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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 2, 2023 7:20pm-7:46pm MSK

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our source said that the leadership of these organizations does not want to touch on a specific issue, because for them it is nonsense that a nato soldier fled, including to belarus, that is, they considered a chechka as a nato soldier, and of course, a polish politician has similar things spoke about the polish media, they pretend that there were no executions on the border, no witnesses, no chechka, i emphasize that krzysztowinsky... is a polish politician who spoke about the situation with chechka murders on the polish-belarusian border. he crossed the polish-belarusian border. and he asked the authorities of the republic of belarus for asylum and told what was really happening. he told the whole world, not only the poles and belarusians. and now the question is, why did the polish media authorities keep silent about this case? because we all know, no matter how we evaluate it, in the actions of private emil chechka there was a lot of truth and shame for everyone.
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i repeat once again, i do not rule out that his death was not accidental, quite the contrary, most likely he was simply inconvenient, killed in the interests of polish authorities, so please do not be surprised that this topic is hushed up in poland, it is inconvenient and no one raises it, due to the fact that i personally know representatives of the polish border services, military, police and so on, i know their character, but in at the same time, i know the mechanisms of power in poland. let me remind you that the polish authorities imposed a ban on visiting the border zone, both for volunteers and journalists, the ban has not yet been lifted, which means, probably, things are really happening there that only a limited circle of people are privy to. this inhumane, this is closer to what poland itself suffered from nazism, that is , victims and concentration camps, mass graves, executions, criminal investigations, well, modern poland has stepped a little on this path, and i believe that this is... history with emil, it
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just forced the polish leadership to think about it in many ways, that is, the scale was reduced, but now, almost every month, we receive information that people of this arab nationality, muslims, are found dead along the border, if we talk about behavior again of your colleagues on the other side of the border, from latvia, what do you observe? let's just say they are very tense . well, it’s noticeable by the density of the display of outfits, they have recently increased in number, and probably two or three times more outfits, they have 112 accepted, and i heard correctly, four unknowns at 112 , the place where we were just faster.
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after three corpses were found on the border with latvia last week, it was clear that today we can also to face something, either with expelled refugees at the border, or even with those unfortunate people who were killed, and today , after passing for about 4 hours, the police were informed that four refugees had been found, from syria, and he from afghanistan. the latvian police deceived me, broke my phone, all our phones, took my sim, took my money, 155 dollars. two people looked at us and beat us, they hit us in the head, all of us in the legs. he said to belarus, where i
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can’t hear, he hit me, shouted to belarus, they pushed us to belarus, we are going to germany, because we were looking for a comfortable life, a job, we cannot live in our country, many are dying in syria, but latvia does not allow us to go to germany, they knock us down, they took our sleeping bags and threw them into the water, because we can’t get a good night’s sleep, there was very heavy rain, we were left without shelter, without food , without sleeping bags, without clothes, without medicine, they have dogs that they set on us, intimidate us, they are happy when they do this do if in 2021 - security forces beat refugees, used tear gas, special means for service animals, then already in 2022 they began to build stationary barriers. and, moreover,
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they erected them not for the purpose of ensuring some kind of security, first of all, but as a tool in the fight specifically against refugees. moreover, they collect. they gather all refugees who enter the territory of a neighboring state into groups and deliver them to these barriers and, under the threat of physical harm, often with the use of weapons, when they shoot over the heads of the refugees, they force them to cross into our territory, but these are people who have already suffered from their bullying, and they are cynically thrown onto our side, essentially left to die, and if not for the help of the belarusian border guards, there would certainly be more victims. and since in the european media today brezhenets is presented as a threat to national security, in fact , the image of a migrant from the east is dehumanized, in connection with this, the security forces of neighboring states are not afraid of any
