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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 3, 2023 1:45am-2:36am MSK

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tell me, please, what advantages does industrial cooperation provide for belarusian manufacturers, since and in what technological areas do we have, well, the greatest groundwork for the production of import-substituting products, well, speaking of industrial cooperation, we can cite last year, the twenty-second year, yes, when we were faced with the need for import substitution, and this. the opportunity to use industrial cooperation in order to increase production volumes and replace import-substituting products was available, what can we say that mutual cooperation supplies within the union in the twenty-second year compared to the previous year increased by only 17%, and compared to say there in the fifteenth year they increased by almost 2.4 ? in addition, according to experts, it can be replaced by domestic goods produced on the territory of the union. all
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these industrial goods worth 70 billion dollars, a huge market, this is a big, big huge market, in addition , within the framework of the industrial goods union mutual trade is approximately 70%, that is, not consumer, but industrial goods, a lot has been done by the eec, and maps of industrialization have been drawn up, which contain more than 100 joint integration cooperation projects, when entrepreneurs, when business looks... how to form, yes, how form new projects, they can be guided by this map of industrialization, which we have in 25 sectors, by the way it is publicly available on the website, on the website of the eurasian economic commission, the most such sectors where we have integration effects and we can develop them are mechanical engineering, automobile manufacturing, and computers, and well, one might say , the pulp and paper industry for belarus is also relevant chemical production. indeed
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, this provision, which malkina spoke about, yes, was adopted at the eurasian intergovernmental council, it will contribute to the development of industrial production, we hope that it will contribute to the development of industrial production, this provision, it will contribute not only to space, relatively speaking, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, but also pharmaceuticals and light industry. furniture industry , this provision applies to these sectors and we hope that from the twenty-fourth year this mechanism for supporting industrial production, joint integration projects, it will provide an opportunity, well, faster, but the mechanism is designed for 5 years, will allow for the faster implementation of joint projects , which will give impetus to this industrial cooperation and growth macroeconomic such national effects? supranational effects, understandable
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, understandable, of course, these are some joint projects, there is a regulation on how to select them, funding is provided for them, yes, there are certain criteria, such as, as a rule, these are imports, that is, projects that are aimed on import substitution, something that is now extremely relevant for both the russian federation and the republic of belarus, but from the position, microeconomics, from the position of producers, that is. russian manufacturer, for example, mass, these are the ones for industrial cooperation will bring economic effects, well, these are guaranteed sales markets, yes, it’s exactly the same, in this provision on industrial cooperation, this is included, these are partners, yes, let’s say, we have a project for a eurasian electric bus, and we are also trying to find eass partners who will be able to participate in the creation of this project, or there through inter'. by program
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or in some other way. every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer learn belarusian while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24.7 project. everyone should see it, watch us every friday on the belarus 24 tv channel. get to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our company released the first personal computer, the 1840. we have risen to the level of the best in the world, the largest enterprise in europe. if you sew all the fabric in
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one roll, wrap the globe around the equator possible 86 times. we have two main directions. these are auto components and computer equipment, these products are not inferior to european foreign analogues, an approach to business that everyone should strive for. our company is no longer young, but its motto is preserving traditions and boldly looking into the future. there are people who have worked in our workshop for 42 years; we really value the continuity of the generation. and when you solve all the problems, you achieve something, you get a certain level. see the quality mark project on tv channel belarus 24. they were born in different parts of the world. i came from syria to belarus to study. i studied to
