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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 1, 2023 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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this is a panorama, i will tell you live about the main events of friday, december 1st, sergey lugovsky, hello. the climate summit in
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dubai became a mouthpiece for the world's main problems, honestly, openly and very harshly in places, our president spoke about conflicts, warriors and their initiators. we'll tell you everything in detail. a joint project of the beltelerokpania of the general prosecutor's office, the premiere screening of a film about the genocide of the belarusian people took place in moscow. and the main tv intrigue of this friday on the factor bay show, star mentors today will choose. see also in our issue. to think about the future of the planet about peace, not about war, we have no other home and never will. strong speech by the belarusian leader at the world climate summit in the emirates, main statements from the scene in a minute. the most sophisticated techniques and professionalism of belarusian specialists. the children's
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surgery center performed four operations to correct severe heart defects in young patients. snowy photo zones, illuminations and christmas markets. minsk is being transformed for the new year holidays. winter's tale preview our broadcast. biathlon professor anton smolsky again hits the top ten and wins another medal for belarusian biathlon fans. bright shots from the print from khanty mansiska. today is a must. let us show within the framework of the panorama, to think seriously about the future of the earth and abandon the policy of confrontation, with this appeal today alexander lukashenko addressed the world and world politicians, speaking at a large-scale climate summit in dubai. the planetary forum is held under the auspices of the united nations, and more than 140 world leaders take part in it. how
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our president will say, the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation. it demands respect, the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice. belarus calls on everyone who is obliged to take on the burden of historical responsibility, to make a feasible contribution to resolving issues of climate security, to strengthen support for developing countries and states with economies in transition, to act realistically, and not to express concerns, firmly, truthfully and in principle, alexander lukashenko said about conflicts, wars and their initiators, report by natalya breus. in the best traditions of small talk on the sidelines they always start with the weather, the world summit is no exception , but in this case the weather in the global sense, that is, climate is the first and main topic of conversation, it seems that there are already enough problems in the world today, but climate state agenda. do not ignore, this is
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understandable from the number of vips, including only heads of state and government, about 150 people. the climate today is, yes, big politics, only the welcoming ceremony lasted half a month. personally greets distinguished guests president of the united arab emirates and secretary general oongurish, perhaps one of the warmest greetings with the belarusian president, it’s clear from the gestures, everything is on the level. the soup was left to guard the chicken coop. such caustic criticism was addressed to the leadership of the uae, as the organizer of the country on the top list of world oil suppliers, but as they say, dogs bark, the caravan moves on. why is there so much attention paid to the event? considering how difficult the situation is in general now, the energy crisis in europe, events in the middle east and ukraine. the big question is whether the world will be able to speed up the climate change solution, but in the end it will fall out.
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the world climate summit officially kicked off as all the leaders took their seats in the room. alexander lukashenko in the front row, after a long conversation. just a few days ago i stood on the melting ice of antarctica, i was surrounded by the melting glaciers of nepal. these two points are far apart in terms of distance, but they are united in crisis. polar ice and glaciers are disappearing right before through our eyes, which leads to disasters around the world, from targeted flows. floods to rising sea levels, but this is one of the symptoms of the disease that brings our climate to its knees, this is a disease that only you, global leaders, can cure , for this, the secretary general will say, we need leadership, cooperation, political will, and we
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will add also money, achieving the goals of the paris agreement, preventing global temperature rise above 2°, is increasingly more difficult, it requires large financial and technological investments. we took commitment to invest approximately $130 billion over seven years when we decided to host this conference, we made a commitment to bring the world together so that the world works together to achieve results. we are looking for and finding practical ways to speed up the transition of the world. low- emission economies. i am pleased to announce a $30 billion fund for global climate solutions. president of belarus. your leadership, you have the floor. his
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speech at the world climate conference summit, alexander lukashenko will begin with words of gratitude to the leadership of the uaa; after all , organizing such a large-scale representative forum is not an easy task. belarusian leader... today we, the leaders of the states of the world, are talking about the future of planet earth, our common home, we have never had and will not have another home, we are talking about the future of our children and grandchildren, about the future of everyone who comes to this world after us , we represent different cultures, different value systems, different... but we are united in the face of the global challenge that nature itself has thrown at us. climate is changing, scientists are making the most dire predictions. gloomy not because scientists are such pessimists. global warming really threatens the disappearance of island states,
