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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 2, 2023 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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fuck again and again. these are ancestral practices, that is, we set the intention that now not only the men present here are in the same stake with us. and all our ancestors support us in these competitions. see the belarus project. on the belarus 24 tv channel . you are watching the news live, elizaveta lokotka is with you, good morning, in this episode. the policy of double standards and the
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arms race, threats not only to peace, but to the climate. position of belarus at the summit in dubai. the situation on the european borders is heating up, now not only the poles, but slovak carriers do not allow ukrainian truckers into the country. we are cheering for our people in khantemansiysky. the second stage of the russian biathlon cup will continue today. live broadcasts to belarus. we have not had and will not have another home, the president of belarus spoke frankly, harshly and emotionally at the climate summit in dubai on december 1. during his speech, alexander lukashenko called the climate threat the root cause. this is the desire of individual countries for geopolitical and military superiority. it is obvious that many western leaders in the room were it is uncomfortable to listen to a truth that is so inconvenient for them. we don’t have a home and never will have one, all
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the speakers, especially the speakers from the speakers who spoke here first, are preoccupied with where to get the money, come on , those sitting here, even a journalist will tell you where to get the money, an example, to answer this question, you need look into recent history, in order to destroy iraq and afghanistan, and bring benefit to these countries for the people, it was estimated that from one and a half to two trillion dollars were spent, and calculate how much money was spent to protect these countries, how many people died, you can’t estimate it in dollars? today there is a war in ukraine, it is no longer 15-2 dollars, it will already cost five. trillions of dollars if we manage
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to agree on peace in the near future. why is there no peace in this part of the planet today? because those speakers who spoke in the forefront talk about peace, talk about keeping the planet clean, and taking care of their grandchildren , at the same time they unleashed and are waging the most terrible war on the planet, in the middle east, how much will it cost ? a massacre, and if it breaks out in pacific ocean, these are trillions and trillions of dollars, well, let's direct them to clean the planet, and there will be no need to search, as we say, i will squander this money, we have gathered here in order to once again express concern, and those who even here they spoke in the forefront, for their grandchildren
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, they are fighting these wars, and wars are terrible pollution of the planet, let’s stop it, so the most important thing is that we need to learn to say less words and do more, i understand if we accept what -a declaration or memorandum, as we always have it happens that we are unlikely to achieve anything, but let’s, as they said here, again, 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from the twenty leading states. let's write down in our declaration, mr. chairman, not concern, but demand that they reduce emissions into the atmosphere by at least half, we will not do this. so why are you gathered? this is money, real money. 10 trillion dollars,
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which we can stop in wars, direct to cleansing our planet, and let's act, let's not start... act, nature will force us to live according to it laws at the beginning of the speech, which will certainly go down in the history of world diplomacy, alexander lukashenko emphasized the scale of the climate summit. only more heads of state and government arrived at the forum than attended the session of the un general assembly. in addition, the summit is also an opportunity to talk with leaders. the president, as an extremely effective politician , spent a busy day. in the format of negotiations on feet, alexander lukashenko spoke with the leaders of azerbaijan, the president of serbia, zimbabwe, mongolia and many others. theses and statements within the framework of the world climate forum continue to be actively discussed by the expert community and media representatives. it is obvious that the policy of double standards and isolation is unacceptable on
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the path to sustainable environmental development. this opinion was shared by the secretary of the union of journalists of russia, timur shaffir. according to him , the actions of western countries regarding the climate problem still remain ambivalent and contradictory. one of those questions that our former partners from the west have there will never be answers to the current situations, because all those declared principles of the struggle for everything bright, good, good on a planetary scale, they , in fact, themselves deny with their practical actions, and the long-term, systematic... attempt to continuously isolate belarus, isolate russia, votes with one hand, so to speak, for everything good, for the climate agenda, for the participation of all states on equal terms in the struggle for the implementation of these norms of the paris summit, the kyoto protocol, everything else, you can
