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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 3, 2023 3:20pm-3:56pm MSK

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buns and koravai are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the ortel field is called a green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day are consumed by our city , less and less, unfazed by the growth of the population , because the consumption of other high-calorie products has fallen, it is important that pork is small, it has died experience for fish and bird, and salt - 9 tone for a day, eight for a day , 10 kalgasau, three ancestral successions the pioneers of their products have lived, their design arganizatsiya, khovishcha, garrodnina and
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gardens, branded stores and direct ties with foreign partners and high-quality currency. all this is first ў republic of agrarian industrial complex zakhodnі bug. for everyone's sake, the land will be a great honor. what mararyli nekali kamunara ab future? at home, the sunny day becomes more subdued than their cruelest thoughts. only the strong harmony of culture and agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitsa region to grow like this rich ўrajay. hanusa experimental station kalgasam will eliminate the michuryn methods of the rural gas reserve and grow new crops. the exhibitions were opened in the holy city of kalgas.
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"kalgasnae nobles of belarus zmagaetstsa for further roskvit rural gaspadarki, bloody olympics: the tragic events in munich in 1972 could be repeated during the games in paris, hand over the button, why the world was on the brink of nuclear war. and is there a way out, we will discuss with a
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chinese analyst academy of social sciences, thorns and roses, as it was 20 years of the first color revolution in the post-soviet space, the man who warned the ex-northern deputy of ukraine, oleg tsarev, with exclusive details about the coup 10 years later. preparations are underway to incite a civil war in ukraine. deep fakes in action, art. intelligence at the service of political strategists, what will the new color revolutions be like? poland is at risk, as litter will prepare the ground for change. trends in the new world order, events that make you keep your finger on the pulse of time, what you should pay attention to attention to each of us, let's figure it out together. the middle east is trending. for political
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confrontation: the region has traditionally been in the sphere of strategic interests of the white house, vast mineral reserves have become a blessing and a curse for the local population. in recent years, the united states has repeatedly interfered in the internal affairs of sovereign states and staged open intervention. the middle east is literally under occupation by american troops, as evidenced by the number of bases in the region. at in this regard , israel plays a key role in promoting its interests. israel is a stronghold for us, it's almost like having an aircraft carrier in the middle east, it's our oldest ally, if israel disappears, russia, china and the brix plus countries will control 90% of the world's oil and it will be a disaster for us national security. in many ways, this explains what is happening in israel today; the white house has been proposing to resolve the palestinian issue for a long time, and... the scenarios
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completely exclude the interests of the local population, although let's be honest, when such a trifle interested the gentlemen sitting on capitol hill. in 2021, the current prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, spoke in his telegram channel about how he was offered to occupy palestine using the afghan model. in 2013 , us secretary of state john kerry approached me. he invited me to make a secret visit to afghanistan, he said, to see how the united states had created a local military force that could stand up to terrorism on its own. the message was clear. the afghan model is the model the us wants to implement with the palestinians. i politely declined, i completely rejected the idea. i then assumed that the moment the united states left afghanistan, everything would collapse. we will get a similar result if we give up parts of our homeland to the palestinians. 10
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years after that same rejected proposal, the united states and israel are discussing the creation of an interim government in the lawn sector. american reports this with reference to its sources. the afghan experience of the white house is in demand in full and in all aspects, for example, in 2020, after an attempt by the international criminal court to investigate american war crimes in afghanistan, washington imposed sanctions against officials of this department, they were banned from entering the united states and their assets were frozen. the initiative to delve into dirty american coulsons has abruptly evaporated. euronews is kind to us. that turkey has filed a lawsuit against netanyahu with the above-mentioned authority. an israeli political scientist suggests repeating the success story. we haven't actually heard a strong statement from the united states yet. states, regarding various threats from the international criminal court, that it
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will enter into action there and begin to investigate israel’s crimes in gas. i would really like to finally hear this position, because when such statements were made to the united states, as we remember, with the aim of investigating. the actions of american soldiers in afghanistan, the united states simply immediately imposed total sanctions on the international criminal court of all its employees, this continued until muus abandoned his plans, something the same should be demanded from the united states. the horrific footage from the gas sector does not leave anyone indifferent and continues to provoke a natural reaction around the world. muslim diasporas are going out to protests demanding to stop the war and mass deaths. population. the protestors' indignation is fueled by double standards and hypocritical statements from western politicians. the result is a rapid rise in anti-semitism. in canada, they called for a repeat of the events of crystal night. two jewish schools were attacked in montreal. according to the ministry
