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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 2, 2023 6:45am-7:31am MSK

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father victor, let us accept them with our hearts and souls, remember, the lord says, you are children of the heavenly father, you are brothers, love even, not only relatives, loved ones, the unfortunate, love your enemies, pray for those who curse you, this is the essence and truth of the teachings of christ, and today is a holiday.
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tsar, boyar, vecha, this is the traditional form of government for us for centuries, this is the base, and to it we can and should add a superstructure from what is called democratic, this is the election of a leader, that is , the president, and elections to parliament, and national referendum, it is important for me that you appreciate not the form about the tsar, but the essence of what i am saying: when we, by strengthening the supreme national assembly , return the historical veche to the management system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system. what is the difference between a politician and a statesman, a politician thinks about future elections, and a statesman thinks about future generations, we can do something to help the world find peace, only...
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if we ourselves have order at home, because if suddenly we get into a mess, then we will have neither time nor energy left for world problems, the project is propaganda, watch on the belarus tv channel 244. this is one of the oldest largest herphozes in belarus volma 1929, the beginning of history, this is a chronicle according to its footage. let's remember how
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the entire industry developed. just think about it, in soviet times , fish were caught on an industrial scale from september 1 to november 7, that is , only 2 months a year the buyer could purchase fresh fish. today there is something for every taste almost all year round. today, in principle, initially, when the fish was built, the total area of ​​the buildings is 1,370 garg of the water eye. of these, about 1000 hectares are used for growing marketable fish, the remaining part is for producing juveniles, the fish farm is a full-fledged fish farm, it has its own broodstock, there are breed groups of european carp, our belarusian selection, and by crossing these distant species we get the same effect , as in chickens, we call the effect of heterosis. thanks to the fact that
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breeding work is constantly carried out, today we are trying to ensure that our fish are not only with scales, but some part is also mirror-like, scaleless, european breeds, the selection of european breeds followed the path of reducing muscle bones, what is unpleasant for us in fish when we use it in finished form, our own breeds, belarusian and russian breeds, they are aimed at... better survival, therefore, by crossing the best culinary quality with the best survival qualities, we now have the type of products that we offer for sale today, i believe that our fish is noticeably happy to be bought as live, so in processed, what kind of fish ends up here in such pools? additionally, in these pools we place a predator, this is our catfish pike, so that the pike reaches 2 approximately
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this size range, it needs to eat trash fish or other small living creatures 10 kg per 1 kg of its own weight gain masses. the sorting base of the volma fish farm can re-sort up to 70 tons of fish per day; the fish comes from feeding operations into concrete tanks, then is served on the table, where the team sorts it according to need , either for wintering work or for sale. the fish comes here at two to three years of age, the fish are sorted by species, these are silver carp, carp, carp, selected, elite, medium, crucian carp, from a new beginning, we are producing more european catfish, we have our own broodstock, in the near future we are planning to reach 20 -30 tons of catfish, the nineties were the hardest for the fishing industry;
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in 1998, less than 4,000 tons of fish were caught in the ponds of belarus, which is five times less than 10 years. years ago in 1989, only pond fish were produced at that time there were many to spend effort to change this situation, only in 2005 fish production began to gradually increase, fish gain weight at a certain temperature, it needs to be 20° in belarus 16 organizations are engaged in the production of fish 2007 the production of the first fish of valuable species began, this happened on the berezovskaya canals gres, these were sturgeon species of fish, since then this production in some years reaches
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200 tons in our time. the specialization of erphoza carp, 70% of its cost is feed, they are also belarusian. new flagship. industry bnbk plans to increase production of feed for valuable fish species in 2022; by the way, belarusian additives have appeared in the diet of foreign fish. for 800 g of this food, the fish grows 1 kg, so this food costs 2.5, and the fish grows by 15 dollars. think about what we can do, and you can tell us too. what can we produce, what kind of fish is here, there is food, but if we can do it and it’s good, as he says , added stability and profitability, this margin is good, so let’s do it we will build more, 30,000 tons per year
