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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  December 5, 2023 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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the tsar, the boyars, the vecha, this has been the traditional form of government for us for centuries, this is the base. and to it it is possible and necessary to add a superstructure of what are called democratic institutions, these are elections of a leader, that is, a president, and elections to parliament, and a national referendum. for me it is important that you appreciate not the form about the tsar, but the essence of it , what i’m saying is that when we , by strengthening the supreme national assembly, return the historical veche to the management system, it does not contradict a strong leader, but complements the system, what is the difference between a politician and a government figure, a politician thinks about future elections, and... a statesman thinks about future
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generations, we can do something to help the world find peace only if we ourselves have order at home, because if suddenly we have a disorder , then we will have neither time nor energy left for world problems. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. at first glance, it may seem that intelligence and erudition are far from sports, but we will say that this is not at all the case, the lexicon what kind of sport does the term “jep” belong to, martial arts, martial arts, of course, jep is a blow, let’s say, with the front hand, we connected logic and correctly answered the question: according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions . this device can be used in several sports, name at least one of them. i'm guessing it's a shooting. this is the wrong answer. the centenary
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is celebrated not from the day of the first olympic games, but from the founding of the international olympic committee. here is a question, let’s say, with a trick. who will prove that he is the country's main sports expert? whoever scores the most points at the end of the game will be the winner. nazar takes the lead, and this is perhaps the main event of the second round. the fourth period, friends, the culmination, the denouement of our project. look, intellectually. head game on our tv channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the event.
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current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain. qatar: united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite aitherspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 24 and discover belarus. st. petersburg is a city that
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is beautiful in the summer heat and winter frosts. it attracts tourists from all over the planet. and even if you haven’t been to st. petersburg, you’ve definitely heard about st. isaac’s cathedral and the palace square. well , what if you travel outside the northern capital of russia? this is what the film crew of the tv news agency decided: we will go on a big trip around the leningrad region, find out what we have in common, share our experience and learn, connect the past with the future and record belarusian moments of leningrad time.
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and let's start with history, the tragic story of eighty years ago, which unites st. petersburg and the region around it. 3 years and one month, that’s how long the battle for leningrad lasted, about the same amount of time passed from the capture to the liberation of belarus. pre-war leningrad was a large industrial scientific center, well, for example, in pre-war leningrad about 20-30% of the entire industry of the soviet union was concentrated. leningrad is a port city, yes, well accordingly, in the barbaros plan, leningrad was one of the initial goals. the city was captured by the germans. july 10 forty1. in september, finnish troops approached from the north. leningrad was under siege. 3 million people in hunger and cold without communications. they tried to break the ring on the neva patch.
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the territory is so small that on maps it could be covered with a five-kopeck coin, so it was called a patch. although now it would be more correct to call it a huge brotherly one. graves. on this earth for your last fight 60,000 soviet soldiers entered. fierce battles then, today there is a ringing silence here that does not allow one to forget about the tragic past. and as they say, we stood together at the walls of lengrad, and the peoples of a great country. and accordingly, this alley was created precisely in memory of those peoples who took part in the battle of leningrad. here, naturally, kazakhs, armenians , and azerbaijanis are immortalized, well, in particular, of course, belarusians, belarusian brothers, well, by the way, in terms of the number of deaths, here in the battle of leningrad, of course, the number belarusians number in the thousands, the ring of the blockade was broken on january 18, 1943,
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though not on the neva patch, but not far from the senyavsky heights, two fronts met there, leningrad and volkhov. leningrad saluted. to the winners, the valiant troops of the leningrad front. 80 years later, a museum-reserve operates on this site; here you feel literally on a battlefield, all thanks to the huge model, where every little detail is worked out in detail. when creating it , we took an example from our museum of the great patriotic war, because we know how to preserve historical truth. literally in 2020 , the government of the leningrad region approves security zones. and breaking the siege of leningrad, the territory of the battles of breaking the siege of leningrad, and of course, when developing the concept, we are guided by the experience of our colleagues from belarus from the stalin line, where wonderful experience was realized in the restoration of
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fortifications, and various exhibitions of military equipment, and generally to attract tourists. in these territories. this museum already has its own exhibition of military equipment, it began with this tank, kv-1. it was picked up 20 years ago from lake ladazh by belarusian search engines, members of the search club from the sheklovsky district, and leningrad collegiums handed us no less valuable finds. in 2012, the search party of st. george found a medallion of the remains of one of the belarusian residents of the belarusian sir. this is filmon sokolov. we see. now he is on a diorama, his fight with a german soldier is captured, were photographs found and the same face made, belarusian and leningrad search engines continue to work together, here, just like here, the war affected every family, and
