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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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our church is located in the north of italy , in the region of padua, we are getting acquainted with the original belarusian traditions, the so-called winter, in general, if completely correct, then this will be the milky way, the mother of all handicrafts, before our ancestors, but they counted the whistle and used it like a talisman, it drove away evil spirits and attracted good luck and prosperity into the house, most importantly, we experience bright emotions, yes, it can touch you on the leg , you’ll feel it, you’ll jump, you can just swear, yes, well, everything, in terms of taste, qualities, just everything perfect, and life began to play like new colors, watch the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the decision in the integration of the two allied savmin was held in moscow, a new agreement was signed for 3 years, there will be more joint projects. the next 2024 has been declared the year of quality in belarus. how we will develop the deal brand. in belarus we will tell you in detail: practice is above all, how in the mountains they prepare personnel for our agro-industrial complex, a report from the agricultural academy. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. belarus and russia can everyone year update historical maximum trading. integration was discussed today and tomorrow in moscow at the union council of ministers. now we have more than a dozen joint integration investment projects, and more than 90% of the activities
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under joint programs have been completed, the rest are in a high degree of readiness. the high-level group snapkov overchuk has 40 resolved issues in its collection, and the union savmin has no less legal decisions. greater cooperation has also replaced 80% of our lost exports. in total, there were 11 issues on the agenda of the union savmin. from the belarusian and russian sides ministers and deputy prime ministers who are responsible for the economy, industry, agriculture, transport, energy and finance, in a word, for the whole range of topics of union integration. it is already obvious to us that external attempts to disorganize union construction have failed, like many others. belarus and russia have united, are confidently moving along the creative course set by the leaders of our countries, integration investment projects are being implemented, for which
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23 passports of such projects have already been approved, measures are being implemented aimed at stimulating the development of production and sales. we will continue to consistently remove existing barriers to mutual trade , provide favorable conditions for market access for our companies, pay special attention to supporting small medium-sized businesses , creating new jobs in manufacturing sectors and, very importantly, our... integration solutions are filled with practical content. the national tax committee and the center for customs risk management will be operational in the near future. there is already a single rule for accessing government procurement, conditions for work in transport communication markets. we are also opening new production, creating a unified rule of the game for enterprises, and also paying special attention to new technologies. these areas became decisive in the new agreement for 3 years, it was signed by the prime ministers of the two countries. necessary. to ensure
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real tangible integration of the industrial policies of the two sides as quickly as possible, completely, to make mutual access to procurement and subsidies barrier-free, uniform measures to protect the internal market of the union state, which will ensure rapid expansion of cooperation ties and further growth in the production of joint products with a high share of localization of production. within a year we have already had a joint assembly of agricultural machinery in novosibirsk, krasnodar and tatarstan. in bashkartystan they built a plant from scratch to produce grain drying complexes. almost all russian resources planned for lending have been allocated for investment projects, and union programs, as well as the nuclear, gas, and electric power sectors; plans for this year have been fulfilled. new the direction that is now planned to be consolidated is the smoothly transitioning main directions that we have laid down in the previous 3 years, this is a road map for microelectronics, a road map for
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machine tool building, aircraft manufacturing, the development of cooperation in the field of special mechanical engineering, including equipment for airports , work with large state-owned corporations of the russian federation for 24-2 years, we plan to carry out further work to develop agreed approaches and principles the formation of a unified gas market, and the further implementation of business conditions for the constituent entities of belarus and russia in the gas sector from january 1, 2026. there is a lot of activity in bilateral meetings: this year on average there are already 90 delegations in both directions, only... 11 russian regions were on the prime minister’s schedule, and in some of them the government was present twice during the year. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh, areas of interest. now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. our ruble has strengthened to dollar and yuan. so, the following