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, this is how much feed is now spent on the industry in the country, the capacity of the bnbk is twice as large, the production of fish, valuable species and... the cultivation of sturgeon in the berezovskaya canals began in 2007, since then the production of this fish has reached 200 tons, they have been farming trout in belarus since 2013 with the construction of industrial complexes in the mogilev region. 10 years ago, on december 20 , this complex was built, which we are now located in bykhov, and this is where the history of the lakhva trout farm originates. first there were moments - this was cultivation at least so that the fish would survive, because they did not know how this fish would live, how it would be, well , gradually, gradually we gained experience, in parallel with this , the kustyuk farm was built, it was separate in the goritsa academy in 12, a production facility from fry caviar was built, and it was like
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an experimental production in belynychi, it consisted of two, one open module, the second closed module, the technology was approximately the same everywhere. in the sixteenth year already these farms merged into one trout farm, the lakhva farm, plus around 1990 an industrial complex in gorki was added to us. now our farm consists entirely of a full cycle from caviar to commercial fish. fish are grown directly in this pool, fish in principle , if you look at it this way , the technology is not very complex, oxygen is supplied there at a depth of 4, which saturates the water, saturates the water with oxygen and at the same time creates movement of the water, into a curve and the water enters rounded and goes in a circle, that is, the water circulates all the time, as if a river were flowing, and then the water is purified in the biofilter,
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there is also automatic feeding through which food is supplied, we came to the conclusion that we still need to have our own caviar, well since we are already building, we need to build a modern production facility, not some... primitive one, just a production facility that will meet all modern standards and requirements, pre-project documentation has already been made, a business plan has been developed for the production of caviar before... that is , this caviar, we need 5-7 million, we want to sell the rest of the caviar somewhere abroad, well, mainly in the russian federation, because this product is also in demand there, plus two more commodity complexes, which are more modern, if this one commodity complex can produce 250 tons of marketable fish per year, then the modern complex already provides for almost the same output, it can produce 100 tons, that is
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, these are more serious projects, we have come to this so that the lakhva faral farm can supply at least 2,500 tons to the market belarusian fish, we produce cold smoked, salted, chilled, and also hot smoked products upon request. cold smoking is back, side, side , headless, fillet-piece and tail pieces, salted smoked, salted fillet, lightly salted, preserves, in an assortment of four types - this is with serving oil with paprika, with dill, in white sauce with lemon . when smoking fish, we do not add anything except salt, and we smoke it on sawdust and alchovye. we have nothing, no ingredients, the only thing is when we salt lightly salted
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fillet, we add a little preservative in very small amounts, because lightly salted fish won’t stand it without it, and we don’t add any other ingredients. the annual consumption of fish and seafood per capita is about 12 kg with the norm, depending on the age and physical activity of a person, from 16 to 24 per year, that is, we can safely increase our appetites, just as the recruitment of specialists for the industries is now being prepared at the agricultural academy in gorki. 2012, in connection with the construction of a fish hatchery industrial complex at the department, our educational focus was directed towards the industrial side, we began to train specialists for closed water supply installations, that is , for specialists who will work with valuable species of fish, quite industrial with methods, yes, since 2012, belarus has taken the direction for the development
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of industrial fish farming, trout farming was chosen as a dominant industry, and fish farming is now in demand, it is a sought-after specialty, we see that there is always there is a competition for this specialty, even now we have an admissions company for correspondence courses, and fish farmers, in principle, are going into harvesting, applicants are very active, and we are preparing not only... specialists for the republic of belarus, but also our specialists work in the russian federation and in the countries of the european union, they are in great demand and the russian federation often comes to us with a request to select a specialist from our graduates to work in their enterprises. educational laboratory of the department every year is being modernized, we have new equipment, advanced equipment , expensive equipment, which allows us to conduct research, which, well, every year it becomes more and more interesting,
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more complex, students have the opportunity, already from their student days, to somehow get into this scientific environment, start doing research, belarus produces 15,000 tons of fish per year, up to 800 tons of valuable species, what was previously imported from norway or the far east, today we catch it ourselves... and bring it to the table, yes, it’s not a maritime power, but our fish is not inferior in protein or fat content, omega-3 and 6 are present, and this is a success, personnel, technology, feed, industry in the resource, belarus did not look for a convenient place, but made fish for itself. telelenova agency presents: in the public domain,
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we have no secrets from our people. the iln waters of kalgas named after pushkin, desnenskaya district in polachchyna are completing their harvesting. i bring joy to the world. i will add to the right world of kalgasniki demanstruyuts well-thought-out stakhanovskaya pratsy. praise peacefully on peaceful swords kalgasniki ўmatsovvayutsya. famous vitsebsk heroine mary ezeryn. they have donated thousands of people to the military glory of the belarusian people. the magiliy kalgas of the slavic dachsama ilnom, the heroes of the socialist race, pelagia
