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tv   100  BELARUSTV  December 2, 2023 12:40am-1:41am MSK

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so-called and other instrumental pressures of political pressure , limiting development resources for potential competitors, opponents, russia has experienced this to the fullest, this is an attempt to strangle it somehow correctly, so that nothing happens, this polycentric world, relatively speaking , here you are at knee level, don’t rise any further, limit development, limit development and restrain development, when... they talk about containment, they understand not only military-political containment, they understand under this there is also a containment of economic development, now we see how the united states is concerned about the fact that the people 's republic of china is becoming a global player in so many markets for goods and services, where previously american companies or companies, european, japanese, but associated with american capital prevailed and this is actually
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a systemic challenge, because the united states does not even know what to do with its domestic market, us-china trade exceeds $750 billion, trade the european union with china is now more than a trillion dollars, until the thirteenth year, until the fourteenth year, excuse me, it was a relationship of deep economic interdependence, we had 400 billion dollars in trade turnover between russia and ... the european union and throughout all these years there were sounds in the united states alarmist voices, the russians have built a new system of relations with the european union, by the way, just as belarus has built a system of trade and economic ties, mutually beneficial with the european union, this is a challenge, they said washington, a challenge to transatlantic solidarity, the russians and belarusians there are eroding transatlantic solidarity together, they are affecting our...
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european allies, especially germany, we need to do something about this, we need to somehow destroy this system of energy connections , trade, economic , investment, and this was beneficial for the europeans, it was very beneficial, especially for germany, yes, and partly i see this as the reason why the united states, then the obama administration, in the fourteenth year, and then the trump administration with less bitterness with the colossal bitterness of the biden administration. so they clung to the situation in ukraine and tried to use it as much as possible to destroy trade and economic ties between russia and the european union, belarus and the european union. since the beginning of the conflict in the middle east, ukraine has moved to second to third role, even on twitter it is in the top 15, and has not been present for a long time. and zelensky is increasingly criticized that ukraine’s counter-offensive failed. and in this regard, there are quite a lot of opinions, and including to the west. the press
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, as a journalist i follow the press, yes , that maybe, no, no, yes, and how would the west just carefully merge ukraine, first of all, from zelsky, of course, and will try to come to an agreement with russia directly, about some, say, about some point, about some territories, i believe that ukraine is a means, it is not a goal, and serious investments have been made, tens of billions of dollars have already been spent. and indeed kiev does not show the results that were probably expected from it in washington, if we look at the importance of ukraine, then look at the request that president biden’s administration has now submitted to congress to increase assistance to ukraine, military assistance, yes, there are more than 60 billion, 62 billion dollars, these are colossal funds, which are planned to be spent next year, in
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the fourth year, on military assistance to ukraine, if we look at the ratio with the indicators that are for planned military assistance to israel, then there are only 14 billion dollars, these are the priorities, you never know there on twitter, this is the money that is being invested for which washington will ask from kiev, ask for results, and what results can be, here is the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, is this negative? ukrainian forces are moving forward, despite the fact that it is clear that they do not have the strength and resources to counter the armed forces of the russian federation, but washington will demand results, because a huge amount of military equipment has been delivered from all nato countries, that is, next year us presidential elections,
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accordingly, the biden administration needs, as i understand it, and by this november 7th, in my opinion, there will be elections, they need to come with at least some kind of interim decision on ukraine to show that everything has been spent... the money of power was not in vain, as you think, and this too, although for the american voter, of course, this is a much less significant issue on the external political agenda than the situation in the middle east, this also needs to be understood, but in general the american voter, he votes with his wallet, but with his heart and wallet, because that the situation on the labor market, the situation... on the consumer lending market, what will happen to inflation, what will happen to household incomes, and what will happen to investment processes, what will happen on the stock market will be much more important, much more important for the american voter , in fact, for the american voter, these things
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are much more significant, what will happen to the social welfare system, biden made many promises, has already fulfilled some things, has not fulfilled many things, what will happen to infrastructure projects, against this background... in fact, foreign policy issues are always secondary, although the ukrainian crisis was not accidentally given such media coverage in the west, it was really promoted, including for domestic political purposes in the united states, in any case, even in america at some point the refrigerator can defeat democratic values ​​abroad, you know, for americans, these are slightly different shelves in the bookcase, because. i don’t like the refrigerator metaphor, i like the bookcase, after all we have to understand that a democratic voter is a person from the middle class, from the middle class , and not necessarily from white anglo-saxon protestants, but rather
