developing your sports career, or end, therefore
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, in order to give them the opportunity to play further, one of the solutions is hockey , the national hockey championship among women's teams, in principle, it is usually recommended to spend 6 years in hockey, this applies to both boys and girls, and if we talk specifically about girls, we are waiting for them almost at any age, because we want the development of women's hockey, moreover, we sometimes even invite girls from snow sports, from figure skating, from speed skating... sports and we are also waiting for girls from 6 years old, but it is clear that for some reason long sports career, but you need to understand that up to the age of 12 there are certain sensitive periods that are necessary, in which it is necessary to develop certain qualities, and the later you come to hockey, the less chance you have of playing it at any level at the amateur level, how many schools do we have in
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belarus today, how developed are they in the regions, how is women’s hockey represented in the regions? there are 27 public hockey schools in our country, that is, if you know that there is an ice palace in your city, this means that in there is a hockey school there, in principle you can come and play hockey, at the moment girls play hockey in all state hockey schools in the country. it is believed that hockey is not a women's sport, but do you generally agree with this statement? no, i absolutely disagree with this. it’s just a sport, it’s played by both boys and girls, men and women, hockey for women has one significant difference , just one, but it’s significant, it prohibits forceful techniques, so hockey for women is less traumatic, but with another on the other hand, there are certain stereotypes, which also exist
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, probably thanks to the famous song, that hockey... is played by real men, and this stereotype is not entirely true, and women’s hockey is safe, women’s hockey is played all over the world , and this is, in principle, a dynamically developing area of ​​​​sport, is women's hockey gaining popularity in the world today? in the ranking of the international hockey federation, there are now 58 national men's teams and 44 women's teams, that is, the difference is well it’s not fundamental, but how competitive are you in this sport, in women’s hockey it’s probably less today than in men’s? well, in general, hockey is played in the world in seven divisions, in the world championship, competition, of course, is present, there are countries, leaders, as they say, here is canada, it is a multiple world champion, and as they say, as a rule, they are
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world champions, everyone else... is already playing for the remaining places among themselves, well, in principle, competition is growing, women's hockey is developing, and in more ways than one countries play it, the more competition there is, well, in the future, can our belarusians? participate in the world championships? yes, of course, we will have to start from the lowest divisions, since we have no history of playing in women's championships, but this is normal practice, when a new team enters the championship system, it starts from the very bottom, then, as it grows, it rises higher and higher . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of especially important
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events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan , kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran , iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite aizerspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with
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tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus. the state security committee of belarus , together with the telelenova agency bel teleradokia , is presenting a project about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war , operation 1005 state secret of the third reich , the operation was secret, no documentation was even kept, shoot, exhume, burn. and it was a conveyor belt that did not stop until the liberation of the republic. courses for sadists, how did they practice the technology of concealing crimes? it started here the most terrible opening of a grave, a terrible smell, people vomited to the extreme, a memory
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that cannot be silent, try, sit on windows, on door handles, this is the feeling, you can trust yourself, human flesh, when you touch the handle, a film from the series without... long ago, operation 1005 on the air belarus 1 and belarus 24, watch right now, top secret, the operation of nazi germany, which became a state secret of the third reich, the participants in the process signed a non-disclosure agreement, we are talking about that's exactly what it is indicated in german documents, secrecy was maintained by the german command of those oen-sas groups that operated here in the occupied territory. 1005 - this is a banal case
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produced by the imperial security service ; it was under this number that a case was opened about an operation to liquidate places of mass extermination of people in the occupied territories. they were filed in folder number 1005. related to the promotion. the same number was assigned to the special unit zondar-comde, which was entrusted with responsibility for the implementation of the action. the scale of operation 1005 was enormous. the work ahead was colossal. operation 1005 is a product of the sss special forces of the imperial security service. after the defeat near moscow , the leadership of nazi germany realized that. europe needs to eliminate traces of its crimes, mostly committed against civilians, the forty -second year becomes decisive in terms of the development of this operation. the purpose of the action is