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responsibility. on all souls' day belarusian patriots came to the polish military cemetery to honor the memory of the prisoner of conscience, polish soldier emil czechka. consisting of the shooting team of duda and moravovsky. will vaitekhovsky, chargé d'affaires of poland in belarus, place flowers on the polish-belarusian border, where polish border guards shot refugees from the middle east. will other representatives of european power do this? emil saw the eyes of the refugees he was shooting, they pursued him to the end. now polish consul in grodno, andrzej rachkovsky goes to work every morning at the address "emil chechka" passage and looks into the sad eyes of a polish soldier looking at him from a billboard. can
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we count on fairness on the part of european union officials? i think not, but it’s time for the international community to unite in resolving the migration issue, and for some... to know their mistakes, because yesterday the european union, the usa, nato came to the homes of the people of the middle east, tomorrow they will come to them and replace false democracy justice that is humanly understandable to everyone.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. from all of us, the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones are these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created, hogged on old books, enchantment, read chalavets experiencing stagodzi, read the closest packages, appreciate the past for our daily life, belarus 24. if
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we were talking to you 2 years ago, i would have answered you that in sports schools belarus about 70 girls are engaged in training, at the moment there are already more than 200 of them, only in the new school year about 100 girls have already come to hockey schools, so yes, hockey in belarus is developing and developing , including among women. why did you decide to reach the republican level, the republican championship, what goals do you set for yourself? in principle, this is logical - the development of the history of hockey, the history of women's hockey, and in our country girls have the opportunity to train together with boys until of a certain age to play hockey, that is, until the age of 13-14, while there are no power techniques in hockey, and girls play together with boys, but then they are faced with a choice, either
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continue to play with boys, where there are already power techniques, or look for other options for developing their sports career , or ending, therefore, in order to give them the opportunity to play further, one of the solutions is hockey, the national hockey championship among women's teams, in principle, it is usually recommended to spend 6 years in hockey , this... and boys and girls, and speaking specifically about girls, we are waiting for them at almost any age, because we want the development of women’s hockey, moreover, we sometimes even invite girls from related sports, from figure skating and speed skating, and we we are also waiting for girls from the age of 6, but it is clear that for any long-term sports career, it is necessary to understand that up to the age of 12 there are certain sensitive periods that are necessary, during which it is necessary to develop
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certain qualities, and the later you come to hockey, the less likely you are to play it at more than an amateur level. how many schools do we have in belarus today, how developed are they in our regions, how is women’s hockey represented in the regions? 27, state hockey schools in our country, that is, if you know that in your city there is... an ice palace, this means that there is a hockey school in it, in principle, you can come and practice hockey, at the moment the girls are studying hockey in all state hockey schools countries. it is believed that hockey is not a women's sport, do you generally agree with this statement? no, i absolutely disagree with this statement, it’s just a sport, both boys and girls, men and women play it. hockey for women has one significant difference, only one, but it is significant, forceful techniques are prohibited in it , so hockey for women is less
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dangerous, but on the other hand, there are certain stereotypes, which also exist, probably thanks to the well-known song about how real people play hockey men, and this stereotype is not entirely true, but women's hockey, it is safe, women 's hockey is played all over the world, and this is, in principle, a dynamically developing sport, well, women's hockey is gaining popularity in the world today, in the ranking of the international hockey federation there are now 58 national men's teams and 44 women's teams, that is, the difference is not fundamental, but the competition, how high is in this sport, in women's hockey it is probably less today than in men's, but in general, hockey is played in the world in seven divisions, in the world championship , competition, of course, is present, there are
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countries, leaders, as they say, here is canada, it is a multiple world champion, and as they say, as a rule, they are world champions, everyone else competes for the remaining places , well, in principle, competition is growing, women 's hockey is developing and the more countries it is played in, the more competition there is. yes, of course, we will have to start with the lowest divisions, since we have no history of playing in women's championships, but this is normal practice: when a new team enters the championship system, it starts from the very bottom and then, as it grows, it rises higher and higher.