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on the contrary, he is a person with social orientations with a certain social reformist fervor, biden as the president of the social... and he has a lot, i have already said that he promised a lot in terms of infrastructure development and social programs and, many things are difficult, difficult to implement, he has one very big problem, now the american state budget is very reached significant proportions, this is 6 trillion dollars, such a budget has never existed in the history of the united states, and at the same time 1.6 three dollars. this is a deficit, a colossal amount , against this background, of course, 60 billion for ukraine is not much, but it is also significant, but it is still money, it is big, it is money, americans can read, when i was preparing for the interview, i watched a lot of videos in that including on the internet, one of these, we call them
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popular questions, these are simple, yes, philistine, people see that america is allocating a lot of money to ukraine, now huge amounts of money can go to israel and no less large amounts of aid to taiwan, because on the island of taiwan they are also seriously heating up, and the question is, will america break, will even such a large powerful economy be enough for that ? in order to help on three fronts at once and distribute these crazy sums, well, i would rather talk about whether the american economy will withstand american foreign policy, american military-political resources, will they withstand what the biden administration is targeting, long-term perspective, because if we look at the american strategic documents and the national security strategy and most of the pentagon documents that were adopted already under the biden administration, they are focused on
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a long-term systemic, so-called dual containment of russia and china, which used to be the tradition of american foreign policy thought, with during the times of henry kissinger, it was believed that it was impossible to build confrontational relations with two leading global powers at the same time. russia has become enemy number one for the united states now, but in fact, in the long term, enemy number one is china. because china has comparable economic power, china. i suggest that we return here to minsk a little, let’s say from the globe, relations between minsk and washington have been in a very, let’s say , difficult state for many years, in your opinion, why is belarus for the united states for many years
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such an irritant to belarus and the president of belarus belarus is a country , which has a clear understanding of its national interests. belarus is a country that is developing quite well economically, belarus is an ally of russia, which has its own view of global processes, a diversified system of foreign political, foreign economic relations with china, with the islamic republic of iran, with india, with many other countries, with venezuela , including with many countries that washington considers as its opponents, adversaries, well, russia alone is enough here, but russia and belarus have allied states have the deepest, allied relations in the military-political sphere. it is clear that belarus has chosen an independent course of development, in
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washington this of course causes irritation, long-term, constant, systemic irritation, in washington they understand perfectly well that there are sectors of the economy where russia and belarus are very closely interconnected, and many things cannot be done in russia without belarusian components, without belarusian suppliers, without belarusian partners, they understand this very well, now one of... popular acronyms in media brix, do you think brix is ​​really the future? brix is ​​a club, a club of new leaders of the world economy, and if we look at the balance of forces in the world economy, we will see that, for example, in production, oil, gas production, countries are brix, especially brix 11, the new expanded brix, this already more than 50%, even 60%, of the world market, if we look at the world food market, then this is more than 55% of the world food market, and so
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for the majority of the sector, if you look at the total power of the brics countries, otherwise we will see that they are no longer only comparable to the g7 countries, but in many respects they are superior to them, and there, in fact, in the west they have partially begun to understand this, so from... more and more the same americans and europeans are turning to the twenty, if we talk about brix as such a more powerful serious platform for interaction, then of course very serious work is required here, because all countries have their own interests, multidirectional, somewhere they can even to be competitors of the brix countries in relation to each other, but everyone understands that a new polycentric world is being formed, in which the brix countries... will have to play a more serious role. last question: i know that you signed a memorandum with the belarusian
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institute of strategic studies, please tell us a little about what this document is and what doors and opportunities it opens for you. well, we are friends with our colleagues from the belarusian institute for strategic studies of their very creation, and i can say that with in the nineteenth year, a huge amount of work was done by our sbc colleagues. we have enormous opportunities for conducting joint seminars, conferences, situational analyses, at our institute at one time we developed a methodology for conducting situational analyzes when we analyze conflict situations, crisis situations, we are ready to share experience and approaches with our belarusian friends, i i am sure that we will also do research projects together, including the preparation of reports that we can send to the leadership of both countries, we there are many common tasks, many... problems, i believe that the belarusian institute for strategic studies is a dynamically
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growing think tank that covers, well, a very wide range of topics, i see great prospects for joint research analytical work here, so we will work, we will, fyodor genrikhoyevich, thank you very much for the interesting conversation, thank you.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in a minute the heroes of our program will take their place and answer your questions, children, are you ready to meet our guest? igor pavlovich, why? what do you expect from the children you meet now? i think it's creative. in what mood do you go into conversation? with the beautiful, you promise to tell only the truth, the truth and only the truth. good luck then. today we have in our studio the honored artist of russia, chief political master of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater of the republic of belarus igor pavlovich kol. igor pavlovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want