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drought, famine and water shortages. they see the threats and are ready to react, but maybe it’s worth thinking about what the root of the evil is. first of all, this is the lack of a sense of proportion, including military, i would say, first of all, the military superiority of those who provoke and incite hotbeds of war in different parts of the planet, and wars are the main source of dirt on our continent, this is the thirst for profit, which turns natural resources into personal capital and robs the future generation , these are... attempts to remove countries from their path that prevent them from subjugating the whole world and destroying them, drawing out all the juice from the earth, and sometimes everything is done supposedly for the purpose of sustainable development. for its position on climate issues and
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environmental safety, belarus deserves only respect. by joining the 2015 paris agreement, we committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which we are doing and even doing. more than necessary, we provide invaluable ecosystem services our continent, preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests, and the lungs of europe. we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. paradoxically, in response we receive new economic sanctions and international barriers. restrictions on access to technology and not only us, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation, it requires respect, the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice, it is impossible to put pressure on political
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opponents with sanctions, while at the same time demanding decisions that are costly for national economies, the solution on which depends on the purity of the entire atmosphere, all groundwater and the world ocean, and also, how can one expect costly effective measures to preserve the climate from countries of nations that still have not... coped with colonial oppression, minsk's proposals on climate security issues are simple and understandable. based on this, belarus calls on everyone who is obliged to take on historical responsibility. first, make a proportionate contribution to addressing climate change issues security, for all the centuries of thoughtless attitude towards nature. secondly, strengthen support for developing countries. countries and states with economies in transition, third: stop
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expressing concerns and start acting in the name of preserving life on earth. well, probably once again we have gathered here, we will once again express our concerns, unfortunately, in a week we will forget everything, we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, respect... the laws of nature and create a foundation to continue of the human race here now on our planet. we don’t have and never will have another home. passable speeches, but the main passing position on pressing issues on the world agenda is not about belarus and certainly not about lukashenko. our president will answer the questions that seem to be in the air at the global summit in a brutally direct manner. we don’t have and never will have another home. all the speakers, especially the speakers from the speakers who spoke here first,
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were concerned about where to get the money , even the journalist sitting here will tell you, where to get money, an example, to answer this question, you need to look into recent history to destroy iraq and afghanistan, and bring it to these countries. the benefit for the peoples was spent, according to estimates, from one and a half to two trillion dollars, but count how much money was spent to protect these countries, how many people died, you cannot estimate this in dollars, today there is a war in ukraine, this is no longer 1.5- 2 dollars, it will already cost 5 trillion dollars, if successful... they are talking about peace in the near future. why is there no peace in this part of the planet today? because
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that the theorists who spoke in the forefront talk about peace, talk about keeping the planet clean, and taking care of their grandchildren , at the same time unleashing and waging the most terrible war on the planet, in the middle east , how much will the massacre cost, and if... it flares up in the pacific ocean, that's trillions-trillions of dollars, well, let's direct them to clean the planet, and there won't be any need to search, as we say, i'll charcoal this money, we 've gathered here to once again express concern, and those who even here they were in the forefront, concerned about their grandchildren, they are... these wars are going on, and wars are terrible pollution of the planet,
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let's stop it, so the most important thing is that we need to learn to say less words and do more, i understand if we let’s adopt some kind of declaration or memorandum, as we always do, we are unlikely to achieve anything, but let’s, as they said here, again at the beginning, the speaker, 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from twenty leading states. let's write down in our declaration, mr. chairman, not concern, but let’s demand from them to reduce emissions into the atmosphere by at least half, we won’t do this, so why are we gathered, here is the money, real money, 10 trillion dollars. which we can stop wars, direct to cleansing our planet, and let’s
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act, let’s not start acting, nature will force us to live according to its laws. those who listened to the belarusian leader in the hall jumped at the end of his speech, because what was said was not straight to the point. the journalists had not seen such a reaction to politicians during the entire day of speeches, and although it was quite exhaustive, hype around the figure. organize more than a un session , thank you, hold on, don’t listen to what they criticize you here, predictably, there was a lot of communication on the sidelines, alexander lukashenko talked with the leaders of cuba in the end, also on his feet with the head of the batswana. a warm meeting with aliyev is always nice to see family members, the presidents managed to talk one on one,