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to eliminate traces of nazi crimes in eastern europe, which means literally dig up mass grave sites and destroy human corpses so that no trace remains. trial or initial. this stage of this preparatory action took place on the territory of concentration camps that were located on the territory of poland, this is auschwitz, this is belzica and this is sabibor. various practices were tested in the death camps. blobel was given great powers; all
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senior commanders of the sssd on the ground were supposed to provide him with maximum assistance and assistance. blobel reported directly to the chief of the guest house according to heinrich müller, müller teske to himler. courses were organized there, courses for sd officers, sss officers who were involved in the implementation of these actions, this action 1005. where about ten disciplines were taught, which consisted of how to equip. places of residence, how to recruit a team of suicide bombers or a work team, which was then liquidated, how to carry out burning, how to arrange security for the place where the exhumation was carried out, one of the main conditions for carrying out an operation to hide traces of mass murder for the nazi leadership was secrecy, according to himler's order , filming and photography was prohibited; a directive signed by heedrich, the head of the main directorate of imperial security, allowed it, but with a caveat: permission for photography and
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filming could only be issued by the chiefs of einzetz and zondarkomd, as well as the commanders of the rots. such materials were classified as reich secrets, and negatives were required to be handed over to the gestapa. the status of special secrecy forced the nazis to practically not use the operation of belarusian, russian, and ukrainian policemen. this happened extremely rarely, as a rule, they were allowed to be only in the first ring of guards. directly at the places where the corpses were removed from the burning , the germans were present as a last resort volkssoich. after the operation, the slavic policemen were liquidated. an exception to the rule was the action held near babruisk. here the nazis in full force used the local unit of the russian gestapo (ziva). in babruisk, ziv's staff consisted of approximately 90 people. had three departments. criminal, political agent. they infiltrated agents. squads to find out locations, actively communicated with the local
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population to study their attitudes towards the occupation authorities. among the ziva employees, there were also police officers, the former soviet police, one of the leaders of the district department of the nkvd, say, employees of the prosecutor's office, but as a rule , literate people were selected who had some kind of education, they selected people who were prepared, for example, in the babruisk ziva as the head was a former captain of the soviet army, tanker, maskolent. and this advanced department in the forty-fourth was aimed at carrying out a super-important top-secret mission. in eloviki and kamenka they participated in digging up graves and burning corpses. in one of the materials of the archival criminal case, the witness testifies that when this burning was going on in the area of ​​the villages, after all, this corpse smell, the smell of burnt meat, it was coming, the local residents knew, although... to go beyond the territory of the village, but when the germans arrived, they
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asked what are you burning there, probably some corpses, the germans answered that we burn the corpses so that you don’t fed on the meat of corpses. the top secrecy of the action is explained by the fact that there are practically no direct documents, orders, instructions, reports in the archives, not only in belarusian, but in german. all that is known today about the operation to destroy traces of nazi crimes is the so-called... criminal cases, where during interrogations the accused spoke about participation in the action, as well as reports from partisan detachments and special groups. special groups reported to the center that the destruction of traces of crimes is the excavation of mass graves of civilian prisoners of war is becoming widespread. the main conductor of the policy to conceal traces of nazi crimes on the territory of belarus
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was the sondarkomda unit 1005 center. it was formed on the basis of einsatz group b, which immediately after the occupation of our country advanced behind army group center and cleaned up the territory, that is, it destroyed communists, commissars, party activists and jews. in forty-one and forty-two, the ainsatz teams of group b created places of mass destruction, in forty-three these same people begin to eliminate them. a specially created unit sondarkommando 1005 mitte center. it included about 75 performers. these included no less than thirty police officers from the fourth platoon of the ninth police tank rue. under the command of otto goldop, administrative functions were entrusted to otto drews. in addition to the police, the team included about forty soldiers from volksoich's sss company. team 1005 also included several drivers and six translators. one of the first operations elimination of traces of nazi crimes in