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to answer, you have the right to refuse three times from the question. nice. and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program, you will have to choose the best one, but now you have exactly one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed. as a rule, lately i talk about myself in this way. i was born in pinsk, studied in minsk, and became an artist at the mariinsky theater. this is st. petersburg russia. today i am in minsk, this is the city of my childhood, the city of just your age. and i use the opportunity that was given to me one and a half years ago, as the chief director of the bolshoi theater, i am happy that i live in this beautiful city, according to the time period of the contract that the theater concluded with me. well, thank you, you did it in one minute. and now questions for an adult. let's start with
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the red sector. hello, my name is semyon, please tell me what the main boltvenge does. bolshoi theater hi semyon, on the one hand, this is a very, i would say, romantic, probably the story of the position itself, the chief minister of the great theater, on the other hand, this is just such an illusory story, because literally from the very early morning, you come and begin to study a large number of papers related to how to organize the process and of course the lives of the artists who are with... every day is with morning to useful evening, so you no longer dance on stage? i dance, i find time, i need to be in good shape, so the stage is not left in small fragments and i don’t do it that often, but i go out on it, so i dance, of course, dancing is not my thing will leave. igor pavlovich, turn a little
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to the right, a question awaits you from the yellow sector. hello, igor, my name is lyubov, you used to work in st. petersburg. why did you decide to move to minsk? the fact is that i really came into my own professionally in st. petersburg and i saw my further growth precisely there, where i served in the theater as the premier of the mariinsky theater for 25 and a half seasons. probably at some certain moment you realize that you have i have experience, uh, i still have the desire, so that’s the cumulative one the process in an absolutely amazing way turned my... interest primarily in minsk, because at a certain moment two offers came, one from the bolshoi theater of russia as a tutor, the other came literally a month later from the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus as the main baritmester and i spent a very long time trying to make it interesting for me, because first of all, since childhood, this is such a main factor that moves me through
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life, being here and now is very interesting for me and this is very important. we move on to black sector, you will have to turn right. hello, igor, what is the level of belarusian ballet? first of all, the belarusian school, it has always been strong, today it is the same, but when we communicate with each other from different schools, from different cities, we comprehend some common outline, today belarusian ballet is at a very good level, thanks , among other things, to this personnel policy, which i have been pursuing for a year and a half, first of all, because it seemed important to me... to initiate a casting for viewing in theater, in order for the level to be maintained, preserved and, of course, rise with each season, tell me, what should we be proud of and what do we lack? well , first of all, we should be proud of the person , the artist, the number of free seats in
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performances in the auditorium, and there are very few of them, so today the... with which the public looks at the theater only makes me happy, so i think that first of all , these are the artists who lead the repertoire, who allow you to come to the theater thanks to their high skill, at the moment you you'll have to turn over, turn over , that's what i said, turn around, everything is correct, everything is correct, turn to the left and a question from the purple sector, please raise your hand, why did you decide to study ballet, after all, many... for girls, not for boys, the fact is that i didn’t decide anything in my childhood, chance decided for me, literally being there, i was left to myself for exactly the first half of the day, since my sister and i studied in different shifts, in order to have time to share a table at home everyone to do
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lessons, i went in the second half of the day and the first half of the day was absolutely free for me, it was a circus studio, and a young naturalist station, and so on and so on and so on, and there was also a pop dance studio, at some point , my classmate, took me to a choriography school for company, i had to get up very early in the dark, it was autumn and go to the other end of the city in the dark, so i literally stayed in this school for two or 3 months, thanks to the perseverance of my classmate, in at some point i was was selected, two teachers from the belarusian choriographic school arrived from minsk, who found me on the newspaper 's newspaper call, tell my parents to write a phone number in the evening and say the boy called, so, literally in just
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a week, my life changed, my dad took me to kamaz minsk , they looked me over, they pressed me, i sat in the splits in one, they pressed me, i sat in the splits in the other, so it turned out that i was capable of dancing, and literally exactly a week later i was already standing with the documents , now i’m looking at this building, in which there used to be a school, and every day looking from my office at this building, i think, how could this happen, without knowing, living in a city in which at that time there was not a single theater, neither dramatic nor musical nothing, but i would be pulled out of pinsk to a completely different place, into a different microclimate, and i would do this, in principle, with knowledge, despite the fact that i have absolutely parents with simple professions, my father is a truck driver, my mother was the head of a canteen, so in principle, some prerequisites for there was no chance that i would suddenly dance, but