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as alexander lukashenko had planned , talked with the head of equatorial guinea in a narrow circle, there is always an opportunity to exchange opinions, this is very important for politicians. alexander lukashenko had something to talk about with the president of zimbabwe, minsk and harari had already set the tone for cooperation with mnagva in minsk. the most important thing is not to stop now. yes, we have certain results of our cooperation, as you have already said, and you began to export grain and so on, but we still have a lot of work to do in your country, and we are ready to implement that plan. which we once outlined during my visit. belarus is determined to seriously advance on the african continent, this it became clear from the president’s rhetoric even during preparations for a large-scale forum with kenya, for example, that the directions of work had yet to be determined, that you could come to us, i could come to you at a similar time, as a result of these visits,
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specialists worked in our , just like zimba and equatorial gruney, we could you... what do you need from us and you would look at your country and decide on our needs. we had a dialogue with the president of the comoros in approximately the same spirit, i thought looking at the footage of the meeting, there are no small countries if the plans are big. negotiations took place with the prime minister of mongolia. today, a number of meetings took place between the head of state and the leaders of our eurasian region, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, and a very wide range of meetings took place with the leaders of african countries. we met with the president of the comoros islands, the chairman of the african union, discussed issues of establishing interaction with the african union, discussed specific areas of our cooperation with
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african countries and agreed to promote interaction between belarus and the african union, not everything said face to face became public knowledge, but the president of serbia, for example, shared some details of the conversation with alexander lukashenko. we talked about our bilateral relations, i really hope that next year we will be able to organize his visit to our country. we will have elections in 5-6 days, and after that in 2024. we hope we can invite him, accept him and discuss all the problems between ours. after all, the atmosphere at this summit was completely special, here, more than ever , one felt more keenly what the world is like today, complex, contradictory, where each country has its own interests, but i want it to be a world where states know how to negotiate. natalya breuus, alesya vysotskaya, alexey volkov, ivan martinovich, tv news agency, oa, dubai. a global platform for dialogue and talking
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footage from the sidelines of the summit, which was discussed in the broadcast with experts and guests of the editors club, what those who advocate for the isolation of our country are so demonstratively dissatisfied with, and who else is interested in the opinion of poland and the baltic states, a heated discussion not only about climate, and as soon as one’s presence in the front row can cool down the ardor of opponents, for me, for example, the political aspect is important, that’s what it is, remember all these moans from the twentieth year about legitimacy of the head of state... legitimacy is not the groans of the president of lithuania, these are not the groans of the sad duda, which we watched, the sad one is sitting at the summit, because the prospects for poland are extremely sad for the coming years, legitimacy is a strong country, a strong the leader with whom they meet, who is respected, met, why even look, this one is like his carrie, this one, yes , shakes hands with our minister of foreign affairs, why,
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despite the sanctions, despite the fact that they hate us, want to destroy us, they are fine they understand: what real power is, who really makes decisions in the country, who the people are behind, who supports here , they know it all, they understand it all, so there is a statement, there is a war of sanctions, but they shake hands empty, well, suddenly you have to talk, but you have to, but also we continue to publish classified information from fugitive headquarters and organizations, do not miss the next exclusive in the editors club, today immediately after the factorby project. unfortunately, not the entire planet is ready to listen to peacemaking calls and voices. reason, the conflict in the middle east flared up with renewed vigor, again explosions of murder of civilians, the fragile truce began to crack. both sides blame each other for the breakdown
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in agreements, but it is worth noting that hostilities resumed immediately after us secretary of state blinken visited visit to israel. the essence of his visit boiled down to a populist call to extend the truce and, more realistically, to remove hamas from power by any means. israel has the right to do everything in its power to ensure that the hamas massacre of october 7 is never repeated. hamas cannot remain in power in gaza, nor must it retain the ability to repeat this massacre. on the first day of the end of the truce, according to the enclave’s ministry of health, more than 100 people had already died. the un high commissioner for human rights called the situation a disaster. humanitarian corridor through the rafak checkpoint. now closed again. among the tens of thousands of internally displaced persons, there are those who, after all the horrors of this war, were still able to return to their small homeland to live,