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belarus took place in the mogilev region. here they held a so-called master class - a demonstration event. almost everyone arrived in the area of ​​the village of pashkovo. the leadership of the occupation authorities showed them the technology for destroying corpses. more than 20,000 people were buried in ditches behind the settlement; several hundred bodies were burned as a demonstration. and a few days later, the so-called work team arrived in the pashkovo area, which was to dig ditches, remove corpses and transform them to ashes. the most terrible opening of the graves began here. mass burials, the corpses were not decomposed, there was a terrible smell , people were vomiting, those who were very sick, who could not stand the corpse smell, the occupiers laid their faces on the corpses and forced them to inhale
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this stench, this mucus for 5-10 minutes , this slurry, covering up the traces of one crime, the nazis immediately committed a new one in the criminal case storing... in the central archive of the state security committee of belarus there are several testimonies about how it happened extermination of civilians in the area of ​​the village of pashkovo. mothers with children stood on the edge of the grave; the nazis forced them to throw their children up, shot the children on the lita, then shot the mothers and threw them up. work at site number one lasted from october 4 to october 19 , 1943, with four furnaces operating. each burned approximately 5,000 bodies. the village of prisna , mogilev district, is located approximately 5 kilometers from the regional center, a person was born and lived here, thanks to whom today we know about the technology of conducting top-secret operation to destroy traces of nazi crimes. stepan pelunov, he
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was arrested by the gestapo, was in the mogilev prison, in october 1943 he was included in the work team for the exhumation and burning of corpses. miraculously survived. from a statement by stepan pilunov to the chief of the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, pyotr kalinin. one of the prisoners and i were placing a corpse on top of the stove, at which time the germans gave the command to the other four prisoners to also climb up. everyone understood why this was being done, and i shouted: death to the german occupiers. the translator shot at me, but hit my... neighbor, i pretended to be dead, fell, along with my neighbor, the germans opened fire from machine guns, i was wounded in the head, but did not lose consciousness, the stack was doused with gasoline and set on fire in three places, i i felt that the fire was approaching me, i hardly got out of the corpses
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, fell to the ground, crawled into the bushes, in november soda, he gave his testimony. for the partisan detachment, these testimonies were sent to the operational security group of the mogilev-regional party committee, from where the first the report went to the headquarters of the partisan movement in moscow. in may 1944, pelunov was summoned by the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement to moscow and gave more specific and detailed testimony. today this is practically the only document from which one can find out how the ovens were constructed and how the process of removing corpses took place. and their burning. from a statement by stepan pelunov to the chief of the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, pyotr kalinin. having started work on excavating a ditch at a depth of half a meter, we discovered buried corpses, so decomposed that many of us started
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vomiting. the corpses in the ditch were stacked six to eight in some places in 12 rows. one corpse is feet first, the next one is forward. and so on in the same order, on the first day, we worked until dark, extracted at least 4,000 corpses, the corpses were removed manually and placed on these structures, which means the row amounted to up to twenty bodies, then again there were poles, resin, coal on them crushed again such a row. up to 80 m 8-10 m this entire structure reached in swampy areas remove these corpses with ordinary christian pitchforks from the pits from this... stack it all up on piles with improvised means for
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the complete, let’s say, destruction of those remains that were not destroyed by fire, they were ground at some burial sites; this was already discovered when the emergency commission was working up to a forty-centimeter layer of ash and ground bones, then the mogilev working team was sent to the gomel region, they dug up the corpses in the forest near gomel, on october 26 they were transferred to azariche, to the local cemetery about 4,000 people were killed, one day they heard screams, crying , they saw through the window that the germans knew the jews, that’s where they went to the jewish cemetery, then soon... they heard shots, well then it turned out that there was they shot jews in a pit and