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nevertheless, somehow by chance i ended up there, then here, then there, and then again in front of you, so this is an accident, this is not banal, this is an accident, let's let's move on to the next question, but you'll have to turn to the right, this is the red sector, please ask a question. hello, my name is masha, tell me, your childhood was different from usual, as a rule , there is an opinion that ballet children, they don’t, don’t know at all what childhood is, i don’t i remember some moments that were connected, except for homesickness, that i was deprived of something, for me it was an ordinary story, the same football, swimming, cycling, absolutely free holidays, in which the only one was one of the teachers. .. i really wanted us to maintain some form, we filled out a diary, today i sat down, uh, with my right leg on the splits, with my left leg on the splits and did 10 push-ups, that is
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, this is the only limitation that was some kind of uh limitation, but it’s funny to call it, or even define it, so i i remember my childhood years as an absolutely happy child, since i am a village child, both sides of my father and mother are from different places, half of the holidays were in one village, half of the holidays in another village, and i was not deprived of anything from the natural moments of childhood, and the boys were you teased for doing ballet? firstly, no one knew what ballet was in pinsk, and as for teasing, i think not, i’m probably one of those representatives who prove the opposite, that it is important to honestly do what what are you interested in, everything else? it is swept aside on its own, so no , of course, the next question, black sector,
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turn to the left, please explain how to understand what the ballet is about, and if the artists do not say a word when they come to the theater, the theater has a program in which a certain sign language that conveys a certain. that is, well, the underlying meaning: i love you, today, i, in principle, i think that this gesture that i, we even do this in ordinary life, i immediately begin to add hands, as i basically today, unexpectedly for myself , i gesture a lot, then, when you come to the theater, you will see these certain gestures that are connected to the convoy of dance that this or that choreographer conceived, presents... his work, his performance, and can you please tell us dance something, and we'll try to guess what you meant, i remind you that you can refuse this question,
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you have. who gives up so quickly, well , let's guess, children, who is ready to guess, raise your hand, please, maybe i i can dream, absolutely true, thank you, and i thought what does this mean, i’m going crazy about you, the options may be different, but there are many. i'll tell you crazy, it would be weighty. the next question, flying into the red sector, is there a ballet part that runs like a red thread through your whole life? there is such a party, uh, in the second year at the chariographic school, the troop of the st. petersburg conservatory came to us on tour in minsk. and an absolutely wonderful person, personality, choreographer, teacher, nikita aleksandrovich
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dolgushin, brought a program from the silver age, anna pavlova, wenceslas, and a miniature by fokina, a vision of a rose, when a girl comes home from the ball, she also sits in a chair, as i am sitting now, falls asleep full of impressions from the ball, where there was communication, dancing, a certain ghost appears to her, the smell of roses , and a completely complex, incredibly technically complex, physically complex miniature, where. a young man depicts literally a flair of smell, from the second year nikita aleksandrovich gave this miniature to me and literally until the last days, there in the mirinsky theater, this the miniature was with me both in the repertoire and on a large number of tours that were in my life, that is, this is a part that unexpectedly became a calling card for me, and if we meet someone somewhere, everyone talks, and the vision roses,
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such... for me, a line that forms the line of my life, as well as a creative life . we turn to the right, yellow sector, my name is veronica, please tell me, when you perform and dance, do you get upset when no one claps for you, or this never happened at all, in my opinion in rostov we had a tour with dana, where in the front row, uh, a girl took out her phone and began... actively doing something on it, and it was so offensive, i bow, after the number i couldn’t stand it, i went up to the girl and said : girl, aren’t you so interested in being here now? the girl apologized to me and put it in her pocket, but this made the audience’s delight and applause even greater, that is , we ourselves, in principle, do everything to ensure that
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either they exist and use the opportunity to dance, there were no failures, fortunately, thank you, there was no tershina in the hall, so there is none, now we are turning 180° purple sector, what is the strangest thing you had to do for a role, i was once invited to a furniture exhibition, where i was asked to come up with a plastic idea on the theme of a chair, first me it made me laugh, then somewhere a little... tense, but at some point, when i already felt interested and imagined how it could be done, and it was quite funny, a large number of ideas came, unfortunately, my participation was cancelled, so yes there were, turn to the right, red sector , raise your hand, what kind of career growth does a ballet dancer have, as a rule, everything is quite
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rapid, at first it seems that it is a very... long process, a learning process, you reach a certain height, you receive a certificate, in this certificate you balls , what you have earned, but when you come to the theater, you understand that you are again a nobody, you begin from scratch to build yourself, your life, the range of your interests, and 20 years fly by and you are again a nobody, because artistically you have already taken place, and then there must be something like this for... according to your interest, either the possibilities offered, or, if not offered, as a rule, all ballet artists do not leave the trajectory of dance, that is, it could be pedagogy, it could be choreography, like a master of literature, uh, in my case , i never focused on just the profession, i always thought about what and what if it doesn’t happen, that is, for some reason
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this question haunted me... literally from the first days of working in the theater, and i always expanded my range of interests , restored furniture, i understood that in in principle, if not a profession... i, if the same career as you define it does not work out, then i will always have a craft in which i will be interesting to myself, that is, i understood that life does not end there, that this is a certain movement in the interest in which i am now, and one more question: did you always have enough money or did you still have some difficult financial situations? a difficult moment happened in my life exactly one season later... i received a serious injury at a performance, which did not allow me to follow this path continue to confidently step into the profession. there were exactly two such situations, at the performance of sleeping beauty i was injured, i tore all