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become a tv director at the academy of arts. the first year for me here was to study russian at bntu . and everyone found something for themselves here. i was given citizenship of the republic of belarus. this is the time when i taught at the academy of arts and tried a lot of things in different directions in the arts, i worked with a lot of people, directors and musicians, because they wanted to know more, each hero has his own unique story, his own view of belarus, in the east in accordingly, usually on a man, so i wanted to study to become a doctor. because it was a prestigious profession, very profitable, i immediately feel the university level, the level is much higher, belarus is just one word for me, but very important, perhaps i can realize my idea, which is related to art, watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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elena mikhailovna, speaking about the single market of the eurasian economic union, there is no doubt that issues of product quality and relevant policy in the field of quality, this is how you assess the level of technical regulation in the eurasian economic union, and how our country has built a system of state supervision over compliance with those regulations. let’s probably start with quality, safety, we have already talked, our safety is ensured at the level of technical regulations of the eurasian economic union, where all mandatory requirements for fulfillment are spelled out, product quality
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is already a level of standardization, usually in standards, all requirements for quality equipment has already been brought to the level of standards, national standards , interstate standards, it is gratifying to note that precisely in 2023, at the level of the eurasian economic union , two such documents were adopted, which were agreed upon and adopted at the level of five countries, this is the procedure for coordinating work on standardization. which clearly states all the necessary principles for developing standards, introducing standards, joining standards, the second document is the procedure for assessing the scientific and technical level of regulations
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of the eurasian economic union, many regulations were adopted a long time ago, and the requirements must be improved, we do not stand still, as i have already noted, technologies are developing, new goods, new products are being developed, and accordingly, it is necessary to revise this level, the scientific and technical level, in order for it to be the most modern, these two basic documents at the union level have already been adopted, they are working, and as for the quality policy, these are the competencies of specialists, and new technologies, this is the creation of new products, this is the work of a huge number of professionals, this is a quality management system and so on, that is, this is a complex , i would say an integral indicator of product quality, as in belarus they have built
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a system of supervision, well , we must not confuse here, quality supervision of implementation requirements of the standard. this is safety, quality and safety, these are two concepts that should be combined, yes, we really in the republic of belarus have a very flexible, mm... logical, structured, structured system state supervision , which is designed to prevent hazardous products from entering the market, yes , to prevent, but the goal of state supervision is not to punish the subject, yes, but to warn, yes, therefore , today the state supervision bodies , which are created on a territorial basis, we have six, inspections, they they go out with monitoring,
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first of all, to business objects with monitoring in order to prevent preventative measures, today, about 89 percent of supervision, this is directly monitored, based on a risk-based approach. andrey viktorovich, since we are talking about safety, i can’t help but ask you ... what measures are we taking to prevent unsafe products from entering the eurasian market and, in other words, how does our customs department combat violations of established prohibitions when moving goods? well, in continuation of those regulations, i can say that today customs authorities provide control over compliance with more than thirty technical regulations, we check the availability of the necessary documents when import of foreign goods, we also control, using mobile
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groups, the belarusian-russian section of the border, in total, for the current period, we have identified 50 violations in terms of those regulations, for the current year, currently 50, administrative offenses, but the total the amount of goods for which we have identified is more than 3 million belarusian rubles, as for bans and restrictions, this is quite serious, this is a technical regulation, only that part of the bans and restrictions that we have within the eu a single order, non-tariff regulation, but at the same time, each country can introduce temporary restrictions, temporary measures of non-tariff regulation, well, for example, the situation around our border has changed quite seriously recently. uh, today we , as customs authorities, are obliged to ensure
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, first of all, the protection of the domestic market, but not only in the domestic market, but not only so that they do not import, but also so that they do not export, do not export, that’s absolutely right, if in the fifteenth year in total within the framework of the eec there was, there were 13 temporary measures introduced by countries, today it is 45, that is, actually three times, this is more, all temporary measures introduced by state members of the eu, it doesn’t matter if it is armenia, kyrgyzstan has established temporary restrictions on the export of goods, belarusian customs officers provide control, in particular, in the republic of belarus, i can give an example, this is a resolution of the council of ministers, which introduced an extensive list of goods, limiting the export of industrial goods so that when unfriendly countries, not friendly for in order to prevent the removal of the machines, mechanisms of equipment on which our