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remember a lot of things, on the other hand, you yourself are cutting off the opportunities for the whole, i wouldn’t even say a number of states, a whole layer, a civilizational layer that seems... russia and belarus to do this. on the sidelines of the summit in dubai , guests of the editors' club discuss how the large-scale forum affected the global political climate and what forecast experts give for the future. an attempt to internationally isolate individual states only resulted in problems for the organizers themselves. there is such a thing: world leaders, right? world leaders, on today is not only people who lead the largest countries of the world, such as russia, china, america and their sovereign agenda and who, due to this , become famous, popular and respected far beyond the borders of their country,
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alexander grigorievich is exactly such a world leader, i i think, especially for this, and look, paul was the first to pay attention to this, in the first row, next to erdogan, who is essentially a very powerful regional, well, center, turkey, yes, erdogan, accordingly, that is, this is not somewhere there, in the third, yes, like duda , you noticed, he was sitting, as well as another exclusive straight from the fugitive camp, information for personal use became public knowledge, all the details are in the new issue of the editors’ club on the youtube channel of the television news agency. the hunger strike announced the night before by ukrainian truckers who were stuck at the entrance to the eu lasted only 3 hours. the polish side promised to allow seven trucks per hour instead of one, as previously planned, and humanitarian and military cargo should move out of line.
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the ukrainians, however, threatened to go on hunger strike again if the poles were deceived. the situation the day before became extremely tense, in order to prevent clashes between drivers, the police intervened and... blocked the path of the ukrainians to the protesters. meanwhile, another checkpoint, krokovets korczeva, was blocked on the polish side. slovakian carriers joined the action, starting from the border crossing vishnya nemecke uzhgorod, where hundreds of trucks had already gathered. after almost a month of searching for a solution to the border crisis, the official warsaw. morawiecki said that he would appeal to brussels to return necessity to ukrainian carriers. permission to enter europe. the war in the middle east began with renewed vigor. the fragile truce is over. yesterday, israel resumed a full-scale operation in the gas sector. it is known that more than 200 targets were hit during the day.
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the parties blame each other for violating the ceasefire. fierce fighting is currently taking place in the southern part of gaza; leaflets have been scattered over the city, urging residents to move further south to the city rafah. also, according to the channel, al-jazirah is storming cities and towns on the west bank of the jordan river. according to the ministry of health and gas, more than 180 civilians were killed in one day. rebellious hungary and its position on ukraine could cause a deep crisis in the european union. according to the politician, it may flare up at a mid -december summit in brussels, when the start of negotiations on kiev’s accession to the eu and the allocation of 50 billion euros will be discussed. however, all these plans can be disrupted by budapest in the person of viktor orban. it came to this that brussels is planning to deprive hungary of its voting rights, but that’s it for now. orban made it clear: he does not expect kiev to join the european union and proposed to remove the issue of membership from the
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agenda of the future summit. i proposed and continue to propose that negotiations on ukraine’s membership in the european union should not begin; we cannot even get them to start, because hungary will not agree to this. so let 's not put this on the agenda. but overseas they are seriously thinking about curtailing the ukraine-american project. senator rant paul demanded that kiev begin negotiations with russia. everything points to us that we have reached the point where we need to start negotiations. in fact, we were in the same situation a year ago, tens of thousands of people died, and we simply did not budge . the american politician also added that he does not see any possibility for kiev to return crimea. they are called consumers of the best developments of belarusian science, the locomotive
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of the economy and brands by which the country is recognized on all continents. every tenth tractor in the world is belarusian. belaz mining diamonds on the other side of the world. electric buses transport citizens in different countries; amkador’s special equipment competes with vehicles from leading western companies. belarusian cars are completely closing their market, this is our driver in exports. but it was not always so. yes, the most difficult decade is behind us, during which the industry was revived, it was, it became in the project of the television news agency belarus creating, today after the panorama. the whole problem is that in order to make a car that can be sold, everything had to start all over again, the thoughts were those just now, what if the factories became like feeding children, survived and today we have a developed... sales network, yes, on all continents, if we compare even 2000 and