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the ligaments on my left knee joint and but this was not a stop for me, because i love, and i am lucky, or rather in relation to what i really am for, so literally a month later i flew to america to have an operation, and a few months later i was already on stage again, but i was in a hurry, so a year later i flew to america in exactly the same way in october to have an operation again, and now the second operation was such a moment for me, when you understand that this is what is now, and what will happen next if everything turns out to be bad, but nevertheless, the human resource is inexhaustible, depending on how determined he is, who surrounds him, and
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those people surround him, who are necessary at the moment, these were my teachers, alexander ivanovich kolidenko, who will soon turn 90 years old in april, with whom i was in contact, and those teachers who surrounded me, and acquaintances in st. petersburg did everything to ensure that so that this does not become a tragedy of life, therefore, some moments in my life were , first of all, key thanks to injuries, everything that does not happen to us, it is given, as it seems to me, for something, so that we pay attention and perhaps, on the contrary, open our horizons, and not become isolated in one situation or another.
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i heard that in ballet all the dancers are on a diet, do you limit yourself in anything to stay in shape? my biggest diet is that i don't have time. to eat, because in the morning i don’t want to eat, and in the afternoon i don’t have enough time, literally, if i have 5 minutes, i go down to the theater canteen and have lunch, for me this was always not a problem, because each person has his own physiology, and it so happened that throughout my life i have never been on any diet, since i have a fairly built parents, and i was lucky in this regard, the second question is, why: does a man use cosmetics in ballet? well , today, i’m sitting here in front of you, in front of everyone, basically, tinted, because i want to look good, and of
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course, the current red face will not be good for anyone interesting, and since we do primarily physical labor, after the performance many lose a fairly large number of kilograms, some two, some three, because a lot of fluid comes out of us, no one is interested in looking at the tired face of a stage performer, this is the one a necessary moment of the profession, which creates a holiday for you when we enter the stage, thank you, turn to the right and the yellow sector, hello, my name is vasilisa, is it difficult to do support? this requires, of course , a great deal of preparation, not even physical, but technical, since there is an opinion that there ballerinas are always heavy , the guys have to be strong, this is not always the case, on the one hand, something is difficult, indeed, because it takes time, preparation, on the other hand, it
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must be done as if she took off, as if on her own, but this must be coordinated action, have you ever dropped your partner? yes, and this proof is circulating: on a certain uh internet network, a small fragment of the performance - 2000 in amsterdam, when i had back-to-back performances evening: morning, that is, actually a double, and i danced with different ballerinas, they did completely different robesques, at the moment when my leg went past my hand, a rather large trick movement happened, which in fact is still horrifies me, but how much was - uh, the element of human self-preservation was fixed, when in independence, where you are not located, you are obliged, you absolutely have to stay alive, on the one hand, i look at it as comical, because in principle i am any i always try to bring out the situation with some
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degree of humor. does a ballerina's weight matter? without a ballerina, it doesn’t matter at all, although sometimes there are violations of certain standards, which are allowed in our profession, to a greater extent , importance is always attached primarily to the technical component of support, i’m speaking primitively, in principle, how to lift a barbell, but this is not entirely true, but purely technically we must... understand that in order to obtain certain support, several factors must combine, specific positions and joint movement in one direction or another in order to provide support. what's the maximum weight you 've lifted? since i was well trained in our chariographic school, i never thought about how many kilograms i lift, for me, first of all, support was manifestations. dance and conveying the plot
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component conceived by the choreographer, i weigh 30 kg, can you lift me? naturally, come here, let's try support, come here, get up, now we'll show an arabesque, lift your left leg back, uh, like that, this it was beautiful, huge applause, please, just like that, in one second the girl became a professional ballerina. the girl will probably go first, look at the school, college, gymnasium, college, we will choose everything there, and perhaps, how old are you, 11, everything is still ahead, so come, let's applaud and turn to the black sector, this is to the right of you, the next question, from there, hello, my name is arina, and it’s true that ballet dancers don’t have days off or holidays, they dance every day, in fact this is not entirely true. true , although there are situations with moving weekends
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, due to the fact that there are unpredictable situations in the theater, such as an unexpectedly occurring concert that requires a preparatory process, for this there is always either a transfer, or such an unspoken rule, before the premiere performance, when the theater is preparing the premiere, there really aren’t any days off in a month, but not in minsk, minsk has a very strict trade union system. of course, i would like to change this situation with postponements a little, since there really is a need, and in the acceptable theater, this was not even discussed, last season, my first job when i came to the theater in this capacity, there was the same situation in which, let’s say, without knowing about it, i was already sure that if we have a premiere on wednesday, we have a day off on monday , that it won’t happen, that is, it’s not even...