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rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 11 kopecks. for 10 yuaniya at the auction they gave 4 rubles 35 kopecks. 3.51 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles. 40 kopecks this is an area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. and then in the program. the next 2024 has been declared the year of quality. we will tell you in detail how we will develop the brand made in belarus. and practice is above all, just like in the mountains they prepare personnel for our agro-industrial complex. report from the agricultural academy. culinary art is art and science, it requires more than just knowledge of products and cooking methods. my first task, which was given to me when i came to work, i peeled 30 kg of onions, after that i don’t pay. it includes what flora and
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fauna give us in the form of ingredients. i love real meat, proper meat, i eat it, i work with it, i cook it, i advise everyone to do the same and wish it, that’s all, so eat meat, there will be strength, there will be health, there will be... two stories of the formation of belarusian chefs who made themselves, watch today on our channel, this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue . 2024 has been declared the year of quality in belarus. the decree was signed by the president in the country, he continues to stimulate local initiative, develop high-tech energy-intensive projects, but the emphasis will be, first of all, of course, on quality, and this is the key to our competitiveness in the international arena. why the brand is made in belarus and in which markets we will
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expand our presence. our correspondent, ilona volynets, will tell you in detail. for more than 90 years, the history of northern silk has been woven thread by thread in orsha flax mill, a textile giant, the largest fabric manufacturer in eastern europe and today at the forefront of fashion trends. it has not disappeared from the textile map of the world because, on behalf of the head of state , the enterprise was extensively updated. new machines, new technologies, even short flax fibers are turned into golden fleece here. these are great possibilities for weaving machines; they give a wide range in production. sales to 43 countries, 70% of exports are from european countries, the quality of orsha flax is known and appreciated, so even friendship in russia did not force
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to give up beautiful and environmentally friendly fabrics, and there is also a lot of soul in these meters, because families work at the plant, elena lepishinskaya devoted 40 years to flax, before that her mother worked here, today. husband, son, daughter-in-law, they say there is no shame in the overall result. i come to work, everything has to spin and spin for me , everything has to be clean, so that it is neat, so that there is no defect, i try, all our people... quality is our brand, tasty, natural, healthy, and it’s not easy beautiful words on the labels, the contents match, maybe that’s why people line up for the belarusian farmer, there’s always lard, lard, pork belly, salted, well, generally awesome, it just melts, we’re trying to position the fact that these are strict soviet guests, which no longer exist in the russian federation, this is a time-tested quality, i’m very glad , that we have opened a store in ufa, cheeses are definitely one of my favorites. there are indeed many products in belarus that
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are associated with a quality mark, but we are not talking only about manufactured goods. we cannot stop, otherwise we will remain on the sidelines of the world market. it’s not for nothing that next year has been declared the year of quality in the country. our main trading partners are russia, eac and cis countries, we are expanding our presence in the markets of asia, africa, america and oceania. there are plans to become even closer to the far arc countries. and to compete, you need to be one step ahead. who could? that, for example, in distant karelia , the belarusian harvester will replace finnish equipment, only at first glance it seems that the departure of western brands has cleared the way, to stop developing today means to lose the market tomorrow, this is very important, where will we be at this moment, that is, what will we be like? our task is to maximize the quality of our product, its efficiency, quality service, then we will not be afraid... the return of competitors. belarus has maintained the best traditions of standardization in the country with almost 2,500
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accredited conformity assessment bodies. the state standards database contains over 30,000 documents. agree, quality is a relative concept and cannot always be measured, but you always feel when something is done conscientiously. maybe to this is what we should all strive for. ilona volynets, alexander moguchiy, area of ​​interest. belarusian universities are increasing the export of educational services; now almost 30,000 foreign students are studying in the country, this is about 12% of the total volume. of course, most young people come to us from china, as well as from post-soviet countries. the belarusian state agricultural academy, which is located in gorki, is also opening new directions. foreign guests choose this educational institution for its large number of practical classes. behind what do belarusian students value about their native almamater? anton malyuta went to the hills and watched how the classes were going.