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internal affairs of france since october 7, 1,159 incidents have been recorded in the country. this is more than three times the statistics for last year. american jazz. israeli -born singer noa has postponed her tour of france due to safety concerns. graffiti depicting the stars of david began to actively appear on the streets of paris. in total , more than 250 such acts of vandalism were recorded in the french capital. the anti-semitic action is reminiscent of the historical past of europe, when jewish houses were marked with the stars of david establishments. i saw the stars. i think this is important, i'm shocked because it makes me extremely sad, i'm crying because i felt again the hatred that was in us when we were children, i don't understand it, considering everything that happened before, to do this again, now, i don’t think this
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is right, the appearance of the symbols coincided with a surge in mass protests across europe, with anti-war rallies being harshly suppressed, which causes even more... hatred among muslim communities in the region. israeli ambassador to britain tzipihaveli said in an interview with the daily telegram that being a jew in london is now more dangerous than in israel. according to a collective study by israeli departments, the level of anti-semitism in the world has increased by 1.180%. brussels, in its usual manner, expresses deep concern about what is happening. in defiance of the protesters, officials are holding rallies in support of israel. the surge in anti-semitic incidents across europe has reached extraordinary levels over the past few days, reminiscent of some of the darkest times in history. european jews today again live in fear. we have seen a resurgence
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of anti-semitic incidents and rhetoric in the european union and around the world. molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue in germany. the stars of david were atomized. residential buildings in france, a jewish cemetery in austria was desecrated, jewish synagogue shops were attacked in spain, demonstrators chanted slogans of hatred against jews. in these difficult times, the eu supports its jewish communities. meanwhile, law enforcement agencies are increasingly warning about terrorist threats. acts. the hungarian politician published a report from the country's intelligence services, according to which there are threats of terrorist attacks in the eu. brazilian police have uncovered a radical network whose members were recruiting people to commit acts of terror in jewish centers and synagogues. against this background, the israeli press is asking a logical question: can the olympics in paris in 2024 become a repeat of the tragic events in munich in 1972. in those tragic
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days, militants of the black september organization attacked members of the israeli team at olympic games. the terrorists easily climbed over the chain-link fences surrounding the olympic village and entered the team building, catching the sleeping people by surprise. as a result of the attack, 11 athletes and one policeman were killed. the current surge: anti-semitism in the world may develop tragically. eyewitnesses to crystal night are alarmed by what is happening. i witnessed the destruction of jewish-owned shops and synagogues during the november pogroms in germany. i was there during crystal night, then i was in vienna. for this happened to me often, never again. this has been the leitmotif of everything that has been said for decades, to see what is happening in. origins and more importantly, what really upsets me is to see that
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there is no mass popular reaction against this. the olympic games in paris, like any other large-scale international event , are becoming a priority target for terrorist attacks; attempts by the host country to hush up the threats and challenges that arise today put athletes and spectators of the olympic games at risk. in not only the muscles, but also the brain needs constant training. at first glance, it may seem that intelligence and erudition are far from sports, but we will prove that this is not at all the case, the lexicon of which sport does the term “jep” belong to, martial arts, martial arts , of course, jep is a blow, let’s say, with the front hand under. logic and answered the question correctly: according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods,
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answering not the easiest questions. this device can be used in several sports, just name it one of them, i'll assume it's shooting. this is the wrong answer. the centenary is celebrated not from the day of the first olympic games, but from the formation of the international olympic committee. here is a question, let’s say, with a trick. who will prove it? that he is the country's main sports expert. whoever scores the most points at the end of the game will be the winner. nazar takes the lead, and this is perhaps the main event of the second round. the fourth period, friends, the culmination, the denouement of our project. see intellectual-sportive show: head game on our tv channel. adventure of foreigners in belarus. what's going on here. carefully. the village , so to speak, is a tourist village, the residents here are not permanent , but everything is there, yes, hello,
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hello, we try to restore all the houses using ancient technologies that were used in those days, a guy from ecuador travels through our entire village, i want live in the village, i will build my city there, a tourist city, i will live there, eat here please, bon appetit, this is only for one, this just for one, you know that in my country i only saw this on a piece of candy or on a zhubashka, but i haven’t tried it in real life, i’ll go further, i need to travel around belarus, around belarus, he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country , i would stay here, of course, good work and food, i’m glad when i listen to belarusian music, i have no words, when i feel it then it just burns inside, look at the belayaro travel project. on the belarus 24 tv channel