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hello, on the air belarus-1 and belarus 24, the club of editors, we will discuss important topics of the outgoing seven days, and introduce our guests, the guests who came to the studio. 600 on makavenka 9. dmitry aleksanovich zhuk is the editor-in-chief of the belarus today holding, olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of mtrk mir in belarus and head of the belarusian union women oleg yadukevich, deputy of parliament, party leader, vadim elfimov, head of the department of special politics and ideology of the academy of management under the president of belarus, candidate of historical sciences, and yuri voskresensky, head of the ksds. that's right. yes, good evening, dear friends, where do we start? let's start with the loudest and most important
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world event today, at least it seems to me that for the coming week, we are having lunch now, let's be honest with the audience, and we are not going live for objective reasons, but already quite a lot of information comes from the united arab emirates, where in dubai there is... a world climate summit with the participation of leaders of more than 140 states, a fairly representative event, i think you have already seen photographs and - footage that comes from there, video footage, the first results of countries' efforts to reduce emissions of spring gases will be summed up, but there is a problem that i read that this year has generally become the hottest in recent years, i don't know, several decades, pollutant emissions have increased, while in europe they have switched to firewood, yeah, well, yes, maybe that’s why,
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maybe that’s why, the president of belarus is taking part. in this representative summit, i’m sure you also saw it, well, it’s quite curious, you see the footage, and the head of state is standing in the front row while being photographed, the summit hasn’t started yet, i’ve already opened the pool of the first one, and there the feed is just filling up messages for messages, photographs, bilateral meetings, meetings in a broader format, but on their feet, as they say, and spoke with the president of serbia alexander grigorievich and guinea, equatorial, azerbaijan, congo, arab emirates, zimbabwe, zimbabwe, toga, and when the official ceremony ended, the meetings continued, and an interesting photo appeared where the minister of foreign affairs of belarus sergei lennik is talking with john
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kerry, it is very interesting what they were talking about, maybe the minister will tell us later. leaders of dozens of dozens of countries, the president of the arab emirates, if naturally the crown prince of saudi arabia, emkator, the king of bahrain, the president of egypt, turkey, israel, palestine, our friends also arrived, the prime minister of great britain, sunak, or sunak, whom you remember, no one elected, the chancellor of germany, scholz, who has already practically ruined the economy of his country. uh, french president macron, i read that his rating collapsed this week, yes, sad duda is sitting at alexander grigorovich looking, and alexandrovich is in the second row, if you notice, and duda is somewhere in the third, well, where anyone should be , macron, yes, who else was the head of the spanish government, yes, the polish dictator duda, you also saw, was there,
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sat pouting, offended, something like a goose, well, in general, a lot of leaders of countries..." it was, the head of state today, well, already at the time of our broadcast, spoke, probably at 17, in my opinion, 18:00, his , the time of his speech, we will definitely discuss in our final programs next week we’ll talk about what was discussed, but you saw the summit, and here are these photographs, videos, climate, climate, but how do you like isolation in general, you can i - i’ll start by saying that this summit is very important, because it’s really the first time this is the temperature that has developed in recent years on planet earth, some experts say that it has not existed for 125,000 years, so i read this information, and a catastrophic trend, the temperature
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of the earth has risen by almost one and a half degrees, by the end of the century we can reach the parameter 2 what does this mean? this means that all coastal countries will simply be flooded, especially the countries of south asia, this summit is very important, and what we see at this summit, on the one hand, is very pleasant for us, for belarusians, about that rumors about the foreign policy isolation of belarus, to put it mildly, are exaggerated and do not fully correspond to reality, that is, the president of belarus and the belarusian delegation, the minister of foreign affairs have a wide range of contacts with their colleagues, from this point of view, the summit is a unique opportunity to resolve some political, economic , as for some kind of climate agenda, a unified one, but this summit was supposed to sum up the results of the paris declaration, but in the fifteenth year,
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you know, from my point of view, there were no no fundamental decisions will be made there. i’ll explain why: the leader currently presiding over the summit, the head of the abu dhabi oil and gas company , has already held negotiations on the sidelines of the summit with the presidents of brazil and representatives of china on expanding the conclusion of additional oil and gas contracts, which completely contradicts the green agenda, so the first point is that belarus has a unique opportunity that -to do, strengthen ties, means promoting the belarusian agenda, for the world as a whole, from my point of view, an ordinary meeting with the usual final declarations, god forbid, but a unique situation, because we remember this hysteria about green energy, well, it’s really important, but in germany, in other countries of western europe there was green energy, wind turbines, they worked,