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factories operate today, we are actively working in this direction and as an example i can give such cases since the introduction, it was the spring of 22, 212 economic customs authorities identified such violations and did not allowed, did not allow the export of these goods, i can also note in terms of import restrictions, goods that the government has determined are limited to import from unfriendly countries, yeah, we work both at the border and inside the country, with the aim of identifying them and suppressing their use and preventing them from entering economic circulation. to date, since the 70th resolution of the council of ministers came into force, we have identified 1,500 violations, prevented the import of more than 8,000 tons of goods from unfriendly countries, bypassing, let's say, a response... to unfriendly actions against our country, the total amount of goods is more than 7.5
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million dollars, what fate befell these goods? confiscation, no way, this is export, unconditional export, and of course, having said about the safety of our citizens, about security, this is certainly the fight against drug trafficking; over the last three years, customs authorities have detected more than 2 tons of 100 kg. narcotic psychotropic substances, did they come to our country or even in transit? as a rule, these are large consignments in transit , as a rule, in transit through our country, and... for the current year we have already identified about 820 kg, this is why 224 criminal cases have been opened, on the fact of the movement of narcotic drugs, only one summary suggests itself, that block, with yours speech, work brothers , the world is transforming, the unipolar
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system is being replaced by a multipolar one, and the eac can and should become...' one of the centers of gravity and unification, therefore the participating countries support initiatives aimed at developing not only the union, but the whole of eurasia, which done and what the eurasian economic union should be like, in the story of olga anishchenko, please. armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and russia. the eurasian five has remained unchanged since the founding of the union in 2015, when five states declared their desire close economic cooperation. this is how the union of four appeared. freedoms, firstly, the movement of people, that is, citizens of the five countries can move without obstacles to live, work or study, and secondly, the movement of goods is a unified customs regulation, the free movement of products between countries in a simplified manner. thirdly, yas is the freedom of movement of services without restrictions for business, and finally capital. this means that citizens of the union can
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make payments, transfers across borders, and buy real estate without any obstacles. and invest. these possibilities. economic growth within the union and the progress of the region as a whole. the integration effect helps even in the harsh conditions of covid and then sanctions, but the economy adapts to these challenges, the latest data confirms this. the total gdp in the eu by the end of the year is expected to be 3%. experts echo that eurasian integration has taken place and is working despite external pressure. this arouses interest in the eurasian union throughout the world, among observers in the eu, already uzbekistan and cuba. a number of countries are working under free trade agreements, which facilitates and accelerates the development of trade relations, including vietnam, singapore, iran and serbia. the petit union made it possible to create a single domestic market of more than 180 million people, establish production chains, and increase the volume of mutual trade within the union. internal trade turnover in the eu has generally made a serious
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breakthrough; by the end of the year they expect a landmark figure of $100 billion. in 2015, integration volumes were half as low, while starting from a share cooperative goods in trade in 30%, this year it will be no less than 43. the reality of sanctions poses new tasks for the countries of the five, strengthening technological sovereignty is one of the most important, this is the basis for the further development of the union. according to various estimates, more than a quarter of industrial goods imported into the union, worth approximately $70 billion, per year can be replaced by national producers. industrial cooperation is the key to the solution. this task. it will allow creating products under the eurasian brand and forming new import substitution projects. eurasian electric bus already made under the eu brand, a pilot example. but in general, the priority sectors for working together are microelectronics, machine tool manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and microbiology, which is important, the foundation for financing has been laid, for the first time within
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the framework of the five. the projects needed by the union will support the single eu budget. annually to provide financial support to the enterprise. the union will allocate about 20 million dollars, the mechanism has already been developed, the main thing is that the participating countries should be interested in at least three. joint production projects are just one of the tracks for further deepening work within the eu, another one is trade, removal of barriers, elimination of obstacles, exemptions, step by step countries are moving towards the common goal of a single market. this year, we agreed to eliminate eight out of eleven trade barriers; this contributes to the growth of mutual trade; over the 8 months of the year, its volume added quite a bit of 10%. another consequence of the sanctions is the transition to national currencies in mutual settlements , almost a spurt in the past and this year. 80% according to the results. and also the interest of not only minsk and moscow is a trend for the entire union. but in general, integration processes in the eu are becoming more intense. sanctions only