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about the growing terrorist threat, openly they say in the usa, former wall street journal editor-in-chief gerard becker published a column in the times with the following headline on september 11, the only question is when, and not if, the practical confirmation of his words were the security measures at the ats itself. the western establishment is shaking in its joints. afraid of his own people, afraid of the consequences of righteous anger. the streets were surrounded by unusually high fences and a permit system was installed. to avoid disgrace, in anticipation of the respected sidzenping, they even removed homeless people from the streets and washed the sidewalks. truth to results these efforts had no effect on the meeting. biden , in his unique repertoire, ruined all
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the diplomatic attempts of his team. mr. president, today you are still. you consider the chairman to be a dictator, using the term you used earlier, so he is a dictator, in the sense that he is a person who leads a communist country, a system of government completely different from ours. it was already clear in principle that there was no reason to expect breakthrough results from the meeting on the sidelines of the summit. paandadiplomacy turned around, three pandas from the zoo in washington returned to their historical homeland in china. the reason is the difficult relations between the two countries. the celestial empire has been practicing paandadiplomacy for approximately 1500 years. the national symbol of the state is sent to different countries to build relationships. at the same time, pandas continue to remain the property of china. the end of the peculiar american cadence of animals listed in the red book is a clear signal for the white house.
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we talked about global security and the prospects for the formation of a new world order with an analyst at the chinese academy of social sciences, now large countries, russia, the usa , china, are indeed trying to find, maybe somewhere, common ground on some issues, on some issues ongoing disputes, in your opinion, the role of small medium-sized states, such as belarus in the current geopolitical situation , what it is, i believe that now this is important, especially the new international... world, this is a new order, we still need to create some good platform, through some good mechanism, but we also need some kind of multilateral cooperation, and a small
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country, it is possible through such a space to play a role, they will be able to use their own... advantage to play a more important role in the region, even in the entire planet, what is eurasia for you personally, where does it begin and where does it end, well i believe that evrati begins, of course, culture, but here it is a different civilization, but we can through the civilization of civilization, we would have a very good experience, but good cooperation, we need to see what more has passed. the future of the world, this is where it is going, we need to find some a good way to collaborate. what is the number one issue, the most important topic in the current global security system? of course, cooperation is important, the most important. cooperation, yes, joint, this is important, how this cooperation will develop, because at the moment,
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unfortunately, we are only tracking confrontation. with other countries, so we need to cooperate first between countries, the world so the south, developing countries, also such as china, russia, other countries, belarus, we need this first cooperate, but here it is then we go through some kind of discussion, and we come out with a good
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initiative, a good initiative, as a rule, we will be able to change the current world, i think. how do you assess the peacekeeping initiatives of official minsk and belarus is also a very peace-loving country and its leaders, its people are already showing such an effort, they want to create some kind of good relations with neighboring countries, with all countries, belarus is also already cooperating, has good relations of strategic cooperation with this is the majority of countries world, so this is... minsk, well, the topic is also very relevant, very good, but now it is of course important for development, this is stability, this is security, so we can do it through discussion. find some common language, a common right. china offers the concept of a common destiny for humanity, in your opinion, why is it so popular today, that is, many countries
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really express a desire to join this project in general to build their future together with china, what is the secret, this is a fair approach to everyone partners, equal opportunities for everyone, what does it consist of? i think that why such one would be this community structure is very important, very relevant for the development of the world, because now the world is in such a very key moment and now we need to develop this, especially the current situation is changing very quickly, we need let's find some suitable path, a path to the future, i think what is important, of course, is openness, we need to resolve this issue through collaboration. in the relationship between two main
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geopolitical players china and the united states, the point of tension remains the status of thawing. surely this question was brought to the attention of american diplomats, especially since in less than 2 months, in january 2024 , presidential elections are scheduled to take place there. sinologists are confident that the situation in the region can change dramatically, about chinese forces are rapidly gaining popularity, in 2022, the ruling democratic progressive party miserably failed local elections , the party leader and the current president in taiwan, tsai ing-wen is unlikely to be able to maintain her post without external support, and, as we understand, it can be very different; in 2019, an activist tried to kill about the chinese politician junyu saho.