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because this is a general process and such moments, they knock you out a little, so my next premiere in the theater, it’s already done with this taking into account when it will take place on friday for so that the artists have time to rest and that i have time to work with everyone on the schedule that is necessary, so you can always find a compromise in one or another legislative framework, so that everything happens for everyone. they say that there is a lot of competition in ballet, and how did you cope with your competitors? the fact is that i will repeat again, i never fought with anyone except myself, i always moved not according to career growth, but to the interest that the theater, repertoire policy, theaters, the director, like me offered they saw how they introduced me, performances , to a greater extent, i’ll say, i was really
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lucky, they saw more in me than i saw myself, let’s say a part, we were preparing at the same time with another artist, and me, i always went to other people’s performances, i’ll say so, i was interested in this, but i was interested from the side of how interesting this or that artist managed to come up with than me, if i understood that it was much more interesting, i looked for the problem in myself. and i think that, in principle, this is my strong point, if you don't fight with someone, not with circumstances, with yourself in the proposed circumstances, this path is more honest and you will quickly achieve some results that you... dream of or not dream of, therefore, this is the case when i was always calm , in life, but not calm in creativity. it's the turn of the purple sector, please turn left. hello, my name is katya, and your wife is a ballerina, how did you meet? my wife
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is a ballerina, we met in a completely traditional way at a ballet buffet, because when you come to the theater, your whole life, to a greater extent of the time interval , is located within the walls of one theater or another, in my case it was a buffet, laughter and interest in each other, gradually, which turned into relationships, well, then on over the course of twenty two years of marriage. igor pavlovich, we turn right. next up is the red sector, tell me, are you a calm person in life? i am a restless person in life, very quickly excited and up for all sorts of adventures in in terms of creativity, in everyday life, i am an absolutely calm person who, in
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principle, probably doesn’t need much today, in terms of some outbursts, both emotional and everyday, if it weren’t for my profession, i probably would , as expected, uh, two seasons earlier, i would now live near veliky novgorod, in my village, uh, in principle, i saw this future for myself quite calmly, realizing that a lot has already been done as an artist, a lot has been tried, it’s hard to name countries that i haven’t been to and haven’t danced, so on at that moment i saw this story for myself: i did not suffer in any way from the fact that someday my theatrical life would end, that is, i am an analyzing person who understood what it means that a stop must happen in order for something to appear later, that is i calmly move psychologically from one state to another, but in work i consider it necessary to not be a calm person,
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because when there are uh, 115 people nearby, ballet artists, uh, if i come to... the theater and something mumble to myself, i'm not of much interest to anyone, so i not associative, i accepted with great pleasure the invitation to be here, because i am sure that after some time you will definitely come to giselle, to the illusion of love, and so on and so on and so on, and we will become friends and this will be, moreover , i am sociable on social networks, i communicate , i answer, for some reason it is in belarus that this is a very surprising moment, i’ll tell you a story, i was several times last season, in navis some two women followed me, i was there was basically no one in the museum and two women were walking around, they something, i ’ll go away, they’ll go away, i’ll whisper, i’ll go away, they’ll go away , i’ll whisper, after a while they come up to me, they say, hello, and you’re not igor kolb, i say, igor kolb, that means it’s true, i say,
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that it’s true, well, that you are sociable, i say , well, we’re talking to you, no, well, just like... as a rule, you can’t approach, i say , i mean, you can’t approach, i say, why not, i say, i i answer on social networks, i answer, i go to various kinds of programs there, because i think this is a necessary part first of all, profession, tell me what can piss you off, and not professionalism, because i am one of those people who clearly understands that everyone has their own starting point in the profession, but if you see that a talented person, you will be patient in order to get a result after some time, that is... in terms of being patient, in terms of if you see that a person is gifted, capable, but unfortunately i am intolerant of this, we turn to the right, yellow sector next in line, please raise your hand, good afternoon, igor, my name is maxim, they say that people in college retire early, you are a pensioner, i am a pensioner, how do you
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imagine your ideal pension, my ideal pension should have been formed exactly a year and a half ago, near veliky novgorod, where i spent quite a lot of time with great pleasure , this piece of land, at the moment when we were considering the purchase, very much reminded me of pinsk, a place in the vicinity of the village in which i spent my childhood, with the same name, with the same name of the flask, where all my male and the paternal... line, unfortunately, today i have no parents, no grandparents, and i really wanted to create this link line so that it would also be very important for my son, so that he would understand where he comes from, we we went to flasks, where i realized that i wanted land, and returning to st. petersburg, we began to drive around the suburbs, nearby