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work and raise children under a peaceful sky. it helps people who were evacuated from the gas sector in solving everyday and housing issues. today the elnadi family was invited to a meeting at the stolptsovsky district executive committee. two weeks ago, parents and their five children flew to belarus. our country is close to them. at the medical university, the head of the family received a higher education degree education. now he is offered a vacancy in his specialty at a regional hospital. not far from the columns, his wife, inna, was born , a heroic mother by education, a lawyer and economist. first aid is the most, well, the main help, they saved us, they didn’t even take us out, they saved our children, grateful, grateful to the president. without him, well, we couldn’t lose our children. we came here and beat here twice in nine. of course, they love belarus and were waiting for snow, but this is how they met with snow, they are ready to stay in our regional center, get settled, get rental housing,
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go to school, to kindergartens, well, to start your own, your new life on the territory of our region, we offer for mohammed employment at our central regional hospital in his specialty, thank god, a diploma allows him to do this, he received the republic of belarus, and elsewhere the same there is a job after returning from maternity leave, either it is the tax office, or it is a service center for our budgetary organizations, that is, in principle, they have vacancies and are happy with them. to start an independent life in the columns, large families are offered housing in hostel within walking distance, schools and kindergarten in the future, rental housing. europeans are increasingly tired of helping ukraine, and even once friends in arms are beginning to turn their backs on kiev , for almost... a month now, polish carriers have been continuing the blockade of the border with ukraine, there are more than 3,000 heavy trucks in the queues, and truckers have finally
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joined in on the contention of truckers in warsaw. adept, dictator morovetsky said that the country will appeal to the european union with an appeal to return to the need for ukrainian carriers to receive permission to enter europe. meanwhile , it is reported that the poles have blocked another checkpoint, krokovets. ukrainians are complaining that the protesters are not fulfilling their previous promises and are not listening to demands. as a result, those stuck at the checkpoint went on a hunger strike. at night, in short, not a single car was allowed through. you, you stuck your heads out, there ’s only one car in one year. that’s what it seems, friends, but, well, i don’t know, the stench hangs over us for hours. the reuters agency has already begun to calculate kiev's losses from hospitality. polyakov. according to the publication, imports of square goods decreased by 20% during the blockade. net losses are estimated at $1 billion 400 million. if the protests continue,
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ukraine could lose up to 1% of gdp. but not only the poles were offended by ukrainian truckers; as of today, slovak carriers have also joined in blocking the border with ukraine. we started at the cherry border crossing. german, uzhgorod. there are already more than 600 trucks in the traffic jam. belarus is preparing for a big political event. the electoral campaign 2024 will be the largest in the history of the country. the main task of the ministry of internal affairs is to ensure order and security during a single voting day. preparations for the election campaign were discussed today at the board of the ministry of internal affairs, as noted by the minister of internal affairs.
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affairs ivan kubrakov, all managers should ensure strict executive discipline and maximum coordination of actions with law enforcement and other departments. law enforcement officers have extensive experience in conducting election campaigns, but they cannot relax has to. police officers must increase their operational positions and also pay due attention to crime prevention issues. unauthorized mass events on the territory of the republic. belarus will not, we will not allow the infrastructure of our cities to be destroyed or any riots to occur on our streets. we will ensure the safety of both our citizens and guests of our republic of belarus. i am sure that everything will go smoothly, the internal affairs bodies are today ready to ensure the safety of our citizens and the security in general in republic of belarus. the day before, the capital's police officers conducted a special tactics exercise and practiced exercises to suppress riots. particular attention
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to the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the protection of public order in emergency situations, as well as increasing the level of readiness of employees to respond to possible threats. well, have you noticed that the topic of historical truth has now become such a leitmotif? this is our history, the history of our homeland, we must know it, remember even its most terrible lessons, so that this never happens again. the premiere screening of the film genocide without the right to life took place... in moscow, this is a joint project of bel-telerdiokpaniya and the general prosecutor's office of belarus. it consists of several cycles of documentary reports, which were combined into one full-length film. the film tells about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. the nazis were faced with the task of destroying 75% of the inhabitants of the eastern territories of the ussr, and sending 25% to forced labor in
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germany. during the occupation. was created 569 concentration camps and places of forced detention, biological weapons were tested there, they were sent to gas chambers and horrific medical experiments were carried out , including on children, a terrible tragedy, and more than 100 orphanages did not have time to be withdrawn, they were virtually all exterminated, 14 orphanages... .concentration camps, where the know-how was invented, how they took blood from children from their heels, hung them up by their armpits, cut off the skin from their heels, injected the drug, you know, how they squeezed out the blood, inserted test tubes and such not unknown, but they just squeezed us out, we had joint work, the initiative came from the general.