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methods and forms of combating the physical elimination of political opponents and spontaneous protests by radical activists are the hallmark of the fading hegemon. shouldn't you and i know this? in addition, in november of this year the date since the implementation of the first color revolution in the post-soviet space is rounded off. exactly 20 years ago the famous russian revolution happened. the first color revolution in the cis, and beyond the former. in the soviet union, such revolutions could still be counted on one hand; accordingly, the technologies were just being developed at that time, some tools were later improved, and
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some were abandoned altogether. georgia was hardly chosen by chance; it was ruled by eduard shivardnadze, an extremely unpopular politician who turned the country into a real one. in general, the colored technologists had no particular reason to change the georgian bosses, for with perhaps two exceptions: to hone the art, to carry out coups d'etat, to establish a regime that is somewhat more stable, although more radically pro-western, after eduard shevardnadze was declared the winner of the presidential election, crowds took to the streets, led by kmarovites, and functionaries of opposition parties, local police against them turned out to be powerless, not only was she literally corroded by corruption, but in addition
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, the entire arsenal developed by the ideologist of the color revolutions, gene sharp, was used against her. this toolkit is well known to women in white, flowers shoved into the barrel of rifles, any broken nose is declared a brutal murder. on november 22, shivard nadze declared himself president at a parliamentary meeting, he barely managed to escape when the building was seized by colored revolutionaries, the order to restore order was late, the police had already been propagandized, in general, shivvardnadze could only resign. then the decade of saakashvili began, the results of which georgians even seemed to remember with sadness. the first time in tbilisi is active.
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foreign journalists, who liked to publish materials under the clichéd name of why georgia succeeded, were especially delighted by two things - police stations with transparent walls, and the fact that the salaries of the ministers of the new government were quite officially paid by soros, then the truth turned out that in the crystal palaces of the police they still torture prisoners, with salaries it was even easier, and saakashvili eliminated grassroots corruption and giving a bribe to a traffic cop... is impossible, but at the very top bribery reigned in akhanali, there is no such thing happened before, even in the darkest years. the interests of the state , as it were, in the subjective prism of that power, began to dominate over freedoms, liberties, expression of will, freedom of the media, and so on and so forth, that is, the tendency to usurp power, well, it went
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very quickly, let’s say, finally, in the new georgia they easily killed enemies of saakashvili. he is, in particular, suspected of exterminating prime minister zhvania. the country's new political system was also structured interestingly. soros was still on the rise under early saakashvili bought by the local government. later , various ngos and public organizations supported by grants began to grow in the country like mushrooms. now there are already several thousand of them, considering that there is always enough food in georgia. it was difficult, the guaranteed $500-700 ngoshnye made a person happy, getting into such an organization is the dream of a real georgian. as a result , an amazing political system emerged, everything on the outside is like people’s, parliament, prime minister, president, separation of powers and similar decorative touches, in fact, governance was carried out through ngo, either the authorities were forced to carry out their will, or if
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they resisted on the street... a multi-thousand-dollar soros asset was born, while soros himself was no longer even the main grantmaker, ngo was supported by the european union, the state department, and funds of the republican and democratic parties. this is today the main national business, the new georgian oil, you won’t believe it, but there is even an office there for about 50 heads that is engaged in online trolling on the internet, although it would seem that georgians care nothing about belarus. just one chance to show your strength, here every correct answer brings the teams closer to the journey, every wrong answer to the journey, the setting is 70-80% i answer, but this is sitting at home from the couch, what was the name of this gang, if memory serves, a black cat, in honor what holiday alexander, dozhinki, dozhinki, of course, absolutely right, ice
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arena. which is home to the extra league club molodechno to demonstrate its intellectual potential to the whole country , let's check out, check out, check out, imat, we don't play chess, check out - this is a dying state king, when there is just one more action, one more step, and then there will be checkmate, this soviet athlete is recognized as the best hockey player of the century according to the international hockey federation. sergey, i think that vladislav trisyak is absolutely right , the smartest and bravest people gather here, this egg, what kind of chicken egg, chocolate egg, can move, quietly, watch the intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus 24 tv channel, the heroes of this program chose life outside the city, this is something
