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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 4, 2023 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news, lyudmila kazak is with you live, hello, do you have an idea on how to... strengthen communication between peoples, in
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what areas do belarus and china plan to increase cooperation? ukraine allocates land for chemical waste dumps, a french journalist revealed the plans of zelsky’s poisonous office. on the way, it was explosive barriers, anti-tank ditches, and army everyday life that started planned combat readiness exercises in the armed forces of belarus. a successful start on the road is professional and social. activity final republican competition for young superprofessional workers. the time-tested friendship, all-weather, comprehensive strategic nature of belarusian-chinese relations was confirmed by the leaders of our countries. alexander lukashenko and sidinping held talks today as part of our president’s working visit to china. air force one arrived in beijing the night before. this year, this is the second visit of the head of the belarusian state. celestial empire. our countries
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have been steadily increasing their bilateral cooperation for more than a quarter century. during this time, it was possible to strengthen the belarusian-chinese friendship many times over. it is also commonly called the iron brotherhood. this particularly emphasizes the strong bonds of partnership. today , issues of trade, economic, investment and international cooperation are on the agenda of high-level negotiations. our president emphasized: the new level of bilateral relations has become an impetus for deepening both and the start of new vectors of cooperation. thanks to this, it is possible to implement many agreements faster, and the latter during alexander lukashenko's previous state visit to china in march exceeded $3.5 billion. respect chairman, dear friend, i am grateful to you for this meeting, i know that it has not been easy for you lately, there are a huge number of meetings, international meetings, not to mention domestic ones.
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but i’m thinking about this thesis subtly, well, this is the burden of one of the leaders of our planet, so i have to endure it, so i am very grateful to you for this meeting, for the efficiency, today i am glad to discuss current issues with you in a friendly atmosphere issues of cooperation, and as it has always been between us, to express our point of view on certain problems of international relations, the development of comprehensive and all-weather strategic cooperation between belarus and china is determined by the unity of our ideologies and the very logic of world events and processes that are taking place today. our meeting on march 1 was in many ways fateful and set the dynamics for the whole year; since march , more than 120 mutual visits to belarus and china have been organized. these are different visits, and most of all, i am glad that these are visits that... are related to
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production, trade and economic relations, the historical increase in the level of relations has given a powerful impetus to the deepening of traditional directions, the start of new vectors and mechanisms of our cooperation. belarus was, is and will be a reliable partner for china, i think no one in china can or should be convinced of this, all this has happened before my eyes over the past 30 years and even more, the first time, as i always say, we came to being a member of parliament, this is more than 30 years, our the first meeting in minsk, when you were deputy chairman, well , it will probably be 30 years already, so we have a lot of experience, we know what our countries need, and we did a lot in this regard, last year between belarus and china a historical maximum in trade turnover was reached, almost $6 billion, and belarusian exports to china increased by... 77%. during the current period of this year
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, mutual trade has already come close to the $5 billion mark. together we implement many high-profile projects, from automobile production to biotechnology. our the president will emphasize that whatever our countries have planned, everything is achievable, but we need to speed up. when i was preparing for this visit, i interrogated my colleagues about what needs to be done, what is not moving, to tell the chairman about it, but we did not find a single question , on which there would be no movement, the only issue that i would like to discuss with you today is speed, time is so compressed, and fortunately... unfortunately, this compression does not depend on us, that we sometimes lag behind, not we have time, it’s not just china, belarus, this is happening everywhere in the world, and the one who comes first in his goal will be at the top, we decided long ago that we will cooperate, live and be friends in friendship with
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china, this friendship has been for more than 30 years, from this path never turned left or right, so there is nothing to prove, but our all-weather, third-party friendship and cooperation. i have long concluded for myself that the train track is no longer a concept today, it is already a practice being implemented, and no one today can argue with this and no one can find even a small thing to to criticize, the most important thing is that you have set a single goal for humanity, unlike western countries that are trying to cut everything into pieces, you have set a single goal for everyone who can... no one argues with this, the world will be grateful to the great to china, we are very interested in china to be a powerful power, for china to develop, this is not only our interest, first of all, of course, ours, but first of all it is the interest