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the prosecutor's office of the republic of belarus, the beltelerdiocompany supported this initiative, we provided materials from criminal cases, including declassified ones, we organized interviews with eyewitnesses of those terrible events with witnesses, employees of the prosecutor's office took part in all series, so i think the project was a success, we worked in throughout the year, because each episode needed... detailed, thorough preparation and preparation specific materials and cases, so that this is not unfounded and so that it is confirmed, in these series there really are unique documents that were published for the first time, advertised for the first time, also as part of the screening of the film, an exhibition about the genocide of the belarusian people was held, these are dozens of photographs and archival documents, materials provided by the great
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patriotic war museum foundation. war. the professionalism of belarusian specialists in sophisticated technology. the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery performed four operations to correct severe heart defects in young patients. doctors described the case of one of the patients as the most complicated and the first in belarus. how children feel and what forecasts experts give. just a day after the operation, ten-year-old carolina has already come to her senses and is communicating with her mother to the best of her ability. the day before, a young patient from grodno underwent a complex operation to correct a congenital heart defect. i say that on december 3, on her birthday, doctors gave her a new life, as if she was born again , it turns out that
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it will be 11 years, i have always trusted my ours belarusian doctors, what do they say, how to act, what to do, because she was born initially, well, this is a congenital heart defect in the maternity hospital, this... we saw, thank god, the doctors are good, caroline’s diagnosis is not easy, the girl was born with epstein’s anomaly, a rare pathology of the tricuspid valve. in addition, the anomaly was combined with corrected transposition of the great vessels, which means that the ventricles in the heart changed places. the operation lasted about 8 hours. correction of a defect of such complexity was carried out in country for the first time. the belarusian specialists were assisted by a pediatric cardiac surgeon from switzerland , avsendios kalangos. it's not just about helping. thanks to competent specialists. in addition to caroline , three more children were operated on for epstein’s anomaly within two days.
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typically, such patients need a heart transplant in the future, but not in this situation. the doctors did their best. surgeons worked on each case for about 6 hours. and the most important thing that happened to these children is that they did not receive. artificial prosthesis, which then needs to be changed with the course of growth, and they received an operation, the best for them, this is an operation made on the basis of their own tissues, from practically nothing, with the help of the professor we were able to recreate their native valves, such children require special attention, because the defect is extremely complex, the operations are lengthy , there are various possible complications, you need to monitor everything, repeat tests every 2 hours, monitor certain indicators. all operations were successful and the children will soon be transferred to the general ward. svetlana chernova and dmitry garkusha, telenews agency. support and assistance are always a
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priority for the state, as well as caring people. on the eve of the world day of people with disabilities, this is december 3, representatives of the diasporas who live on our land, jewish, moldovan, azerbaijani. the armenians combined their talents into a very colorful concert-gift for the guys from the republican rehabilitation center, a social project we have been holding together for the third year in a row. people of different nationalities, they live the life that everyone lives in our people in the country, regardless of nationality, because people came today with gifts to children. in our country there live all the people who strive for peace and creation. creation for the benefit of everyone, not just one person, not for any particular nation or nationality , precisely so that everyone lives peacefully and happily in our country, when you see the smiles on the faces of children, all this joy, they have it left for them
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for many, many years, and you also get some kind of moral satisfaction from this, and i want to say that such actions are not single. necessarily three times a year, on the initiative of the commissioner for religious affairs and nationalities, we come to orphanages and boarding schools. 31 years ago, the un general assembly proclaimed december 3 as international day of persons with disabilities. today, more than a billion people in the world have disabilities, this is 15% of the entire world population. and in these winter days that have already arrived, i really want good moods, warmth, attention. every heart was warmed, the atmosphere in the city was filled with festive colors and winter surroundings, already there are decorated christmas trees, window photo zones have been transformed, new installations have appeared, but it is important to remember that the holiday should be properly organized for everyone, including in
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rural trade. let me remind you that at the beginning of the week the head of state instructed the government and the presidential administration to provide all the necessary new year's assortment, especially in small settlements. elena vitko continues. theme, take tangerines, turn on the shining lights, decorate the christmas tree, such a basic recipe for the new year, what other ingredients it’s up to everyone to diversify the holiday, even if it’s a matter of taste, but it should be accessible to everyone. today, our country has begun to intensify monitoring of goods and products in stores. the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade controls not only prices, but also the assortment of more than 20,000 new year's items, from souvenirs and christmas tree decorations to sweet gifts. have already produced about 2 million new year's gifts, more than two are planned, more than last year, here is the approximate cost of such gifts will range from 8 rubles to 80 rubles depending on the format of such a gift, and from 300 g to 3 kg, for every taste and choice.