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ancestral, all of our... my brothers and fathers lived with their ladies, falvarks. we arrived here near the forest, here there is more silence and tranquility. there they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. there was an idea to stage an opera to the music of manyushka, verbom nobel, i was starting to open a theater, and here all the fires, laks, everything was in the fields, they opened a farm, so they rented 150 hectares. land, we will continue to plow and re-cultivate the land, the task of the leader is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, and to complete several tasks around the house, rodok bulba, yago needs to be picked up, judging by the sweaty helmet, you might get the impression that yesterday i celebrated some kind of birthday or anniversary, but this is not so, well, there’s a red tractor, why didn’t we load into it, see the project i from
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the village, on the belarus tv channel. 24! not everyone can learn from the mistakes of others, how to look into tomorrow, or rather , not only everyone can look, but not everyone can draw conclusions; politicians with complete chaos in their heads are traditionally led to stories about their own european exceptionalism, especially more so when they are backed by crisp banknotes and security guarantees. unfortunately, ukraine was no exception, the characters, fed by the left breast of soros, were able to seize power in... kiev, while there were people who perfectly understood that their homeland was being led to the slaughter and warned about what was coming from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada. activists
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of the public organization volya approached me, as a people's deputy of ukraine, and provided convincing evidence that on the territory of the state. preparation to incite a civil war in ukraine. two weeks ago , another attempt was made on oleg tsarev. the ukrainian politician, even 10 years after his famous statement, continues to pose a danger to the perpetrators of the coup. he knows too many names and details about those events, we ask you to share this information with us. hello, oleg, what do you think is connected with the attempt on your life? who could have acted as the customer? well, this is not the first, not the second or third attempt, but even in this case, the employees
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russian special services worked quite well, there were several groups, one was neutralized immediately, they worked independently of each other, the second... unfortunately, the second was missed in that it was a ukrainian trace, in general, this is not a secret, the detainees confirmed this , i am a fairly well-known political figure in ukraine, and a deputy of four convocations, i consistently opposed the ideology that has now become the state ideology in ukraine, participated in the opposition to the first maidan, the second maidan, i was the only politician who did not an official against whom... the west imposed the first sanctions, there were officials of the administration, yanukovych, and there was the only deputy who was not an official. in 2013, from the rostrum
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of the verkhovna rada, you warned your colleagues, deputies, that a coup was being prepared in the country, why they tried to drown out your speeches with chants, and in the end no measures were taken. i took advantage of the fact that i am the deputy leader of the faction and it sounded like an official statement, although it was not voted on by the faction, it was not a political statement forces, in fact, somewhere i went over the powers that, well, which in principle i had, that is, i am the leader of the faction or his deputy has the right to make a statement from the faction, at this time in parliament i made this statement when i.. . spoke, they shouted so much that i couldn’t hear myself, but the microphone was recording, that is, my ears didn’t hear what i was saying, but now you can make out what i was saying, and the deputies heard in the hall, because the sound the microphone was coming
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at me when i came down from the podium fists, one of my party members, anna german, rushed right with tears in her eyes , she represented us, the ukrainian wing, she once worked at radio liberty, and i didn’t know what to do, i went downstairs, she came at me with her fists that i had no right to speak, and my other comrade mikhail chechtov overtakes her, throws himself on my chest and says: oleg, well done, well, finally , at least you said something, someone can hear you, and so you saved me, so . then misha techitov was killed, yes, after the coup , four deputies were killed, one of them was mikhail chechetov. oleg, who was behind the financing of the structures that were preparing the coup? funding has begun.


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