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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 4, 2023 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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quickly learns to be well, calm , cold-blooded, not succumbing to any emotions, to the charge of adrenaline, there is excitement, we move closer to the water, the first still fragile ice is just beginning to form in the water areas, and fishing enthusiasts are already laying dangerous routes to the center of the lakes and reservoirs, osvod employees are following in their footsteps, rescuers remind that the ice thickness has not yet reached the safe mark of more than 7 cm. osvod employees conduct daily raids to instruct fishermen; a fisherman who was on the ice must be sure to have a life jacket with you, some kind of rope so that in case something happens it will be easier for him to get to it and easier to get it out, uh, climbing poles or in another way, some kind of screwdrivers or nails to catch on the ice and make it easier to get out. every fisherman must call the nearest rescue station to find out about the condition of the ice cover before going out onto the frozen water. the ice will gradually become stronger. along with frosts down to
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-18°, weather forecasters predict this week. arctic anticyclones, which traveling across the northern seas continue to supply cold air masses to the mid -latitudes, as a result of which the temperature in the coming week will be 3.6, and in some places 7-9 below the climate norm. therefore, it's time to properly insulate yourself. advice from the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, during a frosty walk, have a thermo with hot tea, non-slip shoes on your feet, and be sure to wear mittens and a hat. ilya tsvetkov and yuri kornilovich, telelenova agency. this is the information picture of this monday, further understandable politics, how western countries carry out racial cleansing, an inhuman dictatorship from centuries to the present day. and immediately after, watch the sports news, all the best and don’t switch. this is an understandable policy.
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hello, in the modern and cynical world it is already difficult to be surprised by anything, but the scandal that is unfolding in denmark can shock with its inhumanity. for many years, the authorities simply exterminated the indigenous population of greenland. we decided to dig a little deeper, it turned out that a similar story racial cleansing is far from isolated in the west, what the colonialists did was hair -raising, but the whole paradox is that the abuse continued in our days.
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so, denmark and the scene of action is the island of greenland, which belongs to the kingdom and is considered the largest on the planet. the majority of the population is the ancient innuit ethnicity, an analogue of chubcha in russia. there are approximately 70 thousand indigenous inhabitants. there could be
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at least twice as many thousand, why? see below. the answer is simple and terrible at the same time. thousands of inuit women were subjected to forced sterilization. residents have been using cannibalistic methods against the local population for decades, starting in the sixties. the secret birth control company had a specific goal. the authorities were afraid that the indigenous population would oust the danes from the island and demand independence. which nation forcibly sterilizes girls at age 12 to cut welfare costs? shocking answer: denmark is hailed as one of the most liberal countries in the world, and most recently in 2018. scandal flared up after this publication, and the topic was heated up not by the belarusian or russian media, but by the british, very liberal daily mail. on november 11, the newspaper published the story of the arnak woman. doctors secretly inserted a contraceptive iud into her as part of
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a brutal campaign organized by the danish government to control the population of greenland. the device, also known as an iud, remained inside her for 5 years before it was discovered. when puzzled by her inability to get pregnant, she went to see a doctor in 2002. then, after it was removed, she discovered to her horror that she could no longer have children due to damage to her internal organs. danishization in greenland began in 67. the crown decided to launch a family planning campaign. this term was called destruction. aki matilda hjogdam, one of two greenlandic mps in the danish parliament, uses the word “genocide”. and says that her people have become the target of shameful racism. she accuses denmark of trying to eradicate inuit culture and language. girls at the age of 12 began to have iuds installed, often without them. parental consent or approval. the study ruled out the use of pills on the strange grounds that greenlanders
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could not be trusted to take them, since the lack of darkness in the summer and camping in fishing grounds were not conducive to pill taking. to the question: why are they doing this secretly, or, say, not introducing a tax on large families, officials of the danish court answered simply: we don’t trust them. half of the women lived in ignorance of what the doctors did to them. the sterilization campaign began after the danish government, in 1953, having rejected the us offer to purchase a strategically important island, he raised greenland to the status of a grave, and then began a policy of danishization of the population. it included forced relocation. to cities, closing remote small hunting villages and sending young children to denmark to learn danish language and culture. children were taken from their parents by force; many of them, after resettlement, never saw their families again, but ended up in foster care.
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dozens of greenlandic women who were deprived of opportunities by the barbarians without their knowledge have children, plan to sue the danish state. according to various estimates, due to attempts to reduce the population, 4,500 inuit suffered in the period of 66 alone, i think that , of course, the program of forced sterilization of the local population there, that is , the local peoples who live in greenland, is connected precisely with the fact that, well, here they are did not turn into such a significant political force and were unable to achieve independence from denmark, that is, such a well , neocolonial approach, it seems to continue, despite the fact that this still happens under the guise of political correctness, tolerance, supposedly respect for minorities, so... well, in fact, as we see, this is in many ways a hypocrite. shocking facts shocked society not only in denmark. the guardian writes that a joint investigation has already begun, but the report is due only in may 2025. there is no talk of compensation to the victims yet.