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holiday trade also includes christmas markets, over 600 atmospheric markets are organized, another format is christmas tree markets, and these are almost a thousand pine outlets in all regions, however, there will be more, now they are installing and decorating christmas trees, about thirty in minsk alone, erecting frames and they decorate, test garlands, there will be premieres in the sparkling season, these are eight patterned arches and even... a winter fountain. in the present at the moment, three light cups are in the works, which will be placed on the site near the sports palace on special structures , they will have the appearance of sparkling cups, the upper part will have a shallow edging with the playing effect of foam splashes, and also this year nine sections of new street illumination will be installed , even more light in each district, and this plus 15 km of garlands; in total, in the capital, over 250 lamp kilometers and half a thousand of their art compositions were also prepared by enterprises and shopping malls,
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window displays were updated, and photo zones were transferred to winter scenes. the ice age is here with belarusian authenticity, in this snow castle, for example, zyuzya poozersky settled , there are atmospheric houses and mills nearby, forest inhabitants also greet guests, the installation is as interactive as possible, the majestic bison, for example, in the language, immerses you in a fairy tale. all the zhikhars of the lake area were getting wet. to shake the asoloda away from the jumping snowy lands. the december expedition from ashmyany to minsk, this is how the large avramchik family greets the winter, turning all emotions and impressions into family shots. they brought the kids to show him all this beauty. we have a lot of impressions, since we come here every year. bright, beautiful and new year's. i liked the winter base and beauty. such a fabulous kingdom. gentle, very cool, for children, for adults
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, just what we need before the new year, it looks very atmospheric, like a winter forest, one might say, it was very interesting to see this, i actually came here for just a second, and here i am i’ve been standing for probably 10 minutes already, because i just can’t tear myself away from this beauty, i’m here i saw a talking bison, but it’s good here, cool, i like new year and winter , because i can give gifts... play snowballs, ride on cheesecakes, ice cubes, it’s admiring the beauty of this, yes, yes, children also find inspiration here, adults, however , this photo zone gathers thousands of viewers on social networks, family selfies and stories, rills, winter fairy tale is now trending, elena vitko, andrey novgorodtsev and viktor borisov, tv agency. belarusians have no problems with the assortment of goods, and it’s not just about
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new year's trade, isn't it time to pay attention to quality, it is under this sign that the next year will pass, the corresponding decree was signed by the president at the beginning of the week, so who is responsible for quality in our country, will the requirements for manufacturers be tightened, this will be discussed tomorrow in the project question number one, what traditions and qualities have belarusians preserved and what is the base of state standards today, watch on saturday at 19:00 on belarus 1. belarus has preserved the best traditions of quality, so it’s us preserved from the soviet past? how exactly is quality control carried out at this facility? if we don't have competent personnel, we won't get a competitive product either. and our manufacturers generally manage to monitor all these standards and comply with them; if consensus is not reached, that is , the industry says: no, we are not satisfied with the requirements, then, in principle, the standard will not be undressed. a domestic electric car is being prepared for upbringing, but what about it? will do, at what stage our
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manufacturers may cheat somewhere, a good question is whether we will continue to tighten the requirements for the quality of products in belarus, about quality, only in the context of media work , media holdings spoke today in vitebsk, accumulate specialists in the development of the media sphere and meet the current challenges. this opinion was expressed today by information minister vladimir pertsov at an offsite meeting of the department’s board. the agenda includes studying the media space of the vitebsk region and the experience of a media holding created on the basis of the editorial office regional newspaper vitebsk vesti. the publication united some districts, making their paper and electronic versions more meaningful and readable. employees of the sharkovshchinsky regional newspaper klich rodimy are ready to share similar experiences.