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push countries and stick to each other, this ensures the stability of the union’s economies. experts believe it is eurasian. do we have every chance of becoming a self-sufficient pole of a multipolar world and a center of gravity for other countries, just like us, who share the principles of honest , fair cooperation on equal terms? it must be stated that the eurasian economic the union has taken its rightful place in the geo-economic landscape, in fact, it is the second highest level of economic integration in the world, in less than 10 years it has been possible to achieve obvious integration results, but respected experts, of course, we talked to you today about quite complex and high aspects. .. matters, but if we return to the level of ordinary people, people who go to stores, watch our program now, let’s answer the following
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question: what will belarus get from participation in the eurasian economic union? belarusian, an ordinary russian and an ordinary citizen of another country , a member of the eurasian economic union, these are the effects, what are the advantages from the point of view of everyday life, in our country the labor activity of citizens of a member of the union can be carried out on the territory of all countries without discrimination, on the basis of labor civil law contracts without permitting documents, for remuneration, for labor protection, working hours, all this is approximately on equal terms, and without , i emphasize, without discrimination, income tax is also for everyone and is the same depending on well, it’s the same as for citizens of the state of employment, that is, without any discrimination, and
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the work without borders application has been launched, there is an information resource on educational institutions, today we did not talk about such a great achievement of the union, this is how they function markets for services, that is, we have created unified markets for various services, yes, at first we agreed that the unified market for services would include 142 types of services, yes, this is approximately 30% of all services provided, this and advertising, and retail, and household services, certain construction services, now in addition, at the end of december twenty-two, there was an agreement at the level of heads of state that another 117 types of services would be added to this single market, and this plus tourism, also so... important direction, all these services, you don’t need to obtain any additional permits, licenses in order to come to another country to provide these services, that is, without, without discrimination, elina
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mikhailovna, what is the advantage of an alliance with the position of the average person, but i would probably say that ours, any citizen of the union, receives a wide, safe assortment of products that are really, today, safe, that is, by all the legislative documents adopted within the union, a priori safe, we hope that this it will also be of high quality. andrei viktorovich, what do ordinary belarusians get from integration, from your point of view, well, from our point of view, this is unambiguous, the lack of customs control between state members of the eu is probably united rules for crossing the border, no matter where you cross the border, talk about how you
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see the future of the eurasian economic union. alesya nikolaevna. it seems to me that each country must overcome its national, let’s say selfish interests, and strive to balance its national and supranational policies. the center of gravity in the world order, and of course, as we know, the last year showed that it was important to do this, economic, technological sovereignty, energy, food and so on. elena mikhailovna, well , firstly, it’s probably still ensuring security in all areas, yes, this is the right technological sovereignty, well, i would probably answer like this, from probably to creation, in this way, andrey viktorovich, well, i i see the first framework in the world
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of unification, why not, you need to set ambitious goals for yourself, dreams, they are like that, they tend to come true, and no matter how individual destructive resources predict that they are about to begin there centrifugal tendencies in... the union, that maybe after some time its number, i mean, participants, not only will not increase, but will even decrease, so to spite them, they need to set such ambitious goals. dear experts, thank you for your opinion , thank you for taking the time to come to our studio, moyonka 9, on wednesday evening, we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, appreciate reliable partners, build respectful good neighborly relations with them, and let the economic environment be auspicious, goodbye.
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we do not tell dry historical facts, we introduce the era. the geta is so outstanding that on the next month you can swim for an hour. there was gradzishcha here, then zamak, and then zeinichaya tsarkva. symon budny was able to give out here the prime minister and his galounay pratsy, the bible. artifacts from centuries-old history, a real puzzle for... the belarusian family of narkevich yotka and meaning that all the ancestors of this family were warriors, the task of our guides is to ignite your desire to touch the belarusian culture personally, dyvany - geta the soul of the belarusian people is dying on
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the bridge. the dachshunds of the noble families grew accustomed to these journeys, and as such burial vaults took the form of a pyramid, travel with the tv channel belarus 24.