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we have a common approach: we are building a joint future based on the heroic past. and we are building. literally, there are several joint projects in the works, this one is perhaps the most important: on the shore of a large fir bay, a grandiose structure is being built from scratch, which russia really needs. vysotsky grain terminal, an investment project worth a billion rubles and 4 million tons of grain per year, this enough to trade with africa and latin america. an important goal pursued in the construction of the terminal is the transfer of russian cargo flows from the baltic countries to russian territory. in the future it is planned. on the basis of the terminal for the creation of a grain-grinding complex, in principle there are prospects for further expansion, transformation into some kind of food class associated with the transshipment of food cargo, processing, and some other related services. it took quite a long time to prepare the site,
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before the big construction, there was a dense forest here , however, with its own peculiarity, a granite massif that came to the surface, they are getting rid of it gradually, blowing up entire areas, we can work with this, we are working with this and this is a good basis for the foundation , this is the best for today, although the work is not difficult, belarusian builders approach any difficulties with a smile. behind them is the drilling of piles and the construction of key structures, that is, a solid foundation for future grain exports. now they are building a railway station, where seeds will flock goods from all over russia, and then they will move on to other, even more complex areas, because they are really trusted. today there is a very small number of people, by the peak load it will increase to 150, even 200 people, and this is approximately 10, maybe 15% of the total volume that we have to implement in the future. this is how we help russia establish logistics and no longer depend on the baltic
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winds. of course, they themselves are interested in this. in general, everything came together at this construction site. we know how to build important objects, and we also know everything about grain. a valuable product requires a special approach. in winter, grain is stored at all times during storage. it does not require special observation. the main thing is to monitor the temperature of the grain. it should be no more than 10°. the more external. the temperature, for example , now it’s zero outside, then the maximum there should be +10, if the temperature rises higher, you need to turn on the fans, cool it down, calm it down, on this farm in the village of terpilitsy, they say that grain is a modern diamond, well then the cut must be appropriate, belarusian, so practice has shown that on the same territory we have two denoising complexes, one is a manufacturer, the other is produced by a finnish company, we do that the amcador dryer is several times better, what advantages does it have,
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here it has additional cleaning of incoming raw materials, a convenient storage bin, effective ventilation, everything turns out much faster, more efficiently, the farm is expanding, now we need another dryer, obviously the choice will be in favor of the belarusian manufacturer, and they are also engaged in growing rapeseed and even supplying us with oil, albeit in small quantities, in order to see the strengths of the leningrad village, we go to the south of the region, although you can’t immediately tell from the picture outside the window. the leningrad region is a zone of risky farming, this is clearly visible, even in this weather; in general, it is not potatoes, cabbage or some other vegetables that grow best here, but the most common grass. agree, this is already a good prerequisite for developing livestock farming. they did it here rate and are now achieving great success, including thanks to interaction with the belarusians. we arrived in gachchinskoye, one of the largest farms in the region.
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milk rivers originate here, which then flow to the processing plants of the region, and some go downstream to pskov and veliky novgorod. luckily there is enough product for everyone. the milking herd is 850 heads. although he treats the cows not as heads, but as real individuals. the health and even psychological state of everyone is under control thanks to special sensors. he gives us indicates so. activity, how long the animal lay, how many approaches to the feeding table, the condition of the animal, here we add the correct approach to nutrition and vaccination, better experiences abroad, a little more secrets and luck, at the end we get record figures: one cow gives an average of 13 tons milk per year. of course, this could not but interest our belarusian colleagues. several highly productive female cows have changed their registration and are now bringing in some. benefit from the economy of the nesvizh region. the sale was about 25 heads, now they are put up for sale
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animals for approval, about 80 animals, and we are talking about what we are planning to develop next, thank god, there is a multiplicity of requests from the belarusian side. many of the secrets of parenting here remain secrets, but we still managed to find out at least one of them. from such life hacks, yes, as young people say now, do you hear the music playing now? we hear, yes, now we are playing at least a chanson, at least some kind of sound series, so that the animals are not afraid of sharp sounds or any sounds, which are unusual for them, they are now getting used to any range of any sound , such a warm attitude here, and the collective of the farm is one big family, the gachinskaya was created on the ruins of a once prosperous collective farm, but which lost its former glory in the first post-soviet years, so
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there is no we need to talk once again about the value of a stable operating enterprise; the belarusian example is always before our eyes. alexander vladimirovich, you can say that you are sharing the best that you have in belarus. what are you learning from us? uh, we're at we teach you, firstly, the culture of production, in terms of plant growing, because it’s the way you like. the land, how you treat it, how you treat it, how you cultivate it, what results you get, well, it’s just higher pilotage, we are trying to educate our children, our generation. well, in the spirit that belarusians now probably consider natural, yes, this is love for the native land, love for the fatherland, love for the territory in which you lived, grew up, probably will continue to work, sounds like a good conclusion at the end of the report , but we haven’t seen all of leningrad land yet; to complete the picture