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of the entire planet, because a huge number of talented, hardworking people live here, my great friend, i am very glad to see you again as part of your state visit: to china in late february early march of this year, we reached important agreements in favor of the dynamic development of chinese-belarusian relations. at each stage, we reach new agreements, and throughout the year, political mutual trust and international interaction are strengthened. there are new results of cooperation within the framework of the belt and road initiative. belarus, under the strong leadership of its president, has managed to overcome the impact of various negative factors. maintain social harmony and stability, realize economic recovery and growth, which has laid a solid foundation for further development, for china , maintaining stability and long-term development is very important, and we have made great strides in this work,
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titanic changes are taking place in the modern world, new risks are emerging and challenges, much of what is happening is unexpected for us, the chinese side is ready, together with belarusian partners, to strengthen strategic interaction in the name of creating a community common destiny of humanity. the leaders of belarus and china communicated three times longer than planned. afterwards there was a working lunch, and then alexander lukashenko was waited at peking university, one of the most prestigious universities in china. however, our president already spoke to its students back in 2016. and today he had a meeting with the secretary of the university’s party committee. indeed, today we talked for about 4 hours with the chairman, my very good and long-time friend, we have the same assessment of the situation in the world and the same look at global prospects, but after our meeting
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negotiations continue in the government at the level of deputy prime ministers, all our great intentions and agreements need to be grounded and translated into concrete projects. on the instructions of sidentin and on my instructions, the deputy prime minister is doing this. we need to strengthen communications between our peoples, and today the chairman of the people's republic of china placed special emphasis on this . we need to strengthen communications among young people, because they are the future, so we discussed with him issues of student exchange, we need strengthen, intensify this exchange, and not limit ourselves only to biotechnology. belarus and china, the economic program in beijing continued with a meeting at the level of deputy prime ministers. it is noteworthy that our
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president proposed organizing it right during the negotiations with xiding ping. the parties confirmed their readiness to maintain close contacts to promote further cooperation between our countries. this visit is for sure. as a reminder and an unusual point of the program, alexander lukashenko took part in the beijing university flight, the university emphasized that more than seventy heads of state and government took part here, but no one had ever played hockey with... these opinion polls published in ukraine demonstrate that citizens are tired of the war. for the first time, 45% of respondents were in favor of a diplomatic solution to the conflict. this is evidence of an important change in public opinion, although there are still more supporters of war to the bitter end. three with a small percentage. surely the supporters of peace are even more numerous, simply because
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in ukraine they admit their unwillingness to fight is fraught with prison, beating, or at least dismissal. and yet, the citizens of the country have overcome the hypnosis of cheers of patriotic propaganda; on all tv channels, ukrainians are promised a quick victory parade in crimea, but the severity of losses, corruption and general impoverishment makes people sober up. almost half are already able to reason sensibly. some secrets of zelensky's toxic team are also revealed; the french journalist, based on the results of his investigation, found out that, by decision of zelensky's office, george's son soros, alexander was allocated 400 km of land in the western regions of ukraine, in the chernivtsi, khmelnitsky, and ternopil regions, burial grounds for the burial of chemical and radioactive waste will be created, and they will receive the right to import toxic materials into ukraine for disposal. the world's largest chemical corporations. it is noteworthy that the agreements on
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turning ukrainian lands into a chemical waste dump remained secret until they were exposed. zelsky’s office has not yet commented on this fact. there's no place for you here how western countries carry out racial cleansing, humiliation of indigenous peoples, cultural genocide. denmark, sweden, canada, usa, murder of children and inhuman dictatorship. century to the present day, the shameful history of democracy in understandable politics, see today after the panorama.