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buried them there, and those who saw these events, this tragedy, they said that after they carried out these executions, the earth still moved for several days. over the course of five days, a working team of thirty-four people extracted about 400 corpses, at the same time another zondarkomda unit was working near minsk. to destroy traces of the nazi crime in trostenets. zondarkommando 1005 center worked in blagovshchina from october 27 to december 15, 1943. in 6 weeks it was necessary to excavate 34 grave pits and remove 150,000 corpses. with german pedantry, it was calculated that in order to burn such a number of bodies, it was necessary to light 750 fires based on the testimony of the head of the working unit of zondarkomda 1005, adolf ruba about crimes in
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blagovschina. the fires were topped with gasoline, and later with a black flammable mixture, which was delivered by military aircraft. first, the ashes were broken with a hammer so that no pieces of bones remained , and then they were thrown into open pits, then the pits were filled with earth. the russian prisoners who carried out the work died after some time, since not a single eyewitness was supposed to be alive. nazis, these are these gamblers, it’s not blasphemous, who would have given letters to the slaves of these evil people, signatures of the abavyazkovs, that is, they will not be disclaimer of this right, not to your relatives, not to your loved ones, not to your employees, to absolutely no one, this whole team of scumbags, as for me, this is a pathetic
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little thing, ale menavita, documentary, in the future it is clear that the team of sme rotnika, who carried out the work in blagaushchyna, at trascintsa, that's it, at the very last stage, the pastavits, pastivtsya signatures were washed out. and these signatures are direct, erling’s paslyadunik, craner sits behind the table, and the skin from the teams of the sverotnika is falling apart and i put a signature on you, so i won’t be unravel the geta on the right. a tract near the settlement of bronnaya gora, here during the years of the acupuncture jews from brest, kobrin, bereza, drogichin were exterminated, 186 carriages of people were brought here. 55,000 people were buried in eight pit graves over an area of ​​17,000
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km. we had 21 people in the house, so there was a whisper that they had brought them, they were shooting, and the place of execution was somehow in a low place. and tah-tah-tah, tah-tah-tah, tah-tah-tah, and at that time we people were silent, silence, not a sound, not a word, it didn’t reach us children, the holes were very deep, which means down there, into this a special ladder went down the pit, they drove the car onto the rails, closer to these pits, they forced people to completely undress, completely naked, they took off all their clothes, and
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they put it all in a pile, because, well, it was necessary. to do all this, it was necessary to destroy more people, that’s why they seemed to save space, then they used lime and chemical liquid so that the corpses would decompose faster, in order to compact as many as possible into the pit, and in the spring of forty-four a team arrived in the area of ​​​​the armored mountain of thirty people, 20 guards, one translator, the rest were sss and sd employees. the work of exhuming and imprisoning the corpses was left to the death row team, which consisted of 100 concentration camp prisoners. these people are resettled in the territory of the warehouses, there were 48 warehouses, they were guarded day and night, then it was ordered to dismantle these warehouses and dig these holes, stacked them, a row of corpses, a row of logs, for 14 days, 14- for 15 days there was an unbearable stench over the armored mountain, a black cloud hung,
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what happened in 1944 is worth it here for life. these clouds of black smoke rise high, high, people are being scorched, and digging sat on windows, on door handles, this is the feeling, you can believe human flesh, when you touch the door handle, go out into the street, this is what i have for the rest of my life , a few kilometers from the armored mountain... another place of mass extermination of civilians, the city of bereza, here executions began in the summer of forty-one, single and group, more than 4,500 people during the entire period of occupation. shortly before liberation, the nazis began to dig up graves near the walls of the ancient carthusian monastery in bereza. here, starting in 1941, communists were shot, a political activist
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part of the city’s jewish population, 24 graves. the corpses were burned for several days. and they sifted through and extracted gold items, and several decades later , several aluminum crosses were found at this place, all that was left of the people. detachments of sonderkommando 1005 worked throughout the territory of belarus, to which areas they were sent, even the team employees did not know how as a rule, orders were given orally, only a few people from the top command staff were initiated, and the conventional name of the operation said little about the work ahead: secret nature, pacification, leveling - this is all the name of action 1005. even in internal documents, the nazis encrypted the operation , describing the height of the clouds and the amount of precipitation that fell, which was more reminiscent of a weather forecast, behind the height of the clouds was hidden the number of burned bodies, behind the precipitation - the number of corpses that still had to be destroyed,