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let's continue the theme of purebred scandinavians, norway and sweden. the country of fjords today will emerge as super-tolerant and accept migrants. stands for free love, great, the indigenous kvens will tell you. the kvens have lived on the territory of modern norway since the middle ages. the state itself, as we know it today, arose only in the 19th century, after the napoleonic wars. it was then that the europeans embarked on the path of cleansing the kvens and sami. the storing parliament of norway recognized the peoples as underdeveloped and savage back in 1851. in the same year, deputies organized. indigenous peoples foundation. the money went to school programs for teachers who were supposed to lead indigenous children to the light of civilization. teaching was naturally carried out exclusively in norwegian. at the beginning of the 20th century, forced norwegianization was supplemented by boarding schools,
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where children were forcibly taken, torn away from their families, so that they would quickly forget their native language and culture. this policy continued in norway. until the 21st century , peoples received minority status with rights only in the nineties, and then because of the opening of the archives, in which it became known to the norwegian state program, the mission against vagrants. case histories stored in the archive indicates that the mission resorted to forced sterilization of women until the seventies; how many women became victims of this crime is still unknown, since access to the mission’s archives is still extremely difficult. and in many cases, the victims may not have been aware of the surgical intervention that had taken place, for example, the sterilization of one fifteen-year-old patient was carried out under the guise of removing appendicitis. if we are talking about other countries, for example, the nordic countries, denmark, norway, sweden and so on, they are well
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often went in the general direction of this german or german-oriented policy, then even after the second world war, well, in fact, they continued to maintain... very strict laws related to migration, for example, until some time, until they on the contrary, they did not sharply, not sharply liberalize and in the same way , these... very harsh sterilization practices continued to be preserved, yes, they were probably already used then mainly not against jews or ethnic minorities, but against, for example, criminals or tramps, yes , that is, to them the attitude was, of course, as harsh as possible. the swedes did not have the best attitude towards indigenous peoples; they were perceived as untenable genetic material. in 1921, the swedish parliament unanimously supported the creation of a state institute for racial biology. main project and purpose of the work. which is a study of the problem of human degeneration caused by mixing of races. forced
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sterilization will begin in sweden in 1934, and its leading ideologist, alva myrdel, will become a nobel prize laureate in 1982 for humanitarian services to humanity. yes, what we call nazism and hatred of other races was widespread throughout western europe, especially since german geneticists, who later became hitler’s important weapon, underwent training at this swedish institute. persons subject to sterilization were called to the social security authorities and informed about the upcoming operation. those who tried to protest were intimidated, threatened with imprisonment in a mental hospital, deprivation of parental rights or benefits provided by the state to its citizens. time passed and the swedes began to play philanthropy in democracy, without apologizing for the gross segregation, they destroyed the documents. but how is it? it often happens that everything changed, one strong woman. there are practically no documents anywhere. the world may not
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have known about these pages of swedish history if it were not for maria nardin. she was one of the victims of the sterilization law in 1997, and appealed to the swedish government demanding financial compensation. having received a refusal, she contacted the dargens newspaper at hater, whose journalists initiated the investigation. the swedes were explained that the program was forced. since at that time the percentage of hereditary diseases in swedish society was quite high and such cruel measures helped to get rid of them. and even before 2012, sweden had a law on mandatory sterilization of a person when changing gender, but only in 2020 it was declared unconstitutional. such justifications, in general, have no basis, because well, in the same way one can justify the nazis who practiced
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euthanasia, the violent death of people , for example, with mental illnesses, with other diseases, but if we agree that it is necessary to kill those who, by some parameters, do not, do not reach the standard, the standard that is prescribed, we must say , no one knows who, right? then, well, in general, such justifications can be agreed upon to the point of destroying anyone. this is exactly what the boarding schools were called, schools of horror, where children from indian communities were taken en masse, without parental permission. racism is systemic in kanade was built at the end of the 19th century; it looked cynical and inhuman. in 1876 , canada passed the indian act, which
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provided for the confiscation of indigenous lands for the needs of the federal government. eight years later, amendments were made to the law. they provided for the creation of special schools for indian children. they were taken there forcibly in order to integrate into canadian society. such integration was not encrypted by europeanization, christianization, but in fact... the destruction of a culture of identity, yes simply mass murder. schools have become children's ghettos with very harsh conditions, not even life, survival. civilized mentors forbade speaking their native language and severely punished any offense. canadians considered the indian way of life, language and religion to be primitive, defective and dirty. for disciplinary purposes, children were deprived of food, locked up, and lectured, often more like insults and bullying. the 1998 book by sun furnier and enre cree, stolen from our embrans, states
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the story of the former leader of the moskvim tribe, george guerrin, about the cooper island boarding school. sister marie batiste had a lot of sticks, long and thick, like billiard cues. when she heard that i was speaking in my own language, she raised her hand and lowered the stick on me. i still have bumps and scars on my arms. physical and sexual violence unsanitary. the number of deaths is still unknown, estimates vary enormously, from 3 to 3,000 children; in some years , it’s scary to think that 35 to 60% of students died in schools. children could not leave school for for several years, they were even forced to forget their own names and respond to assigned serial numbers. tuberculosis was a serious problem, but the administration turned a blind eye to this. sick children were not treated, but were sent to the same class as healthy ones.


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