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maximaina aisseenka and lidzia vasilyeina auseenka atramal in 6.5 centers and kuts of maskva are well known to us. in addition to the people, here is the famous exhibition of the current people's state park of the ussr, the pavilion of our republic,
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which brings thousands of tourists from all over the world kanzoş savetskaga sayuz. ilnavodstva - vydachaya galina rural gaspadarki republic. school student kolya maklakova got tired of these sleeps. the quality of what can be found here is the youth of vitebsk ilnavod. the belarusian pavilion provides information on the issuance dates of our republic. the heroes of this program chose life outside the city. what a joy, all our uncles and great-grandfathers lived in their houses, farms. we arrived in the forest, here, here we are closer, there is silence and calmness. there they see more opportunities and make the most of them. there was an idea to stage an opera to the music of manyushka,
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verbum nobel, all i pachaў budavat theater. and here this whole clearing, benches, everything, everything was at the peeps, they opened a farm , they rented 150 hectares of land, we will continue to plow and re-land, the task of the leader is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, and complete several household tasks, all the work is done, i need to get there, judging by the worn helmet, it may seem that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, there it is red tractor, why? we haven’t loaded it into it, watch the project i’m from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel. a proper morning should start with a proper breakfast, this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will prepare zucchini pancakes along with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare healthy green salad. and i will cook
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minced zucchini. today, friends, we are having a belly celebration. we will help you do the first one. the food is delicious, healthy, what a beauty, i didn’t have breakfast, so i can’t wait start, little by little, please add salt and pepper to the sauce, then dress the salad and when you have done it, please cut the fish, very interesting, how to choose a quality crown? first of all, pay attention to the packaging, it must be airtight, do not forget about invigorating exercises, from this position push yourself up to the top. pelvis, stretch the entire front line of the body, you should try to jump on your full foot on bent knees to protect the knee joint. watch the breakfast of the champion program on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the event that happened in november 2023 is a historical event when the first... the nuclear power plant was launched in belarus , and it has indeed radically changed the energy situation in the country. we must understand that the republic of belarus is a country that does not have the quantity of natural energy resources of its own, and we have always been, let’s say, in deficit, we have always been dependent on natural gas supplies, from our partners,
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and the decision that was accepted at the end two thousand goths, the head of state, it turned out to be very timely and far-sighted , allowing us, during this time , to build a nuclear power plant and today to provide and increase the level of energy. it must be said that the decision that was made then turned out to be very timely, and against the backdrop of those geopolitical processes that have been developing over the past decades, if we look at what is happening around, it turns out that many countries that at the beginning of this period were our opponents said that nuclear energy cannot be developed, today they are en masse declaring that there will be nuclear energy, that nuclear energy needs to be developed and built, including ours...” neighbors declare that they will build nuclear units, the latest magat calculations show that by 2050 the power of nuclear units in the world will increase by almost 2
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times and reach almost 900 gigawatts of electrical power, these are very large numbers, while other countries are just beginning to follow this process, along this path, we are at present the moment is already we have a nuclear power plant, operate it and use it for the benefit of our country. but how much electricity has already been generated by our nuclear power plant, there are probably such calculations, and we often convert them into imported russian gas, by analogy, but to what extent can we meet our internal needs today, these are the needs that the people’s economy has today, but look , the nuclear power plant was built in blocks, first the first block was built, then the second block, for the entire period when the first block began operating, now the nuclear power plant you already have almost 21 billion kilowatt-hours, this is a large enough figure to compare with the scale, the country’s annual consumption is 41 billion
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kilowatt-hours, and this 21 billion kilowatt-hours allowed us to replace 5.7 billion kilowatt-hours , that is, this is something that we did not buy, did not withdraw currency from the country, but consumed and sold here within our country, now after... the commissioning of the second unit of the nuclear power plant per year will generate about 18 billion kilowatt-hours, which is in the future will allow us to replace about 40% of the total country consumption. you must agree that when you have your own production, your own electricity, this provides additional opportunities for the development of certain areas of the economy there, let’s call it that. what is belarus betting on today? first of all, we are talking about the fact that by stimulating electricity tariffs, we are stimulating electrically intensive production, what is electrically intensive production, this is production that consumes large quantities of electrical energy, and the more