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culinary art is at the same time an art and science, it requires more than just knowledge of products and methods preparations. it includes what flora and fauna give us in the form of ingredients, two stories of the formation of belarusian chefs
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who made themselves... themselves, national work, you know, sometimes it can trigger panic, there are moments like this, well, i remember from my youth, when there are a lot of orders, you start to panic, everything falls out of your hands , then it’s just like a snowball, then nothing can be stopped, then the day is very unfortunate , in general, you can fail everything, all the work, well, there have been such cases, a long time ago, sometimes it happens when you see that with... i then shout: stop the kitchen, and either in normal words, or, let’s say, not very normal words, i i’m trying to assemble a kitchen, most often it works, sometimes, well, i have to look at the situation, sometimes it happens that it’s enough to just stop and indicate to the guys that it’s calm, we’ll do everything, everything will be fine, or sometimes, let’s say, blurt out on the table, there are two dents on the table, blurt out on the table and so that they got together, sometimes
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you have to, you have to clearly understand when, what method to use, guys, this is spaghetti sunshine, they gave away the beef, no, no, after how long, after how many, 2 minutes i heard, these are fries, nuggets from spaghetti fries too 2 minutes, 5 minutes heard, it happens sometimes, it happens, yes, sometimes, well, there are bites, there are no stubs, of course, i don’t shout, sometimes it’s softer, sometimes it’s harsher, but. well, it happens sometimes , yes, it does exist, as soon as you show slack in the kitchen, they will immediately sit on your neck, you won’t be able to be a chef, everyone should, everyone should understand that you are older, that you have a lot of responsibility, you can delegate it to their, let's say, subordinates, but they must obey you, first of all they must respect you, then obey, not be afraid, just respect and obey, if the cook is afraid of the chef in my opinion, yes, well, this is not
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that’s right, sooner or later he will leave as a chef, and i... want the guys who work for me, if they suddenly leave, to take the maximum of the knowledge that i have, because later in this profession, it will help them, so cut this up so it can stand for a month, which is better? and you mean yes , then you will give everything away little by little, now come on, how i came to belarusian cuisine, also quite an interesting story, naturally, from the start i was very much interested in asia, the east, or rather, i really loved japanese kitchen, i opened the very first restaurant of japanese cuisine, territory, but this story happened, in 2008, we went to the culinary olympiad from the national team, the belarusian national team, these are the olympiads. every 4 years in the city of erfort, so we went to participate, and i noticed that all countries, in fact all countries, they brought their national cuisine, but from the point of view of modern, well, at that time,
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modern trends, only we brought such a hodgepodge, we had something from japan, something from china, something from europe, everything else, then we didn’t have anything that global belarusian, we didn’t even show pancakes, in fact, here i was on my way back, we drove for a long time, almost two days, then we got there by bus, so i understand, that there’s something wrong with this, well, it can’t be like that, i started studying, uh, from me, i found, or rather, how i found it, my mother gave me a notebook, which i saw, i saw it often, but i i almost didn’t look into it, this is the notebook of my great-grandmother, who wrote down her recipes, the only thing there is a nuance, there are some russian words, belarusian, polish, but i... was able to make out some things there and translate everything else from polish into, let’s say, russian, and i realized that i absolutely don’t know my cuisine, and i it seemed very offensive , and somehow it was not deserved,
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when i started studying the first, first steps, i realized that it was very interesting, then on the internet, what collections of belarusian cuisine were there or some books on belarusian kitchen or something else and... and found a long one lithuanian cook, i have it here, this is the sixth edition from polish, 1885, lithuanian cook is considered, probably, one of the most famous collections of dishes of belarusian cuisine, but this dish is not, say, not country cuisine, and this is more a dish of urban cuisine, because there is such a mixture, there are sorcerers, there are bigus, there are also... schnitzel nelson and chops and everything else, that is, strictly speaking, this is gentry cuisine, let's say, but again -you can still see that people cooked, how they prepared it, this is our history, this is our history, i am belarusian , my children are belarusian, my ancestors were belarusian, this is
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my family, i wonder what happened here, because now some historical facts periodically come up, and something that, as if in my childhood, i didn’t know about, they didn’t talk about, but about princes, about some... which we can show, tell , show to our guests who come here to our country, well, it’s just that for years to come, for years to come, here is belarusian cuisine there is such a thing. is there something consonant with the name? italian lasagna , that's right, the same vereshchaka, according to some, or rather, according to some legends, probably, or some stories, for example, they believe that
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the french brought us vereshchaka, they brought a recipe for white sausages or so-called ones in a very spicy beer sauce , they called this dish vereshchak, and vereshchak is the conductor of the mochanka. that is, well, these are the combinations, a lot of all sorts of nuances, uh, people visited each other, studied, watched, used some dishes, took some for themselves, yes, there was always this interweaving of some cultures, sorcerers, sorcerers, this is already a tatar dish, kundums, some kind of filling in the dough, that’s why the tatars served as guards for the grand duke of lithuania for quite a long time, accordingly they prepared some dishes someone apparently saw their own, kundims, sorcerers, that is, there is consonance. the belarusian sorcerers have started preparing everything