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today, then these are already two different companies, and the depth of localization of the most complex knowledge-intensive machines are kharestors, 90%. i have one entry in my work book, minsk tractor plant, and i consider myself a patriot, today we are in the post-soviet space, the only enterprise that... produces such equipment, especially energy-rich tractors. if you compare even last year decades, and not to take it further, we have something to be proud of. we have a completely new branch of passenger car production. just 10 years ago we couldn’t even dream of doing this, but today we are already dreaming of how to localize a car. from support for young parents to the active
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longevity program, minister of labor and social protection irina kostevich held a meeting of the national council on gender policy, they talked about family values, responsible parenthood and support for young couples, and this various child care benefits, financial assistance for the school year, provision of social services. now in the student village, 11 families have presented a mobile application for future parents, mom and dad pro. a family is not one generation, but several generations. and the most important thing is that in this large family, which spans all generations, there really was mutual assistance, there was mutual assistance, only then will this family be happy. if a family finds itself in a difficult life situation, the state always helps and substitutes shoulder through different tools, directions, mechanisms, it's really built. and our event today, listen. feedback from the young family, what they expect, what guarantee measures, what support measures, what
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benefits, what a young student family needs to do. the meeting participants got acquainted with the activities of the republican center for psychological assistance, as well as the work of the youth and volunteer centers. factorby finalists have been determined. 11 vocalists for the first time the duo got the chance to sing throughout the country. live, took their chairs in in the semi-finals, so the mentors decided , every second person did not go through the emotional battle for survival in the project, three holders of immunity from the star, choice, prigogina, buzovoy and even at the stage of telecasting, they again proved that they passed the training camp for a reason. so, the teams are completed in the game, only the strongest and most dedicated to vocals remain. i have the best team, forgive me, of course, it seems to me that if someone disagrees with me, but i’m not interested, blog, i’m happy, yes, i
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’m happy, of course, i’ll do everything to so that my, diamonds, sapphires, sapphires, yes, we, sapphires, shine even brighter and everything that is, what experience do i have, what are my, well, my experience, and this time, this is priceless, which i can share with my team , i will give everything , everything that i have, all the resource, the girls have a chance, and i wanted to give a chance to people, professional ones, who not only have skills, but also live by music, how much suffering, so i heard, how much lena's travels and wanderings, well , listen, if we don't give a chance, then who, you know, how much fortitude this wonderful girl inga , this is our little child, baby, so i believe in them, i believe that even if we don’t reach the very final, but we will reach it, i am
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absolutely sure, i urge all belarusians to trust my taste, my experience, and if you help me, yes, of course, they will become stars. right now on your screens are those three who reached the finale of the third season of the factor buy show. olga buzova’s team includes blogger alena tovstik, military orchestra soloist alexei budko, and opera singer anastasia malashkevich. ruslan alekhno saved student margarita shibaeva took a risk, taking a duet to the final for the first time, but even the imam on maternity leave, liana gumarova. winner of the golden star, blind student daniil savenya. he was accompanied by singer from moscow vaag minasyan and brother ruslan alekhno, forty -one-year-old designer yuri alekhno. by the way, this is the oldest of the finalists. and the youngest finalist is sixteen-year-old student of the larisa dolina academy elin badalyan in the team of producer joseph prigozhin. together with her, moscow teacher inga gureva and twenty-two-year-old
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singer elena freiman. pursuit races. the second stage of the russian biathlon cup will continue in mansiysk today, less than an hour remains before the start of the men's race, where there are four belarusians in the top ten. the captain of our team, anton smolsky, took bronze the day before in the sprint and will go the distance just 9 seconds after eduard latypov. we are also following dmitry lazovsky and ivan tulatskin and maxim vorobyom. they also have the opportunity to compete for the podium starting at 10:00, at 13. women will take to the track, here the attention of belarusian fans will be focused on the performance of anna sola. she starts eleventh, 44 seconds after leader natalia shevchenko. both races will be shown live on the belarus tv channel. that 's all the news for now, have a nice day and see you at 12:00.
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