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electrical energy is consumed, the lower tariff for such consumers. the second direction is the one that i have already mentioned, this is stimulating consumption of the population. in addition, a fairly large number of electric houses are being built, that is, new housing introduced is immediately built using electricity. heating, and uh, over this five-year period, over the past period of this five-year period, we have already built about 900,000 m2 of just such modern housing, by the end of this five-year period, this figure should be about 2 million square meters, these are quite significant figures that will certainly e lead to a positive result of increasing energy consumption, increasing the comfort of life of our population, and another big one, certainly another direction. in our understanding , the use of electrical energy for the development of electric transport is promising, and here we in belarus also see great prospects. is its number growing today, i
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mean electric transport? of course, from year to year we record an increase in both the number of electric vehicles and infrastructure, i mean gas stations, well, i’ll say this: currently, the number of gas stations in the country already exceeds 930, which is quite large. quantity , they are distributed throughout the country, to a greater extent, this is minsk, minsk region, a slightly smaller number of these gas stations are located in the regions, but these gas stations are being built to meet the needs of the population and those cars that have already been purchased today, imported into the country , registered , well, according to the latest data, as of october 31, there were more than 7,000 electric vehicles in the country, i’m sure that this figure will continue to grow. the help of god's word and the principles of christian life. if we remember that what
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we do is above us. jesus christ is formed from people, from living stones, from those who live in the world, from those who live in eternity, spiritual laws and life instructions of clergy. overcome yourself to remain unbroken, yes, but to be rich, i give you the opportunity, and this means that i am rich, conversations about morality and reflections on eternal values, family, home, peace of mind at home, at home, at home, at family, this is just that vodguk and that translation of the highest understanding of the holy scriptures in our life.
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look. spiritual and educational projects on the tv channel belarus 24. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the tv channel belarus 24. this is news from the country and abroad. broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the spot. events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus,
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austria. switzerland, italy, greece , romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, set up a satellite dish on the express am8 satellite, the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. there are many values, but probably the most important value and what inspires and supports a person is faith and the awareness that i am loved. lord, he
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comes to us in joy, in sorrow, he is with us every day, you can go with him, you and i are in such an amazing place, a holy place for belarusians, we remember how in this... this archathedral is the mother of all churches , all the catholic churches in our metropolis, minsk-mogilev, so this is my place, this is my cathedral, this is the temple in which we, the priests, gather once a month to pray, dear, we love him, and as for these frescoes and all this beauty, naturally, it was all done by a human
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hand, with the help of the state... it was also possible these frescoes should be renewed and opened. have you ever been in the place of parishioners? not often, but i do, because we also have such prayers and vigils. and then we take a place together with our parishioners, as they say, you need to be with the people, you need to feel them. it’s been 2 years since you’ve been in such a difficult, let’s be honest, place of duty, taking into account the political background against which you came here, have you managed to solve the problems, is everything working out? of course, making history does not mean just turning over cards album to look at how it was today, it is our day, issues are being resolved , naturally, everything will not be resolved at once, we need to slowly, naturally, the first question is, say, the issue of personnel, there are still many of our shrines, parishes that do not have their own personal priest, abbot, and this is bad , because the flock must have their own
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shepherd, who will be with them every day, stay, pray every day, enter their lives, talk, then he knows better, feels better, there are many believers, but we more brave people are needed, new churches are being built, especially in the city. in minsk, we have a lot of churches being built, and there are also questions about where the church was, where the parishes were, this is the mogilev region, there are parishes, there are shrines, but unfortunately there are very few people who would go to this particular shrine, so that not only pray as we return to our parental home, where the first words are faith and love, where there is tenacity, where there is comfort, the feeling that you are careless, because dad is there, that’s it...