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severe flooding in northern tanzania has killed at least 40 people , the death toll is almost certain to be much higher, the town of kotesh is virtually cut off from the world, with rescuers unable to reach it, and
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the streets of this locality have become rivers of liquid mud, the local army is busy evacuating the population , several thousand people were saved from death, but from destroyed bridges and overflowing rivers, it is not possible to reach all parts of the country, the natural disaster covers new regions of east africa, heavy rains led to flooding not only northern tanzania, but also significant territories. in the armed forces began, planned combat readiness training began, army everyday life began after the next conscription for military service and the development of new recruits initial military training program, at the borisov training ground, cadets of the general arms department of the military academy began taking driving tests. cars, the army men overcome a special route of 4.5 km, on the way there are minefield
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barriers, anti-tank fish, a colley bridge, they took classes on simulators at the academy, they also took tests on the simulator, and then moved on to practice, the final stage is passing the exam , they need to invest in speed indicators that amount to third class for which they pass 20 km/h. we are there quite often, well, we go to training grounds and undergo practical training, the cadets are quite well trained in the operation of equipment. and as the ministry of defense reports, the general focus of combat readiness training is to conduct a set of consistent training with all categories of military personnel, units and military command and control bodies. a meeting was held at the council of the republic with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of azerbaijan on the occasion
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completion of his diplomatic missions in belarus. full-scale work on cooperation and the creation of entire industries has been going on for... for 30 years, the main engines of the economy are the development of scientific projects, logistics and industrial cooperation, the mutual trade turnover of the two countries has grown fivefold over the past 10 years and amounted to almost $ 1 billion , special emphasis on the preparation of joint bilateral events, including the next meeting of the intergovernmental belarusian-azerbaijani commission on trade and economic cooperation in early next year. a whole industry appeared in azerbaijan with the help of the belarusians - this is agricultural machinery, a plant has already been built there to produce belarusian tractors jointly assembled by azerbaijan-belarus, turkey, we helped a lot in organizing dairy production in the republic of azerbaijan, an excellent dairy farm was built in gabala, in the twenty-third year, there is a serious pace of growth in a whole
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range of industries, especially the forestry industry, wood processing paper, this year in the month of may, we had an intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation has been organized , a protocol has been signed and of course we are working in all directions , our relations are developing, even deepening on the economic plane. we only have to move on. it is planned to prepare a road map for the development of cooperation between belarus and azerbaijan. breshchina established the milk supply and became the leader in the country. for the first time in history , the figure reached 2 million tons. it is symbolic that the economies of the first region crossed the cherished milestone today on the day of eighty four years since the formation of the brest region. the trend was simply almost 9%. the average milk yield per cow at the end of the year is more than 7,000 kg. and on the farm of the young farmer there are more than
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twelve. 10 districts of the gap in the top twenty leaders in the dairy industry of belarus. productivity, it is expected that by the end of 2024, cow milk production in breshchina will amount to more than 2 million tons. in general, the indicators of the first region doubled over the decade. farms are being modernized. the regional leadership emphasizes that behind the high results are, first of all, personnel who they successfully cope with their tasks and work for the benefit of their country. thus, ensuring food security. the uprets region today is the same for the republic as a whole. occupies a leading position this year for the first time in the history of the brest region , it became a leader in terms of production volume due to adherence to technology, due to modernization, such results were achieved, we not only fully provided the population with dairy products, but today we export more than 70% to countries
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near and far abroad. overall region, today we plan to put into operation more than 35 facilities, construction is being carried out at the expense of the development bank on a competitive basis within the framework of the decree of the head of state, as well as with the help of subsidies. the brest region intends to fulfill the president's instructions to transfer the dairy herd to modern technologies ahead of schedule. for the first time in belarus, the best young workers of institutions, enterprises and organizations were selected. the final of the republican superpro competition. preceded by local, regional and regional stages. in total, about 700 applications were submitted. contenders for victory had to prepare a video about their achievements, speeches on the topic of why my profession is the best creative act. belarusians were awarded in fourteen categories. the competition is held with the support of the ministry of education. youth policy, it’s
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quite multifaceted. and work with public associations has its place, work in... in educational institutions, it is also at a fairly serious level, we see this demand, and i i think a decision will be made, definitely , to make this superpro competition traditional in our republic of belarus, young people have always been more emotional, they always wanted everything at once, a good salary with housing there and so on, this is normal for young people, in principle, but we need to competently explain to them and lead them to what is impossible, to artificially pump up some stages of personal growth, professional growth , to make the work and life of a young specialist comfortable in the workforce, this is our common task. today among the members there are more than 700,000 young people in trade unions in belarus. there are almost 19,000 collective agreements in force in the country. 90% of them contain
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additional socio-economic guarantees for young people. for today i have all the information about the results of the day in a panorama. have a nice evening.
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the telelenova agency presents it in the public domain with us. there are no secrets from our people, we baked a loaf, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud. torn out by bad weather, oh, difficult, priceless, rolls and loaves are baked
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so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the ortel field is called a green workshop. happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day feed our city, less and less, not paying attention to the growth of the population, because the cultivation of other high-calorie products has fallen. we appreciate that there is little pork, there is an increase in the number of fish and poultry, and... salts 9 y zen eight saўgasaў 10 kalgasaў three ancestral enterprises the pioneers of their products have lived in their own
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design organizations, their own cities and gardens, branded stores, and direct connections with foreign partners and foreign currency. all this first ў republic of agrapramyslovy kombinat zakhodnі bug. for any and all, this land, there are several kamunara in the future, at home, and the sunny day becomes the most respectful of their most wicked thoughts. only kalgasny harmonious with high culture and agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavi region to grow such riches in the region . ganusa experimental station kalgas is planning to unify the michuryn methods of the rural gas reserve and grow new crops. the exhibitions were displayed in the holy place.


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