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now. we have a process going on here, for example, preparation, applying sauce, we apply sauce to our pork ribs in three stages, that is, look at which rib, here all the whole product... we have selected , look, these are our branded pork ribs, look how beautiful, everything is cut, perfect, with ideal content, meat in proportions, everything, everything is gorgeous, which means, uh, we also have it here are present, the assortment is really large, that is , all parts of meat, beef, pork, poultry are present, that is, there are beef tongues, there is also beef brisket, there are flax, ribs, pork ears, that is, everything, and there are kebabs here, pos. fry, that is, there are pig ears, there is still no process of applying the sauce
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passed, look, gorgeous juicy ears , with regards to which piece of meat is good, how best to choose it, uh, well, naturally, if you look, then you need to trust, that is , trusted manufacturers, yes, that is, proven in the market, but also there are nuances here, uh, in the choice itself...' proper preparation of meat, so that there is an understanding when you come, for example, to the market, and they tell you that there is the freshest steamed veal or something else, then i tell you i will say more, from the point of view of medicine, science and everything else, this is meat, it should not consumed as food, why, well, maybe now i’ll say a little rudely, yes, but in fact this is so, meat after slaughter must be hung out , the process begins... it is hung out, if
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this concerns good beef, then this should be at least 12 days, the fibers and muscles disperse from the meat , tension is relieved, they become softer, protein breakdown occurs , that is, well, let’s just say, chemical processes in the meat, then the meat becomes soft, pliable, now the trend of cooking at home is returning again , after all people forgot about it, many. have already begun to trust, that is, the delivery of food to everything else, now they are now starting to cook themselves, now this question is really becoming relevant, how to choose what to choose, excluding meat from the diet, especially for men, is probably strictly prohibited, in my opinion, happens later so to speak, processes in the body. which we don’t really need, yes, that is
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, mostly negative, this is how people are structured, this is how the world is structured, that meat is an integral product in our diet, so yes, we need to eat it, only it all depends on the type, well, in what form we will use it, that is , it is clear that many have health problems there and so on, that is , use less fried, smoked. something else, that is, there are processes of cooking, stewing, stewing, well, whatever, but i think the meat should be krutsevo, not because i am connected with meat, because this must be done, belarusian cuisine relations, us everyone calls them bulbash, why are they scared, i have a question, well, just like that, if you figure out that the belarusian nation has appeared there, in the time of peter i, when potatoes were brought to us, well, if you take it, no, our history goes back thousands of years, or maybe even more, existence, what kind of history
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is that this product took root potatoes have received their, let’s say, mass recognition, yes, no one denies this, it’s good, it’s really there, well, it’s in demand here, but look what belarusian cuisine is based on, we have thousands of dishes there at once , yes, there are potatoes there, roughly speaking, one way or another, before coming, it was the same as in russian cuisine, figuratively speaking, russian... cuisine is adapted cuisine from all over the world, i suppose i don’t think that i’m a bulbash, well, not because i’m not belarusian, yes, i’m not because i’m not attached, my country, i i think my nationality is everything else , it’s not tied to potatoes, we have many other things , more valuable and more important than potatoes, well, if someone wants to call us that, well , let them call us, if they don’t say what they are called , some can be given an example, yes, since we are bulbash, yes, like that, then there are paddling pools, there are pasta bars
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, well, it would be correct to call it that too, well, let it remain that way, that’s always the case for me, that’s... the restaurant business, public catering, yes it costs exactly the same as for a chef, and the first question is not about the money before there is everything... so let's say , well, your own rider, yes, that is, what do i need from this business, i need something from this business, that is, freedom of action, that is , any boss should have freedom of action, because the boss is responsible for the entire establishment, for its vital activity, for everything, second
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probably, this is, so to speak, comfortable working conditions, well, and the money is probably already after the third, that is, this is not far from the first, there is a position, yes, as they say, on the list, for which everyone is fighting, although there are such people there is a lot of business, that is, they don’t care what they do, just to get paid, they don’t pay money here, we earn money, getting into the restaurant business is a very difficult road, very hard work, where is this money earned, in fact, you need to constantly surprise guests with something, you can’t leave for one position, there for a certain number of years, feed every day, how long will it last for us? in our terminology, staffing table, grid, this means, let’s call it whatever you like, yes, that is, such positions are
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official in belarus, no, we have a production manager there. the manager there can be a restaurant, the manager there, i don’t know , a trading floor, whatever, but just like a chef, this is not, this is, so to speak, western viennese, yes, well, that’s right, we’ve just just started come to this. not only do they need constant training muscles, but also the brain. at first glance, it may seem that intelligence and erudition are far from sports, but we will prove that this is not at all the case.