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he’s polish, all politics comes from the west, what is the catholic church like in belarus today? the church prays with the tongue , with the heart of our believers, a whole commission works to ensure that all the world's developments in different languages, and especially latin, are translated into the belarusian language, so that it is accessible, so that the chalavek, as he speaks every day in his family, can also speak in words recognize the gospel, and if you enter any of our churches in the city of hero of minsk, well, we will hear prayer in our national state languages, so what someone says or said there was, it was our dream, so that people who come to the church , catholic ones come to our churches, so that they
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understand how we address them, and so that we can also understand them, what they expect from us, here, perhaps, here is an amendment somewhere for the nastalite, for our foundations, traditions, on our morality, we even see... this is happening on the internet now, some, for example, like the statement that the catholic church can support same-sex marriage, others are absolutely against it, here we can also take into account our mentality of belarusians, each society has its own, well, developments , its own tradition, our home is our home, it is natural that the decoration of the church, our church is different from the decoration in africa, in america or in asia, we have our own spirit, our own... free, dignified , as they say , to pray with your heart, we are a church with the people, again from the west
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we hear that catholics are oppressed in belarus, your ministry, over the years, it is the same as the independence of belarus, you can also draw conclusions, everything can be learned in comparisons, let’s take the number of priests 80. ninth year, this is a little, there are somewhere around 50 priests for the entire republic, this is very little, comparable to today, there are about 500 of us priests, plus or minus, there are also a lot of churches, shrines, and not only churches, but also monastic people, what was, what is, where can i insert words here and pursue, we are developing, and how many churches were built during the years of independence, is there such a figure? about 100, probably. there are many shrines, which , like this, have their own very rich history, although it was also different in different times years, and after all, churches were revived and are being revived, well, of course, of course, those churches that were under the jurisdiction of other organizations, sports or others, or in general they
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were, say, closed, no human foot had ever set foot there, they opened again, people came in, they did repairs, restoration is being done, and we are waiting for this work in babruisk and also at the grave. there is still room for some kind of mystery, how such amazing frescoes were discovered here during the restoration, behind one icon, and they wanted to restore this icon, and decided to remove it, they remove it, and there is another icon, even older, but apparently maybe they didn’t have the time or finances to restore it, so they waited until this moment, now it ’s being restored again, let’s say, not only will it surprise, but it will attract its own person. height to the true path to god, we are one people, belarusians, as it seems to you, who benefits today from artificially dividing us into catholics, orthodox, by this i generally mean some kind of division by nationality, rather than by religious
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preferences. the church of society consists of families, for example, even in my circle there are families in which husband and wife are of different nationalities, different religions, and there are even those who do not believe. they also have children, everything is fine with them, why? they are guided by love, love first of all , we invite those who do not support our opinion to come, return to their home to see then give their definition and their opinion of how things are really happening here and how things are with us today. we can say that those who are trying to divide us so artificially are more likely pursuing some kind of political interests rather than those who do this are trying to divide us, they do not act in the gospel way, when we have big holidays, events, symposiums, you can see that we have... not only catholics, but also representatives and the main representatives of other
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religious associations, and no one says, that nationality is a religion, the spiritual strength of the people is also in unity? strength is in unity, yes, what do you think is the social ministry of the church today? we have a very big task, let’s say, for the whole society, to notice people, to notice people, before, again, when we remember , but time changes and, say, the state is doing this, doing it well, people, say, do not need this, but there are other aspects of life, there are other life situations where our presence as believers, as people , it is expected, the education of patriotism, these are also