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we go north, almost to the very border with finland. this is the visiting card of vyborg castle, which was founded by the swedes back in the 21st century. in general, these territories managed to be swedish, for some time finnish, but now it is, of course, russian land and a russian landmark, even russian pride, all because this is one of the few buildings that has come to us from the middle ages in this form, even during the great patriotic war the castle survived, but in order to maintain this condition, the castle is in the process of constant... therefore, our film crew was not able to get there, well, no problem, we go for a walk around vyborg itself, which is especially beautiful not now, but in the summer, everything here seems to be european, and this is not an abusive expression, we are talking about the discreet, but at the same time solemn architecture of cozy atmospheric streets, now is of course not the season, but these streets are also in full swing with life, albeit
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not at all touristy, which means, guys, we’re filming now, in two scenes , it turns out, the first scene is you taking a photo, the second scene is led by the assistant director, you go into the temple, it will be a close-up. while filming the report, we found ourselves on a movie set; an international team was working on the short film: scene plan, storyboard, treasured firecracker, stop filmed. the leningrad region welcomed representatives from almost all continents, so why not record this very hospitality in history. but in fact, this is a really interesting task, we are trying to give our best. guys are really very they take an active approach to filming , to creating the process, to acting, despite the fact that there are no professional actors here, we basically succeed, everyone is very friendly, everyone is very strongly inclined towards this, we have a really cool team here work, and this is the most important thing, when everyone is together for one goal, all language
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barriers recede into the background, not the biggest plan, such an idea from the organizers of the leningrad youth forum, belarusians did not pass by... either. the importance of this forum of course, it cannot be overestimated , as far as we understand, that now, in conditions when the world has become so large that it has become easy to lose it, we need to get together to create and get to know the guys, establish contacts from different countries, maybe guys will come to us in belarus, we will be happy to show them too ; we always want to come to belarus when we talk to them, talk about our traditions, our culture, and the finished film is now awaiting a trip across all the world’s social networks so that as many people as possible saw what true friendship of peoples is. we talked about this on tv, and at this point our business trip came to an end, but the leningrad region did not want to let us go, we had to stand in an hour-long traffic jam, the reason was the road to minsk was being repaired. everything is ghostly, in this raging world, there is
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only a moment, hold on to it. and here you understand well that speed is not always the main thing, sometimes it is important to stop, look at what has already been done and gain inspiration for new beginnings, between the past and the future there is only a moment, a belarusian moment of leningrad time. they are delighted with every corner of their small homeland, i arrived in geta veska, walked along the streets of the navat pabudovs that vesca had, this is my favorite place, i remember where i even caught the first perch, how much joy i had, as they say, full pants , they know everything about how to run a farm, i had
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to buy this honey, and i thought, why should i buy it if i do it all, let’s substitute it, they, i think, will pay it off in a week, and are ready to endlessly find inspiration in the simplest things, this is a leaf, this is a symbol of heyday, but not a single object in belarus has so many jumping events and falls, like a wing, i got some kind of stress, well, a small one, you come here to the shore, sit down, look at the water, so you calm down, remove yourself, well, negative emotions, the last stage of this disease. and according to the forecasts of scientists, this figure will only grow. thanks to science, we have learned to control their spread, i’m talking now about
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viruses, and of course, about the main method fight against them about vaccination. we share interesting facts that if you let drinks made from grain crops, berries, fruits and honey ferment a little, intoxication will occur when consumed, people knew in ancient times. the negative consequences of drinking alcohol were noticed by the ancient greek scientist aristotle, who called it voluntary madness. there is an assumption that viruses appeared on the planet earlier than any living cell, that is, billions of years ago. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. we are the last one question, many people think that in the new season there will be a new strain and vaccination will no longer help. why is it still worth getting vaccinated against the flu? coronavirus. to create a vaccine, we will crush this virus, so to speak , split it into small fragments and then purify them, that is, the technology, well, let’s say, is somewhat more complicated, look at the project
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science nearby, on the tv channel belarus 24.
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23 years old became the head of a kindergarten , i didn’t expect that i would like working with children, working with 28 school students and 32 pupils kindergarten. in our region there are many opportunities in the region, in the republic, where a child can express himself. both creatively, intellectually, and athletically, our children participate in almost all age-appropriate competitions. and this is some kind of extrusion, often the energy is such that i don’t know where to put it, honestly, it’s so
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crazy, but keeping faith with easy courage, you stand... silent by the holy fire, well, i haven’t sung it for 20 years or so 30 and even so i didn’t play on it, well, it happens, yes, i sing more for children, that’s why this is the case, yes. girl after eight grades, rural , from a village, from the wilderness, went to some music school, without a musical education, i was very active there, i was an athlete and
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an activist, i was the secretary of a komsomol organization, we have the opportunity to reach everyone child, an individual approach , to find at least a grain, at least a little bit of natural inclinations, but then it’s a matter of technology, the teachers are working, a year ago we finished this project, we allocated scholarships to our kids, just imagine, from first to fourth grade, the best students received a scholarship, once a quarter they received one basic one per card, primary school is the foundation and we want our children to learn to work, we want our children to learn... to appreciate, respect, other people's work, we want our children to grow up to be creative, to give them the opportunity to give each child the opportunity to choose for himself.