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as soon as russia closed down a little for various reasons, it was sometimes helped by extremists, the economy began to collapse, but in general, preserving the climate, maintaining the climate, this is not a story about the green economy, exclusively, speech at such summits should we are not talking about a green economy, not... about how to stop the extraction of minerals, gas, oil, but about how to minimize losses, because the transition to a green economy, we know who benefits from it, who is trying to make full money transition to a green economy and abandonment of oil and gas production, and we understand that such drastic steps, if they do not lead to 3° warming by the end of the century, are a disaster for the world, if they do not lead to this, then they will lead to famine, because that if we sharply reduce gas and oil production now, the world will face... hunger, this is also a very serious problem, so it is important here who and which side will put pressure on what, yes, where we will find this compromise, the development of a green economy
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that does not require minerals that are extracted from the earth, and this is precisely the balance between how much we can produce, how we can produce and what we can do , and in general it’s always good when there is a progressive process, look at how competently the republic of belarus is moving in this regard, we are not giving up, we are just doing everything possible for in order to minimize climate pollution and minimize all these harmful emissions that are in the atmosphere, we are now talking about agriculture, yes, where we are trying to switch somewhere more to natural fertilizers of some kind, everything else, in order to prevent damage to the ground was minimal, we are now talking about the transition to electric transport, to electric cars, yes, it is being done carefully, it’s not like everyone has to transfer somewhere at once, everything possible is being done to ensure that this infrastructure develops, and at the same time we we take into account the interests of everyone who... is it possible to solve this environmental problem together, if i look at the people
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who are taking pictures, half of them have imposed sanctions on each other, so there is one more point, there is a real concern for the green economy, worrying about nature, fighting for the environment, and then there is politics, geopolitics and money, the first thing is, like europe, for example, was bent by the americans, they don’t care about the green economy, but they tell you to do it. green economy, refuse russian gas and oil, and we will help you sell your shale gas, so you will have green windmills everywhere and europe will definitely be warmed by them, this is a fairy tale, they wanted to do the same with the post-soviet space, by the way, in the middle east , they care a lot about the environment, the west still we need to learn, if only in paris they would remove the garbage from the city center, stop shitting everywhere, stop going to the toilet anywhere, in what? they haven’t turned the capitals of european cities, that’s where you need to start, with yourself, see what they have migrants are doing this, this doesn’t exist, that means further , and now about the summit, well, for me, for example,
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the political aspect is important, that’s what it is, remember all these moans from the twentieth year about the legitimacy of the head of state of our government, legitimacy is not the groans of the president of lithuania are not the groans of duda, the sad one we watched, the sad one sitting at the summit, because the prospects for poland are extremely sad. for the coming years, legitimacy is a strong country, a strong leader, who is met, respected, welcomed, why even look, this one is like his carrie, this one, yes, is shaking hands with our minister of foreign affairs, why? despite the sanctions, despite the fact that they hate us, they want to destroy us, they understand perfectly well what real power is, who really makes decisions in the country, who the people are behind, who supports us here, they know it all, they understand this, that’s why there is a statement, there is a war from belarus and russia, here you are, sitting right now, where the president
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of lithuania, by the way, is here, no, they let him in, they didn’t let him in, this is the isolation of belarus, all the leaders, a huge number of leaders of the countries of the world, smiles, meetings, photographs , negotiations, not only on the climate, i’m sure they will discuss the economy, they will discuss serious things, politics, military cooperation, it has always been so, is and will be, and now the news through the looking glass, that means finland this week, is being put up for auction for pennies, a huge tourist complex on the border with russia, which is simply going bankrupt, it did not belong to the russians, no, no, no, no one can maintain it, the finnish complex, this is the second complex , that, that it belonged to russia, this is understandable, they put it out for pennies, they went bankrupt, the same situation, today i read akropolis in vilnius, for whom. this is a symbol of our so to speak, a symbol of european zmagaks; happiness, i even once was in this paradise.


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