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those every person who comes to the church, comes to the shrine, this is a citizen of this or that country, of how we say small homeland, and we can talk a lot about the small homeland, we must also remember, naturally, that it is necessary to educate those people who know how, love, pray, know, understand, but also know how to defend their interests, defend their opinion, love for their homeland. family , children, love for new life, we understand every life, every new life born, as a gift from god, our catholic church teaches people, teaches families to accept every gift of life, all these moral values, this is our battlefield, how to be on the wave today with there is such a phrase that you need
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to swim to the depths, you need to be with them, you need listen to them, yes, we also have youth days, we invite young people, not only to prayer, as they say on hikes, these are pilgrims, we walk for several days, talk together, have some conversations together, and we also look for ways out , our young priests, monastics, and not only , they lead their people there, we began to talk about restoration, of course, we are all watching with trepidation the fate of the butslova shrine, there is a chance, hope that it will be possible to restore, as it was before, what what happened there, this fire, it’s a disaster, it destroyed a lot, but here i would also like to thank all the rescuers, all the services that every person who touched this particular shrine during that difficult time...
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for our president alexander grigorievich, who you probably heard on television, it was said, to follow up, came to pray and relax. when will nesvezh church open its doors to tourists? the work will continue for another year or two , and it will appear before our eyes in full glory. people come and pray too. this also applies to tourists, well, there are already these organizations there,
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restoration builders, as they say , approach this with trepidation, so they also have great, let’s say, gratitude, not only from us, but i think that i will express the opinion and gratitude of the whole society; in our small homeland it often happens when parents lived, when especially my mother lived, but then she traveled very often, always returning to her small homeland, it inspires, it lights us up, but a person returns differently, i very often also to my parishioners, precisely in the villages, but i not only remember and ask them, and such a wish at i am there for them, i say that... why do you like the path that you chose in your youth? the words of jesus christ: follow me, they sounded then, they also sound today , sometimes they sound, we hear them , with our hearts, and sometimes they also sound in the words
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of another person, and this in my life, it was such a priest, casimir the jesuit , once upon a time i, young, 13 years old there, i was, he asked or said, do you want to go, how important in our life is that spiritual mentor, confessor, that person who, well, let’s just say, he’ll give his hand, this is the road that i, let’s say, chose, yes, it’s mine, it seems to me that it’s mine, but based on ours , based on our deeds, based on our actions, of course, people judge this, but well and it is important in this... path for every person, one or another, let's say religion, that we do not change the one with whom we set out on the journey for what we met on the way, because otherwise you will lose both the guide and the goal, and not when you get there, there are a lot of spectators, they even ask us how the metropolitan lives, and where he lives, and does he have enough free time?
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time to do some other interesting thing outside of work, maybe you have a hobby, you know that you sing well. we have irregular working hours, talk about rest, vacation, service 24/7, but sometimes yes, sometimes it happens longer, but as they say, when they ask me why i don’t go on vacation, i answer a little jokingly, but i’m not straining myself, the archdiocese is very large, there are two regions, there are many parishes, there are a lot of people who still need to get to know them, we are on the road very often, and this may even be good, because
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we know, we are not alive, but maybe just a line, there is one folk song about my mother, i added one column, one verse, that is, you also write poetry, well, no, well, say there that i write poetry, but that is, there are moments when the words take shape on their own, yes, i then sat down immediately , let’s say, with one inspiration, i wrote these words, i have such a small hope that this song will sound through the lips of a choir or a famous one: the artsist of belarus. dear mother of may, you haven’t slept yet. when i'm in the world, i'm often in the dark, and in memory at home,
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you handbrake are embroidered by you. kwetzemru. already the charms are unlucky, and in the memory of the abdomen, you are hand-embroidered by you, kvetse are the charms, unlucky, i will spread the yago, kali sumna. and the mountain, the bastards, the kingdom has passed, the mother’s hands have been asked by you.


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