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the lexicon of which sport belongs to the term “jep”, martial arts, martial arts, of course, jep is a blow, let’s say, with a standing hand, we connected logic and correctly answered the question: according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions questions. this device can be used in several sports, name at least one of them. i'm guessing it's a shooting. this wrong answer, the centenary is celebrated not from the day of the first olympic games, but from the day of the formation of the international olympic committee. here is a question, let’s say, with a trick. whoever proves that he is the main sports expert of the country, whoever scores the most points by the end of the game will be the winner. nazar takes the lead, and this is perhaps the main event of the second round, the fourth period, friends, the culmination, the denouement of our project. watch the intellectual competition
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show, head game on our tv channel. the main function is to come up with dishes , train the staff to ensure that the technology is not violated and the yield of the dish is the same as before vsharkov came up with it, and
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again, constantly learn yourself , that is, the profession of a cook, you are constantly learning, that is, if some chef he said that i know everything, already everything, i started as a cook’s apprentice, near golkovova park there was a small establishment, a house of writers, and there was a cafe there in this duma, so from there i started as a cook’s apprentice, my first task that was given to me when i came to work, i i peeled 30 kg of onions, after that i don’t cry, that’s all that could be burned, then it got tanned, sometimes you come across one very vigorous one, but this one is dripping. all the glass after that, i don’t cry and there was a good school there, just like this kind of soviet catering , you could fry 500 in one shift, for example... when i fried 3,000 pancakes or pancakes, that is, you come home, you close your eyes and
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pancakes fly in front of your eyes chug-chug-chug, it happened, but in any case, as in any profession, you need a good school, if you prepare puree, then you need to understand how to prepare it, do not punch it with an immersion blender, without turning it into a paste, beat it, let’s say , or add something else, when , when to add cream, when to add milk, when to add butter, what - something else... that is , there are a lot of such nuances, and now young guys who come here, as a rule , forget this basic thing, either they teach it poorly, or they don’t know, i noticed, you know, that, that people who come to the restaurant is not from the chef's profession, but simply comes and says: i i want to be a cook, i say, okay , there are no questions, you go to courses, get a certificate, do it, a health certificate and come, so these are the people, they... are more purposeful, it is easier for them to give knowledge, they accept it more easily, they become good cooks. there are guys
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who come as if to a factory, they have worked their shift and left, but there are quite a lot of guys who are interested, get promoted, go somewhere to study, correspond with chefs literature, when i started, there was only one book about tasty and healthy food, very for a long time, and now google can help, as they say, there is a lot of literature, if you want to get some information, go there. i found it on the internet, and you can find it in a bunch of different interpretations, you choose it for yourself, you start thinking, you don’t like it, you change it, that is, well, you can constantly train, learn, develop even on your own, without going anywhere, but when you go somewhere live you see, this is completely different, fortunately there are enough products in belarus, they can be, uh, let’s say, if you take them for some specific direction there, let’s say for japanese cuisine here or there, i don’t know for spanish cuisine, they are most likely the same for italian cuisine, yes, maybe they are quite expensive, because if you take real
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italian flour, then the cost of pizza there or some kind of bread, that the chabata itself will grow several times, so our chefs cook from belarusian flour, but in terms of meat, by and large , belarusian meat is quite good, it’s not for nothing, let’s say, at one time, probably even now, the same belarusian beef very good, they are in demand in russia, pork, well, we have always had a lot of our own good pork, poultry is also good, again, it’s not in vain that our guests come to our country, guests from russia, from ukraine and say that our, our pork is the most delicious. hello everyone, and today i’ll tell you how to make a good tasty kebab, how
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can i say what kind of chef i am, well , today, today, probably, no, well, in terms of what’s not that no , as a specialist, yes, in terms of the fact that now my work is a little connected with the other, have i self-realized, achieved something, i think so, uh, no, the final goal, the final one, which means i haven’t achieved my idea, why? a lot has not yet been realized, i never set myself the goal of becoming famous for anything else, i’m not a showman and this is not my task, not my job, my task is to do what i was going for all the time, that is, this here is mass coverage specifically for products, i’m not looking for easy ways for myself and i’m not changing my initially set goal, i’m still well


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