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that’s why we try to develop them in a variety of ways, the most important thing here is to teach uh children to think, that’s the main thing, logic develops, a very good game, of course, it’s wonderful, children love this game , they love checkers, and they love chess too, they play with pleasure, and everyone has roller skates, and everyone has skis, they were purchased from that platform, we have a very good, good base. it’s difficult to work, but it’s interesting, to structure your work day correctly, to find the right approach to everyone, plus the big thing is that there’s a good teaching team, no one ever refuses to work, help, support, resolve some issues, well, really, together with teachers, you can move mountains.
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at least 100 times , at least he buried his friends, he stood to death why i know from childhood, that is , i used to dance with pleasure, so she taught me, now i teach our children at school. well, i remember the diligence, because our training sessions lasted for many hours, we worked until our last, let’s say, breath, because even our legs were shaking sometimes, but that was either we were preparing for a competition, well , there were some performances at school, so i danced in almost every issue, and of course this was very ingrained in my memory, i started work, i saw that my daughter , who is my eldest, noticed even in kindergarten
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that she organizes the children, as a director she is very responsible, fair, where necessary she will scold, where necessary she will punish, well, like a mother, i would say, i am lucky with my mother, because i have the most wonderful mother in the world, but the most wonderful mother, she is the most wonderful grandmother, and not because i am a mother, i... i will speak as a leader, i am very happy, i was married for 18 years, then 42 years, yes, 42 years we lived with my husband all together, my husband is very good, i’m very glad, they invited my cousin, you still don’t have enough of a woman’s voice to drink, i have a sister, she’s learning to make music as a young girl,
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here. so we started playing, we met, we got married, because in the song, the music connected us, my beloved wife, my favorite job, that is, my wife is hyper, super, she is active, i am calmer, more moderate, and we make up for each other, on the same day as our wedding i had a state exam, this is necessary, this is someone from molodechno who passed the state exam exam, will you go to your own wedding? family is together, family, it’s not for nothing that they say, family, everything should be together, i really like to ride a tractor there, ride a walk-behind tractor.
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cool, well, it takes a long time to start a tractor, i could still ride the tractor with you, it takes a long time to start the tractor, it’s been standing for a long time, so it’s been two months already, the tractor, well, how hard it is to start it now, one of my hobbies is... i have my husband works out, i love it very much, i was once wildly afraid of them as a child, very afraid, i was of bees, but gradually i realized how much they they are interesting when they are really cool, there are a lot of antonovs, there are apples here, there are even more apples lying downstairs, and in the spring there is such a thing, here there are coriander trees flowing below , and in the spring there is such grace, there are such
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smells, there are such stumps. birds , you can’t even imagine how beautiful it is here, this is a forest, this is a forest all around, a work suit in which i work in the heat, in the cold, that is, i protect myself , it protects very well from bees, a very good honey collection is here, here is a forest, here raspberries, there are also strawberries, so the mid is good, we are happy, the children are happy, the quality person and director, i think that they should not be separated, because people should be pitied, people should be valued and cherished for their work and supported, helped, and the person will respond with the same, at the end of our,
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daily task - to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing. bright and festival
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports. and team. we tell you not only about iconic events. we introduce you to active, energetic, inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air . watch us every day, because we are making
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belarus closer. bilateral trade turnover between belarus and uzbekistan this year will exceed last year’s volumes, deputy prime minister leonid zayats announced this at a meeting with his uzbek counterpart jamshit khadzhaev. countries are targeting in the near future, we will double our total trade and reach the billion-dollar mark. here we find our place, both industry and mas, we are trying to find it for mtz, we are trying. breeding fish, potatoes, and other agricultural products , and we want to cooperate with precisely those partners, with those companies that
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could guarantee us a long-term future. among the promising projects are the development of industrial cooperation and joint investments. now there are 186 enterprises with belarusian capital operating here. and y there are about a hundred of us with uzbek, today we are discussing new projects in the furniture industry and agriculture. today, belarusian business and uzbekistan business have a great interest in mutual cooperation, this is not only trade, but also entering into some kind of cooperation projects together, today 41 companies, more than 600 people have arrived from belarus, and more than 200 people are participating in business frum from uzbekistan, this is not only samarkant, this is also tashkent and other regions, we arrived today and covered the distance, new ones are coming here developments that i think we will hear the results of at the beginning of next year. today a business forum was held in samarkand with the participation of more than 60 enterprises from belarus and


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