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it is obvious that in the region it is impossible to find a specialist, an esm specialist, it is impossible to find a person who can do competent computer layout, this work can be outsourced to the head editorial office of the holding, where there are such specialists in the regions, there are enough of them, they remain in the regions journalists who know the agenda of their area, know the people, know what is happening and can do... the site unites four locations for photo and video shooting, video blogging, and master classes in journalism. the space was created to hone the skills of young authors who want to connect their lives with the media. well, since we are talking about skill, today our biathletes demonstrated it again. anton
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smolsky, or as he is called the biathlon professor, today became the main hero of the day at the russian cup on the biathlon track in hantemonsky in the first race, after returning, after a slight illness, he showed perfectly accurate shooting, 10 out of 10, in the end anton was in the top three and a bronze award, our lazovsky, tulatin sparrow were also in the top ten, third place anton smolsky, republic belarus, i feel good compared to those days. which were, of course, not 100%, but still , the condition was good, working and ran, i would say comfortably, the exception, of course, is that the frost today is so piercing, it constrains muscles, hinders movement, and i think this plays such a key role among athletes,
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our girls also finished high, but so far without a podium, but tomorrow in the pursuit races, on sunday in the mass starts, belarusian biathletes have every chance of success. tv channel belarus 5 will show everything live. let me remind you that the restart of the commonwealth cup is not far off. in mid-december the stage will be hosted by ufa, at the very beginning of january a big biathlon festival will come to our raubichi. sport as a unifying force, the channel 5 billiards cup has already become traditional; this year it is being held for the third time even though the competition was filled with a friendly atmosphere, each participant was determined only to win. so, in the final ... eismond, as well as the head of the belarus 5 tv channel, pavel bulatsky, the minister of sports and tourism sergei kovalchuk, the chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation, alim selimov and ex-hockey player oleg antonenko. by the way, he is one of the main favorites of the tournament. i would like to note that following the results of three stages of the competition,
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the top 12 in the rating reached the final stage. by the will of the lot they were divided into four groups. all people. sports, people who were involved, many at the professional level of sports, some are still involved in sports, so they don’t like to lose, that’s for sure , so after the starting handshake, as a rule , friendship ends, everyone plays to win, it’s great that many who participate, they not only directly they work at their work places, in offices, or somewhere at competitions or somewhere at some of their jobs, but this is what it is, first of all, this association is where people meet here without ties, where we spend time at tables it’s a good time and i would probably say more, there’s still such a friendly, sporting, friendly atmosphere here. and
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now you can watch this incredible competitive and friendly atmosphere of the channel 5 cup. internet, well, now it’s time for the main tv intrigue of this friday, in just a minute the main show of the country, factor byy, will start on belarus-1, today the star mentors will select their teams of finalists, it will be a knockout game, the participants will have to fight each other in a vocal battle for the opportunity continue on the most popular music show, what did you do? with joseph igorevich, well, let's move on, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience, the most sincere emotions, as always the intensity of passions, all this is factor bay on belarus 1. well, right now we have everything ready to
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surprise you again, look at factor byy, have a nice tv evening and a great winter weekend. i came to the factor to fight, i want to reach some new level, we want to become real artists. 100% changes people to give some kind of hope, love, faith, because many people really lack it now, today is the most difficult test on the show factor byy 24, and only 12 places in the final, how not to make a mistake, so as not to regret, you really think that you.
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.. worthy of free, who to choose to win, and are you sure that you need me, the judges must make a choice, what choice do you have in front of you now of service, i don’t know, now, look at your finalists, purely as a man, leave me by the female team, to please my own. not her favorite if i take it, say yes, to my dream team, where did i get so much time from, i’m stunned, i’m blown away, because this is where the factor byy generation is born.
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our mentors, joseph prigozhin, there are five people whom i would take for myself, but i only have three, opportunities, ruslan alikhno, someone, naturally, will be able to grow, with someone we will have to say goodbye. seryoga, i have a secret hope that the one to whom i gave the star is olga buzova, of course it’s always difficult to choose, i want everyone, and these are the rules, the stars aligned, but before to start choosing, mentors must determine how... which team will they get? the fate of the participants will be decided by lot.
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good evening, dear mentors, the time has come to determine the artists with whom you will fight for victory on live broadcasts , but who will get which team will be decided by chance, in this drum there are envelopes, among them four with the logos of the factor byy show, in each of them your team. make your choice who will be first, ledis first, right now before your eyes i will take out an envelope, and this will be my team, i already love it, here is mine, me i ask you not to open the envelope right away, well, men, olga has made her choice.
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here is my envelope, my lucky ticket, here is my envelope, whoever is here from the participants, i will be glad to everyone, in the hands of each of you, the envelope is inside your team, open, all together, you can, yes, let's, 1, 2 , 3, let's go, meet, this is your team with whom you will fight live for victory in the factorby show. dear judges, now it’s time to get to know your teams better, because they still don’t know who became their mentor.


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