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we say slides, we mean an agricultural academy , a world-famous educational center , where training really comes from the ground, maximum practice, so that everything is not only in agroscience, but in agribusiness, this is the demand of the time, the roll is loaded here, the tape will rotate and wrap with film, so they pass classes at the training and exhibition center, which opened 2 years ago, academic bar lasts an hour and a half, but this time flies instantly, because the emphasis is not on cramming books, but on how knowledge can be applied in practice. in the first year, we went on an experiment this year , during introductory practice, instead of ordinary excursions, the guys themselves volunteered, they went to put combine harvesters in storage on farms in the goritsa region, and from the first day they saw their profession, they were motivated to study, why? because
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somewhere they already understood what needs to be completed, what needs to be understood in order to become good specialist. not every agricultural university can disassemble the equipment, as they say, piece by piece, and understand what each part is responsible for. tractors, combines , seeders, everything is at the disposal of students and teachers, this is also the merit of our industrial flagships, the agricultural academy is very pleasant for them, it’s very cool that enterprises are happy to donate equipment, recently we received 3219 from gomsilmash , they received their new small-sized combines, the minsk tractor plant is intensively transfers equipment, bobruiskelsh transfers, that is, enterprises are set up to transfer samples for students to study, so these enterprises work on their image , strengthen their position in the markets, and students acquire. well-trained personnel, the brand of the academy, in which everyone is interested,
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there is a good doctor, but come to a good doctor and he will look and determine what kind of disease, a good engineer, he will go up to a tractor or combine machine, put his hand on the engine and say that the third one is faulty forsung, that is, we are preparing a real engineer who will understand the machine and work for the benefit of our state, and also the agricultural academy is an example of friendship between peoples, the main avenues are even called international, here in a few minutes you can hear the language of confucius and shakespeare, but from where no matter what, it all starts with pushkin’s language. his end of training is known to perfection. this is my hometown of zhangdu, but why did you decide to go to the hills from there? because gorki is a very calm and beautiful city, i really love it there study. i came from cameroon. i heard a lot of good advice about the academy, and i
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really love the structure, it’s so huge and there are a lot of students, i love it very much. what do you want to be in the future? who knows, maybe one of these guys is the future star of our agricultural sector, and the academy produces a lot of them, remember, the tractor show in great stone, the first among all the participants was vladislav bobrovich, already a quite experienced machine operator. vlad, when did you first drive a tractor? i sat down for the first time when i was about 12 years old, this grandfather had it, grandfather let me try it. and then you decided to connect your life with this? yes, i did it first. in person, then i decided to enroll here at bgs. is it easy to learn this business? well, here it’s not to say that it’s difficult, as if you drove a passenger car, you have the skills, then it’s much easier here too. as we have seen, the academy is our pc in miniature, here you have a mechanical yard, which many farmers will envy, an educational farm and even its own botanical
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garden, as well as labyrinths of buildings and dormitories, a real city within a city in which residents it only gets bigger. anton malyuta, alexey petrov and sergey korneev, area of ​​interest. that’s it for today, all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy; we will tell you in the area of ​​interest next week. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, bringing you warmth and spring mood even in winter december. just one chance to show your strength, here every correct answer brings the teams closer to the journey, every wrong answer to the journey, setting, 70-80% i answer, but this is sitting at home, from the couch, what was the name this gang, if memory serves, is a black
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cat, in honor of what holiday, alexander dozhinki, dozhinki, of course, absolutely right, the ice arena. which is home to the extra-league club dynamo molodechno , to demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, let's shakheno shah shah shah imat we don't play chess shah - this is the dying state of the king, when it 's like one more action, one more step, and then there will be a magician, this soviet athlete was recognized as the best hockey player of the century according to the international hockey federation. sergey, i i think that vladislavia, absolutely right , the smartest and bravest gather here, this is an egg, what kind of chicken egg, chocolate egg, can move, quietly, watch the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24
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tv channel. on air news in the studio yulia fertsova , good afternoon, and briefly about the main topics of the issue.


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