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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 4, 2023 5:45pm-6:01pm MSK

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will be in this swamp, why not there, why do we have to return to belarus for this? well, let's start with the fact that kovalkova today is one of the representatives of that very same called opposition created by the west, but she, if it were literature, one could say that this is such a collective image, but in fact , there are really a lot of such collective images, you can take each one and it will be exactly like that, and kovalkova, she is immersed in all the processes that are happening today... if you take, for example, 2020, 2021, at the same time they were still at least a little flirtatious and said, who is sponsoring us? well, some belarusian diasporas, they resettle among themselves and sponsor themselves, yes, but then what happened, these diasporas, people requested audits, no audits are carried out, today the belarusian so-called opposition no longer flirts and does not hide the fact that it is being financed the west, the usa, by the way, we
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observed this in that very fragment, yes, that kovalkova spoke. kovalkova is immersed in all these processes, she knows it’s great how financing happens from the initial stage to the final stage, that is, to the recipient, well, in the opposite direction, how the reports flow, so she can really tell a lot, and for the fact that she can tell a lot and in detail, she can get hats, so of course, today kovalkova needs to be more careful when turning, this is really so, because even if...' to assume that the belarusian so-called opposition is not so radical, there are still people behind it intelligence services, and the intelligence services of these countries, are unlikely to want kovalkova to actually say anything. now they are starting a new financial year, they are writing a lot of projects for sub-financing, trying to promote all sorts of projects among their audience, do you think they will be able to get some kind of financing? at this stage they are now in the reporting period, that is, those that they received for
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2023, they need to report accordingly, after which , accordingly, the us state department will request money, or rather biden will request it for the state department and for various structures, then it will be directed to the needs of the so-called belarusian opposition. today it must be recognized that the us spends on belarus. significantly reduced , taking into account israel, ukraine, they are moving further and further from the trough, of course, and therefore it must be said that the belarusian so-called opposition, if we take the agenda, what they are now discussing in conditions of isolation from the belarusian world, and they are discussing that israel , they are discussing, we saw martynova, yes, how wonderfully she acted like a nazi, and we see that they are discussing ukrainian issues, but not the internal agenda, by the way, kovalkova even spoke about this, she said, we are discussing here...
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the eu, not the eu, but no way , not those processes that could at least influence the environment of the belarusian emigration, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for the emigration to live, while one young lady, along with a photograph of her husband, goes on trips abroad, for some reason it is becoming increasingly difficult for the belarusian emigration to live, today, those programs that they are published, well , every belarusian probably needs to read them, because this is rainbow, it’s almost like that, for example, from the same kovalkova, that is, well... there are no specifics from these leaders of the belarusian opposition today, sell this it will also be quite difficult, if it goes. and in your opinion, i wonder why they are now talking about the legitimacy of that cabinet, about the buffet that is being put forward to the piadistal, well, if we go back to 2020, those people who tried to bring the belarusian people on the street to conditions that, in principle, belarus has always wanted. quite stable, and the economy was
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stable, even despite some global economic turmoil, one of the main arguments was that we demand changes, like we demand changes in power, now it will be very interesting to watch, because, if we take into account, they as they say that we are building a kind of proto-state here between lithuania and poland, i would still call it a quasi-state, but in which there are presidents and so on, so here we have this president is now approaching... the end of his term, this quasi -state must also enter the electoral cycle, and now is precisely the period of time when immigrants and people who fled in 2020 must ask question: what did you actually do, and where did you get the money, and what did you do with this money, questions that have no answers, there are no and will not be answers to these questions, because going back again, nothing for the people who followed for this... these
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revolutionaries have done nothing for the people, even if we take the current situation with israel, tikhonovskaya is trying to get these people out somehow, i really liked what they wrote. plums, for example , but really, tikhonovskaya has money, when i say tikhonovskaya, i don’t mean her personally, she is still a person, this is her entourage, they have, have money to order a plane and bring people out , do they do it, no, they don’t do it and won’t do it, in connection with this, well , it will actually be very interesting to see what this little office or sharashkin's office, how will they be in general, they will have a change of power, they have their own people, what will they do, i believe that it is unlikely? speaking, this also sounded like it concerns the quasi-president, but they also have a quasi-parliament, but in your opinion, i wonder if they will try to somehow enter the belarusian agenda during the election campaign before the single voting day, they will try, and they have thoughts, although
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in fact it is very difficult to imagine how they will will implement them, because today, if i dare to assume, i am even more confident that if earlier they wrote some programs, they were helped, by the way, kovalkova spoke about this, she said that among so called the belarusian opposition, today there are only executors, but no carriers of ideas, today, one of the ideas is to bring some kind of voting on the internet, but by the way, this very well resembles the american template, yes, when they voted by mail, like this will be issued in transparency, this is a very big question, on social networks they will make a poll and vote, it can be done, it is certainly a great option, by the way, katya, thank you for your opinion, we will monitor the situation, thank you, poland has sheltered on its soil, there are too many belarusian prahindeans , was struck by nasty instability.