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therefore, locally the action was sometimes called. under this name an operation is taking place in ragachyov, this is known from the testimony of rotonfur sss erwin hansen, who served in sondarkomd 7. we drove into the city of rogachev, in the center of the city the car turned towards the forest adjacent to the city. haubscharrfuhrer sterzing explained to us the meaning of the word wetermeldung weather report. one could read on everyone’s face that he was more likely to go without... going on vacation for 10 years than to do this work, we had to form a large circle, the so-called barrier, so that not a single soldier or local resident would observe this work, the weather report was carried out literally a month before the liberation of rogachev in january forty -four, at the end of may sondarkommando 1005 worked in the area of ​​grodno, kolbasino, losos, on folush, the places of the former
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prisoner-of-war camps, where about 10,000 people were killed, which were found in cass, cass, and these rashtki, all crushed, very fractional, the heat of the day, crushed rashtkas, fell asleep. at this pit there are mags, and at this pit magils were covered with galley, thrown with earth, ruined, they usually planted trees, as on the armored mountain on the territory of fort number two, they could plant a flower bed , as in the courtyard of the grodno prison, there, by the way, the nazis also planted potatoes, the beds reached 50 m in length , now it would not be invasive methods
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of archeology that would come to the rescue, but even in places like ours. here in the basement or in some other places, because there is a big fire, where approximately 3,000 corpses are burning, traces in the ground will remain, they will remain. belarus... in the world has become one of the main places for the 1005 actions. there were no such number of places of mass extermination of people in any other country in the world. concealing traces of the massacres, according to german documents, was supposed to save the leadership of nazi germany from unnecessary publicity for criticism, but it did not work out. on july 3, 1944 , minsk was liberated; 200 km from the capital , the nazis continued to eliminate traces of their crimes. the last belarusian city, operation 1005 was carried out, became slonim, there even on july 5, 1944, the stoves were burning out. the probe team did not have time to thoroughly conceal the traces of the crime;
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the front was approaching. almost immediately after the end of the great patriotic war , trials began against war criminals. already in 1945 , a criminal case was opened against employees of babruiskaya ziva. glupin was arrested in 1945 in the oryol region, he is from there. belyavsky, he got a job and worked near gomel, in the air defense division, worked as a clerk, had access to secret documents. yachny, too, who is a former commander of the red army, served in the red army near babruisk in the village of kiselevich. during the babrui case, 120 agents and accomplices of ziva were identified, and a trial was held in the forty-sixth. ulybin was sentenced to capital punishment. belyavsky yachny to 20 years of imprisonment, and kokhanovsky to 15 years in prison, the trials of the nazis who participated in operation 1005 took place in germany, in komblinz and
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hamburg, but only decades later, for crimes for which there is no statute of limitations, they responded with short prison terms. computer game or real world? they entered the game, but did not take into account one thing, everything here is for real. this is the most extreme project in the country, the heroes, the reboot, are fighting with themselves. this time... instead of young fire and rescue professionals , representatives of show business will compete in belarus , the first lines in the charts, rating projects on tv. they want to show their character and
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express themselves even louder. i admit honestly, i am not an athlete, i am an artist, this is not a vocal contest. i wish my fingers remained intact. anton kushnir is waiting for you. i need these dances, leading ones. every time it gives birth to its heroes, the mission control center is ready, the control center must be unscrewed, otherwise you will remain living there, that’s it, i lost , yes, it seems yes, goodbye, what do you do, sergey, this is incredible, guys, watch it on the tv channel belarus 24, we travel around belarus and discover new sights, but today , fortunately... we have preserved the tomb of the miloshi family, which is located here in basement, as well as this unique object from the 19th century - a confessional, a confessional, in eastern europe
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there are no more such monuments, but the twin brother of our church is in the north of italy, in the padua region, we are getting acquainted with the original belarusian traditions, the so -called dimun , in general, if completely correct, then this will be the milky way, the mother of all handicrafts, before... our ancestors considered the whistle and used it as a talisman. she drove away evil spirits and attracted good luck and prosperity to the house. the most important thing is to experience bright emotions. we're already on our feet. that's right, well, do you hear it, will you jump? do you know how to swear? yes, well, everything, in terms of taste and quality, everything is just perfect. and life began to sparkle with new colors, watch the program, the route


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