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cities, in one of the places near veliky novgorod, i saw for myself the history of my childhood and i really wanted it to have continuation, thus, for 10 years, i have been developing this piece of land land on the river bank, and every time i wake up there, i first of all return to my childhood, thinking how i once woke up at my grandmother’s in the morning, because i had to drive the cow out to pasture during the holidays, meet him in the evening with a bucket, and the first steam milk, that is , this is the whole story that fed me then it returned to history, so i would think that i would have minimally interacted with the profession, if two such sentences had not happened that gave me a little electric shock, at that moment i was completely ... i did not understand where to move and what next , and such offers do not come so often and you need to make a choice, i could not make it,
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on my own, and the head of the bolshoi theater of russia, maharar khasanovich vaziev said that you should definitely try to come to minsk, and thus, from those uh dreams that were supposed to make me a farmer, uh near novgorod, made me the main pain manager of the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus. thank you very much. and we are incredibly happy about this, it’s true, we move to the red sector, turn left, please tell me, you look very stylish, who chooses your clothes? i choose clothes myself, i choose not according to some trend or trend in fashion, but rather out of comfort, what i feel comfortable in and what i think suits me, so i don’t have any specific ones, but nevertheless, there are a large number of friends, acquaintances who do this, and
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thus, some of the things come to me just like that, i have to use them, tell me, what would you never put on yourself? it's hard to say that no matter what i put on the vision, i'm the same the choreographer and i work with the artists , i force them to see with their own eyes what i’m staging, they also dress you in what you have to show on yourself, someone’s decision, we remain in the red sector, please pass the microphone for the next question, and how do you dance in everyday life, for example , at a friends’ wedding or at a discotheque, the fact is that friends’ weddings have become less and less frequent, so i don’t dance at them at all, i don’t have enough time for discos, but i dance in life, i always can’t help but dance, so for me this is a certain outburst, firstly, after a working day, so i do it with pleasure, and without any
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embarrassment, literally not so long ago, i was casting for the role of a co-host on one of the famous tv channels, where for a long time i could not cope with the correct, clear intonation , which was required from me for pronunciation, for issuing information, and thus the producer, general director of the tv channel said in my ear: “igor, start dancing,” continuing to speak, this is the ratio of coordination of sound, body, voice, movement, it was a very funny situation for me, and nevertheless, i believe that if i had not done this, i probably would not have ended up leading, so i always dance, i dance everywhere, under any circumstances. in any situation, even when i’m in a very bad mood, i probably dance to a greater extent precisely because of this, because of fatigue, because of a bad mood, and this saves me
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, makes me breathe calmly and move on, or you can show me, igor pavlovich, what you’re dancing to prefer to dance? to something good, let's hear something good,
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have you ever. did you want your son to continue your business or go to ballet? there was such an idea, because it seemed to me that it was much simpler, since we are both in the profession and we have a theater family, but it so happened that nestor categorically refused, that is , it was such a moment of accidents, a series of accidents, when the mirinsky theater had a casting for little boris, and boris godunov's season opened with boris gadunov with such an opera and little boris was needed as a child, he was chosen by an absolutely wonderful director, uh, we opened the season, the next day nestor came and said that i wouldn’t do it, then it happened that we gave it to a couple of circles, he came and said that i didn’t like it, and so we didn’t have no influence on this direction
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, which would be interesting to us, probably and perhaps easier... it would be easier for him to choose where to move in life, however, my child has nothing to do with dance at all, he didn’t, or rather, until probably last year , because i do not only - that i am in charge the bolshoi theater hurts, for the fourth year now there has been an open art festival in veliky novgorod, and today, uh, nestor is one of the team members in preparation for the festival. therefore , he is not directly related to tanys, but nevertheless he is my assistant in the organizational sphere, which we are engaged in in parallel. did you help your son in choosing a profession? this is actually impossible, because in our family everyone moves according to their inner urges, interest,