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parliamentary elections plunged the country into the abyss of confrontation, the ruling party was unable to gather a majority and is now forced to dodge to retain power. the polish i have been a politician for many years, i am an athlete, never in my life have i been so happy , having taken what seemed to be second place, poland won, democracy won, we removed them from power, i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all voters, you have done a great thing for yourself, for poland, for yours families, this is one of the most beautiful days in poland. i have no doubt that this day will go down in the history of poland as a bright day, as a day that opens a new era of revival of our republic, the second place of donald tusk pulled the rug out from under the feet of the ruling party, leader the civil platform was able to consolidate
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around itself all the opposition forces of poland, and it was not difficult for him to do this. kaczynski’s team so usurped power in the country and established the dictatorship of its regime that it became a common enemy for everyone, the election campaign literally took place under the conventional slogan: anyone but law and justice, to demonstrate their strength of popular support... the most important thing is this what donald tusk did at this march, remember all these discussions before october 1, will there be a repeat 4 june, after which the congress of the third way , the left, began, because in fact they showed themselves to be vassals of donald tusk. on october 1 , donald tusk did everything to show that no one here is a vassal, that everyone has their own roles, and this is not a pretense. parties were never able to take
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a majority in parliament to form a government, enter into a coalition with other forces, the lack of unity in the vision of the future and completely different programs put polish statehood in a difficult situation, each party is dragging its feet. in your side in trying to bargain for as many preferences as possible. give me, give me, tu dawaj zaraz. nam więcej się należy, ja chcę mieć najwięcej, give, there can be no talk of a peaceful transition of power in poland, whose party is holding on too tightly to its seats with blue fingers. kaczynski's team
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is trying to prevent the formation of a parliamentary coalition among the opposition. deputies are intimidated and tried to outbid. that is, decline. it is an example of the collapse of our time that since monday i have been asked whether any of us will allow ourselves to be corrupted himself, because he corrupts, intimidates, let's, intimidates and corrupts. these are political instruments. and don't buy anyone. perfectly understand their fate in the formation of the opposition majority in parliament, they were openly made to understand that they would remember all the sins and corruption schemes, one of them surfaced just during the election campaign, it turned out that the defenders of the polish state from foreign invasions were actually trading visas through intermediaries for citizens of africa and asia it is for this reason that duda maximizes
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delays time, giving counterfeiters the opportunity to clean up their tracks. it is understandable, at any time they can find the master himself. first of all, meydader was sent to the law enforcement agencies, where fabulous kickbacks were made on militarization. on october 16 , the intelligence services, especially the military, decided to eliminate the so-called. meanwhile, despite all the efforts of peace, the head of the polish peasant party has already announced that he is ready to create a government coalition with a civil platform, the time to clean up the tracks is getting less and less every day, sleepless nights and nervous spasms increasingly burden those who accidentally drowned in pelsudsky’s boots. the polish dictator duda became so nervous that he called his compatriots pigs. poland has once again shown how democracy has already taken root in our country,
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how much we have matured since 1989, how much it has been possible, thanks to progressive correct activities, to change the public approach, because we all remember very well that before 1989 only pigs went to the polls. tug of power internal confrontations between political elites return the polish state to its times. actions of liberum. literally every dissenting deputy is capable of blocking the adoption of political decisions and paralyzing the work of parliament. it is difficult to imagine better circumstances for playing on the internal field of external forces. the white house is already enthusiastically welcoming polish democracy and sarcastically applauding it. the gas sector, ukraine, poland - all this is a source. polar world. the battle for a new world order is just beginning; there are still much larger challenges ahead:
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will we maintain our statehood in in the abyss of geopolitical confrontation, or whether we will serve other people’s interests, depends on every belarusian. that's all for today, this was the trends program, disparate facts are packaged into a single concept. until next time. live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 november of stalitsa and the region, at the studio volga myadzvedz, good evening. one ton is a joke, the most important is our line of pasta creation.


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