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but at the same time we listen to each other, but no one... puts pressure on anyone, so in this regard, the chosen path of pr- public relations that is interesting to him, it is most likely dictated not even by me, not by my activities, but by some of his desires, his own needs. igor pavlovich, turn 180°, black sector, microphone up. there is an opinion that a person who dances lives not with his head, but with his feelings, is this true? the first thing that probably, uh, pushes me, uh, well, i’ll call it that, is any of the adventures, this is any from interests, in my life, of course , yes, emotions, i agree, and then the brain turns on and in general i’m one of those people who always starts from the ending, that is, i need to see the final picture in order to go first, then there is in this what i call adventurousness, i don’t know why my life
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is like this, even working on illusions, uh, right now in the theater, it started with the final scene, that is, i need to see where i’m going, but nevertheless, it’s always first of all an emotion, then it comes into play a head in which you understand how it should, what should move you and how in order for it to work out - the general, the whole, we move to the black sector, turn 180°. hello, igor, my name is misha, here’s my question: what privileges do prima dancers have in the theater? well, first of all, it’s such a strict work schedule, when you thought you would still reach this status as a ballerina, because you need to concentrate from morning to evening and earn the right to be called a prima ballerina is, of course, a reuptation process when is built for this or that ballerina, so that it is convenient for her, the number of performances, and
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, accordingly, the financial component of the number... let’s not hide anything about the performance, this is a certain status, financial status and so on, everything that dictates in this direction is in our theater , let’s say on tour, in the merininsky theater, it was always business class on the flight, no matter where we flew, it always corresponded to what i had, when we fly on tour, premieres and ballerinas always flew, moved with a certain comfort, from experience at the paris... opera - this status is always preserved, well , it is preserved anyway, for me it has been preserved as a premier theater, it is always the same salary component for life, that is , when you finish dancing, in paris in grandura, this is a tough framework, at exactly 40 years old, you say goodbye to the theater, you leave
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the theater with the public, regardless of what form you are in, then this is tough. but on the other hand , i think it's fair, you have no illusions that you are beautiful, you are young, you can still dance, but this does not mean that you cannot dance everywhere and further around the world according to your personal contracts. of course, the higher the status, the more privileges. let's move on to the yellow sector, igor pavlovich, to the left, everything is correct , hello, hello, my name is sofia, do you have your own office, or do you work in the ballet barre, i work everywhere, i’ll say, literally waking up in the morning, i’m already working, because i don’t have time to study at the moment, in the morning i warm up at my place, where i am i live in an apartment. without any machine , i never had one, i’m always on the move, i work everywhere, i even just danced here, in order to be in shape, no emergency
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conditions are required, in principle, opportunity is enough do the splits somewhere, do a certain number of push-ups and the number of necessary elements that keep you in good shape, so in my case it’s always in the office, including, i also do something when i’m preparing for a performance or to rehearsals, in order to be ready, going to the rock hall, because i really value the time of artists who come to the hall not to speak, but to hear, reproduce and search with me, red sector, turn around to the left, why do you love your profession and are there factors that you don’t like about it? i love my profession because without much effort, as it has always seemed to me, and i am sure of this today, i get the backlash, one of those moments of happiness the artist - this is that when you go on stage you receive applause, that is, the artist needs it, feedback - it is here,
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now, all my life i believed that i was in a profession in which i exist with great pleasure, for this they also pay me money and i’m still living, so this is the first part of the question, the answer to it, the second part, i think that the biggest problems... for an artist are, of course, injuries that take up a lot of time and opportunities, and as my teacher said in one from programs about me, about the biggest shortcomings in mine, he called, and then i understood why, he said that the biggest thing was my injuries, because they took away the opportunity to do more than you could do, we move to the yellow sector, turn right, microphone as high as possible, hello, my name is ... please answer my two questions, the first question: what is missing in the modern generation? but it seems to me that there’s just enough of everything, because i’m one of those people who admires and feeds on people, i’m interested
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in communicating with young people, because i have experience, uh, i have already mentioned the boris eifon dance academy, where i had 12 students, uh, completely different ages, who i probably also naturally taught. but in return i learned from them, i was wondering why they solve this problem this way, and i differently, i was wondering how they look at the world, which may already be less interesting to me, but through their eyes i thanks to this looked at some standard points from a completely different angle, i really admire the current generation, which does not uh... ready to sit still in order to achieve goals. igor pavlovich, we turn 180°, purple sector, please, microphone, as high as possible, anastasia publishes a photo with


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